HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-07-22, Page 3• rQ i d, n i, 4 • 7 at^ SEAFORTH CONCRETE. PRODUCTS,. We have a complete stuck of ` Colored Flagstones and Curved= Stones . Ideal for sidewalks,' driveways and gardens. ° PHONE 740 After Six, 22 .. SEAFORTH 17 TOWN OF SEAFORTH No parking will be allowed on Main Street on Friday nights, between the hours of - s 2 A.M. - 8 A.M. to facilitate the cleaning of the street Saturday morning. - By Order of the Town 'Council 1 P FOX'S SELECT GRADE AC Supreme In Quciilty 4-. e Packed in loyal Purple Krinkle Cups Sold in 8 -Quart Baskets and in Cartons of One Dozen Fruits These .are. the biz fully .._.matured, . -beauties that -grow in the tops of the trees where thesun shines brig+ltest and hottest.. - Truly the Cream of the Crop! Far superior to the ordinary No. 1 grade of peaches, sold in 6 -quart baskets. Treat yourself to a carton or an 8 -quart basket of this .excellent fruit. Send your friends a gift packageof these high quality peaches andlet us ship them for you. Both yo&.and your friends will. be delighted. NOTE= We grow No. 1 -grade -peaches too, and pack them cus- tomarily in 6 -quart baskets. According to Ontario com-,Fl mercial standards, they.are considered to be gond peaches. However, our selected beauties, cup packed and sold.an 8 -quart baskets, excell in every way the lower No. 1 grade. Crops will -start ripening early in August or late in July, due to an unusual season. 1. 4 • A. Gram Fox DELHI SHAKESPEARE Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 MR. AND MRS. W. J. HORNEY, highly esteemed resi- dents of Exeter, and for many years residents of Kippen, cele- brated the 50th anniversary of their wedding on July 12. They have one daughter, Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, of Kippen, and three grandchildren. HENSAIL NEWS OF THE WEEK Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Beerwish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Dorothy Elaine, to Mr, Ralph McArthur, only son of Mr. and Mrs: R. L. McArthur, Winnipeg, Man. The marriage will take place August 5, at 7:30 p.m., in Hensall United Church. Miss Wilma Kyle, bride -elect of this month, was made the presen- tation of a combination steam iron from the staff of the local Bell Telephone, where she -i-s on the staff. Miss Linda Kerr, of Monetville, Northern Ontario, is vacationing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kerr. Min Hattie �tillTrInn.n " Cell. brate her (sdth birthday on day, July 25, in Clinton Con4fhun- ity Hospital, where she is a pat- ient. Miss Bernice Jinks, Reg.N., left Wednesday for Burmuda, here she will engage in nursing. Mrs/William Kerr and d ugh - ter, Mrs. George'`' Lefebvre, pent part of last week with relativs in Monetville, in Northern On.ta ro. W.M.S. Has Pot -Luck Supper The.. Women's Missionary Society of Hensall United Church met in the church schoolroom for their July meeting, with President Mrs. George Armstrong conducting the meeting. Group leader Mrs. L. Eiler called on Miss A. Consitt, Mrs. G. Thompson and Mrs. G. Hess to give the last chapter of the study book on Japan. Mrs. H. McEwan and Mrs. Raye Paterson favored with a vocal duet. Mrs. Hess conducted a recreational period, after which the members sat down to a table centred with roses and enjoyed a pot -luck sup- per. - - - -_ RE -VITALIZED CLEANING is, Better Than Ever at Buchanan Cleaners Mont Forest More Spots' and Stains Removed Garments stay clean longer; will wear longer. Phone 669 r 2 Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGENT MON. and THURS. MORNINGS 'USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE — EXETER, Ont President,Martin Feeney, R.R 2, Dublin; ice -President, E. Clay ton Colquhoun; R.R. 1, Science Hill. , DIRECTORS—Harm Coates R R. 1, Centralia; Wilham A. Ham - Ilion, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, R.N. 1, Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde, R.R. 3, Mitchell. AGENTS—Thos. G. Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mit- chell. SOIJCITOR.—W. G. Cochrane. Exeter. SEC'RRTARV-TREASURER — Artiste Fraser, Exeter. KEEP YOUR MONEY SAFE... when you're travelling R Traveller's cheques protect you against loss of your money while travelling. Negotiable anywhere. Yqu can obtain Traveller's Cheques at our nearest branch— we have more than 680 to servel you. A L NW.165 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SEA.PORPH BRANCH: G. C. Brightrall, Manager a'-4 uGJ',Y6tlS�d+asrAi.