HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-12-30, Page 4n
RTH, ONT-, DEC. 30,, 1955
4'01t;,'SALK; tVANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -- Per Word:
+s inserted At New Low Cash Rates
lot Week 1 Cent
2nd Week % Cent
Srd Week jt Cent
MInirnum charge, each insertion,,25 Cents
Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word.
of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum,
d cents per week.
4)Rirles may be directed to a Box No., o/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra.
Steen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10
days of date of final insertion•
"Bk.Vths, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
�41etion Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.=Rates on application.
Coming Events
A BIG New Year's Dance with hats,
borne, eta, at the Crystal Palace, Mit-
chell, on December 31st. Dancing begins
at 9 o'clock, with Petrie's combined bands.
TEE PLACE for Dancing on Friday
sight is at the Crystal Palace. Mitchell,
This Friday night., December 2, a hard -
time dance. Cider. Clarence Petrie and
the Night Hawks in attendance.
Property For Sale
FOR SALE OR RENT—Frame house,
furnished. Apply Box 502, HURON EX-
POSITOR, 4589-1
WANTED—Jack rabbits, any quantity;
good price. Delivered or will pick up.
Phone F. T. FOWLER, 141-W, Mitchell.
WANTED --One or two roomers, or
couple. LILLIAN FAULKNER, George
St. Phone daytime 23.
$3.00 for dead horses and cows; higher
prices for old, sick and disabled horses
and cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, col.
feet. 4585-13
Township of Stanley
Applications wanted for the position of
Road Superintendent, Township of Stan-
Applications to be in the hands of the
Clerk by January 7, 1956,
R.R. 3, Bayfield, Out.
On some breeds eggs taken every week
in the year. Good premium paid. Many
of our flockowners are making right now
a premium of 35c per dozen over the price
as paid in their local grading station.
Send for full details.
Phone 405
mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope
with price list. 6 samples 25c ; 24 sant.
-Plea " $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73,
NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton,
RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of
opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone
GET YOUR sewage work done now.
Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All
work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea-
` forth.
forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser-
vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER
FLOWERS, Sea forth, agent for Brady
Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter,
or spray)
; exterior or interior decor-
ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs.
DALTON, Railway St.
courteous collection of s.)1 dead and
disabled farm animals and hides. Call
collect, ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Sea -
forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with
Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd.
,+ % Our Financing Service. et Low Cost,
P win help you make a better deal. Ask us
M1 NOW before you buy.
¢I Phone 458 Seaforth
""Where Better Bulls Are Used"
;u;!+tb+ltiflcial Insemination service for all
,itteias of cattle. For service or informa-
;ilphone CLINTON 242. collect, be-
;t'eieen 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days
*Ed 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Township of McKillop
A meeting of the Electors of the Town-
��.ehip of McKillop will be held at Winthrop
Hall, On Monday, December 26, 1965, for
'tithe purpose of nominating for a Reeve
}land four Councillors. Nominations will
be received from the hour of one o'clock
to talo o'clock in the afternoon.
ISI the event of more being nominated
en ere requirbe edheo fonl tMh
Sethi npdaoysitions, an
42, 1954. Polls will be open from 9 a.m.
tto b pin., at the following places:
Nb. 1—Mrs Mary Carlin's house, Lot 10,
Con. 5: James Nolan, D.R.O. ; William
'hfetoney, B.C..
NO. 2—'Wilmer Scott's house, Lot 25,
'. Coift, 4: James R. Hogg, D.R.O. ; Alex
iters, Pc' Your vote for me at the polls on
No. a�—Joseph smith's house, Lot 11' Monday, January
SI. 18tH Concesafat': Elmer Dennie D.P. 2nd, will be great -
Lost and Found
LOST—In Seaforth, a large No. 8 coal
shovel- G. NOBEL. Phone 793-R: Re-
ward. 4589x1
LOST' -Taken from Community Centre
at the Christmas dance, a pair of over-
shoes. Return to GEORGE DE JONG.
Phone 1934, Seaforth. Reward.
Help Wanted
WANTED AT ONCE—Rawleigh Dealer
in Huron County. Write RAWLEIGH'S,
Dept. L -368-R, Montreal, P.Q-
WANTED--Companion housekeeper to
take full charge of house and look after
elderly lady. Protestant Christian home
In Egmondviiie ; modern facilities. Ap-
Young man or woman interested in
learning X-ray work,
Seaforth. Ontario.
