HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-05-20, Page 3i, • 1 1' 1 �1l tv At Seaforth Lions Park? For twenty years you, the public, have enjoy- ed the facilities of the Lions Park and Pool. Now, because of circumstances over which there can be no control, it is necessary to provide new swimming facilities. Read these facts. Decide now to help to asr great an extent as possible when the canvasser calls. Your contribution -is a recognition of the benefits you and your family have enjoyed in the past at the Lions Park and Pool. It is an assur- ance that you and others can continue to enjoy the Park 'and Pool in the future. Why is a new Pool necessary? The existing pool, since its construction twenty years ago, has been fed from the waters of Silver Creek. The flow of water 'during recent years has reduced now to a point where proper conditions can no longer be maint ,fined. How will the Pool be financed? The Lions Club has on hand $5,000. A Provincial grant, of $5,000 is assured. A canvass of the district is expected to raise $20,000. The -Lions Club is pledged to raise the balance by sponsoring various special events. What is the cost? The Pool is estimated to cost $40,000. This amount includes the construction of the concrete tank, the provision and installa- tion of filtration and chlorination equipment and fencing. Will there be an admission charged for the use of the Park? No; there never has been a -charge made for the use of the Park.- . Certain groups, however, do make contributions. There, will be small charges made for the use of the pool, as is the case in all similar pools. While rates have not been established, the amounts charged will be nominal, and season tickets will be available. What accommodation Will there be for small children? The over-all proposal provides for a wading pool far chil- dren. It will be arranged in such a fashion that there will be no danger of children getting into deep water. Where will the Pool be built? To the east of the existing bathhouse and pavilion. It will be approximately 100 feet by 50 feet. Is municipal aid received for maintenance of the Park? Seaforth pays an annual grant of $125.00; Tuckersmith, $25.00; and McKillop, $35.00; a total: of $185.00. The Lions Club pays annual taxes, amounting to approximately $147, to Tuck- ersmith Township. Who will maintain and operate the Park and Pool? The Seaforth Lions Club, in the same manner as has been dome since the park was first established. The Club, with the co-operation of the public, pays operating costs in excess of $3,000 each year. How will the Pool be designed? A widely -known firm of consulting engineers is designing the technical aspects of the pool and equipment. The Depart- ment of. Health of Ontario specifies the extent to which filtration and chlorination equipment must be provided to maintain pure water at all times. The water in the pool will' be completely ehang.ed every eight hours. What is the cost to the town? There is no cost to the town. The Provincial Government, in making available a grant for a pool, states the grant must be paid to a municipality, not to a Service Club. , This means the town must appoint a committee to receive the grant. The Lions Club, who for twenty-five years has maintained the Park and Pool, will continue to do so. Will there be lifeguards? Lifeguards will be on duty at all times during which the pool is open. Regular instruction classes will be held. Are donations gifts for income tax purposes? - Yes.; donations are deductible on income tax returns to the extent provided by law. What will be clone with the present pool? That part of the river that\has served for so many years as a pool will be continued in its present form, and will continue to be one of the outstanding scenic features of the park. When will work . commence? If the financiarcampaign proceeds satisfactorily, tenders will be called in June, and it is expected the pool will be in operation by August 1st of this year. If there are any questions that have not been answered, ask your Canvasser or caul any Member of the Lions Club. . rezrce iZ,, t.witli3d A. 4' P, 41 �'4W. ifn" ?fad ni4 1, The *egular monthly m g of �' ,4;General Aeeounts C than In; Hay Township Council waVheld in dustries Ltd„ $10640; eral persons who were in attend- Products. $161.28; S. H. Blake, 11 Das - the #lay Township• Hall, Z,., eb qA trict Co-op., $19.69;.. Wul. Watson Monday, May 2, at 1:30 p . ;'he warble fly, $395.76; Mgnicipai following motions -were passed and World, $21.69; Monteith &MOP personal requests heard from sev- teith & Co,, $565; Rosco Metal ince: , - !Municipal Officers Assoelation, At three o'clock the Engineer's $15; J. W. Ilaberer, insurance, report on the Eacret Dram Re- $280.18; Leonard Erb, warble fly, pair was read, and the mil�utes $102.55; H. W. Brokenshire, $181.20; were then read of April. 