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The Huron Expositor, 1955-01-14, Page 8
0 Specialize in LOW COST TERM-PAXMENT AUTOMOBILE I N8URANCE MOW available In an all -Canadian Company. Saikunation gladly given on all Itnes of insurance, ISOTOUIST GOLDEN RULE: Datvs—as you would have others drive. " - WATSON & REID 81 A. REID - Proprietor knee and Real Estate Phone 314 : Seaforth FOR SALE Brick dwellig Goderich St. East; beautifully locate -i (for- mer residence of late M rs. R. Hell). Brick Dwelling, very central- ly located, Goderich St. West. New furnace. Could be divided for apartments. $3,200.00—One and half and one -storey frame dwelling, with gull basement. Goderich St. West. Possesion arranged. $3,400.00 — Asphalt. covered ,dwelling on Victoria St.; $1500 cash, balance arranged. Pos- session Nov. 1. Two - bedr000m Stucco Cot- $atge, with all modern conveni- .enoee, including 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kit- chen. Full basement with tur- slaee. Garage and good garden. Seasonably priced, and almost immediate possession. FOR SALE OR RENT BRICK RESIDENCE with all modern conveniences. Well lo- cated- Immediate possession. Other Properties Also Listed M. A. REID MAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 ,Loom. LEMON'S CALLS TAXI in All passengers insured : c 162-JPHONESor 162-W INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Liability • Accident • Wind, Etc. Complete Coverage W. E. SOUTHGATE Successor to E. E. CHAMBERLAIN Phone 334 Res. 222_R MAIN ST. — SEAFORTH SEAFORTH CURLING CLUB Ladies' Organization Meeting Curling Rink THURSDAY, JAN. 20th at 3 p.m. All ladies from Seaforth and district interested in Curling are invited to attend. Church Notices Salvation Army. — 11 a.m., Holiness Meeting; 3 p.m.. Sun- day School; 7 p.m., Salvation Meeting. These services will be conducted by a group of young people from St. Thomas. See special announcement- N o Thursday meeting this week_ Lieuts. J. Hunter- and L. Pyke, Officers -in -Charge. Phone 575. Northside United Church. - 10 a.m., Church. School and Adult Bible Class; 11 a.m., Morning Worship ; se r m o n theme, "Are You Afraid of 1955?"; Junior congregation and toddlers' group; 7 pan-, Evening Service ; sermon theme, "Strength Out of Weakness"; 8:15 p.m., Young People's Un- ion.—Rev, J. W. Stinson, Minis- ter. Egmondville United Church. —Friday, 8 pm-, Preparatory Service: Sunday. 10:00 a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., Morn- ing Worship -with Communion; sermon, "Remembering Jesus"; 7 p.m., Evening Praise. — Rev. W. E. Milroy. Minister. Be thrifty! Phone 41, Sea- . forth. Classified ads. are re- sult -getting. The Barna Eapoa- itor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 a.m..--Church School and Bible Claes 11 a.m. Sermon— "GUIDANCE FOR LIFE" Junior Congregation 7 p.m. Sermon— Questions Jesus asked: "CAN YOU DRINK OF MY CUP?" COME TO CHURCH — Come now and let us rea- son together, saith the Lord. L•O.B.A. EUCHRE FRIDAY, JAN. 14th in the L.O.L. Lodge Rooms Games commence at 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION -40' Cents EVERYONE WELCOME Euchre - Lunch Program Auspices St. Columban C.W.L. FRIDAY,. JAN. 21st Commencing at 9 p.m. ADMISSION — 50 Cents A TWO -ACT PLAY "MY MOLLY ri will be presented by the Y.P.U. of Turner's Church FRIDAY, JAN. 21st Cavan Church, Winthrop Sponsored by the Y.P.V. Musical Numbers by Turner's Y.P.U. Admission 50c: Children 35c ,k THE SALVATION ARMY Coming to Seaforth! From St. Thomas, Ontario. comes a -fine group of Young People, accompanied .by Major E. Nesbitt (former Officer df Seaforth Corps) COME! Sunday, January 16, 1955 (At the Citadel) 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting 3:00 p.m.—Musical Programme (To interest young and old) 7:00 p.m.—Salvation Meeting SEE! Young' People who are enthusiastic con- cerning the Word of God, and Personal Salvation. HEAR! Gospel Music - Gospel News Yon Can't Afford To Miss This Wonderful Opportunity! EVERYONE WELCOME COME AND WORSHIP AT THE ARMY° .O O o0000 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 O S./forth, Ont. 