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The Huron Expositor, 1955-04-01, Page 4
THE H[TRON EXPOSITOR 1 fled Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: 1st Week 2nd Week Srd Week 1 Cent % Cent }a Cera Minimum charge. each insertion... 85 Center Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts aa one word. *ads of Thunk., In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per ward 00 cents per week. Minlmnnos Enquiries may be directed to a Bat Na.. c/o The Huron Expositor. for lb cents extra. s Lostvand Found LOST -A "Stewert'e' dress box put in wrorut car after Night Clans oh Thurs- day. March 10. containing sewing notes from Balfour Technical School. Regina. belonging to Donna Johnstone Plesae syntax MRS.- JACK STEVENS. Plume Og-1\•. 4551_1 Fifteen cents additional w-tftl be charged if acts in,above clams are not days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, Auction Sales, Natives to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application- Coming pplication Coming Events DANCING IS ENJOYED by eeeryon.• at the Crystal Palace. Mitchell. every Fr, - day night. Masco furnished by Clare•n:e Petrie and the Night Hooka. Please note that the renular weekly dance alit he held on Tbursda) April 7th. instead of Friday, 8th. 4:,;1-13 For Rent paid within 10 FOR RENT -8 -room house in Egmond- I elle. Apply ALVIN H. REATON, 5063 Maplewood. Detroit 4. Mich. Tyler 7-8965. 4547-13 Wanted SI :YEN Si NG LE farm workers arriv• :n: r At,ril•a4 .-th. reasonable w:eS. Con - :0,1 BO ,- Goderich 4451-1 P.00,51ERS. BOARDERS W AN TED - - C.o.d residence; all con vcniences. includ- ia,; TV. MRS. N. MCCALLUM. ?bone 117-11. Seaforth. 4551a3 DANCE EVERY Wednesday, starting A DUTCH LADY would like house- AprU 6th, to Earl Heywood and CENX work by the day. MRS_ THOMAS Barn Dance Gang, 9:30 to 12:S0 ; Sarum i H"'NSRER,GEN, c/o Mrs. Martin Melee' day nights, Herb Petrie's orchestra. 50c-' nereen, RR 2, Seeeort.b. 75c. Thursday, April 7th. bs3, show and 4551x1 dance. Kidd Baker : children 254 adults 75c, at the WA.GONWHF.F.T. Market Place. Stratford. 4551-1 Property For Sale FOR SALE OR RENT -Frame dwelling on Goderich St. East: three bednroats. a .odern kM ben : bath: large living room. PRONE 31, Seaforth. 45514 PROPERTY FOR SALE -In Feemond- vale, 8 -room frame house with insul brick aiding. hot water heating system. modern conveniences; double garage and garden. Apply to Box 417, HURON EXPOSITOR. or phone 666 r 31. 4550:2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). nailed postpaid ha plain sealed envelope v ith price list 6 samples °lure ; 24 sam- ies 91.00. MallsOtder Dept. T-73, elOVA-RUBBER CO.- Box 91. Hamilton YEN, WOMEN! OW AT 40. 50. 601 Want to feel normally peppy, Years ?onager T Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up .die: weak, "old" because lacking iron. ntroductory, eget-acquainted` size only toe. An druggists. FOR SALE -Eight -room frame house, four rooms suitable for upstair apart- FOR merit. with water on tap; new wiring: ,1> J. new garage: large garden: good well- :3. Situated near s. hood and fust south of Egl sondvtlle Church- To see this Pro- perty,FOR apply to present tenant. MR- DEt•set spring coat WILDE, or write to MRS. RUBY DUN- an.i hat. size 6: exceptionally good con- DAS, Glencoe, Ont 45495 :11h'11. PHONE 356, 4551-1 For Sale SALE- -Quan city of feed flax. Ap- PATRICK. Phone Seaiortb 654 r 4:51x1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE - International Farmail :ra:tor and plow, in A-1 condition. TOM FLYNN. Phone 88. 4550x2 FOR SALE--•19se Austin: sound 1FOR to E-T5coPhone 840 yr ems's. Apply LEW new motor. new tires. Reasonable price. ; 4550x2 TED SAVAUGE Seaforth. 455151 I CARS -'49 Ford Coach. two -;one green : also '40 Desoto sedan. new paint mreen �. Both above aye race. Don't bury until WO see them. GL.KneeeS AUTO WRECK- - ERS, Phone 416. Exeter. 