HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-09-02, Page 8Vir 1UBON EXPOSITOR, SE".F4 'ORTH, ONT., SEPT. 2, 1955 Specialize in COST TERM -PAYMENT 4V1VOMOBILE INSURANCE tw available in an AB -Canadian Company. IttfOrmation gladly given on all lines of insurance. MOTORIST GOLDEN RULE: Drive—as you would have others drive. "WATSON & REID - M. A. REID = Proprietor bisurance & Real Estate Phone 214 Seaforth FOR SALE. Brick,Dwelling, Goderich St. East; beautifully located (former residence of late Mrs. R. Bell). Frame .dwelling, Louisa Street, new furnace and bath, good buy. Possession early June. Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Lovely property. Priced right. Immediate possession. Two-bedroom Stucco Cottage, _with all modern conveniences, in- cluding 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full base- ment with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced, and almost immediate possession. . Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID BEAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 V�..rr LEMON'S TAXI And PARCEL SERVICE All passengers insured PHONES: 676E DAVE 675 INSUAAIV' E • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to R. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 540 MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH Church Notices St. Thomas' Anglican Cbarcb.-- 11 a.m:, Morning Prayer. Dublin —9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer.— Rev. J. IL James, Rector. McKillop Charge. — United ser- vices at Bethel Church at 11 a.m-; Rev. C. W. Downs will preach. Music by Young People's Choir. ()DONS 4,PlUMBFRF THE. SUMMERI 15 THE TIME TO MEP4D YOUR. FURNACE, LET US FIX i IT, FRIEND' SEAFORTH-: ke23 Northside United Church -10:00 a.m., 'Sunday School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m•. sermon theme, "Co -laborers With God"; Junior Congregation and Toddlers' Group; 7 p.m-, theme, "Spiritual Lesson From the Rockies —Rev, J. W Stinson, Minister. Egmondville United Church. - 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Class; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; sermon, "The Exaltation of Lab- our."—Rev. W. E. Milroy, Mini- ster. Pentecostal Tabernacle.—Tues- day, 8 p.m., Bible Study and Pray- er; Friday, 8 p.m., Y.P.S.; Sun- day, 10., a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; 7.30 p.m., Evangelistic Service. All services will be held in the house opposite the Seaforth District High School. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell ' Minister 10 .a.m.—Church School and Bible Class 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP j ILFA- FOOTBALL FINALS Ethel vs. Winthrop Thursday, Sept. 1 At Community Park BRUSSELS Game time — 8:30 p.m. 0 and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth '��11ft5ili' State Farm - Insurance ANNOUNCES that KEN ETUE has opened an office on- Goderich Street West, Seaforth, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE and, FIRE INSURANCE Phone 223, Seaforth, or 33, Zurich Bargain Specials New Massey -Harris 2 -furrow Plow—Reduced to clear. Used MasseyHarris 6 -foot One -Way Disc Used International 10-20 Tractor, on rubber Used Cockshutt Manure Spreader Seaforth Motors Seaforth WEEK -END SPECIALS Campbell's Tomato Soup - 2/25c Dare's Cookies - - - - 23c Pkg. 22c Aylmer Tomato Catsup - - - If you are looking for the best in quality and the best in savings . . . Shop at the SEAFORTH SUPER MARKET LEVY EICKENSWILLER Phone 8 : Seaforth NORRIS – DOLMAGE 'United in marriage in First Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth, at two o'clock on Saturday were Flossie Bernice Dolmage and Robert Isaac Norris, Staffa. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. D.a Glenn Camp- bell. The bride is the daughter of Mr. Sidney Dolmage, of Seaforth, and the late Mrs. Dolmage. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Norris, of Staffa, are parents of the bridegroom. Gladioli were used as decora- tions. Mrs. Alice Stiles played tra- ditional wedding music on the or- gan, and accompanied, the soloist, Mrs. Ross Smale, who sang "The' Lord's Prayer" and "Because." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a Swiss lace gown with scalloped hemline, nylon tulle inserts and a hooped underskirt. The sleeves ended m lily points,' and a tiny stand-up collar finished the neckline. A pearl and rhine- stone tiara held her fingertip veil, and she wore a string of pearls. a gift of the bridegroom. Her flowers were red roses. Miss Patricia Meir, Windsor, was maid of honor, wearing a cocktail - length drss \of shrimp brocaded silk. Her tiny matching hat of daisies was offset with pearls. Shrimp silk mitts completed her ensemble, and she carried white chrysanthemums. Mr. James Norris, Long Branch, was best man for 'his brother, and Mr. John Burleigh, .a brother-in- law of the bride, ushered. Bouquets of late summer flowers and pink and white streamers dec- orated the home of Mrs. Ross Mc- Nichol, a sister of the bride, where a wedding dinner was served. Help- ing to serve were Miss Joan Hun- ter, Mrs, Stewart Henderson, Miss Gladys Chapman and Mrs. Jack Muir, Receiving, Mrs. McNichol wore grey crepe with black acces- sories and a rd rose corsage. As - sting hers the bridegroom's moth- er wore blue shot taffeta with pink accessories and a corsage of white chrysanthemums. For a wedding Wie to Winnipeg, the bride donned:black gabar- dine tailored suit 'with pale green and white accessories and an orchid corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Norris will reside in Seaforth. Guests attended the wedding from Detroit, Windsor, Woodslee, Stratford, Mitchell, Atwood, Port Credit, Long Branch, London,- Londesboro and Staffa. TUCKERSMITH The September meeting of the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club is to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 7, at the home of Mrs, G. McGregor. All the members are requested to wear a print dress. No. 2 group is in charge. WINTHROP Miss Lorraine Smith, who spent the summer at Bracebridge, has returned home and leaves shortly to teach at North York School, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pepper are hciidaying at Burk's Falls, in Nei -them Ohtario. Master. Ray Gilfillan, Blyth, is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Church. CONSTANCE yl DUBLIN WO OF THE WEEK Rev. A. R. Looby, C.S.B„ Aquin- Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kraus - as Institute, Rdchester, paid a kopf, Patrick O'Rourke and Mrs. farewell visit to his mother, Mss. Louis Krauskopf spent Sunday in A. M. Looby, before going to Hous- Toronto. ton, Texas, where he has been Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tyndall, of transferred. I Timmins; Miss Lyda Jordison, of Miss Marie Krauskopf, London, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie spent a week with her mother, Jordison, Burlington, were guests Mrs. Louis Krauskopf. of Mr.- and Mrs. Charles Friend. Mr. and Mrs.' Mark Nelson; of John E. Molyneaux, Thorold, vis - Norfolk, Virginia, were guests of ited his mother, Mrs. Loretta Moly- MUS Miss Molly O'Connell and Mrs. n' Elizabeth Bruxer. . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cunningham and son, Bryan, of -Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Steinbachs and Miss Margaret Weaver; Chip - daughter, Rita Kathleen, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Brick, pawa, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Detroit, visited Mrs. Kathleen J. W. Thompson, McKillop. Feeney during the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Trapnell and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kraus- Bill spent the weekend in Cobourg kopf, Port Severn, and Mrs. Ken- and attended the Andrews - Walsh neth Wibkens, London, spent the wedding in Belleville on Saturday. weekend with Mr. and Mrs- • Dan I Messrs. Harold Maloney and Costello. ; John Lane spent the weekend in Miss Joanne Evans spent the Midland, and also attended the To - weekend in Cobourg , and Belle- ronto Exhibition this week. vide. I Rev. and Mrs. S. G. Cameron, Edward Molyneaux, Florida, is of 428 South William St., Bryon, visiting Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux Ohio, called on William Murray one and other relatives. • I day last week. Mrs. Cameron is a Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker, Hous- granddaughter of the late Mr. Mun- ton, Texas, Visited Mr. and Mrs. roe, one-time proprietor of the Al - Frank Burns. ma Hotel on the Huron Road, west Mrs. C. Pereault and son, Jos- of Seaforth. eph, Montreal, Que,, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stapleton. spent Iast week in New York, Mrs. •James Newcombe and son, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Dearborn, Jim, of Port Credit, spent the Mich. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Masters Francis and Paul Hag - Stapleton. an spent a week's holidays with Mr. and Mrs. • Frank Evans their uncle and aunt, Mr. and spent Sunday in Merritton. Mrs. J. A. 