The Huron Expositor, 1955-11-04, Page 4r /141bi�tG-y.tnl 4 -TRE Iff,TRON .; ,oR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NOV. 4, 1955 fa Yl a0.i ft WHERE MORE PEOPLE. DO MIDRELBUYINGAND SELLING Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 1 Cent % Cent 1,2 Cent Minimum charge. each insertion... 25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbre' istion counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. e/o The Huron Expositor, for 16 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will he charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events WATCH for further ' announcement of the McKillop Federation of Agriculture Euchre and Dance on November 23rd. 4581-1 375.00 JACKPOT BINGO—Full house in 55 calls wins the jackpot: $5.00 added every Saturday night until someone wins jackpot; also 14 games of "Share -the - Wealth." No admission ; 10c a game. Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, November 6th, 9 p.m. Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 4581-1 THE HENSALL and Community Curl- ing Club will commence curling on Tues- day. November 8th. All those wishing to join kindly contact R. H, Middleton or K. K. Christian by Saturday November 12. The membership fee is 811,00 and the stones are provided free. All skips are asked to meet at the Town Hall Friday, November 4th. at S p.m., to draw their rinks. 4581-1 Wanted WANTED TO RENT-- Suitable living ac- commodations to rent: two small children. PHONE 268, 4581 1 WANTED-- Lady would like transporta- tion from Seaforth to London on Sunday. and from London to Seaforth on Friday. PHONE 24-9-W Saturdays 4581-1 LIVESTOCK WANTED—Highest cash prices paid for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly. LE - ROY ACHESON. Atwood. Phone 153 col- lect. 4570-13 HATCHING EGGS WANTED On some breeds egcs taken every week in the year, Good premium paid. Many of our fiockuwners are making right now a premium of 35e per dozen over the price as paid in their local grading station. Send for full details. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED FERGUS. ONTARIO. Phone 405 4381-4 For Rent FOR RENT—Two apartments on John Street. Apply after 5 o'clock, M. LAY - COX. Phone 3.50. 4581-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples $1.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Property For Sale FOR SALE A number of 100 or 200 -acre farms with buildings; also 200 -acre grass farm in Hul- lett Township. For Rent—Brick residence in Seaforth, 7 rooms; furnace and bath, HAROLD JACKSON Phone 474 or 266 Office over Toronto -Dominion Bank SEAFORTH 4581-1 Poultry FOR SALE --Dressed roosters, PHONE 840 r 2, Seaforth. 4581-1 FOR SALE -150 pullets, 511, months old. Apply to BERT CHRISTENSEN, Phone 75, Seaforth. 4581-2 PULLETS FOR SALE -36 IWL X RIR) Swift's Sky -Hi layers, six months old. JAMES LAN'DSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r' 16, Seaforth. 4581x1 FOR SALE --150 Light Sussex pullets, ready to lay in two to three weeks. Phone Hensall 670 r 21, or contact RON PULL- MAN, R.R. 1, Cromarty. 4581x1 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF HAY Drainage Tenders Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned Municipal Clerk until 6:00 p.m., Thursday, November 10, 1955, for the construction of the Soldan Municipal Drain, consisting of approximately 4,315 feet of open drain. Plans and specifications may be seen Iand tender forms obtained at the offices of the undersigned, or a complete set of plans and specifications may be obtained by writing to the Engineer and enclosing a deposit of $5.00 (deposit not refund- able). A marked cheque made payable to Treasurer of' the Township of Hay FOR RENT—About 50 acres of land, l0% of the amount of the bid must company each tender. Apply Box 436, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4581-2 Lowest )accepted, FOR RENT—Three-room unfurnished apartment; also one -room apartment. ORVILLE OKE. Seaforth. 