HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1955-02-11, Page 8EIGHT THE HURON EXPOSITOR Specialize in LOW COST TERM -PAYMENT AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Mow available in an all -Canadian Company. Information gladly given on all lines of insurance. MOTORIST GOLDEN RULE: Drive—as you would have others drive. WATSON• SL A. REID Insurance & Phone 214 & REID Proprietor Real Estate Seaforth FOR SALE Brick dwellig Goder .•h St. East; beautifully locat"1 i for- mer residence of late Mrs, R. Bell). Brick Dwelling, very central - y located, Goderich St. West. ew furnace. Could be divided for apartments. $3,400.00 — Asphalt covered dwelling on Victoria St.; $1500 Cash, balance arranged. Two - bedr000m Stucco Cot- tage, with all modern conveni- ences, including 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kit- chen. Full basement with fur- nace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced, and almost immediate possession. FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK RESIDENCE with all modern conveniences. Well lo- cated. Immediate possession. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID SEAL ESTATE : PHONE214 LOCAL CALLS An paaaengPHOere insu-ed NES: c 162-J or 162-W LEMON'S TAXI INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 222-R MAIN ST. : SEAFORTH Church Notices Salvation Army. — 11:00 a.m., Holiness Meeting; 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meet- ing. These services will be con- ducted by Major and Mrs. J. D. Sharp and family, of London, a very talented group of Salvation- ists. Thursday, 8 p.m., Midweek Meeting.—Lieuts J. Hunter and L. Pyke, Officers -in -Charge. Phone 575. Northside United Church. -10:00 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Morning Worship; sermon theme, "Finding God—and Ourselves"; Junior Con- gregation and Toddlers' Group; 7 p.m., Evening Service; sermon theme, "1 Am a Protestant," third in sermon series; 8:15 p.m„ Young People's Union.—Rev. J. W. Stin- son, Minister. Egmondville United Church. -11 a.m., Morning Worship; sermon, "God's Plan For Renewal"; 7:00 p.ni., Evening Praise; "The Righteousness of God"; Wednes- day, 7:30 p.m., Midweek Service. —Rev, W. E. Milroy, Minister. O.E.S. Sponsors Euchre Party A social evening was held in the Odd Fellows' Hall on Thursday evening when the Order of the Eastern Star sponsored a progres- sive euchre with prizes being won by the following: Ladies—most games, Mrs. John McGregor; lone hands, Mrs. Haz- el Scott; consolation, Mrs. A. Chambers; men, most games, M. E. Clarke; lone hands, Aub. Bak- er; consolation, William Murray. After the prizes were presented, the lunch committee served re- fteshments. The Worthy Matron, Norma Jeffery, expressed her ap- preciation to all present and hop- ed each enjoyed the evening, and then closed with the National An- them. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister • 10 a.m.—Church School and Bible Class 11:00 a.m. "WHEN MEN WORSHIP" Junior Congregation 7:00 p.m. Film: "VILLAGE OF THE POOR" Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 THE SALVATION ARMY "FAMILY SUNDAY" THIS WEEK! FEBRUARY 13, 1955 We welcome to Seaforth. from London, Ontario. MAJOR AND MRS. J. D. SHARP, and family. Meetings will be held and coOducted by this talented gro,ip at: 11:00 a.m.—HOLINESS MEETIN It 3:00 p.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Wp welcome all the boys and 7:00 p.m.—SALVATION MEETING Come along to the "Array" THIS Sunday with your family! You will enjoy Gospel Music, and Gospel News. EVERYONE IS WELCOME JACKSON HOMES LIMITED Seaforth, Ontario Announce their appointment as Distributors for KOOL-LITE AWNING CO. Manufacturers of LONG-LASTING, BEAUTIFUL ALUMINUM Doors - Awnings Venetian Blinds Combination Windows For further information and estimates, phone JACKSON HOMES,. LIMITED PHONE 3-M : SEAFORTH .. There is no obligation. THE NEWLY -FORMED Vito men's Auxiliary to Huron County Medical Association elected an executive at a meeting held at the residence of Dr. M. W. Stapleton in Seaforth last week. Of- ficers from left to right are: Honorary president, Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, Exeter; president, Mrs. Walter Oakes, Clinton; vice-president, Mrs. