HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-10-21, Page 5ykldirsti=c,
'blue coal'
Cbauspton Stove end Fora.c! Ofl
Phone 573 or 30-R
46 -ROOM BRICK on Goderich St.
4 -ROOM FRAMEonLouisa St.
• r .5 -ROOM FRAME ON Welsh St.
• • -6 ROOMS in Egmondviile.
The aheve homes are all in good
state of repair, and can be bought
with low down. payment.
in Tuckersmith
Good buildings. Priced to sell.
Phone 458
The Seaforth Golden Bears, who
played like bears against the Gode-
rich rugby team, failed to live up
to their name, when they met the
strong team from Wingham. The
Wingham players made our play-
ers look like "the lambs who came
home dragging their tails behind
Last Wednesday in the after-
noon of a day which threatened
CO-OP Permanent Type
You can pay more, but you cant buy better!
2.95 Gallon
When in Need of PLOW SHARES
Be sure and contact us. We now have a good stock on hand.
'55 Pontiac Coach
'55 Pontiac Hardtop
'49 Plymouth Sedan
'47 Chev, Sedan
$2,375.00 $2,075.00
3,000.00 2,650.00
950.00 800.00
650.00 550.00
'50 Dodge 1,', -Ton Truck ... 775.00
• Oil Changed LOW, L O W
• Lubricator
• Washed PRICE
• Vitri Glazed
• Complete Seal Polish $13.00
Get Your Anti -Freeze and Snow Tires NOW !
Open till 9:30 p.m. for your Convenience
Anson Gilbert Motors
Pontiac - Buick
G.M.C. Trucks
Phone 461 : Seaforth
TyTyTJ,TyTyTyTyT"Ty Ti, TyTyTj, Td
At this time of the year, commercial egg pro--
ducers are interested in feeding the best laying
ration obtainable, and here is proof that
Will Give You Those Results
Among the many TOPNOTCH Feeders is Art
McNaughton, R.R. No. 4, Seaforth, who is feed-
ing 1650 Leghorn pullets on TOPNOTCH 20%
LAYING CRUMBLES and scratch grain, and
here are his September records:
(Birds 6 months old September 10, 1955)
1st week of September, 67.5% production
2nd week of September, 75.0%
3rd week of September, 78.4%
4th week of September, 78.1%
Topnotch 20% Laying Crumbles
$80.00 per Ton
rain during the who e game, our
rugby team was completely mow-
ed under by a 42-0 score, courtesy
of Wingham. Seaforth just didn't
have the zip and tuck that she
should have, and when three play-
ers watch a ball kicked into their
midst and not even so much as
pick it up, yet allowing a player
of the opposing side to help them-
selves, something is wrong some-
where, and from previous years it
isn't the coach.
However, the old phrase that
everyone is entitled to some bad
luck, comes to the surface. This
statement thus ensures us that our
team only hit a slump, and when
they meet Clinton Wednesday, Oc-
tober 19—Wow!
The second dance of our school
year was held in the gym with a
sellout crowd. The dance was a
Sadie Hawkins' affair—jeans and
sock dance with a free lunch shell-
ed out. Now, whether or not the
record-breaking crowd of last Fri-
day night is anther proof that
women have more gumption than
men, let us not let this worry us.
However, the fact that there were
no restrictions on outsiders, and
that other schools were invited,
certainly added to the increase in
attendance. It. was one of the bet-
ter dances held in the school for
a few years, and it's to be hoped
that dances in the future will be
as much enjoyment to everyone.
$ $
Another dance is scheduled for
next Thursday night, October 27.
This dance is a masquerade dance,
with prizes to be given to the best
dressed couple and person, plus
many other prizes and games. For
lunch, a new twist will be taken,
with the lunch consisting of cider
and cookies. Music will be furn-
ished by the Austin Carter trio.
The subscription campaign is
finally finished and the results are
not as bad as they were expected
to be, but yet they were far be-
low what they should have been.