'Murphy. Mrs. John Cleary, of London, O.P.P. Harold Highton, Gode- spent a few days last week with rich, is relieving in Seaforth while Nix's. Joseph. Melady and Mr. and Provincial Constable Gorden Fer- Mrs. Frank Evans. Iris is on holidays. ` Mrs. Bert Dakin, of Calgary, formerly Martha Pollard, of Mc - Pioneer Home IKillop, is visiting at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. R. F. McKercher. In -Ha Renewed i- Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson have l+I returned after having spent hob- ' days at Barrow Bay. Seventy years ago, Paul -Doig Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Grant and Bell, widely known resident of family, of Waterloo, spent the Hay Township, built" a fine coin-'' weekend with Mrs. Grant's moth- modious brick residence to replace er Mrs. K. M. McLean. a pioneer log dwelling destroyed iMlrs. J. B. Russell and Mrs. G. by fire. Today his grandson, Stew- D. ' Ferguson spent Sunday at art Bell, has restored and renovat- ed that house of 1884 into a most David Ritchie. complete modern home, but one Dr Fraser Oliver, Mrs. Oliver which still retains all the beauty and family, of Ste. Anne de Belle - and charm of an older day. The vue, are visiting Dr. Oliver's par- -residencelt west of Hensall. tsMr. and Mrs. Thomas Oli. When the house was first built, ouDrt, Oliver is on the staff of verMc- local craftsmen planned and car- Donald College. ried out the work, and as,before, Mr. Peter Sillei'y is spehding a• much of the lumber, including few days es Waterloo, doors, trim and hardwood floors, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Menzies, has been cut and milled on the of Victoria, B.C., were guests of home site. Mrs. Cuthill, Seaforth, and the Because of the widespread in- Misses Dennis, of McKillop. terest in the project, and in re- Neil Broadfoot and Ronald Den - sponse to many requests, a pre- nis, of Walton, have returned af- view.iea is being arranged in Sep- ter three weeks at Ontario Camp tember. LOCAL BRIEFS - Miss Donna Dale is spending a few days in - Auburn with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. McMichael. Mr. William Dale -was in Wood- stock last Friday and Saturday, judging the heavy horses at their fall fair, - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Crerar and family; of Shakespeare, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hanna, of Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke .on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson and Bill, also Mrs. Ethel Stephen- son, of S afort , " were guests on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. - Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Adams, of Egmondville, spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Ernest Adams.. Miss" Grace Riley retGrned borne Tuesday from Bracebridge, where she spent the past two months et a summer resort. Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt and baby re- turned from Scott Memorial'.Hos- pital, Seaforth, on. Tuesday. Misses Muriel Dales -and• Mary Whyte returned home Saturday from Wasaga Beach', where they spent the past two months. Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Lawson spent Thursday in Listowel. , 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stove and Furnace On • DUNDQS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R • FOR SALE 6 -ROOM BRICK on Goderich St- • 6 -ROOM FRAME on Louisa St. 5 -ROOM FRAME ON Welsh- St. 6 ROOMS in Egmondville. The above homes are all in good state of repair, and can be bought with low down payment. 200 -ACRE FARM in Tuckersmith Good buildings. Priced to sell. . RED CROSS NOTES Leadership Centre at Bark Lake, and are assisting at Goderich summer school • The regular meeting of Seaforth Red Cross will be held in the lib- rary rooms on Friday, Sept. 2, at 3:00 p.m. Mrs. Messenger' is at present POSTAL INFORMATION visiting her daughter, Mrs. A_ Monday, September 5, Labour` Erickson and Mr. Erickson and o. Day, being a statutory holiday, the family KenaBWarton a Barns - Post Office .will be open from 7 Mr. Barton and Miss a.m. to 6 p.m. (E.D.S.T.), and the fieltb Of Martintown, have been wickets will be open for all phases visiting the past week with the of business from 12 noon to 1:00 former's grandmother, Mrs. Bar - p.m. only. All incoming and out- ton, and other relatives. going mails will be despatched as Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Scotchmee usual. Rural patrons are advised have returned home after a three Agin - that there will NOT be a rural de- weeks' visit with friends at court and Guelph. livery on this date. I Miss J. Cluff, of Bayfield, will take up her duties as teacher when school' reopens on Tuesday. Mrs. R. McNane called on her sister-in-law, Mrs. Barton, on Mon- day •.of this week. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland, To- ronto ,are visiting this week with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland. riage will take place in St. Colum- Mrs,• B. W. Churchill, who has ban Roman Catholic Church on' been staying ' with • Mrs. Nelson CALL W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFJICE In the QUEEN'S gOTEiL ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Nora Maloney. R.R. 5, .Sea - forth, announces the engagement of her eldest daughter, Lorraine Mary, Reg.N., to Mr. Leonard Francis Feeney, son of Mrs. Cath- erine Feeney, Dublin. The m'Sr- September 17, at 9:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murdoch, "Evergreenholme," Stanley, an- nounce the marriage of their youngest daugshter, Grace June, to William Dixon Duncan, of Miami, son of Dr. and Mrs. William M. I?udeafl -of • Dayton, Ohio. The cerelrionysekes performed by Rev: Dr.. C. Rpy-Angel, . on August 12, in the; Chapel of Central .Baptist Church, Miami;. Florida. Keyes for the,past two years, leaves this weefor her home in Clinton. ' - ' - Miss Jean Watson, Reg.N., who has been enjoying some holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson, left this week to resume her duties at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Stephen- son and family spent the weekend with Rev. Andrew H. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie andfamily at Innverhuron. WALTON NEWS OF. .THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston and family left on Sunday for their new home -at. Essen, after spend- ing- several _weeks with the form- er's parents, Mr. ,and Mrs:` Silas Johnston. . • Mr, and Mrs. I'Williani Bennett have returned home after spending several months at Dinsmore, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson, of Detroit, were guests at the home of Mr. ,and. Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Will" Walsh and sons, of .Hage lie, were week -end guests sat he 'home of Mrs. Margaret Humphries and at- tended the Humphries - McDonald wedding at Teeswater on. Satur- day. - Miss Olene Dundas has returned home after spending two months at Wasaga Beach. Ron Ennis has returned home after attending the Ontario Lead- ership Training Camp at Bark Lake, near Haliburton,°for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bewley and family, of Toronto, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bewley. Rev. Wm, Robinson, of Belmont, Manitoba, called on friends in the village recently. Rev. Robinson was a former Methodist minister here. Rose Marie Bolger and Ruth Anne Ennis have returned home after attending the London C.G. I.T. Camp at Port Ryerse, on Lake Erie. • Miss Olean Dundas has returned home after a few months at Wasa- ga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston and family have returned to 'their home in Essex. - Misses - Audrey Hackwell and Joan Talbot are at' Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. henry Bolger and 4d Egmondville W,p. Meets At Bayfield:. The August meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. of Egmondville Unit- ed Church was held at the cottage of Mrs. Norman MacLean, Bay- field; on Wednesday, August 24. The president, Mrs. Ed. Boyes, read a poem. The scripture les- son was read by Mrs. M.- Haney. Mrs. A. Forbes spoke on the theme, "The Good Shepherd," and led in prayer. Mrs. W. Tremeer read the minutes and roll call was an- swered by "my favorite • Bible character." Many articles were brought in for the October bazaar. Mrs. V. Lee sang a solo -,with gui- tar accompaniment. Mrs. E. Stephenson, president of the W.M.S., recited a short poem and Ied in prayer. Mrs. G. Mc- Gonigle presented many helpful thoughts and Mrs. S. Pepper was in charge of the devotional exer- cises on the theme, "A'. Door of Understanding." ' Grace Stephen- son sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. V. Lee. The United Churches in India was discussed by Miss Frances Houston, followed by Mrs. W. F. McMillan leading in prayer. Mrs. V. Lee and Mrs. E. Stephenson sang a duet. The temperance re-. port was'given by Mrs. D. Wallace; the stewardship report by Mrs. John Watson and Mrs. Haney re- -ported on the calls to shut-ins. Miss Frances Houston read the min- utes. After the closing prayer, lunch was served and a social time was spent. Husbands, Families Huron W.I. Guests Mr. and Mrs. John- Bruce are' on a motor trip to the Western Prov- inces. Attending a church camp 'near Goderich are Bob Humphries, Bob Kirkby, Bob Houston -and Bryan Travis. Members of Huron W.I. enter: tained their husbands and families to a picnic at Riverview Park, Ex- eter, Wednesday. Eighty-five sat down to a picnic supper, and prizes for the oldest person present went to Mi . Luther Rowcliffe, of Exe- ter; ter the largest family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strang; youngest child present, Linda Dougall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dougall, and the lucky seat win- ner, Lloyd Ballantyne. A long line of sports was run off. OBITUARIES MISS BRIDGET DALTON Requiem High Mass for Miss Bridget M. Dalton, former . Chica- go school teacher, who died' in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, was sung by Father D. Kirwan, Lon- don, and interment made in Kings- bridge cemetery, Ashfield Town ship.