HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-03-25, Page 4THE HURON EXPOSITOR READ OUR SMALL 1105 Ms Inserted At New Low Cash Rates ,MMLE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week 5.1 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion- 25 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -I cent Per word. Idanx. CROUP -Per week. fp May he directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor. for 16 cents extra. tents additional will be charged if ads in above clam are not paid vrithin 10 airra of date of final insertion. cliAthe„, Marriagea and Deaths inserted free a charge. 08081011 Salm Notices to Creditors, Etc.-Ratee on application. , Coming Events ,s,VESERVE FRIDAY night for danc- NV In the Crystal Palace Ballroom, 4Iteheli The Night Hawks are furnish - the music. 4547-tf ZTAANCE EVERY Wednesday and Sat - Oa, at Mantle's Wagon Wheel. ecross Man CIty Hall, Stratford. Herb Petrie's ;theatre: 60-76. 4547-tf Property For Sale 'PROPERTY FOR SALE -In Egmond- ine. 8 -room frame house with Maul brick Ming. hot water heating system, modern Mreniences; double garage and garden. abItlY to Box 417, HURON EXPOSITOR, r shone 666 r 81. 4550x2 -FOR SALE--Eight-room frame house. par rooms suitable for upstair apart - Lent, with water on tap; new wiring; SW garage; large garden; good well. ituated near school and just south of patondville Church.- To see this pro- trtY. apply to present tenant. MR. DE rILDE, or write to MRS. RUBY DUN - AS, Glencoe, Ont 4549-3 Help Wanted VE NEED AMBITIOUS DEALERS In good vacant territories. Dealers in - rested communicate with us right now reserve your territory. Good products. lvantageous commission. G uaran teed qcess. Details: : 5130, St. Hubert, Montreal 4549-1 Notices To Creditors OTICE ,to CREDITORS the Estate of CHARLES BARNETT 8.LL PERSONS having claims against Estate of Charles Barnett, late of the of Seafortla, Gentleman. deceased, o died on or about the 23rd day of Sruary, 1966, are hereby notified to send ,to the undersigned on or before the day of April, 1955. full particulars of claims, after which date the assets I be distributed, having regard only to has then received. ATED at Seaforth. Ont., this 4th day arch, 1955. , ALVIN W. SILLERY, Solicitor, &c.. Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Estate. 4548-3 Personals fENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). led postpaid in plain. sealed envelope price list, 6 samples 5e : 24 sam- .. 91-00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. "A -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. Wanted WANTED ----Male roomers and boarders. PHONE 446-W. 4549x2 ROOMERS, BOARDERS WANTED - Good residence; all conveniences. includ- ing TV. MRS. N. MeCALLUM. Phone I87 -R, Seaforth. 4548-3 For Rent FOR RENT -8 -room house in Ea-mond- ville. Apply ALVLN H. BEATON. 5067 Maplewood, Detroit 4. Mich. Tyler 7-8965. 4647-13 APARTMENT FOR RENT - Available April 16, 1955. Modern; 6 rooms and bath; heated; water supplied. Apply to J. C. CRICH. Seafort.h. 4548-3 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL be received by the Township of Stephen for 1,013 lineal feet of tile drainage for the Gore Road Muni- cipal Drain. Tenders must be accompan- ied with certified cheque deposit and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 4th day of April, 195.5. Plans, pro- file and apecifications may be seen in the office of the Clerk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W. IMORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 4550-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL be received by the Township of Stephen for 2,400 cubic yards of excavation and 2.1580 lineal feet of tile drainage on the Haugh Municipal Drain. Tenders must be accornpanied with certi- fied cheque deposit and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 4th day of April, 1955. Plans. profile and specifica- tions may be seen in the office of the Clerk. Lowest or any tender not neees- stiffly accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Crediton, Ont. 4550-2 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL be received by the Township of Stephen for 2.100 lineal feet of tile drainage for the Flynn Municipal Drain. Tenders must be accompanied with ,"ertified cheque and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 4th day of April, 1955. Plans, profile and specifica- tions may be seen in the office of the Clerk. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk, Creditor" Ont 4550-2 For Sale FGR SALE --Six tons of . hay. Apply 'SYDNEY GEMMELL. Phone 630 r 41. A 453031 . 