HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-09-23, Page 441 --THE HURON EKPOS [ B, SEAFORTH, ONT., SEPT. 23, 1955 WANT ADS WORK Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week S5 Ce'nt Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., Fifteen cents additional will be charged days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. Kates on application. 'ssia•sa ws is MOO 71d1e IAu • 1^. I `=i i*r 1.1.0 ►Alto.. n b. Wanted - WANTED --A high chair. Apply MRS. .1URN WEBER, o/o Mies L. Faulkner, 4b75x1 . George St. W ANTED A roomer ; breakfast if de- sired. Apply to MRS. SARAH BOSHART, HELP WANTED -A capable lady for Market St., Seaforth. 4574x3 house work. Must be fond of children. tent per word. Minimum. ' All modern conveniences. Sleep out. Ap- WANTED TO RENT --- Two-bedroom ply Box 472. HURON .EXPOSITOR. cru The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra- house, preferably in arca near Seaforth. 4575-1 Apply Box 473, Huron Expositor, if ads in above class are not paid within 10 4575x1 I EXPERIENCED MAN and wife for Ll V ESTOC K WANTED -Highest cash I poultry and general farm: capable of tak- Prices paid fur dead, old, sick or disabled • tog full charge.s.References.Separatehouse; hydro. horses or cows. Phone promptly. LE- good N EXPOSITOR. Apply Box 73-463 I HURON 45T3-3 ROY ACHESON, Atwood. Phone 153 col- lect. 4570-13 Help Wanted HELP WANTED- Woman or girl to mind children while mother works; live in or out Liberal. time off. CALL HEN- SALL 5. 4575-2 Coming Events Auction Sales The Ladies' Auxiliary of the l':,tui.ltsu Legion will hold euchre:: in the (',.mmun• ity Centre on lretober 12. October 24. November 16. N'u,embvS +d. December 11 •t HOS PITA i. Al.NI LI A Inn' Rummage Sale, Saturday. October _n. in the lobra basement. We would app reed:' ti it it the public would keep this date in mind e t fall housecleaning time.-•�1 BETHEL ANNIVERSARY See,):" i i)1 be held on Sunday. Septeml„ r Ing strikes at 11 a.m. with Rev H. Ren- ner. of Baytield Cal Church as guest speaker. Et ening service at 7:30 p m.. with Ree. C. Krug. Leel_ rata•as ne:n[sts'' 4570x1 Poultry yo R SALE :'UU;) Foreman Leghorn pullets. starting to lay. ANDREWS POULTRY FARM. R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 647 r 3. 1371x4 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES Rubber1Goods). mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 Sam. pies 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 9l. Hamilton. Auction Saks AUCTION SALE Fetal ... .ti.., Sale' Proper! y and l•!ouseheld Err, • , its :h. Tow n of G"d,- rich. 700 Anclesea Street, on Saturday. Serie-nide- 15 at, F''.1'! its of household e•ffects�. in i.lin:.' t -burner table onEs e• ', ,ri_ida i r: 1.',, ,.able and ,'hairs: ii -pier.' modern wa!• r n dining room suits ;Inti t :int i.ne sofacasi inn! walnut a„'a!nut tables: complete 1 edro„m suite:. ii ique walnut dr, sser. e•'Lu• chest: . mats: r'.:cs : printf ne-s : china vases : brass. ware:I'Pers: ., melectric tric mixntast,r, electric sewing machine .lar:e ,:.antic ' 'f .-hien and ailerware: , Ken- wood blankets: flannelette sheets cotton sheets: rill.':' rises t,cvels t••a towels: tit'., ,, ,.-hs; P.,'I One of kitchen ;rnsi;s. 'Thrnrv,pe•rty pill. also be offer- ed for sale. Term- Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE EDITH JOHN -TON; Harold Jackson, Aucnone•-r: F. P. Chesney. Clerk: W. M. Prest. Sei leiter for Estate. 4575-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm. Farm Stock and Machinery. at Lot 12, Conces- sion 10. Grey Township. + miles east of Frussels. on Hi, hway-. on Tuesday, Sep- tember 27th. at 12 m.: CATTLE -- 1 Holstein cow due in ' ecember: 2 Dur- ham cors to f- ,sh:n in November: 32 Hereford steers from 700 to 800 lbs - HOGS --12 York chunks. 