HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-12-02, Page 4MrtIV ',ice• THE HURON 'EX,FOSIB„, SEAFORTH, ONT., DEC. 2, 1955 �t eta; r3 Classified ,Ids Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week t¢, Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Oaxds- of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Nu., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events RECEPTION for Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Masten (nee Jean Siemonl, at Seaforth Community Centre on Friday night, De- cember 2nd. Everyone welcome. 4585x1 THE PLACE for Dancing on Friday sight is at the Crystal Palace, MitchelL This Friday night, December 2. a hard - time dance. Cider. Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks in attendance. 4583-7 SAMPLE TEA and Bazaar in the base- ment of StPanl'a Church. Hensall, Satur- day, December 3, at 3:30 p.m. Bag of samples of useful products will be given free with each tea. Tea tickets 50c. may be purchased in advance. 4584-2 $95.00 JACKPOT BINGO—Full house in 59 calls wins the jackpot; $5.00 added every Saturday night until someone wins jackpot; also 14 games of "Share -the - Wealth." No admission ; 10c a game. Legion Hall. Hensall, Saturday, December 3rd, 9 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 4585-1 Help Wanted For Rent FOR RENT—One-room apartment. OR- VILLE OKE, Seaforth. 4585-tf LOST—Manchester Terrier pup in Sea - forth, about November 23. Reward. PHONE 1934. 4585-1 FOR RENT—A comfortable room for rent, with or without board. Box 496, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4585x1 FOR RENT—Five-room furnished cot- tage. oil heating, modern. Possession De- cember ccember lot. PHONE 126-W. 4585x1 FOR RENT — Self-contained heated apartment, three rooms, bath, kitchen. Box 489, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4585-nc FOR RENT — Four -room unfurnished apartment, heated. Apply on Saturdays only, JOHN MICHELS, Goderich Street West. Seaforth. 4585x1 Property For Sale FOR SALE --On Goderich St. East, in Seaforth, a two-storey. eight -room frame HELP WANTED — Girl wanted for house: on lot about 140x110 feet All house work. Apply D. DAYMAN. Phone newly decorated and insulated. Phone 679 r 24, Hensall. 4585x1 194-W. or address JOHN WALSH. Gode- rich St. East, Seaforth. 4584x2 WANTED --Good reliable secretary with typing and shorthand. Apply in writing to W. G. THOMPSON & SON LTD., Hen- sall. 4584-2 WANTED—Companion housekeeper to take full charge of house and look after elderly lady. Protestant Christian home in Egmondville; modern facilities. Ap- ply Box 463, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4585-tf WANTED . - Man fur steady travel among customers in Huron County. Permanent c nnection with large manu- facturer. Only reliable hustler con,idered. Write RAWLEIGH'S. Dept. 1..363-131, Montreal, P.Q. -1585-1 Salesmen Wanted FULL TIME FOR THIS DISTRICT To enroll applicants in top Canadian Motor Club. The men we want must have direct selling experience and be determined t.0 work hard for the most profitable and satisfying job they have known. Must have a car. Personal in- terviews given to applicants with com- plete resumes only. Please include phone number. BOX 495 HURON EXPOSITOR 4585-1 Notices NOTICE --Lemon's truck now goes to Stratford daily, except Sunday. at 10 a.m. Phone 676 or 675 before 9:30 for service - ,Parcels Parcels up to 75 pounds carried either way. 4585x1 LETTERS UNLIMITED—A correspond- dence club for people interested in receiv- ing friendly letters. 50 cents yearly. Write. JUNE BIRTLEY, 36 Aldwych Avenue. Toronto 6. 4584x2 RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R, 4585-tf GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 42 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33. Sea - forth. 4585-tf COMPLETE LA)'NDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 303, ERIC MILNER FLOWERS. Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter 4585-tf PAPERHANGING. PAINTING (brush or spray): exterior ' or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG DALTON, Railway St. 4585-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! -- Prompt, Courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4585-tf FINANCING A CAR? Before you buy ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage. Seaforth • W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or informa- tion, phone CLINTON 242. collect, be- tween 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. 