The Huron Expositor, 1954-12-31, Page 8NO,
4' 7" ;7! !7 '7!rl
21 E-21,1 MM
Chi h '0 1 20"RATEPAY
Holiness Meeting; 3 IpAL 4un, TV( IRSM I
Salvation Ana. ristmas Parties
da School; 7 p -m., .541vation The a ual Christmas' Con- Miss M
Ann O'Keef
M e, 95- 'i(Coutinued from Page 1) THURSD&Y
-old' native of Ribbert om. Age.- 1) pal,
eting; T�ursi 8 pia., Mid- cert of S, No. 14, Sta
pely, was Year (Contin X P
week Meetis —Lieuts. J. Run- held Tuesday, afte died in St. Mary's Hospital 634,58.. XR
19. rna 'on, I)ec, 22. a$ 900-7as last Year., OAMEL
ter and L. Pyke. Officers.iii. Rev.. N. McLeod Lou Vid y. r. GaZr,� NATCHI..
Ily this greeting serve to acted is Chair- don V 4 She went Court House Financing rilatt said the counCil iady had AL ERO DESSA PAGET
*W' that the 'New Year
W fa all our friends our
Charge. Phone 575. Man. Pon On 185 Years ago, after IIV- Reeve. Bevierbihnn. replied to two Piles of gravel on hand for A story of the' $outh in the. clays when
The pupils, ably trained by ing 11 SO4forth many years. a suggestion that there was a spring washpu
11 r fortunes were W0JM
t$ and lost on the turn of a car'd,
bo,14 a fall measure of Northiside United Church -10 their teacher, Mrs. W. Webster, ' ]Daughter of the late Michael Possibility the county rate '. While Cqun I cillor Garrett ln- 140NDA
a.m., Church School and Adult delighted their parents and and Margaret O'Keefe, she is would rise and said that this dicated he would not r Y U SDAV WEDNESDAY
gn In- this
Bible Class; I I a.m., The New friends with recitations. dia- survived by a nephe�; David might be nece8i as a result year's election, later he decided
WNM14 & REID Year Communion Service; ss logues, drills, etc. The pleasing O'Keefe, in San Frane&o Cal of finane-ing, the construction of to let his name stand. "MOGAMBO"
X A. REaD - Proprietor morr theme, "The Divine Inva- musical numbers were directed in lans Councillor David McLean al- Be sure and see the battle of Gorillas and many more ex�
and a niece, Mrs. A. A. F&;eynan**' the County 11c, e. Two p AVA GARDINER
UOWSM and, Real Estate i,n"*, Junior congregation and by Miss Helen Love. Mr. Roorda, in Fort William.
were proposed, one which would
Toddlers' Group; 7 p.m., Ser- one of the new neighbors, add- so said he planned on stepping citing scenes in this magnificent story of the Dark Con.
Miss O'Keefe was a member have resulted in a two mill levy out of council this year.
A§w" 8N Seaf orth mon theme, "More For Peace"r' ed to the enjoymprit when he of St. Peter's Cathedral Lon- and the other in a 1.2 mill levy. "I can't see too much relief tinent.
(illustrated); 8:15 p.m., Young played several Christmas carols don, the League of the i3acred It had been decided to issue de- from taxation," said Councillor TH I URSDAY1 - FRIDAY iA—,t 5, R B 7A y
People's Union. — Rev. J. W. on the piano. Heart, Society for th6 Pro aga- bentures on a 5 -year basis with Roy Bell. He said the main rea�
US So e alth, and the Altar son for this was the high post 1ENNESSEE CHAMP"
Stinson, Minister. The arrival of Santa Cia tion of the F the result that the cost of car
gmondville Church. — Fri- ght the c, ty
E with gifts for all brou Th � rying the debenture is 1.2 mill$. of education. Mr. Bell, who had DEWEY MARTIN SHELLEY. WINTERS
TOR SALE day at 9 p.m., Watch Night Ser- Pleasant afternoon to a close. ody rested at the Dono- Chairman Eckert questioned been- nominated as a candiate
hue and Weber funeral home in whether consideration should for reeve, said he would -let his CoMM*9 Soon "FORBIDDEN"
Brick dwellig Goderich St. vice and program, crokinole. S.S. 2, TUCKERSMITH London until Tuesday when have been given to extending name stand.