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, and secretary -treas- urer, Mrs, R. M. Aldis, Goderich. Members are wives of members of the Huron County Medical Association. (Photo by Phillips). Important Dates Of Coming Farm Events- in Huron Friday, Feb. 11—Huron County Junior Farmer Curling Bonspiel, Curling Rink, Seaforth, 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 15—Junior Far- mer Drama Festival, Seaforth Dis- trict High School, 8:15 p.m. Three one -act plays by the Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter Junior Farmer Clubs. Admission 50c per person. Thursday, Feb. 17—Junior Far- mer Drama Festival, Community Centre, Blyth, 8:15 p.m. Three one -act plays by the North Huron, Colwanosh and Howick Junior Farmer Clubs. Admission 50c per person. Wednesday, Feb. 23 — Junior Farmer Drama Festival finals, High School, Clinton, 8:15 p.m. Two winning plays from February 15 and 17 and suitable musical en- tertainment. Admission 50c per person. Friday, Feb. 18—Annual meeting Huron County 4-H Club Leaders' Association, 10:30 a.m., Agricul- tural Office Board Room, Clinton. Luncheon, Hotel Clinton, 12:30. p.m.; guest speaker, George Gear, Bruce County Agricultural Repre- sentative. Friday, Feb. 25—Annual meet- ing, Blyth Cheese Co-op, Com- munity Hall, Blyth; guest speak- er, E. M. Biggs. Dairy Commis- sioner, Ontario Department Agri- culture, Toronto. Thursday, Feb. 17—Huron Here- ford Association tour of Hereford breeders' farms in Huron County. Hosts of a group of Hereford breeders from Western Canada. Friday and Saturday, March 4 and 5—Huron County Seed Fair, High School, -Clinton. DUBLIN SCHOOL NEWS Hearts and cupids, roses and Valentines are to be seen every- where, and busy committee mem- bers are plotting and planning. "How will the `Queen of Hearts' be chosen?" "What prizes and surprises will there he?" Yes. the school dance is to he next Friday evening, Feb. 11. Valentine dec- orations are right in season. Ev- eryone is looking forward to a wonderful evening. Our monthly reports came out last week. Grade KI high team carne first with 80'; ,, Grades 10 and 12 tied for second place, with 76%; -and Grade 9. who were first in l7ecember, came last this time, with 72%. Grade 11 low team al- so headed the list with 65', and Grades 9 and 10 came next, with 52%. Cleo Bowman had the high- est average in the school -89%. Congratulations to the winners! The weatherman tried hard to give us some holidays, but there were always some students who managed to get over the drifts. We hope that he will he good to us next Friday evening, and that all our friends will he able to join us at our Valentine dance. COAL and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hart Phone 784 Seaforth TONS APlUMBfR1 WE KNOW OUR TRADE, 50 HAVE NO FEARS, WE'VE WORKED AT PLUMBING MANY YEARS s. 6 A lierwc EXPEX=Yey DON WOOD PLUMBIN EMEATING SEAFOR f1 -i.527 a� 23 uu' ?tz HURON CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY COMPLETES ORGANIZATION FOR 1955 The annual meeting of the Hur- on County Children's Aid Society was held Tuesday in the Court House, Goderich. The meeting elected the follow- ing officers: president, Rev. R. G. MacMillan, Goderich; first vice- president, Dr Kenneth Taylor, Goderich; second vice-president, Hugh Berry, Woodham; honorary secretary, A. M. Robertson. Gode- rich; secretary, A. H. Erskine, Goderich; treasurer, John G. Ber- ry, Goderich; directors: Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. George Johnston, Miss Etta Saults, Mrs. J. B. Rey- nolds, Mrs. H. Palmer, Mrs. Chas. Robertson, Mrs. Frank Donnelly, all of Goderich; Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Elimville; Mrs. Frank Fingland, Clinton: Arthur Currie, Goderich; Fred Davidson, Wing - ham; John Winter, R.R 2, Har- riston; Frank Sills, Seaforth ; Harry McCreath, Saltford; Roy Cousins, Brussels; W. M. Prest, Goderich ; associate directors, Miss N. Cunningham, Public Health Department; Lieut. Mayo, Salvation Army. The staff members were all re- engaged for the year, and are as follows: local director, Mrs. Mary P. Chaffee, Goderich; assistant lo- cal director, Miss Clare McGow- Kitchener Speaker Addresses Dubin P.T. Asso• ciat'db In spite of a- very bad snowstorm there was a good attendance at the last P.T.A. meeting held at the Dublin High School. The meet- ing was opened by Rev. Father McCowell, with the P.T.A. prayer. The president, Dr. Tom Melady, conducted the business meeting. Reports of sectional meetings were given by James O'Connor, St. Columban, by Lou Coyne, Hib- bert, and by Jim Maloney for Beechwood. Some pupils from Beechwood and Hibbert schools provided some entertaining num- bers, when Mary Lou Coyne sang and recited: Anne Morris tap danced, and Don (ov ne gave a recitation. There was also a group tap dancing number. Catherine Ryan and Louise O'Rourke, from Beechwood, gave amusing recita- tions. Frank Sills. of Seaforth, then entertained the audience with a few vocal selections. The guest speaker of the even- ing, Rev. Father Bullbrook. C.R., of St. Jerome's College., Kitchener, was introduced by Rev. Father Ffoulkes. In his talk on "Ad- olescent," Fr. Biillhrook stressed the importance of realizing that it is in the very early 'teens that young people need special help and guidance. They are facing problems of adjustment which to them are very serious. Authority