HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-07-29, Page 12( l'r tl)41 OR, SEAFORTU, fly., ICY n Y) Inserted At NevtLow Cast Rates TED9 LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -- Per Word: l;a8. Week 1 Cent ,'211d W c.ek , t 1 Cent , `$ 3r1 Week ria Cent r• i Minimum charge. each insertion . , , 25 Ceuta '1aeh figure. initial and abbrevit):tion counts as one word. t• '`zl,k•oiks. ID Memgriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. o9t?t8. per week. CCr&F be directed to 'a Box No., e/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra 1f�';eetJlt91 additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 (leyye. of date of final insertion.p )d,l1t29, li$.arriagea and Deaths inserted free of charge. 441e'Q30A Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates op application. Coming Events Notices To Creditors -• COME TO the Crystal .Palace. Mit.klrll. NI OTICE to CREDITORS for a Pleasant Friday evening -"Of dancing Maisie by the Night Hawks. 4561-9 In the Estate of JOSEPH FRANCIS -,� MELADY FORMER GRADUATE 'and District Nurses who have "been or are cor:r•a.•d with Scott Memorial Hospital. are invit- ed to Reunion and Pot -Luck Supper at' the Themer Nursing Hume, Tuesday, August 2nd, at .5 p.m. 31;68-1 $50 JACKPOT 'BINGO- Fill house in 55 calls wins the jackpot 85 and one Mill added every Saturday night until jackpot. Also 14 games someone wins Share the Wealth" No admission ;. 10 DATED at Seaforth. this 26th cents a game. Legion Hall, Hensall, Sat- July, 1955. urday, July 30th, 9 Sponsored by Hensall Legion. 4568-1 All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph Francis Milady, late of :he Township of Hibbert, in the County of "erth, Farmer, deceased. who died on the 'th day 'of July. 1955. are hereby notified !...Cesend in full particulars of their clahna to the undersigned on or before the 19th 'lay of Au:rust. 1:15.1, after which date the assets will be distributed, havieg regard my to claims then received. Poultry FOR SALE -20 goslings and a set of geese. JACK RIVERS, Seafortn. 4568x1 • FOR SALE-- 3I•0 New Hampshire X Sussex, pullets. ready to lay. Apply PERCE JOHNSTON. •Varna. Phone 613 r 21. . 4568x1 FOR. SALE. 250 five -months -old pul- lets, starling to lay. VERNE ALDER- D10E. Kippen. Phone 684 r' 14, Hensall. 4568-1 FOR SALE -280 New Hampshire and Sussex pulletsfives months old, laying: AlROBERT McLACHLAN; , Kippen day of McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4568-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of .EMILY STRONG All persons having claims against the Estate of Emily Strong, late of the Town - :hip of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased., who died on the 1st day of June, 1955, are hereby notified to send o Cull particulars of their claims to the ndersigned ori or before the 19th day of August, 1955, after, which/date the assets will be distributed having regard only to DATED at Seaforth, /this 26th day of 'uly, 1955. claims then received ppy or phone 651 r 13, Seaforth. ° 45•1311 McCONNE11I4'& HAYS, Seaforth,' Ontario, Solieitors for the Executors. 4568-3 • FOR SALE-- 210 Rhode Island Red Sus- sex pullets. Your choice out of 'a flock' of 500. Hatched February 7th; starting to lay. Apply SANDY PEPPER. Phone 656 r 41, Seaforth. 4566-tf Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SAMUEL JOHN WALLACE f All persons having claims against the ' ;state of Samuel John Wallace, ]ate -of CUSTOM THRESHING will be done by the Town of Seaforth, in the County of BORDEN R1EHL, R.R. 2, Walton. Phone Huron. Bricklayer, deceased, 'who died on Dublin 24 r 9.. 