Sunday,10 (ADULT)
Zasl beautifully locatf,,q (for- Please bring lunch. S.S. 2, Tuckersmith, held Requiem High Mass �;as cele- the court house cost over a Andy Crozier, nominee for
=1er residence of laU,, Nirs. R. a.m., Church School; 11 a.m., their annual Christmas concfrt brated at 9:30 a.m. in St. greater period of years, thus re- reeve and Councillor, attacked
on Friday evening, Dec. 17, with James' Church, Seaforth, with sultin in a lower annual cost. both Reeve Doig and Councillor
Zen). New Year's Worship- sermon
"Beginning the Year With God": Miss Dorothy Turner as teach- interment in St. James, ceme- He f t since the court Forsyth for some of
Brick Dwelling, very central- 7 p.m., Evening Praise. --Rev.' er. The school presented an at- ter elt tha their ac-
ily located, Goderich St. West- tractive appearance with Christ- y- house would stand for at least tions over the past year. Mr.
W. F, Milroy, Minister.
.Wew furnace. Could be divided mas scenes and a gaily decorat- a IPO years, it should not be Crozier charged that some of Don"t Read This 1
MRS. ROBT. EBERHART necessary that it be paid for in the co
apartments. ed Christmas tree. uncillors hid been "dic-
lox Rev. N. McLeod, of Kippen, Beatrice Oliver, beloved wife a year or two. Reeve Beuer- tated to by Forsyth" on a sugar
$3,200.00—One and half and, of Mr. Robert W. Eberhart mann said that the purpose in beet resolution. Unless you want to know get the
and Mrs. E. ing for it as quickly as pos- later returned to the platform
one -storey frame dwelling, with FIRST was chairman for the evening, Pawed away on Dec. 25th, ai Mr. Forsyth where to
Wendorf, music' the Thamer Nursing Home, af pay w
jin-11 basement. Goderich St. PRESBYTERIAN supervisor, was pianist. Oble as to avoid additional and to defend his actions. Mr. Croz-
'Wesit, Possiesion arranged. ter�'an illness of one year. Mrs. unnecessary interest costs. in ier charged that the debt figure -s FOOTWEAR
CHURCH Numbers included on the pro- Eberhart was born on con , answer to a question from 'the R ""BEST VALUES"' IN
gram were: Welcome - 6 eeve Doig gave for last year
$3.400.00 — Asphalt covered song, Hibbert Twp. and was married audience, hb- said that insurance were not true. D , with
dwelling on Victoria St.; $1500 9 aid of the
e she ceived as a result of the court E. P. Chesney, p this
Rev. D. Glenn Campbell one"- "Greetings" by Judy to Seaforth in 1918 wher r clerk,
taish, balance arranged. Pos- "You're Very Welcome, Every- at Cromarty iii 1915. They came totallin $90,000 had been re- the Xw n oig It's the
to, the Baby Reindeer" and First A member of house fire. -He paid tribute to point for Mrs, Crozier. WILLIS SHOE STORE
You�g; choruses, "Whistlin' Ot- had since lived, clear ship
session Nov. 1. Minister ed ,
'Zgm - bedr000m Stucco Cot- "Let's Light the Christmas Presbyterian Church she county clerk A. H. Erskine, for Mr. Crozier said he would not
onveni Tree"; dialogue, "The Lost Tick was a life member of the W.M. t.he job he had done in negotiat- run for reeve, but would run
.1W. with all modern c - 10 a.m.—Church School - S. and member of the Barbara ing a settlement with the insur- for council, "OF COURSE"
-*Xii including 3 -piece bath ets". "Hiring a Maid" and "A Kirkman Auxiliary, having tak- ance companies following the
haAftood floors, modern kit' and Bible Class Hasty Cure"; recitations by Bil- en an active part in the work. fire. Frank Falconer and Victor The Little Store w th the BIG Values SEAFORTH
cbelio. Full basement with fur- ly Charters and Bobby Coop- Lee, who were also nominated
11 a -m- er; Surviving besides her hus- Wilfred Krauskopf, a member for council, said they would run
sace. Garage and good garden. piano instrumentals', Billy if
Reasonably priced, and almost Sermon— band are two brothers, William of the council of Logan Tovm- there was ail election, but
Charters, David Cooper Jean of Winnipeg, Man., and Thomas ship, spoke briefly and express- would.not cause an election.
