HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-07-22, Page 2HURON EXPOSITOR Established 1860 Published at Seaforth, Ontario, V Thursday morning by McLean os. A. Y: McLean, Editor, . Subscription rates, $2.50 a year in d'anee; foreign $3.50 a year. Single .")pies, 5 cents each. Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Advertising rates on application. PHONE 41 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department. Ottawa SEAFORTH, Friday, July 22, 1955 Parents To Blame A coroner's jury at Owen Sound, inquiring into the death of -a three and a half year old .boy, run over by a tractor, recommended that provin- cial legislation be introduced setting an age limit for tractor drivers. Evi- dence bj'ought before the jury indi- cated that the tractor in question was being driven at the time of the accident by the victim's five-year-old brother. We wonder whether a parent, who leas so little common sense as to per- mit a five-year-old child to operate so powerful—and in unskilled hands —dangerous a' machine as a tractor, would act , any differently even, if there was a law prohibiting the prac- •tise....Probably he would think that that particular law didn't apply to him; and that in any event his John- ny or his Billie was just as good as lots of other people who drove trac- tors, even if he was only five years old. The same parent, of course, wouldn't think of handing his young son a loaded revolved and telling him to start shooting if he felt like it. He knows that if he did, somebody rely would be hurt or killed, and. he would be blamed. What differ ence is there if the parent permits his lad to operate a machine which, in the hands of anyone but an experi- enced operator, is just as potential- ly dangerous as a loaded revolver? Perhaps a law wouldn't deter some parents. Certainly it wouldn't bring back Jhose who, were killed as a re - suit of immaturity at the helm. 'On the other -hand, it would per- mit pun&shment being meted out to parents or guardians .who were . so callous as to ignore its provisions. And, after all, it is they who are to blame—not the youthful drivers. Canada's Future Each year Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe presents to Parliament, a survey- of the Canadian economic picture, and almost every year events have prov- en that his confidence in an increas- ing Canadian expansion has been justified. This year's report once more indicated that Canada is mov- ing ahead. The London Free Press, discuss- ing the report, points out that Can- ada is fortunate in having such a combination of optimism and ener- gy as Mr. Howe brings to his job, "if only to spur• us all to do our utmost." Mr. Howe.wasable to point in the House to record 'levels of exports and 'of capital investment in Can- ada, The Free Press says. He looks forward with his customary optim- ism to a continuance of the improve- ment. "Certainly he has some grounds for hope. Canada: -is richly endowed with all sorts of things that the world urgently needs. The capital invest- ment to which he points with pride should make it possible to develop them efficiently. Canadian industry is°diversifying and learning more £know-how' constantly." Park Areas Needed According to the Farmer's Advo- cate, some action is to be taken soon to preserve park areas in the more settled parts of Ontario. Commenting on the report, the Advocate says: "At last the Ontario ,goyer invent is interested in park s for public use and the Depart - tit of ands, and Forests has its IS :60 et more io"tiohs. Already off'" �a it th est shore -line on the 1 Owned and �s ,tra ��v e up. Quick action Sn, ti Sii,.dfi Yi^nPi It is to be hoped that .the "quick action" which the Advocate speaks about, is applied, by' the- province in acquiring and preserving park areas in Huron County. Despite a Lake Huron shore line of nearly 100 miles within Huron County, areas along the lake that are available to the public as public parks or beaches, are dangerously few. And as the demands of a rising popu- lation for lake shore lots increase, the few • public areas that remain are each year being reduced in num- ber and in extent. - It is high time some steps were taken to save, not only for the pres- ent generation, but also for genera- tions to come, lake front parks land. As .the Advocate says, "quick 'action is needed." WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY: Line Of Fault (Winnipeg Tribune) Experts seem to agree that juven- ile delinquents are the fault of ,their parents, who must be the fault of their own parents, and so on back, until it may turn out that the rap for the