HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-12-31, Page 54 P • • 4 n r .oR li 'IMEN'S INSTITUTE'' "NEW TEAR'S DANCE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 COMMUNITY CENTRE, SEAFORTH Hats — Horns -- Novelties GOOD MUSIC Dancing '9:30 to 1:30 Admission — 75 Cents per Person THIS IS YOUR SHOPPING GUIDE The Seaforth Stores will be following the cus- tom adopted by them last Winter by Closing on Saturday. Nights at 6 p.m. En.- January, .February and March of 1955 To allow the Managements and Staffs a well- earned rest. • Please shop in the daytime and avoid any disappointment. The Stores will be open as usual on Friday night, December 31st, 'till 9 p.m. The Merchants wish ybu all a Happy and Prosperous New Year! MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1:•.1, 1: �2:, 4i } y}'< :e1� 1i `#,rl' pi! pa! 0.1! w:1,r!'s:"• r .4 r.. !.:;a,; 1, pi! .54,,ri. • May Happiness and Good Health be yours throughout the New Year! DALY MOTORS FORD - MONARCH DEALER Phone 102 - Seaforth ,•••••:i.• eor e over,with the glamour of the New tmas New Year at hand, it gives us much pleasure to think of our cus- tomers as our friends, and to wish you all a ' VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ! BALDWIN HARDWARE Phone 61 Seaforth FOLVAIBISMIWIMiffiffi Istri' I bituaries- i JOHN 1VIcCONNEIA. VARNA:--Services for John IVIcCo»ell, 84, former Varna resident, who died suddenly at, Pittsburg, were conducted i Clinton Wednesday at 2 p.m., in the Ball and Mutch funeral home, by the Reif. T. J. Pitt; of Bayfied United Church. Inter- ment was in Bayfield cemetery. He was born at Cameron, Mis- sissippi, and was a son of the late Rev. James McConnell, and as a youth lived at Varna. Surviving are one sister, An- nie, Pittsburg; one niece, Mrs. John Argo, Toronto, and one nephew, Lee McConnell Varna. MRS. SUSAN ELIZA DICK -7 HENSALL.—Word was re- ceived of the death of Mrs. Sus- an Eliza Dick, who died in the hospital at Kalkaska, Mich., on Friday, Dec. 24, in her 102nd year. A week preceding her death she suffered a fall in the home, fracturing her hip, and up until that time she was able to be up and around every day. Mrs. Dick, the former Susan Eliza Ryckman: was born in Usborne Township, east of Hen- sall. Four daughters and three sons survive, together with two brothers, Frank and Grant Ryckman, Hensall. Funeral ser- vices were held Monday, Dec. 27. MRS. GEORGE DEICHERT ZURICH.—Mrs. Geo. Deich- ert, 57, who died at her home in Zurich on Monday, was the former Freda M. Kalbfleisch, of Hay Township, and had lived in this district all her life. She taught school here for 16 years, and had been an active member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, and taught in the Sun- day School. Surviving besides her husband are three brothers, Rineman J. Kalbfleisch, Detroit; the Rev. Lloyd H. Kalbfleisch, Desboro; Ivan; Zurich; and three sisters, Mrs. Theodore Haberer, Mrs. E. J. Datars and Mrs. Jacob Hab- erer, all of Zurich. After resting at the Westlake funeral home in Zurich, private services were conducted Wed- nesday at 2 p.m., followed by service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church by the Rev. E. W. Heim - rich. Interment was in St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery. FRANK BRUCE CROMARTY.—A highly re- spected resident of Hibbert Township, Frank Bruce, died very suddenly of a heart attack at his home, lot 15, con. 13, at about 6 p.m. Friday. Other than a few years spent in Wind- sor he had always resided on He LI 41, Ho*4a3' viaiitors ax' tae pf Mr, and N. D e1 ckted: Mr. � E mid Allen, of. atowel;,Mr , Mrs- John Dickeret and faire of Clifford, also Mr. and A. Wolfe and family, of el - `bourne, and Mr.. Gerald. Hub- bard, of Harristop. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long take this opportunity of thanking botholders on R.R. No. 2, for Christmas treats and money. the present farm. He was born on Feb. 4, 1903, a son of Mrs. Laving Sillery Bruce, of Sib- bert, and the late David Bruce. He was married on June 19, 1926, to Ethel L. Kleinfeldt, who survives,. He was a member of Staffa United Church and president of the Hibbert Co-operative Cream- ery, an office he held for a number of years. Besides his wife and mother, he is survived by two sisters: Mrs. Charlotte Balfour, Wind- sor, and Mrs. Russell (Becky) Jackson, Niagara Falls, Ont. Al- so surviving are two nephews, Bruce Balfour, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Murray Balfour, Windsor, and two nieces, Mrs. Garnet (Arlene) Cannon, Niagara Falls, Ont., and Mrs. Robert (Marlene) Arth, Cheektowaga, N.Y. Also surviving are one aunt and two uncles, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sad- ler, .Staffa, and Robert' Hog- garth, Stratford. The body rested at his late •home, Hibbert, 114 miles south of Cromarty, where the funeral service was held Monday at 2.30 p.m. Burial was in Staffa cem- etery. Rev, A. H. Daynard, of Staffa United Church, officiat- ed. JOHN L. NICHOL HENSALL.—John L. Nichol, A.C.C.O., 72, who died sudden- ly in South Huron Hospital at Exeter, following a heart at- tack, had been organist ' and choir master of Carmel Presby- terian- Church in Hensall for the past six years. He had played at the church services Sunday morning, and was taken ill after dinner, and rushed to the hospital. Owing to his illness the annual carol service scheduled for Sunday night was cancelled. Since com- ing here he had been director of the ladies' community choir. Before coming to Hensall he had been. organist and choir- master of Knox Presbyterian Church, Galt, and music super- visor of Galt schools. He was a native of Dunfermline, Scot- land. Surviving are sisters in Los Angeles and Australia. After resting at the Bonthron Funeral, Home, Hensall, servic- es were conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Carmel Presbyterian Church. Interment was in Hen- sall Union Cemetery. Y . S+ . '1. . . . .�.•a- .y y, . '1l . 4' . ° . 'v . -'4 'i. '4' ,. . ;. . ... . . ;n- 'F.,'T•r%,r-�% rr x of .;i ,r,.i .r'.-'" �:.''T•n* sr,gt iT.i%,T..;i ",'•;;s'T-.%'T—'�T SEASON'S GREETINGS! To all our friends go our very best wishes for a glorious and Happy New Year, and our heartfelt thanks for your patronage of the past. Box Furniture Phone 43 Seaforth • „a 'Tx it rr rT iTw , „r , ,r • 'r r , rr x r .a% if x r 'rf.-r-' r- r d Mrs. *0 owes. ds Yfres. Winder shot Cb is .Day with Mr l pW$911's brother land sister, Air. U.04,. Mies Ella Dawson,- of near. and"Mrs. - Edgar Wahl, of Listowel,, were Clo, riatmas day visitors of the latter's brother and sister -in law,- Mr. and Mrs.. Norman Dickert. Mrs. Dyker and Hans, of Lon- don, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Henderson, Hans remaining this week. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thomson and children visited Christmas day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Storey, of near Seaforth. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis included: Mrs. Gibson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gibson and Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burke, all of Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Long visited on �rristmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Little and daughters in Hensall. The Misses Gail and Lynn Gackstetter visited Christmas with Mrs. Wm. Homey, of Exe- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and sons spent Christmas eve- ning with Mrs. P. Love, of near Varna. Mr. Bob Love, of University of Toronto, is spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mr. Robert Thomson was the guest of his daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schneider, of Stratford, on Christmas day. We wish to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar on the gift of a baby girl in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Dec. 20. Miss Margaret Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair and family were Christmas day visi- tors of Mrs, Sinclair's mother, Mrs. Watson, of Londesboro. ' Mr. and Mrs. John H. Coch- rane, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walker, in Hen- sall. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and family spent Christmas day with Mrs. Parsons' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden, near Denfield. Mrs. McClymont is spending the Christmas holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cud - more were Christmas day guests of their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cud - more, London. We are sorry to report Mr. Jonah Green is in failing health. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and sons spent Christmas day with Mrs. Kyle's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Me- Clinchey, of Varna. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren had their family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith and children, Lon- don, also Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wren and daughter, of Mount Forest, spend Christmas at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Work- man and -family spent Christmas with the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, of Clinton. HENSALL esper S rf c Mrs. William Scutt and. Peter Cooper, co -leaders of C.G.I.T. group at Drucefield, led" in the vesper service conducted. by the group in -the church last'; Sunday evening.. i,e regular choir preceded the .0 G,I.T. girls in the processional; and rontri- buted two anthem to the even- ing, ven e dou.- blueoduet, cccomp and of Mrs. Broadfoot, Mrs. Richardson, Wilma Dinnin and Mrs. R. Mc- Kay Wilson, with choral back- ground. Mrs. W. Scott conducted the service. Mrs. Cooper presented the story, "The Young St. Fran- cis." Taking part in the candle - lighting service were Jean Rath- • well, Jean McCiinchey, Jean Broadfoot,-- Mary Allan, Joan Triebner, Elaine Taylor, all members of the C.G.I.T. Betty Jean Ross gave the story, "The First Christmas Creche." June Turner and Mary Lou Taylor read the scrip- ture stories from Luke and Mat- thew. The offering was receiv- ed by June Taylor, Jean Bath - well, Mary Allan and Elaine Taylor. - All members of the group joined in reciting the Purpose of the Canadian Girls in Train- ing: "As a Canadian Girl in Training under the leadership of Jesus, it is my purpose to cher- ish health, seek truth, know God, serve others, and thus, with His help, become the girl God would have me to be." The recessional closed the pretty service. }' , 1, , } ; 1. ; • '4 . L ;. 1: ,r�: r1, wt, i E, .:1, . c F' ; .f, w.E An announcement will soon be forthcoming as to the dates of the traditional English pan- tonine, "Cinderella," which is being presented in Hensall un- der the sponsorship of the Hen- sall Girl Guides Association. Watch for it.—(Advt.). Miss Eleanor Cook, of Toron- to, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse and family and Mr. Orville Hed- den, of St. Catharines, spent Christmas with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. CROP REPORT (By Gerry Montgomery, Huron Agricultural Representative) Farm work is pretty well at a stanstill except for the regular chores. Farmers are quite pleas- ed with the five to six inches of protecting snow covering which we have now enjoyed for the past three weeks. Roads and travelling conditions are excep- tionally good for this time of year. See Me For Remarkably LOW RATES ON AUTO INSURANCE with State Farm Mutual R. F. MCKERCIIER Phone 849 r 4 : Seaforth May the New Year bring you the happiness and joy you so rightly deserve — Health, Prosperity a n d Good Luck! SCOINS CLEANERS Seaforth Ontario • rr,rn-r,J, .r` • �M;:,;.r::: 1 C. 1I ,j� I�tw „tear grIttin1 SOCIAL EVENING MONDAY, JAN. 3rd at 8:30 p.m. S.S. NO. 2, McKILLOP Sponsored by the Farm Forum Bob Allen will present pictures of trip to British Isles. Ladies please bring lunch. GENTLEMEN: Admission 25c Seaforth ° Women's Institute EUCHRE & DANCE Friday, January 7 Community Centre SEAFORTH Euchre at 8:30 sharp Ladies please bring Sandwiches GOOD MUSIC ADMISSION — 50 Cents Each t4,yet FROM ALL OF US AT STEWART BROS. To ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS ri!74,4r(1ni,Tnvtrail .n, %(701•:Ai7:',i7:- 7.7.•"i: i STEWART BROS. BIG JANUARY SALE Janu.;ry 3rd to 15th DISCOUNTS Fr'orn 20% to 50% ON ALL WINTER NEEDS SHOP :.AT STEWART'S JANUARY SALE AND SAVE! SAVE! SEE OUR I3ILLS IN THE MAILS ON .JANUARY 3rd tewart Bros. •1%74" 't r},,grL- 4. 1�: < a�...i. 4' 1..; },...i,;r}, ey};tai;KA,:s TOPNOTCH FEEDS LTD. wish all their Customers and Friends The Best in 1955 ! May the most Happiness and Prosperity be yours! Topnotch Feeds Ltd. Phone 15 : Seaforth. ,4..: 'a ,4 :4, •,iG, inn°'!•'„„ x,:;.b' 4 .4,.E •4 t; ,4 • TO ONE AND ALL, MAY '55 BE THE BEST YEAR YET ! Motors Phone 541 Seaforthe Seaforth r.__r. r"ir'`''?-es`"''�''r- tr r'43^,+I r�' r -•:r r;.:tr,.:. r:^.. ea i3 1611Qk'M�tif.ens...:i