HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-01-20, Page 4SEAI• QRTH', 1NT.1 PM •51 Vj tai II Inserted At New Low Cash Rates SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st %%reek 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week % Cent Mli,imura charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts aa one word. A, , of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Conning Events—I cent per word. Minimum, ' 50 (tents per week. Enquiries 'may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ad in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Bir a, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of change. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events VALENTINE TEA, Home Baking Sale, Candy Booth, Friday, February 3rd, 3 to 6 pan., St. Thomas' Parish Hall, spon- cored by the W.A 4592-1 MODERN and Old Tyme Dancing for all at the Crystal Palace Ballroom; Mit- chell, every Friday night. Music by Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks. 4591-12 Property For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT—White frame house furnished, in Brucefield; easy terms. MRS. H. BERRY. 618 r 22. 4592-1 FOR SALE Two -Storey Brick Residence in Egmond- vllle. All conveniences. Robert Eberhart Estate. Subject to reserve bid. Comfortable home in Egmondville, on Main St. Reasonable terms. Modern home on West William St. Low taxes. Small down payment. Modern residence on East William St, Owner leaving town. Must be sold. Farms in Tuckerainith, McKillop and Mullett. HAROLD JACKSON REAL ESTATE PHONE 474 or 266 Office over Toronto -Dominion Bank SEAFORTH - ONTARIO 4592.1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mall - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Help Wanted W .NTED—Companion housekeeper to take full charge of house and look after elderly lady. Protestant Christian home in Egmondville; modern facilities. Ap- ply Box 463, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4585..tf SALESMAN WANTED Anxious to make a place for • himself and family. Experience in sales work is not necessary. The big qualification Is that you must be willing to work. Your chances of advancement with our company are excellent. Please do not answer ad. unless yon own a car. HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth. 4591-2' HELP WANTED Girls for sewing work. Wanted EXPERIENCED clerk -typist would like steady employment in Seaforth- PHONE 391, Seaforth. 4592x1 WANTED --A loan of 8500. Will pay 7 per cent interest Apply Box 508, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4592-1 WANTED --A baby crib suitable for year-old baby. TED VAN DYKE, R.R. 3, Seaforth, on the Mill Road. 4592x1 LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead stock, $3.00 for dead horses and cows; higher prices for old, sick and disabled horses and cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, col- lect. 4585-13 For Sale FOR SALE --16, young pigs, about nine weeks old. TED VAN DYKE„ Mill Road, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 4392x1 FOR SALE—Formal size, 12-14, mauve net over taffeta; worn once; 515. Apply to Box 509, HURON EXPOSITOR 4392x1 FOR SALE -2 Quebec heaters, 1 large, 512; 1 small 56. No money, prove you need—free. RUSSELL H. SPROAT. Sea - forth. Phone 126-W. 4.195x1 HONEY FOR SALE --Clover honey, 82.00: Amber Honey, $1.73, in 8 -pound pails only. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES, Seaforth. 4592-1 CHIX—For quality chix of all ages. capons, broilers, etc., leave your order at DALE PRODUCE early and receive price reductions. ' 4592x3 FOR SALE—Complete bedroom suite, bed springs, mattress, dresser and chest of drawers. Phone 272. B: F. CHRIS - TIE, Seaforth. 4.592x1 FOR SALE — Clean, bright fuel oil. Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1; and Government -tested coal, screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4545-12 FOR SALE—Modern 9 --piece Gibbard walnut dining. room soite. Priced reason- ably for quick sale. "-MRS. WILLIAM M. HART. Phone 286, Seaforth. 4592-1 FOR SALE—One good general purpose mare, 8 years old ; make real wagon horse. Ride or drive. Wiil trade on pigs or cattle. H., McLLWAIN. Phone 112, Seaforth. 4-592x1 FOR SALE—One Astro! refrigerator, in good condition. Apply ' MRS. JAMES AIKENHEAD, Executrix of Mrs. W. Wor- den Estate. Telephone 662 r 4, Seaforth. 4592-2 FOR SALE—Two 'men's suits; one is navy with a white pin stripe, and one is beige gabardine; both in real good condition. Inquire at the SUPERTEST GARA$E, Seaforth. 4192-1 INEXPENSIVE wrought iron gifts, novel pilsner and cocktail glasses. ERIC MILNER, Flowers, Variety Gifts, Art Supplies, Pet Supplies. Phone Seaforth 398. 