HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-08-26, Page 4• • 0. , ,"4" vs, •1/4 • , • • • v (' It•i; " , OSITOR, SEAFORTH, QNT„ AVM= 26, MO hah is d Ads Inserted At New Low- Cash Rates OR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: tat Week 1 Cent and Week ki. Cent 3rd Week , 45 Cent Minimum charge each insertion26 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eventa--1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per week. Binnuiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not veld width) 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Eta -Rates op applicathm. Coming Events WATCH for the date of the Preview Tea at Bellerine Farms. 4571x1 COME TO the Crystal Palace. Mitchell, for a pleasant Friday evenbag of dancing. Music by the • Night Hawks. 4564-9 $70 JACKPOT BINGO -Full house in 69 calls wins the jackpot; $5 and one call added every Saturday night until someone wins jackpot. Also 14 games "Share the Wealth" No admission: 10 cents a game. Legion Hall, Hensel!, 'Sat.. urday, August 27th. 9 p.m. Sponsored by Hensel] Legion. 4571-1 Wanted Lost and Found FOUND -Lower plate of false teeth. Owner may have same by PHONING 112. Seaforth. 45714 Motor Cars For Sale 'FOR SALE -4946 Ford Super De Luxe Coach. in good condition. PHONE 249-J, Seaforth. 4571-2 Auction Sales. AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects of WANTED TO BUY -Baby crib. A. Joseph Heffernan, in Seaforth. will be ITALMERMAN. Kippen. 4571x1 held Saturday. September 10, at 1 p.m. Watch for detailed list next week. WANTED --Companion housekeeper to 4571-1 take full charge of house and look after elderly lady. Protestant Christian home with modern facilities. Apply Box 463, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4571x2 AUCTION SALE, LIVESTOCK WANTED -Highest cash Prices tlaid for dead, old, sick or disabled horses or cows. Phone promptly. LE. ROY ACHESON. Atwood. Phone 153 col- lect. 4570-13 - • WANTED Hatching eggs wanted by one of Can- , ada's largest and oldest established hatch- eries. Eggs taken every week in the year. Big premiums paid. For full details write Of Farm Property and Household Ef- fects, one mile west of Hensall. on High- way 84. Saturday, September 3rd, at 1:30 p.m.: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -Frigid- aire frig; Beach electric stove:" Wingham Clipper cook stove: Coleman oil burner; 9 -piece dining room suite; studio couch: chest of drawers; 2 antique bureaus: day bed ; rockers odd chairs ; 2 antique ma- hogany chairs; 6 chrome chairs: kitchen _table: radio: gramophone; spool bed: sin- gle beds: small tables; end tables: drop- leaf cherry table; vanity; dresser and washstand to match; kitchen cupboard ; fruit cupboard; cellar table; bedspreads; Box 454. curtains: mats; 5 congoleum rugs; 6 ven- THE HURON EXPOSITOR ' etiah blinds, ,32” wide: dishes; antique 4566-S brass kettle; crocks: sealers; high chair: I play pen ; 2rocking horses: 2 go-carts; commode chair: baby sleigh: 8 -day clock; I kitchen corner cupboard ; roll -away day -Help Wanted ! bed, and many other articles.: PROPERTY -At the same \‘ time and place, there will be „offered for sale the property. consisting of 31/2 acres* land. more or less : 8 -room brick istnise with two sun porches, double basement, bath, running hot and cold, water, Ithree-car , garage: barn with cement stabling : dou- ble deck henhouse and runnin ' water; running\ ; brooder house on cement foundati . TERMS -Household Effects, Cash. Pro- perty -10% day of sale, "'balance in 30 : days. Sold subject to reasonable reserve bid. STEWART BELL. Proprietor; P. L. . McNaughton. Clerk; Ed, Corbett, Auc- , tioneer. 4571-2 HELP WANTED -A man to farm for fall months. Apply 464, HURON' EXPOSITOR. help on to Box 4571x1 WANTED -Girl for restaurant work: good wages and hours. Apply MANGER COZX GRILL. Phone 200. Mitchell% 4571-1 WANTED -Music supervisor for tun schools, Hibbert School Area Number 1. Apply Secretary, IVAN 74cDOUGAL, R. R. . 3, Mitchell. 4570-3 ' Poultry FOR SALE -Pullets, ready to lky. Ap- ply A. KERSLAKE. IlensalL Phone 18. 4571x2 FOR SALE -290 New Hemp and Sussex Pullets, six months old, laying. ROBERT bleLACHIAN. R.R. 3, Kippen, or phone 651 r 13, Seaforth. 4571-tf Property For Sale PROPERTY FOR SALE -Consisting of five acres of land; brick house, seven rooms; small barn: garage Surrounded by trees. Situated on paved highway, six miles north of Seaforth. Close to school, church and general store. Immediate Possessiofi_ Apply to MRS. aHANNAH ALEXANDER. R.R. 4, Walton_ 4571-2 FEMALE BOOKKEEPER -CLERK re- quired Apply in own handwriting, stat- ing age, experience and salary expected. Notices To Creditors Box 461, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4570-2 .40 lallapy for Sale FOR SALE -Budgies and Canaries: Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIO MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth. 893. 