4581-tf FOR RENT ---Upstairs apartment: furn- ished or unfurnished. Apply to FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone 669 r 33. Seaforth. ' 4581-tf FOR RENT --Self-contained apartment, upstairs. four rooms and bath. Goderich Street East. BORDEN BROWN. Phone 811 r '_', Seaforth. 45131-tf ROOMS FOR KEN'.'. --Two or three furn- ished rooms, suitable for couple. or one lady. Preferably no children. Rent very reasonable. PHONE SEAFORTH 303-R. 4581x2_ the for ac - or any tender not necessarily H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk, Township of Hay, Zurich, Ont, C. P. CORBETT, P.Eng., Consulting Engineer & Surveyor, Box 75, Lucan, Ont, 4 580-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ALICE HARRIETT BLACKWELL FOR RENT -Brick residence. Adams All persons having claims against the Street. one block from Public School. Estate of Alice Harriett Blackwell, late Apply J, W. THOMPSON, R.R. 2. Sea- of the Village of .Hensall, in the County forth. Phone 33:3 r :31. of Huron. Widow, deceased, who died on 453131 the 28th day of September. 1955. are here- by notified to send in full particulars of FOR RENT--6-room house on Goderich their claims to the undersigned on or be - St. West. with new bath. built-in cup- fore the 4th day of November, 1955, after boards, oil furnace: newly decorated whish date the assets will be distributed. throughout. Possession December lot or having regard only to claims then receiv- sooner. Apply ROY LAWSON. Phone ed, 659 r 16. 158131 DATED at Seaforth this 11th .day of ---- --- --- -- October 1955. Notices RADIO REPAIRS- For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. opposite Dick House.. Seaforth. Phone 347-R, 4-,41-tf McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 45783 NOTICE to CREDITORS GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All In the Estate of ELLEN LOUISE work guaranteed. Con tat S50 r :14. Sea- , forth. 4.-,81-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice, Phone 393 ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 4'.Si-t.f PAPERHANGING. PAINTING thrush or spray): exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WAITER PRATT and DOUG DALTON. Railway St. 4581-tf ATTENTION. FARMERS! • Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect. ED, ANDREWS. `Sri r 11, Sea - forth. or 235. Ex.'ter Associated with Darling & Cu., of Canada Ltd. 4561-tf CAR BUYERS Before you buy your new or urea car see us about our Financing Service, Available Dealer or Private Sales. W. C. OKE INSURANCE Phone 458 late model Low Cost for either Seaforth WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or informa- tion, phone CLINTON 242, collect, be- tween 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a,m, on Sundays. 4581-tf. COURT OF REVISION Town of Seeforth The Court of ap4Siion for the Assess- ment •ROD of 1965 fbr'ct'he Town of Sea - forth, Will meet In the TaWit Hall. See fortfiy,,ttet;:S pint.. Mr Thursday. 1'igv81418hr e, lot SHANAHAN All persons having claims against the Estate of Ellen Louise Shanahan, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, deceased. who died on or about the 31st day of May: 1955. are hereby noti- fied to send them in to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of November. 1955. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont.. this 12th Help Wanted WANTED AT ONCE—Seaforth family of five requires woman to help in home, All modern conveniences Box 481, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4579 -no WANTED -~A girl to do light house- work and mind children while mother works. PHONE 484-11, Seaforth. 4581-1 WANTED—Companion housekeeper take full charge of house and look aft elderly lady. Protestant Christian home in Egmondville; modern facilities. Ap- ply Box 468, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4581-tf WANTED — Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron County, Perm- anent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write RAWLEIGH'S, Dept. K-363-131, Montreal, P.Q. 4581-1 Auction Sales day of October. 1955, ALVIN W. SILLERY. Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Estate. 4578-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of iDA MAY PALMER All persons having claims against the Estate of Ida May Palmer. late of the Township of McKillop. in the County of Huron. deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of August, 1355, are hereby notified to send them in to the undersign- ed on or before the 14th day of November. 1955. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 17th day of October, 1955. ALVIN W. SILLF.RY Seaforth. Ont.. Solicitor for the Estate, 45753 NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of BRIDGET M, DALTON All persons having claims against 'the Estate of Bridget M. Dalton. late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Retired School Teacher, deceased, who died oil the 23rd day of August, 1965. are here- by notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 18th day of November, 1955, after which date the meets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then re- ceived) DATED at Seaforth, this 25th day of October, 1965. lifeCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Shciciters for thd- ll geeutors. SALE OF REGISTERED SCOTCH SHORTHORNS GEORGE L. REID & SON Reidcroft Farms, 2 miles south of Varna SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5. at 1:30 p.m. Sale will be held under cover. 31Head-8 coitus with calves at foot, re - bred: 5 bred heifers; 4 open heifers; 5 bulls, serviceable age, Including herd sire, "Sunny Hill Baronet 20th". grandson of "Edellyn Roman Mercury", an Interna- tional Grand Champion; 3 steers, about 850 lbs.; 23 pigs eight weeks old, Terms Cash. Poor health has forced me to re- duce the herd. JAMES McKINLEY, Mor- peth, Auctioneer, 4580.2 46'79.8 4580-8 LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE On the premises, Lot 18, Concession 5, Uaborne Township, 21,2 miles east of Exe- ter on Thames Road. 1,4 mile south,—The undersigned auctioneer received instruc- tions to sell by public auction on Wed- nesday, November 9, commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp:. LIVESTOCK—Part Hereford and Holstein cow with calf at foot, due in January; art Hereford and Holstein cow due first week in December; pure bred Holstein cow milking with calf at foot: Ayrshire cow with calf at foot, due in January; roan heifer carrying first calf, due in February; Holstein cow car- rying second calf, milking; Jersey cow due middle of January; 2 Hereford steers averaging 800 pounds each; 2 heifers av- eraging 800 pounds each, ready for mar- ket; pure bred Hereford bull, Domino breeding; Hereford cow carrying third calf, due before sale date; 10 Hereford cows with calves at foot, averaging 550 pounds each- This is an exceptionally good herd of cattle, all in market condi- tion. No reserve as owner is giving up farming due to ill health. Terms—Cash, MRS. ALMA LOSTELL, Proprietress (in trust) : Alvin Wal -per, Auctioneer. 4581-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Farm Implements, Choice Holstein Cattle, Poultry, Hay, Grain and miscellaneous items, etc., on the premises, Lot 7, Concession 4, Stanley Township. 124 miles north of Kipper, 2 miles west, The undersigned auctioneer received instruc- tions to sell by public auction on Tues- day, November 8th• 1955, commencing at 1:00 o'clock p.m., sharp: HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS, POULTRY, ETC. High Grade Holsteins—Cow, milking, carrying third calf, bred October 3; cow carrying second calf, due December 24th; cow, milk- ing, carrying third calf, due March 25th; cow, milking, fresh since end of Septem- ber; heifer due December 14th; cow, milk- ing, fresh since August, bred October 6th; cow carrying fifth calf, due December '4th; cow, milking, due March.. 