The Huron Expositor, 1955-01-07, Page 7.yv } o w. 1 t �. , r , 3 'i. h, r +� S , -. 1t � kr, y',t :, Y, 1 1. ip �>yui t uU
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Y¢ k b n`. M `9 ----Edwin P` Gh (�
an l wn eaq,,I
• a44X vi!glFQ,
�/ of'uckeramalth,. LL as est ei1t, csiebxates •.80th b"
�► �lv r Ain vena ' .
L 1.die slips $. W 114' 4, dFn " LFP. cad .� : ed Wi'Il wgrtilt><4E+3►� .'Nn ::e+¢kx, ar 7ur: "'a
Ir A�+�tr W_ IF '!�!� f sa l a rr moi:.; . �a, ! c , ,, ,
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. �, n si ea(► 0 1 O s l oo 3,
_ . r, and A7de, tle at, his pep, rgaid fal'101�i, aa� Seaforth 1!ort�ttast�r.T—Sea- e d � : Fluff :�il�. l� ,'�!Q.�E�r•.� �R�. • 1�+�1" :���:'. �,
{ M >t W r 4lC 0. eg !A... _► m� p, 5 F {� n n. a c i, S r)
e d . eat fglrth,. assessment is increased by
Students of Seafr btrliet ; muni Y e e shp; ed , a I d . iigXE,��
dire ntertaine, of , N 1 x a
QFdFx�g fih h , .
.:. aP - i chokl receive,onox• di 7 1 as inf y e ��,lt.:, . ,
s, Mrs. A ldelydxee s luF hon Il .gh: S, $0 ,000 council armed:-- of the sudden :passing pf #.' .4* t da s w.xt F' .h . r up a 41�, ,aFint; l„ r N m rr ; ,i, .: n
iamll -+;- Nicol. G,G A,,, gxgast uR and Mrs. lane ce q. tr :.., ;� , a, ;, r:h �
b W. R, S LW. K. #100 'ivdda.c, , kir of her pa�r' mts; Air.' Mrs. lkmas at cere ,, nes, k'al. _ Gentral....Coach Works. employ X A'V h a „, .t, i f,�1 ..
Y UI► 4.. and friends honky Mr. and Mrs, of Hensall enjoy :annual par- Garmel Presbyters axi ChtFrch far gomery.: � , a' k � a
ON' 'A'Ri0 Barry Caldwell, on Thursday Ali . 7 Y P. , .a, ,i. ; , •,t-
evening last, the oeeasio74 0#. Montgomery Patrick. married in Exeter: Estimated crop the est dial: years, WU stied in Fi ml y gatherings for' Chrript,.: �, , , r> �, J
their twenty-fifth wedding an- .50 Years, '— $rodhagen Bras dairtage may exceed' $500,000.. South Huron Hospital, Fuer,. Ma$ were told at; ther�+�tiov�rjug:.:!11
t versar on Monda.Y, December 27, fol- hpmes; Mr. and 3�trs, '�7!e, lf! �� ,�G �a i"
n versary. A fowl dinner was Band marks 50 h annl Y 29 -Possibility of off • and gas
much enjoyed and Mr. and Mrs. of formation. being discovered in Huron is lowing a few hours' . illness with Dale,. Mr. and Mrs, Glafienn,ee k'
Editor's Note`. W" am $u1- ish climate permitsV the fanners Caldwell were the recipients of 9, --Ontario Municipal Board eiccellent, speaker tells Huron a severe heart condition. Mr. Montgomery, Mr, and Nlrs F: Ir i `j
a of Camlachie, Ont. past to graze their livestock in the many useful gifts, of silver. fives clearance for sewage sys- Municipal Officers at' Exeter Nicol presided at the organ eon- Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Win: Jew- A , , l,i 1
re ident of Ontario "FPiow- fields the year round: They nev- Their family consists of two }gem in Seaforth.—Tuckersmith meeting.—Mr. and Mrs. Martin sole on Sunday morning, and itt; Mr. and Mrs. Geo..M llwain, 7 fitl+g s?► iI r
men's Association, and man- er have to provide them with daughters, Mrs. A I d e r d iic e. deferrs fox bounty action until Feeney, well-known Hibbert following lunch complained tq. Mr. and Mrs. Jas• Medd, . Mt. then, tged out, ti►� b ;
