HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-07-15, Page 411 Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates. C R -O M A R T Y NEWS OF T H •E WEEK S' i ,> , WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC, -- Per" Word: sat Week '1.0e0 End Week % Gant 8rd Week 1 Cent Mtinimum charge, each insertion25 Ceuta' Each -figure. initial and abbreviation counts aa one word q "" ot. Thanks. I a m:aoriaw Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word- MinIDitun. gens: Per week• ea may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. •figteen. cents additional will be chatted iP ads i above • class are not paid within 10 '40X0 of date of final insertion. 8lr he,. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc.-Rateg on application. DOME TO,. the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, for pleasant Friday evening of dancing. Music by the Night Hawks. 4564-9 THE ANNUAL Crich Reunion will be, held at Seaforth Lions Park on Satur- day! July 16, 1955;at 1 :30 p.m. HELEN. TUB,NER, Secretary. 4566-1 DANCE EVERY 'Wednesday to Earl $eywood and CKNX Barn Dance Gang, 9-:a0 to 12:80. Saturday nights.- Herb. Petrie: orchestra. 50c -75c. MANTLE'S WAGON WHEEL, Market Place. Strat- ford. 4564-tf 9 $40 JACKPOT BINGO -Full house in 62 calls wins the jackpot; $5 and one call added every Saturday night; until someone Yyins jackpot. Also 14 'games "Share the Wealth" No admission; 10 cents a game. Legion Hall, Hensall, Sat- urday, July 16th, 9 p.m. Sponsor��,�i1 • by Hensel! Legion _}565-1 Coming Events Motor Cars For Sale FOR, SALE --1939 Dodge car. Apply Box 452, HURON EXPOSITOR. 1566.1 FOR SA.LE- 1352 Ford lug truck in' good condition, Apply ALVIN GRUBS, Hen - sail Sawmills, evenings, 4566x2 Lost and Found LOST --.Four keys on a chain : maybe in Lions Park. PHONE '442, Seaforth. 4566x1! For Sale FOR SALE -13 good young pigs. A ply :JACK Mr1VER, St' Columban. phone Dublin 22 r 21, 9566. FOR SALE -17 Digs, 10 weeks o TED VAN DYKE, Mill Road, R.R. Seaforth, 4566 FOR SALE -Moffat electric stove wi h high oven. Apply Box 452, HURO EXPOSITOR. 4566 1 CLARE JEWEL cook stove, excelle t condition. Reasonable. PHONE 279- r, Seaforth. 45661. 'FOR SALE -Registered Hereford bul omr year old. Apply LLOYD • HANE Phone 662 r 11, Seaforth. 4566 FOR SALE -Budgies and Canaries. Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERI MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth. 893. 4564-t' PUPS FOR SALT -Beagle and Walk - Crosshred. Apply CHARLES J. BRAN- DON, Clinton. Phone Clinton 622"r 5. 4566x1 FOR SALE ---1943 Austin, :34.000 miles: :• FOR SALE- A .ivanaitY . o'f mixeR.Rd . very good tire.: rebuilt I91950 Austin motor: I Dublin Ph,rain, Apply HARRY JOHNSTON. 010 r 23, Seaforth. good condition 'mechanically: 3'_'X5.00 or one 4566-1 best offer fur quick sale. ' TED SAV- AUGE. Phone 153. 4; 5x1 FOR SALE -Comfort, quality, service, i'ennsyivania's Best Coal: Sarnia's Best Help Wanted fuel .011. , WILLIAM M. HART, Sea - forth. WANTED -Capable girl to do light FOR SALE -Two Tamworth boars, housework and mind children. Box 453. n•ady for service. Apply FRANCIS HURON EXPOSITOR. 4566x1 COLEMAN, Jr. Phone 538 r 22. Sea - forth': 4566x1 WANTED -Man to take off and store - large quantity good timothy hay 'on FOR SALE -1`3 pigs six ,weeks old, shares, or for cash. Would consider sale. weaned. Phone 852 r 41. Seaforth. ED. JOHN A. McKENZIE. Phone 660 r 25. t3OYCE. R.R. 5, Seaforth. Seaforth. 4566-1 1566x1 Wanted WANTED -Two straw stacks. Apply JAMES 0. LOVE. Phone 652 r 13, Sea - forth. 4566x' • WORK WANTED -By boy 14 vier months, in town • preferrt BON BRADY, Seaforth. FOR SALE -Clean, bright fuel oil. Sarnia's hest from top of vat No. 1: and Covernment-tested coal. screened each de- livery. WILLIAM M. HART.. 4565 -If FOR SAID -t pure bred Hereford bull for sum! 10 months old, from accredited herd. Also Apply part Hereford and Durham calf one week 4566x1 old. Apply ARTHUR FINLAYSON, Kippen. 