21st; cow, +liking. doe Aoril 14th • cow, 'milking,lki ng, lie March 23rd; (this is an exceptionally coal herd of cows from high producing blood lines); 4 Holstein heifer calves; Holstein bull calf ; 2 part Holstein and Hereford heifer calves. POULTRY, --145 ..hoice Rock and New Hampshire pullets, 3O,, months old; a black Collie dog- HAY and GRAIN --+Quantity of loose hay; quan- tity of mixed grain; 10 tons of cob corn. CRACTOR and FARM IMPLEMENTS— McD. Farmall tractor lifodel 'C', in new condition ; International 24urrow tractor 'low, like new; M. -H, binder, 7 -ft. cut; -leering mower. 5 -ft. cut; McD. 13 -run disc fertilizer drill, like new; Internation- al 4 -bar side delivery rake, used one sea- son; M, -H. hay loader; M. -H. spring tooth cultivator; 4 -section diamond harrows, like new; Cockshutt 2 -section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon; 16 -foot hay rack; Ren- frew electric cream separator; 8 eight - gallon milk cans; Cockshgtt root pulper; 75 feet endless rubber belt; hay fork; 150 -foot bay fork rope; shovels, forks chains, and many articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash, ROBERT FLOOD, Proprietor; Ross Love, Clerk; Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer- 4580-2 EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Motor Cars For Sale 'FOR SALE -1950 Chevrolet. de luxe Sedan, 39,000 mike: one. owner. Apply MICHAEL B. MURRAY, Lot 16, Con. 5, McKillop, Phone Dublin 64 r 19. 4581-1 For Sale FOR SALE—Used buffet, good as new - PHONE 39, Seaforth. 4581141 FOR SALE—Oven-ready ducks, MRS. GORDAN PAPPLE, Phone 839 r 18, Sea - forth. 4580-2 Of Valuable Real Estate, High Class Machinery, Livestock, Hay, Grain and miscellaneous items, on the premises. Lot 20, Concession 3, Tuckersmith Township, 4 miles north of Hensall. on No. 4 High- way, or 11% miles north of Kippen and 1% miles east. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auc- tion on Tuesday, November 15, 1955, com- mencing at 12:30 p.m. sharp: REAL ESTATE—Consists of 100 acres of choice clay loam, on which is situated a well- built brick dwelling with all modern con- veniences, consisting of new kitchen with built-in cupboards, large living room and den, Upstairs consists of three bedrooms and three-piece bath. Full basement and newly installed furnace. Also combina- tion woodshed and garage. Large "L" - shape barn. 32352 and 28,014 with new stabling throughout; chicken house 18x30; driveshed 20x32. All buildings in new x8 g state of repair; 10 acres of mixed hard- wood bush. Farm well drained. ample water supply. Convince yourself by in- specting this fine farm before day of sale. Terms of Real Estate -30% on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Note.—Terms of Real Estate can be arranged with pro- prietor before day of sale. TRACTOR and FARM MACHINERY—All implements are McCormidk-Deering and used only one season: McDeering Super W "4" trac- tor; 15-ron double disc fertilizer drill, completely equipped: 3 -furrow Ace bot- tom tractor plow on rubber; 7 -foot stiff tooth cultivator; 4 -bar aide delivery rake; 7 -foot power take -off mower; 200 T.W. tractor spreader; 3 -section lever harrows; 6 -section diamond harrows with 6 and 3 -section drawbar; heavy duty rubber tire wagon, equipped with 16 -foot hay rack and grain box; stone boat; 20 -foot ex- tension ladder; electric fencer; quantity of wood ; cedar posts various sizes; log- ging chains; bag truck : forks ; shovela and miscellaneous items. Note. ---Terms on Machinery if desired, 6 months' credit on approved joint notes. LIVESTOCK: CATTLE—Hereford cow due in Decem- ber; black cow with calf at foot, due in March; blue cow with calf at foot. due in April ; Hereford cow with calf at foot, due in March; Durham cow with calf at foot, due in February; 2 Hereford cows with calves at foot, due in February; Hereford cow with calf at foot, due in May; Durham cow with calf at foot, fresh since October 22; Durham cow with calf at foot. fresh since October 30: Durham cow due before sale date; 3 Durham rows due in December; Holstein cow carrying third calf, due time of sale; 4 Durham and Hereford calvea. This is an extra good herd of cattle, HOGS—York sow with litter of ten: York sow, bred September 11: 5 York pigs averaging 186 pounds each. RAY and GRAIN -•-450 bushels Clin- ton seed oats; 800 busltlela .6181 ed grain; 1700 hales of extra mirtiftit Mixed hay : B) bales straw. Due to large sale, selling will start sharp on time. No reserve as owner is ]hiving up farming due to ;other business interests. Termis---Gash. LOfWNE HAY, Proprietor; Garnet Hicks, (jlerk Alvin Wolper, finctioneer- 4681-2 FOR SALE—Used brickand lumber; kindling. ELMER SHADE, Egmondville, 4581-1 HARDWOOD for male. Apply to'BRUCE McLEAN, Telephone 231-3. 