The Huron Expositor, 1955-04-22, Page 4' THE HURON EXPOSITOR TALENT APLENTY AS CROSSROADS '55 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: 1st Week 1 dent 2nd Week % Cent 3r4 Week 16 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion,25 Centa Each figure, initial and abbreviation couots as one word.. Cards of Thanks, In,Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10' days of date of final insertion. Birtha, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, 'Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Farms For Sale FOR SALE -Farm on outskirts of Dub- lin, on No. 8 Highway, consisting of six acres; comfortable house; barn 40x60; drilled well. Apply on premises. MRS. ANNA OTIEARN. 4564x1 ----• Motor Cars Cars For Sale FOR SALE -'41 Dodge Luxury Liner, completely overhauled; three new tires and battery; good paint: $125.00 or near- est offer. Apply to GEORGE SMALE, R.R. 2, Dublin, Ont. Pone 47 r 3, Db - 110. 4551x1 - - Com - - Coming Events I Lost and Found For Rent RESLFSiBER the Annual Hospital Aux- LOST --A set of keys in a brown teeth- SIX -ROOM HOUSE for rent: Hydro Ware Rummage Sale in Carnegie Librery et' ease ; approximately five keys. Apply and town eater. Apply to Box 420, HUR- basement, Saturday. May 28. . to Box 425, HURON EXPOSITOR ON EXPOSITOR. 4553-2 4554.1 4:553-3 i I FOR RENT -Self-contained apartment. ' LOST- Two small parcels lost on Main heated four -piece bath, modern kitchen. DANCE EVERY Wednesday to Earl' 1 Hecrwood and CKNX Barn Denoe Gang, 1 Atre, t t .. Or in sta,,reeB.AnyoneHfiiring them Box 426, HURON EXPOSITOR. 9:30 to 12:30. Saturday nights Please, leave 427, HURON EX- 4354x2 Herb. Petrte's orchestra, 500-75c. MANTLE'S PU•611.- 4554.1 a'water WAGON WHEEL, Market Place, Strat- FOR RENT -Good grass nd ford. 4552-12 for about 25 head of cattle; also 6 -room ' house with Hydro, located 442 miles northeast of Clinton. Contact R MANN, Wingham, Ont. Phone 7344-3. 455 DANCING IS ENJOYED by everyone t the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, every Fri - y night. Mimic furnished by Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks. Please note that the regular weekly dance will he held on Tbursday. April 7th, instead of ,..i day. 8th. 4551-13 Property. For 'Sale FOR SALE -6 -room frame house in Brumfield; asphalt shingles and siding; Hydro: hard and mit water inside. Large lot; small garage. JOHN A. DicEWAN, Brumfield. 4554x1 FOR S14,LE-6-nyom frame dwelling on corner of George and Chalk Streets, aouth of Park; bath. toilet dpwnstairs. Cen- trally located. Apply to Box 423, HURON EXPOSITOR. or Phone 762-51. 4553-2 FOR SALE Two-storey 'White brick residence of W. J. O'Rourke. in the Village of Dublin, in good condition add well located. Apply WILFRED O'ROURICE or Kits. J. M. FLANNERY, R.R. No. I, Dublin, Ontario. ' 4553-2 _ Teachers Wanted TEACarliTN.TA.NTED For S. S. No. 13. McKillop (Roxboro). State qualifications and salary. Apply to SAM J. SCOTT, Secretary -Treasurer, B.A. E. Seaforth. Phone 836 r 11. 4553-2 PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED To teach 14 pupils at S. S. No. 10; Tuckeramith. Apply in writing. stating qualifications and salary expected, to Sec- retary -Treasurer: VERN ALDERDICE, R.R. 2, Kippen. 45541 Notices NOTICE -d, A. Campbell Sutherland, will not be responsible for any debts in- curred in my name by anyone, on or after April 9, 1955. 4554x1 • GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only 32 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33. Sea- fr. 45551-tf COMPLETE LINE of Nursery Stock. Bogle Nursery Company. Order now for Spring delivery. KEN POWELJ... Re- presentatife, Se,aforth. 4539-12 HIGHEST CASH prices paid for old. slick and disabled horses and cattle. Ani- mals bled out. Telephone LEROY ACHESON, Atwood 153, collect. 4541-15 NOTICE -Sanitary aewage disposal, septic tank a and cesspools. etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment Prompt service. LOUIS SLAKE. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels, Out. 4549x12 RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. opposite Dick Houee, Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 45551-tf LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -Have your lawn mower sharpened or repaired now. Will call for and deliver. JOHN MacLEAN, Egmondville. Phone 649 r 3, Seaforth. 