whole sorry mess can be pin- ned on Adam and Eve. Freedom's Greatest Ally (Cleveland Plain Dealer) Newspapers free of government control once may have been a lux- ury. In the modern world they are a necessity. Nothing has ever been dis- covered which will take their place. They are as vital to the health of a nation as warmth and water and food. They are freedom's greatest ally, as is provided by the rapidity with which tyrannies seek to put them out of business. SEEN IN THE COUNTY PAPERS Record Pea- Pack The biggest pea pack iri the his- ,) tory of the local factory sof Cana- dian Canners Ltd. will end Friday. Manager I3. K. Penhale said this week. The pack, which started .tune 17, has run almost a month. The acreage was the largest ever contracted by the local branch and yield was above average. Growers harvested up to three tons to the afire.—Exeter Times -Advocate. Ratepayers Demand Action Threats of court action and peti- tion to the Department of Health over the condition of the Exeter dump were aired thy�.. week by ratepayers who live nefar it. Geo. Shaw, of Thames Road, said the Department of Veterans' Affairs, which holds the mortgage on his property, is taking . court action against the town. He said some ,action must be taken by Friday or a damage suit will be filed.-Exe- ter Times -Advocate. Honored on 86th Birthday Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, who cele- brated her 86th birthday last Fri- day, received hearty congratula- tions and good wishes for contin- ued good health and happiness from many neighbors and friends. Mrs. Elliott and her step -daugh- ter, Miss Elizabeth, live in the home on Graham's Survel, hall a mile south, of Brussels, where. -she moved when she was married in 1903 to Hugh R. Elliott, who died in 1935.—Brussels Post. Receive Approval For TV The telegram received at CKNX on Monday meant the end of three months of waiting and the begin- ning of a new era of ,television in Wingham. For although the Cana- dian Broadcasting Corporation had already approved the application of .CKNX for a television station back in April, the official approval of th Federal. Cabinet had not bee iven and until it was, very little could be done on the pro- posed new - television set-up.— Wingham Advance -Times. Orangemen -Parade ToInsureaJob ' (Vancouver Province) Unemployment insurance is ex- actly that—insurance. It's suppos ed,.to protect all of us against the black day when we're out of a job. It is supposed to tide us over while we look for another job. It isn't supposed to buy a ches- terfield suite for the bride who -never intends to work again. And it isn't supposed to provide intermittent va- cations for characters who are eller- gic to work. But because it's being tricked' into doing both of these things its cost is higher than it ought to be, and its benefits do not extend to cover some of those who really need it. Color in Motoring (Owen Sound Sun -Times) The present trend has added much to the joys of motoring. There was a time when the color of lilac bush- es, fruit tree blossoms, autumn col- ors and the colors of the sunset caus- ed enthusiastic comments. Now, however, nature has been thrust far into the background by the multi -colors of the automobiles, to say nothing of their shapes. The colors have spread to homes too. Where white, ivory, cream and, perhaps dark brown, were once the standard color for most frame homes, now one -finds amazing, and, sometimes, quite lovely masses of colors. Trim colors run a wide range. Preacher or Minister? (Philadelphia Bulletin) The old-fashioned word "preach- er", with all its overtones of mingled respect and affection, is heard less and less often these days. It has been all but replaced by the more fort mal "minister" or "clergyman." But it is not only the word itself, it seem that has grown old-fash- ioned. The preacher, as a preacher, is himself disappearing. The change that modern life . has wrought in his duties has been re- vealed by a questionnaire submitted to 1,150 Protestant clergymel as part of a survey conducted by the Russell Sage Foundation and the Un- ion Theological Seminary. Their answers, summarized by Dr. Samuel 'W. Blizzard, agree in emphasizing the difficulties -of the 1,, `preacher" in remaining a "general practitioner" of religion in an , in- creasingly complex world. 