HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-07-15, Page 8k )ot itg, iliwaimat.= Tr .. ,,, rsi 4, 1 .1° • il *Ai' ' ecialize in A ,1....fr-- zl _ kl, ell W TERM-PAYIVIENT ' "I ., ' WI4" 1. i °BILE INSURANCE lin*iloible in an All -Canadian ; t Company. • ANIMM,,gre: • , r • $ 1A-04,1 1,1), „ 4 , EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH O1F.. ALT I5 11053 r.; 11 itian gladly given on all •4 Rue's of insurance. MIYJ'ORI8T GOLDEN RULE: • ;Wive—as you would have • others drive. WATSON & REID NIL A. REID - Proprietor & Real Estate Titre 214 : Seaforth FOR 'SALE 13rick Dwelling, Goderich St. East; beautifully located (former zesidence of late Mrs. R. Bell). Frame dwelling, Louisa Street, MEW furnace and bath, good buy. Possession early June. Brick dwelling in Egmondville. Isovely property. Priced „right. Immediate possession. Two-bedroom Stucco Cottage, with all modern conveniences, in - chiding 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full base- ment with, furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced, and almost immediate possession. Other Promtes Also Listed M. REID' REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI And PARCEL SERVICE All aissengers insured PHONES: CECIL DAVE 676 675 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to Z. C. CHAMBERLAIN MflJN 334Res. 540 . : SEAFORTH FOR SALE • $1,000 DOWN for this Com- fortable Home on Goderich S,Ireg West. Hardwood floors throughout; Oil Furnace; Gar - W. CALL. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE in the QUEEN'S HOTEL STAR CAFE FISH and CHIPS 40c MEA -IS, and LIGHT LUNCHES TOBACCO and ICE CREAM TOM CHONG, Prop. TAKE OUT 35c Hamburgers • Hot Dogs "Try Them just Once" (NEW EQUIPMENT) - Special Home -Cooked — FULL COURSE — „.....„... ips fREAlf DEOPORAIT Its Tar ,oIfl alum Orid, grAvirs•-" 's ,erge OtZsizejar 750 • 2.4to nate •;i013antilites perspiration' odour Stops perspiration moisture fire!) iongsr-iasting prOtention Sagan:and clothing tott tragrantitliainty Odd 1$10 ) , lIkVirlj LOCAL BRIEFS Church Notices St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - 11 asm., Morning Prayer. Dublin —9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer.— Rev. J. H. James, Rector. McKillop Charge. — Services at Cavan at 10 a.m.; Duff's, 11 a.m.; Bethel, 2 p.m.—Rev. J. R. Holden, Minister. Northside United Chureb.-10:00 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., 'Joint morn- ing services for Julyin Northside United Church; preacher, Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. Junior congrega- tion and Toddlers' Group. Egmondville United Church. - 10 a..m., Church School and Adult Class; 11 ,a.m., Morning Worship; sermon, "Belief in God." No Sunday evening service during July and August.—Rey. W. E. Mil- roy, Minister. CONSTANCE Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams in- cluded: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mc- Donald, Toronto, and Mrs. Annie Hendersdn and Gladys, Mitchell. • Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and daughters, Linda and Helen, of London, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Law- son. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephen- son and Robert, 'of Ottawa; Jack White, Toronto; his mother, Mrs. White, London, England, al- so Mrs. Ethel Stephenson, Sea - forth, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Don- elda. WINTHROP Mr. and r Mrs. W. E. Hawley spent a few days in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase have - returned from Bnrwash, where they spent a week. Winthrop Cavan congregation and Sunday School are • holding their annual picnic the evening of July 15, at Lions Park, Seaforth, with supper at 6:30, with sports to follow. Each family is asked to bring potato and cabbage salad,. cold meat or devilled eggs, pick- les, pie and paper plates. Drinks, ice cream, cups and silverware will be provided_ Miss Lena Graham has return- ed home to Clinton after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter. Misses