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 A sMFUNERALDIRECTOR 0 0 Mitt or Day Calla — 885 0 - +R! O 670000000000 •0000000000 BOX 0 antral Mrerbite lid IL e: *cm • 0 +47► Lull eaNl Ernb&Uner 0 0 g 00:06 l attentlen O FOR O ALL 0 Stole 4>r 0 0 000N 0 00 00000000000 J. A. BURSE 0 O Funeral Director O 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 O Night or Day Calls: 0 O Phos. 43 r 10 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE 4PRON EX S TOR Night classes, which have been under way at the Seaforth District High School dur- ing recent weeks, have been a popular feature among people throughout the district. The classes, attended by more than 20a district res.dents, were carried on by a commit- tee which included: back row, left to right, Keith Sharp. vice-chairman; G. W. Mont- gomery, Huron agricultural representative; Gorden McGavn, chairman of the high school board; front row, Gordon Scott, secretary; L. P. Plumsteel, chairman. Northside Women's Groups Have Firs Meetings for 1955 4, NORTHSIDE W.A. Miss Nellie Pryce was hos- tess to Group 4 meeting of Northside W.A. on Tuesday eve- ning, . with Mrs. Alvin Riley, president, in the chair, who op- ened the meeting with a suit- able poem. Hymn 434 was sung, followed by scripture by, Mrs. J. Kaiser and .prayer by Mrs. Riley. Ways and means of raising money for the coming year were discussed, and it was de- cided, on motion of Mrs. Wright LOCAL BRIEFS Senator William H. Gold- ing left last week for Ottawa to attend the opening of Parlia- ment. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Leslie are in Hamilton this week, where Mr. Leslie is attending an On- tario Dairymen's meeting. Master Ted Lamont, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Lamont, who injured his knee while get- ting into a car, is a patient in Scott Memorial Hoospital. Master.. Paul Hagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hagan, is confined to Scott Memorial Hos- pital with pneumonia. A rink from the Seaforth Curling Club was • in Stratford Wednesday taking part in a bonspiel. The rink included N. MacLean, William Campbell. F. King and J. E. Keating, skip. Mr. and Mrs, R. S. McKerch- er were in Toronto Sunday at- tending the funeral of 'Mrs. Mc- Kercher's uncle, the late O. S. Pollard. Mr. Raymond Nott was in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., over the weekend attending the fun- eral of his cousin, Mr, Glenn Crawford, and while there he visited a number of his rela- tives. He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Keith Webster, Blyth. Mrs. Helen Bolton was in De- troit over the weekend visiting her 'sisters, Mrs. Frank Moore and Mid Millie Dugan: Miss Dugan's many friends will re- gret to learn she has been ser- iously ill in hospital for soine time. Mrs. Earl Bell, •.Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Geo. D. Ferguson. Mr. William Kerr, who was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, has returned and is at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr. 00000000000 © G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Home 0 O Goderich at. W., 3*fert11 O O AMBULANCE 9 RV1E tS 0 Adjustable hOeStel fir 0 O for lei' 0 0 FLO T 0 b Ter '. +i5 CO and FUEL OIL Wm. M. Hait Phone 784 Seaforth ' COMING EVENTS — at — SEAFORTH Community Centre Thursday, Jan. 13th 7 p.m. Milverton Bantams vs. Seaforth 8:30 p.m. Clinton Midgets vs. Seaforth Friday, Jan. 14th 8 - 10 p.m.—Skating Saturday, Jan. 15th 1:30' - 3.30—Skating 9':00 p.m. $nil for .'B' Hockey LONDON +> i:. ;t*Fo$TH and Mrs. Sims, to hold a bazaar, bake sale and tea in the church parlor on the evening of Fri- day, Sept. 16. Money bags were handed out, and a birthday box idea was adopted. The meeting closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. A social half-hour followed with lunch. Mrs. Turnbull ex- pressd thanks to Miss Pryce for her hospitality and the lunch committee. The February meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Bill Wilbee. GROUP 2, NORTHSIDE W.A. T first_Feting for 1955 of Grou of t re W.A. of North- side United -'Church was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Savauge on Tuesday evening.Mrs. Hoff- man presided. R611 call was answered by 24 members with a verse of a favorite poem from the old public school reader. The business part of the meet- ing was conducted by the presi- dent, Mrs. Shannon. It was de- cided to continue with the tal- ent.bags this year, also to pre- pare birthday calendars. The treasurer, Mrs. Storey, report - Northside Married Couples Present Skits The January meeting of the Couples Club was held in North- side Church • schoolroom and was in charge of Dr. and Mrs. P. Brady and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westoott. The meeting op- ened with a hymn, followed by a prayer by Mr. Westcott. Mrs. Brady read the scripture from