HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-04-29, Page 4)I, trinJ t ani l�" s)ltt t'+'fi � Ir, 'k ' {1rl,mfi ' "t "` •....T ' 2 ��rrt y�'e � THE HURON ExPOS'ITOR Hospital Penny Sale Nets . READ OUR SMALL 1105 rr�lstded Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. — Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week 3t' Cent �`. Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts ea one wort Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events --1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 16 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. Rates on application. Coming Events Property For Sale REMEMBER the Annual Hospital Aux- 1 -'UR SAIF: Six -roost frame dwelling Mari( Rummage Sale in Carnegie Library on turner of George and l ha !ks Streets. basement, Saturday, May 23. ' •uth of park. Bath. toilet downstairs, 4553-3 ilc'o:rally 6•.ated. Immediate possession. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), Appl) 3114s. CHARI.F-S HAGAN. Zurich. mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope 'r phone 2;0. %drieh. 4555-2 with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Help Wanted AGGRESSIVE SALESLADY for part- time work. Apply, stating age, experi- ence add education, to .Box 924, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4554-1 Agents Wanted TO PERSONS who like selling we offer the opportunity to ,make as much as 050 to $75 per week by way of a door to door solicitation of 225 guaranteed products; toilet articles; medicines; culinaries: tea and coffee. Good vacant territories now available. 018.00 required for sample case. JITO: 5130' St. Hubert Street Montreal 4554-4 Personals DANCING IS ENJOYED by everyone at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. every Fri- day night. Music furnished by Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks. 4551-13 DANCE EVERY Wednesday to Earl Heywood and CKNX Barn Dance Gang. 9:30 to 12:30. Saturday nights. Herb. Petrie'a orchestra, 50c -75c. MANTLE'S, NTLE'S ' A WAGON WHEEL, Market Place, Strat- ford 4552-tf Lost and Found LOST/ OR STRAYED. or taken by er- ror, a grey topcoat from the Community - Centre following the Lions -Chamber of Cream roe dinner. Box 426, HURON EX- POSITOR. - 15.53.1 FOR SALE General store in thriving Huruy County sill:.ge on busy Provincial Highway. Store includes active meat. grocery, hardware and dry goods depart- ment, and equipment is modern and new. Long lease. Living accommodation a+ail- able. Apply in writing to Box 431, HURON EXPOSITOR, 35-2 • For Rent FOR RENT --Self-contained apartment, heated. four -piece bath, modern kitchen. Box 426, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4554x2 FOR RENT ---House on George Street, one block from Public Library. apply A. W. SILLERY, Solicitor. Seaforth. 4555-2 Wanted FOR RENT -Good grass and water h `or about 25 head of cattle: also 6 -room house with Hydro, located 4t_. miles WANTED TO RENT-- A small house, northeast of Clinton. Contact ROSS Box 430, HURON EXPOSITOR. MANN, N•ingharq,,,pnt. Phone 734-J-3. \, 4.555x1 455433 PASTURE WANTED for five head of yearling steers. PHONE DUBLIN 20 r 10. 455552 For Sale WANTED TO RENT -A house in Sea- FOR SALE --Refrigerator, one year old. forth or immediate district, in the Public Like new. PHONE 442. 4454x2 School Area if possible. Apply to Box FOR SALE -Safe. size 41x30x26, • See 429, HURON EXPOSITOR. 455531 it at SMITH'S SHOE STORE. 4555x1 WANTED -Dead or disabled farm ani- , FOR SALE ---Used +acuunt cieaners. mals. Removed promptly and efficiently Apply ItOX FURNITURE. in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect, 455.5-1 Wm. Sproat, Seaforth. 655 r ' WIL- LIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Ingersoll, FOR SALE --•Four 700-17 tires: 2 tubes. Ontario. 4553-10 , Apply SEAFORTH SHOES LTD. 13:5-1 WANTED—LETTERS F'OR SALE Timothy and erebardurass Mewl. JOHN THOMPSON. Phone F:3.. r '31. Seaforth.' 