ager of the Canadian plowing shelter, even during the winter. (Mona) and Miss Isabelle, at results studied.—Hensall conn- residents, mark 40th annivers- Mr .and Mrs, Harry Hoy, -with and Mrs. Geo. aeitch and Mr. badielrod 61P hsdtdw ,M. fi r�
team at the second annual The other thing you notice on a London, and one son; Jack, at cil finds expenditures higher in ary of marriage. --- Reuben whom he made his home; of sew and Mrs. E, Adams. 4eiia!!y wnn{, ,i +� a,' ..,, 'kf
ere chest pains, and was taken Warden'and and Mrs. W. J. Dale wndipou caused: i. , °`
World Plowing Match at Kil- western farm is the little don- home, first half of year.—Seaforth fire- Buuck named president KeKil- p � }����� �ml 'f
Jamey, Ireland, recently re- key -drawn cart which the typi- men battle blaze to save Hib- lop Federation of Agriculture.— by the Bonthron ambulance to and family visited with Mr. and ,+f ,;,",r br
Turned to Canada with team cal farmer uses instead of an bent farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Public meeting recommends the hospital. His greatest war- Mrs. Thos. McMichael, Auburn. lUdneflnlla po i,Wa" f 1 ' 71". �
members James Eccles, of auto. I suppose farmers in that PANTOMIME HAS Norman O'Connor.—Mrs. Ches- council establish recreational rY ovas that he would be unable Mrs. , Charlotte Lindsay, Sea- +wd'a. help re4tPli� �1 M I � i,,
Brampton, Ont., and Robert locale have been using that ter Henderson is installed as committee. — Seaforth public to direct the Hensall Common- forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. removing eitceas,�istda .w�>tte 1gii2 *.;
Timbers, of StouffviBe,s Ont. same type of cart for centuries. District Deputy President of school pupils hold annual sports sty Ladies' Choir in their an- David Millson. you Rei] betterr,i a ,better, >i•' i
'Here is the second of his re- The typical western - Irish EARLY ENG Huiron District 23 at inaugural event. nual Christmas carol service Mrs. Pryce and children, tet Dodds [. . Pula now Lp' l rl h'
ports on the trip. farm is divided into
small fields
ceremony of Edelweiss Rebekah November scheduled to have been held in Heather Ann and Billy, and blue Iwz wit►i Ws red'bat►d�+s1.tr1
of perhaps an acre or so each, Lodge.—Charles B. Stewart, son 5=New addition to Huron
the Town Hall that Sunday ev- Miss Gloria Bloomfield and &BButs.You,cegdefeead mr;Dodda. s.
enclosed by a stone fence which- BEGINNING ening. friend, of Goderich, visited 1. L
(By WILLIAM BULLICK) has earth -fled on top of it. In of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stewart, County Home is opened by Hon.I I, <^,.
"That's a dumb show—there Seaforth, .sails for England to W. A. Goodfellow, Provincial Mr. Nicol who was in his 73rd
One of the most frequent -top- the earth hedges• are planted, be in charge of the Simpson'- Minister of Public Welfare.— Year, was born in Dunfermline, '`�'
tics of conversations I've had giving the fence a, total height is just no other word for it." Sears buying organization in. 100 Hereford calves from West- Scotland, studied at Dunferm-
�with other farmers since my re- of perhaps five feet or more No, we are not being an ill- England and the continent. ern Canada are received for dis- line Abbey, also studied organ rt I .