4587-tf CAMDEN (R.C.A.) RECORDS -78, 45 and 33 173 r.p.m.; popular Western, Sym- phonies. Operas, show tunes. On sale at Pleasant condi OKE BILLIARDS, Main Corner, Seaforth, 4585-tf tions; five-daY week. Steady employ - SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, $10.00` per load, approximately 212 cords; mixed wood. 10.00 per load, approximately two cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. Seaforth Shoes Limited 4582x12 went. Seaforth. Notices PIGS FOR SALE -8 well bred York chunks, about 65 lbs.; disease free. For 4590.$ quick sale, apply JOE CARLIN, R.R. 4. Seaforth. Phone 661 r 24. 4-;92x I FOR SALE--21-inch Westinghouse. tele- . vision, also swivel base and aerial, 'used four months; 1 six cubic foot Frigidaire RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of refrigerator, used 10 month's; radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, ka ; 1 Domipply opposite Dick House. Seaforth. Phone washer; 1 General -Electric , Dublin,c range. Apo, 144.8 MRS. FRED ELLIOTT, in person. 4585-tf 4592-a GET , YOUR sewage work done Only 82 per foot on contract basis. work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33. forth. now. All Sea- 4585-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393, ERIC MILNER -FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. , 4585-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect ED. ANDREWS, 851 r '11, Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4586-tf HENSALL SALES Every Thursday at 2 p.m., Mill -St., Hen- sall. Bring your livestock Alwaysa good market price. HARRY SMITH, Phone 187, Mensal] ; VICTOR HARGREAVES, 686 r 21. Clinton. 4691x12 CAR BUYERS Before yon buy your new or used car see us about our Financing Service, Available Dealer. -.or Private Sales. W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 Seaforth late model Low Cost for either SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the New Commercial Hotel. Hensall, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1950 at 1:30• p.m. WM. DECKERPresident ALVIN W. KERSLAKE - - Secretary 4591-2 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION ";where Better Bulls) Are used" Artificial Insemination service for all bFalas of cattle For service or lnformp- ,? phone CLINTON 242,defect, be - 4 0' 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. en teeek days 4 /:80 and 0:30 *,m. on Sundsre. wawa 'tie ` e 'The tzuite Expositor eked - ad colti'mni reglllady. is I FOR SALE -•5 kitchen chairs; 6 din- ing room chairs; hall trees; window glass: 2 mattresses, one spring -filled: pair of springs; set of rocking horses : child's wagon's kiddie ,car; 2 small table; exten- sion table. Apply to CLARENCE REEVES. 4192x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE To be held at the farm, Lot 14, Con- cession 2, Stanley Township, a mile and a quarter west of Brucefield, on Tuesday, January 24th, at 1:30 p.m., consisting of: CATTLE -35 high grade Holstein cows and heifers. some of these are fresh, and several close springers, others due in Feb- : ruary and March;,ala° a few heifers due in the spring. HOGS — 16 Yorkshire chunks, and 2 sows due. Plan, to attend this sale. This is an exceptionally good line of cows and heifers with lots of size and condition. Sale will be held un- der cover, Terms — Cash. D'ARCY RATHWELL, Proprietor; Harold Jackaon, Auctioneer. 4592-1 In Memoriam MacKEN'ZIE—In loving memory of a dear husband and father. Peter Philip MacKenzie, who entered into rest one year ago, January 22, 1965, A little tribute, true and tender, .lust to show that we remember, —Ever remembered by Wife and Fam- ily. 469.2x1 WETTON In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Gertrude Dean Wetton, who passed away January 14, 1914, in Niagara Falls. Calm and peaceful she is..sl,eeping, Sweetest rest that follows `pSltt ; We who loved her, sadly miss her. But trust in God to meet again. 4592x1 —Irene, Ernest and Dad. HOWE, JAMES—At Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on December 31, belov- ed husband of Bessie MacKay and father of Alice Howe, age 63 years. A grave is only a sacred Yet empty resting place. God cannot hold imprisoned Our loved one's gallant grace. At night the silent stars look down, And shine their twinkling light; Tmoon will cast o'er his quiet grave, Its seine ethereal light. His willing band will toil no,.more, Rio troubled 'nights are passed, And in our aching heert4 we know He has found sweet rest at last 4592x1 —Wife ;and Daughter I Cards of . _ Thanks I Motor Cars For Sale WISH htskall Ieid FOR RA—I84car,the cards and thank received while lencondiALBERT IIn excel- ECHERT: a patient in the hospital; also the nurses Phone 218, rI 45924 and staff of Scott Memorial Roapital. 