HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-11-19, Page 6in • era.' e, aae, er r' 7• q. • ?„,1,Z sie _OW Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR BALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word; 2nd Week • ard Week 1st Week • 4%1 Est • minimum &arm, each insertion- 25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. !Cards of Thanks. In Memoriam Notices. Coming Event. -1 cent Per word. Minitnam. 60 ouita Des week. Enifidriss may be directed to a Box No.. c/o. Tho Rune Expositor. for 10 emits extra. Ten cents additional will be charged d ads in above class are not paid within 50 dere of data of final inaertion. Betio, latirrharre and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales. Notli to Creditors, Etc.-Rtea on anDlleatiolit Coming Events • 'FIANCE EVERY WED.Ne...W./AY AND Saturday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from Cite Hull, Stratfurd. Herb Petrie's orchestra; 50-75. 4525-tf Notices ato'riaaa-CHI XNEYS REPAIRED. IF ▪ you have any truuble with your fire- place or chimney. CALL 75, Seaforth. 45324 ('ASH FOR ORGANS WITH STOOLS, DANCING. ROUND AND SQUARE, TO in Plaeing condition. JAMES Clarence Petrie and the ever -popular WIEDERHOLD. New Hamburg, Ont. Night Hawks. at the Crystal Palace, Mit- 4530x4 cliell. every Friday night. 4530-7 aperisseeso NOT BUY A NEW SEW.. • ing machine before you let me see .our old one. First ekes repairs. PHONE 75, Seef orth. 4532-3 For Rent FOR RENT -COMFORTABLE 5 -ROOM heated apartment, with garage. PHONE 24e -W. 4530-tf VOR RENT -THREE-ROOM HEATED apartment in Clinton. Apply to LEO STEPHENSON, Sea forth. 4552-1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE -SO ACRES. ALL plowed; Sae miles west of Dublin. rear No 8 Highway in McKillop Town- ship. Apply LEO RYAN. 206 Wright Ave.. Weston, or Dublin 37 r 5. 4530-2 Personals nu)? GET PEP: FEEL TEARS ‘--/ younger. Full of ,,ieser. Men. wo- men of 40. 30. tkO! Try Ores Tonic Tablets to.lay. aitaceaeinted- size only 60e. All druggists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER CocsdsL mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 sampled 25e 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA-RUBErER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Notices COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth rpHE COURT OF REVISION FOR TEE -•'• Assessment Roll of 1954 for the Town of Seaforth, will meet in the Town Hall. Seaforth. at 8 pm., on Thursday. Novem- ber 25. 1954. D. H. WILSON, Clerk. 4521-3 TWP. of TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List • Property For Sale VOR SALE1--SIK.ROOM HOUSE. SOLID construction; acre of land; Jarvis and Huron Streets. Seaforth. Small barn on PraPertY. E. ALBREOHT. Phone 71-R. 4522213 Agents Wanted Poultry pou SALE -400 LAYING HENS, FINE menthe old, laying 20 per cent: also 500 Young pullets two months old. L. MEDEMA R R 3, Walton. Phone Sea - forth 880 x 6. 452211 Notices To Creditors AGENTS WANTED WOULD YOU LIKE SELLING FROM doer to door? .1 LTO needs a good dealer in good vacant territories and make you benefit of a substantial discount. 225 products at your disposal: tuilet art- ielese medicines, culinarits. tea, coffee. ete. Assortment of Christmas gifts. 08 required. Money reimbursed in case of failure. 5110. St. Hubert, Montreal. 4532-4 Wanted WANTED -.HOUSE TO RENT, FURN- `' ,abed or unfurnished, Apply Bos 355, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4532-1 ADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS ee of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO' RE- F'Allt. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 453041 A.IVITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -SEP- '-' tie tanks and cesspools. etc-. pumped and cleaned with modern equirment. Prompt service. LOUIS BLAKE. Phone r 6, Bras.sels, Ont. 4027x6 p A PERHANGING. PAINTING ( BRUSH ▪ or Spray) : exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply W ALTER, PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St 4530-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I - PROMPT. ••••‘• courteous collection of all dead and 1i -cabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. eNDREWS, 551 r 11, Seaforth, or .35 F:Neter. Atesociated with Darling & Co.. m Canada Ltd. 4'630-tf ATT'ENTION. FARMERS! - McKILLOP Fire Insurance. Western Farmers' Wind Insuranee, Ontario Automobile As- soc, tO.A.A.1, Hospitalization Insurance. Accident and Sickness insurance and North America*. Life Insurence. Cotsult ERIC H. MUNI1OE. Seaforth. 