1,. Notices . FOR 10314. SALE -A ttood colony house, size Id I Apply Box 416, HURON EX- a 'DTICE-Nosv is the time to get your 1 I OSITOR. 4550-1 p killing done : also chain sawing. b R 3, , to 7VIUNROS MEAT MARKET. FOSALE-2 part Hereford calves. c, er• 446-W. 4550-2 Apply W. D WILSON, Brucefield, Phone T .. Seaforth 658 r 33. 455031 H TION, FARMERS -1 Seed grain n ed and treated. Apply LOUIS FOR SALE - International Farrnall ta NER. Phone 298. Two blocks west tractor and plow, in A-1 condition. TOM d w 'Creamery. 45,9_,, i FLYNN. Phone 88. 4550x2 - - As'k' • t.1 • For Sale FOR SALE --Spinning outfit, large size Ambedeit reel, extra spool 500 yards, six line, and bamboo epinning rod. Priced to sell Apply HAROLD Faze. Phone 866. 4550x1 FOR SALE-Cockshute 8 -foot power binder, like new ; 11 -hoe Maasey-Harris fertilizer drill. Apply JAMES MILLER, Cromarty. Phone 42 r 4, Dublin, 4550x1 FOR SALE -A No. 11 Pdaasey-Harris eectrie cream separator, in good condi- tion, Apply JOHN WOODS, R.R. 8, Kip - pen. Phone 661 r 33, Seaforth. 4550-2 FOR SALE-- 2 calves; also 2 bucket Eta for either car or trtait, one binge ick and one solid. APPLY to GORDON YNOLDS. Phone 667 r 24, Seaford'. 4550-1 FOR SALE -Two litters nice York Pigs. just weaned. Apply at farm of JONATHAN HUGILL & Sons, Silo Con- traetors. Phone Clinton 616 r 13. or Sea - forth 667 r 13. 4550-2 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Live. 810018. at Lot 20, Concession 14, McKillop Township, 114 miles south and 114 eaat of Walton, on Tuesday, March 29th, at 1:30 p.m.: cArrLE--6 Durham cows due to freshen in April: 2 Hereford cows, due in April: 2 Brindle cows. due in April and May; 1 Hereford cow with' calf at foot: I Registered Hereford heifer with calf at foot; 1 black cow, due in April: 1 Registered Hereford bull rising 2 years old; 5 Hereford heifers, ready for mar- ket ; 1 farrow mw: 2 Hereford steers two years old; 7 Hereford steers and heifers ristng 2 years : 8 Hereford steers and heifers rising 1 year old. Terms -Cash. LESLIE W. BOLTON, Proprietor; Har- old Jackson, Auctioneer; John E. Siernon, Clerk. 4549-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Fenn Machinery, at Lot 21. Concession 3, Tuck- ersmith Township, L..R.S., 114 north and 114 east of Kippen, on -Saturday,- March 26th, at I p.m. MACHINERY - Ford tractor with Ford equipment, including a plow, cultivator, buck rake, post hole digger, bean puller Oliver Combine with Pickup 2-8e0tion spring tooth dim:: har- rows like new : disc harrow ; McCor- mick -Deering 16 -run power fertilizer drill on rubber 1 new 1 : Cockshutt side rake (like new) : walking plow ; cultipacker ; Massey -Harris binder ; mower ; sugar beet lifter ; modern rubber tired wagon with grain box ; Renfrew cream separator with motor ; 2 milk cans ; milk strainer ; Woods electric grain grinder 1like new( : 3 H.P. Holland electric chicken brooder ; colony house. 10312 ; 3 shelters, anti other poul- try equipment ; 120 -gallon gas tank : gas barrel : fanning mill ; hay ear 1 ropes: Pulleys : chains ; 2 sap pans ; 130 buckets 054 sin es freit boxe50 bushels ta turnips : 2 000-15. scales ; army truck w rebuilt motor : forks.: shovels ; some la mt eve', ; 50 -foot garden hose ; 1 tem f ; some household effects, includin bedroom suite. Terms -s-Cash ZIO,SE 'DAN -MAN. Pr.Privt,, : Jacks Auctioneer ; E. P. Chesney. Clerk, , '454 Auction Sales POSTPONED AUCTION SALE - Thr Poatponed Auction Sale of John Kahle, 214 miles west and 8% miles north of Mitchell, will be held _Monday, March 28 at 12 o'clock. 4550,1 Cards of Thanks I WISH to express my sincere thanks and appreciation .-to all my friends, rela- tives and neighbors for their gifts, earth; and flowers I received while I was a Patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. London. !Special thanks to the Sisters of St. Jos- eph's, Rev, Father Pettipiece and D. Mc- Aninaele 4550-1 CECILIA CONNOLLY Births KRUSE-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 18, to Mr. and Mrs. •George Kruse, Seaforth, a daughter. HEUNSBERGEN - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 18th. to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Heunsbergen, R.R. 2. Sea - forth, a daughter. VAN DYKE -At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on blareh 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Van Dyke, R.R. 3, Seaforth, a daugh- ter. CAMPBELL -At Seott Memorial Hospi- tal, on March 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam G. Campbell. Seaforth, a son. Friends Gather On Henson Resident's 67th Birthday