HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-09-16, Page 8gUlaCINEI) 0.4i4 , SEAFORTH, ONT., SL I"f. 10. i45ea l• FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M. Church School en Bible Class 11 A.M. Sermon— "WHEN AUTUMN COMES" 7 P.M. "THE BRUISED REED" Come to Church and bring a friend. We Specialize in LOW COST TERM -PAYMENT AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Now available in an Al -Canadian Company. Information gladly given on all lines of insurance. MOTORIST GOLDEN RULE: Drive—as you would have others drive. WATSON M. A. REID Insurance & Phone 214 & REID - Proprietor Real Estate Seaforth FOR SALE Brick Dwelling, Goderich St. East; beautifully located (former residence of late Mrs. R. Bell). Frame Cottage on James St. i.easonably priced. mmediate pees - :session. Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Lovely property. Priced right. Immediate possession. Two-bedroom Stucco Cottage, with all modern conveniences, in - eluding 3 -piece bath, hardwood Coors, modern kitchen. Full base- ment with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced, aand almost immediate possession. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS amnalon Btore and Furnace 041 DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R Church Notices. St. Thomas? Angliean Clsurch.- 11 a.m., Morning Service; 10 a.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m-. Evening Service. Sunday School and church at 3 o'clock in St. Mary's Church, Dublin.—Rev. J. H. James, Rec- tor. Northside United Church. —10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a -m., ser- mon theme, "Who is My Neigh- bor' " ; toddlers' group and junior congregation; 7 p.m_, Annual Camp Service: "What Camp Meant To Me"; 8:15 p,m., Y.P.U. Meeting. —Rev. J. Stinson, Minister. McKillop Cliarge.—Services at Winthrop at 10 a.m_; Duff's, 11:15 a.nl., and Bethel at 2 p.m.—Rev. J. B. Holden, Minister. Egmondville United Church. - 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Class; 11 a.m., Rally Day Service; Sunday School and church uniting for worship and rally program, in - eluding a Ilan-Be/graph story, "The Whosoever House."—Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister. Pentecostal Tabernacle.—Tues- day, 8 p.m., Bible Study and Pray- er; Friday, 8 p.m., Y.P.S.; Sun- day, 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; 7.30 p.m., Evangelistic Service. All services will be held in the house opposite the Seaforth District High School. SEAFORTH JUNIOR INSTITUTE The Seaforth Junior Institute held their September meeting in the Seaforth District High School on Tuesday with Catherine Camp- bell presiding. The meeting open- ed with the Institute Ode. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and the roll call was answered by "How I have improved my educa- tion or would like to improve it." The motto, "There is a place for everyone, let everyone take their place," was given by June Smith. Miss Janet Hogg, of McKillop, gave the topic, '`Braille." She pointed out just how valuable it was, and showed how to read and write in Braille. Dorothy Keys in- troduced Miss Hogg and Joan Somerville thanked her on behalf if the members. Did it ever strike you that for the first 20 years of a man's life his mother says, "Where are you going?" And the next 40 years his wife asks, "Where have you been?" A man met a tramp who asked for a dollar to buy a meal. "No, you'll spend it on drink," the man said. -`Bat I don't drink," said the tramp_ "Then you'd spend if on tobac- co." "But I don't smoke." "I ae-ors't give yon a dollar, but I'll tell you what—yon come home with me, and I'II see that yon get a wonderful meal," the man pro- posed. "What? You'd take a tattered man like me into your home?" asked the tramp. "But, why—" "I just want to show my wife what happens to a fellow who doesn't drink or smoke!" f f' 'gmodeni 4ita}iia:if to tomorrow's r.