'he minister's role as a preacher, Dr. Blizzard find's, "is being relegat- ed to a less important position, and the roles of pa§tor, counselor, or- ganizer,_ r ganizer,y administrator and 'promot- er , are.Coming to occupy the result- i~rigvod''. • Seventy members of the Clinton L.O.L. with fellow members from Varna, Bayfield, Greenway and North Huron lodges attended divine service Sunday evening in Wesley -Willis United Church- To the. music of the Clintdn Fife and Drum Band, the company- march- ed from the lodge room to the ser- vice, and listened to a special ser- mon delivered by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, pastor of the church.— Clinton News -Record. Big Trip For 4-0 Clubs • A train trip is being planned by the 4-H Clubs of . the county to visit Toronto next Tuesday, July 19. Included in the program is 4a visit, to Canada Packers and to Swift Canadian; a bus trip to the Parliament Buildings; a subway ride to Union Station; supper at the Exhibition grounds; a double- header baseball game in Maple Leaf Stdium (Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Havana Sugar Kings); and ' return by train. Over 500, club leaders and members are ex- pected to take, part in the tour.— Clinton News -Record. Churches in One Charge ,- Effective in September the Pres- byterian Churches at Blyth, Au- burn and Clinton will be included in one charge and will be under the ministry of the . Rev. D. J. Lane, ,who is, presently minister at Clinton.—Blyth Standard. Junior Farmers' Church Service The seventh annual interdenom- inational Junior Farmers' Church service will be held on Sunday, July 24, at 8 p.m., in the new Knox Presbyterian Church at Goderich. All Junior Farmers, their parents and friends are en- couraged to attend this annual ser- vice.—Wingham Advance -Times. Blyth Host To 50 Lodges A large and enthusiastic crowd of Orangemen and well-wishers joined in a most successful 12th of July celebration in Blyth on Tues- day. It was the 265th anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, and the celebration here was all the more jubilant due to the fact that the host lodge, Blyth L.O.L. No. 963, was also observing its 100th anni- versary, a fact which was duly recognized by the various speak- ers who addressed a packed school ground following the hour-long parade, which formed up at the Community Park and wended its way through the town streets to reach a crescendo near.the end as the 50 lodges proudly paraded their colors down Main Street to the ac- companying music of fife and drum.—Blyth Standard. Snow in Montreal Montreal, the city of surprises, lived up to its reputation this past week -end. With the thermometer registering 92- degrees (unofficial- ly), there was 10 feet of snow on Rockland Street in Outremant, a suburb of Montreal. You don't believe it? I saw it with my own eyes. Before you go rushing off with your skiis, let me explain. During the winter the snow is re- moved from the city streets and dumped in an excavation -on Rock- Iand. This snow piles up until it reaches a reputed height of 75 feet. In the spring and summer months the melting snow leavesan accummulation of dirt and gravel on top. This provides insulation from the sun. Thus -10 feet of snow in Montreal on the 4th of July.—Brussels Post. CROSSROADS (By JAMES SCOTT) Throw Down the Gauntlet It was just a little better than seventy-five years ago that a fel- low whose name has long since been lost threw out a challenge to the citizens of Seaforth -a chal- lenge which, now that we are on the eve of celebrating the centen- nial of the founding of our town, might well be considered. The writer was whoever put to- gether the information which went into Belden's Historical Atlas of Huron County, 1879. Whoever he was. he knew a lot about this coun- ty and a lot about this town. To this day, Belden's Atlas stands as the most reliable source of infor- mationabout our early days which has ever been printed. But gathering together farts and figures can become a dull busi- ness and so it must have been for the author of the Atlas. Once in a while, ,ev'en though it might get him into trouble, he burst out and ventured into the realms of edi- torial comment and prophecy. One such occasion was when he was writing the piece about Sea - forth as it stood in 1879. At that time, this town was the wonler of the county. A short.. twenty- five years before there had been only one homesteader in the whole of what became the townsite. Yet, miraculously, overnight. a settle- ment was begun, a village grew up and in no time at all it was incorporated as a town. Here in- deed was a thrilling story to tell and the writer of the Atlas told it with full detail—the number of pork -packing plants, the measure- ments and cost of the churches and schools, the nature of the stores and factories, and all sorts of other vital statistics. On paper it looked good. In sober