HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-12-17, Page 3Ing t , ��,' , ,.,rtsF '. 6�xi • �� fF� .11.11_1._... �. s. � , , aqT&..Ily, 7fi` rT.. tr .. „rN,..' • "'.;..n: .I,'+n.S• s v •':'.u^ . v "AE' i' m A`N,C Y J n ri rr. v r 3fliC1 ktI lff ➢��dI 5 �N6 FW i.. ?. �A hs :t •N, :.. .•04-0G ti'A'd'�. ! ,, I' „�. -, r1110 w.h h .,;..,.{, ,. . .�. 1 �.< .t-', .1 �!h'•t N':. 1 :m. �� 5. r � 'r f l• 1 •. , : -.. :.... 1 �._.: - Ch'u'rlp '. ";} , . ��� an lx,. �� ..,r a �•. r+ x,• „a tat r� Weduesda o 'la ::eek ` A ' i a S 1>t 'far 4': citowa A eT1/ :. , ,., ._,. .,.,.. :.._..: � 1+ Church A?Lr�cB*' ftRerPr� - e tr e' O sop araC t1 .- r Siletace: was ctTosery d* .Y , g s...' : S�S�QI.tlli0 ord,r . i l s' itu. r r.. s dad Ealy . W„A„d 4 laded' .. p4lse, aenset. 110 +r 11 m atholits W ozlll@iA s+► r q ,a e n 'No. 46$, �at►ada sing, roll call tab ,, • , - s '.te ,am '��� II ,. � • � . i, r. �t � r ,�l , , s ltn In t, Patrick s Part . the meeting with th Cep diall , . gi „ - `e0 and the utes read, Mrs.. I11x11 . � � ' � met'. the Legion Veli an Tues Meeting r n� Ball an Tuesda5r of la ,f: anaee3e 8les- 1) �”" 1-�+.•, '�,a ? M m rk,Y . 'y r 11 i,r PHONE 47 ;bate rep on the o ga 51 was sung. The slepipttii>" i' 8ottfo day alilit, ec, 7, ilvith the. press ryh a etiunaI' meeting in Palirliectio '':a'bou'tr,275 attended. �, ft„ 6ta!11 , .. acleat,4Mirs. S. 1nitle, a>z 'the. esl ii� lay lirc�eti chair w tr-called thes meeting ta, with the cancer. unit held in. Winners' were• Jas. McQuaid, The Glen Gowrie W.I. held orad chapter, was �d bYr Mrs. t ' .h Exeter. Mas. McKelvle read ac- Wilbur Elliott, Mrs. John eag- p d counts and gave the financial cr Jr. •tMrs. William FeengYx their last meeting at the home McClure. With AUs, Dodds pre- cat Mrs. James Mitchell. The TEAT]ttElG: f?I�1GfrT4lGiS, statement,, ThanX-You - .cards , . m XPIN"Ais, MrO..Maurice Dal. siding foot the W.M S , the s i Were read from Mrs. L. Noakes, ton, Ma's. Philip Willis, Bard theme' of the meeting was "Ag-' meeting was• opened with a Z°tJRKEYS After f � o ing Your Xmas `Purkey Mrs. H. Bonthron, the Shaddick Kelly, Leonard Connolly, ricultural, the roll call being, ,. family and Mrs. Inez McEwen.a „ suitable poem, followed by Thomas Butters, Willliam Alias- An improvement I would like >t'oir Clirisas and Nov wears r3 t , i r Correspondence was read from tin,. C. ' Eckert, Russell Smith, 'to see made in our agricultural grayer. A reading on Baby ) 1, " 50 EASY TO APPLY WITH THE NEvJ i _. the Provincial Secretary and Glenn Plant, 'Mrs- Wilbuil El- set-up," The motto, "He �� who Jesus" was 'given- by Mrs. G. Order Your Turkey nal'Iv for SPECIAL �PPL!CRTOR ..and from the chairman of the Poppy liott, Mrs. Neil McKenny, Wm. plants a tree, plants hope, was Smith. A presentation of life Christmas delivel°lr. Command. Payment of dues Was Martin, Mrs. Clarence Ryan, prepared by Mrs, C. CQlquhoun membership certificates were flRT-CRUSTED GREASE ,� ,e received. The mystery prize Wilfrid Herbert, Mildred Ryan, 11u"I11 CAh1ES oFF LIKE hIA6lCo �► w.s won by Mrs. J. Simmons ani? read by Mrs. Allison. The given to Mrs. T. Battles, Mrs. / � Russell Smith. storyof one of the century J. Pethick and Mrs. T. Pryce. IGEN BT;ATTIE yTtf '' /! I► ! Mrs. "Davis gave the sick com- Special rounds were won by fars of the locality, namely, Hymn 381 was sung- RJL 4 ,-__ WALTON" li z mittee. report. Mrs. K. Buchan- Joe Dill, Har Tait, Phonsine an reported on the recreation � Cedardale, the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Case was in charge