For Sale
FOR SALE- A Mason-Risch piano: can
be seen at LOUIS EBERHART,S, Gode-
rich St. West, 4589x3
FOR SALE -17 pigs seven weeks old,
and two part -Hereford calves Apply to
STUART WILSON. Phone 658 r 21.
Seaforth. 4589-1
FOR SALE—Good Hereford cow. to
freshen b. February. Apply to MISS
MARY THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31.
Seaforth. Lot 34, Con. 7, McKillop Twp.
FOR SALE — Clean, bright fuel oil,
$arnia's best from top of vat No. 1: and
Government -tested coal, screened each de-
livery. WILLIAM M. HART,
INEXPENSIVE wrought iron gifts.
novel pilsner and cocktail glasses. ERIC
MILNER, Flowers, Variety Gifts, Art
Supplies, Pet Supplies. Phone Seaforth
393. 4587-tf
and 33 1/3 r.p.m.; popular Western, Sym-
phonies, Operas, show tunes. On sale at
ORE BILLIARDS, Main Corner, Seaforth,
4585 -If
SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, $10.00
per load, approximately 2 cords; mixed
wood, $8.00 per load, approximately two
cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J.
RUDER. Phone Clinton 362.
FOR SALE—I have Just received a
number of Grade and Registered Hol-
steins- All cows are from accredited
herds and are guaranteed. Contact JOHN
C. MIDDLETON. Phone 437 r 3, Clin-
ton. 4587x3
FLOWERS- Mitchell Nurseries for all
your funeral designs: corsages for your
New Year's parties ; cut and potted
flowers in all colors. Bay from the
grower and save up tr, 'M'',: on your flower
needs. Phone WALLACE ROSS, agent :
evening 1354 after 5:30 p.m.
Auction Sales
Clearing Auction Sale of Livestock, at
Lot 27, Concession 3. Tuckersmith Town-
ship, FLR.S., 3% miles west of Eg•mond-
ville. or two miles east of Radar School.
'on Wednesday, January 11th. at 1:30 p.m,:
5 Holstein cows due to freshen January
30th to February 28th : 1 Durham cow
with calf at foot ; 6 Durham cows. bred
to freshen from January to February ; 4
steers rising syears n
R Id:
heifers e rs ricin
fi 2 years old : 7 steers and
heifers rising one year old. PIGS — 13
sows bred in November ; 1 York hog : 11
chunks: 11 pigs, 150 to 170 lbs. Terms
Cash. ANGUS BROWN. Proprietor :
Harold ,Jackson. Auctioneer: E. P. Ches-
ney, Clerk. 4589-2
In Memoriam
WEY-In loving memory of our dear
mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Alva
Wey, who died December 22, I946. and
January 7, 1947, and dear brother. Casey.
December 25, 1947.
Time takes away the edge of grief.
But memory turns bark every leaf.
--Ever remembered by non and daugh-
ter. brothers and sisters. 4",89.1
MUIR- In loving memory of our dear
daughter and sister. Shirley Ann Muir.
who passed away December 31, 1953.
Two years have passed since that sad day,
The one we loved was railed away.
God took her home. it was His will,
But in our hearts she liveth still.
We know that she is happy.
In our Saviour's home above,
Growing fairer as she lingers
In the sunshine of His love.
--Ever remembered and sadly missed
by Dad, Mom and Don. 4589x1
Cards of Thanks
I WISH to thank all the friends who
kindly remembered me with their yards
and letters thin Christmas season. It was
the first Christmas dinner without my
late wife in 57 years, and in my he-
reavement r thank them all heartily. My
eon and his family have been a great
comfort to me and they are wonderfully
kind to me in my 84th year. Wishing
yon one and all a very prosperous and
happy New Year. I remain. yours re-
1 s.usx
To the Electors of
'd Stephen Murray, P.C. fly appreciated. If elected, your
F (Arlie 4. -school No,' 7, Lot 26, Con, 12: Interests will be my chief concern.
• eitirilYbell, RAO.: Boss Driscoll, P.C.