4570-tf FOR SALE -Singer sewing machine; rocking chair; cupboard and desk. Andy to MAB-JORIE BICKELL. Phone 1396,W, Seaforth. 4571:1 FOR SALE- A real bargain: two 1955 Lawn Spy 18" de luxe lawn mower demonstrators. Apply BALDWIN HARD- WARE, ,,Seaforth, 4571-1 FOR vSALE-Furnished summer cottage. Bayfield. Ont. (to be moved from premis- es). Apply to G. C. BRIGISTRALL. Canadian Bank fbf Commerce, Seaford). 4571x2 FOR SALE -Clean, bright fuel oil, anreia's `n^n, ton of vat No. 1 and Government -tested coal, screened each de. Tenders Wanted 4570 -ti FOR SALE, OR RENT—A new type hospital bed with inner spring matteess. Apply to ORVILLE WORKMAN, R.E. 3. Kippen. Phone 677 r 11, Henson_ 4570x2 TWP. OF McKILLOP Tenders. plainly marked as to contents. will be received by the undersigned until 2:30. September 3rd, for the cutting of all the weeds on the roadside to the felsces where possible. :ecT:epnted.ders to state price by the hour; also by the mile. and the kind of equipment us Lowest or any 'tender not necessarily J MANLEY, Walton, 'R.'2, Road Superintendent 4571-2 SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood. $10.00 Per load, approximately 2 cords; mixed wood, 58.00 per load, approxispately two cerds. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4570-12 HONEY FOR SALE -Fresh honey in your own containers at 26c per lb; 80 pounds or over, 20e per lb. Also in 4 -lb. containers. Honey is in short- supply, so get your orders in early. }I:uric SHADE, Egmondville. 4570x2 FOR_ SALE -Complete bedroom suite, mahogany finish; box spring and mattress; interchangeable bookcase and headboard; double dresser; chest; desk and chair to match: dresser lamps': radio; bedspread. . used tWo months. CALL 268 until 6 p.m.; ' after 6, Hayfield 30. 4571x1 1 PRIVATE SALE -Chesterfield: dining room suite; bedroom suite: walnut rocker; upright piano ; walnut' table: library ! table; occasional table; occasional chair: 2 fl r lamps; sealere', dishes. C. . SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "TENDER FOR REPAIRS TO HARBOUR WORKS (NORTH WALL AND DREDGING), GODERICH. HURON COUNTY, ON- TARIO", will be received in the office of the Secretary, until 3.00 ant WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1955. Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the office of the 1Chief Engineer, Department of Public 'Works, Ottawa, Ontario, at the, offices of the District Engineer. P.O. Box 668, Pub- lic Building, London, Ontario,. 'and 36 , Adelaide Street East, Toronto, , Ontario, and at the Post Office at Goderich, On- tario. To be considered each tender must be accompanied by a security in the form of a certified cheque or bonds as specified in the form of tender and made on or ac- cording to these forms and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein The Department through the Chief En- gineer's office (H. & R.), or through the undersigned, or through the offices of the District Engineer at London and ‚Toron- to, Ontario, will supply blue -prints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of $25.90 in the form of a cheque or money order payable to the order Of the Minister of Public Works. The de- posit will be released on return oft.'.the blue -prints and specification in good cdii- • dition within a month from the date Of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be forfeited. WAN I k..D-Secretary,Treasurer for the NOTICE to CREDITORS The lowest or any tender not necessarily Dublin Continuation School for the term accepted. of September 1 to December 31. 1955. Send applications 'to MARIE MORRISON. In the Estate of WILLIAM ALBERT ' R.R. 2, Dublin, Ont., not later than Aug - WORKMAN, Deceased. ust 31. 4571-1 For Rent FOR ANT--Sanall apartment in Hen- sel!. Private entrance, Available now. PHONE 10'i -J. Hensall. -- - FOR RENT --Completely furnished mod- ern home; oil heated. Possession Sept. 1. ' PHONE 216. 4570-3 FOR RENT -Three-room unfu'rnished apartment. ORVILI.E ORE. Seaforth. 4570 -ti FOR RENT 4 -room arartment. furnish- ed. Weber, light included. PHONE 66-J. Seaforth. 4571x1 COTTAGE FOR RENT in hayfield: three bedrooms; conveniences. Gloss to lake and river. July .15th to August 11,th. Apply at HODGINS' COTTAGE Satur- day or Sunday. 