HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-03-11, Page 4��ln�hYtl rr�'t1:9fFii€fEril'ti sry Classified Ads luserted At New Low Cash Rates' FOR BALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Roper Word: }at Wcek 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent Brd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra. Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events ST. PATRICK'S DANCE on March 16 with Wilbee'a orchestra. Sponsored by the Women's Institute at Seaforth Com- munity Centre. 4547-? RESERVE FRIDAY night for danc- ing in the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell The Night Hawks are furnish- ing the floosie. 4547-tf DANCE EVERY Wednesday and Sat- urday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from City Hall, Stratford. Herb Petrie's orchestra: 50-75. 4547-tf Wanted WAPlTHD--10 to 15 head of cattle to feed. Apply TOM KALE. Phone 46 r 9, Dublin. 4548x1 WANTED — Tc purchase, reasonably priced farm in Cli.rton-Mensal( area. For- ward full particulars to BOX 411. HUR- ON EXPOSITOR 4546-3 ROOMERS. BOARDERS WANTED— Good residence: all conveniences, includ- ing TV. MRS. N. McCALLUM, Phone 187-R. Seaforth. 4545-3 HOME WANTED for two Collie pups, 9 weeks old. Good for farm. MRS. DEREK WALTERBECK. Phone 22 r 14. Dublin. 4548-1 For Sale F'OR SALE ----12 guage shotgun, used one season only. JOHN ANDERSON, Phone s52 r 15, Seaforth. 4548x1 FOR SALE --Used television sets, 17 - inch and 21 -inch. Priced right. Apply BOX FURNITURE. 4547-tf FOR SALE—Budgies and Canaries: Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth, 993. 4547-tf FOR SALE -2 Registered Hereford bulls 10 and 11 months old. Apply at Lot 20, Concession 7, McKillop. ARNOLD CAMP- BELL. 4548x1 FOR SALE—A baby carriage, in very good condition. like new. Priced $35.00. Apply MRS. FRANK PHILLIPS. Phone 229. 4548-1 FOR SALE -2 Quebec beaters; Cole- man oil burner; cabin trailer; 2 cars. thrap. Apply M. LAYCOX, John Street. Phone 380. 4547x4 FOR SALE—A quantity of Beaver and Cartier Oats; also about 1,000 bales of rood quality mixed hay. Phone 848 r 31. EDMUND GODKIN. 4548x2. FOR SALE -50 tons of loose mixed hay; also Massey -Harris W-20 tractor 2 -furrow plow, A-1 shape. .1. C. LONG. Brussels. Ont. Phone 84. 4546x4 WANTED—Large room or small self- FOR SALE—Two good Durham and contained heated apartment for single Hereford calces. one week old. Apply to man. Apply in writing to Box 409, HUR- WILBUR KEYS, Mill Road, or phone 6.56 ON EXPOSITOR. 4548.2 r 11, Seaforth. 4647-2 wr. a. Sam HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK Curlers of R.e.A.F. Station, Cen- tralia, are holding a bonspiel at Hensall arena this week. Three hundred and fifty dollars in prizes is being awarded. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. William Smale, of Hensall, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Joan Marguerite Corinne, to Charles Kenneth Jr. Harrison, of British Columbia, the wedding to take place in the R.C.A.F. Protestant Chapel, Centralia, Saturday, April 9, at 2 o'clock. Miss Hattie Sutherland is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital in the interests of her health. • Mrs. Robert Reid, of Kincardine, spent the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. In the United Church last Sun- day morning, Rev. W. J. Rogers entitled his address, "The Great Lie." The anthem, "The Valley of Peace," was sung by the choir under the direction of Mr. S. Ran- nie, and Miss Lammie, organist. Service next Sunday morning, March 13, will be at 11 o'clock, with Rev. W. J. Rogers in charge. In the evening at 7:30 p.m., the film entitled, "Where • None Shall Thirst," will be shown in Hensall United Church, under the sponsor- ship of the Hensall-Chiselhurst Y. P. Union. Floral bouquets were placed in loving memory of the late John Zuefle. During the Sunday School period in Chiselhurst United Church last Sunday afternoon, Rev. W. J. Rog- ers showed a film on "Ruth". During the worship hour the choir sang "Wonderful Words of Life." Next Sunday, March 13, service will beheld at 3 o'clock. Sunday School meets at two. KIPPEN NEWS OFA` THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride spent the weekend in Toronto vis- iting their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Bride. Mr. and Mrs. Durran and son, Allen, of London, visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. McClymont. Mrs. Gordon Wren visited over the weekend with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride motored to Dayton, Ohio, where they will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kyle are to be congratulated on the fine im- provements made in their store, and every success is -wished them. Mr. Tom Munroe has returned FOR SALE-. Two-man chain saw, good home after being in Toronto a few as new ; 2 rubber tire wagons. one with days Property For Sale . ;oal' box. one with gravel box; also five real small house dogs. J. R. BURNS. Mr. Jonah Green, who has been . Phone 69-R, Seaforth. 