HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-12-17, Page 7o u f V i w} L M N ', F' �... r... .1. h ti i, �iI, h Vrw hp .3. ! 'l fYpH 'I M' 1 N .� W FF U 1 , ,' 1 �14!'.Viw d f x Y 4 L a s ro x i. „ .;:.tuY ,s .Vr�'nc :. -]. ;,: rl ;�l 'Ai 1 r�• .,.•?q5� �c}9j'�1? k+.a� 'krr led t L t,a `,. ,r '. �i t .7 �•„�-, tV� .�"?, t �°•� a .;{: _ 'a; -w v a; 4. �\ y, p m [ d k fpr ,*�, er .i `,. ;., ,.. ...-,. .. ,Rha �G.®R ,Fe '::;; .. .. .. .. `. r .y.. - .. "... '' • t+fi>.'-. 3f . .n ; T t nb • rP ''-. w •.1 �' ', •`fi i iu"Aa �a nn + ,.M, _.,.•. "fir” I • ' - 4 1 413." � r Ilnr t ,� >k: .. •;' ; � aM13.3 .d: r .a A , Nm SON irt l : fi..Cr. w9Ra .. -• . r .: - j, Y. -vs• JflN,'" Y"• taMj }�,�'u. 1 M. nti MN;rs w a W. J, Rogers V was :hos M- -e dwdis s dtaa aittsed 67 7 k1 r ThiB Week At , the afort � ;h ► � ` tess at he home for the Christ a'Iraed #o anal e . ort ssa6aD. Wlitut fir: tiff cut ui orderr mas aneetring of the Women's, nuents he#pse die Year closed.. st�oaa .rids and 'oasttit tt la#Ei in the (By SHEILA McFADDON) � , Missiio Society of the 'Unit- ReV W. Riggers It asideed far se ivaim Thm batf�che, dutt &W, les! pp ed Churc Thursday afternoon ,tihe tnstailat3ota ipf tkie .folloinriag be arIfisttied-ad andlipavy-heeded feeling (Intended for last week) get a girl who can dance- �rOu1!;c1r Har i� W�� wit1R the p�esicient, Mrs; W. B� A�oers - may saw follow t'a the tithe to take It realily is apnazing what The school Its reallly making ' bodd' atimuleto rade XII •u . for, lost time and is having Mrs. Stanley Garnham . was Gross preatalog. Mrs. W. o Fast president Mrs, W. B, se. 71 tili.ddk K°idaey a this school does. The G P 11ke'irxla�eys to Miee®tai aetier►,. That you Lg are actin as "Arthur Mur- All, dance on Aece�nber{.;= hostess to Group 1 of Northside Stephenson- presented the day Cross; presides , Mrs. W; -- ilAel dDetter—sloop trotter -work batter. girls re,achmg the Grade IX This dance is our aunual Christ- W.A. on Tuesday, evening of tional and offered gayer. Mrs: Rogers; vice-presidents, Mrs G. Mrs - got Dodd'a Kidney Pills vow. 51 and X boys how to trip the mas dance and will, take place last week with 25 present. Mrs. Tho Henry gave a reading, rs. Armstrong, Mrs. L. Filer, Mrs• F had charge of the Thought For the Day." Mrs. E -1%4 ;-- M Ellis* treas- - 6 light, fantastic. These classes on the last day ofgave notes . school. Gordon erns eige , . have been at noon hours and Oh, yes! The initiation dance program. Rev. Mr. Stinson George Armstrong urer, Mrs. W. B. Cross; record - sometimes 3:30 the past week. is another jeans, dance, but showed a film of the Christmas on Christian Stewardship, and in$ and corresponding secre- som boys are rhallly getting shoes are allowed this. time.,Af parade. Mrs. Glen Pryce read Mrs. L. Eiler gave a vividThe Lary, Mrs. H. McMurtrie; asst., Stew - good ani if any boy ,in the up- ter our last dance in stocking the scripture from the second sketch referring to Life in the Mrs A, Clark; Christian Stew - The 18th per grades wishes lessons; well, feet, the gym classes could hard- chapter of Luke. Rev. Mr. Stin- Yukon•" Mrs. Armstrong re- md§hip sec., Mrs. G. Arm - 1y navigate when the floor was sob,, led in singing' Christmas ported on the sale, and Mrs, strong; Community Friendship, consecutive like slippery, slippery ice. carols and in prayer. Mrs, E. Cross gave the financial re- Mrs G. Thompson, Mrs. E GUARANTY The Students' Council has Al- H. Close read a poem, "Come port, - Mrs. G. Armstrong, Miss Sproat; supply secretaries, Mrs GUARANTY REVITALIZED (;LEANING ready begun plans for the for- Up the Road to Bethlehem." A. Alexander, Mrs, W. Forrest, TRUST is 'Better Than Ever mal dance in which the doors Mrs. J. Ellis read- a story of the St. Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Mrs. G. at of the school are thrown open lace tablecloth. Mrs. Gordon James' CWL Glenn; Associate Helpers, Mrs. Company of Canada to outsiders as well as stud- Ferris also read a humorous G. Hess, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt; Lit Company Cleaners ents. The dance is Friday, Jan, poem of the "Furnace Door." erature, Mrs. N. E. Cook; tem - Buchanan 14, with Lionel Thornton's or- Mrs. Campbell, the president, Met hesdaypenance, Mrs. W. Henry; Mis- Mount Forest chests. (We did want Ray presided over the business. Mrs. sionary Monthly, Mrs. J. Hor- 15¢ a share- Anthony). The main question Ross Murdie thanked those tak ton; pianist, Mrs. T. J. Sheriitt; rate of II per annum Moro Spots and Stains Removed now is how to decorate the new ing part and Mrs. Garnham, for The regular meeting of the asst., Mrs. T. C. Coates; press, payable January 15, 1955 Garments stay clean longer; will gym. I imagine they will come her hospitality. Mrs. Barron C.W.L. was held on Tuesday ev- Mrs. Hess; Mission Band Supt-> wear longer, through though; they generally and Mrs. Riley assisted Mrs. ening tp the school ball with Mrs. D. Cook, Mrs. R. Richard - to siurrei%lders of record do. ` The invitations may be Garnham in serving lunch. Mrs R ,Pringle presiding in the son; assistants, Mrs. M. Keyes, December 31, 1954 Phone 230 - Seaforth turned into the office. However, Mrs. J. Taylor; Explorer Group J. WILSON BERRY ANDY CALDER the invitations should be all in GROU 3, NORTHSIDE WA absence of the president, Miss Supt., Mrs. R. Cook; Baby Band Preaidexu and General Manager AGENT by the last day of school as they . The Christmas meeting of Dunn. M. Et and Mrs. ldl_ M. supts., Mrs. L. Filer, Mrs. W. are written during the Christ- Group 3 of the W.A. of North- Hart gave their reports, follow- Stephenson. MON. and THURS. MORNINGS mas holidays. side United Church was held on ed by Mrs. Pringle's report on The retiring president, Mrs. - - - — The boys' basketball teams Tuesday evening at the home of the Deanery luncheon held in Cross, who has worked with the have been organized with six Miss Thelma Elgie with twenty- Stratford at which Mrs. Pringle W,M.S. for 20 years and has different teams, which will play four present. The vice-presidet, and Mrs: Etue attended. been president for a period of off at noons and 3:30 to 4. The Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain, presid- It was decided boxes be sent 16 years, voted sincere thanks regular inter -school games will ed and opened the meeting withto the shut-ins and a Christmas to all for their loyalty and cd - start some time in the New a poem, The Light of a Can- treat be given the school chil- operation given her during the Year. dle." Hymn. 62 was sung, fol- dren; also that a donation be years. The Misses Jane Horton E D Question of the Week: What lowed by prayer by Mrs. Har- sent to Westminster Hospital. and Gwen Spencer andCharles W A N Tdoes our President of the Stu- vey Travis. The scretary's Te- The meeting adjourned with Mickle rendered a pleasing dents' Council find so interest- port was given and the roll call prayer. Mrs. C. Malone then piano solo. in about a farm near Chisel- answered by your favorite eRefreshments were served by g entertained with Christmas re i hurst? Christmas carol. The visiting cords. those in charge, assisted by ° ° committee report eight home and Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Eller and one hospital call. The treasur- Mrs. W, R. Stephenson conven Properties o Any Description In 1950 there were 20,000 living A grammarian says the article er s report showed a good year „a„ sway's means "one." How mis- ed the enjoyable affair which Canadians moFe than 90 years of for the group.! age. The slate of officers read for taken he is For example, note was largely attended. Mrs. Gei- as follows: Past presi- the article "a" in this sentence: ger expressed appreciation to • Houses 1955 are i- "And now we have a word from Mrs. Rogers and all who had as-. der, Mrs; B. F. Christie; sponsor.',pea1A dent, Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain; our sponsor.sisted in any way• • Business Properties ^A `�`�`�' secretary, Mrs. Alf.. Byerman; CHRISTMAS treasurer, Mrs. Norman d- er; .corresponding secretary, • Business Mis . A A. Matheson;p Seip; press secretary, E E ' � TREES Mrs' A. Mpianist, Mrs. • Farms a Peter Dunlop; social comnijittee, IF It Mrs. F. Finnigan and Mrs. Art A CHRISTMAS TURKEY from LA KEVIEW Wright. Miss Thelma Eigie took the If you are selling any of the following, Phone, Write or devotional period and opened 010 Pullets or more before December 20th for deliv- Call in at my Office, as we have buyers. with Hymn 47. Mrs. eai? _. :anytime during the Spring season. Then pick up t our se; read the scripture on taken Christmas turkey, all done up in a neat cryvac bag, r from the second" chapter of office. Luke. Mrs. McElroy led in NOTE: WE SELL, RENT or MANAGE PROPERTIES I �d prayer. Dora Anne Stinson fav- There is Still time to order Chicks this Week! • _.!� ored with a lovely piano solo. -Or if .you are having an Auction Sale- r� Rev. J, W. Stinson showed the FREE DELIVERY of CHICKS to SEAFORTH film of Santa Claus parade; MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Contact the Office by Phoning Mitchell which everyone enjoyed. Hymn Beautifully Formed 53 and ,the Mizpah benediction Daytime 353 — Evenings 443-J Christmas Trees brought this part of the meeting to a close. A social half hour The Lakeview Hatchery Ltd. In Perfect Condition. was spent and exchange of EXETER and we will do the rest. No Sale too large or too small gifts, and lunch served. The Jan- 'I Order Now for Christmas uary meeting will be held at - the home of Mrs. Cliff Broad- „ Delivery. foot. - It, S. Tozer—Real Estate & Auctioneer STUART wiGG GROUP 4, NORTHSIDE WA The Christmas meeting of HICK'S HOUSE — MITCHELL Phone 118-W Seaforth Group 4 of the United Church d was helon Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. J. A. Westcott with an attendance of 23, The meeting opened with a Christ- mas poem by the president, Mrs. K. Hulley, who had charge of the meeting. Christmas carols were sung and the Christmas story of the Christ Child, who SOMETHING was born at Bethlehem, was 4-y told. Mrs, J. Kaiser, the secre- tary called the roll and gave ' s the minutes of the last meeting. �.".-',:"'; •',`� �x> s . �-. � '�' � A beautiful Christmas spirit- .fie., , „' . k • ;�s brought out in a reading by: was br g i✓:R£i /• ..,..,... :ii'7+•iy/i.".lt. i° ..:'y�•a\i %..is>?%:"„i+.j•:�.r?F:' Hermit on Lison "The Mrs. A. H ':r.;> a�, ?• �' f: '�9 i- was followed a.e:•,: c ' � M. . 9Ra r.:.... a Hill.' This �ux: , �•z.�z>=, k:+.:�,e . ,?n;:• ` Y is Linda >k . Y x• Enk f. .fry; >., :;:: • , .r s I:S'IiM� fano solo b M' s ' s ��� �.�I� by a p . f { , <•�: Sims, "Christmas Melody." A .:: readingwas also given by Mrs. r:. ? Had Only ::•:,:: �s.<.