�1+r:C�.aiah41.1r�a5�M7P�?n� Winners At Bingo ' Successful winners of bingo, sponsored by the Legion, held in the Legion Hall last Saturday were: Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Jack McKenzie, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. Wes. Venner, Mrs. T. Brintnell, Bob Runney, Mrs. T. Brintnell, David Smale, Mrs. R. Taylors, Mrs. Roy Smale, Mrs. Minnie Sang- ster, Ed. Corbett, Mrs. T. Brint- nell, Mrs. Bob Sangster, Jack McKenzie, Mrs. T. Brintnell and Mrs. R. Taylor. The jackpot, which was not won, will -be $45 in 54 calls next Sat- urday night, Honor Bride -Elect - Complimenting Miss W ] i m n.yle, popular Ur -Cct of this month, over 50 friends ,and rela- tives net at her home on Friday evening to hd;^^r her on the occa- sion of her approaeiing marriage - on Saturday, July 23, and pre- sent her with a miscellaneoug presen.tatioti. The home was attractively dec- orated for the affair, including a beautiful arch. One- of the high- lights of the evening was the pre- sentation of a mock 'wedding with roles portrayed by several mem- bers of the group, and a recrea- tional period of contests •and games. Wilma was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts, which were presented tisher in a decorated wagon, by Brenda Koeh- ler and Joan Taylor. Mrs, Grant Smith read the address, and Mrs. Harry Smith assisted with the un- wrapping of the gifts. Mrs. -W. Cleary, Toronto and Miss Eleanor Venner and Miss Bonnie Kyle dis= played the linens, wedding • gifts and bride's trousseau. Arranging the very successful af- fair were Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Dave Sangster, Mrs. Grant Smith, Miss, Eleanor Venner. Mrs. Eliza Cole, 92 years young, of Hensall, attended the presentation and re- ported a most enjoyable time. De- licious refreshments were served. The last meeting of all eon:unit- tees. together before the AS, No., 3;inipbert Real tion, weq, J field Vyk, day • night. Each -committee re= ported its activities and everything is• nearing completion. for July 23 The invitation committee have their` work done and over 500 in- vitations have- been sent out. Mrs. M. Dearing and Mrs. C. Bowman have co,>,npiled a souvenir book of the history of the school. and they will be in charge of the sale of same. The entertainment committee of Rev. A. H. and Mrs. Daynard, Mr. .and Mrs. H. Harburn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Norris and Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner have the morning and afternoon programs mapped out to give the most enjoyment to alL The trustees, J. M. Scott, E. J. Dearing and R. Worden, -are re- sponsible for the evening enter- tainment aridl" have completed plans for presenting Willie Bell and Company, of London. These artists come highly recommended and the program will start at 8 o'clock. Following the program, Harburn's orchestra will play for an open-air dance. The decorating committee are having the school and grounds Fair Board Plans Float For Reunion Parade A historical float will be entered in the Seaforth Old Boys' Reunion by the Seaforth Agricultural Socie- ty, it was announced at last Wed- nesday night's Agricultural meet- ing. Celebrating its 110th annivers- ary this year, the society plans an historical float. Named a com- mittee in charge were Mrs. Jos. Grummett (chairman), James F. Scott, Scott Cluff, Mrs. David Mc- Lean, R. W. Campbell, E. B. Gou- die and William Leeming. The Seaforth Women's Institi to which plans to give a $20 dona- tion towards the building of a new vegetable and flower display stand for the children's division of the Fall Fair, will be asked to pro- ceed with the, work, and the socie- ty will make up the difference in the cost: Gordan 'apple was .trirg1i d,trOki3O to i the Hurt) County Federation ui Agricultut•e. Judging of field crops in grain competitions is to be done this week. The work of building'. a perman- ent platform at the Fair grounds is in .progress. The platform, of reinforced concrete, will be 20 feet by 36 feet, with four rooms under- neath, to be used as dressing, rooms, and so forth. A speaker's stand is to be erected at one- end. The work is being done by Stew- art, Doimage, contractor,with members of the society giving time and labor. It is planned to have the structure in readiness for the Old