4551-1 Help Wanted HELP WANTE:1 Girl or w•;:man f,,- motber's help. t ' live in. State sa)ary. Box 415. HURON EXPOSI- 45e1 TO WANTED-Hirml man. married. Sep - orate house available. Start immediately Apply EARL DAPPLE. R.R. 4. Seaforth. Phone 6.50 r 22. Seater/b. 4551x1 WANTED -Organist and choir leader for Carmel Presbyterian Church. /Remelt : Hammond orr'an. Apply to MR. GLEN SELL, R R. No- 1. Hensall. stating sal- ary a peeted. Applications received until April 12th 4051x1 WE NEED AMBITIOUS - DEALERS In Rood vacant terrirories. Dealers in- terested communicate with us right now to reserve your territory. Good products. Advantageous cam mission_ Guaranteed success- Details: JITO: 5130. St. Hubert. Montreal 4549-4 Notices Ft,R SALE -Quantity 11 Alaska sed cuts JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, 655 r 16. Seaforth. 45:51x3 FOR SALE -Rabe buggy. in gond ,-on- dition : also a man's bicycle. PHONE 4551-1 FOR SAID: Used Coleman space heat- er BOX FL'RNITUE STORE 4551-2 FOR SALE --Spring Boat, red, size 14 :o : ' good condition. Cheap. PHONE 4551-1 FOR SALE-- ilmigies and Canaries : Hann Mountain Food. etc. ERIC i MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth, S93. 45551 tf POR SALE -Quantity Reamer seed oats. also Montcalm seed barter- PEARSON CHARTERS'. Phone Hensall 679 r 21. 455151 QUANTITY OF RED CLOVER Seed: aim quantity timothy for sale. Apply 1 GEORGE LEITCH. Seaforth Phone 841 . r 24. 4551x1 FOR SALE -Mann blue suit, new. size 1 25: also young man's glen cheek stilt. PHONE 657 r 3. Seaforth. 4551x1 FOR SALE -Pure-bred German Shep- herd puree two months cid. Apply EP - WARD MELADY, Dublin. Phone 22 r steers. 1 year aid : 5 Hereford and Polled - 10. 4451x2 Angus heifers and steers. rising 1 year °ride GRAIN --4 A11 seed is dean and ready ONE ONeme P.T.O. weenier : win take to sow 1-600 bushels oat ; 100 baabels s trade-in and will demonstrate- Apply bar !ee : 5 bushels remotbs : 5 bushels al - Box 414, HURON EXPOSITOR. fella: 3 busctseis red clover. Terms - 49,3 Cash to resero-e: farm is sold WIL- LIAM ST•RATYCHUK. Proprietor: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Chesney. Clerk. 4150-2 APARTMENT FOR Ree.NT - Available April 15. 1955. Modern : 5 rooms and -.rah : heated water supplied. Apply to 1 C. CRICH. Seaforth 4548-3 FOR RENT 50 acne. ploughed: fee miles east of Seafurth. in McKillop Town- ship. PHONE DUBLIN. 37 r 6. 4551-2 FOR RF 4T white frsme house, furn- ished. AL e Quebec heater for sale. MRS. Iit•GH BEERY. Brucefield. 4551:1 Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE - Clearing Auction Sale of Household Effects, Mach- inery and Property. at Lot 18. Concession 14, Hulett Township, 21.5 miles east of Blyth on Boundary. on Tuesday, April 5th. at 1 p.m.: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -2 kitchen ranges: 2 glass cupboards: bat- tery radio: kitchen chairs: kitchen tables: rockers: 2 couches: 6-piere walnut parlor set: occasional chairs :.mall tables; wash stands; booked mats: wardrobe; number spool beds: single bed: springs and mat - uses : reset hosts: bedding : 8 eight-day clocks: hanging Lampe: quantity of dish- es: kitchen utensils ; 20 cords maple body wood : 1925 F1•rd coupe : truck wagon : 2 extension ladders: steel barrel; 2 farm wagons: 16 -foot hay ra 1, ; wagon box ; stock rack: 2 &'t$-Ik sea les : hay rake: plows: diamond :ha rrows : s.-uifier : buggy : cutter : quantity lumber : stoneboat : 1 H.C., drop -head hay Lader goods; fan- ning mill ; wooden land roller ; 70 cedar -cart ; 2 sty team harneao : bag truck: 40 rods wo+,m wire :ence. love: of carpen- ter's arpen- ter s tools : barn lane : forks : doer's: chains: 1" -feet wire cat•-. -•h-r arti:ies too numerous to mention. PROPERTY - A: the same place. at 3 p.m.. ;he fol- lowing property will be offered for sale. subject to reserve hid : Lot 15. Con. 13. Mullett Township. 