4, 5 and The Ontario Municipal Board, fees, 18 meetings and adopted. $6; Chas. Dietrich, $240./ It was moved that we accept I Township Roads -Exeter Times - the engineer's report on the Eac`-,'Advocate, $2.60; Canada Culvert rett Drain Repair as read ssMay 2, Co., $86.40; Hensall District Cq-op, .and that the clerk be authorized $8.20; J. W. Haberer, $104.05; Earl to have sufficient by-laws printed Ztmmer, $4.50; Jim's Machine and sent to all interested -persons, Shop, $6.25; Jas. Masse, $225; De - and that court of revision be set Partment of Highways, $72.93; for June meeting at 8:30 p.m., inKlopp's Garage, $35.42;ousseau Rader && the Hay Township Hall, `Zurich. MKittleholtz, $7.42; M That we ask C. P. Corbett, O. I Parkins, $5.78; Stade & Weido, L.S.; for a statement of his find- I $542.65; Peter Masse; $32.42; Ellis Ings regarding the condition of Northcott, $5.60; Louis Ayotte, the Zurich Drain South, as request- 36.54; Harold Campbell, $2325; ed by Fred Regier, Charles ,Thiel Lyle Simpson, $4.90; David In- gram, $4.90; Guss Maas, $12.60; Anthony Ducharme, $20.30; Mat- thew Denomme, $6.75; Edward Fuels, $129.29; St. Joseph Service, $17.7.$; Bell & Laughton, $12.30; and Earl Thiel, as of date, Nov. 27, 1954. That the Aldworth Drain Repair By -Law No. 17, 1954, .be read a third time and passed, and the Lerina Rose, $5.50; Sunoco Ser - Schwalm Drain Extension By -Law 1 vice, $9.25 ; Alphonse Masse, No. 16, 1954, be read a third time $264.09• Louis Denomme, $100.03; and passed. I Alvin Walper, $50.44; Ed- J. Wal - That the account for examina- ; per, $17.50; Gordon Bieber, $5.60; Ray Ingram, $4.90; Homer Camp- bell, $27.40; Hiram Bieber, $5.60; Loftus Denomme, $6.30; Alfred Denomme, $6.30. YI: it li rlf t 4uples. Clubo No e, United Churchl+d t' ►leir're Illieeting in the -'c urcb scboolrou n � Monday eveping. The devotlQnal op+eped with the Singing of Iiyu►p A94, followed bY4 a reading by 'Mr2.: P. L. Brady The scripture, I Cornnthtans, chap' ter 13; was read by Charlie Pinder. Edna Bell led in prayer and in the singing of Hymn 594. The business period was CQ/1- ducted onducted by -..Mrs. P. Brady. On Sunday, June '5, all couples with cars are urged to make them avail- able to shut-ins in order to bring. them to church. The June meet- ing of the Couples Club is in the form of a pot -luck supper, to be held at the Liops Park on Jusa 13, at 6:30 p.m. All couples are urged to be out. Two films were shown by Lloyd Mosher. The one was about the Atomic Bomb and the other on Safety. Mrs. J. W. Stinson led in a few games. The meeting closed with a potluck lunch enjoyed by alL tion of Ernest Charles Knowles, a resident of the Municipality of the City of London, be returned to the Ontario Hospital, London, notify- ing them that they are to collect from the City of London. That Bell & Laughton's account for $242.40 for the judge's plan of the Village of Dashwood, be paid and collected from the County of Huron and Dashwood. That having received a written request from Alphonse Jeffrey to have repairs made to the Jeffrey Seaforth District High School on Drain, we appoint C. P. Corbett, Discuss Beef OrsCash Crops, The May meeting of the Sea - forth Junior Farmers was held in O.L.S., to examine the drain and Tuesday, May 3. Montgomery bring in a recommendation, 1 Jerry on gomery discussed the That we incorporate the tile por- Proposed soil testing program, to tion of -the Schwalm Drain repair , be carried on during the next sea Iat the south end of the drain son. Soil boxes were• handed out. through the H. Xunbltit Estate in A panel discus ;cs was held on the Schwalm Drain Repair By- t cash crops versus beef cattle, with Law No. 16, 1954, and that the re- ' Merton Keyes as moderator. The pairs on the tile portion be finish- Panel consisted of Stewart Wilson, ed and that the Corriveau Bros. Jlm McGregor, Ken Campbell and be engaged to do the repair. Laterne Godkin. That having received a certifi- 1 tate of work completed on. the Schwalm Drain Extension By -Law No. 16, 1954, by Charles Dietrich from C. P. Corbett, O.L.S., we pay the balance due, $240, and al- so his deposit cheque. That the report of the auditors, Monteith & Monteith,, & Co., for the year 1954, be accepted, and that their account for 565 be paid, and that the Clerk -Treasurer col- lect the auditing costs from the Schools, Telephone System, Zur- cih Police Village, Hydro. and Wa- terSystem. That we set the price for warble fly spraying at 10c per head each time for brushing .cattle for war- ble fly, and 14c per head each time for spray treatment. That having received a letter from Theodore LaPorte regarding the ditch on the sideroad between Lots 5 and 6, Concession L.R.W_. the council feels that there is no responsibility