The Huron Expositor, 1955-12-09, Page 12RQN "tu SEAFORTH, ONT., DEC. 9, 1955 AIX CD INHERE MORE PEOPLE DO MORE -BUYING AND SELLING! ed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates (i ':`, FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 1 Cent q'4 Cent 54 Cent Minimum charge. each insertion... 26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Corning Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.-- Rates on application. Coming Events THE PLACE for Dancing on Friday night is at the Crystal Palace. Mitchell. This Friday night. December 2. a hard - time dance. Cider. Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks in attendance. FOR RENT --Large room or small apart - 4583 -7 ment Quiet person preferred. Box 497, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4586x1 8100.00 JACKPOT BINGO—Full housein - FOR RENT -- Self-contained heated 60 alla wins nightthh jackpotuntil; $ 0 added apartment, three rooms, bath, kitchen. every Saturday;allountil someone wins Box 489, HURON EXPOSITOR. Wck th. also 14 games of "Share the. 4585-nc Wealth." No admission ; LOc a game. I Town Hall. Henault, Saturday, December10tFOR RENT—Oneion. 9 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Leg-RENT—One modern heated apart - meet to rent, suitable for single lady. on. 458611 DR. E, A. Mr -MASTER. 4586x1 For Rent Cards of Thanks 1 WOULD like to thank all my neigh- bors and friends for the kindness shown to my mother during her illness and also for the sympathy shown since her death. 4586-1 JOHN ROBERTSON WE WISH to thank our friends for their comforting messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended dur- ing our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. and Mrs. James. DORIS and GORDON HARRISON 4586-1 Births FOR RENT--One-room apartment. OR - VII .1.$' OKE, Seaforth. 4585 -if Lost and Found FOR RENT — Four -room unfurnished apartment, heated. Apply on Saturdays only. JOHN MICHELS, Goderich Street West, Seaforth. 4586x1 FOUND — Near Seaforth Creamery, black leather gauntlet type mitt. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Box 499, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4586-1 Wanted WANTED—Would do housework or look after children during the day. PHONE 262-R, Seaforth. 4586x1 WORK WANTED—On a dairy farm. Apply to D. BRUINFMA, R.R. 4, Clin- ton. Phone 616 r 31, Clinton. 4586-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c : 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Auction Sales AUCTION SALE WANTED --Child's high chair in good Household Effects. Saturday, December condition. MRS. M. HEYNSBERGEN, 10th, Hensall, at 1 o'clock, premises of R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 667 r 22, Sea- Mrs. Annie Richardson: Kelvinator re - forth 4586x1 frigerator; Coleman oil heater; 2 -burner electric stove; cook stove: studio couch; quantity; 2 single beds (iron), springs and mat - pick up. , tresses; 2 dressers and stands; love seat; Mitchell. ' buffet; kitchenette set (complete) ; rock - 4585x6 era; odd chairs; end tables; complete I toilet sets; arm chair; cupboard; radio; wardrobe; utility table; all kinds of dish es; scatter mats; clock (antique) : pic- tures: curtains; cushions; step -ladder; extension ladder; garden tools; well buck et; trouble light, and other articles too numerous to mention. MRS. ANNE RICHARDSON, Proprietress: Bert Nor- ton, Clerk ; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4585-2 WANTED—Jack rabbits, any good price. Delivered or will Phone F. T. FOWLER, 141-W, LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead stock, $3.00 for dead horses and cows ; higher prices for old, sick and disabled horses and cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, col- lect. 4585-13 WANTED First Mortgage for 3.4,000.00 on 147 -acre farm with buildings, in Hibbert Town- ship Sale Willing to pay fair interest and yearly principal payments. Apply Mc- CONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. ' FOR SALE -20 chunks. Apply to 4586-2 JACK RIVERS, Seaforth. 4586x1 HATCHING EGGS WANTED On some breeds eggs taken every week • GASTON--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaston, Toronto, (nee Ruth Brook), are happy to announce the birth of their daugh- ter. Jayne Ruth, at St. Michael's Hos- pital. Toronto, November 3, 1955. A granddaughter for Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Brook, of Bluevale- ECKERT--At Scott Memorial Hospita). on December 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert, R.R. 1, Seaforth. a daughter. TRAVAGLIONE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital. on December 3, to Mr. and Mrs. John Travaglione, Seaforth, a daughter. SALLOWS—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on December 6, to Mr. and Mrs. James Sallows, R.R. 8, Seaforth, a son. Diesels, so railwaymen say, are the most efficient form of railway motive power yet developed. They out -perform all others a y a con- vincing margin. FOR SALE—Nice young sow. A. R- DODDS. Phone 833 r 14, Seaforth. 