Turn to Canada has been about I don't know why it is that mannered snob, We are not 16—Mrs. James Rivers cele- tribution to members of Hensall and theory under Dr. W. B.
farm life and farming methods the grass and foliage in Ireland speaking of the current attrac- brates 90th birthday in Seaforth. Calf Club.—Hibbert farmer and NOTICE ��,
�n Ireland, compared `to the seem greener than anywhere tion at the local theatre. We Ross, of Edinburgh. At the age f .
—For more than 50 years a- former assessor, Patrick Feeney, of ten he gave his first piano
.conditions we know on farms else in the world, but I expect are using the word dumb in its familiar and popular figure on celebrates his 90th birthday.— concert. At fifteen he was ap- r
do Canada. the considerably heavier rain- original sense--ashowwithout Seaforth Main St., E. H. Close Injuries prove fatal to Judge T. Pointed organist in his first . TOWN OF SEAFORTH
It's quite impossible to make fall there has 'a lot to do with words, The Romans, who orig- celebrated his 75th birthday.— M. Costello.—Mr. and Mrs. Jno. church. After two years he re -
any sweeping statements about it. inated it, called it the mime, and Construction of new Topnotch Campbell, McKillop, mark 45th ceived the appointment as or- 9,;
,Irish. farming as a whole, for In addition to livestock, Irish the players the pantonines. The elevator well advanced follow- wedding day.—Huron , Football ganist and choirmaster. Mr. I' A R K I N G r
4sve noticed a marked contrast farmers go in a lot for wheat w.,ordwhieh accompanied the inn disastrous fire in May.—Mr. League holds banquet and fro- Nicol was asked to come to Can-
1laetween conditions in the east- and other grains, sugar beets, acting were sung by a chorus. and Mrs. John Gordon, for phy presentation at Brussels.— ada as organist and choirmaster
cern part of Ifeland and those in potatoes and vegetables, espec- Later, the weird pantomme' .was many years widely known and Fire destroys barn on farm of of St. Andrew's Presbyterian $y ORDER OF POLICE
the west. ially turnips. In the eastern used to mean the play as well highly respected residents of Derk Walterbeek, east of Sea- Church, Campbellford, and re-
I+'arming in the east in such sector they grow a lot of barley as, or instead of, the player, and McKillop, honored prior to re- forth.—Student pilot from R.C. inained there for six years.
counties as Wicklow and Kil- as well producing it under con- it developed into a comedy show moval to Seaforth. — Seaforth A.F. Station, Centralia, burned From there he moved to Knox To facilitate snow removal, NO PARKING !,
dare seems far more advanced tract with the breweries which with speech as well as music, Council discussion indicates tax- to death following plane crash Presbyterian Church, Galt. This
im every .way. In fact, there's use it to make ale. Barley pro- and with clowns= playing an im- church had a large four -manual
b bl far more contrast to duction seemed to be quite a portant part, payers can anticipate increase of R farm of Mac Chesney, Mill On true Streets Of this Municipality will be
three mills Road—Mrs R Dalrymple of Cassavant organ. While in Galt
alto a y
foe found between conditions in specialized and profitable busi-
The pantonine was ntroduc-
23 — Seaforth and Mitchell
Clinton, marks 87th birthday.
he was also supervisor of music
allowed between the hours of 2 a.m. and
the east and west of Ireland ness. -
ed into England in the early
crashes claim lives of three dis-
12—Brussels and Seaforth
in the schools. Besides his work
Chan between those in eastern One of the most interesting
1700's and was an late
success. Gradually, the p f
trict farmers; Gordon Holland,
lodges combine to hold banquet
as supervisor of music and or-
he also conducted the
8 a.m.
ilreland and those in Canada. Of customs among the Irish
considerable differences ers is their "fair day"—what we
the clown was cut shorter a
Duncan L. McNichol of McKil-
op ownship, and James Love,
in Seaforth.—Seaforth and dis-
trict pays tribute to war dead in
Handel Choir of Galt.