90 lbs. POUL- TRY- 700 I,ezhorn pullets 41•• months old: 7 geese: 10 ducks. MACHINERY -Ste - Cormick -Deering Super W-6 tractor, late '2 model: Cockshutt No. 20 tractor. 1952 model. fully equipped with bulldozer blade: farm machine manure loader new : McCormick -Peering 3 -furrow plow : Ford-Fergus^n 2 -furrow plows: 12 -foot spring tooth McCormick -Deering cultivator : 7 -foot Massey --Harris cultivator : 4 -section diamond harrows : 15 -run McCormick -Deer- ing disc fertilizer drill on rubber: Case tactor: manure spreader: Coekshutt side rake; Ma_ssey•Harris nil bath mower tnew : 3 rubber tired wagons: 2 16 -foot fiat hay racks: cement mixer 'new,: ear• den traatnr :1 . H.F.. fully equipped with • plow, cultivator and disc : 10 -foot Card- inal hap and grain elevator 'new': John heere 10 -inch hammer mill 2.000-15. scales: 32 -font extension ladder , new' ; 4 - inch planer with motor: portable electric water pump: 60 feet of 7 -inch drive belt: root pulper; National milking machine. used one year: buildimr 12.24 with 'i -for'; porch. heaver board lined. 2 -inch cork insulation. green shingles c,n r'ut.ide, w ed and built on skids: 7 -fix,; McC'srnric.- Peering tractor disc : steel roller : forks. shovels, chains, 4 steel stanchions. Ali above machinery is from one to three years old. FARM At same place as sale 64 -acre farm Lo .1 Concession ix Grey Township, will he offered for sale. subject to reserve bid: 15 acres workable land. re- mainder in bush and pas•ure smallframe barn. Terms 'Chattels. cash Pron.erty 10r1. down, balance in all days. NI.ART!N SCH WARZW:1LD. Pr, n>ri't 'r Harold Jackson. Auctioneer: E. P. Ch,•.n,•,-. Clerk. CLEARING AUCTION SALE SALE OPPORTUNITY Y TRANSPORTATION WANTED from Seaforth to Stratford daily, five days a week. Anyone leaving Seaforth at 7:00 o•cloc•k, please PHONE 470-J, Seafurth. 457531 Ut Rugistcred Aberdeen Angus, i hulls • females, to be held at Fergus. on September 27, at 1 a c luck. J. 'iVILLMOTT Sec., Milton. Ont. 4570-1 AUCTION SALE Of Property, Household Effects and Small Farm Equipment at the Village of Bru✓etield. on Saturday. October 1st at I pm.: Frigidaire refrigerator ilike new•): Reach kitchen range: kitchen cabinet: sideboard: kitchen table and chairs . hot , plate: electric iron : mantel radio: table lamps: white enamel washing machine: eleotric tea kettle: toaster: wine chester- field bed t like new); number of rockers; -mall tables : occasional chain : sewing machine; walnut china Cabinet: mantel Cb'e•k: Quebec heating stov,•, mirrors: card :able: chest drawers. ward rots,' hull tree: C. I man camp stove: 3•burne r Coleman stove and oven : brown iron bed. "prim. lied spring mattress tt other 5urnlsh-,i bedroom:: bed linens quilts. blank eta table: linens mans ya.d- of print. flannelette and: scatter nests: number of pieces xof antique china. eases ornaments, dishes. kitchen ut.:nsils : car - den tools cream separator single horse s, agora : plow : scumll,•r . harrow. hinder 7110 rug brick : chicken teal, rs and other chicken ,vlutpment. tirks, sho, els chains 1'110 PERT',” At same place, 3 p.n:. the l property will he offered for salesubject serve bid: 10 acres of land more or storey frame house"red with asphalt shingles: smell frame barn: gar - .age : 2 y -storey henhouse, suitable for 400 to -,Oilhens i practically new : Hydro: ex - dell, n: land and in goad state of cultiva- tion. Terms -Chattels: Cash Property - :v'. down. hairline 10 days. Immediate ooksyssion, ESTATE. OF LATE JACK WRIGHT; A. W Sillery. Solicitor: '1, C. Cornish and G. A. Wright. Executors: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Ches- ,e.. Clerk. 