1568x1 the - 17th day of June, 1955, are hereby GET YOUR sewage work done now. notified tosend in, full particulars of Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All their claims to the' undersigned on or work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea- before the 19th day of August, 1955, after forth.which date the assets will be. distributed. 9664-tf having regard only to claims then ie-, ceived. ,RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone July, 3955. , 847-R ' 4 - - .. _ • 'McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, COMPLETE LA NDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners 8a •Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4564-tf 4568-3 Wanted ' PAPERHANGING, PAINTING (brush WANTED --Good reliable man for dairy nr Spray):'• exrerior or interior decor- :'or town route, and also for inside work. sting." See our 1950 wallpaper . designs. ON MOCK, Hensall. Phone '27, Apply WALTER bl'RATT and ] 011G.4568-1 DALTON, Railway St. ' - 4564-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! - Prompt ca•grteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. or 255, Exeter, Aseociate*l with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd 4564-tf CEMENT WORK -All types of brick and block work. for general building work and repair. work. Can BERT CHRIS- TENSEN, Railway St., Seaforth. Phone 75. 4564-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING • ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" 4rtiflcial Insemination service" for all .reeds of cattle. For service or informa- tion, .phone CLINTON 242, collect, be- tween :7.30 and 10100 a.m. on week days nd 7.:30 and 9:30 a.m- on .Sandaya, 4564-tf WANTED Hatehing eggs wanted by one of Can- ada's largest and oldest established hatch- eries. Eggs taken every week in the year. Big premiums paid. For full details write Box 454, THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4566-8 For Sale FOR SALE -Singer 'sewing machine; wicker chairs: cupboard: desk. PHONE 3961W, Seaforth. - 4568x1 FOR SALE -18 York pigs six week: old. Apply. GRANT CHESNEY. Phon• 652 1..12, Seaforth. 4568x11 FOR SALE --2 good Yorkshire boars of serviceable age. JOHN POWELL, Jr. Phone 667 r 4, Seaforth. 4568x1 FOR SALE --Budgies and Canaries: Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC MILNER-FLOWERS. Seaforth. 893. 4564-tf Topnotch Feeds Ltd. I For All Your Poultry, Hog and Cattle feed'requirements, call at— Topnotch Feeds Ltd. SEAFORTH — OR -PHONE 15 PROCLAMATION! Town of ' Seaforth Civic Holiday On instruction from the Municipal Council, 1 hereby proclaim 0 MONDAY, AUGUST 1st CIVIC HOLIDAY in the Town of Seaforth, and ' respectfully request the Citizens and Businessmen to ob- serve the same. DR. E. A. McMASTER - Mayor *" 407) SAVE Pas QUEEN" e,. v r /liw�i's R!7 ir'r 1 For Sale FOR SALE-•Clepn. bright fuel oil, Sarnia's beat from top of vat No. 1; and Government -tested coal, screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. IIA•RT. 4565-tf FOR SALE -,-••Several service -age pure- hred Yorkshire board. of show -ring qual- ity. Apply R. E. Mc141LLAN, HR. 0, Seaforth. )?hone 844 r 4. 4568x1 FOR SALE -=Studio couch, nearly new ; hardwood bed; dresser, mattress; 2 stands 2 small tables; rocker. Apply KATE REYNOLDS, Godericb St, East. 4568x1 HONEY FOR SALE -Selling fresh honey in my own containers during Old Home Week. ONLY. Apply WALLACE ROSS AIAIARIES, Seaforth. Phone 135-J. 4568-1 FOR SALE -.Baby carriage;'• Frigidaire: baby tenda ; small radio; venetian blinds. 