The Huron Expositor, 1955-04-15, Page 4• 4901ht ti 00891363•14'.8 SIPSam,n r� to - u rlii, r, j,• iA EDD OUR SMALL ADS • Classiied Ads. Inserted At Ar Low Cash Rates FOR BALE, WANTED; LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: 1St Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week 344 Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word - Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per week. Fatittiriea may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expoaltor, for 15 cents extra.. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. -Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. ' Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events Wanted The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' An- W ANTED glican Church are holding a rummage I'HUNE 31, Seaforth. sale on Saturday. April 30. to be held in the Parish Hall. 4553-1 Early type 11E111:yMBER the Annual Hospital Aux- iliary Rummage Sale in Carnegie Library basement, Saturday. May 28. WANTED- A large crib and play pen, 43534 in good condition. Apply Box 421, HUR- I 455351 ON EXPOSITOR. ,DANCE EVERY Wednesday to Earl ROOMERS, BOARDERS WANTED - 9:30 mid CKNX Barn Dance Gang. 9:30 to (2:90. Saturday nights. Herb. Good residence; all conveniences, inoiud- Petrlea o tra, $Oed&. MANTLE'Sing TV. MRS, N. McCALLUM, Phone WAGON ,HEEL, Market Plate. Strat- 187-R, 594.9.011. 4551x3 ford.4552-tf \\ DANCING 5YS ENJOYED by everyone at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell, every Fri- day night Music furnished by Clarence Petrie and the Night Hawks. Please note that the regular weekly dance will be held on Thursday, April 7th, instead of Friday. 8th. _ � 1 For Rent SIX -ROOM HOUSE for rent: Hydro and town water. Apply to Box 420, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4653-2 For Sale FOR SALE -Quantity Alaska seed oats. JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4551x3 FOR SALE -Timothy and orchard grass seed. JOHN THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31, Seaforth. 4552-3 FOR SALE -2 used electric washers. Apply FRANK KLING. Phone 19. 4553-1 FOR SALE- Red - clover seed. to CLARENCE MONTGOMERY. iron lantern. 641 r 31. Seaforth. 4553-2 FOR SALE Few bushels alfalfa seed. Apply Phone 4553-1 j WORK WANTED during the after- , moon. PETER BANNON.. Phone 276-W. 4553x2 4551-13 Lost and Found FOUND -.A black dog with tan mark- ings. strayed to Lot 16. Concession 11, McKillop. STANLEY HILLEN 848 r 2, Seaforth. 4553-1 FOUND -A pair of men's gloves found after the hockey game last Thursday eve- ning. Owner may have name by identify- ing and paying charges. Apply Box 422. HURON EXPOSITOR 4553-1 LOST -,Black. brown and white Beagle hound, child's pet. J. R. tattooed inside of one ear: small white diamond on mid- dle of back; $15 reward Apply to CHARLES FILFORD, liensall- Phone 26. 4553-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE PR RENT -Frame dwelling on Goderich St. East; three bedrooms, (modern kitchen; bath; large living room. PHONE 31, Seaforth. 45514 FOR SALE -•6 -room frame dwelling on corner of George and Chalk Streets, south of park: bath, toilet downstairs. Cen- trally located. Apply to Box 423, HURON EXPOSITOR, or Phone 762-M. 4553-2 HOUSE FOR SALE -7 -room frame house on East William St., in the Town of Seaforth; oil furnace, 3 -piece bath up- accepted. stairs and a toilet downstairs; hardwood floors. The . house is in excellent condi- tion. For further particulars apply to HAROLD JACKSON, Seaforth. Phone 661 r 14. 4553-1 WANTED -Garden work. flowers, vege- tables. pruning trees and shrubs. Full experience. Apply to SIMON GENT - WORT, c/o J. Janmatt, R. R. 4, Sea - forth, 2ur miles south of Seaforth. Please call after 7 p.m. 455351 WANTED -Dead or disabled farm ani- mals. Removed promptly and efficiently in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect. Wm. Sproat. Seaforth. 655 r 2. WIL- LIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED. Ingersoll, Ontario. 4553-10 Teachers Wanted PROTESTANT TEACHER WANTED For S. S. No. 13, McKillop (Londes- boro 1. State qualifications and salary. Apply to SAM J. SCOTT, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 836 r 11. 