The total amount of subscriptions
sold was $822.70, with Marjory
Boyd of X -AB the top salesgirl,
selling $53.75, and Ruth Teall, one
of the winners of last year, a run-
ner-up selling $43.00, and Kathy
Boshart selling $45.75.
The average amounts sold by
students in each class is as fol-
XIII, $2.39; XII -CD, $3.63; XII -
AB, $2.08; XI -CD, 47c; XI -AB,
$3.00; X -CD, $2.00; X -AB, $4.46;
IX -C, $1.27; IX -B, $2.18; IX -A,
By the above averages, the peo-
ple who sold a subscription in X -
AB are the individuals who are
entitled to a free ticket to the lo-
cal theatre and their top salesgirl,
Marjory Boyd, becomes the win-
ner of a new radio. Also to the
students who sold more than $10
worth of subscriptions there will
be a 10 per cent interest on the
total to be given to them.
The Girls' Athletic Association
elected their officers, which are as
follows: president, Sheila McFad-
den; vice-president, Ruth Sills;
secretary, Beryl McFarlane; treas-
urer, Elizabeth McGavin.
The boys of the school have still
to elect their officers, although
nominations for the position are
$ $
Question of the week: Well,
Pete, who's the lucky girl for this
coming dance?
Wife: "And what's more, the
next time you're late you can stay
out all night!"
Husband: "Thank you, dear! I
wondered if you'd mind."
My company aims to insure
only careful drivers. As a re-
sult, claims costs are lower
and the savings are passed
along to policyholders in the
form of lower cost insurance.
Find out today if you can
qualify for State Farm Insur-
ance as a careful driver. Just
phone me.
It pays to know your
elat STATE FARM Agent
Phone 849 r 4 - Seaforth
Phone 233 - - Seaforth
Phone 108 - - Seaforth
District W
' ih++MP — HEREiNa%�EN'
DUBLIN. The first Dutch wed-
ding in this community took place
Saturday, October 15, at 10 o'clock
in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin,
when - Miss Theodora Cathernia
Berendsen, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Berendsen, of Kirkton,
and Mr. Peter John Klomp, of
Sarnia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Klomp, of Nuenen, Holland, were
united in marriage. Rev. Dr. J.
B. Ffoulkes, D.C.L., performed the
ceremony and sang the Solemn
Nuptial Mass. He was assisted by
Rev. J. McCowell, of St. Columban,
and Rev. J. Graham, of Clinton.
Autumn flowers and lighted tapers
adorned the altars. Mrs. William
Lane presided at the organ, and
was assisted by the school choir.
At the signing of the register Miss
Trudy and Wilhemene Berendsen,
sisters of the bride-;- sang in the
Dutch language a hymn, "The
Blessed Mother Mary."
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a floor -length strap-
less gown of nylon net and lace
over satin, a hooped crinoline held
out the full skirt with a matching
bolero with long lily point sleeves.
Her fingertip veil of nylon net was
held in place by a crown of pearls
and rhinestones, and she carried a
bouquet of red roses and white car-
The bridesmaids were her two
sisters, Misses Joanne and Anne
Berendsen, styled identically in
ballerina length strapless gowns of
coral pink and hyacinth blue silk
crystalette with matching bolero,
nylon gloves and bandeaus trim-
med with rhinestones and pearls.
They carried bouquets of blue and
pink carnations.
The flower -girl was Miss Ricky
Verhoven, of Camalachie, cousin
of the groom, dressed in white sat-
in and lace, and carried a basket
if white carnations and baby chrys-
anthemums, and wore a crown of
white and pink carnations in her
The groom was attended by Mr.
Anthony Berendsen, brother of
the bride, and Mr. Cornelius Ver-
hoven, cousin of the groom, of
Kerwood, Ont_ The ushers were
Mr. Arnold Siroen, of Poplar Hill,
and Mr. Peter De Browver, Blen-
The wedding dinner was served
at the home of the brine's parents
to about 60 guests. The bride's
mother received the guests wear-
ing a gown of black crepe with
black velvet trim, black and white
accessories and corsage of red
roses. The bride's table was cen-
tred by a three-tier wedding cake
and baskets of autumn flowers.
