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,1 " Golden Wedding''
PICTURED ABOVE'are Mr. and Mrs. Alphonsus C. Meagher
after their recent marriage in St. Patrick's Roman Catholic
Church, Kinkora. The bride, former Rita McDonnell, is, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McDonnell, R.R. -2, Gads -
hill. The_ bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher,
R.R. 1, Dublin.
Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41
For. Hensat ouple
Honoring Mr. and Mrs:, Stetter
Faber, of B.R. 1, Hensall, twenty-
nine neighbors and friends --AP
Hellanders,--met at their borne
Friday evening, to honor them on
the occasion of their golden -wed-
ding anniversary, and to make
them the presentation of a hot wa-
ter bottle and two bed lamps. The
accompanying address was read
by Mrs. Dirk Van Wieren, and the
presentation made by Mrs. Cecil
Damm. A social hour was spent
in reminiscing the old days back
in Holland. Delicious refresh-
ments were served.
In commemoration of the event,
a family dinner was held at the
home of Mr. and, Mrs. Rochus
Faber on Sunday`, with thirty-five
present. The house was attractive
with summer blooms, while the
bridal table centered a three-tier
wedding ''cake, flanked with gold
mums. Mr. and Mrs. Faber were
presented with a purse of money
by the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Faber game to
Canada from Holland 30 years
ago, settling in Hensall, where
they lived for a short time, after-
wards taking up farming in the
area where they have farmed ev-
er since.
They have a family of five sons,
Harry, Jack, Egbert, Rochus and
Cornelius, and nine grandchildren,
all residing in the Hensall area.
District Obituaries
KIPPEN.—Mrs. John Paterson
died in Toronto last Thursday,
July 28, in her 78th year. As the
former Marion McGregor, she was
born in' the Kippen area. .
Surviving,,are her husband; one
son, Duncan Sproat Paterson, To-
ronto, and one granddaughter,
Mrs. Marion Peart, Toronto; one
sister, Mrs. William Workman, of
After resting at the 'McDougall
and Brown Funeral Home, Toron-
td, until Saturday, the body was
then taken to the Borithron Fun-
eral Home, Hensall Public ser-
vices were held Saturday at 3:00
p.m., conducted by Rev. D. Mac-
Donald, minister of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church. Interment was
in Hensall Union Cemetery.
out of -
For your convenience in sending money oi,it of town or-
, abroad, use our money orders and foreign remittaince*.,
For details, call at our nearest branch—we have more than
680 to serve you.
NW -775
SEAFORTH BRANCH: G. C. Brightrall, Manager
INSPECTING SOME of the ' pioneer furnishings which were housed in the 1. "_ "cabin at Vic-
toria Park are, from left to righc.t: Lois Hamilton, Seaforth; Beverley Nethery, Wingham; San-
dra Savauge, Seaforth; and Shirley Boucher, Wingham, The girls found , a big change in the
household furnishings used when Seaforth was born 100 years ago, and those used in the mod-
ern house today.
Bunion Visitors Register
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ten Hagen,
Warsaw, N.Y.; Mrs. Mary Goven-
loek Thompson, Castile, N:Y:; Car-
olyn Wood, Goderich; .Dr. R. L.
Norris, Wyomitg; Beverly Beaton,
Goderich; Armour Dundas, Lori -
don; -Mrse Armour Duhdas;. Lon-
don; Marilyn Orr, Goderich; Joyce
Sowerby, Goderich; Jim Cluff,
Woodstock; .Alberta Cluff, Wood-
stock; J: R. Cudmore, Willowdale;
Mrs. Jack Cudmere, Willowdale;
Mrs. William 'Harvey, Petawawa
Army Camp; Mrs.• Jim Nott, Clin-
ton; • Mrs. Pearl Taylor Wilton,
Brussels; Wayne Riehl, Wingham;
Linda Jean" Butler, Mitchell; John
C. Bell, St. Marys;' Carol Ann But-
ler, Mitchell;' Wilfred..Riehl, \5 ing-
ham.; Neil Montgomery, Ailsa
Craig; Jack 'Montgomery, Ailsa
Craig; Jill Montgomery, Ansa -
Craig; Mrs.- Glen Colbert, Long
Acres; Clen O. Colbert, Long Ac -
. res. •
Harry Hart, Preston; Noella
Sowerby, Goderich; Deanne • Mul-
lough, Goderich; Ruth Ann Gauley,
Goderich;- Clifford C. Hunt, Lon-
don; -William Aberhart, London;
Mary _ G. Aberhart, London; Jos.