fact it was good too. Seaforth was the leading and most promising town in the county. But the writer, sitting at his desk and cogitating a bit, saw be- yond the facts and figures and in a rash moment he broke away frdm them and this is what he wrote: "Such is the past history and present condition of a town which has been and is in very many ways exceptionally favored. Hav- ing now got a vantage start in 'the race for empire',. its future Will be just what its citizens choose to make it; and although many of them as individuals are among the most enterprising men in the whole county, and although, whatever share of prosperity Sea - forth possesses is due to the en- terprise of her citizens, yet the im- pression. forced upon an outsider is that this enterprise is confined to them in their individual ca- pacity, and that unless they go to work as citizen} and bring the state of public improvements .up to the id'eas of the spirit of the ,times,• the town. Cannot but de- cline in prestige, which in time YEARS . AGONE Interesting Items picked from The Huron Expositor of 25, 50 and 75 YearkAgo. From The Huron Expositor July 25, 1930 Election matters are the all- absorbing-) topic and the nomina- tion meeting for the electorate of South Huron was held in Hensall. Hall on Monday ' afternoon last, vjtken the spacious hall was pack- ed. The nomination was held from one to two o'clock, when Thomas' McMillan, of the Township of Hul- leet, was nominated as the Reform candidate, and Nelson Trewartha, of Clinton, as the Conservative candidate. Miss Callender, of Hartney, Man., -is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chad Glew, Sea - forth. Miss Helen Wilson, of Brant- ford, visited last week with Mrs. Ed. Brown, of Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hudson, of Windsor, spent the weekend at the home- of their parents, Mr. at. Mrs. Isaac Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Williams and Miss Muriel Clayton, of Wind- sor, and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. l'Ic- Leod, of Detroit, were- weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Doherty. Mi. and Mrs. Lorne Nicholson and Mr: and Mrs. De Laney, of Detroit, -and Miss Smith, of Lon- don, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E., L. Box. Miss Mary Innis spent Ole week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Innis, Walton. Wallace D. Sholdice, of the Bank of Commerce staff, Stratford, is spending his vacation with his father, Wm. Sholdice, Walton. Wesley C. Hackwell has return- ed home after spending a few days with his brother, Dr. David M. Hackwell, of Holland, New York. The following are the results of the examinations at the Ontario College of Education: Specialists in high or continuation schools, Malcolm J. Armstrong (Sc.); Mar- ion S. McLean (Eng. and Hist.); high school assistant's certificate, Gladys McPhee, also Elementary Art; Household Science certificate, Olive . E. Bolger, Sadie E. Mc- Nair. • will probably be followed by more substantial losses." Well, that's the way that an- onymous writer saw it a long time ago. I don't need to point out that his gloomy crepe -hanging was in some measure true because, no matter how proud we are of our town, we have to admit that over the years it Iost its early advant- age and today is neither the big- gest town in the county, nor did it ever win "the race for empire." I. like it fine the way it is. But I 'Would like it still more if the gloomy prophecy of Belden's Atlas had never come true. The happy part of it lies in the fact that the challenge still holds true. .• "Go to work as citizens and bring the state of public improve- ments up to the ideas of the spirit of . the times." That's the challenge which rings down to us through the years. We still have a chance to make it good. Farm Improvement Loans Down Loans in • the Prairie Provinces accounted for 60 per cent ,of. the 1954 loans total of over 62 million dollars made under the Farm Im- provement Loans Act, states the annual report, tabled in the House of Commons by Hon. Walter Har- ris, Minister of Finance. Although lending for the year was still well above the long term average of 51 million a year, them was a de- crease of 36 Per cent from 1953. Loans were down in all the pro- vinces except Qyebec and New- foundland. Saskatchewan had the greatest decrease -46 per cent— and Alberta a reduction of 36 per cent. A review of the first 10 years of operation under this legislation dis- closes that. since 1945 a total of over 513 million dollars has been borrowed by Canadian farmers. As this period was one of rapid