> So grace. erre beautifully i81� you 11 love its ill ,'araaeful fines gettllf #ftonlded for tllant highlights ..DHAIMI with 4fsoties- 1 8 47 847 RQGERS BROS.. %c; Canada's finest Siivernia!e A Product of ✓i..:: :':a1nt9rnq!lenaf Silver C6taOarcy 46I+c. service for 8 $8990 CHEST t KWDED YOU SAVE Get Your FLAIR MYSTERY PACKAGE $1.00 (neg. Value $2.00 to $6,00) rI Si hie China F INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN i weber.; ST. : SEAFORTH FOR SALE 6 -ROOM BRICK on Goderich St. 6 -ROOM FRAME on Louisa St g -ROOM FRAME ON Welsh St 6 ROOMS in Egmondville. The above homes are all in good state of repair, and can be bought with low down payment. 200 -ACRE FARM in Tuckersmith Good buildings. Priced to sell. CALL W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE In the QUEEN'S HOTEL LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. M. Wildebrand has return- ed after spending a week in Kit- chener. Miss Lillian Faulkner spent the weekend in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, Nancy and Harry, Jr., of Bracebridge, are spending their holidays with Mr: Scott's mother, Mrs. H. R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11_ F. Mc- Kercher in McKillop - Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nott have returned after a motor trip to Muskoka. Miss Sally Nott, who spent the summer there, re- turned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gillespie, of Milton, spent the weekend with Mrs. Camilla Ryan. Mr. Ken Larone, who spent the summer on the staff of The Huron Expositor, is returning to his stu- dies at Ryerson Institute, Toron- to. Mrs. E. H. Hodgins, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. H. R. Scott and Miss Belle Smith. Mrs. R. F. McKercher is ser- iously ill in Scott Memorial Hos- pital- Mrs. J. D. Colquhoun and two sons, David and Douglas, of Ayl- mer, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. E. A- McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. G. Reitz, of To- ronto, spent Sunday here, the guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Mc- Master. Mr. and Mrs_ William Abel, of Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A., were guests of her grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, ,of Clintoq, and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. McFarlane, Win- throp. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson Geddes, Mr. Harvey Watson and Mrs. Crabe, of Londn, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes. Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton and Don, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton and Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCow- an and Mrs. Foster Bennett at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Fergus Bullard last week. Mrs. William Charters left Lon- don airport Tuesday morning for Denver, Colo., where she will vis- it her sister and brother-in-Iaw, Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Corry. Mrs. M. A. V. Armstrong, of London, accompanied Mrs. Charters. Mr. and Mrs. E. •Geddes and Miss Mary Geddes were at Blue Water Beach last week. Mrs. Herald Lawrence has re- turned home after receiving treat- ment in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, the past few weeks. Rev. Jess Christensen, Mrs. Christensen and two daughters, Margaret and Carolyn, were guests of his brother, Mr. Peter Christensen and Mrs. Christensen over the weekend. Rev. Mr. Christensen and his wife will re- turn shortly to the Sudan Interior Missions in Africa, where they have served for some time. Their daughters are remaining in Can- ada and will attend school in Col- lingwood. Messrs. John Anderson, Joe Murray, James Nash and Lloyd Rumball have returned from a trip through the Western Prov- inces and the States. Mrs. N. M. Morrow and Mrs. W. B. Horton have returned from Montreal, where they spent the past few weeks with the former's daughter. Mr. Ross Hamilton has accepted a position on the sales staff of CKNX-TV, and commences his new duties next week. For the time being Mr. and Mrs. Hamil- ton will continue to reside in Sea - forth. Mrs. Joseph McConnell has re- turned from Toronto, where dur- ing the past week she has been presiding at the annaul convention of the Catholic Women's League, of Ontario. Mrs. McConnell has been president of the League for the past two years. Miss J. A. Lynch and Miss Elsie Lynch, of Aurora, are guests of LEMON'S TAXI And PARCEL SERVICE All passengers insured PHONES: CECIL DAVE 676 675 COAL