HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-03-04, Page 461 imbed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. - Per Word: let Week 1 Cent % 2nd Week Cent 3rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards as Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 conte per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 15 cents extra Fifteen cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events The C.P. and T. Committee is holding a euchre Monday evening, Mach 14. 4547-I ST. PATRICK'S DANCE on March 16 with Wilbee's orchestra. Sponsored by the Women's Institute at Seaforth 4547-1 Com- munity Centre. ==SERVE FRIDAY night for danc- ing in the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. The Night Hawks are furnish- ing the music. 4547-tf DANCE EVERY Wednesday and Sat- urday at Mantles Wagon Wheel, acmes from City Hall. Stratford. Herb Petrie's orchestra: 50-76. 4547-tf Lost and Found LOST -A black '51 Ford fender skirt, in Seaforth. Apply LES. BEATI'IE, Phone 390 -IL 4547x1 Wanted WANTED -Men boarders. Apply Box 412, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4547-1 WORK WANTED -Man and wife, just over trom Europe; man used to farming wants work. Apply JAMES TURNBULL. Ord St., Seaforth. 4547-tf WANTED - To purchase, reasonably priced farm in Clinton-Hensall area. For- ward full particulars to BOX 411, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4546-3 TO BUY - Baby carriage; must be in good condition. Apply to LOUIS OOSTERBOSCH, Goderich St., across from the Separate School. 4547x1 Help Wanted -_ - For Sale FOR SALE -Used television seta, 17 - inch and 21 -inch. Priced right. Apply BOX FURNITURE. 4547-tf FOR SALE -Budgies and Canaries ; Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC MILNER-FLOWERS, Seaforth, 893. 4547-tf FOR SALE -2 Quebec heaters; Cole- man oil burner; cabin trailer; 2 cars, cheap. Apply M. LAYCOX, John Street. Phone 880. 4647x4 FOR SALE -8 pigs, ready to wean. York and Tam. W. D. WILSON, Bruce - field. Phone 668 r 33. Seaforth. 4647-1 FOR SALE -50 tons of loose mixed hay; also Massey -Harris W-20, tractor 2 -furrow Plow, A-1 shape. J. C. LONG, Brussels, Ont. Phone 84. 4646x4 FOR SALE -Surge milking machine and eight milk cans. Apply to SIDNEY GEMMELL, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 650 r 41, Seaforth. 4647x1 FOR SALE -Large size white enamel cook stove, coal or wood; large chest of drawers. OSOAR TEBBUTT, Seaforth. 4547x1 MILKERS FOR SALE -More farmers are switching to Surge Milkers each month. Contact LOVELL H. M,eGUIRE. Wingham. Phone 593. New and used machines. We specialize in good cow ril.ilking. 4.547x17 GROCERY, BUTCHER Supplies, Res- taurant Equipment; cash register: type- writers, adding machines, meat slicers, grinders. scales, Globe Strimpson equip- ment. exact weight industrial scales. Ser- vice to all makes. HORTON SALES & SERVICE. 339 Wellington St., London. Phone 3-3401. 454.ix10 FOR SALE -1 60 -watt amplifier trans- former coupled: 1 35 -watt amplifier for use on any cycle. also for 6 volt use on sound truck : 1 University 25 Nich. Re- flex horn; 2 University (coreflex 2) MAJOR OIL COMPA2FyY has opening horns-: 2 driving units, 25 watts each: 1 for two farm .distributors in huge volume electro -voice microphone, Model 950. All areas. Apply Box 406; HURON EXPOSI- are brand new. A real bargain. PHONE TOR. 4545-3 595. Goderich. • 4547-1 For Rent FOR RENT -.Small cottage on highway near Seaforth. Contact OSCAR TEB- BUTT, Seaforth, for further information. 4547-1 FOR RENT -9 -room house in Egmond- ville. Apply ALVIN H. BEATON. 5067 Maplewood. Detroit 4, Mich. Tyler 7-8965. 4547-13 FOR RENT -Farm house for reliable ryarty. situated on Kippen Road. 5 miles from Seaforth, 3{ mile from school. Avail- able April 1. For further particulars ap- ply JOHN SINCLAIR, R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone 657 r 41, Seaforth. 4547-1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED -Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the sup- ply oe 10 cords wood for immediate de- livery to S.S. No. 1, McKillop. and S.S. 2. 3 and 4. Hibbert, up to and including March 21. 1955. J. L. O'REILLY. Secre- tary, R.R. 2, Dublin. 