HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-08-19, Page 3'l. 0 • One .11 t..1 , PF • • C ROMA.RTY NEWS.O.F THE WEEK Rev. A. MacDonald, of Hensen, lad charge of the,service on Sun, 'lay in the absence of Rev. S. Kerr• who was preaching anniversary services in Brussels. Mr. Ernest Shoebottom, Nebras- ka, spent a few days with his cousin, Frank Allen, and Mrs. Al- len. Mr. and Mrs. BIakely, of Toron- to, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Glossop. �lti Mr. and Mrs. John McLean an Mr. and Mrs. Ford, of Filmore, Sask., visited with their niece, Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl and hloYd Sorsdahl. Mrs. Gordon Houghton, of Lon- don, is holidaying at the home of Mrs. M. Houghton. The Houghton family met at Seaforth Lions Park on Sunday. Exqter RACE Wed., August 24th. ' $1,500.1N PURSES 2°:30 • Class, Trot or. Pace 2:25Class, Trot or 'Pate 2 22 Class, Trot 'or Pace 2:20 Class, Trot or Pace Free -For -All $350 Closing Date For, Races, Wednesday, August 17 Horses Eligible Wednesday;- August 17 •Three per cent to enter. Two -heat plan. 'Each heat a race. Two heats of one mile each. Canadian Trotting Associhtion rules to govern, with exceptions. The Committee reserves the right to' call off any race or -make • any. other desirable changes. Free hay and straw. Races start at 2:00 p.m.,"D.S.T. McDONNELL ,STARTING GATE WILL BE USED Betting Privileges on the Grounds $250 $300 $300. • $300 EXETER TURF CLUB FRANK TAYLOR President JACK MORRISSEY, Chairman GEO. W. LAWS N, Treas: BILL ALLISON, Secretary SHAKESPEARE Phone 49-R pyx 1 I Henson :Approves 10011 Rat, A special meeting- of Heiman Council was held Monday evening in the council chamber with alj< members present, to consider the setting of the 1$55 tax rate. Reeve -W. Parke reported the Park Board had promised to give the council the sum 'of $2,000, to be applied against 'the debenture payment of $2,306.28 for the in- stallation of artificial ice. • Considerable discussion took place as regards setting the rates anis it was found that, the county rate would have to be raised up 1.3 mills and the ppblic school .4 mills, also the high school .2 mills, or in. other words, ,these rates would be 1.9 mills higher than last year. Council adopted a motion by Councillors Hoy anduker: "That the tax rate for the tear 1955 be set at 55 mills and divided as fol- lows: County 10.7, Village 16.5, Public Library .7, fire engine de- benture 1.2, waterworks .deben- ture 1.2; artificial ice debenture .4, hydrant rental 2.9, high school 4.9, public school 15.5, park -i; and that a by-law be prepared con- firming the same." On motion, of Councillors Jones and Sangster, it was agreed that the- weed cutting charges against H. Swan, M. Stephan, R. Elgie, Mrs-" S. Welsh, H. Jones and R. Mock properties be added to the tax roll. Council discussed sand at' the Arena and it was decided to use the sand at 25c a yard and stock- pile it at the rear of the Hall for sidewalks and the streets, same to be salted if possible. The regular meeting of Hensall Council, was held August 2 at 8:00 p.m. in the council chamber with all members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopt- ed on motion of Sangster and Jones. W. Fairbairn and B. Beaton ap- peared, re. transient traders' lic- ense by-law; the same explained to their satisfaction. E. R. Da -vis re- ported, re catchbasins, also patch- ing of the streets and the cutting of weeds. H. Hey reported re the drainage for W. Dillon's property; the street committee to look into. Veteran's Cab GEORGE H. MILLER, Prop. Passengers Insured PHONE 362 SEAFORTH STAR (ME FISH and CHIPS -40c TAKE OUT 35c • Hamburgers • Hot Dogs "Thy Them Just Once" (NEW EQUIPMENT) Special Home -Cooked — FULL COURSE MEALS • and - LIGHT LUNCHES TOBACCOI and ICE CREAM TOM CHONG, -Prop. >eENSALL Mr. land Mrs. Q'arl aepplet of Waterloo, and Mr atad '.yrs J: V; Mt=A'ree, f Mimko, vyere heliday visitors t ith Mr. and' •Mrs, 'oitn golden and attended the Old Boys' Reunion at Seaforth. • Clarence Reid is erecting . a fine double garage on his pxoperty, Earl Dick, of Cromarty, doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd•Noakes and six sous, of North Bay, are