HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-12-16, Page 7• • • ry: The Members of the Seaforth. Chamber of Commerce congratulate J. J. CLEARY on the opening of his new CLEARY I.G. A. MARKET hristfo :krty At Heh 11 Lodge The Hensall Lodge: ,F,I4 beau* fully decorated in Christmas motif, enhanced with a 'varied -colored tree, was the setting for the annual Christmas party of Amber Rebekah Lodge, held Wednesday, Dee. 7. At the meeting which preceeded the social evening, presided over by N.G. Mrs. Archie MacGregor, the C.F. & T. Fund committee dis- cussed the selling of tickets for a- gielgerbread house, made and donated by the local baker, Bever- ly Beaton, and which is ori display in the bakery window on Main St., for which the draw will be made Saturday, Dec. 24. Mrs. W. R. Bell was convener for the entertainment, which con- sisted of a sing -song of Christmas carols, with Mrs. Harold Bell at the piano; readings by Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. Alex MeBeath, and a quiz program directed by Mrs. Bell. Lunch was served and mem- bers exchanged gifts. CONGRATULATIONS TO J. J. CLEARY on the opening of the new CLEARY I.G.A. MARKET It was our privilege to supply the lumber and building supplies required for the construction of the New Market. Ball -Macaulay Limited LUMBER - BUILDING SUPPLIES Phone 787 Seaforth J i ORTHSI . •GKOI f to* AWA. Mrs. H. Connell presided falx the December meeting of Group 1 of Northside W,A., which met at the home of Mrs, S. Garnham. Twen- ty members answered the roll call, after which the secretary's and treasurer's reports were read. Mrs. G. Ferris opened the devo- tional part with an Edgar Guest poem. Several Christmas carols were sung with Rev. J. W. Stinson accompanying on the accordion. Mrs. E. IL Close read the scrip- ture, followed by prayer by Mrs. C. Henderson. Mr. Stinson gave the Christmas topic on "The Light Bringers," which was much enjoyed by all. The closing hymn was, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." Mrs. W. Ball thanked Mr. Stinson and -the hostess. A delicious Christ- mas lunch was served by Mrs. Close, Mrs. Murdie and Mrs. Con- nell. GROUP II OF WA, The December meeting of Group 2 of the Northside WA. took the form of a pot -luck supper at the home of Mrs. William Leeming and was much enjoyed by twenty- five members. Mrs. Bruce Wal- ters opened the meeting with the use of the following poem: "What can I give Him, poor as I am, If f were a shepherd I would bring Him a lamb; If I were a Wiseman, I would do my part, Yet what can. I give Him — give Him my heart." The president. Mrs. H. Shannon, conducted the business discussion and the nominating committee brought in the 1956 slate of offi- cers. Mrs. Bruce Walters will be the next president, and Mrs. Lorne Carter and Mrs. Hugill will be the social representatives. Mrs. -P. B. Moffat reported that the birthday calendars are nearly all sold. Mrs. Ross Savauge read the Christmas story from the second chapter of Luke. and prayer was given by Mrs. W. Hay. Mrs. R. Lawsen gave a Christmas story. Contests were conducted by Mrs. S. Bray. Mrs. J. M. Scott thanked the hostess and all those who as- sisted at the meeting. GROUP HI OF WA. The Christmas meeting of Group 3 of the W.A. of Northside United Church was held last Tuesday eve- ning at the home of Mrs. Albert Hudson, with 21 members and three visitors present. Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain opened with a poem, "Peace and Good Will." Hymn 51 was sung. followed with prayer by Mrs. J. Talbot. The president. Mrs. N. Knight, then took over and the secretary's report was given. The roll call was answered by "Your favorite Christmas carol." The visiting committee reported four home calls. The treasurer's report Showed a good year for the group. The nominating committee pre- sented the slate'of officers for 1956 which is as follows: President, Mrs: N. Knight; vice-president, Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain; secretary, Mrs. Abbie Seip; treasurer, Mrs. Harry Travis; correspondence sec - We appreciate the confidence placed in us in having been selected. for the construction