HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-07-29, Page 11.4 riktA 74' ONE CENTURY -OF PROGRESS The next five days Seaforth will have its largest celebration hi, its one .hundred years We hope Seaforth Old toys and visitors eujoy every- aspect of the', festive program . . . SEAFORTH LUMBER LIMITED PHONE 47 SEAFORTH "CONGRATULATIONS, SEAFORTH" Seaforth has seen many changes In 100 years! There are a lot of tales to, -be told about the Old Days. Come in aid talk them over with us! _sr CLEAVE COOMBS 13-A Service Station PHONE 592 SEAFORTH MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND See us for safe, dependable GOOD/%EAR Tires We've got a complete line of Goodyear tires in a wide range of prices. Ask us about the famous All -Nylon Super - Cushion. SEAFORTH MOTORS PHONE: 541 YOUR 'CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE DEALER WELCOME HOME, - OLD - TINIERS! „ See Egmondville ise 100 Years Ago We are looking forward to seeing you. • • Be sure and visit. our Store! CLAIR HANEY, General 'Merchant , Phone Early : Phone 72 ive 4-0 Club Members, . . „ Tour Toronto More than 400 Huron County 4•41 Club. Membernot at all awedby Toronto's skYserapers, visited the Ontario Parliament Buildings, bed up downtown traffic, and generally enjoyed thexiiielves on a • da' - long visit in Ontario's chief metro-; politan centre last Tuesday. The well -tanned teen-agers re- presenting more than 20 „clubS, rose at 5 a.m. to take the train to Toronto. Organizers of the trip were G. Montgomery, Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture representa- tive of Huron County, bis assist- ant, H. R. Baker, and Bill Turn- bull, president of the 4-H Leader Association. Each member must complete at least one project yearly, such as raising an acre of wheat, or a beef cattle, or. some poultry, to live up to the 441 motto, 'Learn to do by doing." Club leaders, totalling 67 in /turrt!' County, give hints on efficient managing of the projects. First stops for, the 4-H-ers were the Canada Packers arid Swifts plants. Eight buses took the,.members, young men and women between 12 and 20, to the Parliament Build-, ings, where they sat in the legisla- tive chamber to hear the Ontario's Government. A sebway ride and a Maple Leaf baseball game kept them buy in the evening. Blake Reunion Held In Goderich Park Last Sunday the second annual reunion of the descendants of the late Jacob Blake, 1779 to 1864, was held at Harbor Park, Goderich, with- about 75 present. Thosepeffending came from New York ' State, Toronto, Stratford, Seaforth, Goderich arid district, and were of the branch of William Blake, of Colborne Township, and Goderich, Emma (Blake) Ed- wards, and Jane (Blake) Bingham, these three being grandchildren of Jacob Blake. Supper was served at six o'clock, after which Orville Oke, who was in charge of the occasion, called on Mrs. Harry° Hillier, youngest daughter of the late William Blake, to address , the gathering. _file speaker expressed her appreciation for the effort made to make the get-together possible, and said she hoped it' might be continued for years to -come with an effort being made to gather historic data rela- tive to tlie Blake family. It wak decided to hold the next reunion at the- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Oke, Seaforth, with Mrs. Fletcher Fisher, convener; Orville Oke, vice -convene; and Mrs. Fern Gendrew, secretary. Stanley Snyder was requited to prepare a historic sketch, and all present were asked to forward any information they might possess. The supper prize was won by -Mrs. Lilliam Thomas, Stratford. Persons • coming the greatest di: tance were Mr. and Mrs. Watson, New York State. Oldest person attendingwas George ,Rutledge, Nile; youngest child, Mary, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville 'Oke, Seaforth. Veteran's Cab GEORGE H. MILLER, Prop. • Passengers Insured PHONE 362 DANCING EVERY. •FRIDAY NIGHT in the Bayfield Pavilion with Ken Wilbee's Orchestra May 27th -Sept. 30th BAYFIELD'S SUMMER DANCELAND Openings for private dances, recep- tions. Phone Hensall 684r31 or Seaforth 658r6. FOR MORE THAN SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS. The Seaforth Branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce HAS SERVED THE PEOPLE OF THIS DISTRICT We join with pride in sharing with Seaforth this Reunion and Centennial Occasion We extend a cordial invitation to visitookoto Seaforth, many of whom are familiar with Canadian Bank of Commerce services in other parts of Canada, to call onus and make use of our facilities. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 7' SEAFORTH BRANCH: G. C. Bright, -Manager -0,42 • • • 30: 3 . , • ,44 . , , 6,114;t4 4,4.. , ItitgAtagbattiiMikkiligtiggiiiikilittiteadhLitglagehinaliglifigki-4.4M • It '‘;11- t•4;',.' a ! 44* 17 dt 't M .41h, 04: 1, .4 . '.4.k.04.,41„',4,4„,,,,,,,44.44,„'`,.. 44. • ti , • FlOd Crop Competition Ru ney eats, seenSeged• by ler* Agricultlgat gogoty, w4s 11140 by X, R.• 1XeoPe•t St. Marys, • Following are the results of the. judging:. Robert E. McMillan, R. • R. 2) Seaforth, 93; Earl ilicSpedr, , den, It.R. 1, Seaforth, 91; Gordon D. Scott, R.R. 2: Seaforth, 90; Lewis P. Coyne, R.R. 5, SenfOrth, 891/2; James M. Scott, R.R, 2, Sea - forth, 89; Luther Sanders, RA. 2, Seaforth, 891/2; Kenneth Stew- art, R.R, 5, 'Seafortb, 88; Eric Andersen/ R.R. 1, Londesboro, 871/2; R. S. '1VIcKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin, 87; Oliver Pryce, H.R. 1, Seaforth, 841/2; Guy Dorranee, R. - R. 1, Dublin, 84; J. W. Crick, R.R. 4, Clinton, 83. Contestants are to exhibit one bushel of these oats at the Sea - forth Fall Fair. Final results will be tabulated on the basis of 75 per cent for field score and 25 per cent for exhibit. . 71), ° t44 ,E1.1 • WiA44,....0 gialtrigHSIMMattiMMEM41=4=10/66421===41/44MeNSratieMiaratZl!. " • • r ' ' • " 1;,r ' , i • 41.1 , . PICTURED ABOVE is Mr. and Mrs. Earl Edward Aslin after their recent marriage in St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth. The bride, the former Katherine Josephine Walsh,. is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, Seaforth. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Norma Aslin, Dublin, and the late Mr, Harry Aslin. ' • McTaggart Reunion Enjoys Lions Park Seaforth Lions Park played host to the 17th McTaggart reunion last week, with members of the fam- ily coming from Delaware, Lon- don, Aylmer, Ethel, Brussels, Walton, Cranbrook and Goderich. After:dinner, a short meeting was held, also an election of offi- cers resulted as follows: presi- dent, Helen McTaggart, Delaware; vice-president, James McTaffart, Brussels; secretary -treasurer, Isa- bel Riehl, Goderich;' sports, Betty McTaggart, Aylmer, and Betty London Man Hurt In Two -car Collision Several broken ribs and ,a gash on the back of the head was suf- Tered by Victor McMaster,,R.R. 4, London, when, the car which he was driving was in collision..with a car driven by4Villiam Caldwell, Kippen, on Saturday. - The accident occurred as Mr. Caldwell was allegedly making a left turn from Highway 4;, two miles north -of Hensall, into the driveway of William Kyle, about 4:30 p.m. Mr. McMaster was tak- en to South Hriron District Hospi- tal, Exeter, and later released. About $4000 damage was done to each car. Long -Time Violinist Has 91st Birthday • Well-knoWn Hensall area resi- dent, _William Hyde, observed his 91st birthday at his home on Sat- urday, which is a mile and a half south of Hensall on Highway 4. Mr. Hyde is active for his years, rises early every morning to do his daily chores and .puts in a full and busy day. Recently he helped chop down a number of' trees. ' He is- an old-time y,itolioist, who has been playing by ear since he was 11 years old. He has to his credit 59 first prizes, including medals, cups, trophies, etc.; ten seconds, seven thirds, and three fourths. In contests he has won at the C.N.E., Toronto, , and .all over Western Ontario. This spring he emerged as first prize winner at Sports Fair at Queen's Park, London, and the annual Old Time Fiddlers' West- ern Ontario ,championship at Hen- sall on June, 3. Rosenberger, London_ Sports followed the meeting. Results were: 11-12 years, Joey Riehl, Marion McTaggart, Ruth Patterson;. 9-10 years, Scott MC - Taggart, Geraldine McTaggart, Jim Patterson; 718 years, Douglas McTaggart, Robert Riehl; orange race, Ross and Marion, McTag- gart, Delaware; Don and Adeline Riehl, Goderich;. Elwood and Nora McTaggart, Ethel; • ladies' kicking slipper, Jean Patterson, Adeline Riehl, Yvonne McTaggart; candy scramble, Joey Riehl, Scott McTaggart, Robert Riehl; lucky spot, Nora McTaggart; shoe scramble, Adrian and Marie Mc- Taggart, Allan and Phil McTag- gart. This was followed by a ball game between Yvonne McTag- gart's and Adeline Riehl's teams. The result of this game was a win for Adeline Riehl's team. 10 4to 1. Clinton' Girls. Enter Beauty Contest Seaforth Chamber of Commerce beauty contest is stirring up keen interest in the neighboring com- munities. With a trip to New York for the winner. and a guar- anteed good time for all those who enter the contest, more ap- plications were sent to the Clam- wbe eer k . of Commerce secretary this Three girls from Clinton have.de- cided to enter the BeautyContest in the Seaforth Old Boys' Reunion celebration. "But," asMayor M. J. Agnew states, "that is not en- ough. There are plenty of pretty girls , in Clinton, and we should have at least ten from our town entering the contest in Seaforth. "The prize," commented Mayor Agnevti, "is an, all -expense paid weekend trip to New York City, and that Would be a very nice thing for any girl .to win." Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce .in Clinton, Bert Glid- don, was first interested in the project, and through his sugges- tion a notice of the contest was placed in the Clinton, paper. . Re sults ' ofthis note has been three entrants. However, as Bert says, "We should be .able to find more girls than that to enter the con- test. Clinton and district girls are as pretty as those to be found anywhere, else." •CONFECTIONERY and SMALLWARE Now we are able to supply • Paper Cups • Plates •• Serviettes 11X+.0 aflale Contact us for.your • Centennial needs MEMO Lff •BIO HURON WHOLESALE W. Q. JOHNSTON Phone 115 : , • Seaforth Six Clubs At Mixed- Doubles Six towns were represented at the Seaforth mixed doubles lawn bowling tournament, held last Fri- day night. Teams representing •Goderich, Clinton, Tavistock, Mit- chell, Winghamand Seaforth were present. First prize went to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Townsend, of Gode- rich. Mrs, Jack Kaiser and Lorna Dale, Seaforth, won second prize, with Mr. and Mrs. Zuehol, Tavi- stock, dotching third- place hon- ors.. n Seaforth Bowling Club's week- ly tournament, Mrs. T. Phillips and Mrs. E. H Closll' won last weeks prizes for the ladies. Chad Glew and B. F. Christie had the high scores for the men. District 'Obituaries JONAH JOSIAH GREEN HENSALL—Jonah Josiah Green, a well-known resident of the Hen - sail area, where he farmed for 40 years, passed away at' the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Beaton, Hen- sall, on Friday, having been in failing health since January of this year. • Up until that time Mr. Green lived alone, but owing to failing 'health went to reside with his daughter, Mrs. Beaton. • Mt. Green, who was born at Grand Bend, where he spent his earlier years, was in his 90th ,year. A member of -St. Andrew's United- Ch.urch, Kippen, he was, a forner member of the L.O.L., Grenway. ' Surviving are four sons: Wil- liam, Hensall; Charles, Seaforth; Wesley, Mitchell; Robert, Lon- don; one daughter, Mrs. Beverley „Beaton (Dorothy), Hensall. One daughter, Mrs. Mabel Pearisso, of Grand Bend, pased away some years -ago. Seventeen grandchil- dren and 15 great-grandchildren also survive. Mrs. Green, the former Margaret Rush, passed away in 1937. - Public funeral sereices, which were largely attended, •were held at the Bonthron Funeral Home on Sunday, July 24,,,with Rev. N. Mc- Leod, of Kippen, officiating. Bur- ial was in Grand Bend cemetery. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE• • • INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE — EXETER, Ont. President, Martin Feeney, R.R 2, Dublin; Vice -President, E. Clay- ton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill. DIRECTORS—Harry Coates, It R. 1, Centralia; William A. Ham- ilton, Cromarty; Milton ,McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde. R.R. '3, Mitchell. AGENTS—Thos. G. Ballantyne. R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mit chell. • SOLICITOR—W. G. Cochrane. Exeber. SECRETARY -TREASURER' — Arthur Fraser, Exeter. New Breeding, Storic Puts New Life Into Your Farm! WityWait ?... go ahead witli S,pe your...nearest Bank of Montreal manager •1.7 HANR- about a Farm Improvement Loan., ? A.11.411WaRaDA:45 BANK OF M.ONTRE.A.I. _ ecuter,44s 7e/fa ita4vi woret-.1,n,a 1.0311-1 C -a -no ans in ev (pry walk of life since ISP? Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager ^, Einweikakci (Sub-figentty): Open Tuesday and Friday CONGRATULATIONS SEAFORTH Sealbrth citizens have -been pleased to make , special preparations for the return of their Old Boa. We hope everyone enjoys a good time ! 1/4 This Weekend we are offering Three Key Money -Saving Bargains! BREAKFAST BACON - _49C Ib. New Royal PUDDINGS 2 fOr2lc Large' Kellogg's CORNFLAKES - 2 foi45c , —0 SEAFORTH SUPER MARKET Levi Eckenswiller Phone 8 • "Where Mother Can Send the Children For Service" 0 Read the Advertisement, — It's a Profitable Pastime ‘Ismenni • "WELCOME • HOME" TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED takes pleasure in welcoming home the Old Boys and Girls of Seaforth! TOPNOTCH FEEDS built a new Feed Manufactur- ing plant in Seaforth two years ago. Our plant is also a retail outlet for the district farmers, who require the Mixing and Grinding of Feeds. • We are also buyers of Grains— • Wheat, Oats, Barley, Etc. . • TOPNOTCH FEEDS Phone 15 Seaforth .7 A