4585-tf CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' List Township of McKillop Notice is hereby given that I have com- plied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lista Act and that I have posted up at my office at Lot 27, Concession 2, McKillop. on the 22nd day of November, 1955, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections, and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to k ve any errora or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 6th day of December, 1955. DATED this 22nd day of Noveratet, 1956. J. M. EcirERT, Clerk of McKillop Towneblp. 4584-2'a Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mni!ed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 81 00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Auction Sales Cf.E ARI NG AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Farm Implements. Hay and Grain, on the premises, Lnt 23. South Boundary, Stanley Township, second farm west of Blake, 2 miles east of Drysdale, Highway No. 21, or 8 miles west of Kip - pen. The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions to sell by public auction on Friday. December 2nd, 1955. commencing at 1 :00 o'clodk p.m., sharp: LIVESTOCK - Durham cow carrying second calf, due in April: Durham cow, milking, with calf at foot, fresh two weeks; Durham cow carrying fifth calf, due before sale date; part Hereford and Durham cow, carrying third calf, due latter part of December; part Hereford and Durham cow, milking, with calf at foot, fresh two weeks: Dur- ham farrow cow : Durham cow with calf at foot, milking, fresh three weeks: Dur- ham cow. milking. with calf at foot: Dur- ham cow. milking. with calf at foot : 2 Durham heifers with calves at foot, fresh one month : pa'rt Hereford and Durham cow, milking_. with calf at foot ; 14 Here- ford and Durham baby beefs, averaging from 650 to 750 pounds each. ready for market. This is an extra good herd of cattle IMPLEMENTS and MISCELLAN- EOUS ITEMS -- Massey -Harris manure spreader in new condition : Letz No. 220X grinder, like new: 70 feet endless rubber belt. like new ; electric cattle clipper. HAY and GRAIN -400 bushls of Cartier seed oats ; :300 bushels of mixed grain ; 150 hales of mixed hay: 6 tons loose hay: I al] choice quality): 5 loads of bean straw; quantity of cob corn. No reserve. Everything will be sold. Terms --Cash. LOUIS DENOMME, Proprietor: Ross Love, Clerk: Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer. 41;87;-1 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Registered Shorthorns. Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items. on the premises Lot 19, Concession 7, Parr Line, Hay Township. 2'S, miles east of Zurich, or 333 miles west of Hensall and 14 mile south. The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions to sell by public auction on Tuesday. December 6th. 1055, commencing at 12:30 o'clock p.m.. sharp: REAL ESTATE Consisting of Lot 19. Conces- sion 7, Hay Township, 100 acres of choice clay Ion on which is situated a well built 8 -room frame dwelling, with all modern conveniences. consisting of new kitchen with built-in cupboards: large living room and den : has full basement and new furnace: pressure system through- out; targe drive shed and garage: large Karn and straw shed. All buildings in good state of repair. Farm well drained with ample water supply. Inspection in- vited before day of sale. Terms of Real Estate -10'; on day of sale: balance in 30 days. Offered for sale subject to a reasonable reserved bid. REGISTERED SHORTHORNS — Crimson Lady, born 1917. with calf at foot: Flora Ann, born 1917. bred June 22 : Anchovy Clarion, Morn 1910. bred February 22, due before sale date: Strawberry Blossom 49th. born 1917. with calf at foot ; Clarion Flora, born 1046. bred April 8 ; Strawberry Rlosanm 7f0th, bred February 28. due before sale date: Anchovy Clarion 2nd. born 1919, with calf at foot: Laving Rose- bud, born 1948, bred June 20; Helen Lavina, born 1952, with calf at foot: Parrecho Flora. born 1952, calf at foot: Lavina Rosebud. born 1948. bred June 20: Helen Lavina, horn 1952. with calf at foot: Parrecho Flora. born 1952, with calf at font: Parrecho Calrosste Jilt, born 1052, with calf at font., re -bred August I5; Parrecho Rosebud, born 1952, with rat( at font. re -bred July 14; Marigold Ann. born 1952. with calf at font. re- ined .lune 27: Strawberry Blossom 52, born 1952. with calf at foot; Parrecho Anchovy. horn 1952. bred April 15. All cows and heifers carrying the services of Aherfeldy Orchid. a very outstanding sire; 9 yearling heifers: 10 steers rising 2 years old. This is an extra fine herr) of rattle: ton quality and blood lines. TRACTOR and FARM 1MP1.F.MENTS- 1950 Ford tractor fully equipped in A-1 condition. extra equipment including two - furrow plow. cultivator, manure loader, dirt bur ket, sera per, etc. : M. -H. hinder. 