Boys' Reunion. The platform is being built as a memorial to the society's 110 years of service to the agricultural life of the community, and will bear a plaque to that effect, for which a grant of $1,000 is available from the Department of Agriculture. This year the Society plans to revert to the system bf charging no entry fees for indiyidual en- tries. A $1.00 membership fee will entitle an exhibitor to make as many entries as he wishes, but 10 per cent of prize money earned will be deducted, as well as $1.00 for the following year's member- ship. - SUMMER SWIM CLASSES VERY LARGE INSTRUCTED IN WATER SAFETY Over 125 swimmers and poten- tial swimmers are taking water safety lessons at the Seaforth Lions Pool this summer. Under the supervision and instruction of Gord Rowland, three greups,learn water safety each morning from Monday to Friday. - The instruction consists of learn ing to swim, becoming familiar with the water, when and where to swim, life saving, and water conduct, Each day, out of the total 125 enrolment, close to 100' children come for their lesson. Another feature of the summer sw'm instrliction is the way to h•indle a beat. Ins`ructor P.owl:'tnd l->rtures on th teeter,' -.:le off. h• n- ,'ling and ridi g boa.-. For the majority of c ildren who have -had „o y little oating experience, i+ gives them a preview of the dan- gers of boating. - Following are the names of those• taking swimming instructions this season: Marjory McLarnon, Ruth Norris, Karen Nicholson, Jack Lachlan, Ronnie Hildebrand, Louis Devereaux, Ken Devereaux, Peter Sillery, Jacqueline Drager, James' Sills, James Lovett, Betty Lou Drager, Gordon Ferris, Jr., Frank Varley, Sandra McGonigle, Mich- ael Malone, Ken Cardno, Joseph Dick, June McLachlan. Gerrie Kuiper, Christel Uder- stadt, Gerd Uderstadt, Kenneth McLlwain, Carol Varley, • Gail Fin- layson, Don Crozier, Heather Rigg, Tommy Lovett, Faye Little, Gary Little, Ronald Little, Robert Sharp, Georgina Little, Barbara Holland, Meta Reeves, Marilyn Papple, Jacldie Papple, Kenneth McLeod; Neil Crozier, Mary Grace Scott, Frank Rivers, Harry Riv- ers, Kenneth Gemmell, Margaret Ann Haase, Julie Chapple, ,Tames Wesley, Diane Marie Finlayson, Mary F' layson, Mary Lansink, Rosema Lansink, Ann Smith, Lois eLaehlan, Joseph W. Ball, Tom Malone, Robert MacDonald, Susan McLean, Alexander Mac- Leod, Bernie Jessome, Francis Hagan, Joanne Malone, Marie At- kinson, . Tommy Rivers, Jimmie McLlwain, Mary Lamont, Larry McLlwain, Rochelle Nesbitt, Clar- • ence Little, Kerry Campbell, Rob- ert Rigg, John Holland, Dwight Willis, Sandy Lamont, Cheryl Ast, Gayle Edler, Kathleen Sills, Eliza- beth Sills, Dyke Little, Billie Mc- Grath, Raymond Taylor, Raymond Devereaux, Garry Nicholson. District Obituaries WILLIAM- WORKMAN HENSALL.—William Workman, 83,- of Tuckersmith Township, died in Clinton Hospital last Friday. Surviving . are 'his wife, the for- mer Isabella McGregor, a son, Winston, Kippen; and a daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Bowerman, Listowel; a brother, the Rev. H. V. Work- man, Tillsonburg; and a sister, Mrs. Howard Bolger, London. The funeral was held from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, where service was conducted at 2 p.m. Monday by the Rev. N. Mc- Leod, St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. JAMES BISHOP / - WALTON.—James Bishop, who died at the' home of his daughter, Mrs. Agnes Alderson, North Bay, on July 6, was buried. in Brussels cemetery. Mr. Bishop was born in Grey Township, Huron County, on Janu- ary 4, 1866, and worked as C.PR. section foreman at Walton until pensioned off. His wife,..Pre for mer Caroline Hay, died i °Janu- ary, 1944, after which he went to live with his only daiighter in North Bay: He was the last sur- viving member of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bish- op of Grey Township. -He is survived by his da,lghter; 13 grandchildren and •29 great grandchildren. A funeral service was condul�ced in Ben Walker's fungal perlor by Rev. Mr. Alli- son, rector. of the Anglican Church at Brussels. The pallbearers were Joseph Martyn, William Hay, John Clark, Edward Gill, Willirvm Bishop and Wilfred Hoy. ' -tastefully .decorated and are he glOwg their 'wool early in t> e week,- These members are. Mee- dames G. Agar,..Lorne Elliott, 'R. Parsons, R. Sadler C. Miller, M. 