>.;:;N:r-... B. Pollard, if Ir i l Yt:k here was an ex - `'`eh.' , >r i>-'+"',Yi,,,.�•. Knwon." T ' change of gifts. The meeting1 tt i closed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. A social time,followed .y •a� with a Christmas lunch. A vote of thanks to the hostess and all who took part in the meeting \thank- was was moved. Mrs. Stinson thank - r,3 ed the outgoing president for her work in the year and wel- y, / corned the new president. #$ e$ f ,a✓ ;A,..:,. ;� \ • "G'y,!•^:d".rprr; eF;> ..�A pAvgr•,+ � i Immigrants entel-1119 Canada in 1953 totalled 169.000. For bedroom or guest room ,FI i v o There's NEW "Travel Comfort" on • AWIF rasion Telep hone! T;}Tip Ell he What more thoughtful more useful more pleasing O� gift than an extension tel Day after day it will be a pleasant reminder of your consideration, 5� f �/ / For kitchen or runry I for a second telephone in the home stops t2d hose it "tli a R -the -house' dashes to reach a ringing telephone, j �� to Winnipeg -Jasper -Vancouver ro g saves many a missed call. There's more privacy, too, because you can make and take calls in a quiet room away from the noise and bustle of family activities. You d be surprised bmv little an extension telephone costsi For just a few cents a day you can have -_ another phone placed .anyw-here.you please. You may pay for it now, for a year in advance, or you can have the extra cost tacked onto your monthly bill. WHY NOT CALL our Business Office right now and arrange to have an extension telephone delivered before Christmas - attractively gift wrapped if you wish, all ready to place under the tree. We'llotll Li it right after Christmas. td's no problem to install another phone if you already have orae, because extensions do not require separate lines to the exchange. For workshop, den, garage, playroom THE r r .. LL TELEPHONE cOMPARY OF CANADA a 4,y b moo.: i4. �fap ­ow,, �f•F EVEN BEFORE the -turn of the century, polar and other explor- ers found that boxes of light,. non -rusting aluminum gave their precious first-aid equipment more "protection from rough usage and rough weather. Manufacturers took the tip. Today, especially in factories where industrial processes create humid or corrosive conditions, aluminum boxes are used to keep first-aid kits in good shape. In fact, aluminium is now popular for boxes to hold everything from tools to trout files. And for countless other III containers thht must stay clean, bright, free from rust. Alumi, num +company of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). i W .L�i'k .. LM,'ibaYx l D K5X(Ma1MlradtS�a144/RMMiRdf-A.f.4Ld, You'll find smart new travel comfort and convenience on Canadian National's "Continental Limited." Attractive day coaches, relaxing lounges, spacious drawing rooms and compartments, restful bedrooms, popular -priced duplex- roomettesyand berths. '1.kre-is-pleasant travelling, with a wide range -6f accom- modations for every budget. For example, look at these low coach fares between Toronto and Vancouver. Odie way $67.11; round trip $107.2 5. Proportionately low fares apply ,for tourist any' types of sleeping car travel. Ask about substantial savings offered by New Family Fares to Western Canada and to Mid -West and Western U.S.A. East and west every day, "The Continental Limited" serves Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Minoki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper red Vancouver. for• rmervoNons and information, see, r wMe or 'phone your local Canadian v 11 N{atPereoi Passenger Agent. „Y , 41 NEW L� FRAM 5r'i Niaw ealvifl°gymiFYIl �L I�°�A��kwTh (Sc1Ir<'?e�pf, kl 5 espocislly