45.17-1 and flowers received during their recent bereavemnt, in the loss of a dear husband and father. 4547x1 WALLPAPER BARGAINS FREE -Write for our large Catalogue of Bargain Wallpapers---Sunworthy--Semi- Trimmed and Washable, priced in many Wallpaper Stores up to '$1.50 per roll, Yours for 49c and 59c per single roll. Free booklet, How to Hang Wallpaper, in- cluded. Cody's Stores Ltd. 491-7 Barton St. E., HAMILTON Cards of Thanks 1 WISH to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered me with cards, let- ters, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 4 547 71 MRS. WARD FORREST ARMSTRONG - Mrs. Elizabeth Arm- strong and the family of the late Mat- thco Armstrong express their gratitude to everyone for the kindness. sympathy Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods). I WISH to express my thanks to all my mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope :riends for their gifts, cards and visits with price list. 6 samples 25c : 24 Sam- while a patient in Scott Memorial Hos- pies 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, pita'.. Special thanks to hospital nursing NOVA -RUBBER CO.. Box 91. Hamilton. staff, also special nurses and doctors of Seaforth Clinic. 15;7,;1 RAYMOND HORAN Notices NOTICE- Custom chain and buzz saw- ing. Contact ED. ROBERTS, R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone 670 r 3. 4547-1 GET YOUR sewage work done now. HENSALL NEWS OF THE WEEK Cpl. John Atkinson, Mrs. Atkin- der the sponsorship of the Hensall- son and little son, Brian, of Que- Chiselhurst Y.P.U. bec, are spending two weeks with Women's Institute To Meet the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke and Marlene. Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxiliary sponsored a successful euchre par- ty in the Legion Hall Wednesday. Winners were: ladies, Mrs. Mae McLellan; gents, Eric Smale. Mrs. William Lee was the winner of the angel cake for which tickets were sold that evening. Mrs. E. R. Davis and Mrs. S. G. Rannie con- vened the affair. Funeral of Mrs. F. Marshall Funeral services for the late Mrs. Frances Marshall, a former Hensall resident, were held from the Evans Funeral Home, London, on Tuesday, March 1, with inter- ment in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Marshall, who died at her home, 231 Waterloo Street, London, on Sunday, was in her 76th year. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ada May Mat- thews, London; Mrs. Roy (Velma) Reilly, Detroit, and four sons, John, Flint, Mich.; Russel, Albert and Lorne, London. C. of C. Plans Fiddlers Contest The Chamber of Commerce met Monday evening with President R. H. Middleton acting as chairman. Friday, June 3, was the date set for the annual Western Ontario Championship Old Time Fiddlers' contest, with ways and means dis- cussed to make it better than ever this year. The local arena is the setting for this big event. William Smith, of the General Coach Works, Hensall, was guest speak- er, and spoke of the making and selling of trailers in Canada. Mr. Smith was introduced by the presi- dent and thanked by Laird Mickle. The next meeting will be held March 29. United Church Notes In the United Church last Sun- day morning, Rev. W. J. Rogers chose the subject, `Remember Who You Are." The choir anthem was "Come to the Saviour." Morn- ing services as usual next Sunday, with Rev. Rogers in charge. Chis- elhurst Sunday School is at two o'clock and worship hour, three o'clock. On Sunday evening, Mar. 13, the film entitled, "Where None Shall Thirst," will be shown in the Hensall United Church, un - THE FAMILY of the late Mr. Alex , Souter wish to express their sincere thanks to all their friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness and sympathy extended during their recent sad bereave- ment Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill. the our.sts of Scott Memorial Hospital, Rev. Only 92 per foot on contract basis. All T. J. Fitt, of Varna, and the G. A.1 Whit - 1547x1 funeral Home. work guaranteed. Contact 850r 33. Sea - forth. 4547-tf COMPLETE LINE of Nursery Stock. Hogle Nursery Company. Order now for Spring delivery. KEN POWELL. Re- presentative. Seaforth. 