The Huron Expositor, 1955-06-17, Page 4N gri 110 OUR SMALL ADS Classifier ,, . erted At New Low Cash Rates ,FOR SALE, WANTED, .,LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: 44 Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 9i, Cent 8rd Weak 44 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Manisa In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word Minimum. 50 50 cents' per' Week. Enquiries mai-be directed to a Bos No.. c/o Tho Huron Exaoaiter, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of datlf of final ineertio4. Sixths. Marriages and Drenthe inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application. DANCING IS ENJOYED by everyone •I'F.AOHER WANTED for S.S. Na 6, at the Crystal Palace. Mitchell. every Fri- day night. Music furnished by Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawke, 4551-13 DANCE EVERY Wednesday to Earl Heywood and CKNX Barn Dance Gang. 9:30 to 12:30. Saturday nights. Herb. Petriela orchestra, 5Oc-76a MANTLE'S WAGON WHEEL, Market Place. Strat- ford. 4560-tf SHARE THE WEALTH BINGO. Legion BaIL HenaaII, Saturday, June 18th, 9:00 p.m. No admission; 10 cents a game: extra cards 10 cents. Sponsored by mem- bers of Ground Observers Corps, Hen - sell. 4562-1 For Rent FOR RENT -A garage. PHONE 370J, Seaforth. 4562-1 McKillop, Duties to commence the be- ginning of the fall term. Apply STAN. LEY HILLEN, Secretary -Treasurer. Wal- ton. 4562x1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on June 20, 1955. for the purchase of the woodshed at S.S. 14. Stanley Township. Approximate size : ISf x 24r. Can he seen by contacting A. MeBeth. RR 3, Kippen. T. B. BAIRD, Secretary -Treasurer, Brucefield, Ontario. 4562-1 APARTMENT FOR RENT- - 4 -room upstairs apartment with bath, modern kit- TENDERS WANTED then, with built-in cupboards on East Goderich Street. PHONE S41r2, Seaforth. 4561-tf TENDERS will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including 9 a.m.• Monday. June 20. 1955, for the construe - Help Wanted tion of cement platform. cement steps. and sidewalk and cerasin carpentry work at Scott :Memorial Hospital and Nurses' Resi- LADIES w'ANTED to demonstrate. den or - Above average commission, plus a month- ly bonus. Write to NOVA HOME UrILI- The lowest or any tender not neces- TIES, 69 Edmund Road. Kitchener. Ont. ,dray 4562x4 Wanted WANTED -Baby crib with mattress, in good condition. Apply Box 447. HURON EXPOSITOR. 45622232 a.cepted. LLOYD HOG-GARTH Secretary. Scott Memdrial Hospital Board. Seaforth. Ont. 4562-1 TENDERS HIGH SCHOOL BOY requires ,work on THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY is calling Peaces for summer months. Can drive a for tenders for the construction of a tractor. PHONE SEAFORTH 566 r 22. msahine shed. 45, by 55', as follows: 4562-1 WANTED -Dead or disabled farm ant - mats. Removed promptly and efficiently in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect, Wm. Sproat. Seaforth. 655 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS. LIMITED, Ingersoll, Ontario. 4553-10 WANTED Would you like to sell hstchin.g eggs every week in the year at a premium of up to 33 cents per doien more than mar- ket price for your eggs' if you would. write us immediately. We are one of Canada's oldest and largest Canadian Approved Hatcheries. Apply Box Number 435 ..T1 -E HURON EXPOSITOR Poultry DON'T MISS THE BOAT You sure will if you don't buy chicks this year. We predict high egg prices this Fall and winter. When your pur- chase chicks be sure and buy the right breeds for maximum egg production. We have three special hreeds that will lay more eggs on lei feed than any other breeds we offer. Send for, full details. Also three special broiler- breeds. Turkey poults. Free illustrated catalogue.. sal FOR A COMPLETE CONCRETE Work buil ng. according to blueprint. Tenders to describe fully the type and make of the large doors to he used. b1 FOR ENTIRE LABOUR JOB. less two large doors. Township to supply all material delivered on ,lob. Lc) 1 FOR ALL MATERIAL needed in building including the two large doors, • ,which are to he described in tender. • • Blueprint may be -viewed at the Clerk's Odice by appointment Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by June SO 1955 at 6:50 p.m. sharp. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. • JAMES MASSE, Road Superintendent, Zurich, Ont - 1 -1 nt H. V. BROKENSEURE, Clerk, Zurich, Ont. 4562-2 Cards of Thanks MR. .A ND MRS. .101 -IN to than'. all those who so :serest :hem on their 40th WA LSH wish kindly remem- -edding anne 4562x1 I WISH :o :hank all those who visited rate. sent cards, flo,cers and treats while 'wk.DDLE CHICK HATCHERIES I I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. 1London. Special thanks to Drs. Gibson LIMITED H and G FERGUS - ONTARIO MRS.. P: -M 4555'10 MRS. . BUP-DGE. Brucefield 4,3.2;;;., Personals SINCERE THANKS HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods 1, To all my loyal workers and those who mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope <upM,rted me on June 9th. with price List, 6 samples 25c : 24 sam- ples $1.00- Mail -Order Dept T -TS. NOVA -RUBBER CO._ Box 9L Hamilton. Notices NOTICE -We are not responsible `-o- garmentsleft in our shop after 30 days. SCO INS CLEANERS. 446251 GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 82 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 350 r 33. Sea- • c -„r-, Lot 3:. Concession 5. Godericdr Town- s foes. - ' .hie ' u• miles south of Porters Hill. on 4560-55 Ti -S PAY. JUNE 21st. at S p.m con .lamp of 25 Dairy Cows and Heifers. :vein¢ Holsteins. Durha.ms and Part Jet -- Five of the above mentioned cattle ae:e fresh. some springing. balance milk- ing and bred again. All cattle are T.B. tested ar,d most are vaccinated : 3 Yom al, ea. 50 yearling bens Terms -Cash. A. E TOWNSIi-END & SON. Proprietors: Edward W. Elliot:. Auctioneer. 41,62-1 TOM PRYDE Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of .Livestock • RADIO REPAIRS --For all Finds • of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR opposite Dick House. Sesforth. Phone 847-R 456'0-tf LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED --Have Your lawn mower sharpened or repaired now. Will call for and deliver. JOHN Mae. LEAN, Egmond,iIle. Phone 649 r S Seafort h. 454-0 COMPLETE LALINDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- Of Household Furniture vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER : and FLOWERS, Sesforth, agent for Brady Cleaneyrs & Laundeteria Ltd.. Exeter. Real Estate EXECUTORS' SALE For Sale PHONE 3004T. -galvanized 4562-1 FOR SALE --Pay loader. Cockshutt, steel bottom, late model; like new HOW- ARD WRIGHT, Cromarty. Phone 690 r 22, HepsalL - 456221 FOR SALE-Pennsylvania'0 best axil; double screened_ WILLLAM M. HART. OtBce phone 784. • 4560-tt FOR SALE -A PlaY pen, almost new. Priced 810. PHONE 368-W, Seaforth. 4562x1 FOR SALE-�A piano. Gerard -Relate. man. APPIy to Box 446, HURON EX- POSITOR gPOSITOR 456221 4360-1` 40 Joseph Street PAPERHANGING. PAINTING .brush' Clinton. Ontario or Sprays ; exterior or interior decor- Ed w,- rd t- Elliott Apr, ion eer has ,-r-ise•.l ins; ru rt inns 1- cell at the pretr,is- 1 sting. See our 9.55 wallpaper design. ea Lot 96 on Joseph Street. and Dart of Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. Lot •0 :,r :lie sn:ah side of w-ei)ington DALTON, Railway St_ Street more ria rt ice:arty described in 4560-tf Registered In=tru men: No 5424 for Clin- ATTENTION. FARMERS' - Prompt eourt us eo ooltertinnf n all dead and disabled farm anima Is and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 551 r 11. Sea - forth, or 235. 4Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co.: of Canada Ltd 4560-tf CEMENT WORK -All types of brick and block work. for general building ,cork and repair work. Call RF.RT CHRIS- TENSEN, Railway St . Seaforth. Phone 4'.60-1 f WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bills Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for al] breeds of cattle. For service or informa- tion, phone CLINTON 242, collect. be- tween 7:30 and 10:00 a.m, cin week days and 7:30 and 9:20 a m- on Sundays 4544-tf PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith UPON INSTRUCTIONS from Council under authority of By -Law No., 1,46 1952. Township of Tuckersmith„ t h 8 '. pro - Claim that all dogs in the'ratinieft of Egmondvine and HarpurlbleS" Site PIObibited from running at large d*Yrio - tiri'period from June 1. 