4586.1 CALF FOR SALE.—Apply GORDON REYNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaforth. 4586-1 in the year, Good premium paid. Many of our flockowners are making right now SEE the New Iron Horse a premium of 35c per dozen over the price at CROWN HARDWARE. as paid in their local grading station. demonstration. Send for full details. Snow Blower Ask for free 4586-1 FOR SALE—Duncan TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES Egmondville. white skates, size 2. LIMITED FERGUS, ONTARIO, Phone 405 4586-4 Help Wanted WANTED—Companion housekeeper to take full charge of house and look after elderly lady. Protestant Christian home in Egmondville; modern facilities. Ap- ply Box 463, HURON EXPOSITOR 4585-tf WOMAN, ambitious. well groomed, to train as Beauty Counsellor : excellent Christmas and year around, earnings and advancement. Write Box 498, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. or call Crediton 59 r 2, 9 to 12 a.m. 4586-3 Motor Cars For Sale Fyfe table; girl's CLAIR HANEY 4586-1 FOR SALE—Girl's 3 -piece snow suit, in like new condition ; fits size 4 to 6, Apply to MRS. ELMER CAMERON. Phone 652 r 2. Seaforth. 4586-1 FOR SALE --Christmas and New Year's broad-breaster Bronze Turkeys. Order i early. Apply to E. J. ROBERTS. Phone Hensall 670 r 3. 4586-2 FOR SALE ---Pure bred Boston Bull Pup- pies, three months old A perfect Christ- mas gift. BADEN POWELL. Seaforth, 4555x1 FOR SALE — Clean, bright fuel oil. Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1: and Government -tested coal. screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4585-tf VARIETY GIFTS—Art supplies. pet supplies, budgies, canaries. ERIC MIL- NER FLOWERS. Open evenings, Wed- nesday afternoon. Phone Seaforth 393. 4585-tf FOR SALE- '47 Plymouth Sedan, with CAMDEN (R.C.A.) RECORDS -78. 45 good tires. Priced to sell. PHONE 844 and 33 1/3 r.p.m.: popular Western. Sym - r 4, Seaforth. 4586x1 phonies, Operas, show tunes. On sale at OKE BILLIARDS, Main Corner, Seaforth, FOR BALE, ---1952 green Chevrolet Coach 4585-tf in good condition ; directional signals: low mileage. PHONE 183 or 395, Seaforth. SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, $10.00 4;85.2 per load, approximately 2 cords; mixed wood, $8.00 per load, approximately two cords. Prompt delivery. FRED .1. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4582x12 Notices WHY SHOVEL. SNOW' You can rent FLOWERS—Mitchell Nursery has now a snow blower at CROWN HARDWARE. in stock for Christmas. flowers, potted Phone 797. 4586-1 mums, cyclamens, azaleas. poinsettias: also cut flowers in all colors. Phone NOTICE- Meeting of merchants for the WALLACE ROSS, evenings. Seaforth purpose of forming a Retail Merchants' 135-J. Phone Mitchell. days. 37.' P4586-1 Association, Town Hall, Seaforth. 8:00 p.m., Friday, Dec. 9, 1953. 1586-1 RADIO REPAIRS ---For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. opposite Dick House. Seaforth. Phone 847-R ti 4585-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only $2 per foot on contrast basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33. Sea - forth. 4585-tf COMPLETE LA)TNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 4585-tf WEDDING INVITATIONS In All the Newest Styles RECEPTION CARDS CAKE BOXES PAPER NAPKINS MATCHES, COASTERS The Huron Expositor In Memoriam HIJLSSER- In loving memory of a dear PAPERHANGING, PAINTING Ibrush mother and father who pried away 9 or spray) : exterior or interior decor- years ago this month. sting. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG DALTON, Railway St. 4585-tf ATTENTION. FARMERS! -- Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED, ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4586-tf CAR BUYERS Before you buy your new or used car see us about our Financing Service, Available Dealer or Private Sales. W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 late model Low Cost for either Seaforth WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Bede Artificial Insemination seryl ei for all breeds of cattle, For service or informa- tion, phos CLINTON $4"tr Coiled, be. !men 1:30 Titre' t0f00 amt. On 'weak day sail 1:00 alid: 9:86 amt. on Satalitym. Mixt,:tii8�1>i Memories are treasures no one ran steal, Death is a heartache no one ran heal; Deep in our hearts a memory is kept. Of a mother and father w•e will never forget. Ever remembered by daughter Mary, and grandchildren, Anne and Marlin. 