file' ptteg> B seek ' lug the higbest'e roduetxArl' with lowe8t. filed .eo6C der dozen. This new etlamf►ran! is br$d for a vaisry :higf} 47-191Vage of good-sized VIA eggs» 1 i; s. ay h �' y r% NEiN—Swift's Golden Neck Layers (RIR x BPR). A, hardy, cold -resistant, dual- purpose bird with surprising egg -laying ability for hens reaching six to seven pounds. Early growth is exceptionalS; . for broilers, fryers, roasters:°D Eggs are brown and consist- ently large. irr4d and GOLDEN NECK are $wifrs Iradomaria PiCK OF THE NATION'S BLOODLINES Swif is Hatchery Stratford - - - Phone 3814 or see your local dealer: ELGIN NOTT, R.R. 4, Clinton SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY — PHONE 363-J T. Pryde & Son ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are ineitei. Exeter Phone 41-J Clinton Phone 103 Your Business Directory MEDICAL LEGAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON A. W. SILLERY Physician and Surgeon Barrister, Solicitor, Eta Phone 90 Seaforth Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 If no answer, call 59 SEAFORTH ONTARIO JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon L & HAYS McCONNEL Phone 110 - . Hensall Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. - JOHN•A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. PATRICK D. McCONNELL Physician and Surgeon H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. Phones: Office 5-W; Hes, 6-3 County Crown Attorney Seaforth SEAFORTH, ONT, SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 174 Telephone 26 CHIRtOPRACTIC E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. interne Telephonee 27 D. H. McINNES P. L, BRADY, M.D. Chiropractic - Foot Correctlon ; Surgeon COMMERCIAL HOTEL Telephone 55 Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p -m. C. ELLIOTT, M.D. -- Telephone ACCOUNTING ti9VENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 P.M. " Appointments may be made. G. N R PUbi�cD _ Accountant OPTOMETRIST CLINTON ONTAR10 Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 456 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant Phone 791 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH 55 South St. Te ePhan• Office Hour's: Daily, except Mon- to 6:80 Saturday, Goderich Licensed Municipal Auditor. day, 9 a.m. p.m,; 9 am. to 9 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 0..1311. _ to 18:80 p.m. CLINTON-Mouday, (McLaren's VETERINARY 9 s m. to 5:30 P.M. Studio). — ---- ---- D. J. MCKELVIE, D.V.M. INSURANCE Veterinary Surgeon E9 SENSA•LL, ONT, - PHONE _ THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL ' FIRE TURNBULL & BRYAN& INSURANCE COSY. VETERINARY CLINIC , J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M. HEAD OFFICE—SEA FORTH, Ont W. R. Bryans, D.V.M_ phone 105 Seaforth OFFICERS: President J. L. Malone, Seaforth - x' AUCTIONEERS ry Vice Pres, J. H. MCE`winB, Blyth Vanager and Sec: Treas. - M. A JOSEPH L. RYAN Reid, Seaforth. Specialist in farm stock anal 4 - DIRECTORS: plemen'ts and household erttxlitt, E, J. Trewarth% Clanton; J L, sattsfaetion guaranteed, Lfesn" n 141 I111rou and Perth CotinuelL Malone, Seaforth: & IL Whit more, Seaforth; Chris, 1 IAM ` b'oz p tdcul0xsand ripen dttit a ell' phone J602"1:141, $'1tA1dr Bornholm; Robort Arehibal write ill, R- 1, Sritboh, 46 " ; forth; Sohn H. MCP3wislt1S.." William S. Alexander, Wditto9 ; lElfir ,i► � h Vey "nor, Goderich; J. in. Now, W, '� :, arucedd .--r,yr� Lf � f� yith1 Willman LttiW, Jr., tnndeuI '4M ld Th.,OV9 A-ite��ita.' ,T. � Ittbt'e 1lrtlilhe8en; � 'l�ib�sl�' 's 'swat. nr4mwut 91445 MuThirm"O. qy caiF