Inunediate possession. "ENEMY OF THE SOUL: McNaughton, Marie Sinclairand of Seaforth. Another brother, ed his appreciation for the co- Both Chester Neil and Ross
Nelson McClinchey; vocal duet, Andrew, predeceased her. operation which bad been Forrest went beek on the school
FOR SALE OR RENT Marie Sinclair and Nelson Me- The ex -
BRICK RESIDENCE with all Junior Congregation Clinchey; action song, "The funeral took place on tended by members of the Me- bs d b eclamation, Wilmer
Tuesday-, Dec. 28, from the Box Killop council and township of- r a c�ajrman of the
3nodern conveniences. Well 1,D- 7 p.m. Rheumatiz"; acrostic and sing� Funeral Home; High St. Rev. f clials on occasions when mu- B oa adfo y
C- D. Glenn Campbell officiated. tual matters were equired to
Jmmediate possession. Sermon ing games by the juniors; sele i ro d aid that Tucker- 40
school b, r
tions by the Rhythm Band and r smith had a 'good school board."
410tber Properties Also Listed "FROM EVERLASTING Norris Orchestra; "The Star Interment was in 711aitlandbank be discussed. He was concern- Assessor W... P. Roberts said
C Drill"; trio, cemetery. Pallbearers were El- ed, too, that cost of secondary he thought some things were
TO EVERLYASTING— "Christmas Hymn" gin Nott, H. Leslie, Claire Reith education was getting a littl misinter reted. "Tuckersmith is
AL A. REID X03yo and the Christmas story in ar- e P
c Ernest Geddes, Chas. MacKa not in poor financial g3t�ite " Mr.
REAL ESTATE PHONE ol reading. ; out of hand. A student, he said,
214 and Robt. McMillan. During the spends on the average of two Roberts said, He said th;t the
Santa Claus arrived and dis- servic Jas. T. Scott sang "Soft- years in high school, but the
e tax increase of 1954 6ver 1953
tributed gifts from the well -lad- ly and Tenderly," was not quite $2000.
en tree, with Mrs, cost of these two years were
som- John Cardno as organist. equivalent to the costs of the Mr. Roberts p;Inted out that
public schools -.where the stu- the actual increase for educa-
JOHN BASSETT KNIGHT dents spend some eight years. mill, which will We cannot let this Joyous Season pass with-
WINTHROP tioll is only 1/2
The sudden death occurred at This did not seem reasonable, mean an increasce of $6 on a
the home of his daughter but he was ing it
Mr. John McClure and Mrs. not question $6,000 farm.