5t_ feet and 3 feet 3 inches; hot water radiator; cornputogram aeales, weighs to 30 lbs.; 3-1b, set scales. PHONE SEA - FORTH 108-W. 4568x1 FOR SALE --Trailer, box • 6x8x2 fe-t: electric welded, channel iron frame. Top raises to height of 4 feet inside. Excel- lent for hauling or lfeeping_ Any reas- onable offer.- Phone 255_ IL C. NICHOLS. 4568x3 FOR SALE.General store, in thriving Huron County village on busy Provincial I-IighWay at Brucefield ; for sale on account of ill health. Store includes actiye meat, grocery, hardware and dry goods depart- ment, and equipment is modern and new. Long lease. Living accommodation avail- . ‘,..u -In ever loving memory of able. Apply to CHBJSTIE'S STORE,• our dear mother, Margaret Ann Cudmore, Brucefield. - '1567-2 wbo passed away in Scott Memorial Hos- For Rept FOR RENT -One roma, us0f z .iabed. ORVILLE'O1{'E,. Seatortb. -, 4566-11 FOR RENT-'Itvo-room apartment, un- furnished. ` ORVILLE OKE, Seaforth. 4564-tf R001125 FOR RENT•:-Wd,wlllhave two rooms to rent during 01d Home Week. Apply MRS. WALLACE ROSS, Seaforth. Phone 188-J KIPPE Mr. and Mrs. N. .4m, :]t'l>I', and. Mrs W. I,..-Amer'.and Mi',Robert Thomson visited on Sunday even.: Ing with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Axitl- strong, near. Staffa. Mrs. McClymoat has,. returned home after spending.._.a egaple of weeks with her -daughter, Mrs. Alice C& k, in London. ' • Miss Kathryn Gackstetter,. of Hensall, is spending this week with her cousins,- Gail, Lynn and Karen Gackstetter. FOR RENT -11 -foot cabin trailer for travelling; will sleep three or four. with cooking accommodation. Phone 160-31. ORVILI,F OKE. 4566-tf COTTAGE FOR RENT in Bayfield; three bedrooms; conveniences,'- Close to lake and river. July 15th to August -80th. Apply at HODGINS' COTTAGE Saturn day or Sunday, .. 4565-tf. Cards of Thanks MR, AND MRS. W-M..HORNEY, Fxe- te_. wish to t!ynk their many -friends for curds. -flowers and gifts received on the occasion of tlleii• golden wedding ' anm- ve,tfsary, , • .. n¢ 1 WISH to. thank' Dr. Mcr4aster, Dr. M ulkus, the , nurses at Scott Memorial 'Hospital and my friends for their many, - kindnesses during my recent illness. MRS MARX McELROY 4568x1 ti In Memoriam Property' For Sate Pita! on July 26, 1932, --Daughters and Sone, 4568x1 FOR "-SALE--Smarr house m Goderich , - — - ----._-.. St. East, broperty of Catharine Reynolds. births Hydro. Cheap for quick sale_ f1)) lf1 4567x? MAKER --Howard and Donna .Baker (nee • Caslick)„ of R.R. 6. Parkhill forinerly of Hensall, announce the birth of twin daughters at Bethesda H2spital, Lon- don 'Illy 18. 1933. GODKIN-- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on • July 260 10 Mr. and Mrs._ Mervyn God- kin, R.R. 2, Walton a son. KO'CYK-.At Scott Memorial Hospital, en July 26, to Mr and Mrs. Wm. Kotyk, Seaforth, a dau hter. • McLEOD-At Scott Memorial Hospital,' on JAaly 22;- to Mr, and 'Mrs. Harry Mo-, Leeod, R.R. J3, Seaforth, twins, a son and a daughter. , • NOBLE -At Scett Meniorial Hospital, on July 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Noble, Seaforth, a' daughter, - Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods' nailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelop, with price list. 6 samples lye ; '20 sam- .,les 81.00.• Mail -Order Dent. 1-73 VOVA-RUBBER CO,. Boa 91_ Hamilton • Deaths - ATKIN.SON-In Dublin, , on Wednesdav July 27, Joseph At)ninaote in his SOth year: CARPENTER -In Dublin, on Saturday, July 23, Joseph J. Carpenter, in bis 82nd yehr, MACKAY-In 'Seater*, on Sunday, Juiy 24, Ovinia® J. Mackay, in his 76th year. " The honeymoon is' over when the bushels of kisses are reduced to little pecks. ANNOUNCEMENT,! mock RTH Libra". L .. . The public is cordially invited to be :present. AN PAINTINGS EXHIBITION of by Miss Janet Gove FORMERLY OF SEAFO will be. held in Carnegie SEAFORTH , Commencing Jul,y 30th 1" 1 SINCE that day in 1922, when The Province J - of Ontario' Savings Office opened for . 