Mr. Irvin Willed was taken by surprise Friday evening, March 18, when friends and relatives gathered at his home to celebrate his birthday. The evening -was spent in progressive solo. Ladies' high went to Mrs. Fred Rader, of Dashwood, with 264 points; gents' high, Mr. Fred Rader, Dashwood, with 232 points; ladies' low, Mrs. Ted' Miller, Zurich, with 164 points; gents' low, Mr. Louis Restemeyer, of Dashwood, with 182 points. After the solo a delicious lunch was served, the table centred with a beautiful birthday cake decorat- ed with 67 candles. Best birthday wishes were exNnded to Mr. Wil- lert and the hope that he would enjoy many more birthdays. "Daddy, I'm broke; is there any work around the house I could do to increase my allowance?" "Nothing I can think of, my boy." "Then how about putting me on relief?" HENSALL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fairbairn visited Sunday with Mr. Fair- bairn's sister, Mrs. Helen Dal- rymple, of Clinton. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark, Sr., were: Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Bestard and Brian of Grand Bend, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest and Clark, of Hen- sall. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. E. Geiger in the loss of her brothers, Judson Ferriss, of Windsor, and Lorin Ferriss, of Kingsville, whose sud- CROMARTY The Young People's Society met in the basement of the church on Sunday evening tvith Patsy Ram- say presiding, who took charge of ble the Scripture reading, with Rev. 'ith S, Kerr leading in prayer. The top- ic was taken by Phillip James, as- sisted by Shirley Wallace, Joy Viv- ian and Margaret Walker. on, Congratulations are in order to 952 Margaret Ann Wallace. who W011 ing • tre trophy at the sloting carnival i eh. n Mitchell. ion Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wal4er visited - on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gar- th, s__.2 net Cockwell at Dashwood. bat- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robert- P ESTATE A E (21'1 ON .'5\1.9iClear Auction Sale of Household Effects. Ma inery and Property. at Lot 13, Concess 14, Hullett TowV Township. 2, miles east Blyth on Boundary. on Tuesday, April 5 at 1 p.m:HOUSEHOLD EFFECT kitchen ranges. - glass cupboards; tery radio; kitchen chairs kitchen tabl ers • - couches ; 6 -piece walnut parlor set: occasional chairs; small tables; wash stands; haoked mats ; wardrobe; number spool beds; single herl springs and mat tress: quilt boxes; bedding: 3 eight-day clocks ; hanging lamps : Quantity of dish- es: kitchen utensils; 20' cords maple body wood; 1928 Ford coupe ; truck wagon ; 2 extension ladders : steel barrel 2 farm wagons : 16 -foot hay rack wagon box ; stock rack : 2,000-1b. scales : hay rake: plows; diamond harrows ; scurfler ; buggy cutter: quantity Jambe,: ; stoneboat ; I H.C. drop -head hay loader (good 1 fan- ning mill ; wooden land roller; 79 cedar Posts t, 2 seteam harness ; bag truck ; 40 rods woven wire fence; box of carpen- ter's to,!,: barn jack forks v shoels : dins . oot 1510, 00.1,'; 1.1.Lh0,1. .^ 11 I.,. 10 ICS s: numerous to mention. PROPERTY - t the same pla,e, at 3 • p.m,. the f :wing Property will he offered for sa abject to r1.51,Ve 15. Con. 1 ullett Township. 150 acres. practical 11 worlcable : land at present time ast o re : 11..,.; ''''y brics house ; 2 ban arts. Buirdings anti ;and in e'celle: fnelition, Terms -Ch8'o-'s, crisM. E ATE OF LATE JOHN SANDERSON n adel Jo acksn. Auct : 1'. Cho ey. Clerk', R. C. solicitor for o: te ; Hired Sand rs.m find John Su: erson. .Acinfin i -ft raters. 1550 OF THE WEEK den deaths occurred .within a week of each other, on March 7 and 11. Carmel W.M.S. The Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church met on Thursday last for their meeting. Mrs. M. Sangster and Miss Dora Alair arranged the program, with Mrs. Sangster pre- siding, who opened the meeting with a poem. Sacred passages were read by Miss Alair and pray- er by Mrs. Sangster. Roll call was answered by a favorite hymn. Mrs. Sangster took the topic from the study book and read an article entitled, "Today," by Rev. W. A. Young. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Hensall arena will close this Saturday night for the season, and in appreciation of the wonderful support given, the Arena Board are giving free skating for every- body this Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stephenson, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Harvey Keys, spent the week end visiting the former's son and daughter -in -raw, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Stephenson, of Toronto, - United Church Notes Rev. W. J. Rogers occupied the ulpit in the United Church last unday morning. The choir of- fered the anthem, "Jesus, Saviour, Thine I Am." Next Sunday, Mar. 20, service is at the usual time - 11 o'clock. Chiselhurst service is at 3 p.m. Rev. W. J. Rogers will be in charge. es, son, of Listowel, were visitors w4th Mr. John Robertson and his sis- ter, Mrs. J. Wilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg McKellar and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay McKellar and family. The Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary are holding a baking sale in the basement of the church on Saturday. afternoon, March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth visited on Sunday with Mrs. Bella Hoggarth and Jim Hoggarth. The Mission Band met in the basement of the church on Sun- day afternoon with a good attend- ance. Scott presided and al- so read a passage of Scripture. Margaret Coleman favored with ol- le, 2. ly in „ piano music. Mrs. Lamond had s- charge of the Senior Class and continued the Bible History, Mrs, Wesley Russell took charge of the Juniors and entertained them with -2 making little emblems in which they were quite interested. rn 2. ,T YOUR sewage work done now. FOR SALE-- Timothy seed. Apply LEW s ,* $2 per foot on contract basis. All BOLTON. Phone 840 r 22. Seaforth. C guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33, Sea- 455032 ,, FOR SALE -Quantity of seed flax. AP- rnim 4547-tf i ply J. PATRICK. Phone Seaforth 65.1 r m LETE . LINE of Nursery Stock. I 33' 455031 D . Nursery Company. Order now for 1 H tg delivery. KEN POWELL, Re- FOR SALE -Baby buggy in good condi- to tative. Seaforth. . 4539_12 I don. PHONE 597-W, evenings. CO I 4550-1 hi CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Far tock, Machiner and Grain, at Lot 3 oneession 13. Grey Township. 21, miles :fah as,l s miles (fast of lirusfq Is, or 2 iles north and '5 miles west of Monkton, f'rielay. April 1st, at 12 o'clock sharp : ACHINERY 2 tractors : McCormick- eering W6 ; McCormick -Deering Model : Ford tractor false. e mentioned trac- ra are fully equipped and in excellent ndition 1 ; Massey -Harris Clipper com- ne with motor and pick-up; New Hol- nd forage harvester, corn and hay at- chments and blower: Fleury -Bissell actor spreader; MeCormick-Deering 4- r siderake on rubber; McCormick -Deer - g 7 -foot tractor mower; 7 -foot MasseY- arris binder swather ; Champion snow blow ; McCormick -Deering '13-discsfertiliz- er drill; weed sprayer with 30 -foot boom. sold by Massey -Harris: McCormick -Deer ing 3 -furrow plow: Ford 2 -furrow plow; 3 sections of spring tooth drags; 5-aection diamond harrows: Minneapolis Moline 8 - foot tandem disc ; small cement mixer (new; ; paint sprayer (complete with motor and two -gallon tank) ; 3 rubber tired wagons and forage box ; forks, chains, shovels, tools and a host of other articles. Quantity of Household Effects. LIVESTOCK -10 Holstein heifers, bred to freshen from September to November; 5 Holstein heifers ready for market; I Durham cow, due in September: 20 Dur- ham and Polled -Angus Steers and heifers. rising 2 years old ; 20 Western Hereford steers, 1 year old; 5 Hereford and Polled - Angus heifers and steers, rising 1 year old. GRAIN -I All seed is clean and ready to sow) -600 bushels oats; 100 bushels barley; 5 bushels timothy; 5 bushels al- falfa; 3 bushels red clover. Terms -- Cash. No reserve; farm la sold. WIL- LIAM STRATYCHUK, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer ; E. 1'. Chesney, Clerk. 4550-2 WAD THK BOY who took the size 3 boots at Cub meeting about four ago, please return to Cubs and get ght one, size 2, or PHONE 678-11. 455031 ;BEST CASH prices paid for old, trid disabled horses and cattle. Ani - bled out. Telephone LEROY 'SON, Atwood 153. &Beet. . 4541-15 62E -Sanitary sewage disposal. ' tanks and desspools, etc., pumped elesined with modern equipment. It service. LOUIS BLAKE. Phone " Brussels. Ont. 4549x12 fill() REPAIRS -For all kinds of at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 4547-tf RLETE LA1TNDETER1A in Sea- ind district and Dry Cleaning Ser - Phone 398. ERIC MILNER Seaforth, agent for Brady & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter, 4547-tf HANGING, PAINTING (brush ray); exterior or interior decor- ' See our 1955 wallpaper designs. ' WALTER PRATT and DOUG. Railway St., - 4547-tf TOR REPAIR SERVICE -Farm - e your tractor radiator chemically and repaired for goring work. prices on for the month of March. FOR SALE -2 Quebm heaters; Cole. SERVICE STATION, one mile man oil beerier: cabin trailer: 2 care, eaforth. Phoof 667 r 12. oheap. Appy M. LAYCOX, John Street. 