Returning Officer,
Ernest Talbot
For Rent
tained, heated apartment Boa 501, HUR-
FOR RENT — Three-room apartment,
partly furnished: oil heated; hot and
cold water; three-piece bath. Apply
THOMAS OLIVER. Phone 8314, Sea -
forth. 4589x1
ANDERSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Dec_ 26, to Mr and Mrs. Eric
Anderson, 1tR. 1, Londesboro, a daugh-
BERNARD—At Dr. Meyer's Nursing
Home, Brussels, on December 18, to
Mr. and Mrs. George Bernard, M,eltil-
lop, a daughter.
CARNOCHAN—At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, on Dec. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Carnochan Ince Doris Siemon), R.R. 3,
Seaforth, a son.
REID- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on
Dec 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Reid,
Seaforth, a son.
WEURDELI--At Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, on Dec. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Mer-
vin Weurdell, RLR, 1, Bornholm, a
The fourth meeting was held De-
cember 27 at the home of Mrs.
Bell. The meeting opened with
"The More We Get Together" and
4-H Pledge. The roll call was an-
swered by 15 members. The min-
utes were read and adopted. The
leaders demonstrated shrinking of
material and how to determine
the size of pattern to buy. How to
adjust a pattern was shown. A
pattern piece was pinned on, cut
out and staylined by some of the
girls. The home assignments were:
buy material and pattern; study
pattern. prepare material, work on
chart and record book. The roll
call will be report on progress of
chart. The next meeting will be
held January 3rd at 7:30 p.m., at
Mrs. Bell's home.
"Have I a license? Don't be
absurd, officer!" said the woman
motorist, who had just uprooted a
lamp post. "Who'd give me a
license the way I drive?"
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Collins, Gayle
and Judy in Tara with Mrs. Col-
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, of
London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Evans, Merritton, with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. John Frost and
family. of Dundas, with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Dill.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Byrne. Kath-
leen and Bobbie, Hamilton, with
Miss Monica Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds.
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Car-
penter' and family, Chatham, with
Mrs. Joseph Carpenter.
Mr. Kenny Stapleton, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Staple-
Mr. and Mrs. Pugh and Glenn in
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter
in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane, Lon-
don. with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart, of
Toronto, in Chesley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Arnold and
family in Mildmay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newcombe,
and "Jimmie, of Port Credit, and
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, of
Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and
daughter, Mary, have rented one
of the Looby apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Elliott in
Mr. Frank Rowland and Ed
ward. Toronto, with Mrs. Winnifre
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Wilson an
Miss Mary Margaret Ryan.
Kitchener, and Miss Theresa Ry
an. London, with Mr. and Mrs
Patrick Ryan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Trappier an
daughter, Susanne, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Holland, Toronto, wit
Mr. and Mrs. George Holland.
Mr. Gordon Costello, Bancroft
and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grosec
and children. of London. with Mr
and Mrs. Dan Costello.
Mrs Mary Schwalm and Mr
Patrick Maloney, with Mrs. Cath-
erine Ryan in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Feeney
Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Maloney. Kitchener, with Mrs.
Catherine Feeney.
Mr. -Robert Kelly, Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph h
left to spend the winter in Lon-
Mrs. Norma Aslin and Paul in
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bassett in
Mr and Mrs. Hiram Smith, Mr.
Gerald Burns. Mr. and Mrs.- Both-
am. of London. with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Burns.
Mrs. Anna O'Hearn in St. Marys
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. O'Hearn.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cameron,
Gordon and Murray, and Mr. and
Mrs. Clyne Monroe, of Ripley, with
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Feeney, Mr.
nd Mrs. Martin Feeney, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Feeney and Mrs. Peter
Nehan. all of Kitchener, Mr. and
rs. Lorne Feeney, Windsor. and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Feeney, Sea-
orth. with Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smuck and
aughters, of Kitchener, with Mrs.
oretta Molyneaux.
To the Electors of
Stanley Twp.:
I have served eight years as
Councillor and will be happy to
continue working on your behalf.
Your support and influence at the
polls on Monday, January 2nd, will
be greatly appreciated.
Harvey Taylor
To the Electors of
Stanley Twp.:
1 would sincerely appreciate your
support for Councillor in the forth-
coming election on Monday, Janu-
ary 2nd. Should I be elected I will
do my utmost to fulfill the confi-
dence placed in me.