Is Miss James Ritchie, i on those groun Mr. Roberts said "the school out extending to you our sincere wishes for
Ethel McClure spent Christmas n Lond�n on ds; rather, he
0 with Mr. -and Mrs. Robert Me- Fridiay of John Bassett Knight, said, it is a question of how long properties in Tuckersmitb are
Clure. n h s 89th year. we can afford to pay these in_ in excellent shape." He said the
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Born in England, Mr. Knight creased costs. main cause for the rising cost
We've a round of good With joy and ss R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, and spent most of his life in Sea- The chairman, Mr. Eckert, re-' of education were the teachers' -A HAPPY NEW YEAR .1
forth, His wife died in 1951. ferred to a notice which the De- salaries. Also, he said, most
in our hearts, we send to all Mrs. J. Patterson, Seaforth, were teachers don't wish- to teach ov-
vdshes for the New Year our friends the season's Christmas guests of Mr. and He was a member of Northside partment of Municipal Affairs
that we extend to all, best wishes! Mrs. Robert United Church. Surviving' be- required municipal councils to er 30 pupils. Mr. Roberts ended
K. McFarlane.
Mr. and Mrs. John Easson sides his daughter, are seven include on tax notices this year. his report by saying he thought KEATING S PHARMACY
X.� LEMON'S TAXI WM. M. HART sts sons: Horace, of Nile; Norman, He felt the notice was uncalled the school board should be com-
Phone 162-1 or 162-W COAL AND FUEL of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Alexan- present a pro -
and son, Stratford, were gue Seaforth; Frank Toronto; Ce- for and did not mended on the fine job they J. E. KEATING, Phm.B.
OIL cil, Kitchener- Ee t were doing.
der last week. I slie, in Michi- per picture: In he case of Me-
rs. Kenneth Cow- gan; Alvin, Hamilton, and Carl, K11113P he said, the amount
Phone 784 Seaforth A/fr. and M] The meeting closed with re- Phone 28
0APPp* an, Midland, were Christmas Seaforth. shotil7i� have read $105,000.00, ports of James McIntosh, of the Seaforth
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hil The body rested at the Whit- rather than the total expendi Seaforth District High School
Board, and George, Falconer, of
18fw INTERMEDIATE %1 len. ney Funeral Hoirill here, where tures which were indicated. the Clinton D
essrs. Arthur and. Ma the funeral service was con- Claim For Turnips Board. istrict High School
leolm ducted on Monday at 2 P.m. by In answer to a query from ----------------
Bolton, O.A.C., Guelph are Rev. J. W. Stinson. Burial was Re6re Beuermann as to whether School, whereas there were 93
H -0 -C -K -E -Y m
spending their holidays ' with -n Maitlandbank cemetery. The' or not there wer&- any ques-
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus -
OW w2shes for you are LUCAN vs. pallbearers were George Me- Pupils from the Town of Wing -
sell T. Bolton. tions, Mervin Godkin said that ham. Despite this, Morris was
4hreefold: Health, Prosper- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pethick, Gavin, George Pinkney, Sid more than two months ago a
Samuel Pethick, on Sunday Baker and Jack Scott. which had been lost as a $20,000 greater than was that
-AY and lots of Good Luck! SEAFORTH Seaforth, visited. his father, Mr. Pullman, Scott Habkirk, Albert claim had been entered for tur paying taxes on an assessment
W-E-SOUTHGATE IN SEAFORTH Flower- Y"Ps of Wirigham.
Mr. Leslie McSp bearers were five result of township spraying op -
Successor to adden, Vic- R grandsons: Some doubt existed as to how
ege, Toronto, is holi- Robert Knight,
toria Coll onald Knight erations, and nothing further long an immunity was guaran-
E. IM CRAM13ERLAIN daying with Harold Knight, kioward Knight had been heard about it. ' Mr. teed as � result of Bucellosis
Pbane 884 Res. 222-R TUES., JAN. 4th his parents, Mr. and Harold (CO09) Knight. Beuermann told him that the
and Mrs. Wm. McSpadden. control program. it was sug-
Mr. Douglas Keys, matter would have to be taken
MAIN ST. — SEAFORTH :30 p.m. O.A.C., of Igested that the beast would be P
Guelph, spent Christmas with
his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. company, since the company and somebody else said that it
up with the township insurance immune for at least four years,
Keys. was responsible for determining was good for life. Somebody else
Muir's Rest. and
Mrs. McDougall, of King, was -damages of this nature. Chair- in the hall added, "after that
the guest of her parents Mr. H man Eckert said that it was for they are not likely to take it."
and Mrs. Hugh Alexander,
week. Kind care for convaleseents carr ed insurance, and that if Simon stated that he had decid"
ome this purpose that the township As the meeting broke up, Mr.