150 aeras, practically all workable: land at present time in pasture: 1, -,-storey brick house; 2 bank barna Buildings and land in excellent condition. Terms -Chattels. cash. ES- TATE OF LATE JOHN SANDERSON: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: E. P. Ches- ney. Clerk : R C. Hays. Solicitor for Es- tste Wilfred Sanderson andJohn San- derson. Adntinvtra:ors. 4550-2 C)-E.A91N ; 12, TION SALEf Fars. t•-''•. Ms s . ry ankn..]et l^a!n. at a L, 32. C,-r,.,s.ion:: 5Grey -,unship. 21, miles .uA • '.,.. .-a± nt Bruss,.s sr 2 mil• s -orth and 5miles yes; of Monkton. MACH- NEF.1" - 3 ora:: re \l,-l'ar;ni,•k- I`,t-rine ti•;:: io'ornt6:a-ree,^init. Mode) H. F. r? - ab, •:ntisned trac- t,rs are fully r,uippr.i and in excellent the C.P.T. Committee from a re- condition : Massey -Harris Clipper com- bine with motor and pier -up; New Hof- cent euchre and draw. Miss Smith land 'n -age hammier. torn and hay at- and Mrs. Leslie McClure were -a b rents and blower: Fleury -Bissell named representative and scholar, tremor spreader : McCormick -Deering bar siderake on rubber: MacCormick -Deer- respectively, to attend assembly int 7 -foot t_ -actor mower; 7 -foot Massey- sessions in Toronto in June, With Harris binder swather: Champion snow Mrs. J. Grummett being named Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDRR9 WILL be received by the Township of Stephen for 1,013 lineal feet of tile drainage for the Gore Road Muni- cipal brain. Tenders must be accompan- ied with certified cheque depoeh and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 4th day of April, 1965. Plana, pro- file and specifications may be seen in the otiice of the Clerk" Lowest or any tender not necemtarily accepted, F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 4550-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS ,WILL be received by the Township of Stephen for 2.400 cubic yards of excavation and 2 530 lineal feet of tile drainage on the Haugh Municipal Drain. Tenders must be accompanied with certi- fied cheque deposit and he in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 4th day of April, 1955. Plans. profile and specifica- tions may be seen in the office of the Clerk. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk. Creditou, Ont. 4550-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL be received by the Township of Stephen for 2.100 lineal feet of tile drainage for the Flynn Municipal Drain- Tenders must be accompanied with certified cheque and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 415 day of April, 1955. Plans. profile and specifica- tions may be seen in the office of the Clerk- Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. F. W. MORLOC K, Clerk, Crediton, Ont 4550-2 Rebekah Lodge Entertains Visitors The members of Goderich Re- bekah Lodge and Huronic Lodge, Clinton, and visitors from Owen Sound and Newfoundland, were guests of Edelweiss Rebekah Ladee ttlt?3 :qrs. Scott Habkirk. noble grand. presiding. Bro. R. K. Williamson, London, is to address a joint pot -luck, sup- per meeting of the C.P.T. commit- tees of the local Qud Fellows and Rebekah Lodges. Miss Mae Smith reported a?host ?5) realized by blow: `McCormick -Deering 1S -disc fertiliz- er drill: weed sprayer with 30 -foot boom, alternate. sold by Massey -Harris : MoCormiek-Deem Mrs- Chester Henderson, district ing 3 -farrow plow : Ford 2 -furrow plow : deputy, president of District 23, 3 sections of spring tooth drags ; 3 -section W her official `7511 at the diamond harrows: Minneapolis Mloline 8- pay foot tandem disc : small cement mixer April 11 meeting. An invitation (newt: paint sprayer +complete with was accepted to attend the 25th motor and tw, .