• - Her early . life was spent at Kingsbridge and after going to Chicago she taught there for 42 years. Since retiring she resided at Dublin with her niece, Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux, Surviving are one niece, Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux, Dublin, and two nephews, Maurice Griffin, of Akron, Ohio, and James Dalton, Grand Bend. MRS. ANDREW BRUCE Long-time resident of Grey Town- ship and well-known in that part of the county, Sarah June Fulton, 93, widow of the late Andrew Bruce, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. D. Cardiff, on August 13. She is a sister of Mrs, Harry Charters, Seaforth.. Born in Usborne Township, daughter of the late John and Mrs. Fulton, she moved to the 17th con- cession of Grey Township after her marriage to Andrew Bruce. • Surviving are one son, John, on the homestead, and two daughters, Selina, Mrs. Joseph Bolger, Ed- monton, Alta., and Mabel, Mrs. W. J. D. Cardiff, of Brussels; also four grandchildren: Mrs. Harold Camp- bell, Blyth; Mrs. Don Gra ber, El - rose, Sask.; Garnet BolEd- monton; Albert Bolger, Bol, Al- bert, Sask., and eight great-grand- children; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Bruce, Miami, Man.; Mrs. Harry Charters; Seaforth; Mrs. Emmel- ine Gillis, Goderich, and two brothers, John, of Boston, Mass., and James•, of Brussels. • The funeral service was held on August 16; conducted by the Rev. Andrew Lane, of Brussels. Miss Mary Lou McFarlane was soloist. Pallbearers were Albert Cardiff, Stanley Wheeler,. Harry Bolger; Jack Work, Walter Williamson and Clifford Ritchie. Flowerbearers were Mack Cardiff, Lloyd Wheel- er, Graham Work, Sam Sweene , Harvey- Dennis and Harvey Jack - lin. Interiiient was in Brussels cemetery. 110 IDEPhND4f 1953 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1952' DODGE 4 -DOOR 1952 CHEV. 4 -DOOR 1951 PO TTIAC 4 -DOOR 1950 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1950 DODGE CLUB COUPE ROWCLIFFE MOTORS Dodge De Soto Dodge Trucks Phone 267 : ' Seaforth Er 4 REGENT THEATRE - SEAFORTH THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY i+ " THREE RING CIRCUS" (Vista -Vision) JERRY LEWIS DEAN MARTIN -It's a three-ring Circus of Mirth! A sideshow of side-splitting guffaws! Dean Martin at his most romantic. Jerry Lewis at his all-time funniest. In a laugh -packed Fun Fest under the Big Top, brought to you in the wonders of vista -vision. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "REACHING FROM 'HEAVEN " CHERYL WALKER JOHN QUALEN A heart-warming story in the tradition of "Country Parson". All the greatness and down-to-earth beauty of "I'd Climb the Highest Mountain." DON'T BUY THOSE SHOES Until you see what we have to offer! We have a complete stock, of Foot- wear for every member -of the,family at attractive prices. - WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the BIG Values SEAFORTH LLASHMAR Two DRIVE-IN THEATRE iirativaix CLINTON Thurs. & Fri. — Sept. 1 & 2 "ARROWHEAD" (Color) CHARLTON HESTON JACK PALANCE Saturday, Sept. 3rd "Cruisin' Down the River" (Color) DICK HAYMES and THREE STOOGE 5r' -BETTY DANIELS COMEDY CARTOON and NEWS At CHILDREN UNDER 12 Shows Nightly Rain or Clear' Box Office Open 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Sunday Midnight, Sept. 4 and Monday, Sept. 5 "RIDING SHOTGUN"' - (Color) RANDOLPH JOAN SCOTT WELDON Tues. el. Wed. — Sept. 6 - 7 "Duffy of San Quentin" LOUIS JOANNE HAYWARD .DRU Thurs. & Fri. — Sept. 8 • 9 - "THE STOOGE" MARTIN and LEWIS • Each PERFORMANCE - IN CARS.— FREE, .....w.;:.— . . TWO, BIG DANeCES Featuring Lionel Thornton's CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA On the Terrazzo Floor at the SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE SEPT. 9th and SEPT. 34th DANCING AT 9:30 Admission — 75c Each - PROCEEDS — SEAFORTH COMMUNITY, CENTRE MIMEO_ PER, - Available in 100, 500 and 1,00Q Sheet Packages THE HURON - EXPOSITOR i Floor Covering Now is the time to start thinking of the heavy Fall and Winter wear on your floor. Come in and talk over your requirements with us. WE CARRY: --Inlaid Linoleums —Congoleums —Goodyear Vinyl Tile "FRESS ESTIMATES GIVEN, FOR YOUR FLOOR" Whitney Furniture FTJNEItAL -and ANYBULANCE SERVICE Phone 119; Res. 65 Seaforth y,. �ia,7a�.w5nr ruxx eCSviimJf - 441 $ wi.,Fa;.s. 1.