4548-1 in failing health, has gone to God - HOUSE FOR SALE — Good 8 -room ; erich to be with his daughter, Mrs. house; modern conveniences: hardwood I FOR SALE—One TO9 International Beverley Beaton. floors. Centrally located. Good garage bulldozer with full hydraulic 10 -foot and garden. Possession shortly. Cheap blade. Good shape with new tracks. for quick sale. Apply to Box .113. HUH- Phone 53 r 12, Rrussels. MET JERMYNE. ON EXPOSITOR. •15-15x1 , R.R. 2, Bluevale. 4548x1 FOR SALE- Two house doors: some For Rent celery crate boxes; 2 ruga; 2 pairs springs: - cook stoves; 2 heaters: 2 iron beds: u dining -room chairs. APply CLAR-r' FOR RENT -8 -room house in Esmond- ENCE REEVES, 4548x1 I villa. Apply ALVIN H. BEATON. 7.067 Maplewood. Detroit 4. Mich. Tyler 7-8965.1 MILKERS FOR SALE—More farmers I 4.547-13 are switching to Surge Milkers each month. Contact LOVELL H. McGUIRE, APARTMENT FOR RENT — Available w'ingham. Phone 593. New and used April 15. 1955. Modern: 5 rooms and machines. We specialize in good cow bath; heated : water supplied. Apply to milking. 4547x17 J. C. CRIGH, Seaforth. 4348-3 FOR SALE -1 good Tamworth hog, 4 months old; 5 Tamworth pigs, about 100 lbs.; 9 pigs 6 weeks old; 2 young sows due in 2 weeks; 2 young Durham cows, freshen May 6. I.FSLIE PEPPER, R.R. No. 4, Walton. Phone 848 r 22, Seaforth. 4548x1 Notices GET YOUR sewage work done now. Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed. Contact 850 r 33. Sea - forth. 4547-tf COMPLETE LINE of Nursery Stock. Hogle Nursery Company. Order now for Spring delivery. KEN POWELL, Re- presentative. Seaforth. 4539-12 HIGHEST CASH prices paid for old, sick and disabled horses and cattle. Ani- mals bled out. Telephone LEROY ACHESON. Atwood 153, collect. 4541-15 RADIO REPAIRS—For all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4547-tf GROCERY. BUTCHER Supplies, Res- taurant Equipment; cash register; type- writers, adding machines, meat slicers, grinders, scales, Globe Strimpson equip- ment. exact weight industrial scales. Ser- vice to all makes. HORTON SALES & SERVICE. 339 Wellington St., London. Phone 3-3401. 4545x10 NOTICE- Chain or circular saw avail- , able any time for custom work. For -ale white enamel kitchen range; also Quebec I heater with oven. J. R. BURNS. Phone 69-R, Seaforth. 4548-1 O LL E P LAUNDETERIA in Sea- forth- '7" L C . k and district :rod Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 303'. ERIC MII,NER FLOWERS. Seaforth. agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4547-tf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING thrush or Spray); exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 4547-tf RADIATOR REPAIR SERVICE—Farm- ers, have your tractor radiator chemically cleaned and repaired for spring work. Special prices on for the month of March. COLLINS' SERVICE STATION. one mile west of Seaforth. Phone 667 r 12. 4547-3 ATTENTION. FARMERS! — Prompt courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Sea - forth. or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 45.47-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulla Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or informa- tion. phone CLINTON 242, collect, be- tween 7:80 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. 4544-tf FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE money on Minerals your land docs not need. We will, with- out charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them an- alyze)E CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 376 Cards of Thanks Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock. Machinery and Household Effects. Lot 26, Con. 7, Logan Township. 24,_ west and 33., north of Mitchell, on Wednesday. March 23, at 12 &cloak sharp: MACHIN- ERY—Massey-Harris Massey -Harris Tractor "55" in ex- cellent condition ; V -AC Case tractor with 2-1urrow• hydraulic plow; Cockshutt 3 -fur- row rubber tired plow: Massey -Harris combine, Super 26. 