1955, to Noivetttdrer 1, 1355, Owners or barborarrs of doers contraven- ing the provisions of this by -lair trill be subject to a maximum penalty of 150.00. (signed) JAMIE DOt& Tosrnality Of !L of th. f?, 4562=2 Upon this property is said to he erect - .'4 a larcr ]t._ s•orey solid brick house in to in ins kitchen. kitahenetto'. ]i ging-. nom. dining -room. large den ard good- ' - a ha: , with x•'assed-in sun porch at •h r. r -ear othe first floor and 4 gocKi- ire-d bedrooms. der.. 2 -niece 'bath and toilet rc,m on :he oe.-ond There is hardwood 9•-n,,., throut-bout.. :fir can tains three rnoms_ w p with harAwood floors. The -c hn- has a :.hrce-compartment basementbasementis heated by lint water syst.etn- .xa:rd nr. spacious. grounds with a front - are -.r, Joseph Street of e.0 . feet running . hr,•...1 Buil length I00 feet to Welling - ,n or les A:s •hecame time there will be offered• sale h,.usehold furnito re and effects consisting '-f` washing machines: stoves; chairs. rockers :able ; china chit eta large bcffet . walnut desk : roll- . -, dm and chairs: libok case : marble ta'nlo ln, P seat couches: chests : bench - _s -nth < : piano: fernery: several ni•n•r< i,ker furniture: large mirror: walnut •bed. dresser. springs and mat- • -sm . brass ]•"•ds and matt reas,es :1 inner spring ma: tress: ryas: wall tare'try; antinne lamp; ornamental vause: dishes: trays . tt-pe' riter and stand : trunks : gar- den hose and reel: and many other art- ,cies. TIME OF SALE --Saturday. June 2E.th. Chattels 1 p.m. Real Estate 2:30 p.m. PLACEr-4S Joseph Street, Clinton. On - TERMS OF SALE -On Chattel. Cash' On Real Estate. 105.: remainder within SO days. Real Estate will be offered gab - Se -•t to a reserve bid and usual condi- tions of Kale. Immediate possession, For furtherpartieuiar5 apply to Ed- ward W Elliott, Auctioneer 'Phone Clin- ton 1621-J). RICHARD RAI I ERTON and 938E CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY, Executers, William Campbell Brown Estate A- C. WHALEY, Q.C. Solicitor for the Estate. 4562-2 i1y$.11vu 1 4,446a4 A FOR SALE -Budgies and Canaries - Huta Mountain Food. etc, ERIC MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth. 893. 4560-tf FOR SALE -A cutter knife fora baby tractor. Apply to MRS. VIOLET CADAUT, Muir Nursing Horse, Sea - forth 4562x1 FOR SALE -1 used Astral refrigerator with new unit: 3-yesr warranty. BOX FURNITURE. Phone 43, Sesforth 4562-1 FOR SALE --Electric washing machine. 320: electric fan. 35.50. Good working condition. PHONE 457. Seaforth. 4562-1 = FOR SALE --International horse mower. practically a new mower. Apply PEAR - SON CHARTERS. Phone 679 r 21, Hep:. salt 45623.1 FOR SALE --Sturdy two -wheel trailer, 6,00-16 tires, two -ton axle. Apply AN- DREW HOUSTON, Eg-mondvine. 45621 FOR SALE -Hereford bull, 1S months old. good strong bone; Quiet to run with herd. ALRERT HORNER Seaforth. Phone661 r 16. 4.562x1 WRECKING '50 Austin. '32 Dodge. '41 Chew. '41 Mercury, '41 Ford, 41 'Pack- ard : many other makes and models: tubes 50c to 31.25. Trailer and wagon axles made to order. Several radios, CUA MORE'S GRAVEL, RR. 1. Hensall, Ont - Phone Exeter 171 r S. 4562x6 Fora le FOR SALE Used Mall. Na. 7 side rake. Apply SEAFORTH MOTORS, Ses- forth. 4562-1 FOR SALE- umbinatien radfq-seco d player, table model. wood cabinet; in --ex- cellent condition: for price of radio alone. See ROSS RIAMII4TOIN• •Phone ;119,, Sea - forth, - 4354l FOR SALE -Flat hay rack, t`omplete with sills. eliding rack, track dad end ladders, in good condition. Ap:1y C CHESNEY Phone 658 F 16, SW* 4562.1 MIXERS FOR SAtar.--,More farmer are switching to Surge Miens each month_ Contact LOVELL H. McGUIR5, Wingham, Phone 698- New and need machines We specials se. in good ewe milking. 