45304f FREE SERVICE . To Farmers FION'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER- als your land does not need. We will. eithout charge to you. take samples of be earth in your fields and have than .nalyeed. e Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 16 or 876 4484-tt GIRL WISHES STEADY EMPLACIIYMENT doing housework. To live in. Apply te HAROLD COREY, R.R. 1„ Staffa. 453211 ("ET YOU -R SEWAGE WORK DONE now. Only 32 per foot on contract basis, All work guaranteed Contact 850 r 33. Seaforth. 4530 -If WA_NTED-OLD HORSES. 3 CENTS per pound dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once. day or night. GILBERT BROS: MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect, 936 r 32. or 936 r 21. 453041 For Sale FOR SALE -MAN'S BLUE PIN -STRIPE suit, in eeeellent condition : size 31.4 or 40. PliONE 496-R. 4532-1 esoR SALE -• WALNUT WaarlN'G- -` house TV, with stand; good condi- tion. Price 5123,00. MRS. C. COOK.. Hensall. Phone 67. 4532-2 FOR SALE --•1 PAIR OF GIRL'S WHITE skaters. size S. just like new, for child 0 to 5 years old. Apply to FRANK S M ALE. Seafort h. • 4532x1 FOR SALE -BUDGIES AND CANAR- ' iee: Harte. Mountain Food. etc. ERIC MILNER - FLOWERS. Seaford'. 393, 4530410 FRED TURNIPS FOR SALE -45.0A A tn in field; 36.00 a ton from pile at barn. Phone JACK FABER. 685 r 22, Hensall. 4632-1 poR SALE -A LADY'S BLACK COAT ••• with Persian lamb trim; sise 38. Box 389. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4632-1 t FOR SALE -LITTER CARRIER; 225 NOTICE 1.1 gEfeepHt aysLof tra.usyk; like new. Apply to . R.R. 2, Dublin, 4P51.4obarte 33 r 4, Dublin. -VOR- S 1.E -REGISTERED BCEREFORD IRA;4bon N.e r aDubn Township of Hullett ELECTORS OF Tab TOWNSHIP OF in rny Office on the 30th day of OcW tober. 1FOR SALE -TO -UNIT SURGE MILE - 453221 1934. er. : used two seasons: good condition. Apply E. CAMERON. Phone 652 r 2, -NT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I I! Parties entitled to vote are requested to ,Secifort - :45324 have complied with Section 9 of tbe! take neeeeeary steps to have any oents-1 Voters' List At and that I have posted ! sions or errors corrected according to up at my Office at Tuckersmith. on the I maw - 12th day of November 1954 the list of ' F all persons entitled to vote in said Monica- I polity at Municipal Flevtions. and that I such list remain,: there for inspeetion. ; And 1 hereby :all upon all voters to take immediate pro -reclines to have any • errors or ,anissier.s corrected according: to law. the last la', for atmeal being the 1 25th day of November. 1954. SOL) this 12th day of Nevember. 1954. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 45.32-2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL THE NOVEMBER SaaSION OF HURON Court.- Ceuncill will be held in the Court House. Goa -rich. commencing at 200 tem. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21. 1254 All accounts, or notaof dePutations, most be in the hands of the County Clerk ret later than Friday. November 19. 1954. A. H. ERSKINE. Huron County Clerk, Goderieh, Ontario. 45.32-1 PROCLAMATION Township of Hullett The annual meeting of the ratepayers , of the Township c.c.' Hallett will be held be the COMMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO. FRIDAY. 7101a11MBER 26. 1904 • GEO. W. COWAN. Clerk. 4531-3 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I ha. e complied with Section 9 of the ‘'oters' List Act and that 1 have posted up at my Office at Seaforth. on the 6tia clay of November, 1904. the list of all persons entitled in vote in said Munici- nalit y at Municipal Elections. and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby cell upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or erniesims corrected according to law. the Oast day for appeal being the day of November. 1954. DATED this 6th day of November. 1934. !* D. H. WILSON. Clerk. 