10 -ft. head, flax rolls. used two seasons, in excellent condition; 15 disc Cockshutt fertilizer power drill ' like new; : international 4 -furrow disc plow: Taco -rubber tired manure spread- er: 10 -foot Case culti-packer; 5 -ft. Inter- national tractor disc; Cockshutt power siderake, No. 5, on rubber, like new; M. - H. 17 -foot swather (like new) : 9t•: -foot sprint: tooth cultivator, power lift. on rubber !like new) ; M. -R. binder; Inter- national hay loader: Paper 10 -inch ham- mer mill and bagger; 3 rubber tired wag- ons with grain boxes (grain boxes are newt: 1 Marvel grain thrower; 500 capac- ity electric brooder : fanning mill; 2,000 - Ib, scales; set of farm sleighs: 50 -foot (- inch endless belt; .2 sets of diamond har- rows; 250 feet of snow fence: 1 set of single harness: circular saw- on trucks: Little Wonder ditcher: 2 -wheel trailer: International electric cream separator. MACHINE SHOP TOOLS— Leg vice, drill press. 12 -inch electric drill; 2 power em- -ries; pipe vice and stand: anvil: forge; blow torch and many other tools; 14 H.P. motor; '•_ H.P.motor: Maxwell Rocket 22" power lawn mower, like new ; 50.iron posts: slope scraper: Truck and Car -1949 1 -ton truck. excellent condition, 6 good tires and wheels, 37.000 miles; 1947 Buick car in good condition. HAY and GRAIN -- 600 bales of Red Clover hay; 500 to 600 bushels of cleaned Beaver Oats, grown from registered seed; 600 bushels of mix- ed grain ; 2 bus. of alfalfa seed. 2 bus. of timothy seed. POULTRY -75 Sussex hens. PIGS -15 York chunks 3 months old. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Universal Frigidaire 12 -ft.: quantity of other house- hold effects including extension tables, chairs, rockers, small tables, occasional chairs, chest oi' drawers. dressers; many other articles Terms—Cash Booth on the grounds. JOHN KAHLE, Proprietor; John Siemon, Clerk ; Harold Jackson. Auc- tioneer. 4548-2 .TACK AND BILI.. DAI.LAS wish to thank the Choir and the Y.P.U. and Wo- ' men's Association and all others who so I kindly remembered them during' their ill- ness. 4519x1 I WISH to express my thanks to all my friends anti neighbors for• their gifts. cards and traits while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital: special thanks to hna- pital nursing staff. also Dr. Brady and Dr. Elliott. 4540x1 1 WISH to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy in my recent sad bereavomet, and to those who gave Mass Card8c !tt't`''Abanks to Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes den and the nurses at Scott 0ita1, in the sickness and WILLIAM O'ROURKE and Dr. Memorial death of my itt" 454.84 WE WISH to thank all those who re- elnbered our Mother with cards. treats, t;stid visits while she was a patient 1 *Memorial Hospital. We also wish Ki' 'af161our deepest gratitude for the &oral trilnitea and many expressions of kindffelki and sympathy shown us during utile recent a Ti's bereavement. FAMILY 4548x1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochrane, of Peace River District, Alberta, are visiting their brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. John Cochrane. We are happy in reporting Mr. William Workman is improving a little in health. Mr. Stanley Jackson is in To- ronto this week attending a sale of Herefords. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert • entertained on Thursday evening to friends and neighbors, everyone I having had a most enjoyable eve- ning. Mr. Ross Love attended the On- tario Hog Producers' annual meet- ing in the King Edward Hotel, To- ronto, last Wednesday and Thurs- day, March 2 and 3. Mr. Love re- presented the Hay Township Fed- eration of Agriculture. Mr. Donald Dayman, of the Tuckersmith Fed- eration of Agriculture; Mr. Elmer Webster, of Varna, of the Stanley Federation of Agriculture, and Mr. Alvin Rau, of Drysdale, vice-presi- dent of the Huron County Hog Pro- ducers' Association, also attended. While in Toronto, Mr. Ross Love visited with his son, Bob, a stu- dent of the University of Toronto. Former Resident Passes in Exeter Mrs. Mabel Herdman, beloved wife of the late Enos Herdman, passed ''away suddenly 'on•F,Friday, March 4, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney, Simcoe St., Ex- eter. Mr. Herdman predeceased her one ago.The late Mrs. year Herdman was in her 72nd year, being a native of England. Fol- lowing her marriage they farmed near Varna and later in Usborne Township. She is Survived by one daughter, (Doris) Mrs. Fred Mor- den, Toronto; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The funeral was held Monday from the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home in Exeter, conducted by Rev. Wm. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 20, Con. 8, L.R.S., 11/4 miles north and 11/4 miles east of Kippen, on Wednesday, March 16, at 12:30 p.m.: CATTLE — Registered Hereford bull, 2 years old; bine roan cow 6 years old, due end March: Holstein cow 4 years old, due middle April; black cow 7 years old, due time of sale: spotted cow 0 spears old, freshened; 2 registered Ayrshire cows (vaccinated), 3 yearn old. fresh ; 1 registered 'Ayrshire cow Ivac- cinated l. 2 yearn old, bred February 7: 2 registered Ayrshire cows (vaccinated). 2 years old. bred February 3; 1 register - rd Ayrshire cow (vaccinated), 114 years old, due in April; 1 registered Ayrshire row I vaccinated), 11A years old: 2 baby beef, about 650 lbs.; 2 yearling steers: 3 yearling heifers, vaccinated: 2 Ayrshire heifer calves, born in October and No- tember: 4 calves. PIGS — 14 York chunks: 1 York sow, due March 5th. i M PJ.EMRNTS---Allis-Chalmers CA trac- tor. fully equipped (like new) : 60 Har- vester Crop Allis-Chalmera combine (one year old) : 2 -furrow Fleury tractor plow: 3 -section Fleury drag harrows; New Ideal manure spreader on rubber (like new.); International aide rake (like new) ; Mas- sey -Harris drophead hay loader : land roller. 9 -font 3 -drum: 2 rubber tired zagnns with grain boxes: grain thrower with pipes; International 16 -disc fertilizer power drill; 1 set sleighs: 10 -inch Cock- shutt grinder: 1 -horse scuffier; walking .plow; Massey -Harris binder; Massey -Har- ris mower: cultivator: pea harvester: 2 iron kettles with stands; 6 milk cans; trailer with stock racks; 2,000-15. scales: sap pan and buckets; 2 electric fencers; hay fork: ,sling ropes; colony stove: 32 - ft. extension ladder; fanning mill: wheel- barrow: quantity of plank; electric Pail: Universal Co-op milking machine, 2 single units: electric cream separator; fanning mill; hand sprayer; bag truck; tarpaulin 14x16 (like new); block and tackle; quan- tity oats; 50 bushels barley ; mixed grain ; quantity cut hay; forks, shovels, chains. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Electric" iron; dishes; few kitchen utensils: sealers; blankets; extension table; knack -knack shelves: other articles too numerous to mention. ' Terms — Cash. CARL Me- CLINOHEY, Proprietor; Harold Jackaon, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. No reserve, farm sold. 4547-2 S° i�:vtoiar urcri ✓,, 5l.@i�s3r4%xT,i�iEiEifi For Sale FOR SALE- A quantity of good cedar posts direct from the swamp to your farm. Order now, BORDEN BROWN, Kinhurn. Phone 841 r 2. Seaforth. 4548-8 FOR SALE --2 Registered Shorthorn lulls, red, one year old. FRANK FAL- CONER. second farm south of Clinton R.C.A.F. houses. Phone Clinton 615 r 26. 4548-2 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 sam- ples 91.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. In Memoriam CUDMORE - Tn ever loving memory of our dear father, Roland Cudmore, who passed away in Hensall on March 16th, 1928. DAUGHTERS AND SONS 1543x1 Farms For Sale FOR SALE - Moors, of Elimville. Interment was a Exeter cemetery. Pall- bearers were Raymond and Glen Morden, Squire Herdman, William Horney, William Hayter and Al- vin Pym. Flowerbearers were Amos Herdman, Wm. Bradshaw, Arnold Gackstetter, Howard Pym, Elmore Hayter and Ewart Pym, Brownies, Guides At Hensall Supper The Hensall• association of Girl Guides entertained the Brownies and Girl Guides to a supper party at the Town Hall Tuesday. Fol- loiving supper, games were played and songs sung. Mrs. Walter Spen- cer showed pictures on the panto - mine, "Cinderella," recently pre- sented here, and pictures of the Bean Festival held here last fall. Gail Cunningham was awarded the prize for selling the most tickets for the pantomime FARMERS! Specials at Baldwin Hardware FANNING MILL SCREEN All sizes, 24"—Per Foot ... 65c STURDY CALF PAILS 65c A real buy CARBONAL DISINFECTANT For Colony Houses, Pens, LL $Ton5 etc. Per Gallon LL BLACK PRINCE BARN SHOVELS STOP -LOSS MUSKRAT TRAPS 1.79 90c PHONE 61 : Seaforth SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market USEDCARS SPECIALS • gAlidnefbuellry oef q1p5p4 edChSrolnest Bel and $750.00 below cost. 1954 Chev. De Luxe Sedan 1953 Chev. Bel Aire Sedan, fully equipped. 