N. Hart, Clinton; John Nielson.
New Hamburg; Thomas A. Smith,
Guelph; Reid Edmunds, "St. -
George, Ont.; Mrs. G. B. Flani-
gan; Hamilton; Mrs. Roy C. Luck -
hart, New Hamburg; Grat .Flani-
gan, Hamilton; Harold Stark, Wel-
land; George B. Aberhart, Lon-
don; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A:
Burns, Jim and Wendy, Jordan
'Station,. Ont.; J. Cecila Horan,
Hamilton; Mrs. C. R. Hall, Toron-
to, C. R. Hall, Toronto; Harvey
Munro, Goderich; Irene Munro,
Goderich; Bill Munro, Goderich;
Mary Gillespie, Goderich; Alena-
Munro, Goderich; Janice Roberts.
Fort Erie; Gordon Roberts, Fort
Erie; Dorothy Roberts, Fort Erie;
Mr. and Mr's. J. Cliff Britton, Mt.
Charles G. ,Stogdirl, Toronto;
Helen Leppard, St. Catharines;
John Cheoros, Ridgetown; Wilson
Carrick, Blyth;. Amber . Carrick,
Blyth; Harvey Carrick, • Blyth;
Mrs. W. R. Shaw, London; V'..R.
fI �lgstepahead thatf) eary to tale
Stepping out iii a new, De Soto is a wonderful way to move
ahead in the world!
Here'sa truly modern car ---bold and broad, low and long. Jt's
motion -designed for The Forward Look, -the new coneept in car
design that's setting a new. trend in automotive- styling.
here's spirited power—a fnighiyy 185- or 200-h.p. V-8 engine
eager to carry out your commands. •
Yet, a big new De Soto is easy to own! You'll find it costs less
than many models of smaller cars. And a DeSoto provides
you with many conveniences, such as PowerFlite automate
transmission, at no extra cost. On many competitive cars, e
automatic transmission alone adds more than $200 to the price! -
Your dealer can give you dollars -and -sense reasons why De Soto
is your smartest buy ... as well as the smartest car on the road!
So call him soon. He will gladly arrange demonstration with
you at the wheel.
the &siinciive new
A styling and ..
engineering achievement . . .
manufactured by Chrysler Corporation
of Canada, Limited
l; r
De Soto Fireflite Four -Door Sedan
Mir. and Mrs llurra� Stgnhen,
of "Toronto; visi ed on M d'ay W1-1%
T r..ared Mrs harles S pben•,
Miss Grace Boody spent, East
wed with Sally • ehesoil at Exe,.
ter and GrandB,c
Betty Ane Stephen spent holi
clays last week wityh her .sister,.
Mrs, Pack Robinson, Rirkton,
Misses Shirley and Marilyn
Johns ..spent some holidays with
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe, of
Anderson. "
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen • and
daughters, Said Shirley, Marilyn
Isabelle and Erla, of Chesley, vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Stephen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ern Foster, of St.
Marys, visited on Sunday with the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
The W.M.S. and W.A. entertain-
ed • the Mission . Band Wednesday
evening. Miss Margaret Johns was
in charge of the program. Diane
Johns played a piano solo; Sandra°
Walters sang "The Lord's Prayer";
Betty Anne Stephen . gave a read-
ing, and Janet Skinner and Mar-
garet Johns, recitations. The lad-
ies served a lovely lunch.
Mr. and Mrs.:Howard Johns and
family have returned from a 'holi-
day to the East Coast, Maine' and
New York States::
Vacation School ended here last
week, which had more than sixty
pupils attending classes. Rev. Mr.
Moores was in charge of the class-
es, with Mrs. Howard Pym as
leader. Teachers were Mrs. W.
Shaw, London; Vera M. Gardiner,
Toronto; Mrs. Donald Gray, Strat-
ford; Mrs. Len Evans, St. Thom-
as; Harry Sheffer, Ottawa; Gladys
MacAlpine, Sutton,• Ont.; Mrs.
Bruce Davidson, Hamilton; Bruce
Davidson, Hamilton; Arnold Mer-
ner, Zurich; Marcia Merner, Zur-
ich; Debbie Merner, Zurich; Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Hildebrand, Kit-
chener; Mr. and Mrs. Larry E.
