HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1956-01-13, Page 3<r; Order a I I of s 'Oven -Reedy (. JON 64 ,1.,.. Willitliti Henderson VETERAN'S CAB. L. LEGATE, Prop. Passepgers Insured PHONE 546 SEAFORTH The joint meeting of the W M;S. and WA, Auxiliaries of Egmond- ville church w.as held in the church basement last Wednesday. Mrs. A; Pepper and, Mrs. (Rev.) W. E. Milroy were in charge of the service, which began with the sing- ing of the hymn, "Standing At the Portal of the .Opening Year " Mrs. Milroy gave a very inspiring New Year's message,,comparing the journey through 1956 as any conducted tour might be taken, with God as our guide. Her .mes- 5HUA-GAIN. gives JUNE PRODUCTION ALL WINTER 'This cow is right and: she knows it. When. snow :flies and leafy pastures are, just a memory, she wants SHUR-GAIN Dairy Concentrate supple- menting her other feeds. - She knows she must take -care df her own body maintenance and also keep your milk cans full. • SHUR-GAIN Dairy Concentrate mixed with your own grain will provide the necessary extra protein and minerals in your Dairy Feeding Program that grain alone cannot provide. Come In and `talk your feeding problems over with us. We'll be glad to help you. • Geo. T. Mkkle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 205. sage was concluded `with, a :prayer for the New Year. Mrs. Pepper read„ Phil., chapter 3, as an opening for the worship period, "Our High Calling" Oth- ers taking part in the worship ser- vice were Mrs. Milroy, Mrs.. D. Stephenson, Mrs. E. Stephenson, Mr§. Watson and Mrs. Lindsay. Mrs. R. McGonigle gave a chap- ter o£ the study book, "Coming Our Way," which deals with the many New Canadians coming to our land. A very enjoyable solo was sung by Mrs. Butt, accompan- ied by Mrs. J. MacGregor. Re- ports were also given by the Tem- perance, Community Friendship and Christian 'Stewardship secre- taries, as well as Mrs. W. F. Mc- Millan's treasurer's' report. Mrs. Durst, president of. the W. A., was in charge of that part of the meeting. It was opened by the WA. theme songand the read- ing of a poem, "It's Winter Now," by Mrs. Durst. The roll call was answered by the word. "Power'.''. Committees were named' to be in 'charge of flowers and cards for the sick and shut-ins, as well as arrangements for lunch' for the annual congregational meeting. The W.A. topic, "Kept By the' Power of God," based on Psalm 121, was given by Miss Frances Houston, Refreshments were served by Group 1, in charge of Mrs. A. Forbes. WALTON Miss Barbara Patterson, now taking a three months' training course at the Ontario Hospital, London, called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot on Saturday eve- ning. John and Neil McGavin have re- turned to their studies at the O. A. C.: Guelph, after - spending three' weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin. Mrs, Robert Johnston has return- ed home after spending the past two weeks with her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bren- ton .Godkin. London, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Litt, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milligan, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Cummings, Fergus. Mrs. Litt, Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. Mrs. Cummings are daughters of Mrs. Johnston. - • Mrs. Ted McCreath has been en- gaged as teacher of S.S. No. 5; Morris, for the next six months. Mrs. Wm, Humphries ;is supply- ing at Oesboro, School for three weeks, near Owen Sound, Mr. and„Mrs. C. "Brooks and fam- ily moved to their new home at Fordwich