HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-06-03, Page 5• 4 • • gr • 1 -4 It. Anii0iiine the .appoin *eut p JAMES A* MucDONALD - `A : Their, Seaketh tend 'District _ i . Representative Mr. MacDonald will carry all types of life insurance. HEAR ADDRESSES In The Interests Of Tom Pryde CKN X Friday, June 3, 5.05 — 5.10 p.m. Monday, June 6, 6.25 - 6.30 p.m. 11 Expositor Want Ads Bring -Results -- Phone 41 K Used Cars 1954 Chev. De Luxe Coach 1953 Meteor Custom Sedan, 17000 miles 1953 Ford Sedan 1951 Meteor Sedan 1950 Ford Sedan • 1949 Plymouth`Sedan 1949 Chev. DeLuxe Sedan 1949 Dodge Sedan 1948 Chev. Sedan, excellent 1947 Dodge Sedan 1947 Chev. Sedan 1947 Ford Sedan 1946 Chev. Sedan 1946 Dodge Sedan Seaforth Motors Seaforth Phone 541 even on In Dublin Church C,. lhndtit edk i t s W 4 f., at a laarn ite was far>wn of Ko3?_Patci Most ;.Lev. dobti 'C. Cody, 'bishop of London, confirmed 37. children at St, Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Friday afternoon. Tbis}vas one of the largest classes ever to re- ceive this sacrament at. Dyblin., Rev. br. 3. B, Ffoulkes welcom- ed Bishop Cody and opened the ceremonies, after which the bishop gave a short talk on the life of St. Joseph. Rev. 3. L. McCormick the bishop's secretary, questioned the confirmands. Solemn bene- diction by Rev. W. T. Corcdran, Stratford, brought the service to a close. • ' Those confirmed were: Tom Hunt, Richard Stapleton, Robert Stapleton, Jimy Shea, Jackie Costello, Donald Benninger, Jack Klinkhammer, Gordon Dantzer, Billy McLaughlin, Kenny Mc- Laughlin, Luke Schoonderwoerd Bill Lansbergen, Neil Lanobergen, Kopf, Teddy Feeney, Raymond Donnely, Harry Ryan, Steven Eckert, Mary Hunt, Kathleen Hunt, Dianne Kistner Irene Shea, Helen Bruer, Cecilia Feeney, ohCatherine Feeney, Angela Du- A*n?g; Cora . L.aesklergen, Joanne Stapleton, Pauline Stapleton, Betty ' Ann Butters, Mary' Lans- bergen, Yvonne Ducharme, Louise O'Rourke, Marian McLaughlin, Janet Donnely, Rosemary Ryan. CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick and children of London with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace over the week- end. Miss Doreen Hanhachan of Mit- chell spent the weekend with Miss Bette Glossop. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and Audrey of Mitchell with Mrs. M. Houghton on Sunday. Mt. Jim Ramsey of Georgetown spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ' Ramsay. 'PEN ., Master Kenneth Jones bad his tonsils'removed at Clinton Hospital on Friday, Huron. Teachers Entertc i n'Wives Principal John Talbot and teach- er Donald Morton of the Seaforth Public School were twoof the key figures in arranging a. social even- ing for the wives of the Huron Loc- al of Ontario Public School Men Teachers' Federation, held in Clin- ton last week. Following a turkey banquet at which 40 persons were present, the group met at Clinton public school where a social hour was spent. G. G. Gardiner, Goderieb, Public school inspector for South Huron and Mrs. Gardiner were guests 'pk the group, inmsalielletintilletnemetilr BRUCEFIELD The Yung People held anni- versary se'? CV5 at Brucefield United Church SWAY oz ng, May 29th. Mr. Ross StanIejt, - don, was the guest speaker. Ile gave an able address from Matt. 6, verse 6, "Cast ye not your pearls before swine." He also read Luke 2, verses 42-52. He stressed the point that if we want to grow up as good citizens, we must love our neighbors as ourselves. The quartette from . Turner's Church, Bert Pepper, George Turn- er Stanley Johns and Gordon Johns, sang two numbers accom- panied by Mrs. John R. Murdock. The choir sang, "The Lord is my _Life." Robert Broadfoot, . Allen Haugh, Neil Haugh and Bruce Walker received the offering. Advance Poll Seaforth June 2, 3, 4 at CLARKE'S SERVICE STATION V�te Tom Pryde v <w, ;t PROGRESS and PROSPERITY WITH. PREMIER FROST SOLID ACHIEVEMENTS and SOLID PROSPECTS ELECTORS of HURON 1 special meeting of ileneall tage council, at which were present representatives -of vi i,age oyaganizations, accepted- a /r spade by General Coach W res,. of Heiman, to assist in a program to ,defray certain of the debenture .charges on the instalation of the artificial