Paddy and Peggy Tabor, Cleveland, are guests of Mrs. R. J. ,Sproat. MinS Minnie Somerville spent a few day a with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Love, john McClure and Miss Eth- el McClure, Winthrop, and Miss Belle McClure, Mrs. Margaret Broadfoot and Mr. Wm. McClure, MeKillop, and Mrs. J. M. Goven- lock visited with Miss Lena Gra- ham at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carter, Seaforth. Mrs. Hugh Sproat and Mit. Pres- ton and family, of Cleveland, were holiday guest S of Mrs. R. J. 4proat. Dr. J. G. De Pape, of Topnotch Feeds Ltd., was in Charles City, Iowa, attending a. conference on poultry diseases and management. Mrs. F. G. Livingstone and -Mrs. Gilchrist Livingstone Coppin, of Detroit, and? James King, London, were weekend guests at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott, Thornton Hall. Mr. Gary Lawrenee, Hensall, is visiting his counsin, Miss Elaine Oke. • Mr. and Mrs'. R. J. Boussey and Billie are holidaying in a cottage at Elliott's Grove, Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Munroe and family -are spending their -holidays in Perth, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnston and family, of Brampton, spent Sunday at the honie of Mrs. John- ston's mother, Mrs. W. E. South- gate. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Grant and family, qf Waterloo, were guests over . the weekend with Mrs. Grant's mother, Mrs. K. M. Mc- Lean. Miss Phyllis Bryans is spending holidays in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick, of Edmonton, Alta., , are spending holidays with Mr. Patrick's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick, in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ensberger and family, of McKillhp, have moved to their new home in Gode- rich. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brightrall and son, Don, were in Toronto last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Brightrall's sister, Mrs. 11. S. White. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Giffin, of Sarnia, and Mr. Carl Giffin, Syd-. ney, N.S., were recent visit -rat at the home of Mrs. Grace Hoggarth. Visitors at the home of • Mr. Lorne Dale last week were: Mr. R. A. • Sims, Toronto; Cpl. and Mrs. Rogers and family, Hamil- ton, and Mr. Murray. Harriston, Kitchener., Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Francis, of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis, of Exeter, wore Sun- day guests of their sister, Mrs. Herald Lawrence, of Godericll St. West. Mrs. Robert Charters and Kaye spent a couple of days at Hayfield. SPORTS EVENTS FEATURES PICNIC; NEWS OF WEEK IN BRUCEFIELD The Woman's Association of ,Brucefield- held their anneal pic- nic at the church on Tueaday. A short business meeting took place at the beginning. after which a list of sports was held, directed by Mrs. John McGregor, Mrs. W. Mc - Beath, Mrs. Jahn Broadfoot and Mrs. Berry. . •s The following are the results ot the sports: Drawing a house on top of your head, Ruth Taylor, Mrs. D. Baird, Mrs. Graham; lady with most buttons,. M. Swan, Mrs. S. Davison, Mrs. Thos.Baird; measuring thread, Mrs. E. Allen, Mary Haugh, Mrs. B. Thomson; match relay, Mrs. D: Baird's side; balloon relay, Mrs. D. Baird's side; children's balloon relay, Hel- en Broadfoot' s side; combined weight of Mrs. Berry and Mrs. McBeath, Mrs. Fotheringham, Phyllis Lobb:, Mrs. Triebner; drop- ping clothespins, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs. N. Baird; birthday prize, Mrs. W. Haugh; youngest member of the.. W.A.1 Margaret McQueen; oldest mem- ber of the W.A., Mrs. Hugh Aiken - head: lucky plate, Mrs. H. Aik- enhead. .Children's races: six and under, Sharon Baird, Bernie Lobb, Lawr- ence Elliott; boys; eight and un- der, James Broadfoot, Les. Broad - foot; girls, 10e and under, Phyllis 'blue coal' WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stare and Furnace Oil DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R Lobb, Helen Broadfoot; boys, 10 and under, Dick Lobb; girls, 