4075-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED WANTED --Companion housekeeper to take full charge of house and look after elderly lady. Protestant Christian home in Etrmundville: modern facilities. Ap- ply Box 463, HURON EXPOSITOit, 4573 -If CARETAKER WANTED .Applications will he received up to noon. , 30th September, for the position of care- taker of 'fuckersmith School Area, Schad furnace fuel oil to Tuckrrsmith School No. 5. situated two miles southeast of Sea - Area, to deliver to Schools Nus. 2. 5 nnd' forth. School ,has one room, no "basement, 7, during 1955 and 56 term. 'fenders Equipped with automatic oil burning fur - close at noon, 30th September. 1955. nate. W. P. ROBF.RTS, Sec.-Treas., R R No. 3, Seaforth. 4575-2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to 30th Sep- tember for the supply of 22 tons No. 1 hard furnace coal of best quality, deliver- ed in proportioned quantities to Tucker - smith School Area, Schools Nos. 1, 4, d, and 9. W. P. ROBERTS. Sec.-Treas.. R. R No. 3, Seaforth. 4575-2 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned tip until 12 it'rluek noon. October I. 1955 for the supplying of No. 1 grade furnace oil to Now 1, 6. 7 and 14 schools in Stanley Township School Area, with a minimum gallonage of 2.500 gal- lons. Oil co be delivered to the schools as required. • T. B. BAIRD, Sec.-Treas.. Brucefield, Ont. 4575-2 Notices To Creditors TENDERS WANTED NOTICE to CREDITORS All persons having claims against the F -tate of James Il Hoggarth. !ate of the Township of Hibbert. in ;hr County of Perth. Farmer deceased, who died on the ":h day of duly. 7955 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th lay of September, 1950, after which date the assets will be distributed. having re- cord only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 1st day of September. 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4573-3 Property For Sale PROPERTIES FOR SALE Brick house on Goderich St. West. Sea - forth. 100 -acre farm in the vicinity of Wal- ton. Good buildings. 80 -acre farm in Stanley Township. Mod- ern home. 2OO-acre farm in the vicinity- of Sea- , forth. Modern seed cleaning plant in Seaforth. large storage bins, on railroad siding. Have. cash buyers for two cottages in Seaforth. HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth TELEPHONE 474, Seaforth. 4073-tf Of Valuable Real Estate. l.i• ''stoc'k Farm Implement, Hay and miscellaneous items, on the premises. Inst 10 'nn . 12, Hibbert Township. 7 miles northeast of Hensall, or fourth farm west of Cromarty School. on 12th concession, The under- signed auctioneer re'ce'ii, 4 instructions to sell by Public auction on Tuesday O•tober II, 1955, commencing at I p.m sharp: REAL. ESTATE. Consisting of Let 19 Con. 12. Hibbert Twp.. 100 acres of choice clay loam on whirh is situated a bank barn, 90,10: straw shed. 60x::6. All new steel roofing; very best of stabling throughout. Large implement shed and garage: also well-built dwelling All buildings in good state of repair. Never. failingwater supply. If interested inspect this outstanding farm before clay of sale. Terms of Real Estate IM; on day of sale: balance in 30 days, Farm to be offered at :1 n.no on day of sale Note. Terms can I,,' arranged on Real Estate by contacting prepriitor before day of sale, 1,1 VE:STO('K--Purebred Shorthorns and Grade Cattle: Durham enw carrying sec- I and calf. due in October : Durham cow ' carrying s ''nd calf. doe in April : Dur- ham cow carrying second calf, clue in December. Hereford cow carrying second I calf. due in February wDurham cow car- rying third calf die in November . Dur- ham cosy Ca royin • •hind calf due in De- cember: roan heifer due in .lanuary. Here- ford heifer due in January : 4 Hereford heifers with cal, es at Font: i Registered Durham heifers with papers: I Dual Pur• pose yearling, "heifers : 3 Shorthorn year- ling steer cal, es , Shorthorn bull. dark red. born Sept 12, 1053. sired by McLean Farms Justice: dam. Eldorado Lady Clip- per: this hull carries promising features of a good herd sire, FARM IMPLEMENTS and MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS--Cockahutt mower. 