Matthew. Mrs. Westcott read a short article on Prayer. The president, Mrs. Brady, and Vice -President Mr. L. Mosh- er conducted the business per- iod. The minutes of the Janu- ary executive meeting were read by the secretary, Mr. E. Hoffman. Mrs. J. W. Stinson 'led in- the recreational period. Mem- bers of the group broke up and rehearsed short impromptu skits and dialogues. These were then presented to the others present, and proved to be very interesting and humorous. A delicious lunch of hot soup and crackers, cookies, cake and tea was served by Mrs. Brady and Mrs. Westcott. The meet- ing closed with Taps. NORTHSIDE MISSION BAND MEETS The Mission. Band of North- side United Church met Mon- day. when gam.s were played. Mrs. J. W. Stinson showed art- ' icles of interest brought from India. She introduced the Mis- sion bodk for the coming year, "Fig Tree Village," a story tak- must see that our children get the first step in Christian in- i struction and carry it on through the years. We must al- so give wise counsel and keep it up, so that when they have reached the stage of depending upon themselves they are pre- pared. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Aikenhead .and Mrs. Lawson. The thanks of the meeting was expressed by Mrs. P. B. Moffat. POLICE OFFICE MOVED TO VICTORIA ST.? (Continued from Page 1) the town received a rebate of 35 per cent of the amount, roughly three mills, which it paid for county highways. He also told council that Seaforth has approximately a mile of county road within the munici- $330. The munici- pality, and that it was the only ed a balance of overtown in the county in this cate- topic, "The lowest step of the gory. While he agreed that the ladder is just as useful and nee- street was not in perfect shape, essary as the highest," was ef- he felt that the town on the ficiently dealt with by r Irs- whole was getting a better deal Hoffman. A little boy watching than any of the other towns in a carpenter make a ladder one the county. Councillor Christie day inquired why do you fas- pointed out that it had been ten the first and last rung so , agreed that there would be pro - well? The carpenter explained to the boy how necessary these rungs are: .the one we step on first, and the one we step off (last; these being fundamental I must be strong. This story af- More Street Signs fects adults, because we must start at the bottom and work up. We cannot start at the top and remain there, because life is a constant series of steps. We vided a second coat of paving, and Mayor McMaster confirm- ed that this was the understand- ing. St. Columban CWL Plans Euchre The monthly meeting of St. ColUmban Catholic Women's League was held in the vestry of the church with the presi- dent, Mrs. John Moylan, presid- ing. The first vice-president. Mrs. Maurice Melady, reported 122 members. Thank -you notes from the shut-ins at Christmas were read by the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Michael Doyle. Mrs. Albert Cronin and Mrs. Angus Kennedy were appoint- ed to care for the altars during February. The postponed euchre of January 6 is to be held January 21. A costume jewellery set, donated by Mrs. Joseph Lane, was won by Mrs. William Mc- Millan. The meeting adourned and -closed with prayer. HOME & SCHOOL TO MEET The January meeting of the Seaforth Home and School As- sociation will be held on Tues- day, Jan. 18, in the Public School auditorium at 8:15 p.m., sharp. Mr. Gordon F. Allison, of the High School, will be the guest speaker. Music will ;be by Jim Hopper and John Grum- mett on their electric steel and Spanish guitars. FUNERAL OF JAMES CARLIN The funeral of James F. Car- lin, of Beechwood, was -held on Wednesday, Jan. 5, from his late residence to St. Columban Church, where Solemn Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. Father McCowell, assisted by Rev. Father Moylan and Dr. J. B. Ffoulkes. Rev. Father Me - Cowell officiated at the grave. The pallbearers were Mich- ael Murray, John L. Malone, John Shea, John Moylan, Rich- ard Downey and James Dev- ereaux. WINTHROP Mrs. Charles Dolmage is Un- der the doctor's care. Mr. le G tt McClure hag ac- cepted the position of caretaker of "Winthrop school. The Helping Hand Mission Band of Cavan Church, in- thro , will hold their rile ting at 2 n.m. Sunday, lit the baths Councillor Kellar pointed out that about five years ago he had asked at a nomination meeting why the streets of the town were not properly named, and he was disturbed that little