For a honeymoon trip to North-
ern Ontario, the •bride donned a
beige suit with amcode green and
brown accessories and corsage of
red roses. On their return they
will reside on Confederation St.,
Sarnia. Guests were present from
Blenheim, London, Strathroy, Pop-
lar Hill and Ailsa Craig.
Hensall Groups
Hold Joint Meeting
On Monday evening a delightful
social time was held in Hensall
United Church Sunday School
rooms, when the Evening Auxiliary
entertained the Women's Mission-
ary Society. The hostesses for the
event were Mrs. R. Drysdale and
Mrs. Raye Paterson_ The attrac-
tive decorations consisted of pot-
ted plants, streamers and Hal-
lowe'en motifs.
Mrs. S. Rannie, president, open-
ed the meeting with prayer and
hymn, "0 Jesus, I Have Promis-
ed." Welcome was then extended
to the guests by the president. Mrs.
D. Kyle ably presented the devo-
tion entitled, "The Parable of the
Rich Man." Mrs. R. Cook read
scripture passage and prayer was
offered by Mrs. Kyle. Mrs. W.
Fuss contributed a pleasing solo,
"The Lord's 'Prayer," accompan-
ied by Mrs. J. C. Goddard, after
which "Nearer My God To Thee"
was sung. The minutes were read,
followed by roll call.
The Misses Mary Ann Van Horne,
Mary Ann Rannie, Gwen Spence
and Dianne Rannie favored with
a selection, "In the Garden," ac-
companied by Mrs. Goddard. The
secretary, Mrs. J. Taylor, read
thank -you note from Mr. and Mrs.
F. Bear.
The following invitations were
received and accepted: The Eve-
ning Auxiliary is invited to James
St. Evening Auxiliary, Exeter, on
November 7 (evening); The Eve-
ning Auxiliary is invited to the
Kipper W.M.S. birthday party on
November 9, 2:30 p.m. The mem-
bers favor holding a supper in the
church for the purpose of purchas-
ing tables. Committee appointed
are: Mrs. McKelvie, Mrs. Chip -
chase, Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. L.
Chapman. The visiting committee
rc.p.:rt was given by Mrs. D. Kyle.
Mrs. L. Mickle gave a beautiful
piano solo.
Mrs. C. D. Daniel, in a pleasing
manner, introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. Fletcher, of Exeter.
Mrs. Fletcher gave a most vivid
description of her trip to Mexico.
The speaker enlarged on the scen-
ery, the climate, the people, the
food and the churches. Tasco, a
mining town, was described. The
main auditorium of the Palace of
Fine Arts in Mexico City was also
described. Many unique experienc-
es were related by the speaker.
The crops are sugar cane. They
work under great handicap. The
leather handwork is beautifully
done. In closing, the speaker said:
"We should be a little more toler-
ant of our new citizens here." Sev-
eral articles purchased in Mexico
were displayed by Mrs. Fletcher.
Mrs. Don Joynt expressed thanks
to the speaker. (
A humorous reading was given
by Mrs. Rowe. Mrs. Rannie voic-
ed thanks to all responsible for this
affair, after which the hymn, "Now
the Day is Over," followed.
Delicious refreshments were en-
joyed by the large crowd, the ar-
rangements being in the hands of
the lunch committee. Mrs. Scane
was on the program committee.
During the social hour Mrs. Arm-
strong, on behalf of the W.M.S.,
moved a hearty vote of thanks to
the Auxiliary for their hospitality.
s1Et1.a,c'r. e# °
iw,,: t x a • t'i'ts
1,11 111
Choose front- 0
" Marvella " Yelt�urs
exciting new 1►T�tbby
Tweeds, warm Caslt-:
mere Fleeces and
vertips, in p wide
range of fitted or full-
back styles. •
Featured Fall colors
include powder -blue,
wn, rust, wine, red,
charcoal grey, flint
greybroand navy.
