HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-08-05, Page 4e .e ,r r r •‘,3 prprfr,KFFM
s Inserted At New Low Cash Rates
1st Week • 1 cent
49. Cent
Srd Week • Cent
Minimum chargeeach insertion25 Cents
Each fignre, initial and abbreviation count& aia one word.
Thanks. 1n Memoriam Notices, Corning Eventa-1 cent per word. Minimum.
ants per week.
In may be directed to a Box No.. eke The Huron Expositor. for 15 cents extra..
;yenta additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10
of date of final insertion.
Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge.
on Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application.
Coming Events ,
00= TO the Crystal Palace, Mitchell,
for a pleasant Friday evening of daecing.
Music by the Night Hawks.
$55 JACKPOT BINGO -Full house in
66 calls wins the jackpot; $5 and one
call added every Saturday night until
someone wins iackpot. Also 14 games
"Share the Wrialth" No admission ; 10
cents a game. Legion Hall, Hensall, Sat -
girder, August 6, 9 P.m. Sponsered by
Mensal Legion. 4569-1
Lost and Found
LOST -A valued Indian headed head-
• dress, brought down from Carberry for
the float on Monday afternoon. Finder
please turn it into THE HURON EX-
ERY. 4569-1
LOST.'- billfold on the grounds at
Agricultural Park. Finder please .leave
PROVINCIAL POLIGE.6 Owner not con-
cerned about money, but there are valtr-
able papers necessary to the owner.
WANTED 4- Large implement shed.
PHONE 55 r 3, Dublin, 4569-1
WANTED -Either a small house or two
bedroom aparttnent. Apply Box 457,
Hatching eggs wanted, by one of Can-
ada's largest and olflest established hatch-
eries. Eggs taken•every -week in the year.
Big premiums paid. For full details write AUCTION SALE -Anyone wishing to
consign furniture, contact THOMAS W.
Box 454, t;E1,1,Y. Stratford Auction Room. Phone
THE HURON EXPOSITOR 2092-51, Stratford. 4569-1
For Sale
FOR SALE -16 York pigs, six weeks
old. ApplY GRANT CHESNEY Phone
652 r 12. Seaforth. 4569x1
FOR SALE -11 good pigs eight weeks
old. Phone 635 r 2 Seaforth. MAC
WILSON, Brucefield, 4569-1
FOR SALE-Bgef commercial front
quarters, 285 per pound; cut up, 30c per
Pound. PHONE 841 r 2, Seaforth.
FOR SALE --Budgies and Canaries:
Hartz Mountain Food. etc. ERIC
vIlLNER-FLOWERS. Seaforth. 898.
FOR .SALE -26 little pigs, 5 to 7 weeks
R.R. 2, lublin. Phone 55 r 4, Dublin.
FOR SALE -Clean, bright fuel oil,
Sarnia's best from top of vat No. 1; and
lovernment-tested coal,. screened each de-
FOR SALE -Trailer, box 6x8x2 wfeet;
,electric welded, channel iron frame Top
raises to height of 4 feat inside. -Excel,.
lent for hauling or sleeping. Any rem-
rnable offer. Phone 255. R. C. NICHOLS.
HONEY FOR SALE --You can now have
your honey -containers 'filled with clover
honey at 25c a pound,; also comb honey,
one -pound sections, 50c. Honey will be
in short supply this , Se11.4011. WALLACE
Auction Sales ,
• - Poultry
FOR,SALE-250 Rhode Islaii'a'Red Sus.:`
' Beg pullets. Your choice out of a flock
of 500. Hatched February 7th; starting
to lay. Apply SANDY PEPPER. Phone
656 s 41, Seaforth. 4566-tf
Motor Cars For Sale
FOR SALE -1953 Chevrolet Bel Air
Sedan, just like new : radio, 'heater, air-
conditioned. Actual mileage 7,000 miles.
Contact MRS. JAMES kr.a.,IoTr, Chalk
St., Seaforth. • 4568-tf
Help Wanted
HELP WANTED -Cleaning vmen by
the day for the litin.n Countv Home.