vaca- tioning with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes. • Lloyd Allan, one -month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet -Allan, isy a patient at South Huron District Hospital, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr spent the weekend and holiday with rela- tives in Sarnia. Don Mellick, Go4erich, and Gary Merner, Bayfield, are spending a week .holidaying with. Jerry Mc- Clinchey. To Conserve! Water Supply Hensall P.U.C. are' asking con- sumers to please conserve water due to the shortage 'of the local supply of -water . recently. Hose service is to be used .only from 7:3,9. a.m. to 9:30 a.m-, one line of hose only, effective' immediately. Offenders will be prosecuted- This will be in effect until further no- tice. Reeve William Parke stated -that the well, which is pumping 100,000 gallons in 24 hours—a 'good third, or maybe more—shows a, little weakness, but nothing to be alarmed about. - the same. Correspondence was read as fol- lows:. Workmen's Compensation Board, Receiver General, McCoy Foundry Co., Unemployment In- suraance Corn mission, Department of Municipal Affairs, Department of Highways, Department of Pub- lic Welfare, J. D. Cowan, County Treasurer, Public School Board - same considered and filed. Bills and accounts were read as follows: C. Kipfer, postage, $5; relief, $10; E. Munn, labor, streets $5,. weeds $4, Hall $6.85; Clark & Fuss, labor,' tree, $18:;. Hensel' P.U.C., Hydro, Hall, $8.70; E." R. Davis, salary, $211.31; Receiver General, income tax, $5.35; Bell Telephone, fire dept., $6.55, mis- cellaneous $1'1.95; Public School Board, current expenses, . $2,500; County of Huron, hospitalization, $50; Drysdale . Hardware, supplies, Hall, $3.68; A. Spencer & Son, ma- terial, streets, $18.16;•E. Fink, sup- plies, Hall $3.25 streets $17.50;; J. Bengough; supplies $3.65, miscel- laneous $6; McCoy Foundry Co., catchbasin top, $16.50; J. A. Pater- son, cartage $1.50, insurance, fire dept. $30. Total, $2,941.60. Hoy and Luker: That bills and accounts as read be paid.' Hoy and Luker. That we now adjourn to meet again at the call of the Reeve to , set the tax rate. RE-Vijl'ALIZED CLEANING' IS Better Than Ever at Buchanan Cleaners 'Mount Forest More, Spots and Stains Remover Garments stay clean longer: wit' wear longer. Phone 669 r 2- Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGEIV - MY N. and THURS. MORltiINGS Mar/knoll Sister, • attire Of Dublin, Goes TO Honolulu Currently enjoying a three-week -vacation at the home of her par- ents in Dublin, Sister Mary -Janet, of the Maryknoll Sisters', will leave, at the end of this moth to spend the next 10 years of her life as a social worker in the Hawaiian Is- lands. Before taking her Vows as a nun, ,Sister. Mary Janet was known in Dublin elementary and high schools as Rose M. McConnell, the dayght' ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Connell, Dublin. Following a secretarial course at Loretta Academy in Toronto', she entered the sisterhood in 1938 from Gesu Parish, .Detroit. Short- • SISTER MARY JANET ly after her -"profession, her first assignment took her,' in 1943, to the Hawaiian Islands, where she worked -as a 'social service recep- tionist. Returning in 1949 she entered Manhattanville College of the Sac- red Heart, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts degree. Major= •ing in social service in a post- graduate course at Fordham Uni- versity, -she .graduated recently with a Master of Social Service degree.. . When she returns to Honolulu, Sister Mary Janet will immediate- ly assume- her duties with 10 other Maryknoll Sisters in caring for foster children, helping with the problems of families on the island, and participatingin - community projects.., There are approximately one hundred- Maryknoll- Sisters scat- tered throughoot'the islands, with' the . majority teaching in six schools, including 'two high schools. The comunity is respon- sible for the Confraternity of ,Christian Doctrifie 'work in the is- lands,, thus. teaching religion to thousands of children. Two other members of the Mc- Connell family are members of Roman Catholic religious orders: Rev. J. F. McConnell, M.M., •a Maryknoll priest, and Mother St. 