ice plant in the arena. The Hensel). company, throe Reeve W. Parke, offered to t>Ete village a completely equipped 17 - foot cadet model vacation trailer, free of all charge, providing the proceeds of the sale of tickets on tate trailer were used in defraying debenture ,charges. A further stipulation was that all the organ- izations in the village provide -sup- •portts. in disposing of the trailer tAttending the meeting • in addition to the tnembers of the council, were representatives from the Kinsmen Club, the Canadian Leg- ion, the Chamber of Commerce, Masonic Order; the. IOOr bite Lad ies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Ikegs, M n and the Women's Inatitnte. The meetingexpreased appreee iation of the- generous offer of the. Ilensall company and went on re - crud, on motion of W. Brown and. P. L. MavNaughton, to the effect that different organizations in the Village would -get behind the s of tickets. Clerk, J. A, Paterson, was instructed to write to the com- pany expressing appreciation for the offer and indicating' that the organizationswere supporting the proposal. The meeting agreed that tickets would sell at 25c each, or five for $1.00, and on - motion of Mr. MacNaughton and N. Jones, it was -also agreed that the seller of the winning ticket would be given $100. , A further meeting of the organ- izations involved will be held on June 10th. DISCUSS CAMPAIGN ISSUES CANDIDATES MEET ON PLATFORM -gupporta by Liberal. Leader tic principles. • Non -pasting of Farquar Oliver, James R. Scott, voters' lists only applied to rural Liberal candidate in Huronµ told areas., a large audience in Goderieb Pub- "This government has always !ie school last Thursday night that distinguished between the urban "� p,ti^,;•ince has been miSmanag- and rural areas," emphasized the ed and badly tmamanaged for the speaker. He assured his audience last twelve years." that if he were elected June 9th, Supporting this statemee; Mr. he woua.`1 speak out in the same Scott said that not only was the'"e way, whether It was a Liberal or .a highway scandal in Ontario, but Conservative government. there also was one in Huron. Speaking specifically about the road from Hensall to St. Joseph, the Liberal canidate said a delega- tion went from Hensall to Toronto to get the government to take im- mediate action on the road,. It has been in "deplorable" condition for the last two years. "Do you know what they told these fellows? They said, 'don't worry about a thing fellows, we're going to give it serious considera- tion'," said Mr. Scott. If the Conservatives were going to do anything about it, the Huron Liberal candidate said, the present government would be "bragging" about it right now before the elec- tion. Faulty Voters' List The late posting of voters' lists was another fault for which Mr. Scott blaimed the Conservative government. Claiming it was the first time he could remember that the voters didn't get a chance to see the list and correct any mis- takes or ommisions, he said, was a lack of appreciation of democra- H. F. A. FOOTBALL Ethel vs. Winthrop ' ON Friday, June 3rd AT WINTHROP COMMUNITY PARK Game time, 7.30 p.m. RE-VITALIED CLEANING is Better Than Ever at Buchanan Cleaners Mount Forest More Spots and Stains Removed Garments stay clean longer; will wear longer. Phone 669 r 2 - Seafgth ANDY CALF, E AG�%�I MON,.and MORNINGS z�c olivef'a9ek9 :eons rost P The Frost Pares -i meat is appolicyeei- ing before the electois with hands dripping guilt in the highways scandals, Liberal Leader Farquar Oliver said. Mr. Oliver warned that the electors should beware of the friendly , smile of Mr. Frost and the hearty wave of his hand. "The things that have gone on under- neath that smile and hearty wave of his hand have made his govern- ment smell as no other government ever has in Ontario," the Liberal leader declared. Mr. Oliver likened the actions of the government in regard to the highways scandals to those of a criminal trying to cover his tracks. "They made their plans carefully and with fear and trembling tried to hide the evidence. What emeged from the sessions of the committee was a new brand of democracy, the Tory kind." The Government