Clinton. Practical Night Nurse for Hur-
on County Home, Clinton. Reply to
MRS. MARTHA E. JACOB, Superineend-
• eat. 4569-1
WANTED -In Seaforth district for
beef and poultry farm. full-time man.
Must be able to operate all kinds of
• farm Machinery. Permanent position for
the right person. Apply in writing to
mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope
with price list. 6 samples 25c 24 sam-
ples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73
• NOVA....REBBES.• CO.. Bort 9L. 'Hamilton.
FOR RENT -Three-room unfurn iehed
apartment. ORVILLE ,OKE. Seaforth.
FOR RENT -11 -foot cabin' trailer for
travelling; will sleep three or four. with
cooking' accommodit•ion. Phone. 160-M.
ORVILLE OKE. '4566-tf
COTTAGE FOR RE*T in Bayfield
three bedrooms; conveniences. Close to
lake and river. July 15th ,to August f.rth,
Apply at HODGINS' COTTAGE Satur-
day or Sunday.
GET YOUR sewage work done now.
Only $29per, foot on contract basis. Al]
work guaranteed. Contact r.50 r 30. Sea -
forth. . •
RADIO REPAIRS-1FOr all kindsnO
opposite Dick House, Seaforth, • Phone
forth an'd district and Dry Cleaning Ser.
vice. Phone 393. ERIC' MILNER
FLOWERS, Seafm-th, agent for Brady
Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter.
Or SPeaY) exterior or interior decor-
ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs
DALTON, Railway St_
sour:teems collection of all dead land
disabled farm ariimals and .hides. Call
collect, ED. ANDREWS, 861 r 11, Sea-
.' forth, or 285, Exeter. Associated with
Darling & Co.,-' of Canada Ltd
CEMEXT WORK -All types of brick
and blocritetrit, for general building work
and repair work. Call BERT CHRIS-
. TENSE:1g, Railway St., Sertforth, Phone
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
Artificial Insemination service for all
•- Areas of cattle. For service or informe-
r, Ida% phone CLINTON 242, collect, 14e-
,,, tween 7:80 and 10:00 a.m. on week d8ys
and 7c80 and 9:80 S.M. on SUndays.
j 6
TirILLIPS-At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on August 1, to M. and Mrs. Angelo
Phillips, Seaforth, a daughter.
IGHT-In-Seitforth, 58 Sattirdire. Jury
J. fi'hd NfiEfia•-•In It "LtAiiitt If: Litany,
8/, mitt Akluitivot fit ma .8,3113 Own of Seaforth success and' proeperitY
, P • . In the coming, years. 4569x1
" . .
Of Property ands, Household Effects in
the Village of Egmondville, Main Street,
on Saturday, August 13. at 1 p.m.: Frig-
idaire: 2 -burner rangette: white enamel
cook stove; 'drop-leaf table and 'kitchen
chairs; white enamel kitchen cabireir : oak
dining room suite: Singer drop -heal
-machine: studio couch (like new); 0 -
piece chesterfield suite: mahoginy settee
and 2 ehairs: writing desk (small size)
coffee table: 2 end tables eum.ber of oc-
; asional, chairs : rockers : small tables;
fernery: hall tree: 3 furnished bedrooms,
including beds, bed springs,- mattreases,
dressers and chrst of drawers; pillows
blankets: quilts: bed linens radio: elet-
tric washing machine; trilight lamp; floor
lamps: toaster; feather -weight iron.; -(cum rugs ; scatter mats : drapes; cur-
tains ; pictures: clocks ;As mirrore; fruit
jars; kitchen utensils. including Wear -
Ever aluminurnware ; quantity china and
ther dishes; silverware : 2 lawn mowers;
.rarden tools : 2 step -ladders, and other
articles too numerous to -mention: 1939
Chevrolet • 2 -door Sedan. 39:000 miles, in
excellent condition.
• •
PRCrPEF:TY At the same place, 3 p.m.,
the property will' be offered for sale, sill).
jeer to reserve bid : two-storeY white brick
h011se. bathroom, hydro. toilet down-
stairs: furnace.- garage it) acre of land.