4355-3 200 letters wanted immediately. Have 10 -day FREE,,trial offer for you. This is FOR SALE. -Certified foundation seed the first time an opportunity like this has , potatoes. $5.50. BORDEN BROWN. Con - been offered here. Citizens' BEAUTIFY 1 stance. - 4555x1 and IDENTLFY your home or apartment I with a PERSONALIZED NAME PLATE., FOR SALE- -GUINEA PIGS. Apply This name plate would be IDEAL for ; to BARRY FLEMING, Seaforth. Phone OLD HOME WEEK. Don't delay. act at ' 1'S5 -H'. 4552x2 once It is your move. Write NOW for free descriptive folder, There is a very I FOR SALE -500 hales tirpothy and SPECIAL OFFER waiting for you. It is alfalfa hay. STANLEY JACKSON, limited as there are only 200 descriptive 653 r 5. Seaforth. 453.5x1 cards left. Sit down right NOW and write for FREE FOLDER to LEO HAGAN Box 72. Seaforth. Ont. Notices FOR SALE -10 pigs. nine weeks old. Apply to JOSEPH NOLAN, St. Colutn- ban 4555x1 FOR SALE -Galvanized bath tub, in good condition. PHONE. 370-W or 370-J. 4554-2 FOR SALE -400 choice White Rock Pullets, four months old. APPly BADEN DRIVING -Clinton to Toronto Sunday POWELL, Seaforth. 455432 night; returning Friday night; weekly. PHONE CLINTON 4755. 4555-1 FOR SALE --A u -ed Beatty electric washer. in good condition. PHONE 345, WILL TAI., CARE of elderly lady or Seaforth- 4554-2 ¢entlernan. �"PROVE 44-W, Seaforth. 4555-tf FOR SALE -Quantity used lumber sid- ing, etc. FRANK KLING. Phone 19. Seaforth. 4554-2 PLANTS FOR SALE -- Tomato, cauli- flower cabbage. red cabbage. strawberry. B. PURCELL, Market Street. 455532 FOR SALE --Budgies and Canaries: Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC MILNER.FLOWERS, Seaforth, 393. 45551-tf THE LADIES' Legion Auxiliary wish to cater to dinners, weddings, parties and banquets. PHONE 969 r 3. 4555-4 GET YOUR sewage work done 'now. Only 82 Der foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea - forth. 45551-tf COMPLETE LINE of Nursery Stock Bogle Nursery Company. Order now for Spring delivery. KEN POWELL, Re- presentative. Seaforth. 4539-12 HIGHEST CASH prices paid for old. . aick and disabled horses and cattle. Ani - male bled out. Telephone LEROY A('-t:ESON, Atwood 153, collect. 4541-15 NOTICE --Sanitary sewage disposal, septic tanks and cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. Prompt service. LOUIS BLAKE. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels, Ont. 4549312 RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, oppoefte Dick House, Seaforth. Pbone 847.R. 45551-tf FOR SALE -Some young piasl ready to wean. W. MONTGOMERY. R.R. 4, Wal- ton. Phone 834 r 4. 4555-1 FOR SALE -Late 'model truck. with hydraulic hoist and business. Apply to Box 428, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4555x1 FOR SALE -Used coffee table: 2 end tables: Lamp table. 'matching walnut. Ex- cellent condition- For sale in a group or separately. Apply ROSS HAMILTON. - "t 455551 FOR SALE--5-piece chrome kitchen suite, arborite 'top. leather covered chairs; perfect condition. Apply to R. J. DRYSDALE, Hensall. Phone 11. 4555-1 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -Have your lawn mower sharpened or repaired now. W111 call for and deliver. JOHN MaeLEAN, Egmondville. Phone 649 r 3, Seaforth. 4554-8 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter, 45551-tf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING (brush or Spray) : exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 45551-0 iTTENTION, FARMERS! - Prompt. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter- Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. • 45551-tfl CALL SEAFORTH Concrete Products for contracting. Any kind of repair work, new building,. barn repair», cement floors (plain or soloredl. Ask us for esti-1 mates. Phone or write SEAFORTH CON- ) CRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 740, Sea- . forth. After 6 p.m., Phone 22. I 4552-4tf Is. FOR GENERAL Contracting and Re- I v Bain Work, contact Seaforth Concrete Pro- 1S ducts, Seaforth. We do any kind of re- pair work, erect new buildings, remodel and repair Karns, concrete work of all kinds, plain or colored. Ask us for an t estimate. There is no obligation. SEA- i FORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone c 740, or after 6 p.m. Phone 22, Seaforth, n Ont. 4553-10 e f FOR SALE --A small baby crib; 65 cedar posts: 2 kitchen cupboards; 1 ex- tension table; 1 rocking chair; 1 ice box. Apply to MRS. ARTHUR LITTLE, next to the Community Centre. 