4553-2 Tenders Wanted CRUSHED GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the Town- ship of Stephen for 9.000 cubic yards of v crushed gravel to be hauled a ]ed frpm 4 g Monteith's Pit. Flat rate for crushing and hauling anywhere in the Township. Also rate for crushing and loading Town- ship Truck. A deposit of $200.00 must accompany tender and be in the hands f the Clerk on or before April 19th. Work must be completed by June 16th. Lowest or any tender not necessarily FOR SALE F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 4553-2 Notices To Creditors Two-storey ewhite brick residence W. NOTICE to CREDITORS „I. . O'RourO'Rourke,, in the Village of Dublin, in good condition and well located. Apply • In the Estate of ETHEL FINNIGAN WILFRED O'ROURKE or MRS. J. M. FL_ANNERY, R.R. No. 1, Dublin, Ontario. 4553.2 Notices GET YOUR sewagework done now. Only 82 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33. Sea - forth. 45551-tf COMPLETE LINE of Nursery Stock. Hogle Nursery Company. Order now for Spring delivery. KEN, POWELL. Re- presentative. Seaforth. 4539-12 HIGHEST CASH prices paid for old. sick and disabled horses and cattle. Ani- mals bled out. Telephone LEROY ACHESON, Atwood 153. collect. 4541-15 NOTICE -Sanitary sewage disposal, septic tanks and cesspools. etc.. pumped and cleaned_ with modern equipment. ment. Prompt service. LOUIS BLAKE. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. Ont. 4549x12 RADIO REPAIRS -For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R- - 455.551-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 45551-tf LAWNS ROLLED -Lawn Bowling Club will be rolling lawns right away. Please get in touch with man when he is in your district. SEAFORTH LAWN BOWL- ING CLUB. For information, Phone 58. 4552-2 PAPERHANGING, 'PAINTING (brush or Spray) : exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 45551-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! - Prompt courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 45551-tf CALL SEAFORTH Concrete Products for contracting. Any kind of repair work, new buildings. barn repairs, cement floors (plain or colored). Ask us for esti- mates. Phone or write SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 740. Sea - forth. After 6 p.m., Phone 22. 4552-4tf FOR GENERAL Contracting and Re- pair Work. contact Seaforth Concrete Pro- ducts. Seaforth. We do any kind of re- pair work, erect new buildings. remodel and repair barns, concrete work of all kinds, plain or colored. Ask us for an estimate. There 'is no obligation. SEA - FORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 740, or after 6 p.m. Phone 22, Seaforth, Ont. 4953-10 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION All persons having claims against the F,state of Ethel Finnigan. late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- •er, Spinster. deceased, who died on the 20th day of March. 1955. are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their Maim; t,, the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May. 1955. after which lilt.. the asset,. will be distributed, having • regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaferth, this 12th day of April, 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4553-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS ;n the Estate of TERESA HEFFERNAN .11 persons having claims against the estate of Teresa Heffernan, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Hur- on Spinster. deceased, who died on the ar 1955,are hereby 10th day of February, notified to send in full particlars of their claims to .the undersigned on or before the 6th day of May, 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of April, 1955. McCONNELL '& HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 45594 "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artifiefal insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or infornia- tion, phone CLINTON 242, collect, be- tween 7 :80 and 10 :00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. 4544-tf NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CLARA EDITH GRA- HAM MERNER All persons having claims against the Estate of Clara Edith Graham Merner, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Widow, deceased, who died on the 8th day of February, 1955. are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 29th day of April, 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE money on Minerals your land does not need. We will, with - Out charge to you, take oarnpiea of the 'M.•irthin your fields and have them a8 11Wxw. CALL Topnotch Fends Limited onolat' 1c oi' Oil Oi DATED at Seaforth, this 4th day of April, 1955. MoCONNELL. & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4552-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of TERESA O'ROURKE All persons having claims against the Estate of Teresa O'Rourke, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth. Married Woman,, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of March, 1955. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, Thls 4th day of April. 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4552-3 FRANK JOHNSTON. Phone 840 r 13, Seaforth. 4558-1 FOR SALE -Budgies and Canaries; Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth, 393. 45551-tf FOR SALE-'-70-foot btt'ilding lots; water available. Cellar drain installed. Apply FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone 669 - 3l, Seaforth. 4553-1 FOR SALE ---A white enamel double sink with taps ; like new. PHONE 832 r 22, Seaforth, or Brussels 90 r 6.• 4553-2 FOR SALE -A quantity of Montcaim seed barley : also some red clover seed. Apply OLIVER ANDERSON. Phone 860 r 5, Seaforth. 4553x1 FOR SALE-- .Large stove, combination electric and coal stove; suitable for sum- mer cottage. PHONE 282, Seaforth. 4553-1 POR SALE --Used :3 -piece chesterfield suite; excellent condition ; wine frieze with blue chair. Priced for quick sale. WHITNEY FURNITURE. 4553-1 FOR SALE -Hardwood tops: also a 40 - acre farm, Lot 23, Boundary Grey and McKillop. east of Walton. Apply JAMES STEVENSON, Brussels. Phone 60 r 4. Brussels. 455354 COMBINE FOR SALE -Allis-Chalmers 6 -foot all -crop harvester, equipped with scour kleen, pick-up, windrower and straw spreader. In good condition. Priced to sell. NEIL GINGERICH, R.R. 3, Zurich, Ont, Phone 90 r 2. 4553-2 MILKERS FOR SALE -More farmers are switching to Surge Milkers each month. Contact LOVELL H. McGUIRE, Winghant. Phone 593. New and used machines. We specialize in good cow milking. 4547x17 NOTICE to CREDITORS FOR SALE -A quantity of good cedar posts direct from the swamp to your farm. Order now. BORDEN BROWN, Kinburn. Phone 841 r .. Seaforth. 4548-8 FOR SALE -s -Wood. top soil and manure. General truekinc. Ashes removed. Prices reasonable. GORDON C. NOBEL, Rail- way St. Phone 793-R. 4552x3 USED PARTS for all makes cars and trucks. Axles and wheels for wagons or trailers. Used pipe and steel. GLENN'S AUTO WRECKERS. Phone 413, Exeter. 4532x2 GROCERY, BUTCHER Supplies, Res- taurant Equipment; cash register; type- writers, adding machines, meat slicers, grinders. scales, Globe Strimpson equip- ment, Exact Weight industrial scales. Ser- vice to all makes. HORTON SALES & SERVICE. 339 Wellington St., London. Phone 3-3401. • 4545x10 WALLPAPER BARGAINS • FREE -Write for our large Catalogue of Bargain Wallpapers-Sunworthy-Semi- Trimmed and Washable. priced in many wallpaper Stores up to 91.50 per roll, yours for 49c and 59c per single roll. Free booklet, How to Hang Wallpaper, in- cluded. Cody's Stores Ltd. 291-7 Barton St. E.. HAMILTON Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- pies 91.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. In Memoriam INGR.AM-In loving memory of mother, Mrs. Alex Ingram, who departed this life Friday. April 15, 1932. For her - Life more abundant: For us - A guiding star. -Lovingly remembered by The Family. 4553x1 Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE - Estate Auction Sale of Farm. Farm Stock. Machinery and Household Effects. at Lot 18. Concession 12, Hallett Township, 2 miles south and 2 miles east of Blyth. on Wednesday, April 20th. at 1:00 p.m.: Model 'L' Case tractor: 1935 Chevrolet Coach : International 3 -furrow plow: stiff tooth cultivator; cultipacker; oil bath Mc- Cormick -Deering mower, 6 -ft: cut; dump rake; hay leader: 2 .farm wagons: 2 16 - ft. flat racks: walking plow; 48 sheets steel roofing and ridge roll: cutter; sleigh; 4 -section harrows: 2,000-1h. scales. STOCK -2 Hereford and Durham cows; 1 Jersey cow; 2 calves 1 year old: 2 work horses. Comblete line of household ef- fects. including 2 ranges: corner cup- board: desk ; kitchen furniture: living room furniture; bedroom furniture; mats: quilts: dishes: radio. FARM -At 3 p.m. day of sale, the farm. consisting of 150 acres. will be offered for sale. subject to reserve bid. Brick house, 8 rooms; L - bank barn; 20 acres bush: gravel pit: 20 acres plowed. balance In hay and pasture. Terms: Chattels -Cash. Property -10 per cent down : balance in 30 (lays. ESTATE OF LATE HENRY SANDERSON: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk: GEORGE HOWATT and ALBERT SKELTON, Administrators: R. C Hays, Solicitor a552-2 ill the Estate of MARGARET MALONEY All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Maloney, late of the Town of Seaforth, is the County of Hur- op, Widow, deceased, who died on the 7th day of March, 1955, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of April, 1965, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED et Seaforth, this 4th day of APril, 1955. McCONNELL & HAYS.