4592-1 JEAN BROADFOOT I WOULD LIKE to thank the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital for the care I received while a/patient there; also the many frienda who sent me flowers. cards and treats. It , was all appreciated. 4592x1 MRS. N. SCHADE MRS. JAMES AI'rCHISON takes this opportunity to thank 'thy staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Dr. Stapleton, Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Rev. J. R. Holden, R E. Box, C. Cornish and to all those who sent cards and treats and visited me while a patient in both Stratford and Seaforth Hospitals, Special thanks to the blood donors. All was much appreciated. 4592x1 THE FAMILY of the late Mr, James Howe. Jr., wish to express their sincere thanks to Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dr. M. W Stapleton, the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Rev J. IL James, Rev. Samuel Kerr, Mr. G. A. Whitney and staff of Whitney Funeral Home, and -also friends and neighbors who sent flowers, sympathy messages and helped in any way 1t was all deeply appreciated. MRS. JAMES ROWE, Jr., 4592x1 and daughter, Alice Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of EMILY OSMOND All persons having claims against the Estate of Emily Osmond, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Spin,. ster, deceased, who died on the 28th day of November, 1955, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of January. 1956, after which date the assets will be distriltuted, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 3rd day of January, 1956. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 4590-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WHILEMINA WORDEN All persons having claims against the Estate of. Whilemina Worden, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Widow, deceased, who died on the 4th day of December, 1955, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of January, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this Srd day of Jannary, 1956. McCONNELL & MAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4590.8. Births HANEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haney ,R,R 4, Seaforth, a daughter. SCOTT—At Alexandra Hospital, Gode- rich, on December 29, 1955, to Mr. and. Mrs Kenneth Scott, R.R. 3, Auburn,. a son.a Deaths SCOTT—In Seaforth, ' on Monday, fan. 16, Janet Scott, in her 88th year. or Rent FOR RENT --+One heated apartment,,; 1130 a month. DR. E. A.'' MoMASTER, Seaforth. 4592-1 FOR RENT --Three-room unfurnished apartment. Possession February 1st. PHONE 250-R, or days 146. 4590xl-tf FOR RENT—Small self-contained mod- ern; heated, furnished apartment, down- stairs; available February 1. Apply Box 481, HURON EXPOSITOR. APARTMENT FOR RENT—,Five rooms and private bath; hot and cold water. Private drive. Children welcome. Im- mediate possession. H. MCLLWAIN. Phone 312, Seaforth, 4592x2 A SMILE OR TWO Bodpiece: •"Is your boy a good driver?" Lunkhorn: "Amazing! He can fix it so he gets the car back into thegarage every time on the very last drop of gas." The policeman raised his hand and the woman motorist stopped with a" jerk. "As soon as I saw you, miss," the policeman declared, "I said o myself, `Forty-five at least'." "Oh, no," remonstrated the wo- man, "it's this hat that makes .fns look so old." A father had'' been telling bis small son some of the "facts of. life," and when he finished he. said: "Now, my boy, are there any questions you would like:' to -ask? Anything at all; don't he. afraid " After a little heavy thinking the boy replied: "Well, yes, there's something I've been wanting to know for a long time. Just how do they make bricks?" The young wife was feeling . and•. looking gloomy. "What's the trouble, dear?" her friend, a wife of ten years stand- ing, inquired, "Oh,_my husband has been out all the evening and I haven't the faintest idea where he is" "Oh, you shouldn't worry about that," her friend replied, breezily. "You'd probably be twice as mis- erable if you did know!" Two golfers were annoyed by a slow couple i n front of them. At one hole there was a particularly long wait. One of the offending players dawdled on the fairway, while 'his companion searched in- dustriously in the rough. • At length the 'couple waiting .on. the tee could contain their patience no longer. "Why don't ,you help your friend 'to find his ball?" one shouted in- dignantly. "Oh, he's got his ball," the