HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-07-22, Page 4et? iib I ki U� 4i11�)! 4 EXPOSITOR, SEA '.OR ; ONT., JUL READ OUR SMALL ARS Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates -BMX, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC, — Per Word; let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Ceuta Each figure,' initial and' abbreviation counts es one word. lTtlxd� of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Evente--1 cent per word. Minimum. 00 cents Den week. Ali Klntdea inlay be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Ektsmidtur. for 16 cents exta teea cent; additional will be charged Jf ads in above class are not paid within 10 day* of date of final insertion. >elrtba, Marriage and Deaths inverted tree of ;barge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditor& Etc.—Rate; an application. Coming Events For Rent 00111E TO the Crystal Palace. Mit,beil. FOR RENT -One room, for a pleasant Friday evening of dancing. URVIiL-I.F OKE, Seaforth. Music by the Night Hawks. 4564-9 FOR RENT Two -room apartment tm- •urnibed, ORVILLE OKE, Searorth, 545 JACKPOT RINGO—Pull house to 4843.4-tf 64 calls wins the jackpot: 35 and one call added every Saturday night until OIL -HEATED APARTMENT for rent someone wins jackpot. Also 14 game:+ Available August 1. Apply to DR. E. A. "Shute the wealth" No admission : 30 M`,dASTER. Seaforth. .4567-1 cents a game. Legion Hall, Hensall. Sat- urday, July 22rd, 9 Rte Sponsored by • Henvall Legion. 4567-1 FOR RENT--11-foot cabin trailer for :ra.ellinewill sleep three or four• with -coking accommodation. Phone 160-M. ORVILLE OKE. 4366-tf unfurnished. 4566-tf Help Wanted FOR RENT—Modern oil -heated 4Part- HELP W.Apply at factory of meat r available immediately. PHONE 503_W after 6 D•m. 4567x1 GENERALCOACH WORKS, OF CAN- ADATD ' ADA LTD., Hensall. 4567-1 • I Motor Cars For Sale -For Stile FOR SALE—One woodshed, as is. FOR'sAI E"HONE ill. Seaforth 4567-1 condition- Apply AL\IN GRU1SE Nen- FOR SALE A bunch of choice York ea-'.:awmiU . event: 4-a 456°x= -hunks A. R. DODDS. Phone 833 r 14. `zenforth. 4567-1 FOR SALE --Baby carriage. A-1 shape. .4^_C PHONE 767, Seaforth. at 6 p.m. 4567x1 Grdert h . . Rey voids. FOR SALE—Budgies and Canarfee; 'iartr Mountain Food. etc, ERIC 456-x-' ,,I1LNER-F LO %VERS. Sentorth. 393. 4564-10 For Sale FOR SA.... Vitra`.l hest an St East rropetey ..r Catharine Rydre Chea: ruse. sale. «anted ° ' FOR SALE-. 59 pie. 6 weeks old. Ap- -ly '4 AC CHESNEY. Phone 658 r 16. ' ;eafo tla . 4567-1 WANTED- T•:, <:raw' s-.ar'x5. Apply JAMES 0 LOVE. Fh•.ne 6.iL r Sea - forth. 4566x2 PART-TIME .SOB `R.EQt-1RED—Restau.r- ant work. preferred. T.a'.e had experience. or as store clerk in Seaforth. Apply Box 450. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4567xi COTTAGE FOR RENT ina field : three bedrooms: conveniences. Close to lake and river. July :"h to August Sieh. •Apply at HODGINS• COTTAGESatur- day or Sunday. - 67'-tf WANTED FOR SALE—High oven electric stove with an annex. Priced reasonably for sa:ie Apply Box 455. HURON E% - POS I -TO R. 4567x1 POR SALE—Entire herd of 11 young •.-o.4 mir ing cows. T.B. tested: 1 John ")seers 6 -!hie ane -way disc. on 'steel. Ap- 7iy H.A P.RY CALDWELL. Kippel. 4567-1 FOR SAI.E- Cler�g, bright fuel oil, =arria's best from tddbb of vat No. 1: and :o•-ern're-t-tested mal. screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART. 4565-tf FOR SALE --A steel garage. 12 feet by. Hatching eggs 'ranted Sy one of Can- -'0 feet. Can be moved easily. Apply to ado's largest and eldest established hash- JOHN ANDERSON. Phone 852 r 15. Sea - cries. Eges''taker, e-ery week in the year. forth- 4567xI Big premiums paid. For full details write FOR SALE—IF/5 bushel grain tank, itt Buie 434,- A-1 condition. painted red: also trucking THE, HURON EXPOSITOR at reasonable rates. Phone MER - 4566 -8 TON KEYES, Seaforth 656 r 11. . 4566-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR SATE—Lawn mower, 4 blades, 14 inches: just sharpened and like new in every wag: 512.50. Apply R. B. Me- %INDSEY. Phone 24. 