1495,00. 1495.00 850.00 995.00 1345.00- 114500 1095.00 1395.00 395100 1850.00 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1953 Pontiac Coach 1953 Henry J., four -cylinder, overdrive 1952 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pickup 1952 Pontiac Power -Glide Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Power Glide Sedan 1951 Ford Sedan 1953 Chev. Sedan 1949 Austin—New motor, fully reconditioned BRUSSELS BRUSSELS - — PHONE 73-K—"The Home of Better Used Cars" 1949 Meteor Coach 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN 1949 Ford Sedan 1949 Chev. Coach 1948 Chev. Coach - 00 650. Sully reconditioned t/ {/1! 1947 Chev. Sedan 1946 Oldsmobile Coach 1946 Chev. Coach ..� Aire Power - Coaches at 750.00 995.00 595.00 795.00 1950 Chev. 1 -Ton Stake 1947 Fargo 1 -Ton Truck with 00 95 4. electrician's body .... 'F�7 W A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars—Many Other Models to Choose From 595.00 3150.00 350.00 750.00 MOTORS ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING 100 -acre property in Hibbert Township, ' nenr church and achn.,l : new barn; brick dwelling with all conveniences; 10 acres hush. To close estate of Thomas D. Wren. Apply MRS. THOMAS D. WREN. R.R. 1; Cromarty, Ontario. 4548-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Rotate of CHARLES BARNETT You-areSAFE... when you use CHAMPION Fuel Oil . . . you are INSURED against the hazards of explosion and fumes with this policy from STERLING FUELS... IRS lie Re skim 1.23 CHAMPION T. LONDON. ONT. RUICZNILIku c°14uPari Enjoy added comfort and peace -of -mind, with the benefits of this Exclusive Sterling Fuels Policy Only a company with complete faith in its products would dare guar- antee the public so much protection in writing . and as a user of CHAMPION FUEL OIL you can have peace of mind in the knowledge that your family and home are fully protected against the hazards of explosion, and fumes, due to the furnace fuel you use. Play safe, by using CHAMPION FUEL OIL . . . the only heating product • that offers you insurance protection. PHONE DEALERS — PHONE NO. 573, for complete details. INN Here is the insurance protection you receive: Benefits against explosion including all reasonable medical, surgical, dental and ambulance, hospital and professional nursing expense to the extent of ($25,000) twenty-five thousand dollars or in the case of loss of life ($25,000) twenty-five thousand dollars as well as one hundred thousand ($100,000) for asphyxiation through accidentally inhaling fumes given off by Champion Furnace Fuel Oil and at the same time pays all reasonable costs in restoring the private dwelling with like material and kind twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). This Policy protects users of 'Champion' fuel oil OFFICE FOR CANADA: HEA 465 ST- JOHH STREET MONTREAL Champion Fuel Oil is the safe insurable fuel - Agent CRONIN , POCOCK & ROBINgOB, xvITTED l,uN OON , ONTARIO 10 1•111 Nothing compares with oil heat and here are only three of the many reasons for CHAMPION'S outstanding superiority . 1—It's COMFORT . . .- you know your family is snug and warm . . . regardless of the weather . . it offers luxurious comfort at the touch of the thermostat . . . with no messy drudgery. 2—It's DEPENDABLE . . , the finest fuel, coupled with modern' heating units, assures constant, worry -free coil- ness . . . always available IN YOUR OWN TANK. 3—It's ECONOMICAL . CIIAMPION FUEL OIL will save you fuel dollars for years to come . your olI burner is in operation only when heat is needed . . it's clean burning, with no deadly fumes. - Be Safe - - - BeSure - - - Be Insured - - A1.1., PERSONS having claims against the F.state of Charles Barnett, late of the Town of Seaforth, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 28rd day of February, 1955, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of April. 1956, full particulars of their Claims, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Senforth, Ont., this 4th dny of March, 1965. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Solicitor, &c. Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Estate ri 4548-8 it Insist on CHAMPION FUEL OIL for Safe, Clean, Dependable Heat! DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 Phone 332-R