man replied blandly. -"He's looking for his club." When you need help in planning your insurance program, you'll want thehelp of •a professional .. , one who makes insurance his career! It pays to know your STATE FARM Agent KEN ETUE, Phone 233, Seaforth JANUARY SALE USE QUAL ^ CA No reasonable offer refused Seaforth Motors Chev. - Olds. Chev. Trucks OPEN EVENINGS - PHONE 541 land ParicOgi dt Fe.atured, At ome & School the regular meeting of -the Home aiid School Club was held in Sea - forth Public School on Tuesday ev- ening with Mrs. J. Patterson in the chair. Pupils of Mrs. C. E. Smith, in- cluding Betty Jean Andrews, Diane Free, Gail Nichols, Moira Malcolm, Joan Bannon, Elaine Oke and Katy Scott, performed three ,numbers, the Sword Dance, Highland Fling -and Shean Trews, accompanied by Peter Malcolm on the bagpipes, and were well received by the large number of parents present. Mrs. Frank Kling was parent of the month, knowing the date of the opening of Parliament. Mrs. R. Boussey's class received one dol- lar, her room having had the most parents present. A skit, "Big or Little Girl," by Mrs. K. 'I. McLean, Mrs. G. M. Ferris. and John Talbot, was fol- lowed by a question panel, con- ducted by Prof. 3, Scott, which was interesting, enlightening and entertaining. _The meeting closed with singing God Save the Queen. Seaforth Hurons Await Burlington Seaforth Hurons, with an over- time wi�n���_�ff�oo•. er Sarnia on Tuesday, are cofifident-they can resist any efforts Farmer McFadden's Bur- lington aggregation might make when they play, here Thursday night. The last time Burlington was here, Seaforth won 2-1, in one of the best games of the sea- son. Seaforth Hurons rang up a 9-6 win over the Sarnia Legionnaires in O.H.A. Junior 'B' pl"ay, before 803 fans in Sarnia Tuesday night. A two -goal rally in the third period that continued into the ov- ertime frame weighed the, scales in Seaforth's favor. Jack McLlwain Fcame through with the hat trick to fire the Huron's offensive. Howie Griffin and Gary Vena notched a pair each for the win- ners, while Jim Lockridge apd, Mary Shantz registered singletons. It was a slap bang fixture from the first whistle with see -saw scor- ing during the regulation period concentrated in the sandwich ses- sion. Hensall To- Fill Council Vacancies Hensall ratepayers will meet to nominate candidates for the office of reeve and one coun- cillor. The vacancies resulted from the death of Reeve W. G. Parke and the subsequent res- . of Councillor Norman Jones, a member of 'council for the past eight years. If necessary, an election will be held on January 30. 32 Tables Play At •Seaforth W.I. Thirty-two tables' were in play at the Seaforth W.I. euchre Friday evening. Prizes were won as fol- lows: ladies: high, Mrs. Christine Brown; lone hands, Mrs. Sam Mc- Clure; low, Mrs. Wilfred Tremeer; gents, high, Alden Crich; lo hands, Peter McIver; low, Ro Gordon; lucky lunch, Mrs. Elm Townsend. BRAG :,,FIELD Mr. Jaynes Mien and Mr. Robert Alley, Jr., spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mien, Mr. Robert Davison, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. S. Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKen- zie and son, Angus, spent the week end with Mr. McKenzie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon McKenzie; also visited with Mrs. McKenzie, who is a patient in Clinton Hospi- tal. The annual meeting of Bruce - field United Church was held Wed- nesday evening. Miss Margie Zapfe, of Byron, visited with relatives in the vil- lage over the weekend. Mrs. B. Sholdiee, of Brinsley, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. A. Paterson. We are sorry to report that Mr. Yeoman Aldwinble received a severely crushed finger, on which it was necessary to do some skin grafting. •WA. Raises Over $1,000 Brucefield W.A. raised over $1,000 during the past year. Over $423.00 was raised by collections, visitors' day, bazaar and District I.O.O.F, fowl. dinner. Four groups raised $657.53. New furniture for the manse, two washrooms in the basement and the manse painted was part of the work done dur- ing 1955. Brucefield Woman's Missionary Auxiliary met Tuesday afternoon with a -fair attendance. The meet- ing opened, with the singing of Hymn 375, "Jesus, Thou Divine Companion." The Bible study per- iod was in charge of Miss E. Bowey, with Mrs. A. Ham, Mrs. N. Walker and -Mrs. H. Dalrymple giving the Bible readings and brief comments on same. Mrs. H. Dalrymple gave the prayer of ded- ication to further the mission of thecations. church in and through our vo- - Mrs. Davison presided and read a : message we might take as our creed