4570-tf FOR RENT Store 'on Number 4 Highway. Village of Brucefield, s-mble rent. Excellent business opportunity. Two 3 -room apartments in the Village of Brucefield. Rent reasonable. .For Particulars apply CECIL D SIMPSON. Brucefield, Ont. 4 57 1-2 Notices NOTICE -Joe Smith, of London, piano tuner who has been coming to Seaforth for the past several years will be in town week of August 22. Orders taken. PHONE 534 Seaforth, 45704 All persons having claims against the estate of William Albert Workman, late the Township of Tuckersmith, in the "roTinty of Huron Retired Farmer, who !died on or about the 15th day of July. 1955 are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors. of Exeter, Ontario. by the .3rd' day of September, next, after which date : the estate will be distributed, having le- gard only to those claims of .which no - tire has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solieitors far the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 4570-3 ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services NOTICE to CREDITORS 1 SMITH. Phone 484-W evenings, 7-9 ; Saturday afternoons, 46711 C.T.C. More Power I AUTO BATTERIES . and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 3, 1965. • THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of Me - 4570 -2 Taggart Cemetery wishes to acknowledge the donation of $500.00 from the Estate of the late Thomas Wren. 4571x1 13 Plate Heavy Duty 57.95 15 Plate Super Service $11.45 17 Plate Ford, 2 -year guarantee911.95 17 Plate Ford, 4 -year guaranteem$17.95 17 Plate Ford, °2 -year guarantee'$13.45 12 -Volt Batteries for English cars $17.25 15 -Volt Batteries for Tractors$11.45 Also Messier Batteries for Diesels. Trade-in "Batteries included in these prices; 50c extra for installing or de- livery. CANADIAN TIRE CORP'N. ASSOCIATE STORE , SEAFORTH 4571-1 In Memoriam BERRY -In loving memory of my hus- band. H. F. Berry, who passed away August 22, 1952. -Sadly missed by his wife, Vine M. Berry. • 4671-1 Cards of Thanks; • ..„— ELEANOR JANCE COOK and Gary Hilton Corlett will be married in Hensall in September. The bride -elect is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Cook, Hensall, and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Corlett, Leamington. The wedding iriil take place 'September 10 at Hensall United Church. Miss Cook is a graduate of the University of Western. Ontario and of Victoria ,iospital School of Nursing. Mr. Corlett is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario' School of Busi- ness Administration and is a member of Beta Theta Pi Fratern- ity. ,,,,,eseaalt, • ‘11,1"'n,T.,1:a.kta' KIPPEN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dyer-Hurdon, of Detroit, spent the weekend with the latter's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Cooper. - Mr. and Mrs. William Groves, Billy, Lois and Laurie, of New York City, are visiting this week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Morton. Miss Joyce Hood is' holidaying in Clinton with her friend, Miss Berva Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomson, Mary and John, spent the week- end in Parry Sound wtth the for-. mer's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moyer. Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle visited relatives in Clifford a cou- ple of days last week. -Miss Eleanor Fisher, of Winni- peg, who has been visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood returned home after visiting rela- tives and friends at Clinton, Bruce': field, Kippen,' Seaforth, Parkhill, Dublin, Exeter, London and To- ronto. While here she attended the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. Miss Fisher is a niece of Mrs. Dave Workman, of Hensall, and Mr. Robert Thomson, of Kippen. Mrs.. Dickert, Sr., of Clifford, visited a few days last week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mrs. J. L. Henderson, accom- panied by Mrs. W. Mellis, visited an afternoon during last week with Mrs. C. Cook and Mrs. Sproat at Grand Bend. Mr. Hugh McMillan, Sr., of the House of Providence, London, re- cently 'suffered a slight sunstroke. W \trust he will soon be well again. and Mrs. E. Dowson, a -c- omp --eTh- by Mr. R. Thomson, visited a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Good in Auburn. Miss Marcia Little, of Hensall, visited last week with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Miss' Lynn Gackstetter spent a few days with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gackstetter, near Hensall. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper included: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cooper and family, Exe- Personals I WISH to thank very sincerely my relatives, neighbors and friends for tak- HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), ing in my crop, doing my chores, for nailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope their visits and treats to me during my with price list. 6 samples 25e; 24 sem- illness after my accident. ales 81.00. Mail -Order Tiemr T-73, 4571x1 , NORMAN O'CONNER ' NOVA -RUBBER CO- Box 9L Hamilton. For.Salp FOR SALE -Hereford bull, 2 years old, In the Estate of JOSEPH FRANCIS with papers. Apply ORVAL GREER. R. MELADY R. 4, Seaforth, or Phone 655 r 24, 'Sea- • .111 persons haying; claims against the' forth.45'71x1 Estate of Joseph F rancis Melody. late of I I FOR SALE -Quantity excellent straw- ' tse Township of Hibtrert, in the County of erth. Farmer. deceased, who died on the berry plants, half price, 3 cents each, .1 ith day of July 1955 are hereby notified I FRED COOK, Sesrforth- 4571-1 to tend in full particulars of their claims , FOR SALE -Used Beatty electric wash - to the undersigned on or before the 26th ing machine, new motor; needs, minor re - I day of August. 1955. after ;which date the I assets will be distributed. having regard Pairs: 120. PHONE 676. 4571-1 only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of July. 1055• McCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4568-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of EMILY STRONG All Persons having claims against the Estate of Emily Strong, late of the Town. vhip of McKillop. in the County of Huron, ,Widow, deceased. who died on the 1st day of June, 1955, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the I GET YOUR sewage work done now, undersigned on or before the 26th day of Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All , August, 197,5. after which date the assets work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea- , will be distributed, having regard only to forth. Iclaims then aeceived. • 4570 -ti' DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of I July, 1955. RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, ! opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 847-1L 4-,70-tf ; COMPLETE LA UNDETERI A in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNERI NOTICE to CREDITORS FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter, 4570 -ti' In the Estate of SAMUEL JOHN WALLACE McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4.568-3 PAPERHANGING, PAINTING (brush or Spray) exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St 4570-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Sep- tic tanks and cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with sanitary and modern equip- ment. All work guaranteed. Average house septic tank rate is between $20 and $25. depending on size. Apply LOUIS BLAKE, R.R. 2, Brussels. Phone Brus- sels 42 r 6. 4571468 ATTENTION, FARMERS I - Prom pt courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and bides. Call eollect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 225, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd 4570-tf CEMENT WORK -All types of brick and block work, for general building work and repair work. Call BERT CHRIS- TENSEN, Railway St., Seaforth. Phone 15. 4570-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Interaittatitta intake for all breeds of mite , Pm Service Or inform - tion, belse CLINTON 242, plied, bet Wee* 7 iSO and, 10:00 LIM on week days alnd. 7 ISO 'end 940 a.m. on Sundays. 457041 All persons having claims against the Estate of Samuel John Wallace, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Bricklayer, deceased, who died on the 17th day of June. 1955, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of Augudt. 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to cleat -es then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, this Igth day of July,. 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4568-3 NOTICE to -CREDITORS In the Estate of JOSEPH CARPENTER All persons having claims agtinst the Estate of Joseph Carpenter, late' of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth. Retired Farmer, deceased, who died' on the 23rd day of July, 1955, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their cleims 'to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of September, 1966. after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having --regard , only to claims then received. DATED at Seafortb, thief 36th day of August, 1055. McCONNELL & Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4576-8 FOR SALE -Quantity of wheat. Apply PEARSON Phone 679 r 21, Hensall. I WISH to thank all those who have been so kind since my recent accident, for cards, treats and flowers and personal sisits while in hospital, and a special thanks to the neighbors and members of L.O.L. 1035. Varna. who so very kindly finished the threshing for me. I am in- deed grateful. 4571-1 GEORGE L. REID Births GRAINGER-Stanley and Helen Grainger (nee Ament) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Elizabeth Mary Ann, at St. Joseph's Hospital, choice seed I London, on August 7. 