phone Seaforth 834 r 6 Meagher Mrs. J. McKibbon, Mrs. Mrs. Erle Dow, was read by of the Christmas program which committee, Mrs. Alda Simmons May McClelland,- Ross Pepper. volunteered to buy a gift for Mr. share -the weath prize W mss. Dow and proved one of was a candle ceremonial. Those " Dawkins. Mrs. B. Kyle is the won re William Austin and the best that has been heard up taking part in the service were z r ' lunch convener in January. Mrs. Charles Felkar. Each got $15. to date in the Institute. Mrs. L. Sangster was then called u Monetta Christie gave a reading and a `, p- Those sharing prizes were: Joan Christie sang, The guest on to preside for ,ate election Mrs. Jim Krauskopf, Mrs. C1ar- speaker, Mr. Walter Creeryj, of of officers. once Plant, William Bennewies,. Klrkton, chose as his subject, 1, The new slate of Mrs eMeKel- Jack McCarthy, Mrs: Ken Bas- 'Conservation as appl%d to the + isollowndr i1st viceid est, Mrs. E. KelDav- sett, Freda McDonald and Mrs.• Upper Thames River ValleyRalph Schellenberger. Authority.' By maps and illus-1ZA�RDBRAND vice- res., Mrs. R. Tay- trations, he pointed out terata - p lor Sr.; secretary, Mrs. R. Mock; • tive plans and reasons for each. i Y` a�" • assistant secretary, Mrs. Forres- HENSALL He closed by stating that his - 0V 9 CLEANER ter; treasurer, Mrs. J. Simmons; graduated class at the O.A.C. ;. : executive, Mrs. G. Munn, Mrs. / was warned b professors that FREE APPLICATOR WITH Aikenhead, Mrs. R. 5male,'Mrs- Arnold Circle Installs Officers Y .p EACH JAR R they had an leave tin to fulfill, Allen, Mrs. Brown; standard- The regular meeting of the namely, to leave their farm bearer, Mrs. H. W. Horton as- Arnold Circle of Carmel Pres- lands as productive as they O/r� ✓/moi ' j� i' sistant standard-bearer, Mrs, byterian Church was held Mon- found them. firs. Gordon Par - Just a an oven cleaner that Really cleans! Goodwin. day, Dec. 6, in the "church base- sons thanked the speaker. Just apply with applicator to dirty oven sur• All tickets for the hostess ment. Mrs. W. Brown played 8OZ. 590 faces and -allow to set for 1 to 2 hours. Dirt, soft] several Christmas carols. Final plans were made for �� ■ chair draw should be handed in y P on the "most Waned Its greases and baked -on drippings wash off with prior to Decemi?TTer 17. The hall As the meeting came to order, "Family Night" at Staff Hall, These ArA16 OZ.... 98� warm water—no scruhbfng, no scraping. Al Gts was nicely decorated, Mrs. Buch- it was opened by singing "Joy 'December 10, at 7 p.m. A dem- Introducing and Exclusive at anan _and Mrs. Clement being To the World," which was fol- onstration on the making of responsible. Bingo was enjoyed. lowed by prayer. The business cheese souffle, an appetizing ,..,..,� :iirr• ;•.-• ;'` . CR�WH HARDWARE Following were winners: Mrs. was dealt with and reports giv- :supper dish, was given. Mrs.;':?; `''.•r% "...r;;x.;. rri B, Kyle, Mrs. R. Dick, Mrs. Inez en. Mrs. Stewart Bell offered M. Nairn conducted an "agricul- Y "� McEwen, Mrs. L. Sangster; Mrs. her home for the January meet- tura] quiz,?' and the meeting " E. Munn, Mrs. A. Foster, Mrs. ing. A lovely piano duet was closed with the singing of "God 9 H. Smale and Mrs. Mousseau. A given by Mrs. Brown and Carol. Save the Queen." tasty luncheon was served at Mrs. A. W, Kerslake assisted ~`!