4581-1 FOR SALE,—Eight young pigs 9 weeks old. Apply BEN VAN DER AKKER, Well Street. 4581x1 FOR SALE -30 pigs, eight weeks old. Apply to MAC WILSON. Phone 635 r 2. Clinton, 4581x1 FOR SALE—Large size General -Electric de luxe refrigerator; A-1 condition. PHONE 596-R, . 4581-2 FOR SALE—Three-piece girl's wine coat set, size 4; new condition. PHONE 840 r 2, Seaforth. 4581-1 FOR SALE — Budgies and Canaries; Hartz Mountain F o o d, etc. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. 4581-tf FOR SALE -- Princess Beth kitchen range, cheap for quick sale. Apply to MRS. GRACE HARPOLE. Phone 131-1. Hensall. 4581-1 FOR SALE—About one acre of turnips in the field. Apply W. MONTGOMERY, KR, 4, Walton, or phone 834 r 4, Sea - forth. 4581.1 FOR SALE- -9 little pigs; ,S chunks around 100 pounds. ELWIN WILSON, Harpurhey. Phone 851 r 32, Seaforth. 4581-1 FOR SALE- A storm window, in good condition. with hangers; 32 inches wide and 5 feet 21/4 inches long. Apply to DAVINA ANDERSON. 4581-1 FOR SALE — Clean, bright fuel oil. Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1: and Government -tested coal, screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M, HART, 4581-tf FOR SALE—Sprayed apples for sale: Spies, Greenings, Delicious, Peewalkee, Baldwins and cider apples Phone Clinton 613 r 24. FRED McCLYMONT, Varna. 4580x2 CAMDEN IR.C.A.) RECORDS -78, 45 and 33 1/3 r.p.m.: popular Western, Sym- phonies, Operas, show tunes. On sale at OKE BILLIARDS, Main Corner, Seaforth. 4581-tf FOR SALE—Boy's grey nylo-gab jacket with fitted lining: boy's blue suit with two pairs trousers, size 16; also sweaters and shoes to fit same size. Apply Box 4851, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4581-1 SLABS FOR SALE—Hardwood. $10.00 per load, approximately 2 cords; 'mixed wood, $8.00 per load, approximately two Cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 862. 4582x12 FOR SALE—Boy's dark blue nylon snow suit with quilted lining. full length zipper. helmet to match,. Would fit child of, 1 to '2 years; also a pair of girl's fleece lined robber overshoes with, fur trim, ihMer closing; brown ; size 11. All in like pew condition; reasonably priced. MRS. JAS. LANDSBOROUGH, R.R. No, 3, Seaforth. Phone 665 r 16, 4579118 Cards of Thanks OLIVE and EARL PAPPLE wish to thank everybody who sent cards or treats to Jim while in Stratford Hospital. 4581x1 I WISH to thank my friends and neigh- bors, also doctors and nurses for care, cards and treats while in the hospital. 458131 DORIS WALKER I WISH to express my sincere. thanks to my friends, pupils and relatives who remembered me so kindly during my re., cent hospital visit. Special thanks to Sea - forth Clinic doctors and nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital, 4581x1 MRS. HAROLD NICHOLSON • Deaths GORDON—In Seaforth, on' Sunday. Oct. 30, Euphemia McLeod Gordon, in her 70th) year: A SMILE OR TWO A man and a woman were talk- ing about letter -writing. "Ah," said the man, "you wo- men can never write a letter with- out a postscript." "Oh, yes we can," she replied. "I'll write one to you and let you see." A few days later the man re- ceived a letter from her, and at the end was written: "P.S.