4567x1 FOR • SALE -1 Coleman oil heater; 1 coal heater; chesterfield and chairs; radio; For the constriction of f'rertach Drain. ,mattress. springs and bedstead; eland; McKillop Township. according to En- .gineer', spec tftea;.lons. will be received rug. ,hairs.' and numerous cruet AS Terms --Cash Apply MRS THOMAS until July 30, 1955. PARLMER. . ,Hensall 4567-1 Digging. laying and backfilling 5.974 lineal feet of 4". i". 6". 7", 8" and 12" tile and pipe, eatch basin and field atone protection. Township to supply tile and pipe. A marked cheque of 9100.00 to accom- pany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Tender to state when work will be Plans .prefile and .specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. J. M. ECKERT. Clerk. McKillop Twp., Seaforth. Ont., R.R. I. 4567-1 Poultry FOR SALE ---200 , pullets. Red Sussex, 6% months old: started to lay. Apply JOHN J AN:4AAT,. R.R. 4, Seaforth. 4567x1 DON'T MISS THE BOAT Yon sure will if you don't buy chicks this year. We predict high egg prices this Fall and Winter. When your pur- chase chicks be sure and buy the right breeds for maximum egg production. We have three epeeial breeds that will lay more eggs on less. feed than any other breeds we offer. Send for full .details. Also, three sperial broiler breeds. Turkey Vaults. Fret illustrated Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES L PM I TED FERGUS -- ONTARIO 4558 710 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods'). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 gam. isles 51.00. Mall -Order Dept. T-78 NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. Notices GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 52 per font on contract basis. All eeerk guaranteed. Contact 850 r 88, Sea- 4564-tf RADIO REPAIRS --For all kind, of radios, et TERRY'S RADiO REPAIR, opposite Dick House. Seaforth. Phone 547-R - 4564-tf COMPLETE. LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 898. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Senforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4564-tf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING (brush fir Spray): exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955' wallpaper designs.' Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 4564-tf t Arm/mom FARMERS, — prompt eonrteoue collection of an dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Can eollect. ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11. Sea - forth, or 286, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co of Canada Ltd+ 4564-tf tE11EENT WORK—Ail types of brick and block work. for general building work and repair work. Call timer CHRIS- t1a NSEN, Railway St, Seaforth. Phone 4864-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION i lri Ilulis lire aed" A gid 61'.' t enlnntlon( HeroicsYJfor -iitl Retie of +cattle. 'Por eetvIert or,inferms.. tint . 'ti letle C ,trrl�ON 242, miltett,. be. Mid 7ISO iid 1010" 6.111. on 'melt diet, Itit 740 and' 9:10 x.nd. on Sttttidava, alltd .tf WRECKING '50 Austin, '42 Dodge, '41 Chew, '41 Mercury, '41 Ford. '41 Pack- ard: many other makes and models; tube 'Oe to 91.25. Trailer and wagon axle 'lade to order. Several radios. CUD- MORE'S GRAVEL, R.R. 1, Hensall. ,Ont •bone Exeter 171 r 3. 4562x6 FOR SALE ---Case A-6 motor -driven -ombine three years old, in good work - ng condition. Ebersol grain thrower, complrte with pipes. For further particu- ars apply EDWARD MELADY, R.R. -2, u hli'n. Phone 22 r '10, Dublin. 4566-2 FOR SALE --•-250 Rhode Island Red Sus - ex pullets. . You,r choice out of a flock ,f 100. Hatched February 7th: starting to lay. Apply SANDY PEPPER. Phone {16 ,r 41, Seaforth. - 4666-tf FOR SALE- 'General store in thriving '-,•Iron County village on busy Provincial Highway at Rrucefield : for sale on account • 111 health. Store includes active meat grocery. hardware and dry goods depart- ment, and equipment is modern and new. Lung. testae. hiving accommodation avail- able. Apply to CHRISTIE'S STORE. Rrucefleld. 4667-2 In Memoriam VENNER--In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandma, the late Mrs. William Venner who passed away three years ago, July 23rd. Deep in our hearts' there's a picture. Of a dear one gone to rest; For memory's sake we will keep it, Because she was one of the best. --Ever remembered by Husband, Daugh- ter. Sons and Grandchildren. 