are to be found between all would probably call "market
shorter, until now it is genet-
of T er ith Township, are
solemn ceremony. — Seaforth
During his 15 years in Galt
This order will be y enforced in
three areas. ! day"—and which takes place
Eastern Irish farms seem, , on 'about once a month.
ally omitted altogether.
modern pantonine is a dram-
victims o lowing crashes.—Mc-
Killop and Tuckersmith
Council endorses centennial pro-
posal.—Seaforth bowlers elect
he was afflicted with arthritis,
which became increasingly
accordance with the Highway Traffic Act,
to whole, to be much Iakger i On this day a farmer from
those in the west, and this the west of Ireland will either
atic entertainment carried out
with the help of display in mus-
farmers battle army worm; in-
troduction of chemical assists in
Dr. J. C. MacLennan president,
—Hibbert Council names Roy
worse until at last he was com-
pelled to give up the busy sche-
Section 46, Subsection 9.
rimy have much to do with the load his produce in his little
is and 4ancing. It forms an im-
+ part ' of the Christmas
fight.—Cold weather reduces' at-
'Burchill clerk following death
dule of such a large church. At
,$act that living standards are cart; or if he has quite a num-
higher. The house,, ber of livestock to sell set out
entertainment, usually begin-
tendance at the 19th annual
•summer carnival of the Seaforth
of E. C. Wren.
19—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Birch,
this time he carne to Carmel
Presbyterian Church at Hensall,
abo much
•vve saw were nicely kept stone on foot for the nearest village
or town driving the animals a-
ning during Christmas week in
the larger centres and finishing
Lions Club.—Program for the
modernization of street lighting
Brucefield, held 40th annivers-
Minister of Edu-
where his great musical knowl-
edge contributed richly . to the
that the Municipality will not be responsible
or brick structures, and nearly
the farm work appeared to head of him along the road.
the provincial run a month
along Goderich St. is completed
cation opens modern $150,000
cultured life in the village. He
tie done by machinery. Most. in one place we visited the
Subjects for these Perform-
by. Seaforth Public Utility Com-
addition to Seaforth District
was a brilliant musician and had
for an damages caused to parked vehicles
y, g
tarmers in the east have some townspeople were quite annoy-
Wind of a car or truck to get to ed because the farmers persist-
ances are found in such popular
High School. —Library Board
Tans exhibition of
p paintings -by
great success with a large class
of pupils. During a bus life-
g Y
the result of snow removal operations.
ezad from town, and although ed in driving their pigs, sheep
farm and cattle along the main street
tales as Aladdin, Blue Beard,
and Little Red Riding Hood.
6—Scion of pioneer McKillop
Mrs. b4urig Thomas, of Walton.
time Mr. Nicol has found time
for writing and has composed
care didn't visit inside any
1houses in the eastern area. I im- (which was very narrow any-
Human nature being what it is,
family, William McClure cele-
—Loss in excess of $2,000
lowingafire at Scott's Poultry
for the organ and for solo voic-
tagine most would have tele- way). The farmers also insist-
doing their marketing
such stories as Cinderella, with.
its "happy -ever -after'° ending
brates 85th birthday.—Death
claims veteran Seaforth teach-
e, as well as for chorus.
in Aus-
Scones and radios as well. ed on
h tr t instead
are the best liked. In spite of,
er Maude Hartry — Seaforth
26—Mr. and Mrs. John A. Me-
Surviving are a sister
A 1
Une eastern farm near Dublin right on t e same s ee ,
.consisted of 3;000 acres, which of using the fair grounds on
Wm the first indication we had the edge of town, which were
orf chow large some farms there laid out for that purpose in the
oy are, hlthough I'm sure first place.
the average eastern farm would In contrast to this ancient and
be much smaller than that, traditional marketing system,
If I were a farmer in Ireland the Irish government has re-
g would naturally want to have-�cently begun sponsoring farm
location somewhere in the services, such as soil testing and
mast, possibly near Dublin, plans for scientific rotation of
which is on the east coast. crops.