this' week. • Mr. -Brooks ,has been C.P.R. station agent here for several years. He is being re- placed by Mr. Doherty, of Thames- vilie. who arrived with his wife and family on Tuesday- of this week. • Mrs, Elizabeth Kelly, of Lang- don, North Dakota,. and- Miss Jes- sie McLaughlin, of .Windsor, spent ihristmas Day at the home of '10SP: fls Exec t vEk. °Orange Lily, Lodge L.O.BA. ef- fieers iwst1Ued; by Mrs, Scott Hab- kirk,,,presiding officer; included: Worthy mistress, Mrs,, E. L. Boyce; deputy mistress; Mrs. Everett -Smith; recording secretary, Mrs. John Eisler, -Sr.; chaplain, Mrs. Milton Stewart; guard, Mrs. S. Habkirk; 'financial secretary,' Mrs. Robert Irwin; treasurer, Miss Margaret Collins; first lecturer, Mrs. Kenneth Smith; deputy lec- turer, Miss Gladys Collins; junior deputy, Mrs. Albert Harrison; di- re'etor. of ceremonies, Mrs. William Collins; committee, Mrs-. Kenneth Huisser, Mrs. Doris Chessel; Mrs. M. E. Clarke, Mrs. Gertrude Nich- ols; inner guard, Mrs. Melvin Dale; outer guard, Mrs. Hartman Huis- ser; pianist, Mrs. Adin Forbes. Mrs. Habkirk presented Mrs. William Miller, immediate past mistress, with the jewel of her office.. Plans are to hold three more euchres, one in each of January, ..k`ebruary and March. ' RIGHT! 5 e a iza,tlp ,s , QUICK SERVICE - LOW'RA, me and Mrs. Ross McCall. Mrs. Kelly remained for several weeks and while he was the guest of Mr and Mrs. Arthur McCall' and: Mr. and Mrs. John Bruce. Mis. Helly returned to Windsor on Thursday, where she is spending the winter months With ller sister, Mr. William Bolton, of Roches- ter, ' N.Y'., is visiting with his sis- ter, Mrs. Margaret Humphries. DENNIS ELECT' 'Phone 467 Seafa: OPEN SLOPE SITING in B anti National Park, Alberta, where powder snow lies soft and deep in winter. (Photo from Canadian Government Travel Bureau.) • WATERLOO SISKINS LACE SEAFORTH HURONS ON SATURDAY EVENING Waterloo Siskins climber into d tie for first place with Burlington Hallidays in the.O.HA. unior "B" Big Ten hockey group at, Waterloo Saturday -night by whipping Sea - forth Hurons 8-1. The Siskins rolled up a 5-0 lead Thrifty Kippenettes Hold Tuesday Meeting The fifth meeting of the Thrifty Kippenettes was held Tuesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Bell. The meeting opened with "The More We Get Together" and 4-H Pledge. The minutes were read and approved. Fourteen mem- bers answered the roll call. Plans for Achievement Day were discussed. All pieces must be pin- ned on before any are cut. The material must not be lifted While being pinned. A flower was presented to Ron Mock. , Home assignments were: work on blouse, chart and record books; prepare for next roll call. Thecall call for the next meeting is "My suggestion for our Achieve- ment Day exhibit or demonstra- tion." Canada's largest hospital is • the 5,500 bed Hospital St. Jean -de -Dieu• Penalties - Hogan ` 14:08, Kur- at Gamelin, Quebec. chinsky, 19:50. in the first period and coasted the rest of the way. SEAFORTH-Goal, Salter; de- fence, O'Cain, Lockridge, Bell, Thompson; forwards, McLlwain, Bacchini, Shantz Mason, Vena, Smith, McFadden, Griffin, Morris, Dinsmore. ' WATERLOO - Goal, Adamsosr defence, Mikol, Schmidt, Kurchin ski, Parker, Fixter; forwards, Ho- gan,,Leclair, Hupp, Litzgus, Brown, Rintchie, Clarke, Montague. Referees -Larry Lewin and Bill Brethauer, Galt. Summary First Period -1, Waterloo, Brown (Litzgus, Kurchinsky), 2:20; 2, waterloo, Mikol (Hupp, Hogan), 7:00; 3, Waterloo, Clarke (Mon- tague, Rintchie), 9:06; 4, Water- loo, Hogan (Hupp), 15:53. 