and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 . Seaforth 1 BEST DEAL a#CThtWt r '54 'FORD SEDAN '50 CHEV. SEDAN '50 PONTIAC SEDAN '55 PONTIAC HARDTOP—Demonstrator '55 PONTIAC SEDAN—Demonstrator '55 G.M.C. TRUCK—New '47 CHEV. AERO SEDAN COMING IN SOON '49 METEOR CLUB COUPE '50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Anson Gilbert Motors Pontiac - Buick G,M,C. Trucks Phone 461 s Seaforth • Mrs. K. M. McLean. Mrs. E. S. Little and daughter, of Quebec City, visited in Seaforth last week. Mrs. H. H. Leslie was called to Toronto owing 'to the serious ill- ness of her mother. Mr. Harry Buttery, of San Fran- cisco, was the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ireland, who were visiting Mrs. J. M. Gov- enlock and Mrs. Mae Dorrance and other friends, Ieft Saturday for their home in Lethbridge. Mr. S. G. Dorrance, of Chatham, was in Seaforth over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. John Boyes. spent a few days in Montreal and Ot- tawa. They visited Mr. Bruce Boyes at R.C_A.F. Station, St. Johns, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dick, Miss Anne Downey and Miss Suzanne Dick were in London Saturday at- tending the Smith -Christopher wed- ding. EGMONI VILLE - Rev- W. E. Milroy spent Tues- day and Wednesday at the Minis- terial Retreat at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Young, Sr., of Avon, have been enjoying a holi- day with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young. Mrs. Margaret Erratt, of Toron to, visited this week with her brother, Mr. Thomas Robinson and family, also with relatives in Stan- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nott have returned from a trip to Toronto, where Mr. Nott was attending a hardware convention. DUBLIN Announcement Mrs. Mary E. Feeney, Dublin, Ont_, wishes to announce the en- gagement of her daughter, Theresa Mary, to Mr. Fred David Over- dulne, son, of Mr. and Mrs_ Over- dulne, Chatham, Ont., the marriage to take place October 8 in St. Pat- rick's Church, Dublin. The following district teachers began their duties at their respec- tive schools: Miss Phonsine Meag- her and Miss Mary Morrison, at London; Miss Mary E. Stapleton, Miss Joan Flanagan and .Miss Mary Catherine Stapleton at Kit- chener; Miss Margaret Flanagan, at Kennicott; Miss Mary Murphy at Sudbury; Miss Beatrice Murray at Chatham; Miss Helen Horan at Brantford; Miss Regina Bowman at Tuekersmith; Miss Bernadette Barry at London; Mrs. James P. Krauskopf and Mrs. John ?delver at Seaforth; Mrs. Michael Murray at Beechwood; Mrs. Martin Pur- cell at Kitchener; Mrs. Joseph Melady at Hibbert; Mrs. James Morrison at Sarnia; Mrs. George E. HoIIand at St. Clements; Mrs. Wilfred Krauskopf at Preston; Hugh Benninger at Logan; Leon- ard Maloney at West Montrose; Gerald Eckert at Bamberg; Billie Murphy at Crystal Beach. Beginners Start School Ten beginners entered St.' Pat- rick's School, Dublin, on Tuesday: Christine Landaburger, Nora Anne McRae, Mary Margaret Klink- hamer, Mary Bernadette Nagle, Billie Butters, Tommy Krauskopf, Terry Hunt, Frankie Soontiens, Diane O'Reilly, Jackie Stapleton. OBITUARIES MRS. FERGUS BULLARD Mary R. Armstrong, wife of Ferg. Bullard, of Tillsonburg, and for many years a resident of Win- throp, passed away at her home there on Saturday, September 3, after a long illnes. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, and was born in Belgrave fifty-two years ago. She had also lived in Wiarton and Thamesford since leaving Winthrop seventeen years ago, where she bad resided since her marriage over thirty years ago. Surviving besides her husband is a daughter, Betty, Mrs. Ralph McLeod, of Thamesford, and a son, Jack, also of Thamesford; a sis- ter, Greta, Mrs. Mac Teeter, of De- troit, and five grandchildren. Two sisters and two brothers predeceas- ed her. A service under the auspices of the L.O.B.A. was held at the Car- rothers funeral home in Thames - ford on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. Funeral services were held Sept. 7, at 2 p.m. in the Thamesford An- glican Church, with Rev. C. H. James, Rev. S. W. Semple and Rev. W. Rowles in charge. Inter- ment was in the adjoining ceme- tery. MRS. JOHN FLANNERY• The death occurred at the Muir Nursing