4567-1 Cards of Thanks WE WISH to express our sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness. mesnages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received from relatives, friends and neighbors during our recent sad be- reavement. MRS WM WORKMAN AND FAMILY 4567,1 WE w1SH to express our sincere thanks to those who were so kind to .jimmy while he was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, for fruit, flowers, cards, money. toys .and visits: - Special thanke to Dr M. W. Stapleton and the nursing staff. It was deeply appreciated. MR. AND MRS. MiCHAEL McGRATH ANI) .TIMMY. 4567x1 MRS. FRED HIUSSER and family wish to thank nil who were so kind to them at this time of deep sorrow, es- pecially to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Mr. James T. Scott, Mrs. Cardno and friends and neighbors. and all who- neat, floral tributes. This was deeply appreciated. 4567x1 Births CARTER --At Scott Matnorial Hospital, on July 16. to Mr. and Mre Ivan Carter, Seaforth, a Son. HENDRiCK—Elgin and Pntay Hendrick (nee Mitchell), of Dashwood, are proud to announce the arrival of their non at Victoria Hoapitnl, London. • on Saturday, July 16. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell. Henanll. McK NNON Sgt R. A. McKinnon and Mrs. McKinnon, of Sussex. N.B., are pleased to announee the birth of their son. Gary Edward, at the General Hos- Dita1, Sussex. N.B., on Jtine 25. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Kinnon, of Honeall, NASH—At Scott Memorinl Hospitnl, on July 18. to Mr. and Mrs, James Nalih, 5. Sento-Mt. a son - C ONSN—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on 1d1 19,Mr. yto and Mtg. Len Cronin Dublin, a.. n. WALTE*( EEi4—iAtt Scott Merhorlai Flea- - Vital, ori July l9, to' Mr and . Mrs. Dark Wslterbeek, at. Ooiinnban, a daughter. WRIGHT—At Aeott 1Hteeorial Hoapital, on July 19, to Mr, and Mrs. H- A. Wriirbt (nee pfpti'g ret Dale), Seaforth, a son- John Dougisa MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER HONORS WILMA KYLE, KIPPEN BRIDE -ELECT On Monday evening Miss Wilma Kyle, bride -elect of next Saturday. was given a miscellaneous shower at St, Andrew's United .e,Churcb. Mrs. William Bell, in charge, op- ened the evening with Mrs. Nor- man McLeod playing a piano solo. Margaret Elgin gave ,a humorous reading. Mrs. John Cooper, Mrs, Bruce McGregor and Mrs. How- ard Finkbeiner sang as a trio with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot at the piano. Eileen McLean favored with a piano number. Mrs. Harold Jones at, the piano accompanied five girls, namely, Carol Faber, Eileen McLean, Marie Jarrott, Marilyn and Katherine Anderson. A few Too Late To Classify FOR SALE -1946 International dump truck. AP -ply EVERITT SMITH. Phone 671 r 4. 'Seaforth. 4567-1 HIUSSER^ In Scott Memorial Hospital. Seaforth, on Wednesday. July 18th, Frederick John trimmer. in his 79th year. Reception & Dance for MR. AND MRS. JACK LANE Thursday, July 21st Seaforth Community Centre EVERYONE WELCOME FOR SALE ONE USED Ford 6 -ft. Combine with Ford Tractor Motor' Motor and Combine com- pletely overhauled and ready to go. Scourkleen and pick-up installed. PRICED, FOR FAST SALE DALY MOTORS Phone 102 :� Seaforth contests followed. Wilma was then called to a,prettily decorated chair, over which hung the tradi- tional decorated sprinkling can. Miss Isobel Caldwell read the ad- dress. The many -'and 'beautiful gifts were presented in a nicely decorated basket by Elaine Bell. and Pat Lovell. Wilma made a most suitable reply and all join- ed in singing "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." Refreshments were served and an invitation to all by Mrs. William Kyle was extended to come to her home and see the trousseau. Mrs. Harry Smith dis- played ' the kitchenware; Miss Bonnie Kyle; the linens and china; Miss Eleanor Vennor, the trous- seau, ` _ZION Mr. George Ahrens and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Roney Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. ' Mr. Keith