4554-8 COMPLETE LAUNDETER1A in Sea - forth and district and Dry -Cleaning Ser- vice- Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 45551-tf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING (brush OT Spray) ; exterior or Interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 45651-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I - Prompt courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animale and hides. Call' collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Sea - forth, or '235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 45551-tf °ALL SEAFORTH Concrete Products for contracting. Any kind of repair work, new buildings, barn repairs, cement floors (plain or colored). Ask ub for esti- mates Phone or visite SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 740, Sea - forth. After 6 p.m., Phone 22. 4552-4tf FOR_GENERAL Contracting and -Re- 3,air...k. contact Seaforth Concrete Pro- ducts. Seaforth. We do any kind of re- pair work, erect new buildings, remodel and repair rns, concrete work of all kinds r colored. Ask us for an eatite. ere is no obligation. SEA - FORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 740, or after 6 p.m. Phone 22, Seaforth, Ont. 4553-10 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Agents Wanted TO PERSONS who like selling we offer the opportunity to make as much as $50. to $75 per week by way of a door to deor solicitation of 225 guaranteed products; ' toilet articles; medicines; culinaries; tea and coffee. Good vacant territories now available. $18:00 required for sample FOR SALE -Refrigerator, one year old. case. 443 For Sale "Where, Better Butte Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or informs - t1011, Phone CLINTON 242, collect, be- tween 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week daya and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. 4544-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers WASTE Money on Minerals dbes not heed. We will, with - to you, take samples of the Ur fields and have them an- piti y CALL Feeds Limited Irtt011it is a ifs JITO: 5130 St. Hubert Street Montreal 4554-4 1- - Wanted WANTED -Early type iron ?HONE 31. Seaforth. Like new. PHONE 442. 4464x2 FOR SALE -Galvanized bath tub, in good condition. PHONE 370-W or 3704. 4554-2 FOR SALE -3 calves. Part _Hereford Apply to W. D. WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 33, Seaforth. 4554x1 lantern. FOR SALE --Barn in Mount Chrmel. 4553-2 Phone 128. Exeter, or write MRS. HAZEL WELSH, Exeter. 4554-1 after I 276-W. FOR SALE -100 choice White Rock 4553x2 pullets. four months old. Apply BADEN POWELL. Seaforth. 4554x2 9 weeks old. I FOR SALE- A used Beatty electric 4554-1 washer in good condition. PHONE 345, Seaforth. 4554-2 WANTED -Dead or disabled farm ani- mals. Removed promptly and efficiently , FOR SALE -Timothy and orchard grass in clean Sanitary trucks. Phone collect" seed. JEiHN THOMPSON. Phone 833 r Wm. Sproat. Seaforth. 655 r 2. WIL- 31, Seaforth. 4552-3 LIAM S'TONE SONS, LIMITED, Ingersoll. I WORK WANTED during the noon. PETER BANNON. Phone `r4 WANTED --Pigs. 8 to PHONE 22 r 13, Dublin. Ontario. • 4553-10 Auction Sales PRIVATE SALE for one week -Pri- vate sale consisting of one complete bed- room suite. walnut: 1 dining room suite, table. buffet, and 6 chairs, oak: kitchen table. white enamel. and 6 chairs: 2 rocking chairs; arm chair: desk. oak; Singer sewing machine; Frikidaire: elec- tric stove; radio; washing machine; 2 tubs and stand; green reversible rug, 'Is x9,. These articles can be seen at any time. MRS. A. W. HEMPHILL Phone 120, Hensall. 4554-1 AUCTION SALE of lic:usehold Effects in Village or Hensall, Saturday, April 23, 1:30 p.m.: Princess Beth stove; washing machine; kitchen table; kitchen cabinet; occasional table; dining room table; chairs: sewing machine; hall tree: rock- ers: studio couch: hall mirror; beds; set- tee; bureau; clocks; 2 school desks; lin- oleum rugs; mats; cushions; smoking stand:, lawn chair; oil lamps, and many other articles. MILS. GEORGE HUDSON, Proprietress; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4554-1 ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Property. Furniture and China, in the Town or Exeter, on Mai e Street. on Saturllay, April 23. at 12 o'clock sharp: Oak dining room suite, including table. chairs. buf- fet and oval glass china cabinet; number of upholstered occasional chairs; rockers; small table; 2 couches; number of an- tique occasional chairs; 6 cane