4565x1 FOR SALE ---2 Registered Hereford bulla 18 months old. Britisher and Tozatone strain. Apply IVA.N FORSYTH, R.R. 2, Kippen, or phone 653 r 22. Seaforth. 4555-1 FOR SALE -Hardwood tops: also a 40- acre farm. Lot 23, Boundary Grey and McKillop, east of Walton, Apply JAMES STEVENSON, Brussels. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels. 4,#1.33x4 FOR SALE --A quantity of good cedar posts direct from the swamp to your fame. Heavy barb wire, 98.95, Order now. BORDEN 'RRFOWN, Kinburn. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth. 4548-I1 MILKERS FOR SALE -More farmers are switching to Surge Milkers each month. Contact L0 ,ELL H. McGUIRE, Wingham. Phone 593. New and used machines. We specialize in good cow milking. 4547x17 GROCERY, BUTCHER Supplies, Res- taurant Equipment; cash register; type- writers, adding machines, meat slicers, rinders, scales. Giobe Strimpson equip- ment. Exact Weight industrial scales. Ser - ice to all makes. HORTON SALES & ERVICE. 339 Wellington St., London. Phone 3-3401, 4546x10 FOR SALE ---20 heavy chunks; 2 rubber Ire(' wagons: 3 small house dogs: 2 Crit- ics, good rattly dogs. Chain saw and cir- viar saw available for custom work at ny time Also pick up ashen or cane as ontract by year, to pick up once a week. J. R. BURNS. Phone 69-12. Sea- orth. 455 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulla Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. for service or informa- tion, Phone CLINT42 comet., .'fwbe- ee1t 7 :33t antdi I r�tR ' week days arid 7:30 and 9'' id 4l t°' ' ys• 4644-0 FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE money on Mineidle ratty land doe* not need, We will, with- iiti ellarr_e: sada, take samples Of the Birth to 4r4yi+' fieads - and bare them an- CAM reeds Lirited. P1301414 sl1 or. . thl WALLPAPER BARGAINS FREE -Write for our large Catalogue of Bargain Wallpapers-Snnworthy-Semi- Trimmed and Washable, Priced in many Wallpaper Stores up to 31.511 per roll, yours for 40e• and 59c per single roll. Free booklet, How to Hang Wallpaper, in- cluded. Cody's Stores Ltd. 291-7 Barton St. E., HAMILTON Sot): "But, Dad, don't you be- lieve two can live as cheaply as one?" Dad: "Sure, your mother and I are Iiving as cheaply as you." He: "I'm thinking of getting married." She: "It's a wonderful idea, If you ask me." r Teachers Wanted N'AM'ED -Protestant teacher wanted for S. S. No. 7. Hullett Township, 12 pupils. Duties to commence in Septem- ber. Apply. stating salary. qualifications and experience to MRS, LEONARD SHOBBROOK, Sec.-Treas., R.R. Na 1, Blyth. 465533 Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE -. Auction Sale of Property and Household Effects in the Town of Seaforth, on Railway Street, Wednesday. May 4th, at 1:30 p.m. PROPERTY -8 -room frame cot- tage: Hydro. water. Immediate posses- sion. Also full line household effects, in- •iuding li+ins room,' dining room and bedroom furniture; quantity carpenter tools. garden equipment. 2 large picture windows. other articles too numerous to mention. .Terms: Chattels Cash. Pro- perty -•10'; down. halanre 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE CHARLIE BARN ETT Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney. Clerk : A. W. Sillery, Solicitor. 4555-1 ESTATE AUCTION SAYE -CI earirN2 Auction Sale of Farm. Slachinery, Grain and Household Effects, at Lot 28. Con- cession 1. L.R.S., 1_ mile south of Bruce - field. on Wednesday. May 11th, at 1 p.m., D.S.T MACHINERY --.D.C. Case trac- tor, fully equipped 1 like new); Massey - Harris 7 -foot binder (new I": 9 -foot three - drum steel roller: Deon threshing mach- ine and drive belt (threshed 6.0 acres): John Deere spring tooth cultivator on rubber i new , : McCormick. -Deering culti- packer : Rksell tractor disc : :3 -furrow Case tractor plow : eircular saw on •.rhe•.JS: set sloop sleighs: walking plow; set diamond). harrows; Massey -Harris mans r.