The Huron Expositor, 1955-07-29, Page 13• 1
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OPEN Dwr PHONE 0637,'
T. Pride & Son
Enquiries are invited
Mine 41-4
4 044:: ; 0
RKS'`. r18101/ Wfacs- and DIY Point- isileeve0A A,
Elgie, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. attired th a ballerium-length vvir
Hterh and • White Wedding hells eallgbt tO a Cap headdress
against a baekground of- , cedar. !Milestone . and' pearls. 461,', , •
, Otandards ef"witite gladiolas and •,fingertiP WO of Mile 11AP was
Itobert J; Elgie, Of TliekerSmith of tdue .nylon tulle Witb Me
was the• 4.0t.tng for pretty etoile,Ilecbtace etonPleted /ler cos -1
Township, and Qerald, Robert embroidered design on an aece
home, Saturday -afternoon at four
elog4; when marriage vows.were Her sister, Mrs. •Don lideKir.ight
ekehanged, between Eleanor 'Faye as matron of. honor, was Obiltla/dP
midsummer wedding at the bride's qutumete.of Shwheiteearearimeadtioanns aarmad
Fisher, son (3f and 1%t..,. ....4. Ervin -erl strapless bodice billowy fro
• Clinton
-_-- of • K 4544. itchener. • Skirt of yarda of -tirle: Itighlithted
'ceremony. Miss Jean Ivison, iv- wore a
United Chorch; performed . the tonttem of the very Hill skirt. She
jacket and Miner* . ,to
match and rliingstone necklace_
ganist of Kippen Church presided
at the piano, • and Miss -ado. A .delightful.tulle and lace picture
hat complimented the eusembie,.
Simpsqn,, of Sealorth, cousin of
..the .bride, soloist, sang "Through She carried an aim bouquet of
the Years,” during the signing -of pea) Pia carnations and. fem.
the register. . Bruce Rice, of Kitchener, 'per-
' Given •in , marriage by ,.,• her formed the duties of bet man, •
father, the briae was chapping and the ushers were Den . Me-
in a ballerina -length gown of nv.. Knight, of -Galt, and Carl G. Melia,
lon tulle and lace over satin. .-It of Preston.
featured a very full skirt, accent- - The reception for the wedding
party was held it:the. Colonial in
ed with diagorial. rows 4f lace and
caught with satin bows. Over the Eketer, where dinner was, aerved.
straplesS` fitted bodice she wore The mother of the bride received'
the guests, wearing a rosewood
a nyloitlace jacket with peter pan
lace dress with navy aenossories,
white gloves and a • white gardenia
Read the Advertisements .—It's a -Profitable Pastime
Rev. Norman McLeod, of Kippen With rows of small frills nee thel
The Members of the Board and
the Superintendent and Staff of
Scott Mmorial Hospital welcome
Seaforth's visitors on the occasion
of the Reunion and Centennial.
It is hoped graduates and former
rnembers of the staff of the hos-
pital will feel free to make use
of hospital facilities, and will re-
gard.the Hospital and Nurses'
Residence as ,their: headquarters
during their visit in Seaforth.
The publicetoo, is cordially invit-
ed to visit the' Hospital and ex-
aminithe arrangements any time
after 11 a.m. each maiming.
M. McKELLAR, Chairman
Board of Scott Memorial Hospital
•. - • 'corsage. In the absence of the
District •Obituaries greom's mether, she was assisted
by .the groom's aunt; Mrs. Ray
Pisher,•of Zurich, who wore navy
sh&r, white -accessories and pink
rose corsage: '
The bride's going -away costume
was a dusty pink linen suit, white
hat and white accessories,--itb
white baby mum corsage. They
-planned a wedding trip uP the St.
Lawrence River, Thousand Islands
and the Laurentians. On their re-
turn they will reside in Kitchener.
Guests were present from Mont-
real, Gait, Kitchener, Preston!
Waterloo, Bridgeport, Godericn,
Hensall and Seafortli.
The bride is a graduate of Sea -
forth District High School and.
Clinton School of Commeree, and
is employed with the 'Mutual Life
Insurance- Company ,of Waterloo.