Ahrens visited a few days last week with his -uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney. Miss Donna Gordon spent a few holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. James Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs.' Ferg Levy, of Mitchell, called on Mrs. James Malcolm and Mrs. Will Murdie Thursday evening. °oM; Mr. and Mrs t L. Scott and Sons, Jehn.and Alex: were.in Lind- sayon Thtnulsday and visited .with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, Mpore. Joyce. Kerslake, ,.of .'Staffa, -"is spendii ig a few' holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McLachlan. Mrs. Jarvis, of Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting with Mrs. Moore in the village and with Mr. and /drs. T. L. Scott. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Glossop over the weekend and on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Forster, of Port Albert; Mr. and Mrs, I. H. Durst and little son, of Wroxeter, and Mr, and Mrs. 'Ross and son, Bobby,' of Port Credit. Mrs. Grace Scott is spending -a few weeks in, Mitchell -with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Binning. Mrs. Wilson has returned to her home in Toronto. A number of friends andrela- tives attended the McLachlan, Al- len and Hpggarth picnic in Strat- ford on Saturday. ' Mrs. Thos. Scott and grand- daughter, Ina Scott, Mrs. Lin Mc- Kellar and Douglas and Mrs. M. Houghtbn and Bjlli visited on Thursday with Mary B. Currie and with Mr. and Mrs. John Young at Woodstock. The C.G.I.T. Girls held their regular meeting on Tuesday after- noon and also bad as their guests their parents and the members of the Women's Missionary Society. The Mission Band met on Sun- day in the basement of the church with Mrs. Mac Lamond and Mrs: Wesley Russell in charge. . Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar vis- ited on Sunday eveningein Mitchell with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Binning. Mr. and Mr Mrs. RegStag and -T little daughter rud,'.visiited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton. HENSALL. NEWS OF THE WEEK Announcement Mr. and MrA. Rudy Petzke, of Hensall, wish to ,ayhnounce the en- gagement of theirryourtgest daugh- ter, Marlene Helen, to Edward Wayne Smith. son of Mr. add Mrs. Everett Smith, EgmondviIle: The wedding' will take place August 5. Doug Dick; who had his foot badly crushed in an accident near Mitchell,. when logs rolled off a truck onto his foot, and who has been a patient in Stratford Gen- eral Hospital, had to have his toe amputated at the hospital: Mrs. J. E. McEwan is spending a week vacationing in Detroit and Caro, Michigan. - Mr. and MTS. Kenneth -Mac- Kay, of Windsor, visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Mickle and family. Miss Maja Roobol passed" her Grade 8 in piano at the Royal Conservatory of Music at London. Mr. William Hyde will observe his 91st birthday af his home 'on Saturday, July 23. How Would ' You Like- To Be Miss Seaforth Centennial AND 'WIN A FREE TRIP TO NEW YORK? TRI! 'Entries are being accepted until Wednesday midnight, July 27. Write or Phone:. ERIC MILNER, Secretary, Chamber- of Commerce No talent is required, but.contestants are to appear in bathing suits and evening dresses on Monday, August 1st. Contestants, please report to the Seaforth Cornmunity Centre by 12 noon; August 1st. ., a 1953 CUSTOM DODGE SEDAN Low mileage; excellent condition 1953 PLYMOUTH SEDAN: clean car 1952 DE SOTO SEDAN 1952_CHEV. SEDAN 192 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1950 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1949 DODGE SEDAN 1949 METEOR SEDA 1949 CHEV. TWO -DOOR. 1948 DODGE SEDAN - 1946 DODGE SEDAN USED TRU,,CNS 1950 Chev. 1 -Ton Pick-up 1950 G.M.C. 1 -Ton Pick-up 1948 Chev. 1 -Ton Platforin and Rack ROWCLIFFE MOTORS ' Phone 267 Seaforth SeaSeaforthor '6 • • Mr. and Mrs. Laird ' Mickle, Charles, Bob and Ann, returned last week after a pleasant motor trip to Ottawa, North Bay and Al- gonquin Park and g visited .d Be tty at the Taylor-Statten Girls' Camp on Canoe Lake in Algonquin where she is one of the camp nurses for the summer months. Miss Maja Roobol and Miss June Ross have accepted - positions at Normandie Lodge at • Wasaga Beach for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Phillips, of Toronto, were recent guests with Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Beer, i Vacation Bible School, held at ..a r:armel Pie;',,-•st1.r,tttan Church; �!