Property in excellent condition, Terms -
Chattels. Cash ; Property: 19% down, bal-
ance in 30 days. Immediate possession.
("or further parti'Culars apply to ROBERT
EBERHART, Proprietor. err Harold 'Jack-
SOT1, Auctioneer ; E. P. Chesney, Cleric,. .)
Notices To Creditors •
In 'the Estate of JOSEPH FRANCIS
All p rsons irgAing claims against the
Estate of Joseph Francis Melady, iate of
:he '!ov..nship of Hibbert, in the County of
Perth: Farmer deceAsed, who died on the
•4th day of • July. 1955, are hereb'y notified
1,. send in full particulars of their claims
to the Undersigned on or before the 19th
']ay of August1955. after which date the
ase -t, Will be distribUted, having regard
only to claims then ‚received.
DATED at Seeforth, this 26th day of
July. 1955,
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executrix.
In the Estate of EMILY STRONG
Al] persons having claims against the1
Estate of Emily Strong, late of the Town-
ship of McKillop, in the County of Hurdin.
Widow, rieronsedwho died •on the 1st dar"6.
of .June, 1955. are hereby notified to, send
in full particulars of their claims to the
nd,rsigned on or before the 19th day of
A ere•ust. 1935. after which date E,4 tg
will be diatributed having regard only to
elairegr then received.
DATED at Seaforth. this, 29th day of
July, 1955.
Seaforth, Ontario',
Solicitors for the Executors.
" In the Estate of SAMUEL JOHN
All persons having claims against tie
Estate of Samuel ‘Johrt Wallace, late of
the Town of Seaforth, in the County of
HurOn, Bricklayer: deceased, who died on
the 17th day of June, 1955, are hereby
notified to send in full particulars of
their claims fo the undersigned 'on or
before the 19th day of August, 1955, after
which date the assets will be distributed,
having regard only to claims 'then re-
DATED at geaforth. this 26th day of
July, 1955.
; 11
* Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executors. •
Cards of Thanks
wish to thank their many friends for ,the
expressions of syMpathy and assistance
and for cards received on the occasion of
thAr recent bereavement 4569x1
leaving Scott Memorial Hospital for a
trip West before returning to Lancatihire,
would like to say thank you': to the reel-
deithi of Seaforth and district, for their
friendliness and kind hospitality during
he vast twelve months. They wish the
, • 7 •
In Memoriam
HILDEBRANT-4a loving Memory a a
Sear husband and father; who paned
ammy two years ego today. Anguat 10.
They say time heals all sorneW
And helps one to forget;
But thne so far bas only Prayed
How much we mho him irt.
-Ever remembered ba' 81e wife..51ary.
and children, Anne.and Marlin.
2nd Week
MUNN - tn loving memory of our
darling son, Bryan Alexander, who was
accidentally killed five years ago, August
Although we smile and make no tufts ,
No one misses you more than us;
And when old,times we oft redirll,'
In, them w.e miss you most of all.
-- Sadly missed but ever reinembered,
loved and longed, for by Mummy and
Daddy. 4569x1
Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, of
London, ,and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Evans, of Merritton, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Evans and attended the Seaforth
Old Boys' Reunion.
Reunion Visitors
Find Registration
Interesting Place'
During the entire five days of
the Seaforth Old Boys' Reunion
and Centennial celebrations, the
registration office m the Towle
Hall was one of the busy spots.
Old friends were met, bands
were shaken, stories exchanged,
and many laughs were -had as the
hundreds of Seaforth Old Boys
came home. The registration of-
fice was the early meeting place
for many of those ho came back.
It was a -eolith'
ering spot. All
tered were able,
badge and hat,
know they were
happy _gath-
se who regis-
get a reunion
let everyone
ack home in
The registration group, headed
by, chairman Hazel Reid, Mrs.
Elva Ellis, Miss Jean Snell, Mrs.
R. K. McFarlane, Mrs. -William
Faulkner, Galt, Mrs. Ivy Butt,
Mrs. A.McGregor, Mrs. Roy Mc-
Geoch, 'Miss, Bessie Grieie, Mrs.
Bessie Kerr, - Miss' Lorna Ellis,
Mrs. Eric Munroe, Mrs: J. C.