4547_3 Phone 380. 4547x4 FOR SALE -W-40 Tractor on rubber, start es. lights, P.T.O. and road gear. A-1 shape. Cheap. GORDON SCHWALM, 455031 FOR SALE -Quantity of cob corn. Ap- ply VERN ALDERDICE, ILR. 2, Kippen, Phone 684 r 14, Hensall. 4550x1 FOR SALE -9 good Tamworth pigs. 8 weeks old. Apply FRANCIS COLEMAN. R.R. 1, Seaforth, Phone 838 r 22. 4550-1 FOR SALE -Two Wingbam coal and wood stoves. Give us an offer. BALD. WINHARDWARE. Phone 61, Seaforth, 4550-1 FOR SALESReg-istered Holstein cow, 4 years old, due to freshen in two weeks. Apply .1. P. JOHNSTON, Varna, Phone Clinton 623 r 21. 4550x1 FOR SALE -Used television seta, 17 - inch and 21 -inch. Priced right. Apply BOX FURNITURE. 4547-tf ONE ONLY P.T.O. spreader; will take a trade-in and will demonstrate. Apply Box 414, HIJRON EXPOSITOR. 4549-3 FOR SALE -Budgies and Canaries: Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth, 893. 4547-tf NTION. FARMERS! - Prompt -collection of all dead and ,farm animala and hides. Call ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Bea- r 235, Exeter. Associated seith & Co., of Canada Ltd. 454 tf WATERLOO TTLE BREEDING SOCIATION is /letter Bulls Are Used" Insemination service for all tattle. For service or informs - ire CLINTON 242, collect, be. 80 and 10:00 a.m. on week days 'Ohad. 9:30 a.m. on Sunders. 4544-tf EE SERVICE TO Farmers Astre Matey on Minerals Ore net need. We will, with- , take samples of the elds and have them an. rth CALL eeds Liinited 15 Or I174 46.4 FOR S A LE -N in e heif er 9. 8.bOtlt '700 Pounds. and 4 cows. Apply ALLAN CAMPBELL. Senforth, Phone 837 r 11. 4549x2 MILKERS FOR SALE -More farmers are switching to Surge Milkers each month. Contact LOVELL H. MeGUIRE, Wingham. Phone 593. New and used _machines. We specialize in good cow ntilking. 4547x17 14112 SALE -A quantity of good cedar Posta slireet from the swamp to your farm'. Order now. BORDEN BROWN, Kinbuin; Phone 841 r 2, Seaforth. 45484 FOR SALE -Hardwood tops; also a 40 - acre farm, .Lot 28, Boundary Grey mid MoKillop, emit of Walton. Apply JAhl.ES STEVENSON, Brussels. Phone 60 r 4, Brussels, 4549x4 GROCERY. BUTCHER Suptfflee, Itch- tattrant Equipment; cash register; Wye- vrriters, adding maelfines. Inetip cora. grinders, scales, Globe .Strimptio ment, Exact Weight industrial mil vice to all makes. HORTON 13 SERVICE, 389 Wellington St., London, Phone 8-3401. 4546210 BURNING 0I1.7 Car sluggish? Get MOTALOY .0% complete ring and valve job for enlitotl, fully guaranteed. Now iiroved by A s Research Good for the life of your engine. WNW? Pelltladd. Write or phone MOTALOP SALES 00... Gorlertch, out. Defilers and distributors wanted. 45504 c I8 ta tr ba in 58 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock. Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 30, Concession 2, MaKillop Town- ship. 1 mile west and 1 mile north of Seaforth. on Wednesday, April 6th, at 12:30 sharp: CAITLE-Registered Dur- ham bull 2 years old (Turnbull breed) ; 6 Durham steers 2 years old, ready for mar- ket; 6 Durham heifers 2 years old, ready for market; 2 steers 1 year old; 8 heifers 1 year old: 5 3 -year-old Durham heifers with calves at foot: 2 Durham cows due in April; white cow with calf at foot; 1 6 -year-old cow with calf at foot: 2 7 -year- old cows, due 1s1 of May; 1 5 -year-old cow, fresh, MACHINERY-Massey-Harria binder 7 -foot cut; International horse- drawn mower; Oliver power mower (like new); Cockahutt siderake (like new); 10 - foot dump rake; Cockshutt 13 -disc fer- tilizer drill (like new-) ; Blase' disc; Oliver 70 tractor, fully equipped; 2 -furrow Cock- shutt tractor plow ; walking plow: gravel box; International hay loader: stiff tooth cultivator; 6 -section harrows; set 2,000. pound Scaler;; fanning mill; grain crush- er: root pulper; cutting box; scuffle?: farm wagon; 16 -foot flat eliding rack; sleighs; cutter; buggy; water trough; colony house 31013; feeders; Jameaway electric brooder: manure spreader; oak barrel; electric cream separator; 2 single units Universal milking machine (used 2 years): set double harness; set single harness (new); 2 wire gates; 2 electric fencers; roller: hay fork; rope and sling ropes; ladder, 80 -ft, extenaion; wood rails; block and tackle: belt; stoneboat; chains; whiffietrees; scraper; 8 10-incb timbem. HAY and GRAIN -400 btu3bels mixed grain; 10 tons mixed bay. HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS - Complete bedroo suite; Singer sewing machine; Calleld washing machine; slags cupboard ; oak sideboard; 2 toilet sets; Phiko radio; rocking chair settee; 2 congnleum rugs: table; chairs; dishes; curtains; shutters: step -ladder; clock; kitchen range; other artfeles too -numerous to mention. Terms --Cash. alums APPOMMON, ProOrle- tor; Nereid Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Charoef. Clerk. 