had been done in the interval. He would like to see name signs erected on all the streets, and told of the difficulties that strangers had locating residents in the town. Councillor Close, chairman of the streets com- mittee, explained that t h e Chamber of Commerce had made available the signs for cer- tain of the main streets, and that the program called for the erection of signs throughout the town. He said that the street committee would see that the signs were erected as soon as they were made available, and that in any event he would look into it. Committee of the Whole Mayor McMaster asked coun- cil how it proposed to proceed with the selection of commit- tees, whether by striking com- mittee or by council sitting as a committee of a whole, and on suggestion of Councillor Close it was agreed that the selection would be proceeded with by committee of the whole. In order to facilitate the mat- ter, the Mayor proposed a sug- gested arrangement of commit- tees and said that while certain positions had been changed, this had been proposed so that each member of council would ob- tain the broadest experience. In any event, he said it was nec- cessary for all members to work together. The draft of commit- tees was approved by the com- mittee. As the meeting adjourn- ed, the Mayor urged all mem- bers to consider carefully the questions which would come be- fore council and expressed the hope that each member would vote yes or no on the questions as they arose. Visit Tuckersmith Following adjournment the Seaforth council went to an ad- joining room where, the Tuck- ersmith township council was meeting, and extended congrat- ulations to that body. Reeve Doig, of Tuckersmith, express- ed appreciation on behalf of Tuckersmith, for the courteous gesture and reciprocated the good wishes which the Seaforth council had extended He point- ed out that while from time to time there may appear to be differences of opinion between the two councils, in reality there were no real difficulties,; and he said, "Insofar as i. am concerned, there never will bit nient of the Church. " . .>, many difer'eiices." in g place in Indra. Election and installation of officers followed: president, Elizabeth Sholdice; vice-presi- dent, Ellen Connell; secretary, Dianne Beuermann; treasurer, Bobbie Plumsteel. The hymn, "Can a Little Child Like Me," was sung. Mission Band Pur- pose and prayer closed the meeting. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roy Butt, Sea - forth, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Marilyn Joyce, to Jaenes Ed- ward Ziegler, son of WO. 2 and Mrs. Eric B. Ziegler, R.C.A.F., Baden-Baden, Germany. The marriage will take place Janu- ary 22 in Northside United Church, Seaforth. 'blue coal WILLIS DUNDAS Champion Stove and Filename Olt DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R JUNIOR B' It's LONDON —at— SEAFORTH SAT., JAN. 15th 19 p.m. London •defeated both Sar- nia and Blenheim during the past week, so this should be a REAL BATTLE! hFANTT. RY 14,, 1955 REGENT THEATRE WORTH THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SAYURDAY1 " BOY FROM OKLAHOMA " WILL ROGERS, Jr. - NANCY OLSON' In'all Bluerock County there wuz only two that didn't tote a gun—the Sheriff and his Hoss! MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEIJNESVAY " MAN CRAZY " (Adult) NEVILLE BRAND CHRISTINE WHITE BOLD! BLUNT! BRUTAL! Today's most searching story of YOUTH, written in shame and shock, tears and tragedy, truth and terror. - - THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY "GUN FURY" ROCK HUDSON DONNA REED Coming Soon — "THUNDER BAY" YOUR -DOLLAR ALWAYS BUYS MORE AT THIS SHOE STORE and on FRIDAY and SATURDAY JANUARY 14th and 15th, you will get $1 off any Pair of Shoes in the Store with the exception of Savage and Sliipalong Shoes EXTRA SPECIAL -30 Pairs of Misses' Black Leather Ox- fords with rubber heels. Sizes 12 to 3, B width. ONLY $1.95 a Pair WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the BIG Values — SEAFORTH • • Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE C -O -N -T -I -N -U -E -S TABLE and FLOOR LAMPS... .Redueed 20% TABLES and CHAIRS 20% Off MIRRORS Reduced 15% SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES— As low as $19.95 BEDROOM SUITES and CHESTERFIELDS At the Lowest Prices Ever! THESE ARE SAVINGS YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR . — at — Whitney FUNERAL and AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONES: 119; RES. 65 SEAFORTH • :