mechanization of farm operations', approximately 90 per cent of all loans have been used to finance farm implements and machinery. In the past few years there 'has been , an increased trend towards the use of this medium for financ- ing such projects as the construc- tion of new homes and farm build- ings, and repairs and improve- ments to these buildings.. ' Since 1945 almost 75 per cent of the total amount borrowed has been repaid. From 1945 to 1948 there were no losses, but since 1948 theyhave been increasing slowly. Total 'losses, however, for the ten year period represent on� •ly 0.003 per cent of the amount borrowed. Therovitice of a katchewan wli re the lar est vol- ume of loans were made as at ue- ceitnber 31, 1954, hat the lowest lost Atlo of any province. +k, ...Writing from his home at 10" North Lafayette St., Valparaiso, Indiana, W. A. McCallum com- ments on the invitations which he has received to attend the Reun- ion here, July 30 to August 3. He goes 011 to say:__ "At first I thought it possible I might 'be able to spend perhaps two days in Sea - forth during the `reunion, but now it appears that it will be necessary for me to attend a. business con- ference in- Lexington, Kentucky, during the week of July 17. It Would appear, therefore, that I will not be able to attend the re - ,union, but I sincerely hope that you have fine weather and a good crowd." • Mrs. Mary McKinnon Letang, 617 Wallace St.; London, is look- ing forward to the Reunion and nays that she has been following the arrangements -which are being completed. She goes on to say that: "I am interested and 'plan on being present for at least some of the program. "I noticed your item about school reunions and was wonder- ing if you could tell me what day S.S. No. 10, Tuckersmith, plan on meeting, as I attended grade school there many years ago." All the school - reunions in the Seaforth Public School and in the rural schols in Tuckersmith.• and McKillop are being held on Tues- day morning, August 2. W. Murdoch Stewart, actuary of the Central Standard Life Insur- ance Company, of Chicago, in a letter to Dr. McMaster, says: "I - am happy to hear the town of Sea - forth is having an Old Boys' Re- union this year. It is good to have such a time designated, so that as many . as possible of the former residents can be on- hand to renew acquaintances. Under such an arrangement, a former resident stands a chance of re- newing many more relationships than he otherwise would. In my own case, I am looking forward to seeing many who were my associ- ates at Seaforth Collegiate Insti- tute." One of the features of the Mon- day program} during reunion is a game between the famous 1932 softball team, which went into the Ontario finals, and the more re- cent team, headed by Bill Smith and Bill O'Shea. Among the play- ers of the '32 team who will be From The Huron Expositor July 21, 1905 Below are the names of the suc- cessful candidates who wrote on the Entrance examinations in East Huron: Seaforth—Honors: Earle Bell, Ray Birks, Christena Bur- gard, Annie Clarke, Mary Cole- man, Clara Dever, John Dickson, Henry Fowler, Pearson Grieve, Ada Habkirk, John McMillan, Net- tie Pethick, Clarence Sparling, Bert Speare, Lillian Stewart, Whit- more Elsie. Passed—Wm. Bubalz, Agnes Carter, Margaret Cleary, Myrtle Cluff, James Dalton, Nor- bert Darwin, A. Dickson, William Doherty, Harvie Dorrance, Ray Dorrance, W. Elliott, Elliott Fair- bairn, Lillian Faulkner, Ed. Flan- nigan, Pearl Floyd, Nellie Gilles- pie, Frances Givlin, Thomas Gov- enlock, Helen Grieve, Orville Hab- kirk, Florence Holland, Sadie Hol- man, Frances Houston, Maud Hulley, Florence Hunt, Florence Laidlaw, Eva Lockhart, Ida Love, Dan McCormack, Anderina- Mc- Kenzie, M. McIver, Agnes Mc- Michael, Joseph McMichael, Wal- ter Mullin, Frank Murphy, Mich- ael O'Connor, Rosa O'Keefe, W. Pinkney, Earl Ross, Emile Ruffles, Elizabeth Sillery, Agnes Smith, J. Sproat, Della Thompson, Aggie Torry, Earl Van Egmond, Annie Wilson. The Albions, of Parkdale, cham- pions of Eastern Ontario, and the Hurons of Western Ontario, bat- tled for the championship of the province on the recreation grounds on Friday evening. Two games must be played in the series, but the first game would pretty near- ly settle the matter. The Hurons -jumped into the game and made the score 5 to 1. • From The Hnron Expositor , July 23, 1880 It has been stated, and the state- ment has not been denied, that the object of the visit of Sir John A. Macdonald and his colleagues to England at the present time is to complete arrangements with a company of English capitalil�tts for the construction and