-allon tank 1 : 3 rubber anniversary of Huronic Lodge. �,,�p� tired wagons and `forage box; forks. vf,.gc- ehains. ,shovels. WO IS and a host of other Clinton, on May 2, when a lodge artirle<. Quantity ,f Reeeebold E$eeee- from London is to confer the de- Liv-E.cTOCs--l0 Holstein heifers, bred to freshen from September 5 gree an Candidates. Assembly of- to November; Hotsrein heifers ready "for market; 1 ficers are expected to be in at - Durham cow, due in September: 20 Dar- tendance at the meeting_ ham and Po-, led -Angus steers and heifers. Mrs. Sharp t,,,,.,, w -as named rising 2 years old: 20 Western Hereford "''ea` 1' GOOD CLEAN Clipper beans, harvested t without rain- Phone Clinton 616 r 24. R• k2 McCLYMONT, Varna NOTICE -ow is the time to get your 1 45NOTICE-Now custom kilhag done: aisd chain sawing. FOR SALE -1 Hoisted Hereford heifer Apply to MUNRO'S S4RAT 5LARI:L: r • wish ref one week old; 1 BQ,lstein cow Phone 446-W, 4-550-2 e ere the end of April. Apply D. S. ti OLTEP rs-fi lilt 4. Seafort5s_ Phone A'XTE24TION. FARMERS 1 Steed grain 7ubiia 22 r 14. 4551-1 Cleaned and teemed. Apply LOUTS L13C192:ER. Phone 298. Two blocks west j EOR BALE-Anareeeeee alae eteets-)e el the Creamery. 454&31 _e 5three-wire service): electric re - GET YOUR sewage cork done eros. i f: igera:or. Both in excellent eondition. Only S2 Per foot on contract basis All • Pboae 39414 E EL 3tCINHOE work guaranteed. Contact 930 r 33. Sea-', 4.51x1 forth USED PARTS for all makes ears and 4.1151-tf `.mnalLs. Axles and wheels far magmas or COMPLETE LINE of Nursers Stock- i trailers. Used pipe and steel. GLENN'S Bogle Nursery Company. Order noir for ;t'� WRECI+l:'pi-C Phone 413, Exeter. Spring delivery. KED) POWELL Re- 1 4552-i presentative. Seaforth 4539-12 i FOR SALE -Silver grey aonagseble Sun - HIGHEST CASH prices paid for old,shine baby buggy, in good condition. Will nick and disabled horses and cattle. Ani- sw vert �� into � . baby swing. PHONE 869.5. ttSeafar teals bled out- Telephone L£ROY r,-,�,rl:1 ACHESON, Atwood 15.3, collect 4541-15 MILKERS FOR SALE -More farmers NOTICE -Sanitary sewage disposal, emetic tanka and carpools. etc-. pumped and cleaned with modern equipment Prompt service. LOUIS BLAKE Phone 42-r 6. Brussels. Ont 4549x12 are switching to Surge Milkers each month Contact LOVELL S McGUIEE, W ingbam- Phone 593 New and used machines We specialize m good cow milking. 4547x17 RAD10 REPAIRS --For an kinds of SALE -Two Utters nine York ,•adios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, per' lust eared_ Appiy ai farm of JONATHAti HUGTLL & Sana. e®poa(te Dick House. Seaforth- Phonetractors. Cco- 247-R. tractors. Phone Clinton 616 r 13, or Sea - 41551 -1f forth 667 r I8. 4550-2 COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - Posts SALE -A quantity of good cedar forth and district and Drs Cleaning Ser- pasts e'`r' from the swamp to your Order now- BORDEN BROWN. vice. Phone 993. ERIC MILKER farm FLOWERS, Seaford. agent for Bradt Kinbtira. Phone 841 r 2 Sento th Gleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4548-9 4:'3i14f FOR SAIF -Hardwood tops: also a 40 - PAPERHANGING. PAINTING thrash ocre farm, Lot 29, Bom4dary Grey s as Spray) : exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 193.5 wallpaper designs STECEtiSON, 8 seta Phone 60 r 4, Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. Rnrasels. 4649x4 DALTON, Railway St GROCERY. BUTCHER Sappliet, Res- 43A51-tf !teurant fiquiinnent: cash register: type- writers. adding machines meat slicers. exa+. have your tractor radiator chemically.- menti Exari `q eight mdzstna.l sraSec Se'_ RADIATOR REPAIR SERVICE -•Farm- n. en, scales. Globe ntnrmoson istarp- eleaned and repaired for spring work" rice to all makes. HORTON SAT- S & Special prices on for the month of March SERVICE. 339 wellington St, Leeden. COLLINS' SERVICE STATION. one mile 1 phone 3.3401- •- 4543x10 nest of Seat -amt. Phone 667 r 12. 41475 • FOR SALE --Farr choice Holstein heif- ers. ' years old, to freshen shortly. bred Heref•'•r1 on pasture. T•hne are high - wreck .reality. bavine bred pare Holstein for years. the Are as well as the sire s mother being artificial stock from Oxford snit. Apply E. I. BENISER, RR 1, Varna, or phone Hensall 699 r 12- 5 4551-1 RL -RN -IPTG OIL? Car aInggtab r Pet ATTENTION. FARa1ERS! - Prompt eonrteues nollection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides- Call collect. ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Sea - forth or 235. Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co.. of Canada Ltd. 4555141 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insamnination service for all beee& of cattle. Few serriee or informa- i' fain/ phone CLINTON 242, collect be - tee n 7:30 and 10:00 sem on week days Ind 7:90 and 9:30 am, on Sundays 4544-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers 1'DON'T WANE maltey 0 Minerals bind data not nevi. "We win. with - 'd a to you, take sarapten of the !► ser Tatar fields and have them an - CALL ilot k Feeds Limited . is for sal MOTALOY, a complete ring and calve sob for only 43, ferny guaranteed. Now proved by Atomic Research Good for the life of your engine Shipped poatpald- Write or phone MOTALOY SALM CO_, Grderieh, Ont Dealers and disirr'botars wanted_ 45504 WALLPAPER BARGAINS • FREE -Write for our large Cetalogne of Rereein W i - Trimmed and washable, priced in many Wallpaper Stores t® to *1.50 per roll yours for 49c and 559e per Single roll. Free booklet. How to Hang Wallpaper, in- cluded- Cody's Stores Ltd. 291-7 Barton se. R. HAMIi.TON Deaths BOYES-rn Seaforth, on Meda, axb 28, Robert Rages, beloved hoam3tnad of Nellie Stobie, in ids 80th year. CLEARING AUCTION: SALE of Farm Stock. Machinery and Household Effects at Let 30. Concession 2. Mc0inop Town- ship. 1 mile west and 1 mile north of canvass in aid of the cancer so- Seaforth. on Wednesday, April Sth. at 12:30 sharp: CATTLE-Regiateed Dur- ham bud! 2 years old tTnrnball breed) ; 6 Durban steers 2 years old. ready for mar- ket: 5 Durban heifers 2 rears old. ready for market: 2 steers 1 year old; 3 5eifea 1 year old; 5 3 -year-old Durham heifers with cal acting secretary during the ab- sence of Miss Jean Scott. Mrs. Mary McElroy was named social committee convener for April, May and June, with Mrs. Adin Forbes, Mrs. Margaret Messenger, Mrs. Everitt Smith, Mrs. Andrew Moore, Mrs. Alex Boyes and Mrs. Robert Dodds named to the com- mittee. Mrs. Hugh Thompson and Mrs. S. Habkirk volunteered to es vat foot: 2 Durham cows due is April; white cow with calf at foot; 1 6 -year-old now with cif at foot : 2 7 -year- old cows. doe 1st of May ; 1 5 -year-old otto . ,fresh. MAC WINERY --Massey-Harris binder ,-foot cat: International horse-- drawn mowe' : Oliver . power mower (like new : Cocksbntt siderake (like new) ; 10 - foot damp- rake: Cock.butt 13 -disc fer- tilizer drill like news ; Bisset disc; 011e -es 70 tractor. felly equipped; 2 -furrow Cock - sham tractor plow ; walking plow ; gravel box : International hay loader: stiff tooth cultivator: 6 -section harrows: set 2.000 - pound reales : farming mall: grain crud- er: root peeper; cutting box: senfiier ; farm wagon . I6 -foot fiat sliding rack : sleighs : canter : baggy : water trough ; colons house 8x13: feeders: James oy electric brooder: manure spreader: oak barrel: electric cream separator; 2 single omits Universal milking machine tnsed 2 Years) :. set double harness : set single herncsa (new) ; 2 wire gates; 2 electric fencers ; roller: bay fork : rope and sling rope : ladder, 80 -ft, extension; wood rails: block and tackle: belt; stoneboat : drains ; whif leiaee t , scraper ; 3 16 -inch timbers. HAY and GRAIN -400 bushels mixed grain : 10 tons mixed hay. HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS - Camplete bedroom =u ite: Singer sewing machine: Cofield w shins machine: glass cupboard• oak sideboard; 2 toilet sets; Philos, radio: rocking chair; settee: 2 eongoieum rte; tabic : eha)ra : dishes: curtains: shutters s5ep-tadder : clock: kitchen range; other articles too numerous to mentiotf51 Terms -Cash_ JAMES AI'17CHEISON. Proprie- tor: Harold J acksoa, Auctioneer • E. P. Chesney. Cler•lr_ - 4550-2 Cards of Thanks ROBERT 51- PECK takes this opportun- ity to express sincere thanks and appre- ciation to bis many friends who rmrem- bered him with kindnesses and visits while he was a patent in St Joggepb"e Hospi- tal and since returning home, 4551:1 1 WISH to ecprow my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbor- for their kindness shown me while a patient fa Scott Memorial Hospital and to thank those ash* sent me cards and treats. Al- t so many thanks to Drs- Gera -ill. Oakes and Stapleton and the nursing start. 