DUBLIN. ---Ong of Dublin's oldest
and most highly respected citizens,
Joseph Carpenter, died at his home
Saturday in his -82nd year. Son of
the 'late John Carpenter and Cath-'
erine Carlin, - he spent his **ire
life in this community. He was
married to Theresa Devereaux on
Feb. 5, 1907, an& they lived on No.
8 Highway, 11/4 miles west of Dub-
lin, where he farmed successfully
till he retired to Dublin in • 1944;
where he has resided ever since.
Aways a sport enthusiast, he was
a member of the Champion, Foot-
ball Stars of 50 years ago.
He was a member of the Holy
name Society and a faithful mem-
ber of St. Patrick's Church all his
Surviving besides his wife are
one daughter, Mrs. Fergus Rey-
nolds (Theresa), of Detroit; one
son, Joseph, of Chatham, and two
sisters, -Mrs. David. Mcpennell,
Dublin, and Mrs. Catharine Dev-
ereaux, Chicago, Ill. and four
Many friends and neighbors at-
tended thefuneral on. -Tuesday
morning which took place from his
late homevto St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, at 9:30 a.m., where Sol-
emn'Requiem, High Mass was sung
by Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes, D.C.L.,
assisted by Rev. John McConnell,
a nephew, 'of Maryland, N.Y., as
deacon, and Rev. Wm. Devereaux,
a nephew, of Chicago, as subdea-
con. Rev. Arthur Looby, of Roches-
ter, N.Y., was in the Sanctuary.
The pallbearers were Clayton
Looby, Robert Byre, Joseph Mc-
Connell, Jas. DeVereaux, Robert
McGrath. and Harry. Devereauk‘
' Interment took plate in St. Pat,
rick's cemetery.
It's a pleasure to welcome 6ack to Seaforth the
• hundreds -upon huncreds of former residents who
will visit here on this Reunion occasion.
Many of our visitors, of course, will be our old
friends, because BOSHART Products are known
from ,coast to coast.
To those of you who ate not familiar with
BOSHART Style -and BOSHART Quality, we sug-
gest you inquire of your favorite furniture dealer
when you return home. But while you ale in
Seaforth have a good time. The welcome mat is
out:! -
John Boshart Sons Ltd.
ivjanufacprerg of
(*air thists • - Corner China Cabinets
Talks and Bedroom Furniture • Etc.
, 4001,44 1^.
• •••
On Saturday afternoon,. July 16,
before -standards of ..gladioli and
fern in First Presbyterian Church,
Seaforth; Rev. D. Glenn Campbell
officiateil for the marriage of
Joyce Eleanor Glativille and Mr.
Charles, Alexander Stuart Wilson,
of 13rucefield.' The bride .is the
daughter '-of )1Wr. and Mrs. John
C. MacKay,/ Sqaforth, and the
bridegroom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Wilson, Brucefield.
. Mrs. M. )R. Rennie, organist,
plaYed traditional -,wedding music
and accifiriipanied the soloist, Mrs.
Douglas Andrews,' of Clinton, a
'sister of the bridegroom, as she
sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Be-
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore - a floor -
length gown of French lace over
satin' with - a stand-up collar and
'Tie lily -point sleeves. The skirt
'rent featured pleated nylon -tulle
with a gathered peplum of French
lace at the back. A Crown of
motherof-pearl held her finger-
tip veil of French net She car-
ried a white Bible crested With a
mauve orchid.
- As maid of -honor, Miss Doris
Pullman, of Seaforth and Lonlon,
Wore a ballerina -length- strapless
gown of green, net over taffet with
a .matching stole. Her headdress
was, of green looped ribbon, and
her flowers were white chrysan-
themums with' yellow` ribbon. Miss
Marlene Miller, Seaforth, and Miss
Marlene Cooper Kippen, both'
cousins of the bride, •were • brides-
maids, wearing identical ballerina -
length dresses of lace net with
matching headdresses..Miss Miller
was in orchid, and IVIiss Cooper
in yellow. Each carried a bou-
quet of white chrysanthemums.
Miss Miller's having green ribbon
and Miss Cooper's mauve.