Brown, Galt; ' Wendy Williams,
Waterloo;, Mrs: William •Bruce,
Kincardine; J. E. McLean, Sea -
forth; Betty MacLean, .Seaforth;
Thomas Melvin Dodds, Buffalo,
N.Y.; Mrs. H. D. Lewis, South
Burnaby, B.C.; Irene and . Ed.
Banett,. Burlington; Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Cook, Galt.
Mrs. Marie Hiusser, Seaforth;
James Bolton, Malton; Mrs. Thos.
F. Black, Toronto; Mrs. Florence
Smith;. Galt; Mrs. Thomas Black,
Weston; Stan Pigulski, Weston;
George H. _ Charters, Seaforth;
Mrs. Nelson Govenlock, Water-
ford; W..P. Jacobs, Scarboro; Ed-
ward McIver, Port Colborne; Dav-
id Ducie, Toronto; Mrs. W. Neely,
Stratford; A. Spriggs, Toronto.,
Miss Lorna Ellis, Toronto; Percy
Hoag, ,Lucknoew; G. Lockhart, To-
ronto; R. Currie, London; Carol
Hulbert, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs:
Archie .Dickson, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. G. T. Scott, Detroit; Mrs.
Lillian Orpen, Clinton; Mrs: Wm.
Smithers; Toronto; Mrs. A. G.
Kinnear, St. Catharines; Mrs:
Frank Glew, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Matthews, Clinton; S. Gei-
ger, Gore Bay; D. C. Smith To-
ronto; Wallace Pringle, Brantford;
Walter. W. Cble, West Hill; Mrs:
Cole, West Hill; Mary Hays,
Toronto; Mary .Stewart Cox, To-
ronto; Allan Farnham, Detroit;
John L. Hodgins, Brampton; G:
Morley. Hodgins, Toronto; Gordoti
Webster, Toronto; Oliver C. ,El-
liott, Stratford; Ruby E. Elliott,
Marie Knight, Goderich; Donna
Mitchell, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Roy Brownlee, St. Thomas•;,
Mrs. Crawford Simpson; Egmond-
ville; John E. Caldwell,. Kippen;
Mrs. Harry Caldwell, Kippen; W.
J. -F .Bell, Kippen; Mrs. W. J. F._
•Bell, -Kippen; W. A. Lwarnley,
Stratford; Mrs. Hugh McGregor,
Kippen; Mrs. William H. McLean,
Kippen; : R. Koopmans, A•aburn;
Robert E. MacKenzie, Toronto;
Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie, Toronto;
Dorothy • L. Reinke, Hamilton;
Mrs. Thomas Jones, Toronto;, Miss
Nancy Ann Glew, Seaforth; Mar-
lene Miller, Seaforth; W. G. Lang-
stroth, Ingersoll; Fred A. Crich,
Stratford; Cecil M. Oke, London;
Mrs. Cecil Oke, London; Mr. and
Mrs. W. Murdock Stewart, Lake
Forest, I11.; Harold Knight, Hen-
san; Carol Chesney, Seaforth; Gar
Baker, Seaforth; Irene Henderson,.
Toronto; 011a Rae Henderson, To-
ronto; Frank Kennedy, Bright,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark,
Aylmer; Cpl. W. C. .Humbey,.
Camp Ipperwash; A. M. Woodley,
Ridgeway; D. L. Hurely, Brant-
ford ;- , James Leo Hurely, Brant-
ford; W. M. Pinkney, Hamilton;
Mr. and Mrs. Norman - Ireland,.
Lethbridge, Alta.; Mrs. Bernice
McKenzie, Oshawa;', Chester C.
Crich, Carberry, an,; Arthur
Porterfield. Flint, Mich.; Miss -
Nancy Cudmore, WaIlacebfirg;
Peter J. Murray, Toronto; Mrs.
Norma Tait, Woodstock; Mrs.
Clare Bartley, Woodstock; Mrs.
Esther Bartley, Woodstock; Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Dietrich, . Kitchen-
er; Mrs. Frank Cudmore, Wallace -
burg; Miss Ida Cooper, • Staffa;
Mrs. Florence Shields Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph '�V•yatt, De-
troit; Mrs. Harold Whitehead,
Powassari; David Fisher Pgwas-
san; Miss E. 'Write, Fruitland;
Miss Roce Agar, Fruitland; -Mrg.