chairs; 12 kitchen chairs,: mahogany and walnut tables: butt walnut writing desk and booke.ase; antique walnut bedroom suite dresser with marble top; cherry 'antique bedroom suite; complete 3-pieoe modern 'mire= suite; 2 other furnished bed- room suites; 2 writing desks: walniit smokers and wine cabinets; drapes and curtains; drophead sewing machine; foot- stools; pedestals; 3 feather and wool wreaths; 5 Wilton and Axminster rugs: scatter mats; 4 mirrors; porch furniture and swing; cherry dropleaf table: mantel radio; 2 gday clocks; 4 -burner electric stove; kitchen range; Easy washing ma- chine; 2 tool chests: trunks: quilt boxes; extension ladders: large quantity of fancy and antique china: china vases and orna- ments; table and bed linens; quilts; wool blatiketa; lawn mower; garden hose; 4arden tools. PROPERTY -At the same uiace, 3 p.m., the property will be of- fered for sale, situated on corner of G03 - ley and Main Street; 7 -room red brick house: oak hardwood floors, 8 -piece bath, new oil furnace: garden and garage. Home ie in excellent condition. Terms: Chattels -cash. Property -10 per cent down; balance in 80 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. ESTATE OF LATE MISS IDA GLANVILLE: Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneers; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. For fur- ther loarticulare apply to WILBERT GLANVILLE, Administrator; W. G. COCHR.A_NE, Solicitor for Estate. 4562-3 Tenders Wanted CRUSHED GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the Town- ship of Stephen for 9,000 cubic yards of crushed gravel to be hauled from Monteith'a Pit. Flat rate for crushing and hauling anywhere in the Township. Also rate for crushing and loading Town- ship Truck. A deposit of 3200.00 most accompaity tender and be in the hands the Clerk on or before April 19th - Work must be completed by June 16th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. stOritocx, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 4568-2 . , • Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ETHEL FINNIGAN FOR SALE -1 dining room table and 1 lawn mower. Apply SIRS. C. HA,GAN, or ,phone 762-M. . 4554-1 FOR SALE, --A white buggy; also a wine pram. • Good condition. PHONE 239-M. 4554-1 FOR SALE -Quantity used lumber Rid- inc. etc. FRANK KLING. Phone 19. Seaforth. 4554-2 FOR SALE -White enamel ice box and four small Terrier pups. Apply to MRS. OSCAR TEBBTITT, , 4554x1 FOR SALE -Budgies and Canaries; Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC ; MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth, 893. I. . 45551-tf , I FOR SALE -300 pullets, Hamps 'and I Wyandottes, ready to lay. Apply to RUDOLPH MEDEMA,' Walton. Phone Seaforth 830 r 6., 4554-1 FOR SALE -A white enamel double sink with taps; like new. PHONE 832 r 23, Seaforth, or Brussels 90 r 6. 4558-2 FOR SALE -1 used car radio, one year old; also one used electric record player, good as new. Apply STUART KEYES, 656 r 11. Seaforth. 4554-1 FOR SALE -Hardwood tops; also a 49 - acre farm, Lot 23. Boundary Grey and •McKillop, east of Walton. Apply JAMES STEVENSON, Brussels. Phone 60 r 4. Brussels. 4553x4 SHOES FOR SALE -.-Sizes 11 to 5122 broken sizes; regular 34.95 to 36.35; ,sale price, 83.95 to 84.95, at JACK TROMP - SONS FOOTWEAR SERVICE. 4554x1 COMBINE FOR SALE -Allis-Chalmers 6 -foot all -crop harvester, equipped with scour kleen, pick-up. windrower and straw spreader. In good condition. Priced to sell. NEIL GINGERICH, R.R. 3, Zurich, Ont. Phone 90 r 2. 4553-2 FOR SALE --A quantity of good cedar posts direct from the swamp to your farms. Heavy barb wire, 38.95. Order now. BORDEN BRFOVY-N, Kinburn. Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth. 4548-11 MILKERS FOR SALE -More farmers are switching to Surge Milkers each month. Contact LOVELL H. MeGTJIRE. Wirigham, Phone 508. New and used machines. We 'specialize in good cow milking. 4547x17 FOR SALE -Wood, top soil and manure. General trucking. Ashes removed. Prices reasonable. GORDON C. NOBEL. Rail- way St. yere-rj2=It. 4552x3 I GROCERY, STITCHER Supplies, Res- taurant Equipment; cash register: type. writers, adding machine , s, meat 'slicers, grinders, scales. Globe Strimpaon equip - silent Exact Weight industrial scales. Ser- vice to all makes. HORTON SALES & SERVICE. 889 Wellington St., London. Phone 3-3401. 