MacLennan, Mrs. Harvey Mason,
Miss Jean Turner, registered over
1,000 people.-
Many comments were written on
the bottom of the officialsregistra-
ion sheets. Here are a few of
these comments: ..
"Itis vionderful!"—Mrs. H. D.
`Yotir town is beautifully decor-
ated for the oceasion."—Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Cooki:GaIt.
• "A fine effort on the part of the
committee and Me, people of .Sea-
fortlt--Stewart P. Geddes, Lon-
. "Nice to be back."—Bob and
Thelma Dayman.
"Fort St.. John is 550 miles
northwest 'of Edmonton.',-,Wrs. H.
R. Press, B.C.
"Lang .maY your lum reek."—
R. C. Henderson.
`''Played ball with the Seaforth
girls'- softball team in 1930."—
Mr§. W. J. . Bell, Kippen.
"We are .
time Meeting
near. You,
feel. welcome.
the citizens."
aving a wonderful
friends from far and
ure have made us
Best of luck to, all.
Mrs'. Cecil Oke,
London. ,
BIt 'sure is a hot Old Boys' Re-
union."—Mrs. Allan McLeod, Port
Huron, Mich.
"Enjoying every minute of it."
—Mrs. Frank Pennebaker, Clin-
"Attended S.C.I. 1911-1916, Had
a wonderful time renewing ac-
quaintances."—Mrs. Pearl (Tay-
lor) Wilton, Brussels.
' Congratulations for a fine 'Old
Boys'."—Clayton. 0. Martin, Clin-
"Congratulations on . your -100th
celebration."—Mrs, Wm. Higgins,
"Left Seaforth May, 1901; have
been in the West, Brandon, Man.,
10 years; Saskatoon, Sask., 27
years. Have been irV Ontario 1937.-
1955."—Tom H. Minor; Orillia.
"I must congratulate you folks
for such wonderful co-operation to
make all such a success, especial-
ly the parade." Mrs. Adrian
Hogg, Collingwood, Ont.
"I think the parade was . just
one of the best. The bands were
all,. wonderful and the town has to
be congratulated on the Way they
have. put the old town back on the
map."—Mrs., James Hqgg
(-Elva Staples), Collingwood. )
"Thirty years (last visit); away
from , Seaforth 43 Years when I
left."—Mrs, W. A. MacKay, Kerit-
ville, Man.
"The work the. committee went
to is wonderful." — Scott Kerr,
Thorndale, Ont. .
"Happy to be back. Hope there
are more reunions in the -future."
—Gordon C. Carhothan, Eloise,
"An old member of St. Marys,
Alta.,. 1836 -.1.903." --Jack C. Hock -
ng, Windsor.
"From .Mclullop; 57 years since
1 'moved to Manitoba. Age 82
vears."r-Thomas Ross, Basswood,
Man. ' 1 .
"Seaforth still looks good to me,
but' gUess I've been in the West
too long to really adopt 'it as a
good place "to retire. Having a
good time."—Mrs. Robert C. Bar-
ber, Sovereign; Sask.
"Born north �f Seaforth; work-
ed in The ExpoSitor. Went -to
school here; became a Colonel in
the Salvation Army."—.Tolm C.
Habkirk (CcII.),1fmflton,., •
"Don't wait 31 years to have an-
other one."—Gilchrist Livingston
Coppin, Detroit, Midi. .•
• 0
Reunion: Parade
Sets Record Here(Continued, from Page 1) •
Canada's top concert band, the
R.C.A.F. Training Command Band
from Trenton, was the main fea-
ture of Monday night's "parade of
the bands" show. Grandstand seats
were completely packed to hear
the mammoth band.
Following the hour and a ha
R.C.A.F. band concert, Miss Mar-
ion Hemingway, 15, ' of Brussels,
was crowned • "Miss Seaforth Cen-
tennial, 1955."
Winning Floats
Following are the winning floaU
in the parade on Monday after-
noon: Best decorated car, -Keat-
ing:s Pharmacy, Scoin Cleaners,
Bill Austin; best decorated horse,
Harold Jackson, Jake Broome
(Mule Train.), Bob 'Patrick; best
historical, Seaforth Women's In-
stitute, School House (Orville Oke),
Seaforth Agricultural Society (.Mrs.