- eluded Friday evening last with a social evening, with parents as special guests. Handicrafts made by the children during -the two weeks' period were, displayed. There ,was an enroIlllient of 90 ' children. Rev. D. MacDonald occupied his own pulpit Sunday morning in Car- mel Church, choosing for his 'seT- montopic, "The Rich Young Rul- er." The Grand Lodge of Ontario, A.F. and A.M., was held in To- ronto at the C.N.E. grounds on Monday, July 18. when five car- loads of Masons attended the af- fair ' from.; Hensall. Worshipful Rro. Frank Wright, Kippen, Past Master of Huron Lodge 224.,.Hen- sall, was unanimously elected, Dis- trict Deputy' Grand Master for the South Huron district. A jitney tournament was held nn the bowling green last Thursday in Hensall. Winners were: first prize: skip, Sam Rannie; vice - skip. J. A. Paterson; lead, William Smith; second prize: skip, W. O. Goodwin; vice -skip, Mrs. A. Kers- lake; lead, Charles Telford; third prize: skip, John Henderson; vice - skip, Mrs. Pearl Case; lead, Win. Henry. NCHELSEA Mrs, E. Walters, of London; Mrs. F. Walter, Sandra and Judy, and Mrs. C. Gilfillan, Donna, Grant and Barbara Ann,- and Miss Linda. Brock, of London, spent the weekend at Chesley Lake. Miss Kathleen Horne, of Grand Bend, and • Mr. H. Sperling and Miss Joy Hillock visited on Sun- day with Mr: and Mrs. F. Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Veal, ' of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brock, of Lori - don, visited over the weekend with Mrs.. F' Walters, , Miss Betty Bailey, of Exeter, visited at her home over the week end. Miss Ray Hay, of Exeter, _spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. Prance. Hibbert Group Has Stratford Picnic The annual ' Allen-McLachlan- Hpggarth picnic was held in Queen's Park, Stratford, on Satur- day. Results of races were: five years and under, -Allen Nieman; eight and under, John Coleman; girls, 12 and under, Janice Christie; boys 12 and under, Donald Cole- man; young ladies' shoe scramble, Janice Christie; ladies' kick the slipper, Margaret ,Coleman; men string macrons, Eli in Allen; mea- sure 4 ie grin, t nard Found; birthday 'nearest picnic, Guy Clem- ens bud Murray Christie; soap re- lay, Carter Kerslake's team; newspaper relay, Lloyd Alien's team; bunny hop relay, Lloyd Al- len's team; pillow case relay, Car- ter, Kerslake's tearer; sand bag throwing, men~ Ernest *Allen; pil- low throwing, women, Mrs. Eldon + en; guessing, candies in jar, Mrs. Wilson- McCartney. , Officers for 1956 are: president, llbb McLachlan; vice-president, president, Ernest Allen; secretary -treasurer, ;Mrs.„Eldon Allen; lunch commit- tee Mr. and Mrs. Bob- Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Russell,, Mr. and. Mrs. Ali Ross; sports committed, Mi and Mrs. Bill McLachlan, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen. 1Raster Teddy, Wilber-, of Sea- ford], had a week's vacation with his aunt and uncle, -Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGliegor.., Mr. Emmerson Kyle motored to Toronto Sunday to attend the Masonic C ntennial. Mr. and' Mrs. Lorne 'Schneider and Judy and Paul, of Stratford, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. Robert Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rickert attended the wedding of Mr. Diitk- ert's Niece, Miss Joyce Murray, to Mr. Ray Bennett en Friday after- noon at Redeemer Lutheran Church, Waterloo, and the recep- tion - and dinner at Berkeley Square, Kitchener: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstet- ter and family were Sunday visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs. William Homey, Exeter,, Mrs. Jessie Fowler, of Aurora, is 'visiting• this week with her 'sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson. Sympathy of the community is