on the part of the municipality of Hay on account of water. That we pay the $15 membership fee to the Huron County Municit,m1 Officers' Assuciatlt n for 1955, That accounts for Hay Township roads 4nd Hay 'township general accounts be' t+nid P4 per voucl.cre presented. Kippen Gun Club Plans Trap Shoot The Kippen Gun Club will hold their sixth- annual trap shoot on Monday, May. 23, starting at one o'clock. There will be two events, the first being a 50 -bird event for the Venner trophy for Huron Coun- ty shouters. This trophy was held a year by William Lumby, Gode- rich. The second is a handicap for the London Winery trophy, held last year by Chester Lee, Park- hill. Everyone is welcome to shoot. There will also be the usual op- tions on each event. YOU CAN Wbeu kidneys fail to remove eaceas acids and wastes, back- ache, tired feeling. disturbed rest often follow, Dodd's Kidney Pills stimu- late kidneys to normal duty. You feel better --sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's at any drug store. You can depend on Dodd'@, DEPEND Oma! 50 • Dairy Calf Club Judges Heifers Expositor Want Ms Bring Results Mir ,011110 - The May meeting of the Sea - forth 4-H Dairy Calf Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey on Tuesday, May. 10. The meeting was opened by the presi- dent, Louis Murray, with the mem- bers repeating the 4-H Pledge. The secretary, Edith Boyd, read the minutes of the last meeting. A class of fine three-year-old' heif- ers in milk were then judged, fol- lowed by a quiz conducted by the leaders, William Boyd and Irvin. Trewartha. Mr. Simon Hallahan, Belgrave, was the guest speaker. He gave a very interesting talk on "Care and Feeding." • The meeting was adjourned and the group was treated to delicious refreshments, and Gloria Boyd thanked Mr. and Mrs. William Storey for their kind hospitality. RE -VITALIZED CLEANING is Better Than Ever at Buchanan Cleaners Mount Forest More Spots and Stains Removed Garments stay clean longer; will wear longer. Phone 230 - Seaforth ANDY CALDER AGENT MON. and THURS. MORNINGS USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. EIEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. President, Martin Feeney, R.R 2, Dublin; Vice -President, E. Clay- ton layton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill. DIRECTORS -Harry Coates, R R. 1, Centralia; William A. Ham. ilton, Cromarty; Milton McCurdy, R.R. 1, Kirkton; Alex J. Rohde R.R. 3. Mitchell. AGENTS -Thos. G. Ballantyne, R.R. 1, Woodham; Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mit- chell. SECRETARY -TREASURER - Arthw Fraser. Exeter. §9 L, .1TOR-w. G. Cochrane. Exeter. LIBERAL RALLY,. Come Out and Hear Hon. Farquhar Oliver LIBERAL LEADER IN ONTARIO JAMES R. SCOTT LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN HURON Public School Auditorium, Goderic :', THURSDAY; MAY 26th, at. 8:30 p.m. (Inserted by Huron Liberal Association) OLD BOYS' Paint -Up (lean - SPECIALS AT B-ALDWIN HARDWARE FOR THE MONTH OF MAY To All Paint -Up Minded Home Owners We Offer: 1. "GLIDDENS" Top Quality AT 20%0FF House Paint 2. "GLIDDENS" Post -Ad Regular Price True Color Trim Paints COME IN TODAY FOR COLOUR CARDS AND FOLDERS FARMERS' SPECIAL GLIDDENS BARN PAINT -Per Gal..... $4.95 GLIDDENS SPECIAL OUTSIDE WHITE -For Summer Cottage, Garage, Picket Fence, Etc. -Per Galion - $4.95 Our entire stock of All -Season. Wood Combination Screen Doors at 20% Off Baldwin Hardware Phone 61 • CO DeSoto Fireflite Four -Door Sedan SOTO reeflecis the modern spirii. in such diI/nctiveJash/on DE SOTO WINS "FLYING MILE'' AT DAYTONA BEACH RACE • De Soto Fireflite V-8 makes history by setting a new record in the Daytona "Flying Mile" competition • Clocked at a sensational 112.295 m.p.h. • Owned and driven by Don Mac- Donald, an editor of Motor Trend magazine • A strictly stock model, running under rigid rules of the National Association of Stock Car Racing. SEE THE FABULOUS NEW Going places in a new De Soto tells the world that you're a keen judge of distinctive styling and flashing performance! Your choice of a new '55 De Soto also reflects your appreciation of spacious luxury. No other Canadian car has a longer or wider or roomier body than this big 18 -foot beauty! You'll find itan exciting adventure to take a drive in a new De Soto. In it, you command the road with the mighty V-8 engine that topped all others in its class in the famous "Flying Mile" competition. You can see and drive a new De Soto exactly like this record - 4° -setter! Let us show you this smartest of the smart cars today. Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporaltion of Canada, Limited DE SOTO, MOTION -DESIGNED FOR THE FORWARD LOOK, AT YOUR DODGE -DE SOTO DEALER'S NOW ROWCLIFFE M . • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO --- ' PHONE 26 .• •