co--mpleion of the balance of the Canadian Paci- fic Railway. It has also been stated without contradiction that this company is to receive 50,000,- 000acres of land to be selected contidigus to the railway and to be within the bounds of Manitoba and the Northwest Territory. Mr. John Govenlock left -Mon- day with a large drove of very fine sheep for the Old Country. He was accompanied by Mr. Jas. Horton, of Usborne, and Mr. Peter McQueen, of McKillop, who go to purchase a stallion. e Extensive preparations are be- ing made for the erection- of Mr. W. H. Watson's new brick store in Blyth.. Mr. Watson himself is at present working at the cellar, and by present appearance the store promjses to do credit to the vil- lage. Mr. James Horton, of Hibbert,. left on the 19th for the Old Coun- try. , oun-try.. He goes for the purpose of purchasing a heavy draught' stal- lion. We' may expect nothing but the best, as he is a competent judge. Mr. Wm. Plunkett and daughter of Stanley, left u, the other day for a few days' sojourn in Michigan. Mr. James Scott, of the firm of Scott Bros., left Seaforth on Wed- nesday for Buffalo, New York and Boston. He goes on business con- nected with his firth. - Mr. R. Clark, mill in -Wroxe- ter, bought Mr. Janes Perkin's stock' of- 1 . od wheat at his store- hotise in t' GotSr%. 1Kr. �er, is a heavy 'loser by' his last'.vier's transactions in wheat. � n lit back are, Jack Wright;l of Sarnia; Ted Taman, of Listowel; Gordon:. Rennie, of - Sundridge, and Bill, Cudmore, - of. Toronto. Torn Beat- tie, who managed the 1932 team,, is looking after arrangements: . Among those who will return for the reunion are: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carnochan, of •Eloise,.. Michigan, and Mrs. Myrtle Carno- - chan, of Wayne, Mich. Writing from London, Dorothy - and Bert Shaw, of 442 Adelaide • St., say: "We are very pleased .. to say we intend to be there. Your program is very interesting. Wish- ing you every success with the - reunion." Seaforth bowies have opened. their greens to any who may., be present during the Reunion cele- bration. All who are interested in bowling are invited to make use of the facilities at the • greens. Despite reps ted denials, Reun- ion officials learn Ott there are still groups and individuals who are under the impression that fees are being charged in the event. that a church or society serves. meals in its own quarters during. the reunion. This, of course, is incorrect. The Reunion Associa- tion has no authority to charge any fee whatsoever, insofar as the. serving of meals in churches, etc... are concerned. On the other hand,. there is a desire tha as many as possible make arrangements ter serve meals, because with the crowds' that are expected) it may well be a shortage of meal ac- commoation. Likewise, there is no tax or fee or license payable insofar as the rental of rooms is concerned, re- union officials point out. There - is a considerable demand for ac- commodation for reunion visitors - and the interest of the associa- tion is only in seeing that accom- modation '9s provided. There is no charge involved in listing ac- commodation with the billeting: committee, nor in the event that Visitors are accommodated there is no percentage payable to the association of the rent which is. collected. Persons with accom- modation available and who would be willing to provide accommoda- tion., for reunion virstors are urg- ed to get in touch -with B, F. Chris- tie or Dr. J. C. MacLennan, of; the billetting committee. FOUR ERAS IN LIFE OF BAYFIELD, WRITER RECALLS EARLY DAYS (Bg 2Ciiliiif Et; Fora; tiT.oTn1Orf rr�e Yress7 BAYFIELD — Some one, some day, before all the old-timers have disappeared -and they are passing away fast—should gather together in book form the colorful history of Bayfield. There should - be col- lected the fore and tradition of the village and saved for posterity the tales of some of the characters, who have made Bayfield unique. The history, could 'be divided in- to four eras, marking the develop- ment of Bayfield. since it was first founded in the twenties of ,the last - century, and laid out as a city by - tows- planners of the Canada Company. The first era would be the pio- neer stage. It was during this stage the Mackenzie Rebellion of 1837 took place. Under the lead- ership of Dr. "Tiger" Dunlop, the picturesque first citizen of Gode- rich, all the able-bodied men of Bayfield marched south along what is now the Blue Water High- way as far as Windsor to the de- fence of their country. They did not see any fighting, but they suf- fered as many hardships as if they had fought several