5, Wa- terloo, Schmidt (Hupp), 16:10. Penalties -Bell 5:15, Hogan 12:35, Brown 19:00, Rintchie, 19:35. Second Period -6, Seaforth, Vena (Smith), 9:35.•,`-- Penalties-O'Cain :35: 'Penalties-O'Cain 2;38, Schmidt 11:02, Mikol- 11:25, Morris 11:20, Kurchinsky 13:25; Shantz, 18:58. Third Period -7, Waterloo, Mon- tague (Clarke), 5:20; 8, Water- loo, Litzgus, 17:15; 9, Waterloo, Montague (Clarke, Rintchie), '18.36. COMPLETE SELL-OUT OF MEN'S Underwear Penman's Preferred Shirts, Drawers and Combinations P.P.F. SHIRTS regular $3.95 P.P.F. DRAWERS regular $3.95 P.P.F. COMBS regular $5.95 2.79 3,95 Penman'sai8059 Men's MERINO COMBINATIONS Regular $3.50 2.49 Boys' Fleece Lined Combs and Brushed Cotton Combs One Price $1,69 MEN'S COTTON COMBS Plain cream color. $1,00 GARMENT SCOTT - McHALE SHOES Values to $17.95. Just ' $'10.95 RUBBER WORK GALOSHES Value's to $6.95 4.69 ONLY Children's PULL -ON OVERBOOTS White, brown and red. Brok- en sizes and 1,95 colors MEN'S arid BOYS' LACED RUB1 RS $1.89 BROKEN LINES AND SIZES IN MEN'S SLOES Values to $13.95 •�y k ,Sizes„. 641v '• Olde. Men's Dress Sox Ankle and Half Hose. Values to, $1.95. Sale Price 79c - 2 for 51.,50 DRESS GLOVES Warm Lined Gloves $2.29 Unlined Gloves 1/3 Off BELTS, TIE BOWS, CUFF LINKS 25% Off Broken lines, sizes and colors in Lamb'. Woof Sweaters • • Values to $8.95 One 13rice Only $4,95 EARN $54.00 OR MORE A WEEK Part or full-time oppor- tunity in Huron Comity for a farmer or ambitious man with agricultural background,. > Age 25-50 preferred Car essential. Take orders in exclusive territory. Be home every night. No investment. We provide complete training at home office, plus field assistance. Reply giving age and experience in first letter to: .- NA-CHURS PLANT FOOD CO. 2• Langarth St. W, London 193 FORD SEDAN 1951 STJJDEBAKER SEDAN 1951 METEOR SEDAN 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 AUSTIN SEDAN 1948 PONTIAC COACH 1946 CHEV. SEDAN Also - Special New 1956,.Ford Customline Sedan Priced to Clear - at - Seaforth Motors Chev. - - Olds. Chev. Trucks OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541, A Rare Opportunity For You To Enjoy Sheffer -Hillman Quality Clothes Ata Saving! For the month of January Only we are offering SHEFFER - HILLMAN CLOTHES AT A DISCOUNT OF 20% Also from Savile Row one Pant Free ! That's right! One Free - Trouser with ev- ery Made -to -Measure Suit from Savile Row during January. MEN'S FELT HATS Our entire stock of Stetson Hats will be on sele. Values to $10.95. Also a quantity of Biltmore Hats - One 'Price' Only $4.95 BOYS' SUITS AND SPORT COATS 20% Off WINTER CAPS FOR MEN AND BOYS 1/3 Off FLEECE LINED LACED RUBBERS - 12 Inohes High Regular $8.95; for just $6,50 MEN'S STOCK SUITS AND TOPCOATS ry One rack of Men's Suits at one- ' half price. Real bargains for second suits. HALF PRICE Another Rack of 50 Suits and Topcoats at 20% Off SHOP AT- JO'INT'S AND SAVE! SO:N HENSALL, ONT. • PHONF 62 T. E. JOYNT 1 STARTS JAN. 12 ENDS ON JAN. 28. WINTER COATS FOR MEN AND BOYS Two groups in both Men's and Boys'. Every style and color. 25% and 50% Off SPECIAL ARROW SHIRTS In Plains, Stripes and Whites. Regular $4.95 $3.95 ;Regular $7.50 .... $5.95 ARROW NYLON TRICOT -Regular $9.95 $7.95 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Plain Colors, Plaids, Regular and Sport Shift" Styles Dozens to choose from. $1.95 and $2.49 DRESSING GOWNS, SMOKING JACKETS, SCARVES and NECKWEAR 25% Off NYLON WORK SOX - Regular 98c Two Pairs to a Customer. 79g BOYS' LINED TEXAS TAN RIDER PANTS Regular $4.95.. Only 5349 All the famous makes, plain. plaids and fancy' patterns. , $2.95 and Our eutin sock of will he oft .sale