All are fully lined
and interlined for ex-
tra warmth.
SEEN AFTER THEIR RECENT Wedding in Runnymede Pres-
byterian Church, Toronto, are Dr. and Mrs. John Robert Mac-
Kenzie. The bride, formerly Priscilla Violet Sutherland, is the
daughter of the late Rev. and Mrs. Angus Sutherland. Te bride-
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. MacKenzie, Toronto,
formerly of Seaforth. After a honeymoon in New York and Ber-
muda, the couple will reside in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacRae and
family spent the weekend at Sar-
Miss Karen Dill had the misfor-
tune to fall while playing and
break her arm.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds,
Detroit, visited with Mrs. Joseph
Mrs. Peter Dill, Marlene - and
Larry, of Detroit, visited with Miss
Monica Byrne.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dingeman,
District Obituaries
ST. COLUMBAN.—Requiem High
Mass was sung in St. Columban
Church Thursday morning for
Owen Hart, whose death occurred
in Scott Memorial Hospital on Mon-
day, October 10. Rev. J. McCaw -
ell officiated, with Rev. Dr.
Ffoulkes, Dublin, present in the
Pallbearers were John McIver.
Joseph Kale, Albert Cronin, Joseph
Roach, Louis Rowland and Joseph
Nolan. Burial was in St. Colum
hair cemetery.
Friends and relatives from Galt.
London, Kitchener, Seaforth, Strat-
ford and Dublin attended the fun-
STAFFA—Percy J. Parsons, 67,
who died suddenly from a heart
attack at his home, concession 9,
Hibbert Township, had farmed
there for 43 years. His wife, the
former Alma Russell, died in 1947.
His early life was spent in
Fullarton Township, and he was a
member of Roy's United Church.
Surviving are three sons, Rus-
sell, Staffa; Keith, Hibbert; Gor-
don, at home; two brothers, Wes-
ley, Hibbert; Fred, Sarnia; and
three sisters, Mrs. Albert Smale,
Hibbert; Mrs. Wilbert Elliott, Mit-
chell, and Mrs. Percy S. Kirten,
After resting at the family resi-
dence funeral services were con-
ducted Monday at 2:30 p.m. by
the Rev. A. H. Daynard. Inter-
ment was made in Roy's Ceme-
BRUSSELS.—James H. (Harry)
Hooper, 84, former well-known
merchant of Belgrave and Wing -
ham, died Sunday in Clinton.
Born in Belgrave district, he
farmed there !or some time prior
to operating a store in Belgrave
for 30 years. He later operated a
store at Wingham. Since the death
of his wife, the former Frances
Stonehouse, seven years ago, he
had lived in Brussels.
Surviving are two sons, Lyle, of
Belgrave; Russell, Exeter; two
daughters, Mrs. D. A. Rann and
Mrs. Robert Johnston, both of
Resting at the residence of his
son-in-law, D. A. Rann, Brussels,
services were conducted Tuesday
at 2 p.m. by the Rev. Andrew
Lane, Brussels United Church.
Burial was in Brussels cemetery.
STAFFA. — Mrs. Janet Lavery,
eldest resident of Staffa, died on
Monday, October 17, . in Victoria
Hospital, London, where she was
admitted as a patient two weeks
ago, suffering from a fractured
hip in a fall at her home.
In her 91st year, she was born
in the Staffa area, one of a family
of six. She was the former Janet
Patrick. Following her marriage
to her late husband, Robert Lav-
ery, they farmed for many years
in the Staffa district, later retired
to take up residence in Staffa in
1936. Mr. Lavery died in 1945.
Mrs. Lavery was a member of
Staffa United Church, Women's
Missionary Society and active in
the church in former years. She
enjoyed good health up until her
Surviving are one son, Milton,
of Hensall; one daughter, Mrs.