•Best derated bicycles, girls,
Betty Muegge, Jean Roberton;
best • decorated bicycles, boys,
Bruce Austin, Bruce Miller, Dim-
cari1;1VIeMillan; best floats, Dutch
Mill, Kippen East W.I., I.O.O.F..
Floats" •entered in the parade
were: Anson Gilbert Motors,, Art
Bushie, Joe Dorsey, Anson Gilbert
Motors, Old -Indians .float, Crown
Hardware, Daly's old Ford, W. C.
Henderson Started Chieks, Anson
Gilbert Motors (three cars), Boyes
Transport, Stewart Bros., Don
Wood Plumbing, School Days (Or-
ville Oke), Clarence Reeve's old
car, Roger Andrews, Catholic Wo-
men's League, J: C. Crich, Guen-
ther -Tuckey Transport, old Mc-
Laughlin -Buick touring car, 1912
Ford, Daly., Motors, George Mun-
ro, Edward Boyce, L.O.B.A., Jos.
Hugill, 1913 Ford, Huron County
Travelling. Library, decorated bi-
cycles, Huron Whblesale (two
trucks), Ontario Lands & Forests,
Tom Phillips*car, Twp. of Tucker -
smith, Whitney Furniture, Cham-
ber of Commerce (birthday cake),
W. Dundas' truck, °Vox Furniture,
Ball -Macaulay (doll house), Gode-
rich painted car, Amos, Andy'and
Kingfish, Ontario Bean 'Festival,
Edward P. Chesney, Kling's water
tank, Sills' Hardware, Scott Mem-
orial• Hospital, Old Dutch Wedr
Smith,' Bakery, Watson
Reid, Jackson Home,s,r Seaforth
Agricultural Society, Keating's
Pharmacy, Bill Sholdice, Seaforth
Lumber, Staffen Pluntbing, Scoins
Cleaners, LO.O.F., Canadian Leg-
ion, -Hart Coal, Bear from North
Hay, _Daly old car, Bill Austin,
British American Oil, Rowcliffe
Motors. float (J. I. Case), Seaforth
Women's Institute, Seaforth Dis-
_trict High School, Duteh float,
Louis Hildebrand, old buggy, Mop-
pets the Clown.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adams and
family; of Kitchener, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. George Aberhart,
London; Mr. Allan Shade, Cleve-
land; Mrs, H. Bouregard, Moore-
field, the for=Mtss Rita Hol -
'man, an olde teacher of Eg-
mondville; Mr.' .Ament, 'London.
and Mr. and Mrs. W. Finlayson
and sons, of Toronto,.were callers
':t the home of Mr. an Mrs. H.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Kennedy
and daughter, Jean, of London,
Were weekend visitors With Mr.
and Mrs: R.°Dalrymple. .4
Mr. Allan Shade, of Barrie, is
visiting his brother, Mr Elmer
Shade and Mrs. Shade.
Visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. H.
Coombs were: Mr. and Mrs. Pal:
rper Coombs, of London; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Hart and Mr. Joseph
Storey, of PreSton; Mr. and Mrs.
James Dunlop and Mavis, (fait;
Mrs. Cecil Colclough and Layton
and Sandra, of Niagara Falls;
EVEN THE IRISH got in on the act when "The Bonnie Place
To Live- town celebrated its CentenniaL Here "ex -Mayor J.
E. Keating dons a Scotch tam to assist,. in proviifing the pro-
per atmosphere for Seaforth's birthday party.
Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong
and Jean left Wednesday to visit
relatives in Winnipeg, Regina and
other points in Southern Manitoba.
They expect to be gone for several
weeks. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin
and Mary left this week for a two
weeks' vacation at Niagara Falls,
London Ind other places.
Jerry Mcdinchey is spending a
Week's vacation with his aunt and.
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mellick
and family, Goderich.
Mrs. Ed. Little, who accompan-,
ied her husband on a trip to Al-
berta, has returned home.