—What did I tell you?" A young Naval officer was dis- cussing arrangements for his wed- ding. His mother, who was anx- ious to make a good show, ex- claimed: "Tom, don't forget when the cake is cut you must help the bride to cut it with your sword." "But," said Tom,, "I haven't a sword—only a revolver." "Well," said his north -country father, 'I can see naught else for it, lad. Thal] ha' to shoot it!" A man telephoned the police to report that thieves had been at work on his car. "They've stolen the steering wheel, the brake pedal, the accele- rator, the clutch pedal and the dashboard," he complained. A police sergeant said he would investigate. Then the telephone rang again. "Don't bother," said the same voice—this time with a hiccup. "I got into the back seat by mistake." A man was about to be tried in court for stealing an automobile. After the charge had been stated the judge turned to the prisoner and said: "You can have your choice of having your case tried by me, or by a jury of your peers." ,"What's peers?" asked the pris- 6ner. "Peers are your equals," replied the judge. "They are men of your own class --your own kind." "You can try this case by your- self," replied the prisoner. "I ain't gonna be tried by no auto thieves." 5" 1C Beginning end End of Supersonic Jets STRANGE SHAPES in jet ai _craft seen at the recent Society of British Aircraft Constructors' show which brought aviation - minded visitors from all over the world to Farnborough,England. Top: Tail of the•Handley Page Victor, giant four-engied cres- cented-winged bdmber, already reported to have flown within a fraction of the speed of sound. d acing development flights. Bot- tom: ottom: The long nose tapering down to the fuselage of Fairey Del- ta 2, super -sonic single -seat research pet. It is nicknamed the "Droop-Snoot" because its nose can be lowered to give 'a good forward• view. KIPPEN NEWS OF THE WEEK • Messrs. Herman Dayman, Emer- son Kyle, Dave Treibner, Jim Mc- Allister, Allen Tremeer, Wes Rich- ardson, Eddie McBride, Campbell Eyre and .Ed. Morton left Sunday night for McKerran in Northern Ontario for a deer hunting trip, and expect to be away a week. We are pleased to report Mrs. Dinsdale has shown signs of im- provement in her health. Mrs- Jennie Schilbe, of Exeter, and daughter, Mrs. Ferguson, of Hensall, visited Sunday with Mrs. McClymont. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider, Judy and Paul, of Stratford, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Schneid- er's father, Mr. Robert Thomson. We,.i. , . sorry;,;te report Mrs. Els- , ton Dowson is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital, S,eafarth. Her neighbors and friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mabel Kilpatrick, of North Battleford, Sask., Subs) has been visiting during the past year with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie, Sr-, and her daughter in Montreal, return- ed to her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert visited Sunday afternoon in Lis- towel with the former's_ mother, Mrs. Dickert, Sr. Anniversary Services The anniversary services . • at St. Andrew's United Church'' Sunday were well attended both morning and evening, The; ,guest speaker, Rev. Arthur Watson, BA., BD., of Blyth, gave an inspiring message HENSALL at both services. During the morn - Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family 'Sundaywith Dr. and Mvisited on rs. Gerald Collyein Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and Mary spent the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, of Harrington. Mr...Ron Mock, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned home. . Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna, of Blenheim, and Ruth Anne Traquair, of Hensall. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell.' _ Mr. William Kerr, of Malton, spent the weekend with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McArthur in Ingersoll. Children Baptized Laymen's service was observed in the United Church Sunday morn- ing. Special speaker was Howard Campbell, of Auburn. Rev. C. D. Daniel, minister of the church, led the service and conducted the bap- tismal service. The following chil- dren hildren were baptized: :Jeffery James Reaburn, son of Mr. Mrs. Robert Reaburn;,i ., Jo."' ICS Nakes, Donalld:f:lames:;alkes..alhd: Brenda Joyce} Noahest?