4539-12 HIGHEST CASH prices paid for old. sick and disabled horses and cattle. Ani- mals bled out. Telephone LEROY ACHESON. Atwood 153. collect. 11.11-15 RADIO REPAIRS- For all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 454 7-tf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser- vice. Phone 393. ERIC MILNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 4547-tf PAPERHANGING, PAINTING (brush or Spray); exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 4547-tf RADIATOR REPAIR SERVICE -Farm- ers, have your tractor radiator chemically cleaned and repaired for spring work. Special prices on for the month of March. COLLINS' SERVICE STATION. one mile went of Seieforth. Phone 667 r 12. 4547-3 ATTENTION, FARMERS! - Prompt courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect, ED. ANDREW'S, 851 r 11, Sea - forth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., of Canada Ltd. 4047-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" WE WISH to express our heartfelt thanks to all our friends for their gifts and cards while Charles was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to the nursing staff and doctors. We also wish to thank those who sent floral tri- butes and acts of sympathy in our recent sad bereavement. MRS. VIOLET TAND 4'EDP PIPER FAMILY 1547-1 District Weddings Wednesday night, March 9, is the monthly meeting of the Hen- sall Women's Institute, in the Leg- ion rooms. Mrs. Elsie Carlile and Mrs. Orr are hostesses. Roll call will be, "One duty of a good citi- zen." Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren will present the motto., and Mrs. Gei- ger will discuss the Mary Stewart Collect. You are urged to be pre- sent. Name Film Choices For South Perth Mrs. A, Whetham, Dublin, offi- cer of the Perth Film Council, has announced March choices of films for circuits in the south end of the county. On the Blanshard township film circuit, beginning March 7, films to be shown include: "The Seas- ons," a color film which was chos- en as a film of the year for 1954; "Cotton Made in Canada," a color film on cotton manufacture; "Ice- land," depicting Icelandic history since 874 A.D.; "A Man and His Dog," a story of a pup that be- came a valuable sheep dog. On the Hibbert, Logan and Ellice circuit, from March 7 to April 1, films are to include: "A is For Atom," including cartoons and diagrams to show atomic pro - progress; "Everybody's Handicap- ped," showing methods of finding work for handicapped people; "Corral," a story without words of a man's struggle for mastery of a horse; "Wardens of Water- ton," showing an unusual vacation resort in the Canadian Rockies; "The Motorman." showing life through the eyes of a street -car driver. ROSS - FAULDS KIPPEN.-Quietly at the Robin- son United Church Vestry in Lon- don by the Rev. Standish, former- ly of Brucefield, united in mar- riage Lottie M. Faulds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vance, Forest, to Wilfred J. Ross, son of Mrs. William Ross and the •late William Ross, of Kippen. The bride chose for her wedding a dress of street -length powder blue nylon, white winter hat and gloves and wore a corsage of red rosesbuds. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Elvin Vance, of Forest, was bridesmaid, wearing grey pin -strip taffeta street -length dress, red I velvet hat and white gloves. ,•Her orsage was red carnations. Broth- er of the bride, Mr. Elvin- Vance, , was best man. The happy couple i will reside on the groom's farm near Kippen. TAYLOR--. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation. to our relatives, neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness. messages of sym- 1 pathy and beautiful floral tributes ten- dered to us during our recent sad be- reavement. in the loss of a dear son and brother. Special thanks to the staff of St. Joseph's Hospital, London; Rev. W. .1. Rogers, Dr. J. C Goddard, Mr. Harold Bonthron, and bearers. those who loaned cars and helped in any way -our grateful thanks. MR. AND MRS. RICHARD TAYOR, JR. AND FAMILY. 