But as a visitor, I found such And judging by the enthusi-
.rounties as Cork and Kerry, in asm which both the farmers
iUw western area, more fascin- themselves and the government
atiing because farming was so workers seem to have for these
different from what we were us- projects I think it's safe to make
real to at home. When you first this prediction: not many years
I • h far -
or perhaps because of, ,their Fair announces show will con -
fairy -tale theme, the appeal of tinue for third day. — Only
pantomines is not limited to a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
juvenile audience. They are fill- Harburn, Staffa, drowned in
ed with fun and good humor at farm pond.
a time of year when these ap- 13—Inquest jury enquires in -
peal most to us. They are good to Love -Harvey accident.—Fire
entertainment, and are enjoyed destroys machine shop occupied
by all types and ages of audi- by Johnnie Blue in Egmondville.
ence. —Edwin Hunt, former McKillop
A fat dowager in a crowded resident, celebrates 90th br
day.—Construction of new
bus trod upon the foot of an ir- Farmers Co-operative plant at
ate gent who was trying to read Seaforth gets under way.—Sea-
his newspaper. forth Council establishes rate of
"Madame," he said coldly, 73.3 mills, increase of 1.9 mills;
"will you kindly get off my Hensall tax rate also establish -
foot?" d d 3 ills
Ewen, well-known Stanley resi- traha and one to Los nae es,
dents, mark their 50th wedding California. Funeral services,
anniversary. — Legion banquet which were largely attended,
honors members of 25 years were held from Carmel Church
standing in Seaforth. — More December 29 at 2 p.m. Rev. D.
than 200 enroll for Seaforth J. Lane officiated. Miss Jean
night classes. — Chamber of Henderson sang "What a Friend
Commerce announces contest We Have in Jesus." Robt. Cam -
for best decorated home at eron accompanied at the organ.
Christmas season. Burial was in Hensall Union
December < Cemetery. Bearers were Glenn!
3---Seaforth ratepayers nom- Bell, Melvin Glanville, R. A. !
inate, fill positions by acclama- Orr, Clark Kennedy, A. W.
tion; Hibbert will vote for reeve. Kerslake and Ed. Fink.
—Frank Fingland, Q.C,, Clin-
ton, named as county court kind ,has recognized the iniport-
judge for Huron.—For the first a11ce of certain types of animals to
see farms in western Ireland from now, that same its a own m time in seven starts, Seaforth Liv welfare, The wealth of many
v:ou get a feeling that something mer whose customs seem so "Put your foot where it be- 20—Construction of new aud- Juniors met defeat when game hi„+tions, ancient and modern, has
as missing. After a while you quaint to us, may. rank among longs,” she said sharply. itorium at Seaforth District is lost to Sarnia.—Huron Coun been measured in te,ruis of the live -
realize that hardly any of the the most scientific farmers in "Don't tempt me, madam, High School well underway as ty Council concludes November stock their people were able to YOUR BUSINESS D� R.E C T 0 R Y
farms have barns. The mild Ir- the world. don't tempt mei" the BoaFd determines on crea- meeting.—William Boyd, Me- peep 4ustratirur cool, New Zea
- - tion of lunch room in existing Killop, heads McKillop Mitchell land butter,, Danish bacon and Ar-
building.—Mrs. Charles W. Par- Milk Producers; Irwin Trewar- gentine be(',f, are but typical ex-
ker, Bayfield, marks 96th birth- tha is secretary, ample, of national economies bas-
. day. 10—William Jewitt is elected MEDICAL '_ LEGAL
27—Thomas J. Moylan, life- reeve of Hullett Township by ed on the production of livestock.