4545x10 FOR SALE -20 heavy chunks; 2 rubber tired wagons; 3 small house dogs; 2 Col- lies. good cattle dogs. Chain saw and cir- cular sew available for custom work at any time. Also pick up ashes or cans as contract by year, to pick UP once a week. J. R. 03ENS. Phone 69-16, Seae forth. 4554xr Cards of Thatiks THE FAMILY of the late Mrs. Robert G. Hoggarth wish to thank their many friends and neighbor's for the kindness and sympathy shown them In their recent bereavement. 4554x1 WE WISH to thank our nieghbOrs and friends, all who sent cards, gifta and who visited US. Also to Dr. Gorwill while we were patients in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. MR. and MRS. LORNE H. ELLIOTT 4554x1 All persons having claims against the Estate of Ethel Finnigan, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 20th day of March. 1955, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigried on or before the 6th dos' of May, 1965, after 97111C11 (Tate the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED- at Seaforth, this 12th day of April. 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. • 4553-3 MR. SID. DOLMAGE and family wish to express, sincere appreciation for kind- ness tied sympathy extended to them dur- ing their resent bereavement; special thanks to the doctors and nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital, Rev. D. Glenn Camp- bell. and G. A. Whitney Funeral Home. , 4554x1 MRS. ANNA VT:EARN and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad be- rjearn. goutike,Spegral mthaessttaopielLevni aDrnd. those who sent Mass Cards and floral tri- butes. Everything was deepi, appreciat- Ied. 1554-1 WE WOULD like to express our sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all our neighbors friends and relatives oT Hen- sall, K ippen and surrounding commun- . NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of TERESA HIEFFERNAN All persons having claims against the estate of Terem Hefferean, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- on, Spinster, decenaed, who died on the 10th day of February, 1955, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their clefts to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May, 1966, after which date the genets will be distributed, hay- ing regard only to claitnn then reoeived. DATE'D at Seaforth, this 12th day of April, 1966. ity for their help at the time of the fire and since, for all the clothing, bedding, furniture and household seeress, Special thanks to the Mensal! Kinsmen -.Club, the Seaforth Red Cross and the Heiman Fire Department. , MR. and MRS. JOHN MODDEJONGE MR. and MRS. ROSS FORREST 4556,1 ear. je. Help Wanted AGGRESSIVE SALESLADY for part- time work. Apply, stating age, experi- ence and education, to Box 424, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4554-1 . Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goode), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 81.00. ?Oil -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA,RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. In Memoriam KEEN In loving memory of a dear mother • U1141 1:11,.ndziaother, Mrs. Gertrude Keen, who departed this life two years ago, Friday. April 22. 1953. - Ever remembered by Edith. Stewart, l'auline, Kay and Guy. 4554-1 HEDDEN- In loving memory of George Edward Hedden, who passed away in St. Catharines, Tuesday, Aprin 19, 1927. Your memory to us is a keepsake With which we will never part; Though God has you in His keening. We still have you in our hearts., -Lovingly remembered by Wife and Family. DUNGEYIn loving memory of Wil- liam Dungey, who passed away two years ago. April 21, 1958. • This world m‘y change from year to year, And friends front day to day. But never shall the one we loved. From memory pass away. 4554-1 -Always Lois. remeonbered by Bedford' and 4554x1 I WISH to thank my relatives and friends for the lovely flowers letters and enrde that I received while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth; also the 0,E.S. and W.A. of the United Church, and Miss Mae Smith for the gifts; also Mr. Stinson and Mr. Campbell and the many friends who visited me, and Drs. McMaster Brady and Elliott and the nurses in 'the hospital, who were all MeCONNELL & HAYS, 1 ao kind to me While I was their patient. Seaforth, Ontario, it is ati very much appreciated and the Solicitors for the Estate- kindness of all will not be forgotten. 