45504 District Obituaries HUGH McMURTRIE HENSALL,-The death occurred in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, early Wednesday of Hugh McMur- trie, Hensall resident, who has been ill for the past three weeks. He was in his 69th year. Born in Hay' Township, he farm- ed there until his retirement ten years ago, when he moved to Hen- sall, where he resided until his death. He was a Member of Hen- sall United Church and Huron Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 224. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Mary Cochrane, and one son, Alex, Kippen, and one grand- daughter. Two brothers, John, of Hensall, and Alex, of Toronto, al- so survive. Resting at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, where a private service will be held, funeral ar- rangements 'being incomplete. JOHN SNIDER BRUCEFIELD.-John Snider, a well-known retired businessman, died Saturday night at his home in Clinton, in his 88th year. He had been ill for two months. Mr. Snider retired to Clinton 13 years ago after operating a harness bus- iness -probably one of the last in Western Ontario -in the village of Brucefield for more than 60 years. Born in Hessedarmstad, Germ- any, in 1867, Mr. Snider came to Canada at the age of two years with his parents who settled at Zurich. On August 29, 1888, he went to Brucefield where he pur- chased a harness shop from the late Frank O'Neil. He later added shoes and bicycle to his stock. He was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton. He married the former Lillian Taylor, Brucefield, and they ob- served their golden wedding on December 29. His wife survives with one son, Melvin John Snider, principal of Meaford public school, and three daughters, Miss Irene Snider, London; Mrs. Murray (Eleanor) Hetherington, Bramp- ton, and Miss Kay Snider, Reg.N., Clinton, and four granddaughters. The body rested at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, where Rev. D. J. Lane of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church con- ducted a service Tuesday. Burial was made in Baird's cemetery, Stanley Township. Pallbearers were James Maidns, John Sutter, Alex Cudmore and Carl Diehl, all of Clinton, and Lindsay Eyre and John Cornish, both of Brucefield. Legion Auxiliary Euchre Successful Seaforth Ladies' Legion Auxil- iary sponsored a euchre at the !Community Centre Monday with ' 16 tables in play. Prize winners were: ladies, most games, Mrs. Dan O'Rourke; lone hands, Mrs. B. Hildebrand; conso- lation. Mrs. J. Burns; men, most games, Dan O'Rourke; lone hands, Jim Barry; consolation, Harvey Moore. Mystery prize was won by Kelly Dalton and door prize by Mrs. J. Eisler. Lunch brought the social even- ing to a close. D.D.P. To Visit Hensall Lodge Amber Rebekah Lodge, No. 349, Hensall, held their regular meet- ing on Wednesday, March 16, with Miss Mabelle Whiteman, N.G., presiding. During the meeting a letter was read informing the lodge that D.D.P. Mrs. Anne Hen- derson, of Seaforth, will pay her official visit with the lodge at the next regular meeting. A social hour was spent follow- ing the meeting, when cards were enjoyed with.prizes going to Miss Annie Consitt and Mrs. R. A. Orr, also to Mr. Howard Lemon and Mr. Lindsay Eyre. A lovely doiley was won by Mrs. Harold The evening concluded with a delicious lunch served by Mrs. A. Parsons and her committee. Folk, Square Dance School At Exeter Harold Harton, Social Recreation Advisor, of Community Programs Branch of the Ontario Department of Education, will be in the Lake Huron Zone during the week of March 28 to 31, inclusive. Mr. Harton is known as one of the out- standing social recreation leaders in Canada and has conducted courses in many Ontario commun- ities, as well as in the United States. While in this district Mr. Har - ton will conduct demonstration ev- enings in folk and square dancing at three centres throughout the district: Tuesday night at the Town Hall in Paisley; Wednesday night at the Parkview Gardens in Listowel, and on Thursday night at the Legion Hall in Exeter. Each of these demonstrations will start at 8 p.m. and will take in circle dances, mixers, play party games, as well as folk and square dances. All those interested in folk and square dancing are invited to at- tend, but padieular invitations are extended to community persons in- terested in the formation of square dance groups, and representatives of rural organizations. Following the demonstration. Mr. Radon will discuss the formation of square dance groups in the community and social redreation as it applies to activity groups and organiza- tions. .1. Alf KIPPEN NEWS OF THE WEEK Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson Included: Mr. and Mrs. Ewassack, Mr. Stewart of Strafford and Mr. Cook of Gode- rich. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert and daughter, Elaine, of Clifford, vis- ited on Sunday with the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mrs. McClymont, accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orval MeClinchey, of Varna, spent Wednesday even- ing in London with her daughter, Mrs. Cook. We are happy to report Mr. R. M. Peck is able to be home from the hospital after his recent 'oper- ation. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie spent several days in London with the former's father, Mr. Hugh Mc- Mtuirie, of Hensall, who is ser- iously ill in St. Joseph's Hospital. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaekstetter were Mr. and Mrs. A. Collbmwood, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. William Homey, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstet- ter, Kathryn and Henry, all of near Hensel]. On Thursday evening a few friends and neighbors spent a pleasant evening with Mrs. MeCly- mont, the occasion being her birth- day. Mrs. Gibson, of Wroxeter, visit- ed a day last week at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Robert Elgie, Sr., in the loss of a ear sister, the late Miss Ethel Finnigan, who- paved away in Victoria Hospital, London.. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren were hi London Sunday visiting their aughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith. We regret reporting Mrs. Wil- bert Wiling is a patient in Sarnia eneral Hospital. We trust she ay soon 'he well again. Members of the Cooper family athered at the home of Mr. obert Cooper on Sunday, the oc- asion of his birthday. Those -at- ending from a distance included: r. and Mrs. Grant Love, Mrs. orman Coleman and Ronnie, all f Caro, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. obert -Dalrymple and daughters, r. and Mrs. Stewart Baird and ons, of Brucefield, and members the family from the Kippen dis- ct also attended. Mr. Carl McClinchey held a ery successful auction sale last eek, having sold his fine farm to r. Lorne Hay, of Hensall, who ets immediate possession. The .A. of Kippen United Church had of tri a refreshment booth on the grounds and realized the sum of $50. Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochrane WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. William Walters and Danny visited on Saturday ev- ening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Cottle of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten vis- ited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Armstrong, of near Hen- sall. Mr. William Gilfillan; of Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfillan, Miss Kay Hay, of Exeter, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. Prance. Mr. and Mrs. C. Christie and family, of London, were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Prance and family. Mr. John Batten is all smiles. It's a girl! The Winchelsea Euchre Club held their party on Monday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. T. Camp- bell and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lynn as hostesses. The prizes went to: high men, Mr. P. Hern; high lad- ies, Miss Donna Gilfillan; lone hands, Mr. William Walters and Mrs. F. Walters; low, Mr. J. Hern. St. Columban CWL are presenting a Three -Act Play "Arsenic and Old Lace" Friday, March 25 at 8:30 p.m. - in - gt. Cohunban Parish Hall lianueeseeemopposomommempimuil spent a day in London -last week. The W.A. field a successful St. Patrick's tea and home baking sale on Saturday afternoon. The tea rooms and booths were pret- tily decorated with shamrocks and flowers. The sum of $80 was re- alized. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay did family moved from Hensall on Monday to their fine farm east of the village. We welcome them to this community. Miss Donna McBride, of Strat- ford General Hospital, was home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carter and Merna Jean, of Clandeboye, visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Miss Merle Dickert, of London, was home for the week -end, hav- ing developed a cold. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fairbairn visited on Sunday with Mr. Fair- bairn's sister, Mrs. Helen Dal- rymple, of Clinton. , Mr. Bob Love, of the University a Toronto, visited recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau were Sunday visitors of the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, of Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore enter- tained a number of friends on Monday evening to progressive euchre. Winners were: ladies, high, Mrs. Dickert; consolation, Mrs. Long; men' high, Mr. Robt_ Cooper; consolation, Mr. James Mustatd. Friends Make* Presentation A farewell party was given on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgie in hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClin- chey, prior to their departure to their new home in Hensall. Pro- gressive euchre was enjoyed and prizes were won as follows: lad- ies' high, Mrs. Morley Cooper; men's high, Morley Cooper; con- solation, Mrs. J. Lostelle and Wm. H. McLean. A presentation was made and fin address was read by Mr. Robert Elgie. Two end -tables and two matching table lamps were pres- ented by Mrs. Ross Chapman, Mrs. Roy Consitt and a camera present- ed to Nelson by Margaret Elgie. A delicious lunc-h was Served by the ladies, WINTHROP Colored slides will be shown by the Downham Nursery on landscap- ing homes in Winthrop Church on March 30. Lunch will be served. MARCIE 25, Finks Win.friensaii Hockey Trophy Final play-off game for taetli• hockey was held at tbe NeussIII Arena Monday night. Emma Finks and Cromarty Were bit tblii final series, playing a best= out -of -three with ffensall ir taking the series, after whinitia the last game 7-2. Hensall Finks were presentea with the Bert Horton cup after thit game. Reeve Wm. Parke space briefly and congratulated the Ewa. sail Finks on their win. Pres tation was made by the donee& Bert Horton. This cup will be us for competition annually. Team* participating this year were Reno sall Finks, Cromarty, General Coach, Heiman, and Zurich. Make Up a Party and Come to te EUCHRE It DANCE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Sponsored by the Seaforth men's Institute, the last in the series, on 4 FRIDAY NIGHT, Apr. 1 Euchre starts at 8:30 sharp Dancing to Norris' Orchestra Doughnuts and coffee served. Ala ladies bring sandwiches, please - ADMISSION 50c EUCHRE IL DANCE wlllbebeldinthe Town Hall, HENSALL FRIDAY, APRIL Ist at 8:30 p.m. MURDOCH'S ORCHESTRA Ladies please bring lunch EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by the Rippe!' East Women's Institute ADMISSION 50c RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks of Hensall, newlyweds Town Hall, Henson Wed., March 30th DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies please provide lunc.h EVERYONE WELCOME! 1.1.11111111".11.11111.11111111.1.111MIENIRIIII WANTED 25 -inch HORSE COLLAR Town of Seaforth - - GOOD NEWS! - - JIM'S MACHINE SHOP - HENSALL Main Distributing Centre for OTACO SALES It SERVICE Of Farm Machinery For This District Sufficient Stock of Repair Parts on Hand At All Times We are as near as your telephone Shop Phone 9-W - Res. Phone 170-W SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market USEDfce CARS SPECIALS ! A number of 1954 Chevrolet glide, fully equipped Sedans $750.00 below cost. 2-1954 Chev. De Luxe Power -Glide 1995.00 Sedans --Fully equipped 1954 Chev. De Luxe Sedan Fully equipped 1954 Standard Chev. Sedan Fully equipped 1895.00 1845.00 1953 Chev. Sedan 1395.00 1953 Chev. Bel Aire Sedan, fully equipped. 1495.00 850.00 1295.00 1145.00 750.00 750.00 795.00 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1953 Henry J., four -cylinder, overdrive 1952 Pontiac Power -Glide Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Power Glide Sedan 1949 Meteor Coach 1949 Ford Sedan 1949 Chev. Coach BRUSSELS BRUSSELS PHONE 73 -X' --"The Rome of Better used Cars" r Bel Aire Power - and Coaches at 1948 Oldsmobile Fleetline Coach -.-.. 650200 1948 Chev. Coach fully reconditioned ......... 850100 1947 Chev. Sedan 595.00 1953 Chev, 1/2 -Ton Pickup 1950 Chev. 1 -Ton Stake ..... 750800 1947 Fargo 1 -Ton Truck with electrician's body 495.00 1942 International Fire Truck, fully equipped. SPECIALS.,... 1953 CHEV. BEL ABIE SEDAN--- 1295.00 1949 ANGLIA 245.00 A Written Guarantee for 60 days on alll late Model Cars -Many Other Models to Choose Firma MOTORS ; 'ONTARIO OPEN EVERY " 1.. Ifrar ,4 q • • 4 di• e 4 -