6 -ft. cut; MeD. side rake: McD. dump rake: Mc D. drophead hay loader. like new: cultivator: International hay loader: lanri roller; grass seeder: snuffler: 4 -section diamond harrows : steel wagon farm wagon and rack: 4 logging chains: 42 -foot Beatty track with hangers and car: 2 canthooks: saws: axes: sledge and wedges: hay fork; sling ropes; extension ladder : steel water tank; 130 feet hay rope; sap pan and pails; fanning mill ; manure boat: blower pipe, 15 feet; 15 rods chicken fence: 12 grain bags: sadlts ; step ladder; fence tightener: tarpaulin stock trailer. nearly neo)': tools: shovels, spades, ditch 'scoop, forks; heater: ex- tension table_; chairs; bed; many articles t)5 numerous to mention. HAY-Approxi- iPatety about 80 tons mixed hay; 15 tons #i5ltothy hay. No reserve, everything will Se sold, Terms—Cash. HEBER SNii.LL, Proprietor: Garnet Hicks, Clerk: Alvin WValper5, LALlitioneor, 4575-2 ",0 -ACRE FARM -8 -room brick house, tied r'wms: new furnace: basement: hot nd cold water: garage: steel drive shed: tiled: Hydro Good fences: flowing spring well: barn ''7' x 66". all cement stabling. `his farm is one of the better known 'a r-' in Hibbert Township 'na-ACRE FARM -Brick house: furnace: ,-.t,r'csd flooring: double garage: pump .i -e : barn : orchard: 2 wells. Immedi- ., a possession. On No. 8 Highway, ROOM with living quarters. RESTAURANTS BUSINESSES and Business Block. FARMS further particulars, contact or ,pply. a[. Office: R S. TOZER. Real Estate & Business Broker. Howard Pinder, Salesman. Office Tel.: 353 Daytime; Evenings 514. Mitchell: or 3115-W, Stratford. 4575-3 Sealed tenders will be received ftp until ,'clerk noon on Monday, September 20 111• for the transporting of children - die n be picked 't upat Lot 4 and three' at Pt. Lot 1. on Con. 1. Stanley Town- ship. and to be -taken to No 7 School on Parr Line: and picked up and taken home again on each school day. T. B. BAIRD. Secretary -Treasurer, Stanley Township School Area. 4575-1 SEPARATE DRAINAGE TENDERS Township of McKillop For the construction and repair, accord- ing to Engineer's specifications, will be re- 'eived until October 1st: 1 STEWART DRAIN --4375 lineal feet, ,pen work. excavating and spreading ma- terial: 4.231 lineal feet of 12. 10, 8. 6, and 4 -inch tile. to dig, lay and back- fill:. 2 catch basins and field stone protec- tion. 2s BETTS DRAIN -6.000 lineal feet, , en work, excavating and spreading ma- terial: 3.613 lineal feet of 10, 7 and 6 - inch tile, to dig, lay and backfill and 2 field stone protections. flUCHANAN DRAIN -8,750 lineal feet open work excavating and spreading ,naterial. Township to supply tile and piping with- in approximately one mile of work. A marked cheque for 10 per cent. with a minimum of $100.00. to accompany each tender. Lowest accepted. Tender ,lone. Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office or any tender not necessarily to state when work will be J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Township, R. R. 1 Seaforth, Ont. 4573-1 Deaths ANDERSON -1n Seaforth, on Friday. Sep- tember 16. Margaret R. Wilson. widow of the late Prof. George R. Anderson. in her 90th year. FLANNERY--In Seaforth, on Wednesday September 14. Catherine Walsh wife of John J. Flannery. STOREY -In London. on Monday, Sept. 19. Thomas Storey, of Seaforth, in his 711th year. We're Going to the FAIR ARE YOU? Our display will feature new products, including: • Motorola TV ® McClary Appliances • Clare Jewel Appliances • Apex Vacuum Cleaners and NUMEROUS OTHER PRODUCTS Crown Hardware Phone 797 : Seaforth 2, W. P. ROBERTS, Sec.