•'''' l;%: : the close by the committee in •by Mrs. H. Snell, gave a very charge. A pleasing feature was inspiring worship service. Rev. Canadian universities graduate about 12,000 students annually j r • We'll + the exchange of Christmas David Lane was guest speaker + gifts among the members. A and gave an interesting account gaily decorated tree added to of his work as a student minis- Helpers' Committee, Mrs. the occasion. The lunch con- ter in the mining town of Stew- / Mrs. McKelvie and art B.C. Rev. Lane also presid Hoy, Mrs. S. Bell, Mrs. H.;:.; : rs ere 'i' :: vena w �.. _ Mrs. R. , 1 secretary, Mr .. ell•. supply se n a S Yr PA Y heir as he installation .of oiii- f''z�'^` Mrs. J. Drysdale and t ed over Bell; ' press secretary, Mrs. A. �1 ((���� rDollar f < sistants: cars for 1955, which are as fol- Kerslake; literary secretary, Remote -Control "�'mN9� lows: Mrs. G. Troyer; Welcome and . 3.99 + ■President, Mrs. Mary Hilda -Lanterns brandt; first vice eyes., Mrs. R. Welfare, Mrs. W. Brown; Mis- Electric Car A. Orr; second vice-pres., Mrs. sion Band leaders, MIS. H. Hoy ELECTRIC LANTERN —Use it as a high Pow�d' / 6 E. Fink; secretary, Mrs. E. and Mrs. M. Hildebrant. START, STOP, BACK-UP at the touch of a button, camp light for fishing and hunting — an ideal Wzfal Fink; treasurer, Mrs. G. s. E.itz; The meeting closed with Hours of fascinating fun for the lucky youngster trouble light. Neat, compact — only 8" ovesal - pianist, Mrs. r, Brown; Home prayer. who a in Santa's good books this Christmas- Well- Handsome chrome and red enamel finish. Mg V_ built, generous size -,ancient auto,, replica of 1912 swivel head is fully adjustable up or down for 10 1 vintage, complete with driver. Powerful. battery- piercing beam and perfect spotlight Equipped WIM - 'm a flasher button. Deluxe multi -service lantern ' operated electric motor. on your down. �Nhr .h,... .. iii`• '•c t' f F r r :.a rr . t r` ;y r s t• jV. .0 Y000 .. Y ell t l 1 d 0 Y +tel ,. ;.: Vii..... •. F I• f G E <;a v: f M ;:.iii%r?:%.i::::'c%r.'.�,•r,.%:fi•• /Aa ?%,>x: ...........,:..r:F:.. r.r ..:............. i::e>.;ur Yi.$i✓ •.FOOD MIX- MAGNETIZED SCREW- 10—SPEED RIIGBY FOOTRACE — FIELD GLASSES• "`' ER—Famous "Hamilton DRIVER SET — Six of Offal size: already in- nHy 4 times, give shst+ps y the most -needed sizes Beach", handles every piece mould- andrf i e 1 d foComple and types of screw- Elated, Orae- t® : 3 kitchen mixing e h o r e. Rack wall u se e drivers with handy ed rubber• rim with leather BE SURE AND SEE OUR FINE SELECTION w th 49e45 1.19 fated pigskin ._ carrying ca attachments OF TOYS AND GAMES. WE HAVE SOME- ' THING FOR EVERYONE! y . when you buy a a e DOLLS ! TRAINS *GAMES 40DOESS Of TIME ' : America's most popular PULL and MECHANICAL TOYS fine diamond watch r 7 lex!els, 2 diamonds $495p SPECIAL — 20% OFF Washer Automatic a Existing 'Stock of C.C.M. Skates, Pails,. �..:.........:..::.::;.»:<;.:::::•:�::>:>s _ .............:. .�:, :. ' COMBINATION GRILL E T T E 12 -PIECE TOOL ROLL KIT — SUPER -CYCLE TRICYCLE — Pants, Hockey Garters and Supports and WAFFLE BAKER-- Makes Combination Hammer. Screw- Tubular f r a m e, ball - hearing: + delicious waffles, also for grill- front wheel: rubber tires: adr payment b ,p. FIIRST COME —FIRST SERVED driver and Socket Wrench rete— us 11, It saddle. Your dollars count DOUBLE on your down a ment � ing and frying. G 1 e a m i n g ' 1 s to 3 years _--- - 3.05 chrome: handsome tray base; 12 pieces. all interchangeable. ?� .a\\ r natural hardwood 12.95 complete in handy 2.79 3 to 5 years ------ 13.95 Q• handles carryall case . 5 to a years20.95 n you eta Dominion Automatic Washer. $10 counts who 9 t y � .< a E .. - LADY euiDYA TOBOGGANS TRIK S ;,:s. ......::: • I n SLEIGHS redo you with .