1955. A sister for Billy. John and Jimmie. CHARTERS.' JEW1TT-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on 457Isl August 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jewitt, R.R. 1, Clinton, a son. SMITH -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, 1 RR, 3, Kippen, a son. FOR SALE -Black heifer, Jersey -Hol- stein cross; good size; due to freshen August 2/. GORDON ELLIOTT', Bruce - field. Phone 659 r 11, Seaforth, 4571-1 FOR SALE -Trailer, box 6x8x2 feet; electric welded, channel iron frame. Top raises to height of 4 feet inside. Excel- lent for hauling or sleeping. Any reas- onable offer. Phone 256. R. C. NICHOLS. 4568x3 Deaths . HUGHES -In Detroit, on Sunday, August 21, Mary Brigid Flannery, beloved wife of the late James Hughes, in her 84th year, Seaforth Fall Fair HOBBIES SECTION Sponsored by Chamber of Commerce COMPETITIONS ARRANGED AS FOLLOWS Girls Needlework Boys Modelcraft Mixed Collections (Coins, Mixed 4/ 4( Art it up to 12 years 12 to 16 years up to 12 years 12 to 16 years Stamps, Pencils, Etc.) up to 12 years 12 to 16 years up to 12 years 12 to 16 years Non-competive Exhibition Adults are asked to kindly display, their Hobbies with a view to encouraging the younger genera- tion to•take up worthwhile hobbies. These may include: • ART EXHIBITIONS • ANTIQUES, t STAMPS OR OTHER COLLECTIONS • HOBBIES OF ANY KIND it .. • • . .,.-:•.,,,-.,,:;-,,,,v, . , . "!,,;;-„ofgilil,r., ••=10010.4. kaimagnermoimmomar..••••••", - Misses Nancy and Mary Ion are spending a week's holi- days with their -grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton. Mrs. Lilly Belfour and Miss B. Covney accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Amos Graver to Algonquin Park last week. Mr: and Mrs. Clayton Sheldon nd family, St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton- Malcolm on Sunday, Bruce returning home with them for a while. Fig EtiTERTA1, Sports Tufr casaircioNsunif , Horse S"oe 'Pitching ONTARIO BEAN FESTIVAL HENSALL Labor Day, Sept. 5 Read the Advertisements — a Profitable Pastime ter; Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper and family, Exeter: Mr. and Mrs William Bell have returned home after spending - a few days in the northern parts. There were 14 members of the Hay -Stanley 4-0 Tractor Club at the meeting at Boyee"s Garage, Varna, Monday evening. The' meeting was under the leadership of lir. Hank Beilman, The cooling system of tractors was discussed, and plans were made to make a float for the Bean Festival in Hen- sall on Labor Day. Miss Heide Shroeder, of Dash- wood, is visiting with Miss Sharon McBride. Mr. and MA. Ivison Torrence, Mitchell, visited friends in the dis- trict 'on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair and daughters returned home Saturday from a pleasant 'holiday in Mani- toba. BRUCEFIELD, Mr. Donald Eyre. and •sisters, Dorothy and Ruth, spent - a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie left on Tuesday morning for Moose Jaw, where they will attend the wed- ding of Mrs. McKenzie's niece. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pinkney are visiting Mrs. Pinkney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith and family, Stratford, spent a few days with relatives in the village. • Mrs. H. Berry attended the wed- ding of her. nephew, Ross Smith, to Shirley Chapman, in the United Church at Whitechurch on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott and family,:>of Cartright, visited with Kaye and Marie Elliott last week. H.F.A. FOOTBALL FINALS Ethel vs. Winthrop At Community Park WINTHROP Thursday, Aug. 25 Game Time — 6:45 p.m. sharp NOTICE RE. DOG TAX Any person owning or harbor- , ing dogs in this Municipalityp who have not made a satisfac- tory settlement for this over - clue tax, at the Town Clerk's office,- or to Harold Maloney, Tax Collector, by week ending August 27, 1955, can, expect court action to follow. • Town. Of Seaforth Demonstration TSHEEE, ACNADSE DR4I0 _ 1. I. Case Farm Machinery Demonstration will be held on, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st — 2:30 p.m. at the farm of Alex Boyes, R.R.- No. 3, Seaforth (First farm west of Egmondville on the right hand side of the Mill Road) S. See the New '400' Diesel Tractor with a 4 -Furrow Mounted Plow Also to be Demonstrated is a '210' Subsoiler And. Various Other New Case Machines. Sponsored by Rowchffe Motors. PHONE 267 SEAFORTH Fix Up Your Roof While the weather is good, it istime tO' get that old roof ready for next Winter's bad weather. We specialize in the Finest of Heavy, Fire -proof, Non -Warp Asphalt Shingles Your Choice of Many Different Colors! I See Our Illustrated Booklet for Colors and Patterns , —0— vs Ball -Macaulay. Ltd. BuildersSupplies - Sash - Doois Lime - Cement SEAFORTH CLINTON Phone 787 Phone 97 'Tr • sr. .a • a -moo