-Treas., R.R. No. 3. Seaforth. 4575 2 Notices Notices GET YOUR sewage 'wogk done now. Only 68 per foot on contract basis. All cork guaranteed. Contact 850 r 88. Sea- (orth.. 4572-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Sen. tic tanks and cesspools, etc.. pumped and cleaned, with sanitary and modern equip- ment. All work guaranteed Average house septic tank rate is between $20 and $25, depending on size. Apply LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brus- sels 42 r 6. 4571x8 i For Rent FOR RENT - Three-room unfur0iahed apartment on High Street. Apply Box 482, Seaforth. 4575-1 FOR RENT -Three-room unfurnished apartment. ORVILLE OKE. Seaforth. - 457''4-tf FOR RENT --A cottage in the 't -own of Seaforth. Available the 15th of October. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON. Phone 474, Seaforth. 4575-1 FORRENT- Three-room upstairs apart- ment,_ furnished or unfurnished. Apply to FRANK REYNOLDS, or phone 667 r :13, Seaforth. 4574-tf FOR RENT- In Hensall. a downstairs bed -sitting room, with bath arid kitchen facilities; heated: private entrance. Ap- ply MRS. CAR1. McCLINCHEY, Liensall. Phone 1074, Hensall. 4575x1 For Sale FOR SALE- 10 pigs, seven weeks- old. OSCAR TEBRUTT, Seaforth. 457531 FOR SALE -First-class table potatoes. Apply WILLIAM PEPPER, Hensall, Ont. Phone 41-W. 4575-2 RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. apposite Dick House, Seafarth. Phone 147-R 4572-11 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea- 'orth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser - rice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady :leaners & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. 45722•tf PAPERHANGING. PAINTING (brush ✓ Spray t ; exterior or interior decor - tine. See ,'..r 19'.', wallpaper designs. apply WALTER PRATT and DOI'G. )ALTON, Railway St 4572-tf CEMENT WORE --All types of brick and block work. for general building work end repair work. Call BERT CHRIS- TENSEN, Railway St., Seaforth. Phone •5. FOR SALE or will give away -Four kittens about 3 months old MRS DAVE NET7,KE, Seaforth. 4575-1 WOOD FOR SALE. Apply to A. HARRISON. Phone 852 r 21, Seaforth. 4575-1 FOR SALE-Budgiea and Canaries Hartz Mountain Food. etc. ERIC M ILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth. 391 4572-tf FOR SALE --Clean, bright fuel oil, Sarnia's hest from top of vat No. 1; and Government -tested coal. screened each 1' - livery. WII.LIAM St. HART, 4572-tf FOR SALE Massey -Harris cream sep- arator, No. 9, in good condition. HARRY CILESNEY. Phone 662 r 24, Seaforth, 4575-1 FOR SALE ---Piano; 3 -piece bedroom suite, mattress and springs, play pen, 4572-tf 1't.urgy and folding cart. Apply MRS; • STEVE ROUSE, Seaforth. 4575x'4 ATTENTION, FARMERS! - Prompt courteous collection l of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call •ollect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea- lorth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with ✓ arling & Cu., of Canada Ltd 4572 -If NOTICE- The little cider mill I mad,. a Few years ago. which was so much ad- miredtvho brought •ht a les is by those PP ,wAlso an inn pumpfor forsale. now well, cheap: and scout 100 sledge and hammer handles, all size's and lengths I am p t threi:gh with all this business, but the doctor says I can still sharpen saws. JOHN ELI'ER, Hensall. 