43131-1 JOS! 'H_ EARLE TEE TOROTHERS and staters of the Late Mics Ethel Finnigan wish to thank tbeir friends and neiabkore for kindness and sympathy extended to them in their sad bereavement Special thanks to the Rem_ 1. W. Stinson- Rev. A E. 1.# stone and Lieutenants J Hunter and L 'Peke 4551x1 In Memoriam IN LOVING MEMORY of Christens M. Townsend, beloved wife of Simnel H. Whitmore, who passed away April L 1949; 'Beyond the sansei, eternal day." -Lovingly remembered by Husband teed Pisanilee 4651-1 Births flARDWICtf---din Kitcheher. an March 26, to Mr. and Mars, Leo Hardwick (nisei Margaret Roberts), a ton_ ZION Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb, of Stratford, spent a few days with Mr. and .Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hannon and David, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, Terry and Ray, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jeffery on Sunday. Master Gerald Ahrens spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney spent Friday in Stratford, WINCHELSEA Winchelsea Euchre Club held their annual supper last Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hero and Mr. and Mrs. John Coward were hosts. After a delicious sup- per, euchre was played, prizes go- ing to: ladies' high. Mrs. B. Wal- ters; lone hands, Alf Brooks; low, Mrs. Ward Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walters and Danny were Thursday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs, Wib. Glanville, near Staffa. - Mrs. Jack Wicks. of London, spent a few days the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs, Bev. Morgan and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mrs. John Batten and baby daughter have returned home from South Huron Hospital. Miss Donna GilfilIan is spend- ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan, of Exeter. Miss Wilma Walters, of Lon- don, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bin Walters and Danny visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe, of the Thames Road. Horse racing is at least 3,000 years old. • Prison Warden: "Any com- plaints3/4" Prisoner: "Yes, warden, I've been studying architecture here, and I find the prison walls aren't built to scale." • "Well, Willie, what did you learn at school today?" "Gee, pop, I learned to say yes sir, no sir, yes ma'am and no ma'am." "Yon did!" "Yeah_" Cream Producers To Continue Grants Huron County Cream Producers' Association directors and execu- tive meeting in Clinton over die weekend, voted to continue grants to school fairs within the county this year. Each school fair will receive $5.00 for a class of beef heifer calves and $5.00 for a class of dairy heifer calves. The meeting decided to assist in the promotion of the June set- aside advertising campaign if it is again carried on this year at a national level. With Chairman Hume Clutton, R.R. 5, Goderich, presiding, the meeting planned to do some pro- motional advertising for butter, in booklets. published in Huron Coun- ty, such as school year books and fall fair prize lists. Secretary Gordon Greig, Blue - vale, was instructed to forward a letter of appreciation to the Hon. James G. Gardiner, Dominion min- ister of agriculture, for the con- tinuation of the 58 -cent floor price for butter. The meeting voted to continue its affiliation with the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, and Mr. Clutton, as chairman, will act as director. G. Greig was re- appointed as secretary. HENSALL • Lieut. Brian Bell -Irving, of the Royal Canadian Navy, Victoria, B.C., who accompanied a company of flight cadets to London, visited last Thursday -with Mrs. C. Cook. Lieut. Bell -Irving. who is married to Carolyn Chellew, formerly of Los Angeles, Cal., a granddaugh- ter of Mrs. C. Cook, expects to leave for Europe in the near fu- ture. Last wiling Rev. W. J. Rogers chose Sunday subject, "This is Life. , the The hoir offered the anthem. "Take Thou My Hand," in which the alto solo was taken by Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Service is as usual next Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, with Rev. Mr, Rog- ers in charge. The Chiselhurst service is at 3 o'clock, with Sun- day School at two. The executive meeting of South Huron District Institute takes place in the Hensall Legion rooms n Tueo day, April 5. at 12:30 noon. A pot -luck meal precedes the busi- ness session. Any local member may attend this affair. KIPPEN NEWS 'Guests of Rev. and Mrs. McLeod during the eek were Mr, • and Mrs. Carl R. Amen and slaughter, Iva Jean. of Netawaka, Kansas, also Mr. and Mrs_ S. J. Ryan, of Edmonton, Alta. Rev_ Mr. McLeod accompanied Rev: IL Dickinson, of Goderich, and Rev. V. Buchanan, of Gorrie, to "Five Oaks," near Paris,- Ont., where ministers of Bruce Presby- tery were holding a "retreat_" Mr_ and Mrs. Jack Dickert and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dickert, of Clifford,- visited an evening last week with 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Dinsdale is improving a lit- tle in health. St. Columban CWL Sponsors Play The play, "Arsenic and Old Lace," was presented before a ca- pacity crowd on Friday evening by a group of St. Columban young people in the parish hall. The directors were Auguste Duebarme and Mrs. Jack Murphy. The cast of characters -in this splendid performance were: Miss- es Abby and Martha Brewster, two charming old sisters, played by Mrs. Catharine Staples and Mrs. Beatrice Kale; their nephew, Mortimer, a drama critic, Lou Rowland; .Jonathan, another nephew, an escaped criminal from a mental institution, Lou McIver; . Teddy, a third nephew, who is un-' der the impression that he is President Roosevelt, Lou Murray; Elaine, Moitimer's fiancee, Re- gina Bowman; Rev. Dr. Harper, Maine's father, Arthur Murphy; Dr. Einstein, friend and partner in business with Jonathan. Jim Flanagan- police officer O'Hara, who is writing a play, Tom Mur- ray; Officers Klein and Bl ophy, Clarence Maloney and Bill Ryan; Lieut- Rooney, Martin Murray; Mr. Gibbs, an applicant for a room at the Brewster home, Lou Coyne; Spenzalo, the corpse, Al- fred Malone; Mr. Witherspoon, the superintendent who comes to take Teddy, and who meets an un- timely end, Frank Hicknell- Between acts Frank Sills, Jr., of Seaforth, sang "An Irish Lulla- by" and "Boy of Mine" "The An- imal Song" and "Danny Boy" were contributed by the Grade 10 stu- dents of Dublin Continuation School. DISTRICT FARM FORUMS END SEASON; REVIEW YEAR'S DISCUSSIONS CROMARTY FORUM The last meeting of Cromarty Farm Forum of the year was held Monday night with a delicious pot - hick supper. Mr. and Mrs. Filmer Chappell were host and hostess at their flome for the affair. Winners of euchre were: ladies, Mrs. William Harper; gents. Ger- ald Carey; lone hands, Bob Laing. Friday evening, April 1, Hibbert Forums will meet in Staffa Hall for their last social evening of the season. PARR LINE FORUM The Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Eldin Jarrott 'with 20 members present. As there was no regular topic, the mem- hers spent the evening in a social way. Prizes were won by: ladies, I Mrs. Gordon Love; gentlemen, Wilfred Mousseau. This being the final meeting of the season, the members indicated the programs during the year to have been successful, especially in regard to attendance. Out of a membership of Z7. attendance av- eraged 22 per meeting. The meeting expressed apprecia- tion to district weeklies for the co 'erage giden the meetings, and to Bonthrons of Hensall and West - lakes of Zurich, for the loan of chairs. Lunch was served. S.S. 2, McKILLOP FORUM . S.S. No. 2 Farm