4.531-3 The Clerk will he it the Community Bea Lorickebero. `men 1 to 2 p.m.. to receive Nominations for Reeve and Coun- cillors to hold celece Inc the year 1965 - When proposed candidate is not present his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that' be corkients to be so nominated. A marina of the Electors will be held! in the Community Hall. LendeShASTO, at1 2 p.m.. Friday. November 26. to bear proposed eandidates, and in ease more than the reqvired number of candidates to ftil the offites are nominated and a vote demanded. a Poll will be held on MONDAY. DECEMBER 6, 1934 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.. at tbe following plaices: Poll 1: Forester's Hall, Kinburn: D R.O.. Record MoBrien : Poll Clerk Ephriarn Clerk: Pre 2: Sehool House. S.S. No. 6, D.11.0, Bert Beacom; Poll Clerk, Leo Watt. Poll a: U. Sefrinel House. U.S.S. Nb. Joseph Flynn: Poll Clerk, Bernard 'riche. Poll 4: Cotninnnity Hall, Tendon -tore; D.R.O., ThiSOSS Miller; Poll Clefe, Leonard WW1, Pon 6: Community • Atirtimerelll: Voliriern enell: eled, theel Unseats Poll 6: Corte 'Mite _YAW Laidetaime; hate Bt Citelk. Robert llownialitd. Parmelee HaU, Memos; William Cede: Poll Clerk Geonta GEORGE W. COWAN. tateisMe 4041.41 5 ,00t • V.?.tAkO,,TO ' Alt!SVfAilf 11•44.454glal..Ol CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' List Township of McKillop NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT' I have complied with Section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Lot 27. Concession 2. McKiDop. on the loth day of November. 1934. the list of all persons entitled to vete in the said Municipality at municipal elections. and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 berehy call upon alt voters to take immediate proceadiners to have any errors or emissions corrected according to lase, the last day for appeal being, the 29th day of Noeerriber. 1904. DA1eD this 15tb day of November, 19:4 .1. el. exerae. Clerk of MeKillcm Township Town of Seaforth NOMINATIONS eonditi • rnSat• N E1;12.1...E."- e'aRG.s.RRRARD: 3. Sen - forth. P';ftOr forth. •Ploone 670 r 5. VOR SA.LE-1 PAIR BOY'S SKATES. siie 13. black. : 1 pair lady's skates. sire 9. white: both pair in good condition_ PHONE 581-J. 4632-1 :'OR SALE -TWO CHOICE PURE BRED Yorkshiro bears. serviceable We - 1 RUSSEL T. BOLTON. R -R. 1, Dublin. , Phone 040 r 41. Seaforth, 4532-1 FOR SALEe-3-BURNER COAL OIL stove with oven ; will sell cheisn: small space heater : 2 45-g-allon drums, one filled: 5 pump and 1 5 -gallon can: all for 34e.00. PHONE 183, Seaforth. • Cards of Thanks THE FAMILY OF THE LATE THOMAS Shaddiek wish to eeeiess their sincere thanks to all their neighbors for their kindness and sympathy in their recent sad lyres v.onent. 4532-1 • A LDE.A.' AURIN WISHES TO THANK those "who sponsored the benefit dance for her last Wednesday . also the many friends who attended this event to make it a Itoccess. 4532-1 AeRs. PERCY LITTLE WISHES TO EX - press her sincere thanks to all those ; who so kindly remembered her :while she was a pa tient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal. 4532-1 WISH TO THANE OUR MANY friends and neighbors wbo joined to- • eether to assist us following the recent , fire at our farm. LILY and DIRK WOLTERBE2EX 453211 MR. DONALD WALLACE WISHES TO thank his many friends Nebo so' kind- • ly remembered him with cards. treats and 'visits while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and since returning home. A i special thanks to tbe doctors of Seaforth Clink and the nurses of the hospital- • 4,522x1 T WISH TO THANK THE NEIGHBORS •"•• and friends who so, kindly sent mrds. ktters. flowers.. fruit and Rifts to inc • and visited me while a patient in South , Huron Hospital Exeter. and since return - Ong horne. Special thanks to Dr. God- ' kiard and nursing staff at the howntal- • 4522-1 THOMAS KYLE :nee T WISH TO EXPRESS MY STNCERE •• thithr.s to all sny frieeds, relatives and • neechbors who remembered me with cards and treats while a patient in Scott 'Mess- ' coin! Hospital also the nursing staff of the hoenital. and the doctors of the Sea- , feral Clinic and Pr. Mnnn. A special A meeting of the Electors ef the Teen' Seaforth will be held in the TOWN HALL SEAFORTH on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 19.54 for the purpose of nominating persons for the offiees of Mayor. Reeve. six Council- lors Public School Trustees. and Public tit ility Cortimiioner. Nominations will be from 7 :30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. lf a poll be necessary, the same will be held at the following places on WEDNESDAY, DECtIellER. S. 1954 from 9:09 a.m, to 6 p.m. Polling Sub -Division No. 1 and 2. at Teall's Garage. PolUng SetteDivision No. 9 and 4. at the Public Library. Penne Staellivisan Na 6 and 6, at M. E. market; Garage Settforth. Novembre 16. 