�; �a long McKillop resident, dies in acclamation.—Mrs. Dora Taylor From the time ni•+n first captur- DR. M. W. STAPLETON A. W. SILLERY
93rd year.—Annual swimming re-elected president of Seaforth ed and tamed the wild beasts of physician and Surgeon Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
;:;• meet held at Seaforth Lions Legion Ladies' ' Auxiliary.— the for+-st ,rrui the junele, he h,ts phone 90 Seaforth Phones: Office 173, Residence 784
r . M Park.—Seaforth Pee-Wees .lose Friends and neighbors honor adapted [hem to hl. needs. ni,l If no answer, call 59 SEAFORTH ONTARIO
in bid for Ontario championship. Albrecht family prior to remov- sought by ,election and e,ne to ins-
al to new home in Logan.—Har- hove their Uu•+lity. fie kr,s clime JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D.
f 81�� September Vey H. Leslie, Seaforth, named ed then furor aa:c] character and I Physician and Surgeon MCCONNELL iii HAYS
a , " „ 3—Announce program details president of Ontario Creamery- tasty imi roved their c•ap,+city to Phone 110 Hensel
c s : for three da s Seaforth Fair.— men's Association. — Engineer Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Y produce e senuxi article; of food JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. PATRICK D. McCONNELL
Attendance at Seaforth schools tells Council sewage job can be +,fid clothing.
a 3.: •:'. € 2- :. Physician and Surgeon
rl. ,.,.;..>::. j + .- shows increase as schools open completed by Christmas.—Sea The recent e,,hibit of the C,ma%l, H. GLENN HAYS, Q_C.
t i l z`s for new term. forth Farmers Co-operative op Phones: Office 5 W; Res. 5 J y
s ®� „,,, nepartment of Agricuit[ue ,It the Count Crown Attorney
;fi;; _ £ 10—Grant Chesney named en new mill facilities. Seaforth
�' ``' £ dri inn champion at Lions first 17—Public School pupils pre- 19a I Idoy al :1Kr rcultural �t°inter SEAFORTH, OMT.
r , fi .: Saf� Drivin Roadeo._ — First sent largely attended carol Be.-b^air graphically illustrate. this Telephone 174
pP g g Y long process of licestocl: irnino.'' SEAFORTH CLINIC
G1� bean festival sponsored by Hen- vice.—Stuart Wigg named presi —
sall Kinsmen draws large crowd dent of Seaforth Legion.—Clif- mens. lloderu types of licestorl: Telephone 26
as Labor Day attraction at Hen- ford Rowland re-elected reeve are traced bail:, throuzh photos, E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. CHIROPRACTIC .
sall.—$3,500 won by Seaforth of Grey Township.—More than early drawings and sketches. to Internest
SUREST WAY TO TELL 'E,■■M students as scholarship awards 100 Seaforth youths compete in the original wild animals tram Telephone 27 D. H. 1VICINNES
are announced.—Mrs. R. Y. Me- Legion hockey.—Seaforth Coun- which they came. P. L. BRADY, M.D. Chiropractic Foot Correction
. Laren, Hensall, wins new auto- cil agrees increased fire protec- As man spread through the world Surgeon COMMERCIAL HOTEL
mobile in jingle contest. tion necessary at Seaforth Dis- he took his livestock with him, As Telephone 55 Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 --m,
17—Mrs. A. Richards, Hen- trict High School.—East McKil- ion types were taken to ruroi'e, C. ELLIOTT, M.D.
.k i><> <' sall, marks 89th birthday,—Don lop resident, Henry Wietersen, ,,,id frons Southern Europe to the -
=.r;�;;``':o:• .,.: :•<;:::" Telephone 26
Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- marks 84th birthday. North, From Europe• an,I imi'tivu- Ttfesday, Thursda:
sell Brock, Tuckersmith, is 24—Condition of Jos. Looby, ,read to EVENINGS:ACCOUNT
5i5 >- awarded Atkinson Foundation Dublin contractor, injured in the Americas��rSouthtAirica, Au,t.ra- a ode. G.