for -the New Year, also of- fered prayer. Mr. Davison con- ducted the 'installation of officers and spoke in appreciation of the work done by the W.M.S. -Splendid . yearly reports were given by the secretaries, and, the treasurer reported the allocation was exceeded for 1955. Cards .of thanks were received from Mrs. J. K. Cornish and Mrs. T. Baird, Sr. A most interesting program, Festival of Song and Story, was ,given by Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. H. Dblrymple and Mrs. W. J. Mc- Beath—stories about our Cana- dian Indians, missionary nurses and port workers, as they greet the New Canadians coming to this country. A poem by Pauline Johnson was read by Mrs. Scott. The meeting closed with a hymn and the. Mizpah benediction. Auxiliary .Plans Gingham Dance -, 1trs. R. S. Box and Mrs. Fi: E. Smith were named ticket sales conveners for the second annual "Gingham Dance" to be sponsor- ed hy. the Auxiliary to Scott Mem- orial Hospital on February 10 in the Community Centre.. Mrs. Anson Gilbert, Mrs. Ray Boussey, Mrs. Don Brightrall, Mrs. Box and Mrs. John E. Long - staff will be in charge of the dec- orations. ne Several special prizes are to be ss awarded during the evening, in- er eluding one for the "Gingham Girl." HENSALL . GROUP 5 HOLD MEETINGS Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Corlett, of Leamington, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett, Toronto, were week- end guests with Mrs. Gary Cor- lett's. parents, Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Joyce Faber, who underwent an appendix operation in Clinton Hos- pital,' has ,returned. Joyce is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber. Mrs. William Alexander, of 'Ex- eter, formerly of Hensall, was the lucky winner of a beautiful wrist watch and sweater in the act, Fast Telequiz Show, on CFPL-TV, Lon- don, last Friday night. ,Mr, Harold' Bonthron is attend- ing a furniture convention in To- ronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay, of Chatham, were recent visitors with the Matter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, and family. Miss Shirley Chapman, RegN., of Sarnia, visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- man. Hear Presbyterial Highlights The regular meeting of Carmel Arnold Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Verna Fink.' The presi- dent, . Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt, op- ened the meeting with prayer. The opening hymn, "Come, Let Us Sing of ,a Wonderful Love," was sung. Minutes and roll call fol- lowed. Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Clinton, gave an informative talk on our duties as a Missionary Society and ex- plained about the new self alloca- tion. Mrs. Myrtle Orr brought highlights of the Huron Presbyter- ial, held last Tuesday in Clinton, as did Mrs. Henrietta Brown, The worship service, with the theme Tuckersmith F of A To Meet At SDHS The Tuckersmith -Federation of Agriculture is sponsoring a meet- ing in the 'S.D.H.S. on January 31, when Rev. A. H. Daynard, Staffa, Will speak. Erlin Whitmore, president, was namediia charge of a musical pro- gram, and the ladies are asked to• bring lunch. The Federation see- retary is Jphn' Broadfoot. Tuckersmith k4ederatien plans to sponsor a 4-11 Tractor Maintenance Club in coriltlndtion iRhit'11 geafdr Agrictilturalo Stleiety ;tiff '' spi!i t "Faith", was prepared and capab- ly given by. Mrs. Myrtle Orr, as- sisted by Mrs. Jean Snell and Mrs. Dorothy Beaton, Miss Carol Brown gave -a piano selection, "Minuet," which was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Sadie Hoy gave a short reading from Glad Tidings and The Rec- ord. A short reading on New Year's Resolutions was read by Mrs. Rachel Schwalm. The meet- ing closed with prayer by Rev. D. MacDonald, and lunch was serv- ed. under the convenership of Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt, • KIPPEN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lovell spent a few days last week in Chatham, where they attended the funeral of the latter's uncle, Mr. Charles Rozell, of Rawleigh Town- ship. Mrs. Robert McBride, who'has spent a few months with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schnell, of Camrose, Alberta, returned to her home on Saturday by plane. Mrs. Joe Cochrane, of Dash- wood, visited on Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. James McCly- mont. We are pleased to learn Mrs. William Kyle, a patient in Clinton Hospital, is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stanlake, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stokes and Larry, of London, vis- ited