12 and under, Carol Anderson, Phyl- lis Lobb Helen Broadfoot, Suanne Haugh; lucky chair, Mrs. Ed. Al- len. A picnic supper followed the sports. Miss Elizabeth Scott, London, is visiting a few days with Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Ham. Miss Marie Elliott is spending ale* days with her aunt, Mrs. B. Menery, Bayfield. M. and Mrs. Clen Christie and Kathie returned home from a fish- ing trip at Sturgeon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. L. Eyre, Mrs. Wm. Douglass and Mrs. Barbelle Thom- son are holidaying at Algonquin Park and Ottawa this week. Mr. William McDowell, of West- field, spent a few , days last week with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilsofi. Mrs. William Henderson and children, of Ingersoll, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.- V. Hargraves. L.A.C. and Mrs. Johnston left this week for Halifax, where Mr. Johnston is stationed with the R.C.A.F. L.A.C. McInnis, of New Bruns- wick, have moved to the village and will occupy the house vacated by Mr. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Catleau and Miss Grace Cadeau; of Buffalo, spent a few days last week With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalrymple. • A number from the village at- tended the 12th of July celebra- tion at Blyth. Miss Gaye Elliott is visiting wfth her cousin, Miss Beckey Griffith, in Stratford. • SALE OF Rebuilt WATCHES LADIES' and GENTS' -- Modern eases; new expansion bracelets; well-known makes, including Bulova, Rolex, Certina and Elco at $19.75 ALL WATCHES GUARANTEED From $10.00 to $24.95 ALSO SEVERAL OTHERS AT $17.95 and $14.95 Rebuilt Gents' Pocket Watches Extra Good Values • • SAVAUGE1 Jewetidery. - Gifts - fine Chino $EAFORTH 71&t01 '''7')..17:7 • 7,, .11 14l jOl1 • ;14:4110t' " ft) ; • COLLISON ARMSTR G Mr. and Mrs gonald Ada% Col- lison exchanged marriage vOws on Saturday, July 9, at London:, Ont. The bride is the formersEdua Elizabeth Armstrong, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong, .of Seaforth, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. DOnaId Col- lison, of Wheatley, Ont. The ceremony was performed by Clarence Leeson, an ordained min- ister of Jehovah's Witnesses. s The bride wore a blue ticontina dress trimmed vvith,pink, and had white accessories, with a corsage., of pink carnations and lily of the valley. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Caverhill, of Londen. For a wedding trip the couple will travel to New York to attend the five-day New World Society Assembly being held at Yankee Stadium. •,On- their return they will reside on the groom's farm, near Wheat- ley, Ont. • CULHAM - HONG In a double -ring ceremony at the R.C.A.F,,Chapel, Clinton, on. June 30, Mr: -and Mrs. Elliott Bisice Culham, residents of Sea - forth, were married by F/L. Ben Garrett. The groom, Aircraftsman Culham; is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Culham, Medicine Hat, Alta. The bride, --the former Miss May Hong/ is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lovje Hong, of Cluny, Alta. The bride wore a waltz -length strapless white dress of lace over net with matching lace bolero and white gloves. She wore a lovely fingertip veil with a headpiece of seed pearls and sequins. A bou- quet of red roses and white mums was carried by the bride. The bridesmaid, . Miss Lois Sib- ey, Ottawa, wore a silver, and figure pink nylon, with matching bolero and hat. Groomsman Was Aircraftsman Ben Wall, Edmonton, with Air - Craftsman Henry Paduch, of Pad- dockwood, Sask., as usher. Solo- ist was Aircraftsman Robert Gra- ham, with Miss Ellen Love as or- ganist. For the honeymoon, the bride wore a turquoise • blue suit with white and tan accessories. She also had' a lovely corsage of red roses. At present the newlyweds are living in Seaforth. VAN DUZER - ANDERSON •The Alumni Hall, McMaster Un- iversity, Hamilton, w,as the scene of a reception following the wed- ding at 3 o'clock Saturday after- noon when the Rev. Dr. Ciffford A. S. Elliott united in marriage Ann Elitabeth Anderson and John Elston VanDuzer-.; The bride is the daughter of Mr. Anderson and the late Mr. Roy Campbell Ander- son, of Hamilton. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Byron VanDuzer, of Winona.Reg- al lilies and southern foliage *M - ed a background for the ceremony in St. Cites United Church. Organ music was provided by Miss Jes- sie Gray, who accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Ruth Wilma Repchuk. The bride's cousin, Mr. Hylton A. Long, gave her in marriage. The bride, •carrying pink Sweet, heart roses in semi -cascade with stephanotis, wore a finger-tip length veil gathered into a match- ing embroidered headdress. Der •gown, •fashioned of -embroidered silver -white silk organza with trim of seed pearls and opalescent sequins, was made with a moulded bodice, short sleeves and schoop neckline • bordered with scallops, and a bouffant skirt with a deep ;flounce falling into a train at the back. The attendants' Empire - styled gowns were of watermelon ice crystalette, in •waltz -length. Wearing bandeau headdresses of white Shasta chrysanthemums and carrying bouquets of the same kind of flowers, the attendants were Miss Roberta Long, Mrs. Robert A. J. Lake, Mrs. Charles Walcot, of Toronto, and Miss Van- na Mickie, of Vancouver, whowas junior bridesmaid. Best man for his brother was Mr. Richard Charles VanDuzer, Winona. Messrs. Charles Walcot and Charles Huff; • Toronto, and Messrs. John Dame and Robert Johnston ushered. The bride's mother, attired in starched silk chiffoh in tones of grey, and wearing a velvet Hat and accessories in pink and a match- ing corsage on her :handbag, re- ceived 175 guests at the reception. Among them were many from out- of-town points. She was assisted by the grom's mother, whose blue lace and pleated tulle over pink costume was adorned with a clus- ter of pink carnations and Sweet- heart roses. Mr. and Mrs. VanDuzer will spend their honeymon on a trip to ,the New England States and along the Atlantic coast. As a travelling costume, the bride wore a bisque -colored silk suit with matching birmmed hat and touch- es of tangerine shade. Forming her corsage were Talisman roses. They will reside in Hamilton ASLIN - WALSH St. James' Roman Catholic Church, Seaforth, was the setting Saturday morning for the wedding of Katherine Josephine Walsh; to Mr. Earl Edward Aslin, of Toron- to. The bride is the daughtef Of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh, Se4- forth, and the bridegroom is the son, of Mrs. Neritia AslihyDubliu; and the late Mr. Harry. Aslin. Rev. E. P. Weber, P.P., Seaforth, of- ficiated, and Rev, Willialn -F. Nigh, Assumption College, Wind - sof, uncle of the bride, sing the nuptial mass. The 'soloist,* Miss Julia Flanagan, Seaforth, sing "Ave Maria" at the Offertory, and "Mother M Your Feet is Kneel - big," after the signing of the rtig. ister, and as the bride planed a White rose ,nn the Virgin Mail" altar. • The wedding 'music *as pled by Mrs. Alice Stiles, Sea - forth. The irkle,given in inarria0 by her father, ware a baUer1na4etth gown of ,White tiered bantilly lace, over tietpid taffeta, Wi •X4 4. 41. 4 4.'4: "sit: A • • A•,,A Si. PATRICK'S CHURCH, DUBLIN, was the setting recent:r ly, for the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John ,Jerome Krauskopf. The bride, the former Dorothy Ann Costello, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello, Dublin. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kyauskopf, St. Columban. The couple will reside in Dublin. DUBLIN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes, De- troit, and Rev. Vincent Morrison, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dantzer and son, of Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and William Dantzer. Misses Kathleen and Carol Ann Smuck, Kitchener, spent a few days with Mrs. Loretta Moly- neaux. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and son, Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, London; Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. James Feeney, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney, Chatham and Mrs. Phelan, Blyth, attended the funeral of Mrs. Patrick Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison visited in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. Mrs. Rita Stapleton, Calling - wood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. strapless bodice topped with a lace bolero. She, wore long lace gloves, a fluted satin bonnet trimmed. with orange blossoms, and a sfjoialder- length veil. She carried white Sha- sta daisies, centred witls American Beauty roses. The -maid othonor; Miss Joan .Walsh, Seaforth, sister of the bride, ware a ballerina - length gown of pastel green net - over taffeta with' a satin fitted strapless bodice topped with a lace boleti% Her headdress was of matching green net, and she car- ried a bouquet of yellow baby chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid was Miss Rita Walsh, Seaforth, sister'af the bride, who wore a ballerina -length pastel mauve gown of net over taffeta with -a fitted bzocaded taffeta bodice. She word a matching bolero and headdress, and carried yellow baby chrysan- themums. The best than was Mr. Gerry Stapleton, Dublin, and the ushers were Mr. 'Leonard Clarke, Hen - sill, and Mr. Wilfred Bannon, of Windsor. The wedding dinner was held at Hillcrest Inn, Mitchell, and in the afternoon a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Where the bride's mother received in a black printed sheer dress with white accessories and a corsage of baby • pink carnations. The bridegroona'S mother assisted, wearing a navy tissue nylon dress with white accessories and an American Beauty rose corsage. For the wedding trip to Mont- real and Eastern Canada, the bride chose a fitted dress and dust- er coat of gray nylon ,tissue taf- feta. She wore an American Beau- ty rose' corsage. The couple will reside in Toronto. Guests attend- ed the wedding from ,,Montreal, Orillia, Toronto, Stratford, Wind- sor, London, Dublin and 'Seaforth. Mrs. Henry Ford, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. A. Wright. Mr. Alister Wigg and son, Stu- art, of Barrie, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. F. W. Wigg. Rev. C. E. Murray and Mrs. Murray and Miss Margaref Murray visited Mrs. Grace Hoggarth and Miss Scarlett recently. OF THE WEEK Stapleton. Mr: and Mrs. Len Steinbach and daughter, Rita, visited Mrs. Kath- leen Feeney. Mrs. Harry I. Dingeman and Paul, Detroit, are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David McConnell. Mr. and "Mrs. Louis Lane, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Brown, Kin - kora, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. Mrs. Ivor Brown, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. George Dymond, Mrs. Frank Merkley, Pennie and Lor- etta and Harry Aslin, all of To- ronto, and Harry Aslin, Montreal, spent the weekend with Mrs. Nor; ma Aslin and •attended the Aslin- Walsh wedding at Seaforth on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Flanagan, of Kitchener, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Burgess and daughter, of Flint, Mich., were - guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill. Mr. and Mrs. H.. Pugh and Glenn are spending a week at a cottage at Bayfield. Rev. A. R. Loohl, C.S.1,3_,„ vacationing with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby. He has been trans- ferred, from Aquinas Institute, Rochester, N.Y., to a Basilian Col- lege in Houston, Texas. Philip Werstine and David, of Galt, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and children, Tara, visited My. and Mrs. W. E. Collins. John Kahue, of Chatham, visited Matt Coyne. Miss Margaret McCarthy visited at London. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Cameron spent a few days at Ripley: Mr. and Mrs. Dori- McRae and children spent- the weekend at Wyoming. Newlyweds honored A large group of friends and neighbors attended a post -nuptial reception in Dublin parish hall on Friday night, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bruxer, recent newly- weds. Both Dublin and Kennicott were. represented. For Dublin, an address was read by Tom Kale, and presentation of a -purse of money was made by Frank Flana- agan. For Kennicott, Miss Doreen Regan presented purse. The, guests of honor graciously express- ed their thanks. Music for danc- ing. was provided by Harburn's orchestra, and the sponsors and their at Sistants served lunch. Funeral of -Mrs. P. Feeney A large congregation attended the funeral of Mrs. Patrick Feeney at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Thursday morning. Solemn Re- quiem High Mass was offered by Rev. J. B. Ffoulkes, D.C.L. as celebrant, assisted by Rev. J. A. Feeney, London, as deacon,. and Rev. H. F. Feeney, C.R., Kitchen- er, as sub -deacon, two nephews of the deceased. The pallbearers were three -sons and three nephews: Louis, Jerome, and El- mer Feeney, Thomas, James and John Feeney. Burial took place in St.-Patricktst,cemetery, Dublin. Take advantage of our LOW SUMMER PRIcES, 'Feel To .Burn' Phone 7$4 •' Seaforth , ma, ta.sig lurks; , • '111 • r '11 mtl.,‘ 4 et,itt :„2:rglt ,t7j-i.?,:t.4)..:itt 1•7 4 2i1 I qi 4 REGENT THEATRE - SEAFORTH.' THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "MAN WITH , A MILLION (Color) ' IRRETIR.Y PECK ../ANE GRIFFITHS - Mark Twain's rags -to -riches hero joyously perplexed by too much ' 'money. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ' " GORILLA AT LARGE" (Color) - CAMERON MITCHELL ANNE BANCROFT The Hate -Beast who lives to kill is loose. Your.,pulse will beat faster and faster through to the exciting cliinax. , THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATUttDAY, • " BENGAL BRIGADE (Color) ROCK HUDSON • ARLENE DAHL Coming —\"THIEF OF VENICE" We Don't Keep Shoes in This -Store OUR PRICES SELL THEM! We have a few sizes left in Ladies' White Sandals; also a good range of sizes left in Brown, Blue, Red, Tan and Beige Elk Sandals • at $2.45 a Pair Also some sizes in the Men's Brown Elk "Path- finder," with the heavy red rubber soles. , A Bargain at $4.35 a Pair WILLIS •SHOE STORE The Little Store with the BIG Values — SEAFORTH LLASH MAR *bi DRIVE-IN THEATRE Et a CLINTON .1111111111•44.111414MINSIIIMP• Two Shows Nightly Rain or Clear Box Office Open 8:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Friday Only — July 15 • "LAUGH NITE" AA Cartoon and Comedy Show Come and bring the Kiddies Sat. - Mon. July 16 - 18 ."Allegheny Uprising" John Wayne Claire Trevor OLD SHOW WEEK These -are some of the Shows you've been asking for! Each of these GOOD OLD Shows • —.One Night Only — Tuesday Only — July 19 "THE' INFORMER" Vic MeLaglen Preston Foster Wednesday - Only July 20 'YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU,, James Stewart Jean Arthur' Thursday Only July 21 "ALL THE KING'S MEN" Broderick Crawford Joanne Drus Friday Only — July 22 "HIS GIRL FRIDAY" Rosalind Russel Carey Grant'- . Saturday Only — July 23 "TOP HAT" Fred Astaire Ginger Rogers Monday Only — July • 25 "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN:, --FRONT" Lou Ayers Slim Summervillw• - CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS — FREE REAL- BARGAIN -S! '51 DODGE '50 PONTIAC COACH '50 PONTIAC '8' SEDAN—New motor, new paint, 'whitewalls, seat covers, radio, , spotlight '53 CHEV. SEDAN -Tinted glass, signals '54 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN—Loaded with extras; -coming in, 15,000 miles TRUCKS ' '53 1/2 -TON '55 G.M.C. STANDARD .• - Owners names on request on all above cars, to protect your buying: tt. nson Gilbert Motors Pontiac • - Buick - G.M.C. Phone 461 • Seaforth SAVE $79.00 Special Buys on KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SUITES • Nylon and Wool Covers Regular, $279.00 ,1 WI 11.11:11:- \"4 ININA1110110 ,417,0 vs ,/ (L17: Now Only .$200:00: Drop in and me them now — at tney Furniture itTNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE ,.1/kone 119; Res. 65 • Seaforth 4414 44444 944 • A 4444, r 4.* 4 94 1 I e 9