Jack Scotchmer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fitzpat-
rick, Detroit, and Mr. John Fitz-
patrick, Toronto, with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lanvin
were in Sarnia on Monday and vis-
ited Miss Lettie Lannin, Reg.N.
Mrs. James Malcolm spent
Christmas holidays with her daugh=-
ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Gordon. Seaforth.
Our sincere sympathy is extend-
ed to Mrs. Herb Britton in the loss
of her mother, Mrs. Workman, of
Hensel], last Thursday.'
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm
attended the funeral of their cous-
in, Mr. Bob Lelond in Stratford on
Visitors at the home of Mrs. Lil-
ly ,Belfour and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Belfour for Christmas were: Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Belfour, Wing -
ham; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Giles and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Saun-
ders and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Graver.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin and
family visited with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton, for
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stacey and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel
Strathdee and family, Mrs. Stacey
and Mowet and Mr. John Perrin
visited with Mr. and Mrs. George
Robinson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm,
Keith and Bruce spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fuller, of
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Roney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Roney for Christmas were: Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Werham and family.
Denfield; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Park
and family, and Mr. George Ah-
rens and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl and
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hannon visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bush -
field for Christmas.
Mrs. B. Barker. Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Barker and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams
and family visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Barker on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin and
family and Mr. Austin Lannin J
spent Christmas with Mr. and e
Mrs. Harold Thiel.
Mrs. James Malcolm received
word that her cousin, Mr. Will
Pepper, had passed away at his
home in Toronto on Tuesday
' Mrs. William Pepper, who has Kindergarten )pupils of Grades
been receiving treatment in South 1 and 2, `3 and. 5, 5 and .16,,, and 7
Huron Hopital, returned home on and 8 enjoyed their annual Christ-.
Saturday. mas concert at the public school
Mr. Raye Paterson, who had Thursday afternoon, A short pro
the misfortune to slip on the ice gram was presented and gifts ex -
fracturing his left ankle and heel, changed. Charles Farquhar, man -
has returned home. ager of the school, was presented
Miss Glayds Luker is a patient with a smoker, Sharon Smillie do -
at Victoria Hospital, London; un- lug the honors. Mrs. R. Graham,
dergoing deep x-ray treatments music supervisor, was also made
on her back, caused by injuries the presentation of a gift.
suffered in a recent fall. S.S. 2, Tuckersmith, was filled to
Mrs. Dorland Evans and, family capacity for their annual Christ -
of Kitchener, were Christmas visi- °las concert on Tuesday evening.
tors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mc- The school presented an attractive
Laren. appearance with Christmas scenes
John Atkinson, Mrs. Atkin- and gaily decorated tree. Rev. N.
so Cpl., JBrioh and AtBkinson,
of McLeod was chairman for the ev-
are spending Christmas Quebec,
ening and gave a brief address.
with the latter's y Mrs. Ross Broadfoot was pianist.
parents, Mr. and The delightful program, prepared
Mrs. Rudy Petzke. Cpl. Atkinson and arranged by the teacher, Miss
has been posted to Germany and Dorothy Turner, included the fol -
leaves for overseas in January.a, lnumbers: Welcome song,
Mrs. Myrtle Sproat, of Hen's "Mighty Glad To See You," fol -
was the lucky winner of the el lowed by greetings by Joan Sin-
tric mixer in a draw at Drysdale's slain;owing songs by the Juniors, "I'm
hardware Saturday night. The win- a Little Teapot" and "Away in a
ping ticket was drawn by A. W. Manger"; dialogues, "Mr. Dash
Kerslake. The mixer is valued at Goes Shopping," "Teaching the
$25. Teacher" and "The City Cous-
In the draw for the gingerbread ins"; an action song by the junior
house, made and donated by Bev- 'girls, "Six Little Milkmaids" and
erley Beaton, local baker, to the Irish Lilt" by Margaret Jean
CP and T fund of thel.O.O.F., and Broadfoot and Jean McNaughton;
Rebekah Lodges, with all proceeds a duet, "Sunbonnet Sally and Ov-
to be used for welfare work ill erall Jim," by Joan Sinclair and
the district, was won by Mrs. Thos. Lloyd Lostell; tap dancing by Joan
Kyle. The ticket was drawn by Sinclair; piano solo, Jean Me -
Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Naughton; singing by the seniors,
Miss Marion Triebner, of Exe- "Christmas Bells" and "My Bon
ter, was the winner of two wool me Lassie." During this number
blankets, valued at $23, in a draw Margie. Elgie danced the Highland
at Irwin's ladies' wear and dry Fling; recitations by Judy Young
goods. Flt./Sgt. L. Tiberio made and Keith Hay; Rainbow drill by
the draw. the girls; ' selections by the
Winners at Brown's Hardware Rhythm Band and the Norris or -
were; first, set of stainless steel chestra. Santa Claus appeared
cookware. R. M. Peck, Hensall; and distributed gifts from the well -
second, set stainless steel flatware, laden tree. Pupils presented their
Fred Bonthron, Hensall; third, teacher, Miss Turner, with a love-
crokinole board. George Parker, ly table lamp.