is needed, as they have not yet acquired a sense of responsibility, but authority must he accompan- ied by a sincere interest in the young person, and a desire to help him. Dr. Melady thanked the speak- er for his talk on. a subject of such•great interest to parents and teachers. The meeting was fol- lowed by a social hour. and lunch was served. WINTHROP There is to be a sleigh ride party on Friday evening at Bill Dodds' hill for the Mission Band and their families. Everyone is welcome. Let us hope for good weather. Mission Band members are re- minded of the regular meeting on Sunday aftefnoon at 2:00 p.m. Could you all remember your membership fees? WALTON , Mr. and Mrs Charles Boyd left last week on a trip to Florida. Mrs. W. J. Humphries and Mrs. Torrance Dundas spent several days with relatives in London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamont and family, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie and 'Larry, Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Ennis. Miss Margie Achilles has ac- cepted a position in London A dance was held in the Wal- ton Community Hall on Friday evening with Wilbee's orchestra supplying the music. A euchre and dance will be held Friday ev- ening, Feb. 11. The C.G.I.T, Girls held a. Val- ntine party at the home of Mies ,ose»3iarfe Bolger on Saturday eV. b'ning, an, Blyth; social workers, Mrs. Ewan Ross, Holmesville, and Miss Gertrude Wilkee, Goderich; secre- tary, Mrs. Mildred Simpson, Gode- rich; stenographer, Miss Marie Lyddiatt, Blyth. HOME AND SCHOOL WILL MEET The Home and School meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Seaforth Public School Tues- day evening, Feb. 15, at 8:15 p.m. Dr. Earl Zeigler, professor of physical education of the Univers- ity of Western Ontario, will be the guest speaker. Everyone is cor- dially invited, and a good attend- ance is hoped for. A cup of tea will be served. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. J. C. Bell, of St. Marys, visited with his mother, Mrs. J. P. Bell, last Friday. Mr. Edmund Daly, Mr. George McGavin and Mr. Stanley Nicholls were in Forest Friday night fol- lowing the death of the late Thorn- ton Howard. Mr. Thomas Jarman, of Climax, Sask., is visiting' at the home of his sister, Mrs. James Henderson. Mr. J. M. Scott was in Guelph on Wednesday on business. Miss Gladys Thompson, Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Councillor James T. Scott, who has been seriously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital for some weeks has recovered 'sufficiently to be removed to his home. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Teall left on Sunday for a holiday in Flor- ida. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hartwick, of Kitchener, were guests on Satur- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W .Sillery. Mr. Dennis Maloney, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maloney, Detroit, were guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. Margaret Maloney, over the weekend. Mr. Joseph Matthews, of Toron- to, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. Joseph Heffernan. Mrs. J. M. Breen, Long Branch, attended the funeral of the late Thomas Jarman, Sr., and is spend- ing the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson. Dr. Friel Stewart and family,_of Windsor, spent the weekend in Seaforth, the guests of Mr. and Mrs..P. D. McConnell. Miss Theresa Heffernan is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating left last week on a motor trip to Flor- ida. Mrs. William Mason had the misfortune to fall at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sam Scott, Roxboro, on Thursday and is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boussey and son, Billie, were in London on Sunday attending the diamond wedding celebration of Mrs. Bous- sey's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Langford, London. OBITUARIES Grey Twp. Coupie Mark Anniversary At Moncrieff A large number of persons at- tended the silver wedding anni- versary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Baillie, held in the Moncrieff Community Hall on Fri- day evening. Cards were played, with prizes being won by Mrs. Kenneth Ludington, Mrs. William E. Little, of Monkton, and Leslie Baler, of Millbank. Leslie McKay read an address, and Kenneth Ludington presented the celebrants with a purse of money. Mr and Mrs, Baillie also received Many other gifts of motley and silver. Music for danc- ing was supplined by Harburn's or- chestra, Staffa. The couple were married Feb. 5, 1930. They have resided on con- cession 16, Grey Township, since then. Mrs. Baillie is the former Wilda Baker, daughter of Garfield Baker and the late Mrs. Baker, of Grey Township. Mr. Baillie is the sett of Mrs. James Baillie, Lis- towel, , and the