4566-1 PART-TIME JOB REQUIRED -Restaur- ant work preferred. have bad experience: FOR SALE -135 bushel grain tank, in or as store clerk, in Seaforth. Apply Box A-1 condition, painted red: also trucking 450, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4566-1 grain at reasonable rates. Phone MER- TON KEYES, Seaforth 656 r 11. BOARDER WANTED -Good home for elderly lady in quiet home. Apply Box 452, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4566x1 COTTAGE FOR RENT in Hayfield: three bedrooms: conveniences, Close to lake and river. July 15th to August 30th. Apply at HODGINS' COTTAGE Satur- day or Sunday. 4",•;".-tf WANTED Hatching eggs wanted by one of Can- ada's largest and oldest established hatch- . week in the year eries. Eggs taken e 3 Big premiums paid. For full details white FOR SALE -Case •A-fi motor -driven Box l`+4' THE HURON EXPOSITOR combine. three 'years. old, in good work- l 4566_3 Ing condition. Ebersol grain thrower. complete with pipes. For further particu- lars apply EDWARD - MELADY, R.R. 2, Duplin. Phone 22 r 10, Dublin. 4566-2 4566-2 SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood, 510.00 per load. approximately 2 cords; mixed woad, $8.00 per load. approximately 2I cords. Prompt delivery. FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4556-12 Mrs. Ross and son, Bobbie, of Port Credit, are spending a few days with her brother and sister- in-law,, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glos- sop. Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Eves, of moose Jaw, Sask., spent the Births BENNING-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on July 8, to Mr and Mrs. William Benning, Mitchell, a son. LOVE -At Scott Memorial ' Hospital, on July 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Love, Seaforth. a daughter. WRECKING '50 Austin. '42 Dodge, '41 Chev, '41 Mercury, '41 Ford. '41 Pack- ard; many other makes and models; tubes ,Pc to 51.25. Trailer and wagon axles made to order. Several radios. • CUD- MORE'S GRAVEL. R.R. 1, Hensall, Ont. Phone Exeter 171 r 3. 4562x6 For Rent Foe, RENT -One room, unfurnished. FOR SALE --2+0 Rhode Island Red Sus- ORVILLE OKE. Seaforth. 4566-tf ''x pullets, Your choice out of a flock FOR RENT -Two -room apartment, un- of 500. Hatched February 7th: starting furnishcl. ORVILLE OKE, Seaforth. to {as', apply SANDY PEPPER. Phone 4564-tf ''56 r 41, Seaforth. 4566-tf FOR RENT -Modern oil -heated apart- - --. mens: available , immediately. PHONE Cards of Thanks 583-W. 4566-1 ' FOR RENT -11 -foot cabin trailer for THE FAMILY of the late James Dun - 'travelling: will sleep three or four, with can Hoggarth wishes to thank all the cooking accommodation. Phone 160-M. friends and neighbors who helped so ORVILLE OKE- 1.566-tf -generously at the time of his death. --- 4566-1 Poultry DON'T MISS THE BOAT d -You sure will if you dor 't buy chicks ,LEAN AND CHARLIE SMITH wish to this year. We predict high egg prices thank their many friends and neighbors this Fall and Winter. When your our- for the surprise farewell party held in chase chicks be sure and buy the right ,heir honor, and for the many lovely gifts breeds for maximum egg i producton. We c, en them prior to their departure. have three special breeds that will lay 4566-1 more eggs on less feed than an.y other breedd we offer. Send for full details. Also three special broiler breeds. Turkey P2ults._ Fiee_311uatr8ted catalogue. 1'Wl',DDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED FERGUS - ONTARIO 4558 ?10 W'. d. FINNIGAN wishes to express his aprmoniation' to the members of the ^Sea- forth,Fire Brigade and all others who assisted in fightingihe fire that destroyed his barn on Tuesday. 