Mrs. Minnie Littla, London, is
visiting with her son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lit-
tle, Marcia and Cheryl.
Mrs, C. L. Jinks left Tuesday.
evening of this week by train for
'Rapid City, S.D., where she will
'spend a month visiting with her
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. August Peterson. Mrs. Pet-
erson is the _former Alice Blatch-
ford, a native of Hensall.
Visitors for the long weekend
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
'don' Schwalm were: Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Wolfe, Mr. Wolfe, Sr., Mr.
•and Mrs. ,Jim Lawrence, all of
Regina, Sask., who 'made the trip
by motor. Mr. Wolfe is a sister of
'Mrs. Schwalm. Mr. Wolfe, Sr., af-
'so visited his sista: in Toronto.
Mr. ,Max Hudson, of London, vis-,
ited his grandmother, Mrs: Ged.
Hudson, on Friday last at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Miss Greta Lammie. Miss Amy
Lammie and Miss Gladys Luker
visited with friends in 'Stratford
last Sunday.
Mr. Joe McCully, Brucefield, vis-
ited recently with Miss Hannah
Craig, who is making her home
with --Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Schwalm. '
Miss Irma Kipfer, of Toronto,
spent a week vacationing at her
home here, and also with her bro-
ther and sister-in-law, Mr.'' and
Mrs, Cecil Kipfer and Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Kipfer, at Lucan.
Mr, and Mrs. Lee Schwalm and.
family, of Hamilton, visited re-
cently with the former's Mother,
Mrs. Violet Schwalm.
Mrs. Shields and daughter, Ber-
nice, and her husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Wyatt, of Detroit.
Ms,. Nyle Doig and Mrs. Mc-
Dougall, of -Toronto, with Mrs.
Doig and Nyle.
Heading the final afternoon pro- German, ,Clintion)
gram of the Old Boys' Reunion on TimpS-2:18 3/5; 2:17.2/5. -
• - •8 5
Wednesday were the annhal har- .2:25 Pace—Purse $300 ,
;less, races ,of the Seaforth Turf Linda Lee H e n 1 e y '(A.
Club. . • Schneid.er,--Arthur) 3 1
CoTonel Brooke (J. Heywood,
Stratford) 1 5
Joe's Girl (J. R. Burns,
Seaforth) -2 2
Gertie Hy. (Robert Kirkby, '
Wallbn) 5 4
Dpzle Dan Scott.('Kerr,
Seaforth) 6 3
June Axworthy C. (Bud Jer-
ry, Goderich) 4 -
Times.., -2:16;' 2:18.
Blistering heat held the attend-
ance at the towies annual harness
classes to about 500,
Dia03ond G, owned by Russ
Bolander, of Elmira, and driven
by Bob Kirkby of Walton, set the
fastest pace of -the afternoon. Al-
though nosed out in the first heat
by Merry Brooke t., owned and
driven by 'Claik Haney, of Egmond-
ville, the fast 'Elmira pacer was
able to cross the finish line a half-
length ahead 'of Haney's horse in
the second heat. The times for
the two heats were 2:15 3/ and
214 3/5.
In the opening race of the
afternoon, a pile-up. on the first
turn threw Driver Kirkby from
the cart .pulled by Flash, and
completely sidelined Mackie's.Boy
from -finishing the -first heat. Al-
though Kirkby was unable to
catch his horse, the hcirse _finish-
ed the race In seventh position.
The third horse in the pile-up was
Barby Grattan, driven by Geo.
Leitch, who was able to catch his
horse and finish the race.