�-.ciiiirlrf±ti•�o Mr. and Mrs. Leonard NDakes. Regular services wilt be, held next Sunday with Rev. C. D. Daniel oc- cupying his own pulpit. Judge: "You are charged with slugging a professor. How do you plead?" Defendant: "Guilty, your honor, but when he called me a thermo- cymophile, how was I to know if meant a lover of hot dosg? " Q ookS WE AGENTS fO B' Counter Check Books and Printed Gummed Tape MADE 13'5 Crp:py(ya. PAPER P9tcutT5 Styles for every business, Ter. ..,s colors and designs. SP ,'ores, suggestions and vitt mut obligation. THE HURON EXPOSITOR EAFORTIT z. ing service the soloist, Mrs. Geo. Hess, of Hensall, chose as her solos, "Open Mine Eyes" and "Have Thine Own Way, Lord." At the evening service Mrs. Rus- sell Broderick sang, "I Shall Not Pass Again This Way" and "God Understands." The Choir, under the direction of Ness Jean Ivison, rendered special nsnsie at both services. Rev. Norman McLeod, B.A., B.D., took charge of the evening service at .Blyth United Chnrch. �iltn��s3, iS WINCHELSEA NEWS OF,ivEEK Mrs. Newton Clarke is spends Miss Mari l ickey visited. opt - some, time with Mr. and Mrs. Bev, the weekend with Mrs. Harry Fo 4 , Morgan and sons, near-Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Glanville vis- ited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walters. Mr. C. Vance and Mr. Fred Wal- ters were up to their cottage at Chesley Lake for a couple of days the past week. Mrs. Howard Dayman and fam- ily, of Kippen, visited on Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hay and babe were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten and daughters moved on Saturday to their home. in Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and Randy, of Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfl7lan- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock and Lynda, of London, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs: Fred Kay Walters and daughters. Miss Wilma Walters and Miss Kay Horne spent the weekend at their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner, near Seb- ringville. an ' Gordon. • On "Tuesday last a ;sun 'tor ladies. nmtgred, to Thames. >yd'c and were gents' of the W MS: WA. .All repoo+t.ani• ilnspillang meet- ing -,and social hoar together. Miiss,Kay Hay° was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Prance anj'family. Mr. and Mrs:"Alvin Cottle were. Sunday visitors wit$ idr, and ulna_ Tom "Campbell and Wien. Cottage For Rent Furnished, with bot and add water. Three-piece bath; linoleum and oil burner. Five minutes' drive from Clinton Radar School; three minutes' drive from Sea - forth, on new No_ S Highway be- tween Seaforth and Clinton. Phone at once: 667 r 13, Seafortb, or 616 r 13, Clint,oner apply is JONATHAN HUGILI, STOP AND SAVE! TIP-TOP TOMATOES -28 oz. TIP-TOP TOMATO JUICE -48 oz.. TIP-TOP PORK & BEANS -20 oz - - HOLLY CREAM CREAM CORN -20 oz. HOLLY KERNEL CORN -14 oz. . HOLLY FANCY PEAS -20 oz. TIP-TOP WAX BEANS -20 oz. TIP-TOP PEACHES 20 oz. 2for 39c` nor 49c .. 2 for 33c 2 for 33c 2.for 33c 2 for 39c 2 for 35c 2 for 49x3', First -Grade BOLOGNA, in the piece .... 25c lb. HEAD CHEESE --3-1b. Tin 89c. CLAIM RANEY General Merchant PHONE 72 EGMONDVILLE - '52 FORD CUSTOMLINE '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '32 OLDSMOBILE-16,000 miles, new tires $150.00 '50 DODGE 1/2 -TON TRUCK '55 G.M.C. PANEL TRUCK DEMONSTRATOR '55 Buick 4 -Door Hardtop Anson Gilbert Motors Pontiac - Buick G.M.C. Trucks Phone 461 : Seaforth GIVE YOUR FAMILY THE GIFT THEY ALL -WILL ENJOY GIVE IT NOW! WIDE SELECTION FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE TVFamous Name Models �►— Westinghouse Admiral E lectrohome CONTAINING ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Come in now. Let us show you how little it costs to own a modern TV. EASY TERMS — AS LITTLE AS $10 DOWN BOX 'FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE • HOUSE FURNISHINGS • FLOOR COVERINGS Floor Sanding Westinghouse Appliances PHONE 43 S•VrA#'O TH 1t. 6 • I t t M f I t t1