William (Pearl) Riley, Staffa; one
brother, William Patrick, Wyom-
After resting at her late resi-
dence in Staffa until Wednesday,
public funeral services were held
at Staffa United Church at 3 p.m.
Rev. J. A. Daynard and Rev. J.
McMillan conducted the service.
Burial was in Staffa cemetery.
Bonthron funeral home, Hensall,
was in charge of arrangements.
Detroit, visited with Mrs. David
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and
daughter, Joanne, of Merritton,
and Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, of
London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White, of
Sebringville, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Bruxer.
Mr. Jack Molyneaux, of Thorold,
visited with Mrs. Loretta Moly-
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Monaghan,
Kitchener, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy.
Mrs. Matt McCarthy and Doug-
las, of Detroit, attended the fun-
eral of the late Owen Hart.
Guild Holds Bazaar
The St. Mary's Guild, Dublin,
held a very successful tea, bazaar
and home bake sale at the home of
Mrs. Charles Friend on Thursday
afternoon, Oct. 13. Mrs. James,
Mrs. A. Rock and Mrs. D. Racho
were in charge of the bazaar; Mrs.
J. Dill and Mrs. H. Pethick in
charge of the home bake sale and
Mrs. Friend, Mrs. Whetham and
Mrs. J. Moore served tea, also
assisting were Mrs. Leslie Moore,
Mrs. Miller, Miss Balkwell and
Mrs. E. Elliott. Mrs. Govier was
in charge of the fish pond. Friends
attended from as far away as Au-
burn, Ont.
Last Thursday the Autumn
Racers and the Bluebirds, our
two athletic teams, proved their
worth on the field. The field day
commenced with the girls' volley-
ball, the Autumn Racers winning
21-14. Marion Maloney . won the
girls' running broad jump and the
standing jump also. Baseball was
won by the Bluebirds, 16-14. The
pole vaulting, the free jump and
also the running broad jump were
won by Lou Murray. The field
day closed with "Three cheers for
the Autumn Racers."
The photographer shocked us by
asking to take our pictures Tues-
day afternoon, first a group pic-
ture and 'later, separate photos.
A show, "The Secret Conclave,"
is being looked forward to Thurs-
day evening in the Dublin Hall.
$ $
Monday the bulletin board was
the feature attraction to us, since
a letter from Mount Carmel was
pinned up, challenging us to a
game of baseball, volleyball and
dodgeball, on Friday, and next
week we hope to give a victorious
Question of the week: Why do
we have to be careful when a cer-
tain girl in Grade 11 gets her per-
October 22nd
Be generous in your
Entire proceeds for the fur-
therance of Scouting a n d
Cubbing in Seaforth and Dis-
Choose from this flattering show-
ing of felts, velours and fall vel-
vets, in a wide range of the best
Fall shades. The shapes are pert
and small to flatter you through-
out the Fall season.
3.95 to 7.95
Tickets on the 1955 OLDSMOBILE, to be
drawn Friday, October 28, can be purchased
At Our Store.
Stewart Bros.
Tuesday, November 1st
This time—
"Hog Feeding Management and Grading"
44,Zom foe
Less feed for your laying flock means
more money in your pocket. It's possible
with SHUR-GAIN Super Laying Mash
as good poultrymen everywhere are find-
ing out.
SuperLaying Mash is a "high -efficiency" feed
which is extra fortified with energy, proteins,
minerals and vitamins. When a hen fills up on
this type of ration her maintenance requirements
are looked after on a smaller amount of feed so
that more is available for egg production. With
ordinary "lower efficiency" rations a hen has to
"cram" so much in to look after the maintenance
needs that she has very little left over for egg
Now with SHUR-GAIN Super Laying
Mash, poultrymen are getting a higher
rate of lay and are producing a dozen
eggs on even LESS than 4 pounds of
feed. Tests at the SHUR-GAIN Demon-
stration Farm also prove the superior
performance of "Super".
Try your flock on SHUR-GAIN Super Laying
Mash and make EXTRA profits.
Geo. T. Mickle Itt Sons Ltd.