44.130 SLABS FOR SALE -Hardwood, 64;00 per lead, approximately - 2 cords: mixed wood, woo per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery.' - FRI) HUDIE Phone Clinton 362 455642 FOR SALE -8 14,1i. Simplicity garden tractor in e7tcenent twnliition :•'threes@ for- ward speeds and reverse : counter -weight„ wheel weight, lights, stand, .Z,rlow, dice cultivator, seeder, scraper and snow blow- er. Reasonable. MAX CARTER,' • Eg-' 'ponds -Mlle. Phone 454-W after 6 -y.jn, - 4561-2 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -3950 Ford ear in A-1 con- dition ; also lawn mower in good condi- tfaa. Apply to MRS, W.M. PEPPER, Hensall. Phone 41-W. 4562-2 Births BACH-At Scots Memorial 'Hospital, on June' ll, to Mr. and Mrs Edwin Bach RR 1. Bornholm, a daughter DUNGEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on June 10. to Mr. and Mrs, Bedford Dangey. Seaferth, a daughter, VAN HOOGMOED- At Scott Memorial Hospital. on ,lune 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Dominica_s Van Hoogmoed, RR 3 Mit- chell a daughter. . COMPARE OUR PRICES, QUALITY AND SERVICE! One yard of Material FREE with every 10 yards of purchased material • CLAIR HANEY General Merchant PHONE 72 - EGMONDVILLE NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH No parking will be allowed on Main Street on Friday nights, between the hours of 2 A.M. - 8 A.M. to facilitate the cleaning of the. street Saturday morning. By Order of the Town Council LOOK HERE ! Come in and see our special new shipment of Floor Coverings. All the Latestin exciting New Colors! We also specialize in FLOOR SANDING and FINISHING For Quick, Proficient Service, contact us Today! Box Furniture FUNERAL SERVICE HOUSE FURNISHINGS FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR SANDING WESTINGHOUSE APPLIA4NCES Phone 43 - Seaforth J. 44/0 d,a,rltl»fan`; HENSALL MP! AUL PLANS FOR JS[AFQRTN. DRhJMHEAD The Ladies' Auxiliary ' to the Canadian Legion of the B.E.S.L., Hensall Branch No. 468, held its ;monthly meeting in the Legion Hall Tuesday night, with the presi- dent, Mrs. MeKelvie, in the chair. The meeting opened in the usual manner, followed by 1e0 Canada" and "The Silence," after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated. Mrs. Rannie made a presenta- tion to Mrs. McKelvie, from -the zone. Mrs. Mock receiyed, a cor- sage. Messrs. S. McArthur and Wm_ Brown, Legion members, held a joint meeting with the- auxiliary executive. Accounts Were read by Mrs. J. Simmons, who also • read the . financial statement. 4Mrs. Mrs. Mock read correspondence from Mrs. Hall, Zone Command- er, Mrs. G. Allan, Seaforth Lad- ies' Auxiliary and University Scholarship Fund. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Clement. Thesick commit- tee report was given by Mrs- Shad - dick. Mrs_ Brown gave the re- creation committee report.- Sunday, ep�oort.Sunday, July 31, marks a spe- cial drumhead service in"Seaforth, to which the Hensen Ladies' Aux- iliary is invited. Auxiliary mem- bers have decided to send a par- cel to Mr. Wes. Robinson, who is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mrs. Letitia Sangster offered to forward the parcel. Mrs. Roy Smale 'will attend to the packing of sameG. ill be urged to assist at brat - .The General Coach has donated w a trailer to the town. Mrs. Brown, time, and will aid the Kinsmen - Mrs. McKelvie and Mrs. Rannie greatly in putting over this large have volunteered to look after "tis- project. The objective is $2,500. tributign of boos of tickets, sale, ete. The draw is 1.0' be held on the date of the bean FestivaL In regard to the Bean Festival, Autc- iliary members will enter a float. Mrs. J. Simmons and Mrs. G.; Munn volunteered to attend to this. Members also decided . to hold a bingo. Mrs. Rennie and Mrs. Foster wlU act as a com- mittee. Kinsmen Club Plan New -Floor Members of the Hensall Kinsmen Club are making a canvass of Hensall residents, and later of resi- dents in the surrounding districts for donations to a