• • Seaforth, Ontario; Solicitors for the Executors. 4552.1 11I��'i'Etta'�s�11lR.Yw;ilYl�.fi�d"MI3♦YAAII"n'.luit -7 llom Cards of Thanks ON BHIHALF of the Legion, I wish to thank anyone who took cars or helped in any way with the Legion Pee.Wees, 4553-1 JACK EISLER WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to our neighbors, friends, Dublin and Sea - forth telephone operators and Seaforth Firemen, for their quick response and assistance on Saturday, April 2nd, which saved.u§ from more serious loss when our drive sited and implements were destroy- ed by fire. -MERVIN and NORMA DIETZ 4553-1 MRS. IVY JOHNSTON wishes to ex- press her sincere appreciation for all the kindness shown during her recent sad be- reavement. Special thanks to the doctors and staff of Seaforth Clinic, Rev. Mr. Stinson, Miss Drive and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, G. A. Whitney Funeral Home. and to my neighbors and friends of Seaforth and Brucefield, and those who sent floral tributes and cards. 4563x1 Births a I.rEANDER-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on April 12. to Mr, and Mrs. Beverly.lexander, Hensall, a daugh- ter --Nancy ECKERT-At Scott Memorial Ifoapital, on April 7, to Mr. and Mrs Joseph Eckert, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. GORDON-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 6. to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gordon, a daughter. KYLE -61r. and Mrs. Byran Kyle, Hen- sall, are pleased to announce the birth of their son at Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, April 10, a brother for Donald and Suzanne. McKAGUE-To Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Kague '(nee Doris Ferguson), at Misa- cordia Hospital, Edmonton, Alta, on Tuesday. April 12, 1955, a son -William George. SALISBURY -At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salisbury, Seaforth, a son. BRUCEFIELD Miss Louise Allen, of Hamilton, is spending the Easter holidays with her brothr, Mr. Edgar Allen. Mrs. R. Dawson is visiting with her brother, Mr. Roy Doan, ,in Alvinston. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson spent the Easter holidays in To- ronto. " Mr. Lawrence Smiley, of Erin, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith, Re- becca and Danny spent Easter with Mrs. H. Berry. Miss Lois Moffat, Windsor, vis- ited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moffat,over s. W It r a eov r Easter. Mrs. S. McKenzie is visiting her brother at. Fort William for a few weeks. She made the trip by plane. Mr. McKenzie is visiting with his "son, Mr. Don McKenzie, St. Thomas. Mrs. Elsie Forrest, of London, spent the weekend with Mrs. A. McQueen and Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. S. Neale, Pat and Ronald spent Easter with Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson. Mrs. O. Grainger, of Ilderton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Swan. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rumble and family, Toronto. spent Eas- ter week with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Murdoch. Weddings THOMPSON - DALRYMPLE ,Northside United Church, Sea - forth, was the setting for a wed- ding Saturday, when the Rev. J. W. Stinson united in marriage Lila Grace Dalrymple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garnet Dal- rymple, Seaforth, and Mrs. Lorne William Thompson, Kipper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thompson, Kippen. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a' 'ballerina -length gown of powder blue nylon net ov- er taffeta. bodice extended The into a peplum of scalloped em- broidered net, and she wore a matching jacket and headdress. The bride carried a Colonial bou- quet of American Beauty roses. Mrs. Dorothy Deitz, Dublin, sis- ter of the bride, was matron of honor, and wore a ballerina -length gown of pink nylon net with a full skirt with insets of lace. She wore a matching jacket and head- dress, and carried a Colonial bou- quet of pink roses and lily of the valley: The best man was Gordon Thompson, Kippen, brother of the bridegroom. Following a reception at the bride's home, the young couple left on a trip to the United States, the bride travelling in a green and white checkered suit, with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will reside in Brucefield. ESTATE AUCTION SALE of Property, Furniture and China. in the Town of Exeter, nn Mnin Street, on Saturday, April 23. at 12 o'clock sharp: Oak dining room 'suite, including table, chairs. buf- fet and oval glass china cabinet: number of upholstered occasional chairs: rockers; small table; 2 couches; number of an- tique occasional chairs: 6 cane chairs: 12 kitchen chairs; mahogany and walnut tables; butt walnut writing desk and bookcase; antique walnut bedroom suite dresser with marble top: cherry antique bedroom suite: complete 3 -piece modern bedroom suite: 2 other furnished bed- room suites; 2 writing desks: walnut smokers and wine cabinets: drapes and curtains; drophead sewing machine; foot- stools; pedestals; 3 feather and wool wreaths; 6 Wilton and Axminster rugs: scatter mats: 4 Mirrors; porch furniture and swing; cherry dropleaf table; mantel radio; 2 8 -day clocks: 4 -burner electric stove: kitchen range: Easy washing ma- chine; 2 tool chests; trunks; quilt boxes; extension ladders: large quantity of fancy and antique china ; china vases and orna- ments ; table and bed linens; quilts ; wool blankets; lawn mower; garden hose: garden tools. PROPERTY -At the same place, 8 p.m., the property will be of- fered for sale, situated on corner Of Owls ley and Main Street; 7 -room red brick house, oak hardwood doors, 8 -piece bath, new oil furnace; garden and garage - Home is in excellent condition. Termst Chattels -cash, Property -10 per cent down; balance in 30 days. Sold subject W reserve bid. ESTATE OF ATE MIRE IDA GLANVILLE; Harold Jackson, Aue- ttoneer; E. P. Chesney Cterk. For fur. ther »articitlars apply to WILBERI GLANVILLE. Administrator; W. Gs COCHRANE, Solicitor for Estate, 4552.8 HENSALL. NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile ob- served their 25th wedding anni- versary on Tuesday, April 5, and were pleasantly surprised when relatives met at their home to honor them and present them with a table lamp and. silverware. At- tending the affair were Mr. and Mrs. L. Willert and family, of Zurich; Bill Carlile, Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Weido and little son, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Richardson and family, Hen - sail. Donald Mellick, Goderich, is vis- iting with his cousin, Jerry' Mc- Clinchey, for the Easter. holidays, and will also visit with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Gregor, Kippen, Miss Eleanor Cook, of Toronto, spent Easter weekend with her WALTON Easter visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Simko and Charles, of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shannon and Kathy, of arnia, with Mr. and Mrs. John S annon; Mr. and Mrs. David And ws and �rr� `Dennis I.,._- Neil Reed and , and Eito, .;: Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dundas; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coutts and fanlTty, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Coutts; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lamont and family, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hamelin, of Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Vleit; Mr. Harold McCall, of Ham- ilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Art Mc- Call; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bryans of Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bryans; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Livingston, Douglas and Cherry, of Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fraser and family, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fras- er; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall of North Bay, with Mrs. Ella Mar- shall and Mr. and Mrs. M. Fras- er; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, of Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bennett; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie and Larry, of Egmond- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. D. En- nis; Mr.- Glen Oliver, of London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Oliver; Mr. Fred Martin, of Newmarket, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin; Mr. Wm. Bolton, of Rochester, N.Y.; with his sister. Mrs., Margaret Humphries: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cunningham, nim ham Karen and Ricky, of Ethel, Mrs. W. C. Ennis, of London, and Mr. Gerald Dressel, of Tillsonburg, with Mrs. E. En- nis; Mrs. -Jean Gray and son, Jim- mie, of Toronto, called on friends in the village on Sunday; Mrs. Verna Riddel and daughters, Mar- ilyn, Sheila and Lorraine, of Woodbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barrows; Mr. and Mrs. John Nott, of Londesboro, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens; Mr. Carl McFarlane, of Toronto, ,,with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth McFarlane; Miss Muriel Schade, nurse -in - training at Stratford General Hos- pital, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schade: Miss Joan Talbot, of Seaforth, with Miss Audrey Hackwell; Mrs. Harry Lobnow, London, with her mother, Mrs. R. Hoy; Mrs. Douglas Law- less, ,Dianne and Murray, of Sim- coe; with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; Mr. Lundy McKay. Au- burn, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirkby; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turn- bull .