4547-1 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Lmplementa, at Lot - 20, Con, 3, L.R.S., lt/4 miles north and lt/a miles east of Kippen, on Wednesday, March 16, at 12:30 p.m.: CATTLE - Registered Hereford bull, 2 years old; blue roan :cow 6 years old, due end March; Holstein cow 4 years old, due middle April ; black cow 7 years old, due time of sale; spotted row 8 years old, freshened; 2 registered Ayrshire cows ( vaccinated), 3 years old, fresh : 1 registered Ayrshire cow ( vac- cinated l. 2 years old, bred February 7: 2 registered Ayrshire cows (vaccinated). 2 years old, bred February 3: 1 register- ed Ayrshire cow (vaccinated), 11 years old. due in April; 1 registered Ayrshire row I vaccinated). 11 years old ; 2 baby beef, about 650 )lbs. ; 2 yearling steers ; 3 yearling heifers, vaccinated; 2 Ayrahire heifer calves, born in October and No- ' ,FOR SALE -2 misses' ember: 4 ralves. PIGS -- 14 York dresses and skirts, cheap chunks; 1 York sow, due March 5th.• PHONE 278-R. IMPLEMENTS -Allis-Chalmers CA trac- tor. fully equipped (like new): 60 Har- FOR SALE, --Grade Hereford bull, 11 wester Crop Allis-Chalmers combine (one months. WILLIAM CAMERON. Phone year old): 2 -furrow Fleury tractor plow: fi -,'L r 2, Seaforth. 4547x1 Artificial insemination service for all 3 -section Fleury drag herrnwe: New Ideal breeds of cattle. For service or In forma- manure spreader on rubber (like new) : FOR SA1.F :Baby buggy: also saddle tion, phone CLINTON 242, eolleet. be- International side rake (like new,; Mas- end bridle. ORVILLE OKE. Phone tween 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week Ings sey.Harris drophead hay loader; land and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays. roller. 9 -font 3 -drum ; 2 rubber tired 160-M 4547-2 4541-tf wagons with grain boxes: grain thrower FOR SALE Two good Durham and aith pipes: international 15--dfse fertilizer Her -ford calves, one week old. Apply to power drill : 1 set sleighs: 10 -inch Cock - h ffl (king CROMARTY Margaret Walker, Alice Sorsdahl and Patsy Ramsey attended the leadership training course in Mil- verton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hocking and Alex Gardiner have returned from a six-week trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Houghton, London, visited with Mrs. M. Houghton. FIRST CHURCH W.M.S. MEETS Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell presid- ed for the monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society which was held Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 22. Mrs. Campbell opened the meeting with the reading, 'rI Have Tried." The opening hymn, ``All People That On Earth Do Dwell," was followed with prayer by Mrs. Campbell. The secretary's report was read and the treasurer's re- port was read by Mrs. John Mc- Gregor. Mrs. W. Manson's group arrang- ed the program for this meeting. Mrs. David Ritchie read a poem, "The World is Mine," which had been chosen by Mrs. J. G. Mullen. After the singing of the hymn Join in World Day of Prayer The Young People's Society held a bowling party at Exeter Satur- day evening and were entertained at the home Of Misses Anita and Alice Sorsdahl on their return. The Women of the Presbyterian congregation here joined with the women of Staffa for a World Day of Prayer service in Staffa United Church with a good attendance. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Alvin Worden, and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl presided for the second part of the program. Mrs. R. D. Sadler contributed a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Henry Harburn. The catering was taken up by Mrs. Wesley Russell and Mrs. Filmer Chappel. Mrs. S. Kerr of Exeter was guest speak- er. Others taking part were Mrs. Cecil Bowman, Mrs. Thos. Laing, Mrs. Wesley Russell, Mrs. A. Day- nard, Mrs. Russell .Worden, Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. Leslie Butson, Mrs. A. Kemp and Mrs. T. Scott. "Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonder- ful Love," Mrs. John McGregor read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Ritchie led in brayer. Mrs. Ged- des and Miss Mary Geddes sang a duet, "Take Time To Be Holy." Articles on India were given by Mrs. Harry Stewart and Mrs. John MacTavish. Mrs. David Ritchie, speaker for this meeting, gave a most informative and interesting address on India. The closing hymn, "Oh Lord Our God Arise," and prayer by Mrs. Campbell con- cluded the meeting. For Sale snits. size 12: for `quick sale. 4547x1 JOHN ZUEFLE, 95, and old- est Hensall resident, who died Monday night. Hensall, Kippen Churches Observe Day of Prayer WINCHELISEA: NEWS The Winchelsea Epp4el a Club `kid their regular euckl'e party on iIonday night of thee+{ past - week w.oth Mr. and Mrs. J. Hern and Mr. a'od Mrs. W. Hern as hostess. The prize; -Went to: high men, Mr. W. F. Batten; high ladies, Mrs. J. Coward; lone muds, Mrs. R. Clarke; low, Mrs. F. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. William Gilfillan, of Exeter, visited on Tuesday ,night with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gil- fillan and family. Mr. E. Brooks visited Wednes- day night with Mr. J. Kellett and family, of Eli iville. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ar{n- strong, of near Hensall. Mrs. B. Morgan, Johnny and Jerry of Thames Road, visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. N. Clarke on Thursday of the past week. Several ladies of Winchelsea at- tended the World's Day of Prayer as guests of the Thames Road W. M.S. and W.A. Mr. and Mrs. C. Horton, of near Hensall, visited Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs.. W. Walters and Danny spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wicks, Miss Wilma Walters and Mr. B. Wicks were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Walters. Bliss Karen Kerslake has been ill with pneumonia the past week. Mrs. L. Johns, Emerson and Dianne, visited on Sunday with Mr. Observe Day of Prayer The World's Day of Prayer was' observed in St. Paul's Anglican Church Friday afternoon, w'th Carmel and United Churches i - it- ing with them. Leaders w re Mrs. S. Dougall, for Carmel Church; Mrs. G. Armstrong, Unit- ed Church, and Mrs. R. H. Middle- ton, for St. Paul's Church. ' Mrs. Frank Forrest was at the organ console. Mrs. R. Y. Ma�cLaren was guest speaker and gave a very inspiring address, choosin for her theme, "Prayer." Pray rs were offered by Mrs. E. Ge' er, Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. R. J Cameron and Mrs. B. Edwards Observe World Da* (of Prayer Friday, Feb. 25, thq World Day of Prayer, was observed in St. Andrew's United Church , with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot and Mrs. J. McLellan as co -hostess. Non-mem- bers of the auxiliat'y were 'gtiests and were welcomed by the presi- dent, Mrs. D. E. Kyle. The theme of the meeting was "Abide With Me." The World Day of Prayer program was followed. Mrs. Rus- sell Consitt was in charge of the worship. The roll call was answer- ed with a missionary's name. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The visiting committee for March are Mrs. R. Consitt and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. Mrs. William Fuss, of Hensall, favored with a solo, accompanied by Mrs. R. Broadfoot.- Scripture readings and prayers were given by Mrs. Eldon Jarrott, Mrs. John Cooper, Sr., Mrs. A. Parsons, Mrs. Morley Cooper, Mrs. J. McLellan, Mrs. H. Caldwell, Mrs. John \An- derson, Mrs. Ralph Turner land Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. (.Rv.) McLeod gave a very inspiring ad- dress. The secretary, Mrs. Robert McGregor, requested anyone. wish- ing to join the W.M.S. kindly let her know. Mrs. Ross Love extend- ed thanks to the co -hostesses. Mrs. Harold Jones conducted a short W.A. business meeijing, at which time it was decided; to hold a home baking sale and tea in the Sunday School. Saturday, Mar. 19. The ladies'were then invited to the Sunday school room where refreshments were served by Cir- cle No. 1. Mrs. Herbert Jones and Mrs. R. McAllister presided at the tea table. FORMER S.S. 3, HIBBERT, STUDENTS PLAN REUNION OCCASION, JULY 23 Former students of S.S. No. 3, Hibbert, at an enthusiastic meet- ing Friday evening, laid plans for a reunion of the school on,July 23. The meeting elected officers and named committees to carry out details of the reunion. Lyle Wor- den is president of the organiza- tion. Officers named include: honor- ary presidents, R. E. Sadler, Mrs. J. M. Miller and George Vivian; vice-president, Kenneth Drake; secretary, Vera Ha mbly; treasur- er, Cameron Vivian. Committees are: Invitation - Mrs. Ruby Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harburn, James Barbour. Entertainment for morning and afternoon -Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Daynard, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nor - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harburn, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Skinner; enter- tainments for evening -J. M. 