2:30 Pate—Purse $300
Jack Scott (John Campbell, '
Winthrop) '. • 1
DorincetsDeray (Thomas Yearly,
, 2
Flash (Bert Harris, Inger-
• 1
Libscoealrtls)tey t()Thorni Eaid, An -
Sandy Boy (detil Pollard,
Xineardme) - '4
MaOkie's By (Mat Velore„
116ggetliville) - 5
Princess Admiral:- (George
• .++ ' „irr
A .,.
r61., Ar f ,
2:24 Pate, Purse $300
Darky • Direct ' S. (Norman
McFall, Elmira) 3 1
Linda's Girl (Elthin Young,
Lucan) , • 13
McLelland Boy 2nd (Norm
!Williamson, Walton) 2 2
Senator Elbis (E. Murphy,
Shedden) 4 4
Chester Patch (Cliff Millet,
Port Elkin) ° 5 5
Grant McKinney (A. Schnei-
der, Arthur) 6 7
Red Grattan (George Me-
Nall, Blyth) • 7 '6
Tinies-2:17 215; 2:16 1/5
'2:22 Pace, Purse 5400
Diamond G. (Russ Bolander,
Elmira) , 2 1
erry Brooke 0: (Clair
y, Egmondville) 1 2
Thunder Volo (Ray POore,
.;.Parkhill) • , •3 4
Billy ..Nicol (Henry Farring
ten; Brantford) 5 3
Lord Richard (D. Abbott,-.--..-
Lueab.) 4 6
Royal Abbey (W. Sraith, Un-
dergo:0d)• 6
Ada MtIRIlatt .(W. C. Oke,
Times -e.215 3/5; 2:14 2/5,
Newlyweds Honored
Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Caddie%
and two children spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Scott (nee.
Ruth Trivett).and twin sons, Bob-
by and Billie, of Hamilton, called
at the home of Mrs. M. Hough-
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McKellar and
family, of Mitchell, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ferg McKellar and family, of
Seaforth„ visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Lin McKellar and family on
Mr. A. Sadler and daughter,
Phyllis, of Nova Scotia, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Glossop re-
Mrs. Ethel ,Bruce, of Exeter,.
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Calder
McKaig on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm. McKaig and three
daughters, Marlene, Marjorie and
Shirley, are holidaying with An-
gus McKaig and Mr. and Mrs.
Calder McKait:'
' Mr. and Mrs. Gersheum Speare,
Toronto, spent the weekend with
his 'sister, Miss Olive Speare.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Glossop, and
Bette visited on Monday :at Wroxe-
ter-vith' Mr. and Mrs. Durst.
'Mr. vizi, Mrs. Donald Wallace
and two sons, of Carlingford, vis -
See' the "Personalized
Service" albums at . .
Huron Expositor
Mr. and Mrs. John McConnell,
of Varna, a recent bridal -couple,
were honored at a reception held
for them at Bayfield Pavilion last
Wednesday night. The pavilion
was packed for the event. During
the course of the evening they
were presented with a purse ef
money. The address was read by
Norman Smith, and the presenta-
tion made by.t Ronald; Armstrong.
The Norris orchestra provided the
music for the dance.
44 with .140...i:;#111;4. Afrp...000•.
lace on Sunday,
War* /44.114tilnlay
.A• 4701104.4 hii"tialaViinfttwan
held -at th ItOme. Of htt.. hod Mas.
Fkank Ifurburn`en the OCCanfOrt- oft
Mr. Harbura's tHst birtbday. Mt
the ,members Of WS Znrily. gather-
ed ta wisb ltint '00 health and
M=3'70101'0 happy birth4010,-
Mr. Harburn bas resaed at bis
present addreaa Sitiee 1880. He ea,
joys goOd„, health. and still 01811a
his. Which he Started play-
ing at the age of 12, much against
his mother's judgment. •Mr. Her --
turn is the father, of eight chil-
dren. Be has five sons: Fred and
William, of Staffa; Ernie- and
-Norman, at borne; Alonzo. oy-
Tborndale; • and three daughters: --
Mrs. Edwin (Sarah) Dick; .Crom-
ar0; Mrs. George (Freeda) Boa,.
Staffa, 'and Mrs. Harry' (Lorene)
Burns, of London; also eight
grandchildren and, one great-
grandeltild, Also . attending bis
brother's birthday party was Rev..
Fred Harburn, and Mrs. Harburn,
of Sanborn, New Tort.