•of Ethel, with Mr. and Mrs. Don McNall; Misses Vera and Velma Haist, oT Winthrop, with Mrs. J. Dennis: Mr. J-ihn Mc - Gavin, of Guelph O.A.C., with his parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc - Gavin; Mr. Horace Rutledge. of London, with his wife -and family and mother-in-law, Mrs. M. Hum- phries; Miss, Margie Achilles, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Achilles: Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dundas, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas; Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Donnelly. Straf- fordville; Mrs. Tillie Johnston with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Litt, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot have returned home after spend- ing several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Henderson, Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett are visiting with their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Dr, and Mrs. John Bennett, Newmarket. Miss Marjory McDonald is spending the Easter vacation at her home near Teeswater. • Mrs. Martha Corlett, who has been a patient in Seaforth 'Hospi- tal, is at present staying with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Corlett. Brian Huether, of Cranbrook, is holidaying with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDonald Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Corlett were: Professor A. V. Corlett, of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Corlett and daftghter, Irene, of Brantford• Miss Gladys Staples, of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Machan, of Monkton. Miss Joan Ryan, Reg.N., daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ry- an, has returned home after nurs- ing at Banff, Alta., and Honolula, Hawaii. RUSTON' - HORNER A wedding was solemnized in St. James' Church, Seaforth, Monday morning, April 11, at 9:30, when Rev. E. P. Weber united in mar- riage Marion Louise Horner, of Seaforth, and Francis Joseph Rus- ton, of Seaforth. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner, Seaforth, and the bride- gr6om is the son of Mr. and Mrs John Ruston, Seaforth. The bride wore a light blue suit with navy accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses. She Carried a white pearl rosary, her gift from the groom Her only attend- ant, Mrs. Hubert O'Reilly, Dublin, as maid of honor, wore a beige suit with brown„ accessories, and a corsage of yellow roses. Mr. Clarence Ruston w a s groomsman, while Mr. Charles Ruston ushered. Botli are brothers of the bridegroom. Mrs. Alice Stiles accompanied the soloist, Miss Marjorie O'Reilly, who sang "Ave Maria" and "Panis Angeli- cus," The reception was held at M- erest Tea Room, Mitchell, the bride's mother receiving wearing a navy dress with white accessor- ies and a pink rose corsage. As- sisting her was the groom's moth- er in a cocoa brown suit with black accessories and a yelloyv rose cor- sage. Guests from a distance in - included London, Kitchener, Hen- sall, 'Dublin and Seaforth. For their honeymtion trip to North Bay, the 'bride chose `a blue top coat over her suit. Too Late To Classify FOR SALE -Large shed. Phone 618 r 22. MRS. H. BERRY, Brucefield. 4553x1 OF THE WEEK brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mira. Doug Cook and Beth. Miss Mary Lou Jarrett. of Eg- anville, was an Easter guest with Miss Margaret Reid. Mrs. Ed. Little, Marcia and Cheryl spent Easter weekend with relatives in Windsor. At the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary April meeting hehil in the Legion Hall, the group accepted an invi- tation to attend a social evening April 20, with the Clinton Ladies' Auxiliary. Mrs. H. Horton won the mystery prize, and bingo form- ed the recreational period. Presi- dent Mrs. D. McKelvie presided. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hedden, Patsy and Earl, Mr. Geo. Hedden, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hedden and Robin, Mr. Lloyd Redden, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Redden, Karen and Cavin, all of St. Catharines, and Mrs. Ruth Carter and' family, of Clinton, spent Easter weekend with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. Miss Greta Laramie and Miss Gladys Luker spent Easter Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lam- mie and family, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Orr visited on Sunday with relatives "at Ar- kona and Parkhllt Miss Betty Mickle, Ree..of v;mee , Vint- Easter weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl PImer, of Toronto, spent the Easter week- end with the foriner's mother, Mrs. T. Parimer. The Misses Jean Armstrong and Bernice Jinks are spending the Easter holiday week in Florida. They left by bus on Good Friday and will return this Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Jinks spent Easter weekend with relatives in Windsor and Detroit. Misses Marion Irwin, of Wing - ham, and Phyllis Erskine, of At- wood, visited Sunday with Miss Betty Mickle. Mrs. Herb Stretton and Peggy. of Lucan, spent last week with Mrs. Minnie Sangster. Mr. Stret- ton joined his wife. and little daughter for the Easter 'weekend. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, who have been spending the past eight weeks holidaying in St_ Petersburg; Fla., returned home on Saturday and report a most delightful va- cation and trip. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and Carolyn, who spent the past two weeks in Flor- ida with them, returned also. The regular meeting of Amber � g Rebekah Lodge was held Wednes- day evening in the lodge rooms-' Miss Mabelle Whiteman, N.G.,, presided. Mrs- Anne Henderson, Seaforth, District Deputy Presi- dent, paid her official visit to the lodge. During the meeting Mrs. Jessie Dougall presented Mrs. Henderson with a lovely bouque of flowers. Mrs. Leona Parke was chosen as representative, a n `d Mrs. Dorothy Parker, as scholar, to attend the Assembly Session of Grand Lodge to be held in Toron- to in June. Following the meeting a delicious lunch was served by, the social committee in charge: A softball meeting will be held at Fink's store, Hensall, Tuesday, April 19, at 8:30 p -m. Anyone in- terested in organizing a ball club for Hensall is asked to attend. MaryEtta Haun is spending the Easter holidays with her corrin, Helen Payne, at Ostrander. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Welk, of Eganville, spent the Easter week- end with Mr. and Mr& K. K. Christian. Dr. J. A. Spellman and Misses Joan and Connie Spellman•, of Kitchener, were Easter Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sol - clan. Misses Joan and Connie are spending the holidays with their cousins, Pat and Mike Soldan and Mary Jane, Bob_ Bill and .Jim Hoffman, of Dashwood. Miss Carolyn Spellman, of Kit- chener, who for the past two? years has been a teacher with the; London Separate School and Lose - don Granite Club Figure Skating School, has this week accepted a. call from the Kitchener -Waterloo Separate School Board to 4teaeh! physical training in their public and high schools. NOTICE -I, it,. Campbell Sutherland, will not • be responsible for any debts in- curred in my name by anyone on or. after April 9, 1955. 4558-1 PRI PROBLEM 41 The Huron Expositor SEAFORTH A MEETING for the purpose of discussing and, if found desirable, organizing a Young Liberal Club for McKillop, Tuckersmith and Stafortb, will be held in Carnegie Library • Monday, April 18, at 8:30 Young people of the 'district are cordially invited tobe present. Rt0 HARDWARE WEEK SPECIALS AT BALDWIN HARDWARE Beatty Stepladders Johnston's 5 -Foot Hard Gloss Wax Pints Erg. '4.4..75_, FOR ., � • 2 for $1.13 Suburban { Fan -Shaped Lawn Grass Seed 2 -lb. es cc Rose Trellis ! ? BAG BEATTY IRONING BOARDS $4.69 SCHOOL VACUUM BOTTLES -15 oz.98 FORGED STEEL HAMMERS " 1:19 BLACK FLAG'MOTH P,ROOFER (Bombs. .75 LAWN ROLLER FOR ENT - at - BALDWIN HARDWARE Phone "61 GREATEST VALUE. IN TV HISTORY! 1955.. CAjiICTOR RCA VICTOR 21 INCH ".TALBOT" COME IN TODAY AT THE AMAZINGLY LOW PiOCE OF ONLY $289 ,l„ aidnef 4isis&. $9A h►h.8ighet ip liis,edsE' or otdaga0! kntr. !OR THE ?JEW 21 liar -- '741807. • Beautiful 21" table model with exclusive "Beep Image" Picture. • Super -sensitive Magic Monitor" Circuit system. • Phono-jade with switch on rear. tc • Attractive matching type stand available. lableb Dennis Electric Expositor Want Ads Bring Results - Phone 41 LIBERAL NOM1NA TION MEETING HENSALL TOWN HALL TUESDAY, APRIL 19th, at 8 p.m. To Choose a Liberal Candidate for Huron Riding Two Outstanding Speakers will Address the Meeting FA.RQU-HAR- OLIVER Leader of the Opposition For Ontario WILFRED P. GREGORY President, Ontario Liberal Association In the Interests of Better Government for Ontario h„K