of the building to house the new . CLEARY IGA MARKET We extend congratulations to Mr. Cleary on- the opening of his New Modern Market, which will permit him to serve his many customers through- out the district even more efficiently in the future. SEAPORT CONCRETE PRO H PHONE 22 UCTS GENERAL CONTRACTORS - - - — — — SEAFORTH COMM retaj" y,, Mrs.Milton Berger; press reporter, Mrs.Peter Dunlap; lunch commuittee, Mrs. N. Bever Cann and Mrs. H. Snell; pianist, Mrs. A. Matheson; visiting " committee, Mrs. C. Cochrane. Mrs. B. F. Christie took the de- votional part and Mrs. A. Crozier read a poem, "Christmas in Your Heart." Hymn 62 was sung an¢ Mrs. Pinder led in prayer. Mrs. Stinson showed pictures and told of her trip to the Rockies this past summer, which everyone enjoyed. The meeting closed with all sing- ing "Silent Night." A social time was spent in exchanging gifts and a delicious lunch was served. The January meeting will be held at t1N home of Mrs. B. F. Christie. NORTHSIDE GROUP 4 MEETS Mrs. Arnold Westcott was hos- tess to Group 4 of the WA. of Northside United Church for the Christmas meeting, when a pot- luck supper was enjoyed by twen- ty-one members and two visitors. Mrs. Riley, president, opened the meeting with a poem, and Mrs. Hulley read the scripture and Mrs. I. Hudson led in prayer. The roll call was taken with everyone nam- ing their favorite Christmas car- ol. _Christmas carols were sung during the evening. Mrs. J. W. Stinson conducted the nominations and it was moved by Mrs. Westcott and seconded by Mrs. Hudson, that the following slate of officers be adopted for the coming year: President, .Mrs. A. Riley; vice -president, -Mrs. J. Cur- rie; secretary, Mrs. H. Thompson; treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Westcott; press secretary, Mrs. H. Thomp- son; card convener, Mrs. Turn- bull; telephone captains, Mrs. I. Hudson, Mrs. Dalton and Mrs. Wilson. Poems were given by Mrs. West- cntt and Mrs. Turnbull. All were asked to attend the General WA. to be held on December 14. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction and exchanging gifts. Hullett Council Guests of Reeve Following Meeting The regular monthly meeting of Hullett Township Council for De- cember took place in the Com- munity Hall. Londesboro. at 1:30 p.m. The reeve and all members of council were present. The min- utes of the last regular meeting of Nov. 7. and special meetings of Nov. 17 and 25. were read, and adopted on motion by Tom Leiper and E. Hesk. Tom Leiper and E. Hesk: That we give the tax collector authority to accept these taxes less: Wm. Bakewich, $12 telephone tax; How- ard Johnston, $27, Hydro; Joiin Shepherd, $24, telephone, and W. Schlichting, $2 dog tax. George Brown and A. Young: That we appoint Oliver Anderson the representative to the Seaforth District High School Board; Wil- lis Van Egmond to the Clinton Dis- trict High School Board, and Wm. T. Craig to the Goderich District High School Board, also Borden Brown to Scott Memorial Hospital Board, Seaforth. Carried. Hesk and Leiper: That the ac- counts as read be approved and paid. Carried. Brown and Young: That we do now adjourn to meet Thursday. Dec. 15, at 1:30 p.m. Accounts passed were as follows: Administration. $99.80 ; charity. 65c; salaries. $150; advertising. $21.84; court dues, $20; street lights, $36; tax collections, $401.15; roads and bridges, $3.031.75. Reeve Entertains After the meeting the council and officials retired to the home of the reeve, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jewitt. After a very sumptuous dinner, the evening was spent in playing cards. Councillor George Brown moved a hearty vote of thanks to the Reeve and Mrs. Jewitt for the very enjoyable evening and their kind hospitality, which was sec- onded by Tom Leiper and all the ,guests. Wn-ekiel effilato You don't argue with a loco- motive. So a manufacturer of rail equipment has developed a lightweight rail inspection car that carries four people yet can betaken off the track by one man. Since men who design rail cars, aircraft and other trans- portation equipment regularly use aluminum to cut down dead weight and increase pay load, it is no surprise that aluminum was used to replace heavier materials in many parts of this inspection car. The person who will be surprised is the loco- motive engineer who first sees a rail inspector nonchalantly — and single-handedly — hoisting his scooter from the track. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) .._ _._._.�.r. %veer".._ ✓Stir. A Clean Deal for Christmas Car Wash Mops and Brushes MAKE DAD GLAD and simplify that messy chore of car -washing . . . save time, too. These efficient hose -fine wash mops and brushes will help clean up the family car in Jig time. They rinse`while they wash—clear water running through the mop -head floats away dirt and grime. Convenient length handles with comfortable rubber grips save hands and clothes, make it easy to reach the top of the car. Yes. it's a practical pres- ent and you can be sure Dad will think it's a practi- cally wonderful idea. Plenty of choice in styles and sizes. 1 FOUNTAIN AUTO WASHER — With 1/2" hose coupling for attaching to garden hose. 10" non - rust handle has soft rubber grip and is fit- 1 49 ted with durable; soft cotton yarn mop .. ■ 2 SPRAY ACTION WASH BRUSH—The genuine hair bristles give more positive dirt removal—no danger of scratching finish. 5" diam. bristle head is set in featherweight plastic base. Complete with feather- weight 9'/2"" non -rust handles and S/2" hose 1 5 coupling with shut-off ■ 3 "PROFESSIONAL" HOSELINE BRUSH—Our (nest, and the style that has proven the most popular with car owners. Superfine genuine hair bristles set in the big flexible "rubber -like" plastic head to make a scratch -proof, no -mar Car Washer. The 14" handle has high-pressure jet, water -control valve and shut-off . ■ 49 COWL CORRAL DASH FENCE — Fluorescent plastic with convenient cigarette compartment; also front clip to hold matches, pencils, etc. Red, green or �J blue ■ / 9 SMOOTH PLANE — All - steel un- breakable body; 2" Sheffield tool steel cutter. Cuts tissue thin to coarse shavings. Q 93/4" over all 3■80 METAL TOOL BOX—Seamless one- piece steel box with cantilever tray divided into convenient compart- ments. 141/2" long, 71/2"2.99 1/2" 2 99 wide, 6" high ■ AUTO UTILITY MAT — Use singly or in pairs to protect regular floor mat. Long wearing,. size 15" x 20". Red, green, blue, taupe or black ■99 s WOODWORKER'S VISE — Continu- ous screw type. Fitted with steel.._ guide rods to keep jaws lined up: 61/2" jaws, open to 41/2". A Extra value ...... ... !.■49 SMALL PARTS DISPENSER—Attaches to wall or under shelf, holds six- teen glass jars for visual storage of nails, screws and other small parts . �■�� WAFFLE BAKER and SANDWICH TOASTER—Gleaming chrome finish; handsome tray base. Waffle grids are removable. Has r� Z 49 heat indicator i ■ AUTO BLANKET -ROBE — Warm and serviceable. Neatly bound edges. Soft -tone plaids. Extra lame sire - 55" x 75". Excellent value 3■25 EMERGENCY AUTO LIGHT—Plugs Into cigaret lighter outlet. Holds tight to any metal surface. Clear white light with warning red glow �■09 HAMILTON BEACH FOOD MIXER—Complete with two ever -turning Pyrex bowls, juice extractor and strainer. More speeds 49 45 for every need ■ kt) IIT:: BATTERY CHARGER — Less than half - price . Keeps battery fully charged for fast cold weather starring. 60 -cycle only 4.89 TWIN AUTO MATS—The very latest new, handsome twin all -rubber floor mats designed in pairs—to pro- tect driver's and passenger's floor areas' High -styled in pastel colours that harmonize with the decor of today's new cars—Black, blue, green or coral. To fit most can. SET ....... .... 3■69 HAND SPOTLIGHT — Plugs into cigar lighter socket. 40,000 candle- power 4" sealed beam unit. 12 -ft. cord 4.98 ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR --5-cup size; highly pol- ished with cool black handle. Detachable SSO- watt base. Extra special value 4.95 A S EB ALL FIELDERS' VE -- Beautiful solid I Cher. A "big g 5 1 „ que" model e complete line of base - II supplies. WINDSHIELD WASHER— Automatic. Pressure on foot control cleans wind- shield in seconds. Easy to Install. Removes dirt and grime 5.65 G. S. & w. V. SSMITH., PHONE '792 — SE O rT