fund for the in- stallation of a hard surfaced con- crete floor, 170 by 70 feet, in the local arena. Installation of the floor will pro- vide an ideal dry place for the annual spring fair and for Hen- sall Feeder Calf Club Calves, and more adequate accommodation for the annual fiddlers' contest. It will also make possible a 'letter ice surface for Burling, hockey and skating, dances and entertain- ment The club expects to lay the floor the early part of July and work will be in charge of Earl Dick, of Cromarty. Volunteer workers BRUCEFIELD • NEWS OF THE WEEK Mrs. C. H. Ham and Miss Mary Swan, of Brucefield, and Mrs. W. D. Swan and Mrs. Thomas Morri- son, ofamilton. have returned from a otor trip to Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie, of St, Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. McKenzie on Sunday. Mrs. Mc- Kenzie returned to St. Thomas with them to spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. Christie and Catherine visited in Kitchener with Mrs. Christie's sister on Sunday. Quite a number from Brucefield attended the Flower Day Service in Wingham on Sunday. Mr. and MrS. Ross Scott spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Patterson, j Clinton. have moved to Brucefield. We welcome them to the village. We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. Burdge and Mr. Murray Tyndall are improving in St. Jos- eph's Hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. John McMur'trie, Hensall, visited with Miss Mary Gibson on Sunday. Mrs. Alton Johnston and Mrs. Frank McGregor are spending a few weeks visiting in Toronto and Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglass and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Douglass, of Port Dover, spent a few days with Mr. Wm. Douglass and Mr. and Mrs. L. Eyre this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor spent the weekend with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thomson and Mrs. W. H. Pepper visited in Parkhill with Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney Thomson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe, Byron, 'spent the weekend with friends in the village. Mrs. Alex Paterson visited with her mother, Mrs. B. Sholdice, at CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, of Vancouver, B.C.. Mr. and Mrs, Donald McKaig and daughter, Jean of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs- Charles Salter and daughter, Jean, of Wingham. and Angus McKaig were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Allen and children and Mrs. Maudson, from Stratford. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Erwin, and sons, George and Grant, of Put- nam. were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto ,Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe and daughters visited with friends in Harriston on Sunday. The residence recently` vacated by Howard Wright is being occu- pied by Mrs. H. Moore, formerly of Lindsay. We welcome Mrs. Moore to the village. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Gillespie and daughter and Mr. Grant, of Komo- ka, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing. Miss Eva Jefferson, of Munro. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Laing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Scott and Gordon Laing visited in London on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick. Mrs. Payne, of Moose Jaw, Sask. is spending her vacation with her sister, Margaret Miller, and bro- ther Jim, and with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Templeman. Mrs. M. Houghton and grand- son visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and family. Deaths CUTHILL -In Sesforth. on Sunday. June 12. John CGthilI. in his 87th year, WORKMAN -In TIllsonbnrg, on Satur- day, June 11, Myrtle Irene Workman, beloved wife of Rev. N. V. Workman, ir. ber 60th year. HAGERMAN-In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth. an Monday. June 13. An- na G. Hagerman, daughter of the late Mr_ and Mrs. R. P. Hagerman, Toron- to_ and sister of Mrs- 1. E. Keating, Seaforth t'nneral services at McDou- gall & Brown Chapel. St Clair Ave., Toronto. on Thursday. June 16, 1955. Interment in Prospect Cemetery. JOHNSbN-IN McKillop, on Wednesday, June 15. Patrick Joseph Johnson, in his 74th year. McGAVIN-Alfred McGavin, 74 years, Jane 7, 1955, at residence, Windsor, On- tario, beloved husband of Kathryn. dear father of Mrs. Walter Bone. brother of Mara, E. McGaein. Seaforth. Arthur E McGavin, Reading. Pa.. Dr. E. H. Me* Gavin. Windsor Rested at Windsor Funeral Home Funeral service June 9, at 3 pain. Rev. William Laws n,, of St Andrew's Presbyterian Cbur,,h 'Of- ficiated. Interment in Heavenly Rest Cemetery: Brussels, on -Sunday LAC. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston, Linda and Susan spent the week- end in Toronto_ Mr. and Mrs_ Wm. Simpson, of Detroit, were in the village on Saturday. Mr. C. D. Simpson re- turned home with them after visit- ing o with his son and daughter in DetrMr. and Mrs_ Harry Dalrymple visited friends in Mitchell On Sun- day. Mrs. E. Copeland and Mrs. C. Adams, of WInghiam, visited with Mrs_ H. Berry on Wednesday of last week_ STAWBERRY and Salad Supper IN CROMARTY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TUESDAY, JUNE 21st, Starting at 6 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults $1,25 Children 50c HAM and Strawberry Supper and Variety Program TUESDAY, JUNE .21st At St.. Andrew's United Church KIPPEN $upper 5:30 - 8 p.m. ADMISSION: Adults 75c Children 50c Strawberry Furl and Programme Brucefield United Church Friday, June 17 -From 6 o'clock ADMISSION: $1.01). Gulden 50e f. ,o. B 1953 DODGE 4 -DOOR -Two -Tone 1953 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR -Two -Tone 1952 DE SOTO 4 -DOOR 1952 CHEVROLET0»4-DOOR 1951 BUICK 4 -DOOR -Radio 1951 PONTIAC 4 -DOOR 1951 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1951 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR 1951 CHEVROLET -2 -DOOR 1948 DODGE 4 -DOOR 1947 DODGE CLUB COUPE . 1946 DODGE 4 -DOOR • ROWCLIFFE MOTORS Phone' 267 : Seaforth SHOP AT SHINE'S for FATHER'S DAY! MEN'S SLACKS Dacron Blend Flannels, Tropical Worsteds; blue, light grey, medium grey and charcoal. Sizes 30-46. Only 6_75, 7.25 and 8.95 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Newest Tweeds, All shades and sizes. Only 16.50 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS - New materials and col urs: 7.95 - 12.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Famous Bluestone, in patterns and plain shades -Pink, Blue, Grey and Charcoal. All sizes, in long or short sleeves. Only 1.95, 3.95,' 4.95 and 5.95 MEN'S BROADCLOTH FINE SHIRTS Si ees 141/2 -171/2-Blue, 'Gr'ey, Pink and White. • tidy 2.95 "Best" Assortment in Men's Sox and Ties in New Pinks and Charcoals SPECIAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL MEN'S WEAR FOR "FATHER'S DAY" - at - S N 1 EN'S SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market USEDCARS 1955 Chev. De Luxe Power Glide 2395 1954 Chev. Bel Aire Power Glide 1995 Fully equipped al J 2-1954 Chev. De Luxe Power Glide 1895 Sedans -Fully equipped .....--..._ 1954 Chev. De Luxe Sedan- 1850 -Sully equipped O iJ 8-1954 Chev. Sedans -Fully 174 5 equipped !'i:1 2-1954 Pontiac Sedans - Fully equipped 1953 Chev. Sedan Sedan -Fully equipped 1745 1350 995 1951. Chev. Power -Glide Sedan _____ 1950 Chev. Sedan ......... _.......... _..._W..,._.._..,:... 895... c 1949 Dodge Sedan 6995 1949 Chev. Coach _.._,»...............»...,. 695 4 1948 Pontiac Coach - Y.. 595 1948 Chev. Sedan 595 1948 Pontiac Sedan-. » _-,_ 59955 1947 Chev. Fleetline 595 1947 Chev, Coach- 295 Special L TRUCKS 3 -Dodge army trucks, 2 -tons 1949 Ford % ton panel 295 1948 Chev. 3/4 ton express » ," 396 1948 INTERNATIONAL- g�� 1 -Ton Pick -Up ........_. _.._. _ 97i1v A Written Guarantee for N day os. all Late Model Cars -Many Other Models is Oasis Break BRUSSELS -MOT BRUSSELS ONTA:R1 O PHONE 73 -L -"Ilse Batas of Better Used tars" .. OPEN EVNItlf IMMO .r; .. el ...e.:4: 2,.,vuee'i:,7.'.6L _ ,Ltn.u,.ar,