The W.A. and W.M.S. meet- and elderly people insurance was he :V
in effect i ed that he would nqt contest
company carrying it insisted
ing will be held Wednesday, NURSE IN CHARGE the reeveship, because he did
�hat they negotiate. Ed. Godkin *wish to cause an election.
Jan. 5, at 2 p.m. in the church, PHONE 180-J - JARVIS ST. indicated that in similar cases He would sit on council for one
The roll call will be the mem- not
bership fees. Seafarth other townships had paid claims
MONA= year more.
------ within a short time of the claim
Z, — � ;4�
having been entered. He said ssam-.ft.
A that it had not been necessary
to enter suit and that there had
been no trouble at all.
op Torrance Dundas told the
195 Acres on 83 Highway
meeting of difficulty he had ex-
(arollyn Sh close to Exeter; 35 acres of bush'
perienced as a result of a cattle
Uood brick hduse, bank bar
beast having been lost following n
iF vy,�, and silo.
a warble fly spray. He had re
i "vo T:.�,
P,- ceived no compensation. 165 Acres, near Holmesville;
ST RE WIDE Peter Maloney inquired why all under cultivation. Modern
Mr. Dundas had not received buildings. We hope the approaching N�w Year will
compensation if the Seven -room House on No. 8 bring to you a full measure of Happiness
carried insurance, and Vincent Highway;
newly decorated - and Prosperity.
Lane suggested that the town- along with 5 acres of pasture.'
ship deal with some other com-
Ulf pany if the company presently 1P 0 R RENT
holdilig- the insurance refused Six -room House in Egmond-
to act. ville; vacant.
isst Morris Speaker
ESSES 1SUIrJVS Walter Shortreed-, -a member CALL
We're entering this glorious New Year
'KIRTS - BLOUSES of the Morrisf6wnship council, W. C. OKE Whit e Furniture
on a note of.triumph — our hearts filled brought greetings from that y
LINGERIE township, and said that als FUNE
there. was a bridge problem ion
HONES: 119; RES. 65
with the best of wishes 'for. you and SWEATERS - HOSIERY Mo and that cle Phone 458 P SEAFORTH
. . . . . . . . rris aring it up OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S E
was resulting in additional ex- -
yours. SLACKS penditures. lilill - ) p
"01111111110"M 011,11111 a EN R! !!:
There had been a IN' 111112101 11121 11
pFoblem too, as a result of tur %:Quft,
Sale Begins December 28th nips having been sprayed, but 4 0 004.0016 Aul :
the% matter had been settled sat -
THE STAFF OF THE isly by the insurance Com -
to January 9th pany. ' Referring briefly to the
secondary sch6ol problem, he
lrris had 31 pupils
PRODUCE DIVISION going to Wingham District
Phone 13 Seaforth
19>0010`0*0000* 0*0***0*0<>0 SEA,FORTH
0 DECEMBER 28th to JANUARY 8th Community Centre'
.6 640fook Ont. 0 Funeral 01redur
ThursdaY, Dec. 30
or my cans — 3" Nlot or My caft: 0 SNOW SUITS, CORVETTE and'- 9:30 RENEW OLD FRIENDSHIPS
Phone 43 r 10 0
Friday, Dec. 31
00 so
0 JUMPERS 8 - 10 — Skating
G. A. WBYMY -Saturday. January I
Pmeral Rome
10% Off Everything Else in Stock 1:30 - 3:30 — Skating GREETINGS OF THE SEASON I
awderjoh SL W, twoft
1c, Cmupks
400 0-30
Se-iforffil Tue9day
Next #or to DedAfth Row [if e M
"J" 4* ob Thft f
, gi