4575-1 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all .reeds of cattle. For service or informa- Ion, phone CLINTON 242, collect, be - wens 7;30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days nd 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. 4572-tf FOR SALE --3 girls' winter coat sets• three-piece: all size 6X. Colors. navy, green and blue. One red snow suit, size 3X. PHONE. 249-W.- 4,575-1 FOR SALE- One trio of Tolouse geese: also 50 weaner pigs, and 10 pigs 85 lbs. each. Apply V IV AN COOPER. Phone 653 r 21, Seaforth. 457531 FOR SALE --Jacket heater and pipes: o heater lined on outside with asbestos : 510,00 for quick sale. Apply to JOHN HOTHAM, Sr., Wilson St. 4575x1 FOR SALE -Hardwood tops; also 40 - acre farm, Lot 23, Boundary Grey and McKillop, east of Walton. Apply JAMES STEVENSON, Brussels. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 4574x4 FOR SALE -Western show saddle, bridle and martingale to match: nickel trim. English saddle, training harness. Apply MRS. STEVE ROUSE, Seaforth. 4575x1 HONEY FOR SALE -This will be the last week to hive your containers filled with delicious September honey at 20c a pound. WALLACE ROSS. Phone 135-J. Seaforth. 4575-1 TURKEYS FOR THANKSGIVING OR ANY OCCASION Dressed or Oven -Ready. Place your order now! KEN BEATTIE R.R. 4 • WALTON Phone: Seaforth, 834 r 6 DUBLIN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Feeney, Mr. and /ars. Gerald Feeney, of Kitchener; Michael Feeney, Pete - wawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hickman and Donna, London, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney. LAC. and Mrs. Don Brewster and children have left Dublin for St. Hubert, Que., where he has been transferred. Dr. and Mrs. Tom Melady and family have returned home from their cottage near Goderich. ZION ANNOUNCING • • the appointment of REUBEN BRUBACHER Mary Street — CLINTON — Phone 721 ase Rawleigh Dealer FOR THE TOWNSHIPS OF HULLETT, McKILLOP AND T - CKE r MITH I will be calling on all residen0 above Town- ships in the near future with e ' sigh's line of' Good Health Products. —REUBEN BRUBACHER. Miss Lettie Lannin, Reg.N., of Sarnia, visited her brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Lannin and Mr. and Mrs. Fer- gus Lannin_ Miss Gwen Britton,London o f spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton. Visitors at London Fair last week were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Han- non, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. L. Bark- er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pepper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Gibb, Allan and Douglas visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. ana Mil's_ Bert Mahaffy re- turned home 'On Friday from their honeymoon and visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney on Sunday. Mrs. Morley Lannin attended a trousseau tea for her niece Satur- day evening in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and Bonnie and Larry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Sea - forth. Mr. William Smith is wearing a smile these days- it's a boy! FREE — FREE — FREE VICTORY CONCERT Presented by the Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band Winners at C.N.E. to be held in the Goderich Memorial Arena Friday, September 23 at 8 p.m. (This Band is the pride of Huron County) SILVER COLLECTION Children Admitted With Adults Only dt, ,.n,.,,,.ii„r For Sale FOR SALE -Quantity quart gems. Rile a dozen. Phone 850 r 32. MRS. JAMES LAVE, Londesboro- 457551 FOR SALE -On Highway No. 8, at Dublin. barn about 90 x 60 feet: good pine frame. Apply MRS. A. O'HEARN, Dublin, Ont. , 4574x2 FOR SALE -Used Electrolux cleaners, fully reconditioned. Apply R. E. Rua - TAN, Electrolux Sales & Service, 172 Pic - ton St. West, Goderich, Ont. Phone 1154, Goderich. 