Home, Seaforth, on Wed- nesday morning of Mrs. John Flan- nery, following a long illness. She was in her 74th year. She was the former Katherine Walsh, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walsh, and was born in McKillop Jan. 19, 1884. She was educated in McKillop, and in 1902 was ih#lited in marriage to John Flannery at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. Following her marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Flannery farmed in McKil- lop on No. 8 Highway, east of Sea - forth, and forty years ago moved to Seaforth, where they have since resided. She is survived by her husband and a family of four sons: Louis J., Detroit; John, Egmondville; Cyril, Detroit, and James, Kitchen- er; and four daughters, Katherine, Mrs. R. A. Benninger, Guelph; Martha, Mrs. J-• P. Miller, De- troit; Theresa, Guelph, and Ger- alda, Mrs. Leonard Dolan, Port Elgin, N.B. She is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. J. J. Cleary, Seaforth; Mrs. James Flannery, Detroit, and Mrs. W. J. Cassels, Detroit. She was a devout member of St. James', Church here, The fun- eral will take place from the W. J. Cleary funeral home on Satur- day morning to St. James' Church. Interment will follow in St. dames' cemetery. GEHAN - SOUTHGATE A pretty fall wedding was sol- emnized in St. James' Church, Seaforth, on Saturday, September 10, at 10:30 a.m., when Rev. E. P. Weber united in marriage Lillian Ida Southgate, and William Bruce Gehan, of Seaforth. The bride is the daughter of Mrs./William E. Southgate,, Seaforth, and the late Mr. Southgate, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry. Gehan, of Tweed. Given in marriage by her brother, W. E. Southgate, the bride wore an aquamarine wor- sted suit with matching hat and dark brown accessories. The bride carried a nosegay of yellow cybri- dium and feathered chrysanthe- mums and heather. Her only attendant, Mrs. Patricia Troutbeck, of Seaforth, as matron of honor, chose a matchingt suit with black accessories, and car- ried a nosegay of yellow roses and turquoise baby mums_ Mr. Lorne Gehan, of Tweed, was groomsman, and Mr. Paul La Heuse, Ottawa, was usher_ Mrs- AIice Stiles, of Seaforth, ac- companied the soloist, Mrs. J. B. Higgins, of Bayfield, who sang Ave Maria" and "0 Perfect Love." For a reception at Colonial Intl, Exeter, the bride's mother receiv- ed wearing a grey taffeta dress with pink and black accessories, and a corsage of Hoyia and Sweet- heart roses. Assisting her was the groom's mother, wearing a 'dusty pink crepe with matching hat and a corsage of pale lilac baby mums. Following a wedding trip to the Eastern States the couple will re- side in Seaforth_ MAHAFFY - RONEY United in marriage at the home of the bride's parents at 12 noon do Saturday, September 10., were Ethel May Roney and Thomas Bert Mahaffy, of Hibbert Township, The ceremony was conducted by Rev. D. A. MacMillan, London. The home was beautifully decor- ated in pink and white autumn flowers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney, R.R. 2, Dub- lin, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Wilbur' Mahaffy, of Hibbert Township, and the Iate Mr. Ma- haffy. The bridal music, Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus, was played by Mrs. D. A. MacMillian, R.R. 2, Lon- don. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a copper rose crys- talette dress with black accessor- ies and a corsage of white roses. Mrs. John F. Bell, R.R. 2, Sea - forth, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing black and pink brocaded taffeta with pink accessories and a corsage of red roses. Mr. John F. Bell, R.R. 2, Sea - forth, was best man. The wedding reception was held cit the bride's home, the bride's mother receiving wearing a navy bine crepe with white lace trim and a corsage of white mums. The bridegroom's mother assisting wore a figured grey silk and also wore a corsage of white mums. The wedding dinner was served at the bride's home to 40 guests. The table was beautifully decorat- ed in pink and white streamers and autumn flowers. Assisting at the dinner were Mrs. Morley Lan- nin, Miss Helen Barbour, Miss Mary Barbour and Miss Ruth Howe. For a trip to Northern Ontario, Ottawa and New England States, the bride wore a teal blue dress and black accessories. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm, R.R. 1, Staffa. Guests from Mitchell, Seaforth, Stratford, Staffa and Cromarty were present. SMITH - CHRISTOPHER In a setting of candelabra, fern and red and white gladioli at St. Michael's Church, London, Satur- day morning, vows were exchang- ed by Elizabeth Ann Christopher and FO. Gerald Kenneth Francis Smith. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Christopher, London, and the groom, who is stationed at Winnipeg, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A, SRmith, of Woodstock_ The Rev. Father P. J. McKeon officiated. Mrs. Robert Pierce presided at the organ and Miss Mary Ann Crompton was soloist. Escorted by her father, the bride wore a floor -length gown of im- ported white Chantilly lace over bridal satin and lagoon blue tulle, featuring a bouffant hooped skirt with cascades of unpressed pleats. The molded bodice was fashioned with scalloped square neckline and long sleeves. Her finger-tip veil o, illusion was held by an Italian h ora encrusted with seed pearls and baguettes and she carried a bouquet of white Stephanotis and ,roses. Mrs. Gregory Quarry, Flint, Mich., sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Miss Suzanne Dick, Seaforth, was bridesmaid, and Miss Sharon Smith, London, was junior bridesmaid. The at- tendants were gowned alike in gowns of blue smoke capri 'with flat bow headdresses of midnight blue. They carried bouquets of white Stephanotis and mums. Edward Laughlin, Toronto, was best man, and ushers were FO. Jasper Johnston, Winnipeg, and Cal Smith, London. Receiving at Hooks Restaurant, the bride's mother wore a gown of King Edward blue worsted with aspen rose accessories and cor- sage of white carnations. The groom's mother chose cocoa brown crepe with avocado accessories and corsage of Talisman roses. After a wedding trip to the Kawartha Lake district, the couple will live in Winnipeg. For travel- ling, the bride chose a suit of chocolate brown wool worsted with sun gold accessories and gold 'mum corsage. • ;1tc0t�. �liikai± +it,#� xi Father: "You talk too much, son. You just watch me. You'll notice I'm generally pretty quiet." Boy: "'Yes, Pop, but look—you got a lot more to be quiet about," HOME AND SCHOOL MEETS. The monthly meeting of the/ Home and School will be held at the Public School on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 8:15 p.m. John E. Longstaff will speak on "The are of the. Eyes." For this coming season the meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of each month. WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. R. K. McFarlane are spending a week in Ottawa and Montreal. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. George Addison. visited ober the weekend at Sim- coe and Woodstock. WALTON The C.G.I.T. of Duff's United Church met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Ted McCreath, on Saturday afternoon. The meeting opened with the Purpose and C.G. I.T. Hymn, followed by group sing- ing. The president, Doris John- ston, assisted by Mary Dennis, conducted the worship service. Eighteen members answered the roll call. The treasurer's report was given by Lois Fox. Musical numbers were planned for the ral- lies to be held at Exeter and Wing - ham in October. On Monday, Sept. 16, a wiener roast will be held at the home of Audrey Hackwell. Two excellent reports were given by Rose Marie Bolger and Ruth Ann Ennis, de- scribing their camp life at Port Ryerse this summer. A new slate of officers was elect- ed for the coming year: president, Audrey Hackwell; vice-president, Ruth Ann Ennis; secretary, Rose Marie Bolger; treasurer, Norma Hoegy; pianist, Catherine Buchan- an; assistant, Marilyn Johnston. Lunch was served by the com- mittee and the meeting closed with Taps. EAST McKILLOP Messrs. Morely and Mauel Koeh- ler and Jackie Horan returned home Saturday after spending sev- eral weeks visiting in Saskatche- wan. the church. He spoke on "Noah and Sheila, of Brussels, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beuermann were at Caledonia attending the trousseau held for Miss Marie Ber- ry last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert were at Milverton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy mov- ed to their home at Seaforth on Saturday. During the severe wind, rain and hail storm here on Saturday, con- siderable damage was done to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Flanagan; Jr., besides trees being blown down, several across the roads. Mr. Fergus Horan had a cattle beast killed by lightning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert visited at Sebringville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Golnitz, of Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitersen on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Beuermann, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Durnin, of Auburn, were at the Home for the Aged convention, held at Parry Sound last week. Honored By Neighbors On Thursday evening about fifty friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy to bid them farewell before they moved to Seaforth. Mrs. Nor- man Beuermann read a very ap- propriate address, after which Mr. and Mrs. Hoegy were presented with a studio couch. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hoegy expressed their thanks and appreciation. Hold Decoration Services The decoration services held at the Evangelical Church here were largely attended. Rev. H. L. Brox conducted a short service in the cemetery, followed by a service in the fall program., as well as a re - the Ark." Mrs. Fred Hoegy and Mrs. Elmer Koehler sang a duet, and Mrs, Harry Regele gave a solo, Accompanists were Mrs. Regele and Mrs. L. Beuermann. Friends were present from Strat- ford, Sebringville, Walton, Sea - forth, Blyth and surrounding dis- trict. worallinameetillonarailliareardnlideandEl State Farm Insurance ANNOUNCES that KEN ETUE has opened an office on Goderich Street West, Seaforth. AUTOMOBILE, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE Phone 233, Seaforth, or 33, Zurich ,r -LOOK TOYOUR u KNHEATING, _,YoOW, BEFORE THE i CHILLING BREEZES 1 BE PRERA,PED D0N WooD PR.UMBINGaHEATING SEAFO' 44 23 'wt REGENT THEATRE .SEAfORTH THURSDAY,' FRIDAY and SATURDAY "DAWN AT SOCORRO" RORY CALHOUN PIPER LAURIE Tense! Taut! Dawn, a Gambler, a Killer, and a Desperate Girl face their final showdown. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "FLAME AND THE FLASH" (Adult) LANA TURNER CARLOS THOMPSON M.G-M.'s sensation in fiery technicolor — Shocking and Passion- ate! Lana Turner, the "Bad and the Beautiful" Girl again us- ing her feminine wiles. THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDAY " ROCKET MAN " CHARLES COBURN SPRING BYINGTON Coming — "HOUDINI" • WORK BOOTS • RUBBER BOOTS We carry in Stock— The Best Values in Work Boots AND The Best Values in Rubber Boots In This Town or Any Other Town ! WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the BIG Values — SEAFORTH LLASHMAR • CLINTON Two Shows. Nightly Rain or Clear - Box Office Open 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Thurs. & Fri. — Sept. 15 - 16 DOUBLE FEATURE "I DIDN'T DO IT" GEORGE FORMBY "HONEY CHILE" (Color) JUDY CANOVA Sat. & Mon. — Sept. 17 -19 "Black Horse Canyon" (Color) JOEL MARI McCREA BLANCHARD Tues. & Wed. — Sept. 20 - 21 "Phanton of the Rue Morgue" (Color) KARL PATRICIA. MALDON MEDINA (Adult Entertainment) Thurs. & Fri. — Sept. 22 • 23 "Living It- Up" (Color) MARTIN and LEWIS CARTOON and NEWS At Each PERFORMANCI CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS — FREE ... HOCKEY FANS! ... The newly -formed Seaforth Hockey Associa- tion has formed a BOOSTER CLUB to help promote and finance Junior 'B' and Minor Hockey. Be a Booster Club Member and Give Hockey a Boost We Need Your Help! MEMBERSHIP CARDS AVAILABLE FROM COMMITTEE MEMBERS and KEATING'S DRUG STORE CHRISTIE'S MEAT MARKET J. E. LONGSTAFF WILLIS' SHOE STORE Floor Covering Now is the time to start thinking of the heavy Fall and Winter wear on your floor. Come in and talk over your requirements with us. WE CARRY: —Inlaid Linoleums --Congoleums --Goodyear Vinyl Tile "FREES ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR YOUR FLOOR" Whitney • Furni Furniture FUNERAL and 'AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 119; Res. 65 Seaforth kh fr fro,1 N