Mary Canning, Baskin Ridge; N.
J.; .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Deem,
Kingston;‘ Cecil Knight, Kitchener;
it. • C. Barber, Sovereign, Sask4
Alvin Knight, 1la.nifto t.
New ,Canadians
Get Citizenship
Eighteen new Canadians receiv-
ed their official Canadian, citizen-
ship certificates from Judge 'Frank
Fingland in Goderich Court last
In a_ brief address during the
special cerei"nony, Judge Fingland
urged the new citizens also to
send their children to Sunday
School and to take an active part
in municipal affairs. .fin
Names of the new citizens,with
their country of origin listed in
.rackets, are: J ens Qluf Voigt
Anderson,- Exeter (Denmark); An-
thonie Blok, R,R. 2, Bayfield (Hol-
land); Kazimierz' and Nina Brud-
nicki, Goderich (Poland); Gilberte
and Julien Delbergue, R.R. 2, Brus=
sels (Belgium); Robert George
Gibson, Jr., Wroxeter- . (United
States); Mary Joan Grant, R.R. 3,
Brussels (Greece); Maartje Hoog-
enes; R.R. 1, Varna (Holland);
John and Cornelia Imanse, R.R. 1,
Varna (Holland); Jan 'Kraszwski,
Clinton (Poland); Antonina Mer-
iam, Goderich (Poland); Henry
Mundt, R.R. 2, Gorrie (Poland);
Rita Van Wieren, R.R. 1, Hensall
(Holland);" Frank Wiersma, R.R.
2, Goderich (Holland); Joseph
Worozbicki, Clinton (Poland); Mil-
oslawa Zablocka, Londesboro (Pol-
"Our program is very,defin
ite and appears 'to be succeed-
ing in our first objective, to inter-
est people, notably `youth.." " '
Huron County .recently ex- -
pronouncement from the O.
T.F. headquarters. •During
. the .•weekend of the Temper-
ance Conclave 'held in Gode-
rich in May, upwards of 1800
people from all over the coun-
ty were 'in attendance. On Sat-
urday night, Teen-,Agers and
YoOng Adults to. the number
of more thae-580 flocked to the
new G.D.C.I. and Knox Pres-
byterian Church for a- unique
new -type temperance ''rally.
On Sunday night many of
these returned oto Goderich,
bringing parents and friends.
Knox Church auditorium, S.S..
room, •cha'pe1, parlor: and nurs-
-ery wer8 filled: TWelve• bun='
dred people gathered to ear °
Dr. E. .Crossley Hunter. ''his
was the eighth such . Temper-
ance -Conclave sponsored ' by
the O.T.F. in .the 'past two
years. '
A- worthwhile educational
project? We of Huron Cour..,
ty certainly ' believe so.—
Rou br frs 11 Be i,. Mks nth
ski'74,MMMarilyn Moores,
Helyduglall, �Gz'ace l tiv, .ace
John- Tif'a epr:`gruce,
bald e and s <Skmne�`, °
ehrep took, the morning se+4e
with Tiled awl •Afka 1Talenti>Qe;sttn$
Ing a duet.Shirley J'aelUCS read
the . seiFipture; Margaret Jot h d
in prayer;( while Henry Koopman
was in charge of the service.
"500" :ALL -NYLON '
IT'S 91%
WITHSTANDS ''9r' •,\
PRontrtOH 'N
You don't argue with a loco-
motive. So a manufacturer or
rail equipment has developed a
lightweight rail inspection'{car'
that:carries four people, yet can
be taken off the track byonc mangy.
• • Since men' who design Mit
cars, aircraft and other trans-
portation equipment :regularly
use aluminum to cut down dead
Weight and increase paytdoad, it
is no surprise that aluminum
was - used to replace heavier , ,.
materials in many parts of this
inspection car. The person who'
will be surprised is the loco- `
motive engineer who first sees a
rail inspector . nonchalantly.—
onchalantly.-and 'single-handedly — hoisting
his scooter from the track.
T. Pryde & .Son
Enquiries are invited
Phone 41-J
All persons in'the municipality owning or ha,rb=
oring dogs must purchase 1955 licenses for the
same on or before June 34th, 1955.
Licenses will be issued from the Treasurer's
Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collect
or, Harold Maloney.
After that date -summonses through the Court
will be issued to the owners -or harborers of dogs
not having licenses. s -
All,,Dogs must wear .tags.,