�0 Salt -winding perfection ' 00. We'll c � 1 Y counts 0 coo rat� - a5 $QO• $ , In a truly 1 :.:,-.,:.....::.:..:•::,: , i(F i:`' l Y 4 f e 17 e we e I e 1 me `�. P anti . 11 n t i' Ist ant. : Y es t� a you put U hock r r dollar P• f every Y 0 I magnetic. ^' ::•,. :.: $5950 ' BestWasherYet ... ... 0� .. , - A Has Dominion's Rollover washing ac- P 1(1 - PIECE S O O -K E T N A I L WHEEL —This 12" COMB I N A T le N RACHET BRACE — tion which gets clothes much cleaner. a e �� �•. WREN CFI SET' alloy handy time -saver at- anII scriber. — Use level Smooth i g. 10" s f� .� \ square drive, find alloy taches to wall or under and acribor. Use as try c u t ti rig. Ill" is w s. NO installation casts-- n0 plumbing, p a _ _ — — tool steel. The most- shelf. Holds sixteen 8 -oz. and mitre square. depth spring alligator taws - needed sockets 9.55 glass )ars for 3.39 gauge, Plumb 1.69 Ball-bearing 4 7� , o Ro bolting. Trouble-free, simple sturdy = C and adapters ... small parts ' - and level head and bandle ' medbanism gives marvellous semis . 4 PRESIDENI - 1' No solenoids. No special wiring. On The world's most O K r wanted 2I jewel watch +++iii" casters —easily moved. for men, with r / matching expansion band `W s I $4950 Q� i to the Dominion close the lid + - L , Dump your washing m .• . Go off down town if you like. It $••:•:. rr l and away you go •• .:.::: shuts off, rinses itself out, drains off when clothes are ELECTRIC KETTLE A U T O M A T I C A U T O M A T I C 2 -SLICE TOASTER washed and rinsed and damp dried. \1 R11 — Fast -beat. 1,500- TOASTER — With TOASTER — Grace- — Sparkling mirror watt element. Super- thermo - controlled" E u 11 y designed to c h r o m e finish. at . �`\\d`• chrome on copper, 4 give quality per- ` COME TO US equipped with "auto- colour selector. formance at a mod- tractive 7r "h $ '( uratic s a T e t y shut- Handsomely stilled, orate price. Auto- wide base off superbly 24.95 uratic 16.95 r - �� 1 1 •�� chromed shut-off FREE � '��" Others from 2.49 FOR Sturdy — APPRAISAL i R L •�. 1 BULOVA " 23" - AND DR4� � 1� No other anywatch wrtn r + features `' 0 F VALUE jewels, watErpro flag. H STATION ■39 unbreakable mains ring 1954 PLYMOUTH 0 F YOUR U R P , Rraisedfield numerals, WAGON Radio ...... . f> ® ghee resistant, 1,975 00 Q! ane resnean 1951 CHEV. SEDAN 1,225.00 ® A dependable. we]i-Car ®wll@r5' ,98 7�PfE�E0LD $59501.35 made fool. i/a" can. S t lyes 575.00 Wrench Set Wrench @ :::... WASHER 1947 FORD SEDAN—Radio, newt s r t c uc> controlled --. P feel ch - f _ 625.00 1947. DDDGE-..COACH `"^""�* TS•prece � and rz Soc�ret For car or hour t4" iaestagon , , r Drill 9 c - - i L Wrench SetS�clssding Rotch Zive: Offseteh»n floe and gilt m OUR BUDGET _41 -Jaw d Handle, Screwdriver Adap d Pom so is$" i Heavy v.r.a 2.5y ter, Sockets and Tool Rack. ?'s Metal container. ` '># PLAN GREAT- 1 i.•..,, , TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS LY ASSISTS s .,� �♦ , , MOST OF OUR rf�j �� t a 1940 NASH SEDAN ................ $ ' a CUSTOMERS 1938 CHEV. COUPE 135.00 - — " PAYING 1 -"- 1N pp 1948 CHEV. PANEL ............... 47b.00 More CANADIANS BUY 6016va R OFF BALANCE. than And Other Fine Watch OTHER BULOVA WATCHES NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED c(== y� w • as low as $29.75 — St cRowNHardwareSAVAUGE'S_ _-3- - - C p -&EAIORI"H 11_ �Or��R Phone ig2 f3 S. & W. V. 8tnfth s 1.�`uF� GIFTS aforth �; , Seaforth Phone 797 - _� JEVI/E LL EERY /'ENE CHINA Phoria 641 Se$forth 404 $EAFORTHA loop ` a h .t t. ...-,. w<., , , , , •. ,.,r•. "„,<,. ,: ,..a>. ,t ,:. .:s .n,.,., ., ,:•., rel ' .. a , 1 r.