Forum met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dolmage with an attend- ance of 26. ttend-anceof26. The radio broadcast depicted the laying of plans and also the com- pletion of a community centre through the efforts of several radio forums. This being the last meet- ing for this season, the secretary and news reporter for next season were appointed. The new secre- tary will be Alvin Dodds and news reporter, Walter Scott_ A short session of progressive euchre was held, winners being: ladies, Elsie Storey, Mrs. Ellwood Clarke, Mrs. Sam Storey; men, Ellwood Clarke, William Storey and R. E. McMillan. - Following euchre, John Thomp- son showed pictures of his recent trip down south- These slides were very colorful and instructive and were pronounced a real success. With the women supplying the pie and the men ice cream, we wound up the etening and season, saying that we will miss our meet- ings during the summer, but will be looking forward to next Novem- ber when we will again contimle with the forum programs. FIRESIDE FARM FORUM Fireside Farm Forum rnet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Cook with 25 adults present. This being the last meeting, a lively discusson took place in answering the questionnaire. Election of officers followed with the majority ruling that the host or hostess for each meeting of the 1955-56 series would -act as chair- man of the meeting. The forum thought that this would create bet- ter interest in the forum. Joe Babcock is the secretary. Bert Hoggart and Donald Buchanan were named to be in charge of the opening of the forum in the falL Mrs. Mansel Cook, ' Mrs. Ora Riley and Mrs- Bob Dalton are in charge of the picnic ,preparations_ Preparations are also being made for the annual family night fea- ture. This will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dal- ton Saturday, so that the school children can attend. A social hour of euchre was held witli the following winners hof euchre: high, Mrs. Myrtle Bab- cock, Eric Anderson; lone hands, Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Oliver An- derson; consolation, Mrs. Ora Riley and Mrs. George Carter. The nth earrseentive GUARANTY TRUST Comgan3r of Canada - DIVIDEND 1St a sfe:ne - saste e/ 6%© per mtrmat ply -abler Apra 15, 1955 fs sierrhalders 4 re:aurd Mora 31, 1955 3. WILSON BERRY r.. e _ _4 sacro l alorye eft OF THE WEEK Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie and Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie in the passing of a husband and father, the late Hugh McMurtrie, Mr. , and Mrs. Ray Hillier, of London, visited recently at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex McMurtrie. Miss Isobel Caldwell, of London, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cald- well. AVM., .1, 55 "Where's Grandma? Presented by Varna W.41,.? - United Church THURS., MARCR 31st at 8:15 p.m. SPONSORED BY THE CHOIR Admission - 50 cents and 25 cents 11 rtz TRACTOR Overhaul Time Don't delay! Bring in your Tractor for necessary repairs, so that it will be in good shape when Spring work gets under way. GUARANTEED SERVICE On All Makes of Tractors DALY MOTORS Phone 102 : Seaforth ATTENTION FARMERS! Contact KYLE'S MARKET, Kippen, for your Spring Requirements - Full line of - Government Tested Grass Seeds, Wire and Sup- plies and Profit -Proven Pioneer Feeds For those who might have been misinformed, our truck is still covering the regular country routes as always, and we are still carrying the same line of General Merchandise, along with the enlarged Food Department, with New Low Prices. COME IN AND BE CONVINCED ! KYLE'S MARKET KIPPEN - ONT. Contract Barley We have a limited amount of CONTRACT BARLEY SEED AVAILABLE Inquire today. GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDS SEED OATS Better Profit From Better Seed HYLAND FARM BRAND Four Unloading Pits - Little Delay BARB WIRE and FENCING x t W. G. Thompson & Sons LTD. HENSALL ONTARIO Phone 32 : Nights 72 J M`f •