Hensall. The draws took place Roy Telford, of Bayfield, is
Christmas Eve, spending the Christmas holidays
Members of the Legion Ladies' with Jerry McClinchey.
Auxiliary, composed of Mrs. D. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. E. Munn visited
Kelvie, Mrs. E. Shaddick, Mrs. R. with their daughter and son-in-law,
-Mock, Mrs. B. Kyle, Mrs. E. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gooding and family,
Mrs. J. Drysdale and Mrs. T. Kyle, of Parkhill, over the C,»ristmas
visited seven of their shut-in mem- holiday.
bers and made their Christmas a The sympathy of the community
little brighter with carol singing is extended to Mrs. Basil Edwards
and presentations of lovely Christ- in the loss of her brother, Mr. Ed-
mas baskets. Mrs. McKelvie en- ward Morrison, of Clinton, who died
tertained the group at her home suddenly from a heart ,seizure
to a social hour and lunch. early Tuesday morning. Mr. Mor -
Amber Rebekah Lodge delivered rison was dwell known in Stanley,
ovely Yuletide boxes to five of where he was born and spent many
their members who are shut in years before taking up residence
and ill, and the C.P and T corn- in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards
mittee of the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah had spent. Monday with Mr. and
Lodges remembered nine of their Mrs. Morrison and their daughter,
shut-in members with wonderful Violet.
Christmas boxes. a kindly gesture Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinnon
on the part of these organizations and family, of Alvinston, were hol-
o make Christmas just a little iday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D.
appier for' folk unable to get out. McKinnon, Sr.
Bayfield Town Hall was the Miss E. Churchill, Toronto, was
cene for a reception for Mr. and a Christmas guest with her sister
Mrs. Robert Talbot (nee Margaret and- brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
eid), when they were presented E.R. Shaddick.
with a purse of money and over Miss Shirley Flynn, of London,
ifty gifts. Miss Anna Porter, of visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
ayfield, did the honors. Norris J. Flynn over the Christmas holi-
rchestra furnished music for the day'
dance, Miss Jean Mousseau, of London,
Miss Anna Porter. of Bayfield, spent the Yuletide holidays with
ntertaineda in honor of Mrs. Robt, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
albot (nee Margaret Reid, of Mousseau.
ensall). when fifteen girl friends Miss Betty Mickle, of Toronto,
resented her with sheets and pil- spent and Christmas Mrs. Laird Mickle parents,
ow slips. Euchre was played and family.
Threeefreshments served. Miss Bernice Dilling and Mr.
Three hundred and fifty dollars and Mrs. Clarence Dining- of Sar-
smogs .was causedoin a two -car nia spent the Christmas holiday
on No. 4 Highway, one
ile south of Exeter. Cars were with Mr. and Mrs. W. Dilling.
perated by Russell Faber, Kip- Mr. and Mrs. M. Greer, of Lon -
en. and LAC. Ernest Saigle, of don, spent Christmas with the lat-
.C.A.F.. Centralia. The Faber car, ter's mother, Mrs. J. W. Bonthron.
avelling north. skidded on the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pfaff spent
y roads and was in collision with Christmas with members of their
e southbound Saigle car. P,C. family in London.
ohn Forde, of Exeter, investigat-
Hold Christmas Concerts
S.S. No, 10. Hay. observed their
annual Christmas concert in the
hool on Monday evening with
lbert Shirray acting as chairman
✓ the evening.