4934. D. IL WILSON, Tows Clerk. L. A 433741 thenlayou to all our kind neighbors and • friends who helped with our talcriebar and other fall wore. inee 1 have been laid op. 475.2,4 JOHN H. OLDFTELD !T wouLD LIKE TO THANK ALL THE !'• kind ftiends veto sent me fkaarera. cards. letters and rifts. also the k-rud , attention shown by the purses and doe - !tore also Rev. ie Glenn C.arrwhell. Rev. 7, W Stinson and Rer. H. E Livenextone Inc their vigils erbile a patient in Scott Memorial •Hemital Erie -et -hew 77714S Teri notch appreciated_ MRS. RORE.RT CAMPBELL 45012x 1 In Memoriam pkROOME-TN LOVING MEMORY OF ••••• our darling son Rebby, etre eix yeant. who was aecidentelly killed sia years ago. November 22nd. The'rerol showed signs 6f winter that day. The RUMS were all of love and fen. Wben something unexpected mune the otter 'Mag. Bet Cod knew he was His chat Arid we lenge. he was young. . Rest in mese. roar darlinst With everlasting love.ly teased -Sadh`y Mother. Daddy. Ste tem and Syothers. 45822.1 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of SAMUEL =CELE LL PERSONS HAVING C L A I MS 1. against the Estate of Samuel Reeele, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the Slat day of October, 1954. are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their .clabus to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of December, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard ugly to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of November, 1954. 1.1.600NNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4532-3 Births AEI:ER-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on November 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Akker, Seaforth, a son. GILRERT-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on November 12„ to Iffr. and Mrs. An- son Gilbert. Seaforth. a son. BOPPER-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on .November 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hopper, R.R. 2, Seaforth, a daughter. bloMILLAN-At Mount Hamilton Hospi- tal. on November II, to Mr. and MM. Walter H. McMillan. a son -Douglas Walter. XELADY-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on November 11, to Mr. and Mra. Thos. alelady, Dublin. a son. PRYCE-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on November 12. to Mr, and Mrs. Harold R -R. 1, Seaforth, a son- Elimville WI Plans Exeter Card Parties The W.I. held their meeting in the hall here Wednesday evening. Mrs. William Parsons had charge of the program. Roll call was an- swered by a use for salt or lemon other than cooking. A $15 dona- tion was voted for Exeter Fair Board out of the $75 prize money won by the Institute; also a $10 donation to the C.N.I.B. Fund. Three groups were formed to have card parties in •Exeter to raise money. Mrs. William Johns gave a fine report on the Area Convention in London. Mrs. Gil- bert Johns gave the motto, "No woman's a slave to housework, it is the way she does it." Mrs. Jack Coates gave piano -accordion selec- tions and Mrs. McLeod, London, gave a fine talk on her hobby, and had part of her collection on dis- play. This was very interesting. Mrs. Howard Johns convened the luneh committee, but was unable to attend. owing to a sprained an- kle. Mrs. Ken Johns was in charge of the lunch conunittee. Brucefield Group Plans Christmas Par The Woman's Missionary Society of Brucefield United Church. held their regular meeting November 9. The worship theme, "Discovery and Missions" was conducted by Mrs. T. B. Baird_ Mrs. Robert Al- lan presided over the business ses- sion, ween thank -you notes were read from Mrs. A. Farquhar and Mrs Baird. Mrs. Allan also thank- ed all who helped with the thank - offering meeting. It was moved and carried. that the slate of offi- cers for 1955 be .the same as in 1954. Mrs. leartelle Thomson was appointed Baby Band superinten- dent, to fill the vacancy ceased by the removal from the commun- ity of Mrs. A. Zapfe. Mee Norman Walker. temperance secretary, gave a reading, -Our Concern." The pros:rarn. as taken from the study book. "The Church in In- dia," chapter 1). -Tee Faitb They Follow." was in cbarge of Mrs. Baird. Mrs. Dalrymple and Mrs. Cornish. The nert