'Scott, E. J. Deering, Russell Worden. Grounds, parking and decorat- ing -Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Agar, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller, 1VIr. and Mrs. Marshall Deering, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mil- ler. Lunch -Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Wor- den, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. Noville Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoggarth, Mt. and Mrs. Bob Vivian, Phillip ,lames and Wilma James. Booth -Henry Harburn, Harvey Hambly, Mr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd El- liott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien, Mr. and -Mrs. John Sadler, Mr. FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE money on Minerals your land does not need. We will, with- out charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them an - 1 ed. a ys CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PBON 16 or 879 amemeamea Deaths LA At Varian, on Monday, Atm. intim Chariots 'Lane, of Tackeramitn lit Hie' 28th year. • �S�k�i(f.�iiln' WILBUJR KEYS. 50111 Road. or phone 650 Shutt grinder: 1 -horse scu er: walking r 11, Seaforth. 1347-^_ plow; Massey -Harris binder; Massey -Har- ria mower ; cultivator; pea harvester; 2 iron kettles with stands ; 5 milk cane ; trailer with stock racks; 2.000-1b. scales; sap pen and buckets; 2 electric fencers; hay fork : sling ropes; colony stove ; 32 - ft, extension ladder ; fanning mill ; wheel- barrow ; quantity of plank: electric pail; universal Co-op milking machine, 2 single units; electric cream separator; fanning mill: hand sprayer; bag truck; tarpaulin 14x16 (like new) ; block and tackle; quan- tity oats ; 50 bushels barley ; mixed grain; ouantity cut HOUSEHOLD tric chains. EFFECTS--Eleciron ; dishes; few kitchen utenaita; sealers: blankets; extension table; knlek-knaick Shelvea ; other articles too numerous to mention. Terms - Cash. CARL Me.- CLINOH.EY, Proprietor ; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. No reserve, farm sold. 4647-2 uN4,fu{Nr'th,4WJ,+�N6A�.40.�k1t Births CORNISH - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Cornish, Seaforth A son. 'nRTEN-At Memorial D rial Hospital. 0 Scott T on March 1, to Mr. and Mrn. Eldon O'Brien, R.R. 5, Clinton, a daughter. PRETTY -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on February 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pretty, Se rt1, a son. SMITH -At tt Menlotial Hospital, on March 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith, It.R. 1 Bornholm, a daughter. TINNEY�-Mr. and Mrs. Homer Tlnney are pleased to announce the birth of their son at Clinton Public Hospital, Saturday, February 26. and Mrs. Reg Elliott. Souvenir booth -Mrs. Cecil Bow- man, Mrs. Marshall Deering. Registration -Mrs. Russell Wor- den, Mrs. J. M. Scott, Mrs. E. J. Deering. Photos and snapshots -Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harburn, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns, Mrs. Ruby,.JReid, Jas. Barbour. The invitation committee is anx- ious to get names and addresses as quickly as possible, and these may be handed into the secretary. EGMONDVILLE OF •THE WEEK and Mrs. J. Batten, Miss Betty Badley, of Exeter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey. The people of this community express deepest sympathy for Mrs. Ii. Ford and family in the death of the late Harry Ford, who pass- ed away. on Friday. night. With Quebec the only province• still unsigned to the Trans -Canada Highway agreement, some 4,500 miles of the Trans -Canada High- way are considered passable EUCHRE & DANCE INTSALL Town Hall Friday, March llth Sponsored by the Kippen East W. 1 EUCHRE 8:15 Ladies please bring sandwiches!: - LUCKY LUNCH PRIZE Music by Norris' .Orchestra IHMISIIHNEINIMIRIMMOIMMIN THE SIXTEENTH ANNUAL PERTH COUNTY SEED FAIR The Crystal Palace - MITCHELL Wednesday &:Thursday, Mar.16 & 17 1955 GRAIN, SEEDS, CORN. POTATOES, HAY Admission Free - PROGRAMME - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th: 9:00-11:00 A.M.