HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-12-09, Page 11Mc, ° t'r,' r>' r i':r 1": r :rr:., r..; c ,rr-.�r;,�r r er r r- r.? WIN . A FREE TURKEY AT BRANCH 156 CANADIAN LEGION ANNUAL Turkey Bingo COMMUNITY CENTRE SEAFORTH MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 15 12 LUSCIOUS CHRISTMAS GAMES TURKEYS, Ready for the Oven — THREE SPECIALS — 34 -Pound Turkey $25.00 $50.00 Admission $1.00 - Special and Extra Cards — 25c, or 5 for $1.00 PLAY COMMENCES AT 9 P.M. ',fit rr iH.,I;e ere, ;w ,-. ,°,.. -.a..,,,.•.°. ;r ;r r ;r+- i .4+• i u+- .w• r w r x+' r .w}i ::1, . , EXPOSITOR WANT ADS BRING RESULTS — Phone 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O W. J. CLEARY o 0 Seaforth, Ont. 0 0 O LICENSED EMBALMER O O 0 and FUNERAL DIRECTOR O 0 Night or Day Calls — 335 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O BOX yuntrat berbtce 0 R. S. BOX O 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Prompt and careful attention 0 O Hospital Bed O 0 FLOWERS FOR ALL 0 O OCCASIONS 0 O Phones: O 0 Res. 595-W Store 43 0 O O 00000000000 0000000000 O J. A. BURKE Funeral Director O and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Home O Goderich St. W., Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital beds O for rent. 0 FLOWERS FOR EVERY O OCCASION O Telephone: Day or Night 1.19 O O O 0 O O O O O O O O Residence 45 O O O 00000000000 Kippen Gun 'Chitib Has Sunday Shoot Kippen Gun Club turkey shoot was very successful in spite of rough, windy weather which kept scores low. The shoot was held over the weekend. High gun for the day was Lorne Smith, St. Thomas, 85-100; runner- up. John Anderson, Hensall, 84-100. Other scores were: Class A, 16 yards, Charles Parkinson, London, 44-50; Class B, John Jackson, Fin- gal, 42-50; Class C, Bill Vail, St. Thomas. 40-50. Handicap scores—Lorne Smith, St. Thomas, 45-50; John Anderson, Hensall. 44-50. Top winners of turkeys—Lorne Smith, St. Thomas, 3; John An- derson, Hensall, 3; Norman Har- burn, Cromarty. 2; Bill Vail, St. Thomas, 2; Gordon Johnston, Chat- ham, 2; Charles Parkinson, Lon- don, 2; Kal Kemp, St. Thomas, 2. USBORNE & IHBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE — EXETER, Ont. President Martin Feeney, R.R 2, Dublin; Vice -President, E. Clay- ton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Elill. DIRECTORS—Harry Coates, R. R. 1, Centralia; William A. Ham- ilton, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde. R.R. 3, Mitchell. AGENTS—Thos. R.R. 1 Woodham; Mitchell; Stanley chell. SOLICITOR—W. Exeter. SECRETARY -TREASURER — Arthur Fraser, Exeter. G. Ballantyne, Clayton Harris, Hocking, Mit, G. Cochrane You cantqo ALL-OUT-- If you feel ALL -IM These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys gel out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 3a LETTER .° �NRICATIIROAD ITET IN LIONS POOL cAMPAIGN SUCCESS Donations to the Idiw s Pool ethos: 'paign fund continue to come into Treasurer J. E. Keating, and in many cases remittances are ac- companied by comments. Among the letters received are the following: "Just a small donations at the present time. This notice got 'bur- ied' and just was discovered"— NETTIE SPROAT SHOCKOR. "I' am glad to$ be among the first to donate $5.00 to the Lions swimming pool." — J. W. HAW- THORNE, Victoria, B.C. "Please find enclosed $10 as a donation towards the new pool campaign. I had the pleasure of attending the Old Boys' Reunion and Centennial celebration and en- joyed meeting so many friends. I agree with you that it was quite warm and am sorry the profits were not as large as expected. We hope this small donation will be of assistance towards your swim- ming pool, which I agree is quite necessary. With kindest personal regards." — CHARLES A. HAM- METT, 175 Stuart St., Sarnia, Ont. "Am enclosing $2.00 for the new pool campaign—every little helps. We attended the Seaforth OId Boys' Reunion Monday afternoon and en- joyed the program and parade. Living on a farm as I do means little time off in the summer, so couldn't take any other day.. Would liked to have seen the new Public School and the High School as I attended both Public and High School in Seaforth. Wishing you the greatest success with your campaign." — MRS. REA NEIL, Lucan. Ont. • "Enclosed you will find a small donation for the Lions swimming pool. My husband, family and I LOGSDON'S H & N "NICK CHICKS" Don't Gamble Your Future—Eliminate Chance H & N "Nick Chick" Leghorns have won every three year av- erage PROFIT Award offered by New York and California Random Sample Tests. Invest now in Logsdon's H & N "Nick Chick" Leghorns which are identical in quality with H & N Leghorns in the Ran- dom Sample Tests. Contact us for complete infor- mation, prices