7 -font cut: Corkahutt 13 -run hoe fertilizer drill ; 30 -plate tractor disc : 2 sets of 8 - section harrows : 3 -section Lever harrows; McDeering power takeoff mower, 7 -foot cut, like new: Cockahutt drop -head hay loader, like new: horst drawn Corkahutt spreader on rubber: rubber tire wagon 16 -foot hay rack : Me.D. side rake: culti- packer : bean puller ; oat roller; set of sleighs; root waiver; 2.000 -ib. capacity scalea ; aluminum wheelbarrow: dump rake: quantity of tile; quantity of posts. steel and cedar : 2 sections of roofing. 10x10; circular saw: colony house: pig crate; shelters: brooder stove: Vega cream separator: 2 -wheel trailer; stone - boat; logging chains, forka, ahovels, bar- rels, and many articles too numerona to mention. HAY and GRAIN --300 bushels Abergweit seed Hats : 200 bushels mixed grain ; 50 bales alfalfa hay; 10 tong loose mixed hay ; quantity of ensilage ; quan- tity of alfalfa and timothy seed. HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS—White enamel sink ; cupboard: tables; chairs: chesterfield suite; small wardrobe, etc, etc. Due to large Sale. selling will start sharp on tittle. No reserve. Terms—Cash. MRS. ROSS DICK, Proprletreea ; Ross Love; Clerk; Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer. 4585-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Household Effecta, Wednesday. De- cember 7th, Main Street, Hensall, at 1:30 P.M., Katie Scott Estate: 1 table piano; bedroom suite, three-quarter bed, dresser and mirror ; bedside tables; library tables ' floor lamps; table lamps; leather Anne chair; leather rocker; odd chairs; hall seat and mirror; kitchen table and chairs; rugs; coffee table; sewing machine; dish- es: footstool and other articles. BERT HORTON, Clerk; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4585-1 EXECUTORS' AUCTION SALE - Auction Sale of 96 -acre Farm, Lot 5, Concession 17, Grey Township, 1 mile east of Walton Church, will be held Friday, December 2nd, at 2:30 p.m-: 11/2 storey brick house, modern bath; bank barna with Bement stabling, water pressure sys- tem, litter carrier, excellent water supply ; good clay loam; land all seeded at pres- ent. Terme-10% down, balance 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE MRS. HUGH RAMSAY ; Harrold Jackson. Auctioneer: Robert Hetherington, Solicitor; George Williamson, Fred Small - don, Executors. 4583-3 AUCTION SALE Household Effects, Saturday, December 10th. Hensall, at 1 o'clock, premisea of Mrs. Annie Richardson: Kelvinator re- frigerator: Coleman oil heater; 2 -burner electric stove; cook stove: studio couch; 2 single beds (iron), springs and mat- tresses; 2 dressers and stands: love sent: buffet; kitchenette set (complete); rock- ers. odd chairs. end tables: complete toilet acts ; arm chair ; cupboard; radio ; wardrobe: utility table: all kinds of dish- es; scatter mats; clock (antique) : pic- tures ; curtains ; cushions ; step -ladder : extension ladder; garden tools; well buck- et : trouble light, and other articles too numerous to mention. MRS. ANNE RICHARDSON, Proprietress : Bert Hor- ton, Clerk ; Ed. Corbett. Auctioneer. 4585-2 In Memoriam McDONALD—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather. Jack Mc- Donald, who passed away Not ember 30. 1954. How we miss the welcome footsteps Of the one we love so dear, Oft we listen for his coming, Fully sure that he is near. If we could speak with hint to -day. Laugh with him in the same old way : Hear his voice and see him smile, '('hen life indeed would be worthwhile. -- Always remembered and sadly missed by Clara and Roy. Flo, Colin and Mabel and grandchildren. 4585-1 Wanted HANDYMAN will do any type of job, full or part time. Apply to Box 492, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4584-2 WANTED—Jack rabbits, any quantity; good price. Delivered or will pick up. Phone F. T. FOWLER, 141-W, Mitchell. 958536 WANTED --Good used 1 -gallon or 2 -gal- lon ice cream freezer; good used phono- graph: good used player piano. PHONE 652 r 13, Seaforth_ 4584x2 WANTED---Hensall or Exeter district, small self-contained apartment. or room and board for elderly woman. Apply Box 494, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4584-2 LIVESTOCK WANTED—Dead stock, 83.00 for dead horses and cows; higher prices for old, sick and disabled horses and cows. PHONE ATWOOD 153, col- lect. 9585-13 HATCHING EGGS WANTED On some breeds eggs taken every week in the year. Good premium paid. Many 11 our flockownera are making right now a premium of 35c per dozen over the price as paid in their local grading station. ;end for full details. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED FERGUS, ONTARIO. Phone 405 4581-4 For Sale FOR SALE—Piano, in good condition: complete with bench. Apply to T. A. DUTTON, Brucefield. Telephone Clinton 634 r 4. 4585-1 FOR SALE—Navy blue form -fitted win- ter coat, in good condition For particu- lars PHONE 675, Seaforth 4585-1 FOR SALE—Clean, bright fuel oil. Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1: and Government -tested coal, screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART, 4585-tf FOR SALE -2 cloth rugs: pedestal : ex- tension table and 6 dining room chairs: 4 kitchen chairs: window glass ; 2 small tables and a well pump. Apply CLAR- ENCE REEVES, Seaforth. 458531 VARIETY GIFTS—Art supplies, pet supplies, budgies, canaries. ERIC MIL- NER FLOWERS. Open evenings. Wed- nesday afternoon. Phone Seaforth 393. 4585-tf CAMDEN (R_C.A_) RECORDS -78, 45 and 33 1/3 r_p-m. ; popular Western, Sym- phonies, Operas, show tunes. On sale at OKE BILLIARDS, Main Corner, Seaforth, 4585-tf FOR SALE — Kelvinator refrigerator and an upright piano, both in good con- dition. Priced reasonable. Apply to MRS. M. BROWN. Phone 191-M. 4585-1 SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood, 410.00 per load, approximately 2 cords; mixed wood, 48.00 per load, approximately two cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4582x12 FLOWERS—Mitchell Nursery has now in stock for Christmas. flowers. potted moms, cyclaarrgqens, azaleas, poinsettias. Phone WALLACE ROSS, evenings, Sea - forth 1354. Phone Mitchell, days: 37. 4580-1 FOR SALE—Boy's Junior two -wheel bicycle, in good condition, new paint job; a Briggs -Stratton 1'h to 2 H.P. gasotne motor, in good condition : a 5 -tube mantel radio. long and short wave, in good working order. PHONE 1874 between 7 and 8 o'clock. 4584x2 WEDDING INVITATIONS Iii All the Newest Styles RECEPTION CARDS CAKE BOXES PAPER NAPKINS MATCHES, COASTERS The Huron Expositor Lost and Found LOST—A Hereford steerstrayed from Lot 30. Concession 4, McKillop Township. PHONE 844 r 11. 4585x1 LOST—Two Hereford heifers strayed from Lot 22, Concession 5. McKillop Town- ship. Phone JOHN HENDERSON, 839 r 4, Seaforth. 4585-1 LOST—Monday evening, in Seaforth, near Shell Service Station, a small purse containing sum of money and papers. PHONE 364. 4585x1 LOST Male black and tan fox hotrod, near Kippen. Anyone found harboring this dog will be prosecuted. MURRAY DALTON. Phone 849 r 22, Seaforth. 4585x1 Motor Cars For Sale CAR FOR SALE—'51 Ford Custom Coach, in good condition. GERD KULICK. Phone 187-R, Seaforth. 4588x3 FOR SALE -1952 green Chevrolet Coach in - good condition ; directional signals; low mileage. PHONE 185 or 396. Seaforth. 4585-2 Births ALDWINOKLE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Nov. 26, to Mr. and Mrs- Deen Aldwinckle, Varna. a son. STAPLES—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Staples, St. Columban, a daughter. VAN DRUNEN—!n Stratford General Hospital, on Nov. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Drunen. of McKillop, the gift of a son, Fransis Henry Gerarda- brother for Trudy. Deaths CARNOCHAN-- In Hullett. on Friday. November 25, Francis Carnochan, in his 79th year. RIC'HARDSON•-At the Toronto Western Hospital. on Monday, Nov. 28. Jean Spark. bele, ed wife of Cpl Maurice Richardsun. and dear mother of Maureen and Rosemary, in her 29th year. Resting at the Lloyd & Steckley Funeral Home, Barrie. Ont., for ser - ice on Thursday. Dec. 1. at 2 p.m. Interment in Barrie Union Cemetery. Teacher: "Students. make a list of the 11 most important Ameri- cans. Now read your list, Jim- my." Jimmy: "I'm not quite finish- ed yet. teacher—can't decide on the fullback." A woman came rushing up to the zoo keeper. The monkeys are gambling at cards." she said in- dignantly. "You'd better hurry and break up the game." "There's nothing wrong with that," soothed the keeper. "They are only playing for peanuts?' CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and sons, David and Jimmy. and Mrs, James Medd spent Wednesday in Grand Valley. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Carnochan in the passing of her husband. the late William Carnochan. Services on Monday at the Whitney funeral home were conducted by Rev. D. Glenn Camp- bell. Seaforth. and Rev. T. J. White, Londesboro. Mr. Harvey Taylor. Lawrence and Marilyn were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds. London. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Verne Dale returned home with them. Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Clarke spent Saturday in London. BRIJCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Knox, of Sarnia, spent a few days at he home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wil- son. Mr. Robert Mustard. of the Roy- al Bank. Clinton. has been trans- ferred to the Royal Bank, Chat- ham. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe, Byron, spent the weekend with Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Friends of Mr. John Cairns are sorry to know be is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mr. Ken Scott and Alex Thom- son spent Monday of last week in Toronto. Mrs. David Tough spent the weekend at her home. returning to Delhi to spend the winter with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John McMurtrie, Hensall. visited with Miss Mary Gibson on Sunday. The ladies of Brucefield and Var- na district held a lovely shower for Miss Leona Anderson, whose wedding takes place Saturday, in the schoolroom of the church on Monday night. JOHN DURNIN Reeve of West Wawanosh 315,: Name Winners At Institute Euchre The Women's Institute held a successful euchre and dance Fri- day evening, when winners were: ladies, first, Mrs. James Keys; lone hands, Mrs. W. Pepper; con- solation, Mrs. R. J. Doig; men, first, Ross Broadfoot; lone hands, Gordon Elliott; luck- lunch prize, Mrs. Lorne Carter. Lunch was served and dancing was enjoyed to Norris' orchestra. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NOTES Women's Institute members will please note that the invitation to Zurich Women's Institute on Dec. 6, has been changed to Dec. 13. For this reason. Seaforth had to decline the invitation, as this is the night of the local meeting. COUNTY NOTES IIENSALL NEWS Sample Tea, Bazaar, St, Paul's Church, Hensalk Dec. & Buy your ticket in advance. Be sure of your bag of samples, free with your tea. —(AdvL) 4584-2 Dr. and Mrs. James W. Bell left on Monday of this week for Orlan- do, Florida, where they will vaca- tion for the winter months. General Coach Works of Hensall are treating their employees to a turkey banquet, to be held at God- erich Friday evening, Dec. 2. HensaII Kinsmen will again be selling Christmas trees this year, of good quality, and will be arriv- ing the first week in December, and can be seen at the Texaco Sta- tion, operated by Kinsmen Wm_ Clement, on No. 4 ITlghway. Mi proceeds are for Kinsmen service work. The joint meeting of the Hen- sall, Exeter and Clinton Kinsmen took the form of a banquet held at the Kozy Korner restaurant. The manager, William Smith, of General Coach Works, conducted the Kinsmen on a tour through the plant, after which they went to the home of Kinsman Jack Drysdale for the balance of the evening. Entertainment was pro- vided from London. The Hensall Kinsmen Club are going to spon- sor the Boy Scouts and Cubs of the fast HensaII Pack. Initiation will be held Thursday, Dec. 8, with the Stratford Kinsmen initiation team m charge_ Diesin Pontiac Word was received here of the Airman Honored Group Captain A. M. Cameron, A F.C.. Commanding Officer of R C.A.F. Station. Centralia. award- ed diplomas to the members of the graduating class of the Flying Training .School at Centralia on Thursday of last week. In addition to the diplomas. a Certificate of Honor was presented to the mem- ber who attained the highest stand- ing in the class, and a miniature of the J. D. Siddely Junior Pilot's Challenge Trophy to the cadet who had the highest marks in flying. Flight Cadet Glenn W. Feagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Feagan, won both awards. The newly commissioned Pilot Officer, G. W. Feagan- left the following day for Gimli, Manitoba, where he will attend Advanced Flying School. P.O. Glenn Feagan receiv- ed his civilian pilot's license at Sky Harbor Air Services over a year ago.—Goderich Signal -Star. Damage $500 in Three•Car Crash Damage totalling an estimated $500 resulted last Wednesday evening, when the cars of three "fire -fans" piled up. on their way following the Clinton fire engine, which was proceeding to the scene of a' chimney fire at Fred Arkell's farm, near Bayfield. According to Provincial Police. who investi- gated the accident. the first car was driven by Robert McGregor, R:R. 2. Kippen. who with many others were following the fire truck. He stopped behind an un- known car on a down -grade. The second car, driven by Kenneth Pickett, Clinton. came over the hill and hit the McGregor car, causing damage to its rear bump- er. and then the third car driven by Elwin Merrill. Clinton, came up, hitting the- Pickett car and driving it into the first vehicle. Damage to the front and rear of the Pickett car was estimated at $200, and to the front end of the Merrill car at $300. The mishap occurred about three miles north- east of Bayfield. Charges of care- less driving have been laid against Pickett and Merrill—Clinton News - Record. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hotham and children, of London. and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Smith and son, also of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smuck and daughters, of Kitchener. visited with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stewart were in Toronto, guests of Mr. and Mrs_ Bill Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flannery, Frank and Rose Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. William Ryan spent Sun- day in Strathroy with Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flannery. KIPPEN NEWS Mr. Bud Cooper. Toronto, spent last weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Cooper. We are pleased to report Mrs. Elston Dowson is able to be out again after her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore, spent Friday in London. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson visited friends in London on Sun- day afternoon. Miss Merle Dickert spent the weekend in London. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited on Sunday with relatives in Clifford. Mrs. Dinsdale, who has not been well, is showing signs of improve- ment in health. We are happy to report Mr. Nor- man Long returned home Sunday from St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon- don, much improved in health. Rev. and Mrs. N. McLeod spent Thursday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling have moved to their new home in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss. Mabel Whiteman. OF THE WEEK The teachers and pupils of St. Andrew's United Church Sunday School are busy preparing for their annual Christmas concert, which is being held the evening of Dec. 22_ For the perfect meal Ordet a Delicious Oven -Ready CAPON Delivered every Saturday morning Phone 645-J-1 William Henderson If TUCKERSMITH The December meeting of the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club is to be held on Dec_ 7, at the home of Mrs. Walter Pepper, The roll call will be a verse of a Christmas story. Members will exchange Christmas gifts. ARTHUR GIBSON Deputy -Reeve of Howick Cottage For Rent Furnished, with hot and cold water. Three-piece bath; linoleum and oil burner. Five minutes' drive from Clinton Radar School; three minutes' drive from Sea - forth, on new No. 8 Highway be- tween Seaforth and Clinton. Phone at once: 667 r 13, Seaforth, or 616 r 13, Clinton, or apply to JONATHAN HUGILL OF THE WEEK sudden passing of Melvin Hudson, Who died at Pontiac, Michigan, fol- lowing a 24-hour illness with a brain hemorrage. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudson, of the Parr Line in the Hensall district, Surviving are two sons and one daughter. He was a nephew of Mrs. A. Harvey, Mrs. Ann Logan, Mrs. Eva Cariie, of Hensall, and Mrs. John Consitt and Mrs. Wm. Douglas, of Bruce - field. Funeral services were held at Marlette, Mich.. on Monday. eMP evergeoweeemse FOR SALE Kinsmen Christmas Trees Good Quality. Wm. Clement TEXACO STATION — Highway 4 All proceeds for Kinsmen Service Work. Sponsored by Heusall KInsents efieteMOVOCCOM j + 1':"1 1 1 r Y� -••i CHRISTMAS DRAW for SILVER TEA SERVICE FREE COUPON WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE AT THIS STORE Draw will take place Christmas Eve SEAFORTH SUPERMARKET "ECKENSWILLER'S" PHONE 8 SEAFORTH ..._,, �...r ren_• .:,`>r.�`.' The Big Ten JUNIOR "B" O.H.A. New Hamburg vs. Seaforth Friday, December 9th 8:30 p.m. SEAFORTH ARENA - NOTICE! TOWN OF SEAFORTH PARKING To facilitate snow removal, NO PARKING on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order will be strictly enforced___in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. Notice is Hereby Given that the Municipality will not be responsible for_ any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snowremoval operations. �. ,T->' • (.,:+i ,.5, �r-.ry, mr.'.'T •T --'f t�':'r .rr ..,r i.,Si.-5 r,.'r;rxt ,�'.fl', At BOX'S you will find a selection of Chairs for every purpose — a selection that can't be beaten in Western Ontario! 5 ! Come in now — select a Practical Gift — a gift for the home. A small deposit holds any article until Chr-istmas. Box Furniture FUNERAL SERVICE. .• HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR SANDING . WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES Phone 43 Seaforth • 7t 6 1 1