4573x4 FOR SALE -Shorthorn purebred bull, outstanding animal; also 2 bred heifers; priced reasonably. ALEX SPARKS, Bay- field. Phone 85 J 3, Clinton. 4575x1 FOR SALE -20 stockers, Durham and Hereford steers, between 600 and 700 lbs. Also 2 young Durham cows, 1 fresh and 1 springing. DAN McKINNON, Brussels. Phone 68X2 4575-1 FOR SALE -Brick house on Goderich St. Three bedrooms, complete bath, four rooms downstairs: furnace and cupboards. Apply S. ROUSE, Seaforth, 4575x1 .a OF THE WEEK Miss Joan Evans has enrolled at Teachers' College, London. Mrs. David McConnell accom- panied her sister, Mrs. William Devereaux to spend a week in De- troit and Chicago. Miss Joan McLaughlin is attend- ing Teachers' College at Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Harlen Keuster, Billy and Carol, of Brantford, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Frost, of Dundas, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill. James Montrose, Florida, is vis- iting Mrs. Joseph Atkinson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf and Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kraus- kopf spent Sunday in London. FOR SALE -Registered 'Ismmorth sow with litter of 9 pigs, ready to wean; also 3 Tamworth boars about ready for ser- vice. Apply FRANCIS COLEMAN. Phone 838 r 22, Seaforth, 4575x1 SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood. $10.00 per load, approximately 2 cords: mixed wood, $8.00 per load, approximately two cords Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4570-12 FOR SALE -Sprayed apples, McIntosh. Taman Sweets, Snows, Kings, Delicious, Russets and SpiesOrders filled in rota- tion received. Apply BOB ARCHIBALD. Phone 655 r 16. Seaforth. 4573-4 Births BOWES -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs, William Bowes, Mitchell, a son, MARSHALL -In Civic Hospital, North Bay, on Sept. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Marshall, a daughter -Susan Lin. ROSE -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose, R,R. 4, Mitchell, a daughter. SMITH --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 16, to Mr and Mrs. William Smith, Dublin, a 'son. F'4HPi USBORNB BERT MUTUAL E INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE --- ERE' ER, Ont. President, Martin Feeney, RAL 2, Dublin; Viet-PretsinlePt, E. clay - ton Colqubopn, R.R. 1, Science Hill. DIRECTORS—Harry Coates, R- R. 1, Centralia; William A. Ham- ilton. Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton; Alex .1. Rohde, R.R. 3, Mitchell. AGENTS ---Thos. G. Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mit- chell. SOLICITOR—W. G. Cochrane, Exeter. SECRETARY - TREASURER — Arthur Fraser,Exeter. CAR BINGO EXETER ARENA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th 12 Regular Games for $50 Each 3 Special Games for $150 Each i 1 SPECIAL FOR 1955 Chevrolet Coach ADMISSION $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 25c, 5 for $1-00 Car Special $1.00, 6 for $5.00 Games Start at 9 p.m. Sharp — Doors open at 7:30 Sponsored by Exeter Legion and Lions PROCEEDS IN AID OF SCOUT HOUSE NOTICE In Co-operation with the Seaforth Fall Fair The Stores will Close on Friday Afternoon, September 23 from 1 p.m. till 4 p.m. OPEN TILL 6:30 p.m. To Allow Our Staffs to Attend the Fair. Thanking you for your kind co-operation. MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE Chamber of Commerce Visit Our Display at the SEAFORTH FAIR vulelfirAitZW rt., 1%44! t First Prize, 2 Books Lions Tickets, value $10; 2nd prize, I Book Lions Tickets, value $5.00. Seaforth Lumber Limited PHONE 47 SEAFORTH in. w—t� a:ki.n:uiLuc