'David, -The Pines, Chatham. A second sister, Mrs. Harry Ding- man, lives at 16853 Lawton Ave., Detroit. She also has two other brothers, Joseph and Patrick, both of Seaforth. Alp • •a, \° Here's proof that DODOEHis the best -buy in the low -price field! DODGE IS BIGGER! 207.4" ,DODGE•IS 8.9" LONGER! Ii__;' CAR ."C" 195.6" DODGE IS 11.8".LONGER! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Low, forward -tapering hood and • • downsloping rear deck accent • Dodge Motion -Design for The • Forward Look. - • • Twin -arch grille thrusts forward, makes;Dodge a styling standout! • New "tumblehome"— the inward slant of ,the upper body—stresses Dodge snug -to -the -road look. • Slim, tapered roof -gives every • Dodge model- the flair of "hard- • top" styling. • • Full wrap-around windshield has, • ' swept -back corner posts for great- est visibility. DODGE IS SMARTER! • • • • • Comparison proves, you get a bigger, better car in Dodge. Dollar `for dollar, you get more value for what you 'pay. Right now you can get all this value at a price far lower than you Haight expect. Just phone your •bodge -De Soto dealer for a drive..He's'ready to, deal=today ! .NOTE': ' Looking'for q used car? You can be sure of yo�iie with n' DEPENDABLE',USED CAlefrom your Dodge-tl'e Soto dealer's selection. °-a: ManvJ'aehued in ,,Canada by Chrysler Corporation of. Canada, Limited • . • • • • • • • • • - m DODGE GIVES GREATER "GO"! ADVANCED -DESIGN HY-FIRE V-8 'Most powerful V-8 in the low -price field! ,Dome-shaped combustion chambers, extra -large over- head valves, give you more "go" per., gallon from regular gag! ' PROVED .,POWERFLOW 8] Mostpowerful 6 in Dodge history! The only 6 with Chrome -Sealed Action. 'By,far the simplest, most efficient 6 -cylinder engine - in the industry. l ur•.0,1 • RQWCLIFFE MOTORS SEAFORTH, ONTARIO --- PHONE 267 A: District mg RQGE'RSON . S'4:'EyE; S WALTON. -- Duff's United Church, Walton, was attractively deeor d with baskets of glad- iolus ern midst a setting of burning c dies on August 6, at two o'clock or a pretty midsum- mer wedding, when a double -ring ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Glen Eagle, Clinton, uniting in r7rriage Margaret Jean Agnes Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stevens, Walton, and Ken- neth Lorne Rogerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rogerson, of Tuckersmith Township. Mrs. Har- vey Brown, church organist, play - .ed the wedding music and accom- panied Mr. George Turner, Sea - forth, who sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Because." Given in marriage by her fathers the bride wore a floor -length gown of nylon tulle and net over satin, fashioned with ' softly moulded bodice, portrait neckline, lily point sleeves, rows of tiny buttons from neckline to waist, bodice and steeves of French Chantilly lace, sequins appliqued in rose design, bouffant skirt of' nylon tulle 'over satin, with same appliqued notif carried out in • skirt, falling to a slight train. Her headdress was a crown of teed pearls and irrides- cent sequins held a finger tip il- lusion veil. She wore rhinestone, earrings and necklace, the gift of the groom. She carried a bouquet of fed roses, designed in a' star. with silvered ribbon: Miss Doris Stevens, Walton, sis- ter of the bride, was ,maid of hon- or, choosing a ballerino length° gown of white and yellow net over white satin, -with a fitted bodice trimmed with yellow embroidered flowers and yellow sash around the ,waist with a white•stole and yellow mittens. Her headdress was of yellow flowers covered with yellow net. She carried a bouquet of yellow mums designed in a star similar to the bride's. The bridesmaid was Mrs. Ever- ett Storey, Dublin, who wore an identical dress to the maid of hon- or's, with green and white net ov- er white satin, and green embroid- ered flowers on bodice . with a green sash around the waist. Her headdress was of green flowers and green net. She also carried, yellow mums designed' in a star. The' flower girl was little Karen McDonald, niece of the bride, who wore a mauve dress and carried yellow mums., Neil McDonald, nephew of the bride, was ring -bearer, and wore a dark- jacket with light trousers. He carried a white satin cushion .with mauve and white 'streamers'. The best man was Mr. Murray Crich, Clinton. Ushers were Mr. Robert Stevens, brother of the bride, and Mr. Ro4ert Reid, cou- sin of the groom. . The reception followed in. 