The Christmas
ro ra m
g under direction n of Miss
anion McLean. included recita-
ons. choruses. dialogues, skits,
onologues and drill. Mrs. Har-
d Bell acted as accompanist for
e musical number's. Miss Mc-
ean was presented with a gift
om her pupils and gifts and
eats were presented to the pupils
om Santa Claus from a gaily
corated tree.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper and A A
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper fo
and Dennis, n is Mr.
Mrs. L. $ar-
ker and family, and Mr. and Mrs. M
George Moore and family spent ti
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George m
Pepper. of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon. Don- th
no and Barry, Mr. H. Gordon. Mrs. L
George Graham and Miss Mary fr
E. Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. tr
Dalton Malcolm and Mrs. J. Mal- fr
coim on Wednesday. de
il:... ✓z t . 5- ., ry, . M.
Heading your way are our sin-
cere and best wishes for the
Happiest New Year—one filled
with Health and Joy!
Ball -Macaulay Ltd.
Phone 787 Phone 97
Mrs. Dorland Evans and family,
of Kitchener, were Christmas visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flannery and
Terry, of Strathroy. and Miss Elsie'
Smith, of Exeter, visited Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Smith.
Commander Wing Andrew Til-
ley and
Y Mrs. Tilley daughters,
dau h
g s,
Jennifer and Karen. of the Cen-
tralia Airport, and Mrs. A. Mac-
Murchy. of Ottawa, were guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
and family on Boxing Day.
Mrs. Joe Helm and family, of
Tiverton; Mrs. Robert Reid, of
Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. James
Harkness and family, of Teeswa-
ter, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Young
and family, of Teeswater, spent
the Christmas holiday with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Reid. Jerry and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaugh-
ton, of Cromarty, spent Christmas
with members of their family in
Toronto, the event being held at
the home of their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Ormston and family,
Mrs. Minnie Sangster spent the
Christmas holiday with members
of her family in London and Luc -
Gary Harkness, of Teeswater, is
spending this week with his cous-
in, Jerry Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Traquair,
of Woodstock. were holiday visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Norm-
inton and -Mr. and Mrs. M. Tra-
District Obituaries
HENSALL—Mr. John Forrest,
life-long and highly respected resi-
dent of the Parr Line, passed
away in Clinton Hospital Saturday
night, December 24. where he had
been a patient for nearly two
In his 87th year, he was born on
the Parr Line where he farmed
successfully for many years. Sur-
viving are one son. Jim, at home,
and one brother, William Forrest,
of Hensall. Mrs. Forrest, the for-
mer Margaret Cochrane, prede-
ceased him three years ago. He
was a member of Carmel Presby-
terian Church, Hensall.
Public funeral services were
held from the Bonthron Funeral
Home on Tuesday, conducted by
Rev. Donald MacDonald, Burial
was in Bayfield cemetery,
The Seaforth Stores will be following the
custom adopted ,by them last Winter i!g
Closing on Saturday Nights at
6:00 p.m., in January, February
and March of 1956
To allow thti Managements and Staffs a
well-earned rest.
Please shop in the daytime and avoid any
The Merchants Wish You All a Happy and
d Prosperous New Year!
Chamber of Commerce
NOTICE—Township of. Tuckersmith
To facilitate snow removal operations, the public
is requested not to park cars or vehicles on
roadsides during the Winter months.
AND NOTICE is hereby given that the
Township will not be responsible for any damag-
es caused to such vehicles as a result of snow-
plowing operations.
E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk,
Township of Tuckersmith
Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime
ire -r_: -r , ..y::`e ., r• 'rr.,:'y- r,. ; r rr.--•Er; irr r^.
As the minutes of the old year
tick away, we want to extend
to you and yours our sincere
wishes for a Happy and Pros-
perous New Year!
Phone 43 Seaforth
; ;�.4, ,,.�: v-1 _i- ; :l, ,.-1 ; 1� ,y.1. K1; ,:.J , `.,t, r;J. ; <1 ;�� .r1 ; .1� �1, x -t, ,••1. r
May the New Year bring you the happiness and joy you so
rightly deserve — Health, Prosperity and Good Lucid
Anson Gilbert Motors
Pontiac - Buick
G.M.C. Trucks
Phone 461 ' : Seaforth