4 4658-3 4554x1 MRS. MARTHA eentarT Deaths ANDERSON -In Seaforth, on Tuesday, Al)ril 19, Mary Barton. widow of the •bite F. G. Anderson. BOLGER--In Wingham. on Monday. Apr. 28, James Bolger, in his 86t1s year. DOLMAGE- In Seaforth, on Wednesday, A.pril 17, Flossie Elizabeth Lowrie, be- loved wife of Sidney, Dobnage, in her 60th year. WRIGHT-In Seaforth. on Thursday, Apr. 14, William A. Wright, in his 67th year. Shower Honors Heniall Bride Complimenting Miss Corinne Smale, whose marriage. to Charles Kenneth Harrisolf, Jr. took' place Saturday, April 9, al Centralia R.C.A.F. Protestant Chapel, Mrs. William Hooper, Exeter, was hos- tess for a miscellaneous shower in her honor when relatives and friends gathered for the event. Mrs. Mervyn Stephan, London, read the address, and Corinne was presented with many lovely gifts by the Misses Eunice Smith and Margaret Stephan. Enter- tainment in the form of a qtu game was enjoyed. Luncheon was served. • ZION Miss • Donna Gordon, Seaforth, spent her Easter holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. J. Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal- colm. We are sorry to report' Mts. Charles Roney and Mrs. Morley Lannin and Darwin are under the doctor's care. We wish them a speedy recovery. Misses Joan and Margie Britton visited in London with ttir sis- ter, -Gwen, for the weekehd7 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Robinson visited on Sunday with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Charles Roney, and Mr. Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and Mr. J. W. Britton visited in At- wood recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson attended the McPherson - Wilson wedding in Hamilton last Monday. Miss Joan Britton visited with her friend, Miss Ilene Whetham, last week. Zurich Man Hurt When Team Bolts A 63 -year-old Zurich area farin- er is reported in satisfactory con- dition at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, recovering from injuries received Saturday afternoon when he was run over by a heavy piece of farm machinery. Melvin Smith, R.R. 3, Zurich, was admitted to hospital suffer- ing abdominal and other internal injuries. Mr. Smith was working with a horse-drawn seed drill - when the team apparently bolted ant he was knocked down and under the machine. Air Observation - Is Talk At L.0,113.A. The Seaforth L.O.B.A. enter- tained guests on Monday evening from Clinton, Mitchell and Wood- ham lodges. A film on air defence of Canada, entitled,. "Qne Plane, One Bomb, One City," was shown by F/0. George Moll, of the Lon- don Air Division. He also gave an interesting talk on why civilian observation posts are vital to our defence. Gladys Collins gave several mus-' ical numbers. Lunch was served and , a draws was held, with first prize, a beautiful pair of pillow- cases, goin.g to Mrs. N. W. Heard, R -R. 2, Clinton, and second prize, a crocheted doilley, to MrS. Frank Harburn, of Hensall., Damage $200 in Hensall Crash Wariafec (Continued from Page 1) A. Stewart; Dr. Coleman, D'Orleon Sills. Scene 3 -Land of Romance: Highland Fling, Betty Jean An- drews, Sally Fox, Joan Bannon, Gail Nichols; Irish Jig, Alice Christie; Piper, Peter Malcolm. Scene 4 - Really the Blues: piano, Bob Scott; Marimba, Doris Johnson; guitars, Jilh Hopper and John Grummett; Celia Laflamme, Joan Pudney; Hula dancer, Helen Brady. Scene 5 -Brush Up. Your Shake-, speare: Fred J. Snow. Act II -Scene 1 -Concert Hour: concert pianist, Doran Stinson; concert singer, Betty Simpson; ac- companist, Mrs. J. A. Stewart; school choir, Betty Muegge, Emily Elliott, Donna Mae Berger, Phyl- lis Bryans, Betty Andrews, Lynda Dobson, Joan Bach, Ellen Gorwill, Karen Nicholson, Judy Boshart, Judy Crich, Larry Byerman, Pearn McLean, Barbara Plumsteel, Bon- nie Wieglmid, Nancy Glew, Kath- ryn Boshart, Edward James, Gene Nixon, Ellen Calder, Carl Berger, Donald Muegge. Scene 2 -Living It Up: the square dance, Don Hemingway, Joyce Miller; Jim Axtinann, Betty Alcock, Marion Hemingway, Ger- ald Miller, Ruth Hemingway, Bill Alcock; music, Rose Marie Duch- arme, Ken Ducharme, Larry Nor- ris, Bill Norris, Tom Griffm; call- er, Lavern Godkin. Scene 3 -The. Fund Raisers: (skit written by Dr. Paul Brady): chairman, Keith Sharp; Doniager, Fran McLean; Doctor, John C. Crich; Agency Man, Gordon Wright; Board Members, Elmer Larone. and Orville Oke; The Work Team, John Beattie, 3. E. M Keating, BDuncan, Charlie Bar- ber. Scene 4 -The Eternal Presence: Cathedral Choir: Janie Moffat, Ruth Cluff, Blanche Westeott, Mrs. L. Hoggarth, Mrs. Kohl, Doran