�' bursar of .4e0.—Hensall Coun- two -car crash, is improved.— c cCAN
:;; Y $ I. and Nein 'Zealand. _._—_. ------------_ RONALD Public and Saturday only, p.
Appointments may be m
, cil learns assessment increases Former Brucefield resident, Jno. Three centuries azo, by selecting
—Miss Sara Isabel Snider, marks 87th birthday.— lass of OPTOMETRIST CLINTON ONTARIO
by $15,497. and mating together ulin
"" McLean, 41 years Seaforth John Zuefle, Hensall citizen, is Office: Phones:
a - the same form and color markings,
I : teacher, passes suddenly.—Sea- 95.—Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mitchell, t foundations ; e lid rot ni ny JOH E. NGSTAFF Royal �• °
he �' re 1. N LO Bank Office 661, R
�' .•`, forth Council asks University of Hensall, mark 63rd wedding an -optometrist
'. Western Ontario for planning niversary.—Hen5ra11 tax rate is of the various breeds as we know
¢. :diem today. Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. A. M. HARPER
`,..•; �pl� # survey; approves installation of reduced to 15.33, council is told.
•�O'$ parking meters. —Construction 31—Largely attended Humin- Livestock improvement made Phone 791 Chartered Accountant
, � of Seaforth Curling Club rink ation meetings are held in Mc- slow progress until lea•din.g breed MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 56 South St. Telephone
;; �" is well advanced.—Sudden death Killop, Tuckersmith and Stan- ers started •to keep records of their Office Hours: Daily, except Mon- Goderich 343
occurred at her home in Tuck- ley. Stanley will vote for reeve, individual animals. As more breed- day, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, Licensed Municipal Auditor.
ersmith of May C. Doig, wife of while electors in Tuckersmith ers adopted the practice and breed: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 a.m.
Paul Doig. will select reeve and council.— societies were organized, with of- to 12:80 p.m. CLINTON—Monday, ---
ALL AT ONE TIME 24—Seaforth and Tuckersmith Fifty-five years wed, Mr. and ficial herd books, progress became 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (McLaren's VETERINARY
Councils hold joint meeting to Mrs. R. W. Jewitt visit here. more rapid. Later, as records of Studio).
discuss the sewer disposal plant _ performance of oustanding ani - D. J. MCKELVIE, D.V.M.
difficulties.—R. J. Bowman, for rials were included in these re- jNSURANCE Veterinary Surgeon
� mer Huron Warden, passes in cords, productivity of certain types HENSALL, ONT. - PHONE H
vNG`� Brussels. — McKillop School { r of animals such as the dairy cow -
,11 Fair attracts large crowd.—Wet Yt ! was notably increased. THE MCKILLOP
'� op I., weather curbs Hensall School _ Danish breeders started feeding MUTUAL FI TURNBULL & BRYANS
SVS %,� Fair. October testa to provide rates of gains and jNSURANCE C Y. VETERINARY CLINIC
0 }:, : feed. cost. records for their swine, J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M.
�?�'a'r :` �/�. 1—First three -da show of Livestock improvement From Cave measurements to de R. B s D.V.M.
', r' Y and carcass W. Bryans,
° ?<:'z i : Seaforth Fall Fair is a success. to Milking Parlor y HEAD OFFICE-8EAFORTH, Ont phone 105 Seaforth
>;r:,a- .:. r.;; < -7, <; .."'., a termine their quality. Dressed car
:::: f t 4 . h : —Seaforth Lions Club, estab
' e fished for 30 years, marks birth Lncome from the sales oP live case competitions At the Smithfield
;;, w. •:' :; 't <: stock andh livestock products show in England, provided some- OFFIOER9:
':: `<� '. •:. : day.—John Oldfield fractures
t`:>» ' "''<`.;> t"s•: amounted• to 40 per cent of the what similar production records president J. L. Malone, Seaforth AUCTIONEERS
t hE
: A f 1 1.1 :> , _'' right leg when barrel of cement
�»",< total from the sales of all farm for breeders of beef cattle. Vice•Pres. - J. H. McRwing, Blyth
)te . ` �lpM .;-r <: _ falls on him.