meeting. December 14, will take the form of a Christmas party. Mrs. Allan closed the meet- ing with prayer. BAZAAR a nd HOMEBAKING SALE - at - St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen Kippen Ne- -Ws of the Week Mr. Norman Dickert and Mr. Jeck. Peck spent a day last Week in Toronto. *r. Elzar Mousseau is away at Manitoulin Leland with a hunting party, fletartelys. Dr. Addison, Clin- ton; M. Jack Walker, Woodstock; Mr. Jim Parkins, Zurich; Mr. Herb Mouesea.u, Zurich; Mr. Reg Meek, Zurich, and Mr, Schack, of Lon- don. We are sorry tq report Mr. Ar- thur Anderson was admitted to Scott [Memorial Hospital on Mon- day afternoon. Mrs. Anderson, who has been ill, is improving in health. A speedy recovery is wished 'both Mr. and Mrs. Ander- son. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dickert and Merle were Sunday visitors- of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Wolfe, Melbourne. Brucefield WA Have Successful Bazaar The Brumfield Woman's .Aesoela tion annual bazaar was held Fri- day, Nov. 12, and are pleased to report the proceeds amounted to $165.26. airs. N. Baird and Mrs. Goldie Graham welcomed the lad- ies from Egmondville, Varna, Kip - pen and Brucefield. Afternoon tea was served from 3 to 6 Pouring tea were MreeW. adcBeath and Mrs. A. Ham. The various booths and conven- ers were: tea room, Mrs. John Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Bruce McOlinchey, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mrs. McBeath, Mrs, George Hen- derson; aprons, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. E. Johnston; candy. Mrs. Stewart Baird, Mrs, Seldon Ross; touch and' take. Miss M. McDonald and Mrs. A. Mustard; fish pond. Mrs. Gor- don Elliott and Mrs. Jas. Thom- son ; country fair, Mrs. Elgin Thomson, Mrs. Moffatt and Mrs. V. Taylor; baking, Mrs. John Broadfoot. Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. W. D. Wilson, airs. Lorne Wilson; fancy work, Mrs. Ross Scott, Mrs. H, Berry. • Hensall Arnold Circle 1Names 1955 Officers Mrs. Mary Hildebrant was hos- tess at her home Monday evening for the meeting of the Arnold Cir- cle of Carmel Church. President Mrs. Harry Hoy opened the meet- ing with prayer and members re- sponded to the roll call by the text word "Hope." Fourteen visits were reported. Election of officers' took place, with the following officers named for the 1954-55 slate: past presi- dent, Mrs. ley Hoy; president, Mrs. Mary ildebrant; first rice - president, Mrs. A. FL Orr; secre- tary, Mrs. A. Kerslake; treasurer, Mrs. Glenn Deitz; pianist. Mrs. W. Brown; Home Helpers secretaries, Mrs. Harry Hoy, Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mrs. Harry Snell; press, Mrs. A Kerslake; literary, Mrs. Gordon Troyer. Arrangements are being made to secure a special speaker for the Christmas meeting. Mrs, Gordon Troyer gave interesting highlights from Glad Tidings and Presbyter- ian Record. Mrs. W. Brown pre- sented the topic in a very inter- esting manner. Mrs. L Baynham conducted the worship period, us- ing the theme, "Remembrance 11y." The hymn. "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past" was sung. Psalm 46 was read by Mrs. A. Kerslake and prayer and poem by Mrs. Barnham. The Lord's Pray- er closed the meeting. Refresh- ments were served. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker spent Friday in Toronto at the Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tubb. Mr. said Mrs. Lawrence Barker and family and Mrs. B. Barker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Williams, Burford. Miss Gwen Britton. London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and family. • Heather McPhail. who has spent the past week with her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker, returned home on Sunday to wel- come her mother and baby sister, who had just returned from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pridham and family visited 'on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clearles Roney. SATURDAY. NOV. 20th HENSALL 3 to 5 p.m. BOOT1SS WILL CONSIST OF: Fancy Work Baby Articles Homebaking Produce Touch and Take Candy Fish Pond TEA WILL SE SERVED 11111Proql11110ww1IIMP0m4111111111maelmPe meollileameetellamemoillineeeignees • FOWL BINGO HENSALL Town Hall FRIDAY, NOV. 19th 12 Rounds Chickens 10 Special Rounds for Turkeys TURKEY DOOR PRIZE Admission 50 Cents Sponsored