Bayfield Pavilion
Wed.; August 10
Murdoch's Orchestra
50 Cents AdmiSsion
SpOnsared .by Kippen East
Women's institute
Winners at the jitney tourna-
ment held on the local bowling
greens were: first Sam Rennie,
skip; Wm. Henry, lead; second,
Wes Vernier, skip; Hugh Love, vice
skip; Mrs'. Lorne Luker, lead;
third, Wm. Brown, skip; Lorne
Luker, vice -skip; Mrs. W. 0. Good-
win, lead.
Mr.' -and Mrs. • Kenneth Doig,
Grand Rapids, Mich., were recent
guests with Mrs. Lydia Doig and
Mrs. EmmaShepherdhas mov-
ed into the apartment owned by
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid.
Rev. C. D. Daniel will occupy his
own pulpit in the United Church
thin coming Sunday, August 7, and
8111 preach his first sermon in
,he chtirch-since being inducted in
June. Members of Carmel Pres-.
I'lyterian Church will worship in
this -church duing the month of
August. ,
Winners of the bingo'held in the
Legion Hall Saturday night, spon-
sored by the Legion, were: Mrs.
Ray Foster, Centralia; Ted Saun....
ders, Exeter;' Miss Fleischauer.
Zurich; Mrs. W.. Brintnell, Miss
Ilmnah- Murray, Wilbur Parker,
Bob Clark, -Bobby Smale, Mrs.
Wilkinson, Mrs. Bob Baker, Mrs.
es Venner (2), Mrs. Wm. Smale,
Mrs. G. Broderick and Bill Petty,
all pf Hensall. The jackpot is $55
for Saturday, , August 6.
Btide-Elect Showered
Mrs., Stewart Bell was hostess
at her home Friday evening, July
29, for 28 girl friends of -Miss Mar--
lene Petzke. The bride -elect of.
August 5, was honored with a mis
cellaneous pretentation.. :rh4 re-
creation room was decorated in
color scheme's of pink and yellow.
The chair, topped with wedding
bells, looked pleasant in the 'sur-
rounding atmosphere.
A highlight of the evening was
the staging of a mock' wedding.
Impersonators were: groom, Miss
Ruth Alexander; bride, Miss
Gladys Moir; minister, Miss Lola
Volland; flower girl, Miss Pauline
Bell.' Mrs., Bell directed a period
of games. Marlene received many
lovely gifts. Arranging the affair
were Mrs. Guy Bedard, Centralia;
Mrs. Bob Haug% Dashwood, and
Miss Ruth Soldan, Hensall. De-
licious refreshments were served.
• Exeter RACES
ed., August 24th
$1,500 IN PURSES
2:30 Class Trot or Pace - $250
2:25 Class Trot orPace - $300
2:22 Class Trot or Pace - $300
210 Class Trot or Pace - $350
Closingf,Date For Races, Wednesday, August 17
Horses Eligible Wednesday, August -17'
Three -per cent to enter-. Two -heat plan. Each heat a race:
Two heats of one mile each. Canadian ;Trotting Association rules
'to govern, -with exceptions.
The Committee reserve the right to call Off any race or make.
any other desirable changes. Free hay and straw. •,
Race § Start at 2:00 p.m., D.S.T.
McDonnell Starting Gate Will Be Used
• ,
Betting Privileges on the: -Grounds
GEO. W. LAWSON, Treas. BILL ALLISON; Secretary
Huron County's Finest Market
for —
19M 6hev. Bel Aire Power Glide
•Fully equipped 1995 - 1950 Pontiac De Luxe Sedan ..... 995
2-1954 Chev. De Luxe Sedans
1850 ......
Fully equipped 695
1949 Chev. Coach ........._ ..........._
5-195A Chev. Sens—Pully -
"1745 595
equipped -
.a1948 Pontiac Sedan
,........._ .........____
1.295 1948 Plymouth Sedan 595
1953 Chev. Sedan
1953 Ch'. Sedan
Fully equipped
1951 Chev. Power -Glide Sedan
1951 Chev C,oaal--De Luxe
A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model' Cais—ltany Other Models to Meese Fre'
PHONE 3 -X ---"The ifonie 'of Beiter"Uted Cars"
• 1395
1095 -
1946 Pontiac 5 -Passenger Coupe 495
Completely reconditioned _
1954 Chev. Pick-up .
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4 4, :