Stinson, Mrs. G. Ferris, Mrs. Omblet, Jim Stewart, Fred Snow, Charlie Barber, Sam Scott,AClar- ence Walden; Family Group: An- na Kling, Ruth Cluff, Libbie Hab- kirk, Alice Ann Niatm, Fred Wil- lis, John Cardno, Carl Berger, James Wallace. HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK Bake Sale in the bake shop, Main St, Hensall, Saturday, April 23, 3:30 p.m., under the auspices of the ladies of St. Paul's Church. -(Advt.). Here Again! The 7th Annual Old Time Fiddlers' Western Ontario Championship at Hensall, Friday, June .3rd. Keep this date open. Fiddling, Square Dancing, Step - Dancing: the London Free Press Trophy to the Grand Champion.- (Advt.). '4554-2 Church services in the United Church this Sunday, April 24, will be on Daylight Saving Time. The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Church sponsored a very success- ful supper in the church school- room on Saturday, and cleared over POO. Services this coming Sunday, April 24, in Carmel Presbyterian Church, will be on Daylight Sav- ing Time. - Saturday night visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Carl Payne were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Faber, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tuckey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol, Mr., and Mrs. Wm. Hyde, and Mr. Jack Faber. Winners of euchre were: ladies, Mrs. Bruce Tuckey; gents, Jack Faber. Lunch- eon'was served. Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt spent a few days with Mrs. Alice Joynt prior to leaving for a tour of Eng - District Weddings- HARRISON - SMALE HENSALL.-Easter lilies form- ed an, attractive setting for the wedding ceremony in the Protest- ant Chapel, R.C.A.F., Centralia, Saturday, April 9, wken Corinne Joan Marguerite Smale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Smale, Hensall, became the the bride of LAC. Charles Kenneth Harrison,' Jr., R.C.A.F., Portage La Prairie, Man. Flt./Lt. L. Mould perform- ed the cerethony. Wedding mimic was provided by F/O. G. Brown, who accompanied the soloist, Grant McDonald, of Exeter, who sang "Because" and "I Love -You Truly.", , Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over satin, styled with a stiffly model- led bodice of nYlon tulle with lace to the waist, long lily point sleeves and full skirt of satin with several layers of net. Her fingertip veil fell from a beaded pearl crown, and she carried a bouquet of deep red roses. Mrs. Frank Cousins, Londoni sister of the bride, as matron of honor, wore a yellow ballerina gown of net over taffeta with a heart -shaped headdress. Her bou- quet was mauve baby mums. Miss Louise Blommart, Exeter, as bridesmaid, chose. a pale green •ballerina gown of net over taffeta with a bandeau of green forget- me-nots. She carried a bouquet of mauve baby mums. Miss Shar- on Ann Smale, Hensall, sister of the bride, was flower girl, frockecl in mauve nylon net over taffeta, and carried yellow mums. Frank Cousins, London, was groomsman. Ronald Stephan and Mervyn Stephan, London, ushered. A reception was held at the Leg- ion Hall, Hensall, where Mrs. Smale received guests, wearing a figured silk drss with white ac- cessories and corsage of white carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison lett for a wedding trip to Toronto and points north, the bride travelling in a navy blue 'figured dress with yel- low bolero and accessories in navy. They will reside in Portage La Prairie, Man. WINCHELSEA No one was injured in 'a car and truck collision on No. 4 Highway, in front of General Coach Works, Hensall, on Monday. William Pepper, of Hensall, was crossing Highway 4 froin Richmond St., to go to his residence when the ve- hicle he was driving was in col- lision with a Bell telephone truck driven by Wilfred .f. Roden, 739 Nelson St., London, which was travelling north. Mr. Pepper's car continued on after the colli- sion and crashed into and broke off a hyro pole. Damage was esti- mated at $200. P.C. Elmer Zim-, merman, of Exeter, investigated. 