extended the families of the late Mrs. Susie Workman, also the District Obituaries ,GEORGE M. RAMSAY WALTON. — Mr. George Mac - Dougal Ramsay, _ well known far- mer on 'the , 17th concession of Grey, died suddenly Friday . after- noon,, July 1.5, in Brussels with a heart seizure, in his 54th year. Mr,:,Ramsay was the son of the Tate Hugh Ramsay and Annie Mc- Dougal. He was barn on the farm where he resided at the time of his death. The deceased attendhd Walton public school and was a member of Duff's United Church. He is survived by his step -mother, Mrs. Eliza Ramsay, of Seaforth. The funeral was held from the Rann Funeral Parlors, Brussels, on Monday afternoon, at 2 p.m., with Rev. W. M. Thomas, of Duff's United Church, officiating. The pallbearers were Donald Buchan- an; Harvey Craig, Norman Wil- liamson, George Williamson, Roy Williamson and Herbert William- son. Flower -bearers were ,Stewart Humphries, Clare Long, James Souter and Fred Smalldon. Inter- rnent was in Brussels cemetery. Relatives were present from' Grimsby, Winona, Collingwood, Owen Sound, Varna, Brucefield and Seaforth. MES_ E1W ' EIJ.ER.. . ivALTON.—Mrs. Roy Sellers, wife of Roy Sellers and life-long resident of Hrriron County, passed away at her -home on the 2nd con- cession Morris Township on July 4, after a lengthy illness. Born, in Grey Township, Rita Olivia 'Harris, daughter- of Mrs. Oliver Harris and the late Oliver Harris, of the 15th concession, Grey. Surviving are her 'husband, Roy Sellers; her . mother, Mrs. Maria Harris, of Preston, and a sister, Iva, Mrs. Archie King, Preston. .. The funeral was conducted from D. A. Rann Funeral Home, Brus- sels,' op is Thursday, July 7, and the large attendance and beautiful floral tributes showed the esteem in which she was held in the com- munity. She was a member of the Pres- byterian Church and a willing helper in her Morris Group of the iLadiesll' .Aid, even during her long nes, Rev: J. A. Heal, of Markham, a cousin of the deceased, conduct- ed the services. Pallbearers were Herb Travis, Fraser Mustard, Frank Shaw, Ross Turvey, Gordon James and Stanley •Mustard.- Bur- ial. ur-ial• was made in Brussels -ceme- tery , WILLIAM A. WORKMAN KIPPEN.—The death occurred in Clinton Hospital on Friday, July 15, of William Albert Wittman, highly esteemed resident 'of Tuck- ersmith Township. He had been in poor health ' for - the past five months, due to a heart condition. Mr. Workman was born in Rog- erville, July 11, 1872,, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Work: man. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Isabel MacGregor; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Lloyd Bowerman, Lis- towel; one son, Winston, of Kip - .pen; and a grandson, Billy; also a ister, Mrs. Howard Bolger, of ,London, and one brother, Rev. H, =V. Workman, Of Tillsonburg. 'A brother, Percy, predeceased him some 'six weeks ago. • Public funeral services, which welte largely attended, were held froni the Bonthron Funeral- Home, Hensall; on Monday, July 18, at 2 p.m. Rev. N. McLeod, of St. An- drew's United Church, officiated. Mr. Tom Sherritt , was soloist and sang "There is No Night There.” Following the service, burial took place at Hensall Union 'Cemetery: Pallbearers - were Jack Sinclair, Ray McKinnon, Harr Bennindyke, Bennindyke, Allan 'and Wilson Tremeer and Archie "Hoggarth. Flowerbearers were Alex McGregor, Harry Cald- well, Ben Case,'Jaek Cooper, Dun- can Cooper and Morley Cooper, MRS..THOMAS WORKMAN - ICIPPEN. — Funeral services were held oh- Sunday afternoon, July 17, for Susan Cudmore, widow of the late Thomas Workman, who passed away into rest- at the Clin- ton Community Hospital early Fri- day Morning and in which she' had been a patient from the afternoon - of July 13. The funeral,service was conducted: 'by the Rev. Norman McLeod, of IClppen ,hilted Church, from .the Bonthron Funeral Home in Bengali at 3 p.m., with inter- ment nterment in Bengali Union Ce etery. Mi<s. Workman had lived. t her present home as a girl, later inas a bride to farm the direct ly across' the road where she and her husband farmed for 23 years. They then purchased the Cudmore home and teturned in 1927 where •ahe spent the' Actual` der of ` her life. She was a 'valued member of the eommtmity, always willing OF THE.. late William Workman. Master Peter Bawden, of Toron- to, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggartb. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long visited Saturday evening with Mr. ;And Mrs. William Horney, Exeter, who last week celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau included: Mr. and Mrs. Brown,.Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown, Jr., andchildren, of Greenway. Miss Joyce Hood is holidaying in London for two weeks with her cousin, Diane Perkin. Mrs. William Winder visited a few days in London with relatives. Local medibers of the 4-H Club joined with a/ group of 500 4-H members, who left Tuesday morn- ing by train for Toronto, where they visited points of interest and attended a professional ball game at Maple Leaf Stadium.' They were accompanied by several dub leaders, also Mr. Gerald Mont- gomery and Mr. Harold Bennett, agrical ' representatives, of Clintofi. W.I. To Meet - The Kippen East Women's In- stitute will meet at the home of Mrs. Glen SIavin on Wednesday, July 27, at 8:30" p.m. Co -hostess is Mrs. Campbell Eyre. The roll call is; "What to eat for beauty and good temper!' The motto is, "No woman is a slave to ber housework, but rather to the way she does it " As an exhibit con- test, everyone is to wear a print louse dress or pay a twenty-five ^ent fine. Current events will be given by Mrs. E. Whitehouse and poem by Mrs. Wilmer Broad - foot, with music by Mrs. Glenn Slavin. The guest speaker will be Mrs.' E. A. McMaster, who will give a talk,on her trip and show slides. Luch committee includes Mrs. WiIIiam CaldvieIl, 'Mrs,,. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. E. Jarrott, Mrs. A. Varley and Mrs. 4. McGregor. to help in time of need anda very active member of the W.A. and the W.M.S. of the Kippen United Church until confined by illness to her home for the Iast six and a half years. She is ' survived by two sons, Lloyd C., of Oshav1a anal Orville, at home; also by four grandchil- dren, Misses Anne and' Barbara, of Oshawa, and Miss Lynda and Master Thomas, of Kippen. She is also survived by two sinters, Mrs. Louisa Horton, of Oshawa, and Sarah; Mrs, Seymour Watson, �an+anuver, and by four broth- ers, Edwin and Lorne Cudmore, of Vancouver; Sam Cudmore, of Kippen, and William Cudmore, of Seaforth. Her eldest son, Walter, and four sisters. predeceased her a number of years ago. The services were largely at- tended with friends coming from - London, Oshawa, Parkhill, Toron- to and Wallaceburg. Pallbearers. were four nephews, Roy Butt, of Seaforth; Frank Cudmore, of Wal- laceburg; 'Stewart Cudmore, of London, and Marshall Stewart; id Seaforth, G.•end".-Alfred 111of1Fat6,-..oE.- Kippen, and James, F. Reid, of Toronto. Flowerbearers were Robt. Elgie, Jack Consitt,' Frank, Har- ry, 'Hick and Larry Donald, Har- vey McLarnon, Normae Stan- Sell that unnecessary piece of lake, Lloyd Thompson anis Robin furniture through a Huron Expos% Thopson. , for Classified Ad. Phone 41. - CITEAlso .' • CHooi' SUE' • T Take Hemc Oar. h and CVOS THRILL,- CHILL, AHD' SPILL. WITH THE GREATEST.. THRILL SHO.,r.ON EARTH! k . COMING' FOR ONE SHOW ONLY.., k CLINTON ' COMMUNITY PARK Monday, July 25 &3e pan. Sponsored -by i llnsmen club .THE OInG'atIAL . , 28 TdI HLLING ACTS 2 HRS. Of FUN FOR f EVERYONE tl At) e IF) x- See DEATH S'TA/k7Ht IVO( EXTRA ""r.. ,RA .. ' • SEE "LUCKY" WATERS , "HUMAN BOMB' ffilaaITE — MOM A SSAL`lCS.,COF 1N -- THE • BEST IN SUMMER CLOTHING Our Cool Summer SPORT JACKETS are the latest in fashion. G Smartly Tailored SLACKS Gabardine or Flannel SUMMER SHIRTS in neat checks with two-way , collars. W. O. - GOODWIN HENSALL MAIN ST. PROCLAMATION Town of Seaforth Civic oliday On instruction from the Municipal Council; I hereby proclaim , MONDAY, AUGU CIVIC HOLIDAY: in the Town of Seaforth, and respe.102117 request the Citizens and Buslrir ', mmen tg'ob- serve the same. : DR. E. A. McMAST - „Shyer . "Dor, SAVE ' QUEE11'. ) i } • .-8 1 k A } • irr f J 1 } 1 M 1 {I!ih. • )14,:<.„r3 �tl