Sunday with Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle visited Sunday with rel- atives in Clifford. We are sorry to report Mrs. John L. Henderson is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. A number from the district at- tended the - funeral on Tuesday of the late Arthur Keyes, of Varna. Miss Marion Thomson, who is teaching :school at Clandeboye, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomson. Mr. John Pepper, of Brucefield, visited Sunday with Mr. Robert Cooper. THR1IFTY KIPPENETTES The sixth meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes was held at the home of Mrs. Bell, and opened with "The More We Get Together" and 4-11 Pledge. Fourteen members an- swered the roll call. The group was told bow to make a record book interesting, and how to find "what kind of club member am I?" W,M.S. To Hold 'salting The W.M.S. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church met Wednesday after- noon, Jan. •11, at the home of Mrs. John Sinclair with the new presi- dent, Mrs. Cameron Anderson, pre- siding, and opened the meeting with Hymn 375. The worship was taken by Mrs. Ernie ,Whitehouse. Mrs. Edgar Butt, of Seaforth, fav- ored with a solo, accompanied on Binks: "He laughs best who laughs last." Skinks: "Yes, but what a repu- tation he gets for being dumb!" �e Pts e '� � k. M il>;, al- so. -of S The ,OW* Member8' Seera- tary, Mrs- thion Jarrott, -read a thank -you. letter (TOM Mrs, Robert McBride, who its vz$j ng her daughter in Alberta, Stating she is much improved til health. The visiting coflupittee for January is Mrs- R. McGregor and Mrs. J. Mc_ Lellan. The roll call was apswer- ed by memhers paying their fees. Hymn No. 259 was sung. Mrs. Em- erson Kyle gave the topic. It was decided to have a quilting at the church Feb, 2. A vote of thanks was extended ,by Mrs. Alex McMurtrie. All Horne. Helpers are invited to attend the World's Day of Prayer at the church Feb. 17. The closing, hymn was No. 374. Mrs. Anderson pronounced the benediction. 'A dainty lunch was served. District Obituaries MRS. GEORGE HUDSON • ,HENSALL.—Death claimed one of Hensall's best known citizens in the person of Mrs. George Hudson, who died suddenly Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Schwalm, where she made her home. Mrs, Hudson, while spend= ing Christmas with membersof her family in Goderich, had the misfortune to slip and fall on the ice and had been confined to her room since at the Schwalm home. In her 82nd year, ,she was the former Sarah Ann Troyer, a na- tive 'of Hillsgreen. She came to Hensall with her husband when a bride of 18, and has been a resi- dent here for over 64.years. Her husband, who predeceased her eight years ago, was town police- man and rang the town bell for, over twenty-one years. She was a mellaber of the United Church and Women's Missionary Society. Surviving are two sons, Cecil, Chicago; Casey, Goderich; two daughters, Mrs. Clifford Bowen (Hazel), Toronto; • Ines, Chicago; two brothers, Jim, Toronto; Casey, Courtland, and four grandchildren, George, Donna and Dianne Hud- son, Goderich, and Kenneth Hud- son, Chicago. Public funeral services , were held at the Bonthron Funeral "Home, Hensall, on Monday at 2:00 p.m., conducted by Rev. C. D. Daniel. Interment was in Bay- field cemetery. Fire Siren TESTING Notice is given that the Seaforth fire siren will be-souneded each Saturday, at 1:00 p.m:, for test- , _ 4ng. AT ANY TIME IN ASE OF FIRE PHONE 100 JOHN f. SCOTT Chief B. F. CHRISTIE Chairman Fire and Water Committee SEE TIRESE G ARANTEED VALUES AT Huron Count' USED „1956 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN Powerglide with V-8 Engine 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN q r fully equipped 2150 1955 fu� CHEV. aUXE SEDAN 1995, 1954 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN 5 fully equipped 15995 2-1954 equipped SEDANSEV. 1495 est Market for — CARS BELOW 1956 CHEV. SEDIDE LUXE fully equipped 1949 CHEV. COACH 2-1948 PONTIAC SEDANS 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE reconditioned; fully equipped LIST 1953 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWER -GLIDE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. COACH De Luxe 1950 CH1V. COACT 1395 1295 1095 950 900 795 850 695 - 495 495 495 TRUCKS 1952 G.M.C. 1 -TON PICKUP 795 1954 CHEV. PICKUP 1095 595 395 350 - A Written Guarantee folr 60 days on all Late Model Cars= -Many Other ,> odels to Choose From 1949 FORD 1 -TON PICKUP 1947 DODGE 1 -TON PICKUP 1946 FORD 1 -TON BRUSSELS MOTORS 13k1JSSEL -- .. ON` 1ARIO PHONE 73 -X --"The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING 4 • • „