4566-1 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), Mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. ' 6 samples 25c: 24, sam- ples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOTA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. Notices GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850. r 33, Sea - forth. 4564-tf RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, opposite Dick House. Seaforth. Phone 1147-R.4564-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4564-tf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING (brush ear Spray); exterior or interior decor - )1: acting. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 4504-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS ! - Prompt Courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Cd11 1ltrlt. ED. ANDREWS, 6551 r 11. See - gotta, or 235, Exeter. Associated with D arling & Co., of Canada Ltd 4564-tf eaSIENT WORK -All 'types of 'hick lied block work, for general building work And repair work: Call BERT OHRIS- TIONe13N, Ballarat,' St., Seaforth. Phone tG. 4584-tf WATERLOO • CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION '!WbertS liter nails r 6 used" tI cial Yf6albnifilaltron. hinted- for bll ;of elttle. For !terrier dr ittfdfaildt- 242, catkin, be. as !' lift- vredit flits 4111 sAir 59 Add' 'AO can tbfl,Siifitiiie 458-tt 5'. 1, MRS, JOSEPH MELADY wishes to express her sincere appreciation for the many acts" "0T-kin-dness and sympathy shown during her recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving husband. 4566x1 In Memoriam INGRAM-In loving menlory of Dad. Alexander Ingram, who entered into rest July 11, 1943. --Ever remembered by the Family. 4566-1 DIJNGEY---In loving memory of a dear mother,44rs. William Dungey. who pass- ed swag'' three years ago. July 16, 1952. Quickly and suddenly came the call, Her sudden death surprised us all; Dearer to memory than words can tell, The loss of a mother we loved so *ell. -Lovingly remembered by Bedford and L ,is, 4566E1 McNTCHOL --in loving memory of a dear husband and father Duncan L. Mc- Nichol who passed away one year ago, July 19, 1954. We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind. For the days we do not thinlc of you Are very hard to End. • If all this world was oars to give, We'd give it, 'yes, and more, To see the face of father dear, Crime smiling at the door. --Sadly missed and lovingly remendher ed by his wife, Mabel, and daughter, Phyllis. 4586x1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, at Saturday night at 8 p.m., at Mrs. Porteous' apart- ment on Market Street: Wine chesterfield and chair; occasional chair: sectional bookcase: buffet and china cabinet: foot- stool: pedestal; small tables: kitchen table and chairs; rangette stove: utility table; Aatrol frigidaire (like new) : 1 furnished bedroom, Including bed, springs and spring mattress; dresser; cheat of drawers; table linens; towels: bed lin- ens; blankets; quilts ; card table seatt60. mats; rum, 10/ by 12' ; trilight lamp; i'iir`1,- cben utensils: quantity of tlrfe eitina .sluts other cliches : many other article's. Terme -Cash. ILS, C. M. PORTEOUS, Prca- prietress ; E. P. Chesney, Clerk : Harold Jackson, Auatiotteer. 4566-1 Highest mountain peak in. Can- ada is Mount Logan. eau RECEPTION.., for - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mousseau Bayfield Pavilion Wed:, July 2Oth- DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA - Everybody Welcome - weekend with Mr. and ..Mrs-- T. Laing. Mr. and Mrs. George Woods, Billie and Jean, of Owen Sound, and Miss Bertha Pitt, of Toronto, were visitors Wath Mr. and Mrs., Ca lner McKaig'. David. Scott, Billy Ramsay and Donald Coleman have returned from Bimini Camp. The sympathy of the commun- ity isextended to the members of the Hoggarth family in the death of their brother, Jim. Mrs. E. Payne, who has been visiting with her brother, Jim, and sister, Margaret Miller, and with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Templeman and family, has returned to her home in Moose Jaw. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gillespie spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mo. T. Laing. Their two daughter's, Margaret and Ann, who had been holidaying, returned with them to their home in Komoka. Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Landers, in Mitchell. • Mr. 'Jim Miller has recovered sufficiently from his recent illness to be able to be at his home. BOAT and MOTOR -FOR SALE. 14 -foot Boat, with windshield; and lights Also Trailer and Johnson 0-D. Milemaster tank. At 'beach SEA steering wheel 12 Motor with in Port Elgin. ORTH MO.TORS- SEAFORTH EST USED CAR BARGAINS 1953 CUSTOM DODGE SEDAN Low mileage; excellent condition 1953 PLYMOUTH SEDAN: clean car 1952 DE SOTO SEDAN 1952 CHEV. SEDAN 1952 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1950 DODGE CLUB .COUPE , 1949 -DODGE SEDAN 1949 METEOR SEDAN 1949 CHEV. TWO -DOOR 1948• DODGE SEDAN 1946 DODGE SEDAN : ° USED TRUCKS 1950. . Chev. 1-Toh Pick-up 1950 G.M.C. 1 -Ton Pick-up. 1948 Chev. 1 -Ton Platform and Rack WCLIFFE OTORS Phone 267 Seaforth 'MILE - HIGH' SPECIAL The Dari-Delite 'Mile - High' is a mammoth, smooth, creamy cone, which is a treat any time. Drop in and try one! Another big treat is The Dari-Delite MILKSHAKE Thick, Sweet and Delicious. EL LIOT.T'S - Bru efield • The Aristocrat of Frozen Dairy Products' PICTURED AFTER THEIR WEDDING ceremony in Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmel, are Mr. and Mrs. James • Joseph Ducharme., The former Clara Jean Ryan, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, Crediton. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme, Dublin. The couple will reside in Hibbert: KIPPEN NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. John. Consitt and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miller enjoyed a motor trip to Tobermorry, Sud -1 bury and the Muskoka Lakes. Nag - ter Larry Consitt spent the week- end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt. Mrs. William Deitz, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Munroe and Mr. and Mrs. John Deitz and Gary spent a few days recently at Lake -of - Bays, Muskoka. Recent visitors of Mrs. McCly- motit included: Mr. and Mrs. Pat Curran, London; Mrs. Russ Geog- hegan, London, and -Mr. Royal Mc- Clymont, of Belle River. The Kippen East Women's In- ' stitute wall meet on Wednesday, July 27, instead of July 20. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Coopi(r were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell, Linda and Diane, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cooper and family, of Exeter. Wedding bells are ringing in and around the village. Mrs. Margaret Johnson, of To- ronto, is visiting a few days with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cooper. - Congratulations are 'extended to Mr. and _Mrs. William Horney, for- merly of Kippen, on their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gridzak and family visited Sunday in Centra- lia with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Cliff Watson, Judy and Bar- bara Jean remaining for a shor holiday. • Mrs. William Ball, of Clinton, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson. A wiener roast was held on Sat- urday evening at the lake by a few of the families on the second of Stanley Township. Mrs. Bowerman, of Listowel, is visiting With her father and Moth - der. Mr. and Mrs. William Work- man. Miss Merle Dickert, of London, ' visited over the weekend with her HENSALL.- Mrs. Ruth ,Toney, Joan and Lynn of Lambeth, visited on Monday with Mrs. George Hudson, who is making her home with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mr. and Mrs. Don. Rigby and Donna and Mr. Jerry Murdock, of 1 Blenheim, and Mr. Bill Rigby, of Byron, were weekend visitors with - Cir. and Mrs. S. McQueen and Mr. and Mrs. H. Snell. • Mrs. Catherine Redden, -who has been spending the past two weeks %bah her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and family, at Dresden, returned home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Hedden spent the weekend here. While motoring on Sunday eve- ning, Mrs. Maude Hedden noticed four beautiful deer- in a field of barley on the farm of Bob Mc- Gregor, near Kippen. 