HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-12-30, Page 8is ;t• IffkiittW TA. .t� RON EICPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, 'ONT.. DEC. 30, 1955 I • h FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister NEXT SUNDAY: 11 A.M. "THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL" 7 P.M. The evening service will be withdrawn to allow members of this congregation to wor- ship in Northside United Church on the occasion of the Rev. J. Stinson's fare- well. At this happy time we wish all our friends and neighbors a Happy New Year, complete with all the season's joy. • WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Phone 214 Seaforth FOR SALE Frame Cottage on James St. Reasonably priced. mmediate pos- session. Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Lovely property. Priced right. Immediate possession. Two-bedroom Stucco Cottage, with all modern conveniences, in- cluding 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full base- ment with furnace. Garage and /nod garden. Reasonably priced. and almost immediate possession. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI Phone 675 or 676 W. E. SOUTHGATE. Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 540 Main St. Seaforth Church Notices Northside llnilted Church,Q-10:00 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m„ New Year's Communion, Sacrament of the Lord's Supper; subject, "The Gift of God's Love"; junior congrega- tion and toddlers' group; 7:00 p.m., Evening Worship; subject, "The Eternal Flame"; welcome to Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Hall and family; 8:15 p.m., Fireside Gathering; 11 p.m., Saturday, December 31- Watchnight Service. Egmondville United Church. -10 a.m., Church School and Adult Class; Ii a.m., New Year's Wor- ship; sermon, "Land of Beginning Again"; 7 pm., Evening Praise; -meditation; --'The Everlasting -Gos- pel." Next week, Week of Prayer Services. -Rev. W. E. Milroy, Min- ister. McKillop Pastoral Charge, -New Year's Day Services: Cavan Church, Winthrop, church 10 a.m., Sunday School 12 am.; Du%'s, church 11:15 a.m.; Bethel, church 2 p.m.; annual meeting January 5, at 2:00, pm -Rev. J. 'R. Holden, Minister. Pentecostal, Tabernacle. - Tues- day, 8 p.m., Bible Study and Pray- er; Friday, 8 p.m., Y.PS.; Sun- day, 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; 7:30' p.m., Evangelistic Service. All services will be held in the house opposite the Seaforth District High School. -Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor. Win Prizes At Market Opening Mrs. Russel Pringle, McKillop, was the winner of a toboggan in a draw held in connection with the opening of Cleary's I.GA. Super Market last week. An electric polisher was won by the holder of ticket 4068, but on Wednesday had not been claimed, Mr. Cleary said. A farmer was dragged under protest to see his first ballet. He studied the line of ballerinas, dancing on tip -toe, then said in bewilderment: "Why didn't they just get taller girls?" MUIR'S Rest -Nursing Home The Patients and Staff wish to express their thanks and appre- ciation for the many cards, gifts, parcels of fruit,. etc. HAPPX NEW YEAR TO ALL ! Phone 180-J Box 412 JARVIS ST. SEAFORTH WM. M. HART COAL AND FUEL OIL Phone 784 - Seaforth' 14. CLEARANCE SALE Starting December 29th 20% Off All Winter Stock SEE OUR SPECIALS on Snow Suits, Coats, Wool Dresses, Jackets • THE KIDDIES SHOP SEAFORTH, ONT. NEXT DOOR TO THEATRE �TWe May the New Year bring you the happiness and joy you so rightly deserve -Health, Pros- perity and Good Luck' Seaforth Lumber Limited Christinas Visitors Around Walton Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shannon and Cathie, of Sarnia, spent several days last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shan- non. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston and family, of Essex, are spending the holiday season with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall and daughter, of North Bay, spent Christmas with the former's moth- er, Mrs. Ella Marshall, and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. John Nott, of Londesboro, are visiting with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Stevens. Mrs. Mary Dressel, of Toronto, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Ethel Ennis. Mr. and -Mrs:-Earl Coutts and family, of Toronto, were Christ- mas guests at the home of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Coutts. John anceNeil McGavin, who are attending the O.A.C. at Guelph, are spending the holiday season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McGavin. Mr. George Kirkby, of Burwash and son, Murray, who is attending Queen's University at Kingston, are spending several days with Mr. Kirkby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby, who celebrat- ed their golden wedding on Mon- day, December 26. Mr. and Mrs. James Turnbull and family, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan and other relatives. Miss Marilyn Bolger, of Wessles- ley, is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bolger. Mr. Harold McCall, of Hamilton, spent Christmas with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art McCall, David Hackwell. of Toronto. spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hack - well. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge and family, of London, were Christ- mas visitors with the latter's moth- er, Mrs. Margaret Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron and Carole, of Sarnia, spent sever- al days last week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coutts and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guest and family, of Newmarket, spent Christmas with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Storey. Miss Jean Mills, of London, and Murray Mills, of Brantford, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills. Fred Martin, of Newmarket, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Miss Olene Dundas, who is at- tending Teachers' College in Strat- ford, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. Douglas Kirkby, of London, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby. Miss Margaret Achilles, of Lon- don, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Achilles. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray and family, of Stratford, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wey. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser, of Stratford, visited with the form- er's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Fraser. Bert and Frank Lyddiatt. of To- ronto, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lyd- diatt. Miss Muriel Schade. nurse -in - training at Stratford General Hos- pital, spent Christmas Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schade. Gerald Dressel, of Wilsonville, is holidaying at his home here. Kenneth Ryan, who is attending school in Kitehen.er, is spending his Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ry- an. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Brooks and family spent Christmas with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas are holidaying with their family in To- r6hito. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot spent sev- eral days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Seaforth. Mr. Torrance Dundas has re- turned home after spending a week with his sister, Miss Tillie Dundas. in New York. Mrs. Robert Johnston is spend- ing a week with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Godkin, London, and her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Litt, Stratford. Mrs. Reta Orr, of Goderich, spent several days with Mrs. Humphries. Gerald Dressel and Ron Ennis were recent visitors in Toronto with the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Dressel. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Duff's United Church on Sunday morning, January 1. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Marks, of Exeter, spent Christmas with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Marks. 'blue coal WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stove and Furnace On DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R FOR SALE THREE -ACRE CHICKEN FARM Good house and barn. Will sell with low down payment. COMFORTABLE HOUSE ON JOHN ST. Stoker heat; nicely decorated. Priced for quick sale. CALL We C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE in the QUEEN'S HOTEL Mr. and Mrs. William Humphries Survivingesiides her. husband are silent Christmas day with the lat- Mark, of Welber, and Robinse , of ter's mother, --Mrs. McDonald, at London... Th.. funeral was held Teeswater. from ' St Jetties Anglican ,Church., "'Mr. Arnold Storey, of Kingston, Brussels, pir "Th rsdag 'afternoon. was a Christmas visitor at the December 29. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enjoyable School Concert J. H. Storey. , e annual Christmas concert Miss Amelda Vereruyssen has of rs. Wes Hacicwell's school was returned to Toronto after spending. el oA Wednesday evening, Dec. Christmas weekend with her par-+ Rev. W. M. Thomas acted as ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vern chairman for the following pro- cruyssen. gram: Opening chorus by the A large crowd attended the school; chairman's address; two Christmas dance held in the Corn- choruses by the school entitled, "0 munity Hall on Friday evening. Bethlehem Town" and "Once in the Music was furnished, by Wilbee's Holy Stillness of the Night"; piano orchestra. solo, Eileen Williamson; chorus by A large congregation attended Juniors, "Up on the Housetop"; the Christmas service in Duff's dialogue, "Party Line"; vocal solo, United Church on Sunday morn- Nellie Boon; drill; "The Awkward ing. The minister, Rev. W. M. Squad"; vocal solo, Barbara Turn- Thomas,was in -charge -of the ser- -bull; vocal solo, --Marilyn 70hh- vice and chose as his text, "Glory ston; dialogue, "Gentleman's Aid"; To God in the Highest." The choir Rainbow drill by seven girls; vo- sang two anthems, "Glory To cal duet, Irene Litowski and Ruth God" and "The Holy City." Mr. Ritchie; piano duet, Marilyn John - Don McDonald sang "0 Holy sten and Marion Turnbull; three - Night" as a solo, part chorus by Seniors; dialogue, Death of Mrs,. Hamilton "Santa On Trial"; two choruses by We are sorry to hear of the children. Following the national death of Mrs. Joseph Hamilton in anthem, Santa arrived and dis- Brussels on Monday afternoon. tributed gifts. CROMARTY NEWS OF THE WEEK A large audience enjoyed the annual Christmas concert present- ed by the pupils of S.S. 6, Hibbert, in the school with Lloyd Sorsdahl as chairman. Musical numbers were accompanied by Mrs. Stur- giss, the music teacher, of Exeter. Piano numbers were given by 'Margaret Anne Wallace and Mar- garet Jean Russell. . Marshall Dearing. of Staffa. operated a pro- jector and showed two films. Mrs. Hocking is the teacher. Hold Joint Concert Cromarty Presbyterian Church and Staffa United Church Sunday Schools joined for their annual Christmas concert, with Rev. Mr. Kerr. Exeter, as chairman. Crom= arty Sunday School opened with a chorus under the leadership of Mrs. T. L. Scott. The nursery class, with Mrs. --Russell Worden in charge, sang a number. The juniors of Cromarty presented a number directed by Mrs. Wes. Russell. The primary class, with Mrs. Gerald Agar in charge, gave a number. The primary class of Cromarty, with Mrs. Grace Scott in charge, had a number: The be- ginners of Staffa, directed by Mrs. Alvin Worden, gave a number. Margaret Coleman and Ruth Howe of Cromarty sang a duet. The Staffa Buzzing Bees, with Mrs. Dearing in charge, gave a number. The Wonderful Tidings of Jesus were presented by the Cromarty children with Mrs. Lorne Elliott in charge: The junior boys of Cromarty, with Margaret Walker !in charge, presented "A Christmas Star." Cromarty senior girls and C.G.I.T. presented a play under the i leadership of Mrs. Malcolm La - mond and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahi. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Wallace were: Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, Laverne and Margaret Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott, of Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace and family, of Carlingford, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brooks, of Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie and Linda with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cornish, Exeter, James Ramsey, Miss Kathy Sor- sen, Georgetown, with Mr. and. Mrs. Alex Ramsey. Miss Alice Howe, Stratford. with Mr. and Mrs. James Howe. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and Family with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Leod, London. Mr. and Mrs. W. Binning and family, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKellar, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mar- garet Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Donald NORTHSIDE BAPTISMAL The Sacrament of Baptism was administered at Northside United Church on Christmas Sunday. De- cember 25, at the morning service. The following children were bap- tized: Ronald Molgaard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Christensen; Danny Ray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carter, and Terry George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Dale. Scott and family, Mrs. Grace Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Elliott, Park- hill; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Russell and Margaret Jean with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick, London. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and family, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. El- don Allen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie and family, Mr. and 'ss. Alfred Ross and family, F affa, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank F en. Reeve Eleuermann (CAatilaued from Page 1) so w-aq- a candidate, said that the light of demands for work, h failed to see how anyone co promise lower taxes, Councillor Earl. Mills felt the bi problem facing the people today was the county rate. He recalle that last year. the reeve4iad• giv assurance the rate hs propose would take care of cost, but this had not been the case. Ho agreed it was hard to hold expenses do in the face of repeated demands; Perhaps the answer was to issue debentures for major expenses, rather than pay for them out of revenue. He wondered if too much attention was being paid to the west end of the county at the expense of other parts. Herb Williamson told the meet ing if there was--'an-election he would be a candidate, but he wouldn't cause an election. William A. Ryan said if Mr. Wil- liamson stood, so would he. The average farmer was faced with paying taxes from an income that was down 28 per cent. Seeking an explanation for per- tain drainage work, Louis Duffy wee told the steps taken were in accordance with Ontario statutes. Ken McFarlane, a former coun- cillor in Grey Township, found problems in McKillop much simi- lar to those in Grey. He felt a consistent program of rebuilding roads paid dividends in lower snow plowing costs. He foresaw the day township roads would be hard surfaced, because of increasing shortage of gravel. Average size of Alberta ranches are 2,000 acres owned by the in- dividual rancher with 8,000 addi- tional acres under lease from the provincial government. WEEK OF PRAYER January 3rd to 6th, 1956 at'8 p.m. THEME — "EVANGELISM" SPEAKERS: Tuesday at St. Thomas': Rev. B. A. Garrett, Clinton R,C.A.F. Wednesday, Egmondville: Rev. D. G. Campbell Thursday, Northside: Rev. W, E. Milroy Friday, First Presbyterian: Rev. J. H. James _r.+'% ,jr. P rT:' t ..• -' r ..,4 t ,.A rr' t ... .?' 1 '...:i r gnri r ..1+ t .a% t t ..e r ,.rt rrt% .2 � -;: rf.a• `r , 1 Good Wishes For 1956 Whitney Furniture FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 119; Res. 65 Seaforth WOO 1r 4i,;1r 1,4r' 1 1, e.4)ie ;war ;1r ✓:i1 ;tY1, ;r.1, 2,44 ,r Y.. • Y,. Y.. Y.. . i5' .. ,,. rX11el) ;Wt,.�i,p.lrw'rw,;,.'tu�.ir,', ,u'i;...Lp"•,,r-rr1)rat ,w.4, I .w' R Y' r if." ') To One and All, May 1956 Be the Best Year Yet ! ROWCL#FFE MOTORS :t'vdf;gid{ipot o1 • , ger }?�4(irLku 1,I�r#b1�sP REGENT TH ATRE = =FORTH in e g d en d wn THUR,9DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY RY " (Technicolor) AUDIE MURPHY MARI BLANCHARD From the pages.' pf Max :Brand's immortal novel, the Saga of Destry, who was born with a name he had to live up to and a reputation he had to fight down. He tamed the frontier's toughest town with a new kind of law. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "TIE. YOUNG AT -HEART" (Technicolor) DORLS DAY FRANK SINATRA Doris Day and Frank Sinatra together for the first time. ATer- rific from the first moment, mad for each other, and singing their hearts out for you in a love story of many lights and laughters .. so real it reaches out and touches your heart. THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY "BLACK HORSE CANYON" (Technicolor) JOEL MeCREA , MARI BLANCHARD __--_.. Coming '"DIALIVI-FOR MUIIDE (Adults) MATINEE NEW YEAR'S DAY . The New Management wishes you a A Happy and Prosperous New Year! Y'� `, WILLIS The Little Headquarters A Once in a blue moon we have a chance to wish ,ry our friends . . ALL THE BEST IN '56 SHOE STORE Store with the BIG Values - SEAFORTH for Christmas Slippers SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NEW YEAR'S DANCE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31st Comr'unity Centre, Seaforth Hats — Horns — Novelties GOOD MUSIC . Dancing 8:30 to 11:45 Admission — 75 Cents per Person EXPOSITOR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS — Phone 41 5, ....qr..' r ' .... e' ( .J r ..,;r , .r: ,T.,r •r --"1--, r-; r • ,r-:' qt • ,f..'°'liee fir: ,r ,r _r-; ,r-= ' 'r- ,r- May \* THE NF Y r sir e it be Happy, KEATING'S PHARMACY J. E:. KEATING, ) 74 , Prosperous -: Phm.B.- r„.. -)e- e.... ?elle- p- , - ),re,i, W.i, #4,,,...c.!...- 1 .. i ' , ie ',Al, tW.1, • . - t ' .ti . •,.. ... 'T,. ' .t . Y- -.,- 54 5, .. •- Y- .. t, ' sj, TC, ..�.W' 1 . 5. wk, a <. ' jT jT jT jT ;,0*, jTZTITIT,LTITITITITI .C,,... lb_//%//////N • Happiness one May and la is your happy i \ i�i�� 1C.'-. unbound- our New future one. Tr Health and ed for every Year wish. be a bright ,Mt �F.I9...TCH FEEDS In LIMITED SWOON -- Phone 15 Vr�1A?6k1� 4 F�.