• spreadr: Cockshutt side rake; Massey -Harris bean scufiler and puller cement mixer: scuitter; 32 -foot extension ladder ,new ; sulky rake: fanning rill: pig crate: steel posts: colony house' 10x 12: 4 shelters: electric brooder: steel water tank; number steel barrels; forge; Renfrew' 2.000 -Ib, scales: leg vise; dou- ble rope wire stretchers: wheelbarrow; Power rip saw and emery; power post drill- wood lathe: t•_ and is H.P. motors; Woods 3 H.P. motor; grinder, also a rol- ler: Renfrew electric white enamel cream separator (like newt : hay loader; hay tedder; 2 -wheel trailer and rack; rubber tired farm wagon; combination 16 -foot bay rack and grain box (new); 2 bag trucks: root pulper: quantity wood; feed cart. GRAIN- 400 bushes oats: 50 bush- els wheat. CATTLE ---Brindle cow fresh with calf at foot. HOUSEHOLD EF. FELTS -Quantity household, effects in- cluding kitchen chairs, extension table, modern dining room buffet, rocking chairs, occasional chairs, Quebec heater, bedroom furniture, dishes. forks, shovels, garden tools, chains, other articles too numerous to mention. Terms - Cash. ESTATE OF LATE ALTON JOHNSTON; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk ; A. W. Sillery, Solicitor for Estate. 4555-2 In Memoriam WRIGHT-In .loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Howard Wright, who passed away one year ago, April, 27, 1934. Beautiful memories of one so dear, Treasured for ever with love sincere; Her end was sudden. her thoughts un- known. But she left a memory we are proud to own. We spent some,happy days together, We spent some aad ones too, But the saddest day of all, dear mother. Was the day that we lost you. --Sadly missed and by her loving Husband ever remembered and Family, 455531 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ETHEL FiNNIGAN Al) persona having claims against the Estate of Ethel Finnigan, late of 'the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on. Spinster, deceasedwho died on the 20th day of March, 1955, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the underaigaed on or before the 6th day of May, 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this' 12th day of April, 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4553-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of TERESA HEFFERNAN All persona having claims against the estate of Teresa Heffernan, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- op. Spinster, cjecJaseil'; who died on the 10th day of February, 1956, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May, 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims ,then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of April; 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 45.53-3 Seaforth Progressive Conservative ORGANIZATION MEETING -- TOWN HALL at 8 p.m. • Friday, April 29 EVERYBODY WELCOME Cards of Thanks, I WISH W thank my many friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with -cards and visits during may recent illness in Clinton Community Hospital. MRS. EMERSON ANDERSON. 4555-1 Kipper. Ont. MISS DAVINA „ANDERSON wishes to express appreciation for kindness and sympathy extended to her during her re- cent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and G. A. Whitney Funeral Home. -. 455531 I WISH to thank anyone who remem- bered me in any way on nay 90th birth- day. 1 appreciate it very much. Thank- ing you again. 4555x1 MRS. J. M. GOVENLOCK 1 WISH to thank my friends for the lovely flowers, letters and cards and fruit while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. Special thanks to the nurses and Dr. Elliott. It is ail very much appreciated. 