-Receiving Seed. 1:00 P.M. Judging Exbtbita THURSDAY, MARCH 17th: 9:80 A.M.-Junior Farmers Seed Judging Competition On Town Hall) 10:80 A.M.-Exhibits open to Public 12:00 Noon -Banquet in Trinity Anglican Church ; Speaker, .5.. A. Carroll, Toronto 2:00 P.M. -Official greetings and reaentatlon of awards 2:80 P.M. -Auction Sale of Seed P.M.-Panel Diecuesion on torage of Silage and Preservatives"; panel members : Bob lariert, OKNX; Jack BleChgue, Teeawater 1 Elmer Robertson, Goderich; Earl Hooper. St. Marga: Cormack Ares - strong, Teeswater. For Prize Lists apply to: GORDON SMITH, President R. E: WHITE, Secreta r,y RAND OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd - 10 A.M. SHOP EARLY FOR TH-ESE VALUES! GRAND PRIZES! A Beautiful Sunbeam Electric Mix Master, plus Four Electric Corn Poppers, plus 45 Large Shopping Bags of Groceries. LOOK`! SUPER MARKET PRICES for the First Time in KIPPEN ! loREE BALLOONS for Children accompanied by Their Parents. EVERY -DAY LOW PRICES AT RED & WHITE Grapefruit Juice -20 -oz. Tin 27c 3 for - Red & White Peanut Butter 29c 16 -oz. Jar Hereford Corn Beef 37c 1`I.oz. Tin Fancy Sockeye Salmon $1.00 1/2's Tin -3 for • Rose Margarine -tie $1.00 or 4 for Robin Hood WhiteCake Mix 119c Package . .... - Above are a Few of Our Grand Opening Specials See Our Big Special Dodger and lull page Red & White ad in. -London Free Press March 2 PRICES ALSO GREATLY REDUCED ON, .OVERALLS, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, MEN'S and BOYS' FOOTWEAR, PRINTS,. YARN and CLEARING LINES" OF .FLOOR ,,.a/TERING Shop at the Store to receive Tickets on Prizes! it KYLE'S MARKET - KIPPER - ONT. rw► Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hayter, of Howell, Mich., visited with Mrs. James Finlayson, also with Mr„ and Mrs. Art Finlayson and other relatives over the weekend. Ntiss Laura. McMillan, of Toron- to, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. W. F. McMillan, arid Miss Alice Watson, of London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Mrs. Robert Boyes, who has beerka a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital for the past ten days, is able to return to her home. Her Sister, Miss May Stobie, of De- troit,, is staying with her. Sorry to report that Mrs. A. G. Broadfoot was removed to the hospital for treatment a few days ago. We hope for her speedy re- covery. Canadian universities 'graduate about 12,000 students annually. KIPPEN NEWS FLASH! -Grand opening Kyle's Market, Kippen, Thursday, March 3, 10 a.m. Bargain Prices and Prizes Galore.-( Adv.). Miss Marion Thomson, of Clan- deboye, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochrane, of Peace River District, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. George e B oa of Staffa;. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fuss, bf near Zurich: and Miss Margar- et Fuss, Reg.N., of Marathon, Northern Ontario, were recent vis- itors of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowler, of Toronto, spent the weekend with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. OF THE WEEK SUREST WAY T 0 TELL. John L. 'Henderson.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, of Lon- don, visited Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cud - more. Mrs. McClymont visited Monday and Tuesday with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme, of Dashwood. Mr. Mervyn Eyre, of Aylmer, is spending the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre. We are sorry to report Mr. Bert Peck is confined to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We wish him an early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, visited on Friday with Mrs. Dill;sdale and Miss Whiteman. .4.. f�r Jl,, ya1 MC ALL AT ONE TIME IS BY ADVERTISING IN THE HURON EXPOSITOR "The Newspaper Everybody Reads" 1525.....,, jo