had refused the Opposition the right to call witnes- es in the highways cases because they were so deadly afraid of what the witnesses might say, Mr. Oliver asserted. "Instead, they took the awful, the desperate chance of throwing over- board all the past history of the province when it was the clear right of the Opposition to pry into the affairs of government." . Extravagant Charge Mr. Oliver charged that the Pro- gressive Conservatives have been so generous with other people's money that Comstock now can afford to underbid any other dealer in the province. "They don't need to worry about losin "on a couple of contracts. They have made ,. theirpile out of the hydro y o user. The Liberal leader assured his audience that his platform can be put in operation without additional cost to the taxpayers. • "In fact," he declared, "a Lib- eral government will cut by 10 per cent the cost of running the in any way with the efficiency of any department." "Everywher9 there is extrava- gance and waste and maladi inis- tration," he decliiroe4 ¶' . swing „ e will - u vroom just as Hepburn uni, only it is, going to take a mighty big broom to clean up the mess at Queen's Park today;" CAREER MEN IN KHAKI The antryman Here's a job for the active man who uses his head, likes the feel of action and working in the open air. Today's Infantry soldier, recognized as the most important than. in the Artily, has the best — in train- ing, weapons and care. His chances for specialized training and promotion are almost unlimited. Infantry and the other special branches of the Army offer hundreds of good -paying, lifetime careers. To see where you fit, visit your nearest recruiting office. No obligation, of course. Remember, in the Army you team up with then crnd leaders you can rely on — right down the line. Serve Canada and Yourself in the Army To be eligible you mast be 17 to 40 years of age, s1f111ed tradesmen ?o 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wans House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. -- Telephone 94507 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont. — TFlrphone 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. — Tetl'ehon. Fm..6 8341 -- Local 276 - No ' Perso'ri Depot, Wolseley Barracks, O ford'& Elirabeth Sts., London, Ont. — Telephone 4-160 :cat 135 Army Rocruiting Station,' 230 Main St. W,, North Ray, Ont. — T9Jephone 456 Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. EeSt, Hamilton,' OM. L Telephone 28708 040W-0 DOUBLE EF.D MS Chenille 'Bedspreads A quality you'd expect to pay $10.95 for, ' *Blue, Rose, Turquoise, Green. Lime and White. DOUBLE RED SIZE Flannelette Blankets Check patten in Blue, Rose, Green oncl Yellow. A superb ,special for 3 days only! REGULAR $12.95 QUALITY "Dan River" Cotton Sheets Excellent quality, 81" x 99" size, "shenan- FO THREE DAYS ONLY AT TAILORED STYLE Nylon Paired Curtains All white, nylon :marquisette curtains, large size, 41" x t31", GREATLY REDUCED FOR THREE DAYS! PAIR PAIR 3.95 PAIR Nylon Frilled Curtains •- 5.95 Pure White, endurable quality, easy to wash and iron, fine nylon marquisette, 47" x 81". PAIR VERY SPECIAL—REGULAR $2.00 Percale Pillow. Slips 1 49 Percale slips, hemstitched, size 42" x 36". TO CLEAR ' PAIR • PLAIN HEM v. ' Special Pillow Slips Good quality 42" x 36" size. Fine everyday quality. SPECIAL PAIR CLEARING 12x12 Terry Wash Cloths 6 FOR Excellent quality, good range of colors. SPECIAL FOR THREE DAYS 1,A0 HALF PRICE SALE MEN'S SUMMER SUITS,_ - Values to $49.50, all light shade summer suits in all English materials. Sizes 36 to 40 only24:95 VERY SPECIAL TO CLEAR AT STEWARTBROSII Expositor Want Ads Bring Results -- Phone 41 USED CAR SPECIALS HERE ARE THREE TOP BARGAINS 1949 Olds. '88' sedan 1951 Pontiac sedan—excellent 1951 Vanguard sedan ALSO FIRESTONE TIRES AND GENERAL REPAIRS RELIANCE GASOLINE M. E. CLAR Your Meteor — Mercury PHONE 146 KE Dealer SEA FORTH EAVESTROUGH REPAIRS Now is the time to get those worn-out eavestroughs repair- ed. Protect all your buildings during those heavy rain storms. FRANK PLUMBING HEATING ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHEET METAL WORK :iF4 ,Lt 'e. :.ntJ4r, ,104, 4,411240Akk