Jennett Merrill, a niece of the
bridegroom, was flower girl, dress-
ed in pink nylon. She carried a
nosegay of pink and white baby
in of the bridegroom, Mr.
Janes McGregor, ° Kippen, was
best man, and the guests were
ushered by Mr. Lloyd Cooper and
Mr. Grant McGregor.
The wedding dinner was served
at the home of the bride's parents,
with pink and white decorations in
the dining room. Flanked by tap-
•ers, a three -tiered wedding cake
centred- the bride's table. Miss
Joan Ryan, Miss Margaret Stev-
ens and Mrs. Alex •Miller helped
to serve. Receiving,' the bride's
mother were n printed nylon dress
aqua shade with white acc°s-
sories and , a pink c'r'ation
She- was nssi-tcri by the
bridegroom's,mother wearing navy
...heer with matching accessories.
Red roses formed her -torsage.
For a wedding trip to Eastern.
Ontario, the bride wore. queee's
'if// •
- • A
We've seen a lot ol style
changes in. the 55 years
•- of our business history.
We've sold clothes to lit-
• tle tots, kept them as
satisfied customers, and,
Watched them" grow to
the grandparents ,of to-
Through two World
Wars, good times and
depiessions, - this Store
has maintained a repu-
tation, surpassed by none, •
for good business prin-
ciples; quality merghan-
dise at fair prices and,
above all, we've kept
• right up with the style
changes ,,in clothes, store
layout and modern' store
front. •
Now, we welcome 'home the
GMLS. A cordial invitation is
extended to all t_9,0bme in, look
around and, most important, of
all, renew old ,ri2ffdship and
talk over the good old days.
ne _
.S 1-1., WAR T BROS.
• r••—•" oo.•
blue crystalette with pink acces-
sories. On their return they will
reside on the bridegroom's farm
in Tuckersmith Township.
Guests were- present at the wed-
ding- from Hensall, Brueefield,
Staffa, Seaforth, Kippen, Clinton,
Stratford, London and Brantford.
Previous to the wedding, the
bride was feted at. several func-
tions. About 40 friends and neigh-
bors gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. MacKay and presented
her with a bedroom lamp and mir-
ror. Miss Doris Pullman held a
miscellaneous shower in her hon-
or, when tshe entertained about 20
friends of the bride. Alse in her
honor, her niother entertained at
a trousseau tea. Mrs; A. C. Rout-
ledge. and Mrs. Charles MacKay
poured tea both afternoon and•eve-
ning. ' s •
In the afternoon Misses Doris
Pullman and Elaine Etue,•served..
Miss' Beryl McFarlane displayed
the 'gifts; Miss Marlene Cooper,
the personal effects, and Miss
Marlene Miler, the bride's trous-
seau. In the evening, Misses Joan
Ryan, Marlene Miller and Doris
Pullman served. The gifts were
displayed by Min's - Margaret Stev-
ens, .the trousseau by Miss Ruth
Merrill, and the bride's personal
effects by Mrs; Alex 'Miller and
Miss Marlene Cooper.
Are You Interested in Making a
$100.00 or More a Week
As a Salesman in Your Own Town?
If so, contact by letter or phone for appoint-
General Sales Manager,
Gummer Building,
Guelph - Ontario
This is :an \opportunity of a life time.
• - ,)
Hello There, Visitors
We at BALL-MACAULAY LTD. loin with the citi-
zens generally in welcoming you to Seaforth on
this Reunion and Centennial occcision. We hope
youryisit will be a pleasant one, and that you
have a thoroughly good time!
The, DollIA House, exhibited on our float,
will be awarded to the Boy or Girl, 12
years of age or under, who ho/ds the
Lucky Ticket. It costs nothing to enter.
Just write your name on a ballot and
drop it in one of the boxes at the Agri-
cultural Park, or at the Reception Centre
in the Town Hall.
Builders' Supplies
"of Lime
PhAne 787
, AVAMI,Akrik!,,, IV,s y 4,1 jc.,,,ed 0.4.ii".k‘atCrAV 4 •,.,.1.?!. 5
Sash - Doors
• Phone 97