4586-1 AST—In loving memory of Sharon Joy Aat, who passed away December 8, 1940. We wonder why she had to leave us, She was like a flower in bloom, So young, so fair, so loving, Yet called away ao soon. God needed one more flower For His garden in Heaven so bright; He picked the sweetest bud In the silence of the night. —Ever remembered by Mother, Dad. Gary, Terry and Cheryl. 458x1 Deaths CAIRNS—In Seaforth, on Sunday. Dec. 4, John Dargavel Cairns, beloved hus- band of Jean Murdoch, in his 78rd year. CLUFF—In Seaforth, on Thursday, Dee. 1, Catherine A. Scott, widow of the late John J Chiff. Ms/ADAMS-4n Mitchell, on Monday. Dec. 6, Thomas James McAdoma, In his 80th year, LOST 2 SETS OF SPURS from a P.U.C. Truck. REWARD Finder please contact: Manager of P.U.C. R. B. HOLMES Kippen W.I. Plans Christmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of Kip - pen East Women's Institute will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 14, at 2 o'clock. Hostess is Mrs. Ivan Forsyth; co -hostess, Mrs. Robert Gemmell. Roll call will be, Some- thing good about the lady on your left. Motto will be, Religion and Life," taken by Mrs. J. McLellan. A Christmas story will be given by Mrs. William Bell, and current events will be given by Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre. A collection will be tak- en for the Children's Shelter, God- erich. and an exchange of gifts not to exceed fifty cents. Mrs. John Henderson will give a report on the area convention. The tree committee will be com- posed of Santa Claus, Mrs. Glenn Slavin. Mrs. Russell Brock and Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse; Christmas treats, Mrs. Morley Cooper and Mrs. William Caldwell: sandwiches and cookies, Mrs. Harry Cald- well, Mrs. Russell Brock, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. William Mc- Lean, Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs. J. Lostell and Mrs. Ross Chapman. Ice cream, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mrs. Verne Alderdice, Mrs. John Sinclair. Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. J. McNaughton. Mrs. A. McMur- trie and Mrs. W. Kyle.' Carmel Ladies' Aid Devotional Features Pageant Carmel Church Ladies' Aid, of Hensall, met in the basement of the church Monday evening for their December meeting. Mrs. John Soldan's group was in charge. The devotional took the form of a pageant, "Good Tidings of Great Joy To All People." the following taking the various parts: Mrs. Earl Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Troy- er, Mrs. Robert Madge, Mrs. Percy Campbell, Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau, and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mrs. John Love gave an article written by Padre Young, Guelph. The group repeated the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. L. Baynham chair- ed the meeting for the business. A financial statement by the treas- urer, Mrs. W. R, Bell. showed a sum of $809.90 had been raised by the group for the year. Proceeds. from the bazaar amounted to $338.00. Bills brought before the meeting were ordered paid. A donation of $25 was allotted to the choir. Mrs. Clarence Reid was elected to take Group I to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Mrs. Archie Hoggarth. Mrs. Clarence Reid, assistant secretary, was nominated to look after the cards for the sick, etc. The meetings during the winter months will be held on Monday afternoons. The retiring president thanked the group for their support during the past year. There were twenty- six present. Luncheon was served by the group in charge.. KIPPEN NEWS Mr. Robert Cooper is visiting in Caro, Michigan. with his daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wahl, of Listowel. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson and family visited recently in London. Tl In_ct�'SEAFORTH Community Centre 11=;� DECEMBER 10th dtD.. WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA - t Dancing from 9 - 11:45 :►� • The Draw for the TV Set, Toast- er and Electric Iron will be made. r b Buy another ticket and be sure to win! Sponsored by Seaforth Jr. Farmers ' DANCE & DRAW Saturday Evening Z JA' For the perfect meal Order a Delicious Oven -Ready CAPON Delivered every Saturday morning Phone 6145-J-1 William Henderson WIN YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY TO -NIGHT THURSDAY. DEC. 8th ST. COLUMBAN Parish Hall 15 GAMES FOR TURKEYS 3 SPECIALS FOR CASH Door Prize — LARGE TURKEY Admission $1.00 Games starts at 9 p.m. • NOTICE ... The Seaforth Legion Saturday Morning Hockey will start Saturday, December 17th ANY BOY, 15 YEARS AND UNDER, WISHING TO PLAY, PLEASE BE AT COMMUNITY CENTRE AT 8:00 A.M., SHARP. Anyone playing does so at own risk. J. EISLER, Jr., Sports Officer Branch 156 CALL US for REPAIRS Let our ex- perts take care of all your electrical re- pairs. QUICK SERVICE — LOW RATES DENNIS ELECTRIC Phone 467 Seaforth OF THE WEEK HENSALL NEWSOF THE WEEK Mr. Grant and ,Miss Ruth Mc- Lean, of London, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Lean, over the weekend, Bible Society Officers The following officers were ap- pointed for the Bible Society in Hensall: president, W. 0. Good- win; oodwin; treasurer, H. W. Horton; sec- retary, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren. A meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Goodwin on Friday even- ing, Dec. 9, to arrange for can- vassers to canvass the village and colnymunity. Mrs. Mina McQueen returned to Toronto after visiting with her nephew, Stewart McQueen, and other relatives in and around Hensall. Miss Donna Rigby and friends, of Blenheim, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traquair and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Miss Marion Pepper was suc- cessful in passing her grade 4 in piano at London recently. Marion is a pupil of Mrs. Frank Forrest, of Hensall_ The ladies of St. Paul's Anglican Church are to be congratulated up- on the wonderful success of their bazaar and sample tea, held in the basement of the church last Saturday, and which was well patronized_ Bags of samples of useful products were given free with each tea. Mrs. L. Sangster is a patient in Clinton Hospital and is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKenzie attended the funeral of the for- mer's uncle, the late John Cairns, of Brucefield, held from the Whit- ney Funeral Home, Seaforth, on Tuesday afternoon. Glenn McKenzie, who has been confined to the home with illness for the past week, is improving. George Hess and party, who re- cently returned from deer hunting at Silver Water, Manitoulin Island, were successful in bringing home eight deer. Mrs. Donald McKinnon is a pat- ient at Clinton Hospital, having un- dergone an operation. The many friends of Harry Smith will be sorry to learn he is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Bob and Ann, visited on Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. George T. Mickle, of Ridge - town, who recently celebrated her 92nd birthday. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm was the lucky winner of $5.00 of merchan- dise in a draw at Brown's Hard- ware last Saturday night. Mr. and 'Mrs. Leslands and Ren- nie have taken up residence at the RCAF. Station, Clinton, Mr. Casey Hudson, of Goderich, visited with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Hudson, on Sunday. Mrs. Hudson makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Mr. Harry Smith is a patient St. Joseph's Hospital, London, the interests of his health. Mr. Ross Faber. who is attend- ing the Agricultural College in Ridgetown• spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rochus Faber. Miss Velma Hepburn, of London, was a weekend guest of her friend, Miss Merle Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cornish and family, of Goderich, visited Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke, of Wroxeter, visited Sunday with Mrs. Burke's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mel - lis. Mrs. Brownlee, of Oregon, is vis- iting her brother, Mr. William Ivi- son. Mr. Bob Love, of the University of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Love. Don't forget to come to the Christmas concert at School Sec- tion No. 14. Stanley Township, on December 16th. Mrs. Joe Ducharme, of Dashwood visited Monday with her mother, Mrs. Amelia McClymont. Quite a number from the sur- rounding district attended the an- nual meeting and turkey banquet held in the Community Centre in Zurich on Tuesday evening. Hear Talk On High School The Y.P.U. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church met on Monday evening at the home of Miss Marilyn An- derson with 21 members present. Rev. N. McLeod was in charge of the meeting in the absence of Mr. Hank Benindyk. The meeting op- ened by singing the hymn. "For the Beauty of the Earth." The scripture was read responsively. Rev. Mr. McLeod gave a short story on the Parables. The next meeting. which is to be the Christmas meeting. will be held at the home of Mr. Wayne McBride. The topic. "Why Go To High School" was taken by Rev. Mr. McLeod. after which the young people broke into groups for a very interesting discussion period on the topic. Miss Marie Jarrott conducted games. Mr. Keith Love extended thanks to the hostess, and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. JOHN MORRISSEY was re- turned as Reeve of Stephen Township on Monday. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, Bonnie and Betty, Mrs. Stewart Baird and Mr. Robert Cooper, of Kippen, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, Caro, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mustard, of Toronto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Blue - vale; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mooney, Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and family. Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott. Mrs. James Paterson, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson over the weekend. Mr. John. Rathwell and friend visited over the weekend with Mr. Rathwell's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell. Mrs. John R. Murdoch is visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rumble, Toron- to. liam Clement, Ethel Styre, Mrs. Hugill, Zurich; Mrs. J. • Plante, Jamestown (2); Mrs. AR Reiehert, Mrs. Bedard, Zurich; Mrs. C, Wein, Exeter; Reg Elliott, Verne Red- den, St. Catharines; Mrs. Bert- Wren, ergWren, Mrs. T. Brintnell, Bill Web- ster, Mrs. William Brintnell, Mr. Swartzentruber, Mrs. W. Doupe, consolation. in in Bingo Winners As the jackpot of $95 was not won at the Legion bingo last Sat- urday night, it will be worth $100 in 60 calls next Saturday, Dec. 10. Winners were: Mrs. Marks, Lis- towel; Mrs. Wes Venner, Mrs. Wil - CHRISTMAS TURKEYS We have avail- able high quality broad - breasted Bronze Turkeys for Christmas and New Year's. Place your or- der early. We Deliver. CAMPBELL EYRE Phone 670 r 13 ,: Hensall FOR SALE Kinsmen Christmas Trees Good Quality. Wm. Clement TEXACO STATION — Highway 4 All proceeds for Kinsmen Service Work. Sponsored by Hensall Kinsmen Will Hold Another Nomination A second nomination for one councillor will be held here Fri- day, riday, December 9. The other three members of the council who quali- fied ualified at the first nomination are Lorne Luker, Harry Hoy and Nor- man Jones. The reason crime doesn't pay is that when it does, it is called something more respectable. STORES in Henseil will remain open'all day Wednesday until Christmas and also --Evenings of December 22, 23 and 24 Hensall Chamber of Commerce GIRL WANTED Apply to The Canadian Bank of Commerce Seaforth, Ont. FOR LEASE Brand New Modern White Rose Gasoline Service Station In Town of Clinton, on No. 4 Highway An excellent opportunity for the right party. OCCUPANCY AROUND FIRST OF THE NEW YEAR Apply to SAM McDONALD Box 329 — CLINTON ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW ! The Huron Expositor — Phone 41. '1 /7-71 -1/ FINISH--, • '- TOP QUALITY FINISH—, -- IS WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU'VE FINISHED-, • .-FEEDING BEEF FOR MARKET-, '-AND FOR SMOOTH DESIRABLE FINISH AT TRULY ECONOMICAL COST THE FEED 'iS • Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONT. PHONE 205 -I- i SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market — for — USED CARS 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN fully equipped 1955 CHLV. DE LUXE SEDAN - fully equipped 1954 FORD CUSTOM LINE FORDOR with radio 1954 CHEV. BEL AIR POWER GLIDE fully equipped 2-1954 CHEUt DE LUXE SEDANS fully equipped 3-1954 CHEV. SEDANS fully equipped 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEV. SEDAN 1951 CHEV. POWER -GLIDE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. COACH De Luxe 2150 2150 1495 1795 1650 1495 1295 TRUCKS 1095 1952 1 -TON CHEV_ 795 950 1954 CHEV. PICK-UP 1095 900 1947 CHEV. 9/4 -TON PICK-UP 225 795 1942 CHEV. 1/2 -TON PICK-UP 125 1949 CHEV. COACH 695 1948 PONTIAC SEDAN 495' 1948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 495 1947 CHEV. FLEETLINE �. fully equipped G 95 1946 PONTIAC COACH 395 2-1950 CHEV. COACHES A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars—Many Other Models to Choose From BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS — ONTARIO PHONE 73-X—"The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING • F-: TTN r. Fr, 'g..^ ,Y ,• ! '3C r..