late Mr. Baillie, formers of concession 14, .Elma Township. Mr. and Mrs. Baillie have nine children: James, at home; Donna, Listowel; ° William, Grey Town- ship; Audrey, nurse' -in -training at London; Kenneth, St. Marys; Mrs, Richard (Maxine) Adair, Grey Township; Robert, John and Bar- rie, all at home. They also have three grandchildren. LADIES' GUILD MEETS The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held on' Tuesday af- ternoon at the home of Miss Doro- thy Parke. The meeting opened with the scripture reading, the 13th chapter of First Corinthians, read by Mrs. James. Prayers for the parish were followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Follow- ing roll call, the minutes and treasurer's report were read and approved. New business was discussed and a special feature of the bazaar this year will be Christmas cake, mincemeat and pudding. The col- lection was received and dedicat- ed and the meeting closed with the benediction. Tea was served and a social half-hour' enjoyed by all. DEATH OF THORNTON HOWARD The death occurred in Forest on Thursday of last week of Thorn- ton Howard, former well-known Seaforth resident. Mr. Howard for many years was a well-known employee of the late J. F. Daly. Funeral services were . held on Saturday. ALBERT FRANCIS FEENEY Albert Francis Feeney, 50, died at the Thamer Nursing Home Seaforth, on Monday after several months' illness. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Feeney, of Hibbert Township, and had been a resident of that community all his life. He attended the Dublin Separate and Continuation Schools and was a member of the Holy Name Society. He is survived by his parents; five brothers, Thomas Feeney, of London; Joseph E., Dublin; Louis, Jerome and Elmer, at home. The body rested at the Box Fun- eral Home, Seaforth, until Thurs- day morning, when it was taken to St. Patrick's Church Dublin, where Solemn Requiem High Mass was 'sung by Rev. Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes at 9:30 o'clock. Burial whs made ih the parish cemetery. Casting Director: "Have you e'er had any stage experience%" 'Young 'Hopeful: "Sure thing, MS leg,'Was 1n a past, onee." Be thrifty! Phone 41, Sea - forth. Classified ads. are re- sult -getting. The Huron Ex- positor. • AS 'blue coal WILLIS DUND Champion Stove and Furnace Oil DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R • BRIDGE Friday, Feb. 18th at 2:15 p.m. Nurses' Residence Auspices Women's Hospital Auxiliary MUM -TAM( 11, 1951 REGENT THEATRE - SEAFORTH, THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY "SASKATCHEWAN " (Technicolor) i ALAN LADD SHELLEY WINTERS The saga of the conquest of the Saskatchewan Territory. Filmed in the Canadian Rockies. MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY " LATIN LOVERS" LANA TURNER RICARDO MONTALBAN M.G.M.'s Musical of Tropical Ecstasy. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY " THE SARACEN BLADE " (Technicolor) RICARDO MONTBALBAN BETTA ST. JOHN COMING SOON — "THE MOONLIGHTER" moo, SPECIALS .. . AT THE LITTLE SHOE STORE Boys' Regular $4.95 Oxfords Sizes 1 to 6. Only $3.45 a Pair Lddies' Brown Leather Pumps Sizes 5,.to 9; $6.95 and $7.50 values. A Real Bargain at $3.45 a Pair 4 Sale Racks of Ladies' Shoes. OK in Quality; OK in Style. Only $1.00` a Pair WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the BIG Values — SEAFORTH KIDDIES SHOP SPECIALS — Thurs., Fri. 8t Sat. Only! February 10 - 11 - 12 Bomber Jackets—All Nylon, 7-12 yrs Gab and Plaid Wool Jackets 6.95 6.95 Dresses -7 -12 years 4.95 Plaid and Plain Wools, Jerseys and Cords DRESSES -4 - 6X 1.49 DRESSES -4 - 6X 1.98 - DRESSES -4 - 6X 3.95 Plaids, Taffetas, Cords and Chromspun JUMPERS -4 - 6X 2.98 JUMPERS -7 - 14 X1.98 KIDDIES SHOP Next Door To Theatre Seaforth Brady's New Laundeteria USES.... Our 25 -pound Milnor :automatic Washer, famed for its ability to give a cleaner, whiter wash — takes out all the dirt gently. (We use Culligan Soft Water Service for better washes — its easier on clothes, too.) Our new extractor permits us to leave your clothes damp dry, just right for ironing. Our twin -pocket dryer gives you fluffy, luxur- iously soft clothes. Try this service for yourself — you'll like it. TWO SERVICES No.1 No. 2 Washed and spin-dried, damp, ready for ironing — only 10c per pound, dry weight. Wash and fluff-drtied, folded, most articles ready to use—only 13c per pound, dry weight. SELF-SERVICE, TOO ! Our three automatic Bendix Washers and Dryers are at your service if you wish to do your own laUrndry. This is easy, efficient washing—saves you time, trou- ble and expense. STEAK KNIF You may purchase One Knife with each Dol- lar's worth of Laundry or Dry Cleaning for 39c BRADY CLEANERS AND LAUNDETERIA LTD. Exeter — Ont. SEAFORTH AGENT: Eric Milner Flowers i-- Phone 933 '1k4 at'PA