'business in Seaforth, it has been our priv- ilege to serve many thousands of district citizens. We look forward to again meeting many of those who in the meantime have moved away, but who will be back in town for the Reunion Celebrations.. We hope our old friends and visitors will feel free to use Our facilities during their visit. THE Province of Ontario Savings office `EAFORTH ONTARIO McMillan Manager I SPECIAL ' REUNION , SERVICE First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth Sunday,, July-- 31st — 11, a.m. Guest Speaker : . Rev. D. H. Douglas Stewart Victoria Presbyterian. Church, Toronto - A S1 AFORTH OLD BOY �l- SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR 04 + • During the Service a Plaque, commemorating the First Church at Harpurhey, will -be Unveiled avid Dedicated Former memll'ers of the Congregation "and Visitors to' Sea-forth's Reunion and Centen- nial are cordially invited 'to attend this Service and to meet with the congregation at , a a RECEPTION being held in the Church School at 5:OO p.m. Rev. D. Glenn Cahipbell MprisHer ' Alan Bennett Organist, Choir Leader - • Several local children are at - tiding Bible School at Cromarty this week, sponsored by the Zur- ich Mennonite Church. k Mr. John Doig, of Grand -Rapids, Mich., spent.,the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig, and sis- ter, Miss Janet Doig. Mr. and'Mrs. A. -Gackstetter and daughters' spent Saturday with HENSALL' The Hensall Library willbe -closed the first two _weeks in Aug- ust, closing July 30, reopens on August 16. All books are now due on July, 30. There are -a few,books long overdue. The Librarian urg- es that these books be returned on or before July 30.--(Advt.). Mr. and Mrs. Jolla' D, Edwards and son, Davidson, of •D,altas, Tex- as, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John .Soldan during the past week.' Mr. and Mrs. G. Traas and son, Bert, -of Holland, who are spend- ing three months visiting relatives in Clarkson, Canada, were guests Tuesday and Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. Roobol. Mr: and Mrs. Doug Sangster and Sandra, of London, and Mrs„ Herb Stretton and Peggy, Lucan, spent the weekend with Mrs, Minnie Sangster. Mrs. Catherine Redden return- ed home the -latter part of last week after spending a week visit- ing with relatives in Brantford and Woodstock. Mr. Ron Mock, who has been a patient at ` St. Joseph's Hospital, London, returned home on Friday df last week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McClem; ents, of Lynn, Mass:; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Redden, Bobby and Jimmy, Dresden, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Woodstock, were weekend visitors with Mrs. C. Redden and Herb. Bride -Elect Honored Complimenting Miss Elaine Beer, popular bride -elect, over 40 friends met at the home, of her parents; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Beer, to honor her on the occasion 'of her f approaching "marriage and 'to pre- sent her with a miscellaneous shower. Elaine was the recipient of many lovely gifts. After the presentation,"a delicious lunch was served. Arranging the affair were Miss Shirley Flynn, Miss Betty Moir and Mrs. Don Flear. District Weddings CALDWELL -. KYLE, w KIPPEN -St, A'aidrew's United 'Church, Kippen, lovely- with ii flor- slybackground of white and salmon gladioli, was the setting for a charming. wedding ' on Saturday, July 23, when Wilma Florence yle, daughter of Mr. afld Mrs. 