1 EAST McKILLOP Mr.' and Mrs. Golnitz and Mr. William' Borth, of Mitchell, visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wietersen Last week. The congregation of the, Evan- gelical Church here were pleased to seri Mr. Fred Hoegy attending services on Sunday after his ill- ness of several months. Miss Erma Rock, of Bethesda, is spending a couple of weeks at the home of her uncle, Mr. Irvin Rock. We are sorry to report that Mrs. George Beuermann has been talo en to a London hospital for treat- ment. The Evangelical Church congre- gation will hold their picnic in Sea - forth Lions Park on Sunday, June 17. WONG'S GRILL Specialists in * ' CHINESE FOOD Also • CHOP SUEY • CONFECTIONERY Take home our E5sh' and Chips • r parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mrs. Minnie Little, of London, is visiting friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cudmore and family, of Kitchener, and Mr. and, Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne, of London, were Sunday visitors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert, of Clifford, were 'weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance, of Porter's Hill, spent a fe days last week visiting Mrs. Tolranee's father, Mr. Henry Ivison- Mrs. Alice Ceok, of Lo don, vis- ited on Saturday evening with her mother, Mrs. McClymont, her - mother returning to London with her on Sunday afternoon. Michael and Joan Smith, of London, visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mr. and Mrs. William .Walder- cker,, of Detroit, were recent week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Workman and family. Miss Diane Perkin, of London, is spending a vacation with her cousin, Joyce Hood. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper and son visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. iii Try our Delicious , COLD MEATS during this hot weather. Week -End Special ROUND STEAK 65c Ib. SEAFORTH SUPER MARKET Levi Eckenswiller Phone 8 Seaforth FIRE AR.N'ING° RESIDENTS OF SEAFORTH In case of fire; phone an alarm through your telephone operator Fire alarm. boxes on -Seaforth streets do not work. REMEMBER! hi case of fire, call the Brigade by Telephone. JOHN F. SCOTT Fire Chief CANNING SUPPLIES 7 -''Quart COLD PACK CANNERS 2.59 PRESERVING .KETTLES • • • • 1.79 to 6.95 THE FAMOUS FOLEY FOOD MILL- • 2.95 ROTARY FOOD PRESS: 1.49 to 3.39 JAR FILLER, STRAINER and FUNNEL .35c PICKLING CROCKS-AI1 sizes .L35 to 3.95 FARM SPECIAL Green Cross or Howard's Ray -O -Vac. Fencer 3 95 Floor Bait BATTERIES t J FLY KILLER BALDWIN HARDWARE The Home of Glidden and C.I.L. Paints SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron . County's' Finest 'Markel USED CARS 1955 Chen. Bel Aire Sedan -Fully equipped 1954 Chev. Bei Aire Power Glide Fully equipped 2-1954 Chev.- De Luxe Power Glide Sedans -Fully equipped 1954 Chev. De Luxe Sedan - Fully equipped' 8-1954 Chev. Sedans, -Fully' equipped -- 1954 Pontiac Sedan Fully equipped ... 2395 1995 1895 1850 1745 1145 1350 995 1953 Chev. Sedan- 1951 Chev. Power -Glide Sedan 1949 Chev. Coach 1948 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Chev. Coach - Special _- 615 1946 Pontiac 5 -Passenger Coupe ' Completely reconditioned .... _ _. TRUCKS 2 -Dodge Army Trucks-2-toflel - _.... .-.1250 595 1954 Chev. Pick-up 1950 Ford life -Ton Pick-up A Written Guarantee for an dor as, JVD;,Lse Model Cars -Many Other Modetfi 4!",' nswi Paw 495 BRUSSELS MOTORS BRussms oNTAio MONO 73-X='fie Home of Setter Used care - or 1t' 1:t" 'taroggia .t• a e t • 4 1 1