'the basement of the church where bas- kets of gladiolus and mauve and. yellow streamers formed an at- tractive setting. - Receiving the guests was the bride's mother wearing 'a navy blue sheer dress trimmed with rhinestones and white - accessories with a corsage of pink ac'cessor,,es. The- groom's. mother wore navy blue sheer with pink and navy accessories and - wore a corsage•of pink carnations. Those assisting at - the table were 'Mrs. Stuart Wilson, Mrs. Vern Alderdice, Miss Joan Ryan and Miss Helen Johnston. The happy couple left 'midst showers of eonfetti, for a wedding trip -to Northern Ontario, the bride choosing a dusty rose dress with white accessories. On their return they will reside on the bridegroom's farm in Tuckers.mith Township. ;. 'Guests were present from Lon- desboro, Seaforth, Kippen, Bruce - field, Blyth. Clinton.and Walton. The 'bride is a former graduate of Stratford Normal School and present teacher at S.S. No. 3, Tuck- ersmith. CONSTANCE Mr. Wm. Dale was in Toronto on August 3. where, he purchased two registered Guernsey hejfers at the Classic Guernsey sale held aG Fraser Dale's farm. Miss Laurel Dale and Miss Mar- ilyn Taylor are spending a week's. vacation in London. _._._ems WALTON The August meeting of Walton °United Church W.A. was held on Thursday afternoon with 17 ladies present. The meeting opened with the 'president, Mrs. Love, in the chair.' Opening,Hymn No. 637 was sung with Mrs. Cuthill at the piano; lesson, Good Shepherd, John 10:11-18. The W.A.,- theme 'song was followed by' the Mary Stewart Collect. The secretary's report was • read and' approved. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. A. "Coutts, balance on hand being $563.67. The business discussion was followed by clos- ing hymn 280. The meeting clos- ed with prayer., The W.M.S. of Duff's. United Chuviceh held their Monthly meet- ing Thursday, August 4, with the pfesident, Mrs. R. McMichael, in charge. The meeting opened with the use of Hyinn 383. The scripture reading was from the Books of Romans and Ephesians. The sec- retary's report .was followed by roll call and the treasurer's re- port. The sectional meeting will be held, in the church on Sept. 28. The topic, "Examining Our Atti- tude to Other Races," was taken by Mrs. W. Bewley, leader of 'the Walton group. The meeting con- cluded by singing the, latter por- tion of Hymn 383 and prayer by the president. Mrs. Maybelle Ryan and daugh' ter, of Lucan, visited Mrs. N. Reid. Glenna Houston visited with Mrs. E. Hackwell. Mr. and -Mrs. John Taylor left on Tuesday for •the West and Seattle,. Washington.' Bends The Quality Of Your Nerd! WOW...BQabtlit Pnc FIE on the job, as thousands of chicle Canadian fanners are doing. Discuss a. Pam iv m r Improve of Monem treal ent Loanmanagerwith your nearest Bank 7rn , BANK OF MONTREAL e4*' :s 7144 Vauwd tall' working wifft Carwadi®mn Is •sssy walk of Iif• 'Inc. Vial Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Bh�eoefiel� (Sub -Agency) : Open Tuesday and Friday Balan ced Chick Die When You Feed Your Chickens TOPNOTCH LAYING CRUMBLES or -TOPNOTCH LAYING PELLETS • You know they are getting a concentrated'°" diet in every mouthful, They cannot pick, out just the best. - ONLY TOPNCTCH CRUMBLES AND PELLETS ARE MADE LOCALLY Save the cost of heavy freight bills. Order from us to -day! Topnotch Feeds Ltd. SEAFORTH — OR PHONE 15 Each_ ticket admits one adult or two children. Only Advance Sale Ticket Holders are eligible for draw on: 2 ,455 CARS * DODGE REGENT 'SEDAN -.'* CHEVROLET 210 DELUXE All tiekets musj be in by 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 17th to be eligible for draw which will be made at 10:15 p.m. on same date, in front of Grandstand. L BUY YOUR'-TICKETS'EARLY!, THERE'S A WESTERN AIR AT' .1. .4' SE Q ttoIIV LONDON!,. tit• Mrs. Ross Cunningham, Karen • . w. ,sae. „a and Rickey, of Ethel, visited with • Mrs. Ethel Ennis. • P�t..rG'• k5 ', tat 3*l,C i4t�' isY C