'lilliam T. Kyle, of Kippen, be- ^ame the bride of Harold Lloyd CLlilwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'illiam 'Caldwell, Kippen.. Rev. rman McLeod officiated. ' Tra- itional wedding music was play- ed by'Miss Jean Ivison, church or- ganist, who accompanied the solo- ist, -Mr: George Woodcyrk, Dear- born, Mich., cousin of the: bride, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Promise Me." Given in marriage -by her father, the • brid'e was lovely in a waltz - length strapless gown of embroid- ered Swiss tulle over nylon net. The fitted lace jacket featured a peter pan collar, trimmed with seed pearls and sequins and fash- ioned* with lily point sleeves. A Juliet cap of lily of the valley held her fingertip veil 'of embroidered illusion net. She carried a white Bible with a cascade of white rib- bon, knotted with, rosebuds and baby mums. • / Miss Eleanor Vdnner, of Hen - sell, as maid of, honor, was gown- ed- in owned-•in turquoise net over taffeta, waltz -length, with embroidered net polonaise and hug -me -tight -jack- et -and matching bandeau head- dress of net, trimmed with se- quins and rhinestones. The bridesmaid, Miss.. Bonnie Kyle, of Kippen, sister of the bride, 'was costumed in a' gown identiCal:to the .maid of honor in shrimp -shade. Both carried too- quests- of yellow mums. Robert Caldwell, of Kippen, was his brother's groomsman. Tom Kyle, of Kippen, brother of the bride, and Harry Tozer, of Lon-' don, ushered. • The wedding dinner, attended by 60 giiests,.was held in the church parlors, attractive in white and pink streamers' and pink and white gladioli. The bridal table .was centered with a three-tier wedding cake: For receiving, the bride's mother wore powder blue lace over taffeta with accessories in white. The groom's mother as-, sisted, wearing rose lace over taf- feta' with beige accessories. Both wore corsages of pink and white roses respectively. Assisting at the wedding dinner were Mrs. Harry Smith, Hensell; Mrs. Grant Smith, Hensall; Mrs. Wm.. Cleary, Toron- to; and Miss Margaret Campbell, London: For theit wedding trip to the U.S.A., the bride donned a white linen afterpoon dress over which was worn a blue linen duster with accessories in white, and : a cor- sage of gardenias. Guests we're present from Dear born', Mich., Tarbfnto, Clinton, Lon- don, Dashwood, .,Montreal, Sault Ste. Marie, Hensall and cromar- ty. The .young couple, will reside in Hensall. The bride. ie' on the staff of the Bell Telephone, Hen- sall. Mt. and .Me. 1..Fester iu ,Hamil toll. - SdoWe!'ed, .. Miss 'Eleanor E]gie, : bride -elect, was bonlolred'last Thlfrsday even- ing at the Red Schoolhouse on the KippernSeaforth ` road, when the section : and thecongregation of St. Andrew's .United Churcb, Kip- ilen, met to. prefent' her with a ,miscellaneous shower. The event was in charge of Mrs. Ernest Ross, Mrs. Orville 'Cooper, -Mrs.- Alex Miller, Mrs. Jack Consitt and Mrs. John Sinclair. A• -musical pro- gram and contests were. enjoyed. Eleanor was then called to a prettily decorated chair and Mrs. Alex Miller read an address, and Marlene Cooper and Marilyn Ross carried, in a prettily decorated basket laden with gifts: After op- ening the many and useful gifts, Eleanor made a fitting reply. A dainty lunch was served. A large crowd of Kippen friends and Knet County relatives met on Monday 'night at Bayfield Pavilion to honor Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Lovell, bridal couple. Dancing was enjoyed with music by Murdoch's orchestra. Later in the -evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell were . called forward and Mr. Jim McGregor read an address. Mr. Jack Coop- er; Jr., presented the bride and groom with 'a gift of money. Mr. Lovell made a fitting reply. ZION. Margie Britton and Gloria. Ann Pepper are at camp this week. ' Mr_ -and Mrs. Albert `Ston and Mr. ind Mr`s. William Yeo and Susan, Jf Toronto, visited over the week- end with Mrs. J. Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. They attended the .reunion at No. 3, Staffa, -on Saturday, where Mr. Yeo attended school_ Mrs. Albert Roney, who has been confined to her bed for the past two weeks, was out again this week. Miss Patricia Cudmore, Clinton, is spending some holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney. - Mr. and Mrs_ Glenn Pepper, Wayne and Grant, visited Gloria Ann at Bimimy Camp on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl and family attended the Williams re- union in Burford recently. Motor Cars\For Sale MUST BE SOLD -1953 Ford Sedan, tri - tone. A-1 condition_ This car must be seen to be appreciated. Look it over and drive it. Any reasonable offer accepted. GAR. BAKER, Seaforth. Phone 356. 4568-1 FOR EAr F 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan, just like new; radio, beater, air- conditioned. Actual mileage 7,000 miles, Contact MRS. JAMES ELLIOTT, Chalk St., Seaforth_ 4568-tf NOTICE! - We will be closed from Aug.' 8th to Aug. 24th Last pickup august 2nd SCOINS CLEANERS NOTICE! . Closing For Holidays ""irm August. '6th to August 22nd Also September 3rd to September 12th Seaforth BEAUTY SALON H.F.A. FOOTBALL Drayton vs. Winthrop Friday, July /9th at WINTHROP COMMUNIW PARK. Game time: 7:,30 p.m. Here > Are phi CARS TOW -re For At I4owegt _ Illi in. Tont •A... Owner's ,napnes on request on below bars and !rucks, AM Chev.' Sedan—Tinted glass and sisals • 21,000_ actual miles '51 Dodge Sedan—One-owner car; cieart; r taw" mileage• '50 Pontiac 8 -Cylinder — New motor, whitewall tires, backup lights, spotlight, a real buy - '47 Ford Sedan—New paint job; a car that will give you real transportation '54 Bel Air. Chev. Sedan—Loaded with extras, coming hi soon. DEMONSTRATORS Now READY 'For SALE '55 Pontiac Laurentian Six -Hardtop, with all extras added to it ' '55 Buick Special 4 -Door Hardtop—Dynaflow, whitewall tires, special trim • ` TRUCKS . - '53 G.M.C. 1/2 -Ton Truck—One o®atler; in: beau- tiful shape ' -_ '55 G.M.C. 21/2 -Ton Standard Model c Anson Gilbert Motors Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C: Phone 461 Seaforth o . . OURPRIcth SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Vozens of dazzling used car beauties to '- please your eye and pocketbook ! -THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1949 METEOR SEDAN $695,00' Newly . painted and cleaned . • Seafor-th Phone •541 Seaforth SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron .County's Finest Market USE1) CA 1954 Chev. Bel Aire Power Glide Fully equipped 2--1954 Chev. De Luxe Sedans Fully equipped 5-1954 Chev. Sedans—Fully equipped ' • 1953 Chev. Sedan ffi 1953 Chev. Sedan Fully equipped ' 1995.. 1950 Pontiac De Luxe Seda11. 995 18150- 1949 Chev: Coach - 695 1.745 , 1295. 1395 1095 1050 1951: Chev. Power -Glide Sedan 1951 Chev_ Coach—De Ltixe 1948 Pontiac Sedan • 595�r 1948 PlyMouth Sedan ' 595 1946 Pontiac 5 -Passenger Coupe 495 Conipletely reconditioned �7 TRUCKS 1954 Chev: Pick-up A Written Guarantee for 60 dada on all Late Model Carsany Other litodela BRU'S$LS' MOT_ - nwsgts- ONTARIO' PHONE 7S•S "The Nome of Better IJSed Cars" OPEN EVRV smolt . t- 3e! h4 1 • >, 9till: I • a 0 v 15 1 • 4 V.