'Master Bill Penhale, of Exeter, visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Penhale and Master Sheridan Penhale, Exeter, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kerslake. Mrs. J. Batten, Sharon and Hel- en visited .on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hudson, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Walters. Mr. and.Mrs. J. Wicks, of Lon- don, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Walters. Mr. atid Mrs. F. Chappel and family, of Cromarty, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gni- Ian. Miss Donna Gilfillan visited on Sunday with Miss Lalik Cottle, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. R. Batten, of Exe- ter, visited on Sunday. evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong and Janice, of near Hensall, visited on Sunday with Mr. and P4rs. W. F. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. B. Morgan and sons, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. N. Clarke. land and the Scandinavian coun- tries. Dr. Joynt will visit surgical clinics in England, Edinburgh and Stockholm. They will also visit friends in Amsterdam and Copen- hagen.' The trip wffi be made by plane. Dr. Joynt also hopes to visit Hensall, England, before re- turning. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer, sf Windsor, visited with Mrs. J. Fish- er and Mrs. T. Parlmer for the, weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Bob 'and Arm were in Ridgetown on Sunday 'visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Gecrrge T. Mickle, who is 91 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Wfinam Pepper have arrived home after spending the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pepper at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Join] MacFarlane, of Forest, and Mrs. Margaret Mac- Farlane, of Windsor, visited one day last week with Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sangster and Sandra, of London, were weekend visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mrs. George Hudson has sold her property on Main St. to John Jarrott. Mrs. A. W. Hemphill hals dis- posed of her property op Main St. to Mr. William Smith„ manager, of Gperal Coach Works, Hensall. rs. Hemphill will take up resi- dence in London_ , United Mora News Last Sunday morning Rev. W. J. Rogers gave a challenging dis- course entitled, "Respectable Sin- ners." The choir sang the anthem "The Glory of the Lord.'" On Sun- day morning, April 24, the service is at the usual hour -11 o'clock. Chiselhurst service' is at 3 p.m. On, Sunday, May 1, the Chisel- hurst congregation begins its morning service. On Sunday morning, May 15, Rev. W. J. Rogers will conduct„a special dedication service in the Reagan ' United Church. T his church will hold its anniversary services on Sunday, May 29. The morning speaker will be Mr. Sam Fletcher, of the Fletcher Institute, London. Rev. Laite„ of Stratford, will bring the address in the, eve- ning. Busy Beavers Tour Mitchell Creamery On April 11 Abe Busy Beavers 4-11,,Homemaking Club and .their leader, Mrs. James Keys visited the Stacey Bros. Creamery at Mit- chell and toured the plant, includ- ing the powdered milk plant, pas- teurizing MIMI and egg grading room. Returning to Mrs. Keys' home, a pot -luck dinner was serv- ed, and after the dishes were washed the fifth meeting was held. President Betty Campbell open- ed the meeting, the roll call being answered by my favorite milk des- sert, and all members -were pres- ent. Achievement Day plans were -discussed; then Mrs. Keys demon- strated the making of junket, and several of the members read para- graphs on "I4illr, the Child's De- light" and "Helping Children To Like Milk." Home assignment is to make corn or vegetable chow- der and cream soup, with roll call, "The children's mean I planned." The club also met Tuesday at Bet- ty Campbell's home. APRIL22, 455 ELIMVILLE NEWS OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and Noel, of Toronto, and Mrs. Thos. Bell, Exeter, and Mrs. Ruby Bale- en, of Toronto, were visitors on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen. Mrs. Bell returned to Toronto with them for few wqeks. Mr. Elgin Skinner, of New To- ronto, spent some of the Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. Mrs. W. Horne continues.. quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Routly. Callers there through the week and on -Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Perce Me - Falls and Mr.- and Mrs. Garnet McFalls, Exeter; Mr. Silas Me - Falls and Liela, London; Mr. Bill King and his mother, Mrs. Will. King, of Warwick, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Waun, also of War- wick; Mr. and Mrs. James Sin- clair and family, of London. Miss Anna Routly was one of the students of S.H.D. High School who went to New York by bus for the helidaY weekend. Mr. Ross' Dilling, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephen and Jerry spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dilling. Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson and sons, of Kirkton; Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephen and Jerry, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Faberi and son, of Chatham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steph- en. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen at- tended the wedding of their nephew, CpL Thomas Miller, of Manitoba, and Miss Mary Ford, in James :St. Church, Exeter, on Friday. Mr. end Mrs. Earl Coutes and Neal, of Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cuoltes. „ Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs., Gilbert Johns were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long, Atwood, Mr. an Mrs. Keith Frazer and Mr. AMR Mrs. James Grinney, Science Hill. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Otis an* family, of Oshawa, spent the holi- days with and Mrs. Llosrtl j°hasM. Mr. ad Mrs. Heslinza aniefant- ily, of Woodstock, visited with *r- and Mrs. Valentyne Sunday. Mrs. Austin Diming celebrated shies tr e rbsi r t ha ndda yh uSsabt ua nr dd sa eia*tedn withher her. They were: Mr: and Mrs. Bob Norris, London, Mr. and Mrs - Bob McLean, Hensall, - and Mr,. and Mrs. Joe Linton; Mitchell_ Mr. Wilbur Dilling, of Henson; was a recent visitor With Mr, and Mrs. A. Dining. The Euchre Club ended their season with a pot -luck lunch last Wednesday evening. In playoff& were Mrs. Murch anti IL H.- Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen, Mrs. W. Johns and Mrs. Roy Johns, Mr. John Ridley and Lav- erne Skinner. Mrs. Wm. Johns and Laverne Skinner were win,- Ws- W.L Present Flags The W.I. held their meeting and pot -luck supper hi the' hall Wed- nesday evening. After a sumptu- ous supper the president, Mrs_ Woods, had charge of the meeting_ Mrs. Ken Johns conducted the in- stallation of ri*w officers., Mrs. Wm. Johns had charge of the pro- gram. Mrs. Stiener, of Exeter, gave a fine talk on her trip to Florida and Mrs. Switzer showed pictures they had,taken. Mrs. Ken John dedicated new flags purchas- ed for the ball, and Mrs. V. Pin- coznbe, wife of the reeve, accept- ed the gift of flags to council. Mrs. Theron Creery gave a fine talk on flags. W. I. NEWS Members , of the Huron Medical Services, affiliated with the Sea- -forth Women's Institute, may add surgical benefits to their plan dur- • ing the month of April. Used Tractor Specials M. -H. 101 Junior Standard - Completely Reconditioned - $475 M. -H. In Standard Tractor - $475 SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 541 Seaforth HARDWARE SPECIALS AT BALDWIN'S FREE Glidden's Famous Rock -Spar VARNISH Buy 3/2 Pint, reg. 95c; Get 1/2 Pint FREE Buy 1 Quart, reg. $2.75; Get Quart FREE Buy 1 Gallon, reg. $9.25; Get Gallon FREE SCHOOL Paint Roller and Tray Vacuum Bottles Regular $2.49 $1.59NEW 79c FOR LOW PRICE, Another Shipment Link Rubber Mats ' 5 -Foot Stepladders 14"x24"; reg. $1.95 $125 SAME $318 FOR 11.4)W PRICE LAWN- BOY ROTARY POWER MOWERS THREE NEW MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM LAWN -BOY ECONOMY 18" 74.50 LAWN -BOY DE LUXE 18" 89.95 LAWN -BOY DE LUXE 21" 104.50 Buy and Save At BALDWIN HARDWARE Fhone 61 SEE THESE, GUARAN TEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market USEbar CARS SPECIALS 7. Alirmbery 1954er;le: 1750.0'fu 0 belowll°fequippedcost. 2-1954 Chev. De Luxe Power -Glide Sedans -Fully equipped 1954 Chev. De Luxe Sedan FunY equipped 1954 Standard Chev. Sedan Fully equipped 1953 Chev. Sedan 1953 Henry J., four -cylinder, overdrive 1949 Dodge Sedan 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1952 Chev. De Luse -Fully equipped 1950 Chev. Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Power Glide SedaTIL BRUSSELS 1995.00 1895.00 1845.00. 1395.00 850.00 750.00 1295.00 1145.00 1948 Chev. Sedan Bel Aire Power - and Coaches at 1949 Chev. Coach' - 1947 Clime Sedan 1950 Chen, 1 -Ton Stake .. 1942 International Fire Tru SPECIALS - 1953 CHEV. BEL AIRE SEDAN._ 129510 795.00 595.00 • 750.00 . fully equipped. 1949 ANGLIA .... ............. 245.00 A Written Guarantee for 60 days- on all Late Model Cars -Many Other Medels tO Choate From MOTORS BRUSSELS ▪ ONTARIO PHONE 73 -X -"The Home of Better Used Cars" 014, 1;0.16111 OPEN EVERY EVENING