'earing and L. Miller., The. grpnnds committee, headed by G. Agar, with the bands of the decorating committee, are very busy with their plans, and "their work of erecting booths, installing lights, seating arrangement, etc., cannot be done until the day be- fore. The same committee will look after systematically parking the Cars in Cliff Miller's field be- hind the school. The committee of Mr. and Mrs. L. Harburn, Mr. and Mrs. D. Burns, Mrs. R. Reed and Jim Bar- bour are having a large display of pictures pertaining to the school section. . The registration ladies, Mrs.. R. Worden, Mrs. J. M. Scott and Mrs. E. J.` Dearing, have every- thing in readiness for each one to register, and to pin on your name tag—colored for the pupils, white for others. • The booth committee of Henry Harburn, Harvey Hambly, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Geg Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.. Sadler, will have pop, ice cream,- bars, hot dogs, etc., to satisfy everyone. The lunch committee have been making plans, but their work will come on Saturday. They will serve meals, cafeteria style, at 12 and 4:30 o'clock. They hope ev- eryone will leave their lunch at the registration booth, and it will be picked up and taken to the kit- chen. Dishes and tea will be pro- vided. These busy folk are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Worden, Mr. and Mrs. A. Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. N. glliott, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hoggarth, Mr. anti Mrs. R. Viviano Phillip and Wilma James. We are hoping the weatherman will be kind to us, so that we may have an enjoyable time with those that are returning to the old school. In the event of unfav- orable weather, a tent will be,on the grounds for shelter. We are -looking forward to see- ing everyone on Saturday, July 23, at S.S. leo. 3, Hibbert—ir/a. miles north of Staffa. Veteran's Cab 4EO1 GF p[ 'yylg iLER, Prop. Passengers Insured PHONE 362 SEAFORTH DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT In the Bayfield Pavilion with Ken Wilbee's Orchestra May 27th -Sept. 30th - BAYFIELD'S SUMMER DANCELAND Openings for private dances, recep tions. Phone Herisall 684r31 or Seaforth 658r6. • a . i And: Marking.: Rubber Stamps Made to Order . Stamps ':. o Circular, Oval and Reptangular Stamps ... Stamps with Changeable Da .a and Numbers : . . Signature Stamps Die Plates for. All Purposes•... Printing Wheels . . '. Numbering Maehii ee .� 2 Stamp Racks . ; The Huron Exposit Phone 41• Seaforth 4 gi> STAFFA SCHOOL REUNION NO. 3, HIBBERT THIS IS THE DAYI Hurry! Hurry! Make your lunch and don't " be late. - The bell rings at 9 o'clock! In the Morning—Reminiscences, Roll 1 • In Memoriam. Afternn^- _ .��� 'b)°nn- f kburn Pipe. H a n d, Speeches, and Children's Sports. Evening, 8 o'clock --Willie Bell, 'Scotch com- edian of London, and his concert troupe, followed by. a Dance, music supplied by jlarburn's Orchestra. Evening Admission 75c; Children 50c, R Everybody welcome — Morning, Afternoon and,,Evening. Bring your picnic basket and meals will be served cafeteria style. , Dishes and tea provided. - No charge during the day. /kid CANCER 1 GiJCget NOW CANADIAN CANC, R.• SOCIETY Perth - Huron Unit — 21 Downie Street, Stratford The Bourke family, in the Bell cafeteria (left to right): Laurent 21, Toll Testing Montreal-,- Huguene, 24, Toll Operator, Montreal—Lucie, 17, Stenographer, Montne.al—flay, 23, Central Office, St. Lambert Plant— Suzanne, 20, Stenographer, Montreal—Gaston, 25, Toll Testing, Montreal. The Bourkes all work at the Bell! Away back in 1922, a young man by the name of Arthur Bourke joined our company. Little did he realize that his children—all six of them —would follow in his.footsteps to careers at the Bell. Today Mr. Bourke would be more than • proud of his handsome family. We know we are. The Bourkes, line all telephone people, know from their own experience that the Bell is "a good place to work". They have found pleasant associates and interesting work at good wages. They have also found satisfaction and opportunity in serving the public in an essential business. And this is 'as it should be, for good tele- phone service depends upon people who liko their job$, and convey this feeling to our custbihers. This is the feeling t3 E fii►i largely resiponsible for "the'' 'spirit of service" you find in Bell employees wherever you meet them. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 40. Tai 44 '('SQ )fk