campaigns. On the other side Col. Anthony Van Egmond, who built the first road through the virgin forests from • Stratford to Goderich and harvested the first grain in the Huron Tract, rushed to Toronto to join tthe rebel forces of MacKen- zie. The sturdy old colonel; who at the time was nearly 70, fought in his time on both sides in the Napoleonic Wars. He marched with Bonaparte on' the tragic invasion of Russia and fought later with Blucher and Wel- lington at the Battle of Waterloo. He boasted that he had been Wounded 14 times and always in front. It is doubtful if he - knew what it was all about, but he hur- ried to answer the call of Macken- zie. He was captured at the skirm- ish at Montgomery Hotel, north - of Toronto, and died in prison. 'There are still Van Egmonds in Abe Huron Tract. The late Mrs. Ferguson, a great-granddaughter, who lived in Bayfield for years, had a silver tea set which was brought to Huron County by the colonel when he came to Canada from Europe via Pennsylvania. The second era of Bayfield was the booming days when it gave promise of fulfilling the vision of its fotrnders and becoming a big, bustling, lake port city. This was before the coming of the railways. All the grain of Huron „County, or most of it, waS shipped by water from Bayfield. Bayfield for a nult}ber of year was a ,prosper- ous town rivalling Goderich. In those days there were over 20 hotels and bldtimers tell of queues of wagons a mile back from . the lake front, waiting to unload their grain. Tudor Marks was one of the 'characters of those days, He own- ed an elevator on the ,water front and a)3parently made money out Of the grain business, He built a h ds ine house,which wa an 0s rer Gently acquired by Robert, -it . dick former manager of the `Ca fol i• Thea ..e in London ' and 1 r � With a theatre in Halifait, fle is �J9 returning to Bayfield. Tudor Marks in later days had a cloth- ing store in Bayfield, whose main. customers were moths. The cloth- ing store was chiefly used for pok- er playing in which he delighted.. We made inquiries as to the cur-. ious Christian name of Tudor. The story goes that he boasted he was descended from the famous Tudor family of British history, of which the first Queen Elizabeth was the most noted member. The name Tudor was a reminder' of his an- cestry. This may be just a Bay- field myth. It was in this era that the Can- ada Temperance Act, better known as the Scott Act, came into ef- fect. This law under Dominion legislation permitted a county to vote itself dry. Huron County early accepted the, new law and over the year has persistently clung to it. Hayfield, with its 20 odd hotels, objected to the dry legislation and when revenue of- ficers endeavored to enforce the act they were chased out of the • village with guns. . Later when the law mobilized .its forces and warrants Were issued for arrest, two of the ring leaders in the. Bayfield revolt decided to- take otake a prolonged holiday in Michi- gan. Years later two stylish young ladies visited Bayfield—they were daughters of the leaders of the Bayfield Battle. Then came the railways and the third era. Goderich was made the terminal of the new road. Bay- field still feels that there was some dirty work at the cross roads but in any case Bayfield was by- passed. This ended the shipment of grain from Bayfield. Business diminished and Bayfield became an almost forgotten and isolated fishing village. The only industry was fishing and most of the.young men either fished or sailed on the • Great Lakes. - Bayfield,• though, was not with- out its days of e,citement—there was the 12th of July when the lo- cal lodge, which celebrated sev- eral yearsago its centennial, marched gaily away to the annual parade and again there was the annual visit to Western Fair in London, There was a great battle over whether the cows should roam the streets and again whether elec- tricity should be brought to the . r village. It w s a fight between the modernists nd the fundamen- talists. In thos days it as an adventure to wal the dark streets at night. One m lit stumble over a cow, or wors ', and in a juicy cow flap. The modernists finally triumphed. Then someone someday discov- ered the beauty of Bayfiell as a peaceful and attractive summer resort. Irkst one cottage and then anothef came to be built and the, modern Bayfield with all its charm ofn oldfashidee Victor- ia't'f village came into being. To- day .more and more people like Mr. lto 1 arebuying bu 'ng' old homes in a fI'eldck and' nd retiring in this atfnosphere of an age which is being lost. This is the fourth era -the era of today. �in1!f M }