455551 MARILN CLIFTON MR HARRY BOLGER and the nieorx and nephews of the late James Bolger wish to express their appreciation of the kindness shown them during their recent sad bereavement. Also special thanks to the Wingham Hospital and Dr. Stevens. 45655-1 JULENE and ELAINE KEYS wish to express their sincereappreciation for all kindness shown during their recent i11- nees. Special thanks to nurses and staff of Clinton Public and Scott Memorial Hospitals: Dra. P. L. Brady and E. A. McMaster, also Hensall Rebekah Lodge, and all those who remembered us •.with letters, cards and treats. 4665-1 Births BLANEY-At Simcoe, on April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blaney, a daugh- ter. FINLEY-In the General Hospital, Ham- itton, on April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finley i nee Marie Redden), a son. Total of 16 great'-goandchildren for Mrs_ Catherine Hedden. of Hensall. REDDEN - In the General Hospital, Grimsby, on Saturday. April 29, 1955 to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Redden, a son -Brian Craig. NOLAN--At Scott Memorial Hospital. on April22 to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nol- an, - Mchiliop, a son. RIDDELL-In South Waterloo Memorial Hospital, p Galt. un Sunday. April 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Riddell (nee Geraldine Marartney, a son. WEY-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 22, to Mr. and Mrs- Campbell Wey. a daughter. .Deaths LAMONT- In Seaforth, on Friday, April 22, Archibald Neil Lamont, in his 77th year. O'ROURKE-!n London, on Friday, April 2.2. William .1. O'Rourke, of Dublin, in his Alst year. Winthrop Y.P.U. Plans Anniversary Temperance Movement was the topic given by Jim Axtmann at the regular meeting of the Win- throp Young People on Sunday evening. The Young People's Pur- pose was repeated in unison and the roll call was answered by 36 members. The scripture lesson was read by Earl McSpadden, and Rev. H. E. Livingstone Jed in prayer. It was decided to hold a Young People's anniversary on May 22 in Cavan Church, The benedic- tion was repeated and recreation was enjoyed by everyone.. Lunch was served and the meeting dos with "Taps." The next meeting is to be held in Cavan Church Sunday school room on Sunday, May 1- - ST. COLUMBAN Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maloney, of Detroit, and Mr. Dennis Maloney, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Peter Maloney. Miss Marie Dalton, nurse -in-• training at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Dalton. Mr. and -Mrs. Pat Murray and Greg, of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid. Miss Mary Margaret Malone. of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melady were in Londesboro for the 25th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Mel- ady's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn. corn by J. J. Cleary, Mrs. Ron D)mage; case of pears by Sea - forth Co-op (Mill Division), Mrs. Fred Slavin, Clinton; candy, photo corners, etc., Mrs. Hilda Austin. Simonize by Daly Motors, Bruce Brady; milk nut .chocolate bars, by Huron Wholesale, M. G. Reid, Hamilton; hot water bottle, Andy Calder; gallon motor oil, by Wal- den & Broadfoot, Mrs. J. Cormick; baby oil, shampoo, etc., Mrs. Don McLean; rat killer, by Huron Farm Feeds, Mrs. M. Doyle, Staf- fa; floor cleaner and wax, by Hil- debrand's Paint & Paper, Ken Southgate; three quarts paint, by Ball & Macaulay, Jack Scott; Staf- ford chocolate syrup, Mrs. Earl Papple, blue spruce tree by Wm. H. Hart, Mrs. June Boussey; 24 lbs. all-purpose flour by Reg. Kerslake, Mrs Geo Smith, Wal- ton; 50 lbs. sugar, bought with money donations, Mrs. Ethel Mc- Phee; chair, by J. Boshart & Sons, Mrs. Orren, c/o Andy Dunlop; towels, Mrs. Foster Bennett; towels, Mrs. A. W. Moore; Staf- ford's chocolate syrup, Steve Brady. .Money donations were received from the following: Seaforth Clinic, Dr. F. J. Bechely, Scott's Poultry Farm (Jas. M. Scott), Seaforth Motors, P. D. McCon- nell, Harold Jackson, Anson Gil- bert, Shell Station, Wong's Grill, Nelson Cardno, Phillips Fruit Store, Seaforth Beauty Salon, M. A. Reid, Orville Dale, W. E. Southgate, A. W. Sillery, Sid Pull- man, John Modeland, Dr. J. A. Gorwill, Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Ross Scott, Brucefield; Welders' Service, London; Geo. S. Truddell, London, and Winthrop -Stearns, Windsor. tsMseiencesid ZION Mrs. Aldon Williams visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roney. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper visited with Mrs. Balfour and Dalton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton visited with their daughter, Mrs. Fergus .Lannin and Mr. Lannin on Sunday, also visited Mrs. Paul Corriveau in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal. London, Sunday afternoon, Mrk. Clayton Sheldon, Jimmie, Glenn algid Arlene, of St. Marys, visited It ir. and Mrs. Dalton Mal- colm on Thursday. Miss Gwen Britton, London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Britton. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray and family, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Plank, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Ethel Ennis. Mrs. Lillian Wright, of Seaforth, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Corlett and Mrs. Martha Corlett. Miss Olene Dundas spent the weekend with Miss Margie Achil- les ill London. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Craig and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craig, Walkerton. EGMONDVILLE _t -- Mr. Don McKenzie, of Grey Township, has returned( • home from Victoria Hospital, London, where . he went some weeks ago to have special treatment for a frac- tured leg, the result of a car acci- dent about six months ago. We hope that he is on the way to a permanent recovery. His wife and baby son have been staying with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLach- lan during his stay in London. Mrs. Charlotte Lindsay has re- turned to the village after spend- ing a few days with her friend, Mrs. Wheatley, of Clinton, Miss Alice Watson has returned to her teaching duties at London after a two-week holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wat- son. Recent visitors with Mrs, Ellen Boyes were Mrs. Donella Boyes and her son, Mr. Bruce Boyes, of Pinclher Creek, Alta. MR. MID MRS. FRANCIS RALPH CANTELON, Seaforth, are shown as they cut their wedding cake following their recent marriage. The bride is the former Mary Margaret G.rummett, Seaforth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grummet, R.R. 2, Seaforth, HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK Here AgaIn! Time F eees* The. tarriio ChaniJune ] p at Hensel], Friday, 3rd. Keep this date open. Fiddling, Square Dancing, Step- Danek*gT the London Fr.ee Press Trophy to the Grand Champion.— (Advt.). 4554-2 Mrs. Constance Magnall and Mr. Ken Magnali, of Beachvf" 1'le5 visit- ed Slfrrttay with their cousin, 'Miss Hattie Sutherland, a patient in Clinton Hospital ' Mrs. Lydia Doig and Janet re- turned home Saturday after spend- ing the winter months with Mr. John Doig, at Grand Rapids, Mich. All members of the Hensall Ground Qbservers Corps were on duty for the feast air defence ex- ercises. These took 'place last Saturday and Sunday. - W -M -S- Makes Presentation The Women's .Missionary Socie- ty of Chiselhars1 United Lerch held a social gathering in the church basement last Monday ev- ening to honor one of their valued members, Mrs- Fred Brock who is leaving the "community to re- side m Newark, N.J. Mrs. Brock was presented with a life mbeand em- yrerread tlhe address andsn resi- psi- dent Mrs. Wiliam Brintneli nsade the presentation. Luncheon was served. Mrs. James W. Bonthron has re- turned after spending the winter months cawing in St. Peters- burg,Mrs. T. W.. Palmer was taken to South Heron Hospital, Exeter, on Tuesday everting. Last Sunday morning Rev. W. J. Rogers chose the topic, "Learn- ing To Live Together: ' The choir sang the. anthem, 'Love Divine." On Sunday morning, May 1, the Hospital Auxiliary AppreciatesHelp In commenting on the success of the Women's s H os its 1 Auxiliary 11 P a ry annual penny sale, the president, Mrs. H. E. Smith'expressed ap- preciation to all who supported the event. Particular thanks was extended to Box Furniture store, where the event took place; to Frank Kling, for use, of a P.A. system; to Johfl Hdtham, who acted as master of ceremonies during the draw, and to all who donated prizes or cash. Hensall Lodge Initiates Members During the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge . 349 at which N.G. Miss- Mabelle White- man presided, there were two new members initiated into member- ship, namely, Mrs. Evelyn Flynn, of Heiman, and Mrs. Margaret Baird, of Bracef'i,e 'l. Mrs. Flor- ence Kyle was chosen as a re- presentative from this lodge to act on the cancer committee. An invitation was read from I.O.O.F. Lodge 223 to attend di- vine worship with them at the United Church, ma atHensall, Sunday eveningp.m., members to meet at the Bodge rooms at 7 p.m. The degree was carried through under the direeron of Mrs. Jessie Dougall, as degree captain, 'with the officers of the lodge taking part. Mrs. Henrietta B'rcrwn and Mrs. Hazel McEwan 'were soloists, and Mrs. E. Bell, aecompanist- On behalf of the degree team, Mrs. Dorothy Paajrker, J.P.N.G-, . pre- sented Mrs_ Dougall with a lovely gift. Mrs. Anne Henderson, D.D.P. and Mrs. S. Hatskiek, 'N.G., of Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth, and several meafbe'rsswere present at this meeting. A dainty luncheon was served at the dose 1 the meeting. LO.Os r DIVINE SERVICE HENSALL UNITED CHURCH Sunday, ll May 1st 7:353 P.m. (DS.T. j All Brethrwl, $adbekahs, visit- ing Brethren and Rebekahs meet at Ledge Room 7 pin. W. JONES, N.G. W. R. HOCICA L, R,.S. service is at 11 o'clock- and 7:30 in the evening. Rev. W. 1. Rogers will address the I,O.O.F. and Re- bekah Lodges. On Sunday, May 1, the Chisel- hurst congregation begins its morning service at 9:45 a.m. Sun- day School follows the service. Sunday morning, May 8, marks Christian Family Day services in Hensall and Chiselhurst United Churches. The rites of Baptism will be administered by Rev. W. J. Rogers. On Sunday morning, May 15, the Rev. Mr. Rogers will conduct a special dedication service in the Hensall United Church. This church will hold its anniversary services on Sunday, May 29. The morning speaker will be Mr. Sam Fletcher, of the Fletcher Institute, London; Rev. Laitel of Stratford, will bring the evening message. Remember - . MO1UER May S h See our full line of Gifts and Housewares Every item for HER gift wrapped at no ex- - ,,tra charge, at Baldwin Hardware SEAFORTh NOTICE, FARMERS!! For the next three weeks we are offering a Special SPRING CASH DISCOUNT on all new "BELL IMPERIAL THRESHERS' The long standing reputation of the "BELL" assures you of the finest machine obtainable. See us or phone for an interview on this once-in-a- lifetime, outstanding offer.. Robert Bell Industries Limited Phone 268 - Seaforth, Ontario Used Tract�rSpecials M.H. 101 Junior Standard Completely Reconditioned — $475 M. -H. 81 Standard Tractor — $475 SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 Seaforth Expositor Want Ads Bring Results Phone 41 iN ' MEMORIAM 'We mourn today the untimely passing of ten fellow citizens who leave families and a host of friends. The traffic accident which took their •li-v s did not need to hap- pen . . . They would be with us today to enjoy the pleasure of their families and friends if they had ''only had their motor vehicles inspected and checked for safety. We hope that your car is always main- tained aimtained in safe operating condition." BE SANE— Drive Down Safety Lane: May10,1955 Read Page 3: May 6,1955, issue 0. A. A. HURON PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE NOMINATION MEETING Hensall Town Hall Thursday, May 5th, at 8:00P .m. Speaker: Honourable James Allan Minister of Highways LADIES ESPECIALLY WELCOME GEO. GI -NN, President. J. M. DONNELLY, Secre P _l1,rV11Not,4.yfkn,� 5, r •