and open dates. LOGSDON BREEDER HATCHERY Phone 320 Millersburg, Ohio The one drink your Holiday Guests will welcome ...Coca-Cola You're sure to have gue'sl:;. They're sure to want Coke. Better have plenty... almost everyone apreciates the best! SERV Get Extra Coke For The Holidays 6 bottle carton 36' be1.Gy Wald lana 04, depe.t' r. ye, &.M "Coke" is a registered trade mark Authorized bottler of Coco -Cola under contract with Coto -Cola ltd ESBECQ LIMITED 658 Erie St., STRATFORD, ONT. — Phone 78 hrati e n inethe summer andmeweel* en- joyed everything—but the heat! Best of luck in your campaign, and we hope to see you all before an- other ten years have elapsed"— MARGARET (Drover) ELLIS„ R. R. 2, Bedford, N.S. "Here is $5.00 to help the swim- ming pool campaign_" — MARY SMITH GRIFFIN, 500 Park Ave., Albany, N.Y. "Enclosed is a small donation towards your new pool campaign. I was sorry to miss the celebra- tion of the Old Boys this summer, but I am happy to contribute to this worthy cause."—CHARLES B. FERGUSON, 78 Wembley Drive, Sudbury, Ont. "I am enclosing herewith cheque for $5.00 as.,a contribution to your Park and Recreation project. I am sorry that I missed the Centennial Reunion, but had to go West at the time and only got back to To- ronto on the last day of the cele- bration. I should not admit this, but I have only been in Seaforth twice since the First Great War, but I will try to do better in the future. With best regards."—C. H. E. STEWART, 121 Dunvegan Rd., Toronto 7. "Just a wee drop for the new pool. I hope the cheques are roll- ing in,"—ARCHIE C. DICKSON, 75 Fairlawn Ave., Toronto. $ $e "I enclose herewith my cheque in the amount of $15.00 as a mod- est contribution to your new Lions swimming pool. With this contri- bution goes my very best wishes for your success in this endeavor." C. B. STEWART, 12 New Burling- ton St.. London, W.I. "Enclosed is$a small contribu- tion to help towards the new swim- ming pool. I had many happy times at the swimming pool when. I lived in Seaforth and am only too glad to help out."—MRS. K. JEN- NER (Busty Holmes), 122 Morn- ingside Ave., Toronto 3. $ "Enclosed please find a cheque for $26.00, which is the net pro- ceeds of the euchre Edelweiss Lodge held in aid of the new swim- ming pool. Wishing the Club ev- ery success in its wonderful en- terprise. — JEAN SCOTT, Rec.- Secretary, Seaforth. District Obituaries JOHN TAPP HENSALL.—Public funeral ser- vices for the late John Tapp, a former well-known Hensall resi- dent, who passed away in the Thamer Nursing Home, Seaforth, on Friday. December 2, in his 81st year, were held from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, on Mon- day. conducted by Rev. C. D. Dan- iels. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Surviving are one son, Dr. Jas. S. Tapp. of Decator. Alabama, and two granddaughters. Mrs. Tapp, the former Mary Smillie; passed away a number of years ago. DENNIS DENOMME ZURICH—Dennis E. Denomme, 46, well-known Zurich barber for 15 years, died suddenly at his home Monday from a heart at- tack. His early life was spent in Hay Township. Surviving besides his wife, the former Olivia Masse, of Zurich, are his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denomme. Hay Township; two daughters. Martha and Cecilia; seven brothers. Augustus, Lucan; Adrian. Zurich: Andrew and Har- ry. Windsor: Alfred, Loftus and Matthew. Hay. and three sisters, Mrs. W. Ducharme, Jr.. Mrs. Geo. Grenier and Mrs. Louis Ayotte, all of Hay. Resting at the Westlake Funeral Home. Zurich. until 3 p.m.. Tues- day, then at the family residence until Wednesday morning, Re- quiem High Mass was sung at 10 a.m. in St. Boniface Church by Father M. D Monaghan. Inter- ment was made in the parish cem- etery. JOHN FRANKLIN PEART HENSALL—Residents of Hen- sall and community were shocked on Saturday to learn of the sud- den passing of a life-long resident and well-known and familiar fig- ure in the person of John Frank- lin (Frank) Peart. who died sud- denly in South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter, where he was taken by ambulance on Thursday night. He suffered a heart condition. having been stricken while at work on , Wednesday. and from which he failed to rally. He was in his 70th year. For some fifty years he had been employed in the coal business and during that period had four em- ployers. namely. the late Dave Cantelon. W. R. Davidson, now of Port Colborne. Lorne Hay and for the past four years with Lorne Eller. Unmarried. he was born in Hen- sall. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pearl Surviving are a brother. William Peart, Iron Moun- tain. Michigan. and one nephew. David P. McHarg. London. Public funeral services were held from the Bonthron Funeral Home on Monday with Rev. C. D. Daniel in charge. Burial was in Staffa cemetery. Christmas records tell us of the biggest "punchbowl" ever seen. It was staged in an orange grove at Alicante at a party given by the Admiral commanding our Med- iterranean fleet. and the "punch- bowl" was actually an artificial lake A toy rowed around the lake filling the glasses for the six thousand guests. The ingredients for this massive howl of punch were: 4 hogsheads of brandy; 1 barrel of Malagawine; 20 gallons of lime juice; 8 hogsheads of wa- ter; 2,500 lemons; nearly three- quarters of a ton of sugar, and 5 pounds of nutmegs! pe AT 11/OMEN'S INSTITUT Mrs. Alwin Moir, who recently spent two months visiting the Bru- tish rutish Isles and the Continent, gave highlights of her trip when she addressed members of Hurondale Women's Institute at their meet- ing. Of special interest to mem- bers was Mrs. Moir's attendance at their sister Institute at Hellli- field, and at the Cambridgeshire County Federation of Women's In- stitutes in England. Cecil Porter, of the teaching staff of South Huron District High School, who also toured the con- tinent last' summer, showed color- ed slides of interesting places he visited. Mrs. Sam Hendrick commented on the motto, "Politeness is like an air cushion; there may not be anything in it, but it eases the jolts." Roll 'call was answered by a comment on the educational system. Mrs. Roylance Westcott was program convener, and Mrs. William Sillery directed commun- ity singing. At the business session, presid- ed over by President Mrs. Harry Strang, donations of $10 each were voted to the War Memorial Chil- dren's Hospital and Westminster Hospital, London. Mrs. Arthur Rundle reported on the county rally held at Grand Bend. Mrs. William Sims report- ed on a recent meeting of the can- cer society and it was decided to torte, r„ assist:in at Percy Passmore was 1 wiled re- presentative to:. South Hu on Hos- pital Auxiliary.. A successful rug -making project' was sponsored in Caven Presby- terian resbyterian Church °Sunday schoolroom, Exeter, by Hurondale W.I., with Miss Florence Wright, of the De- partment of Agriculture, conduct- ing classes during November, Mrs, A. W. Morgan, Mrs. Archie Ether- ington and Mrs. Garnet Hicks were in charge of the project. If your guests asked you for a bowl of Punch, would you know how to -make this Christmas drink which was so popular in the "good old days"? The name "Punch" is said to be derived from the Hindustani word "Five" and may have been given to the drink be- cause of its five staple ingredi- ents—$spirit, lemon, water, sugar and spice. The original recipe was brought to this country from In- dia by British seamen, in the 17th century. KW SONNY • CANNOT'BASNE! L A•. BETTER '! 511151Eititir'i Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime ENTRY BLANK Seaforth Chamber of Commerce "CHRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST" THREE CASH PRIZES—$15,00, $10.00, $5.00 NAME+ Location of residence to be judged: Street, or Lot and Concession Mail to: CHRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST Box 157, Seaforth — or — Leave at The Huron Expositor Office —Entries must be received riotlater than December, 1955. —Judges' decision will be final. is *Star at'; as Buchanan — Mount Fer ., More Spots and Stales Garments stay clean long. wear longer. Phone 669 r 2 - ANDY CAW MON. and THURS. MQ BUILT Via THE WEA You'll find Firestone Town & Country Iran your greatest winter driving ald. Deep, soli cleaning tread pulls you, sure and darn, through snow, slush or mud. On bare paw ment they roll smoothly and noiselessly... a perfect ell -weather tire. -TOWN & COUNTRY TIRES Avaslable'i VTOBE or TUBELESS VWHITE SIDEWALLS or .ALL -BLACK FIRESTONE TIRES Sold in Seaforth By M. E. CLARKE .n rr f,;rl, r,...,►r.',rT'' f:'.tt r%,r,. Tr r. :r�.r„ SURE STEPS TO1101111AV GAIETY; ... How does she do it? She's always so fresh and neat looking... IT'S OUR EXPERT DRY Leaning and our You'll be proud of the way he looks — and he'll be proud of you for taking such good care of him. So, send your family wash to us this week, and every week, for our expert laundry service. Get your share of compli- ments too! .Let us keep your wardrobe smart and neat looking. Our scien- tific process takes out all the dirt. Makes clothes last longer too! BRADY CLEANERS and LAUNDETERIA LIMITED EXETER, ONT. SEAFORTH AGENT: ERIC MILNER PHONE 393 1. j,. 1.. t': Jet's Y,rt' ✓" , w' w+, i ,� i yr t - r t ,r �!+• t pm) ;e4, k'•' r Pall ,�+1r yylr +e+.1'� Arab ,.41:,ttdi Otrit .r,” t At. :,:•au'rP1GV.(kk�i2h`.flx'U.4+ ti'a ^tt}eart.FAt. 'U.h13e ' <:�d:�•AbFw {�yrh i:k :a •w/Y ucm tmf Falii�n�;tdi F$lt�k' �d������Y