:,:.....:.... ..,;, ;:v
""" GR '•` ' ' products in Canada. for the past In, Can-ada, breed societies and Ilan er and Sec: Tiers. - M. J08E1�'H L R1FAN
_ ., s , ">i?;::<.. .'^ � "•; B—=Traffic begins to mote ov-
r � " ev new No. 8 Highway cut-off three years. Their value was the Federal Department of Agricul- Reid, Seaforth Specialist in farm stook and im-
west of Seaforth.—Plans being Healy 31/z billion dollars. --. tore co-operated in setting up a Re- DIRECTORS: -temente and household efte018.
made for Seaforth Junior hockey These sales were achieved with- cord of Performance system for E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. Ile. SatWaction guaranteed. LlcenSW
IS BY ADVERTISING IN team.- rut any over-all reduction in the dairy cattle, an'd' an Advanced Reg Malone, Seaforth; ,� H. whir Arron and Perth Conntiee
15—Rev. John D. Fox, minis- size of the bTeeding +herds which istry for swine. These enable more, Seaforth; Chrls, I,eoahBMt, For particulars and open dat:tia,
1 ibl �Ca ital in- b 1 f h tw classes of live un0a or -Lane JOSEPH I~ RYAN
. .]
e t ter Carmel Church, Hensal , ac- made them' pass e. p l eec a o t ese o - Bornholm; Robert Arohibald, ► t'
cepts call to Palin Memorial vested in these }herds in 1951 was stock to select a•n'imals of proven forth• John 8 11del+3wlna, glytht R. R. 1, ,I1liblln 1?hOne 44 # '$: q
1 Church, Sandwich.—John Me- aypprowimately $2,167,142,000. In productive capacity for their breed- William S. Alsaaader.Widtft; Red, Dablin. lkf
' Gavin selected to represent Hur- other words the breeding stock Ing operations. rey pier, Goderloh; J. E. PGMT. •'t"Y " "ron at International Plowing in the hands of Canadian farmers Rail grading of hhog and beet oar Bruce�ieild. Rb1N1A. b ,W" 19L�ri�$ �''L1Cd111itlyjaiitlil'�10itli11R n ederation a ro 6h. --- Huro F u- e t ra , _1,TEXPOSITORMate producing Heart do case b overnmt n grad p ,,
is oapable of p o g 8 ee Y g A%11111(1`1fll: . 1i !
J , r .- : �y , P , , . �+ !f i/ seeks vote on daylight saving bis its avrn value of SR1ftble pro- vile another means of recording �Go v „
JxTne ow @1' C'V@ry%rlI I Reads" time Issue.—Injuries received duets every three yeas. And of quality in the progeny at roreediriuQ W111tam iisl '� .x., ► , w1 t 4 :
.,, f p , when . a wagon collapsed prove
J. - fatal to Joseph B. Morris, Sear doing so without depleting thk h animate and bhemebY a •basis of J. it ]C'rlaetelr, emr° file
>. .
.: . burst resotireeg of rthe lend. ,--` selection for the irnrprai'd�ment nit • •Wit! Of' &, nt t F�� r
forth � •�
r , A. 2`9---ghe'JfoAh Council dis- a the vm 0 ato ^�11 � �� iJ'i'it !
. ,S:titL4 da f lx�dsto7y Yna21y li'reetlling t+k r.. ,,i ,'�
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ks a ";i .: rt mL ,u. f a . ,..e ¢ riga .d. i.,. w D,t C E
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