by Hensall Legion 68 Milimq111111000.1110061•4401gommnigmer Miss Minnie Reid, of London, called en friends in the village last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs_ Eugene Gonyou, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. George Ibbertson, Beverley. Mildred and Murray, of Kincardine, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Miss Betty Mickle received word last week that she bad successful- ly passed her examinations for her Registered Nurse. after training 32 months in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don_ Betty has resumed her stu- dies at Western UniversitY- Announce Scores At Kippen Shoot At ithe Sundey afternoon shoot at Kippen, the following scores were made: Tom Allan. London, 23, 20, 20'; Jack Burns, Woodstock. le. 18, 23: Col. Singer, London. 19, 21; Williazn Lemby. Goderick, 21, 231 Lloyd Vetner, Hensel', 22, 23; John Anderson, Belasall, 21; Norman eiarburn. Cretuarte, 19. The neat shoot at Kippen will be held On Sunday, Nov. 28, at 2 frcleek, with everyone vreleome. eee, • •!!!4.'" • '!..r.! 0 s• ;11,1, ) ,6,44.„ a • ; . ' 4 Ai 'ZI:951.•;L Aix r„, it I I, • • Mr. and Mea. CM* Oakes, of Lon- don, visited Wednesday, afterneen last week -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore, • A heating party which left Kiln pen on Saturday for. Manitoulin. Island Was as follows: Mr. Em- mersoa KYle, Mr. David Treibner, Mr. Russell Coneitt, Mr. Allen Tre- meer, Mr. Campbell Eyre, Mr. Wes- ley Richardson and Mr. Herman Dayman. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. ODA - more. of London, visited Sundey in Kitchener with their son and daughterenslaw, Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlie Cudmore. Mrs. Wlatson, of Londesboro, vis- ited a few days with her daughter and eon -in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair. Mr. and Mei. John Sinclair at- tended tate Royal Wsinter Fair in Toronto. We are pleased to report Miss Elaine Bell is home from Victoria Hospital, London, after being in a recent a.ccident. She is reported as improving favorably. Mr, and Mie. Wesley Green, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with the former's father, Mr. Jonah Green. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cann and family, of Clinton, and Mr. John Gackstetter, of near Zurich, were Sunday visitors of Mi. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hebert Jones in the passing of her sister, Miss S. Finkbeiner. BRUCEFIEL.D Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe and Glen, of Byron, were visitors .in the village on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rathwell left on Thursday for a month's vaca- tion to Flozida. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnston have moved to Seaforth. The com- munity is sorry to lose such fine citizens, but 'hopes Mr. Johnston's health will soon improve. Mrs. Wm. Henderson and fam- ily, of Ingersoll, spent a few days with 'her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs., V. Hargraves. Mrs. J. W. Stackilsouse is spend- ing some time visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. S. Neale, Glencoe, Messrs, Kenneth and Douglas Hohner, of London. spent Saturday with their grandmother, Mrs. .A. Hohner. Thankoffering by Brucefield WMS The autumn thankoffering meet- ing of the Woman's Missionary So- ciety was held Thursday evening, Nov. 4, when the auxiliary enter- tained the ladies of Varna and Goshen United Churches. Mrs. Robert Allan presided, and Mrs. W. Haugh conducted the devotions. Readings were given 'by Mrs. Pitts, Varna; Mrs. J. Robinson, Goshen, and Miss Stackhouse; a sole by Mrs. J. Cairns and a musical num- ber was rendered by Mrs. W. Mc - Beath and Miss E. Stackhouse: Mrs, D. Triebner introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. W. Moores, Conference Branch President, who spoke on 'World Alliance of Re- formed Churcbes." On behalf of the auxiliary, Miss E. Bowey mov- ed a vote of thanks to ,Mrs. Moores and to all others who contributed to the program. The offering amounted to $104.70 After the singing of a hymn and the closing prayer, a social half- hour was &Pent - ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. R. W. Trollope, President of Dominion Automobile Association. announces the appointment Robert E. Edy, to the position of Executive Assistant to the Presi- dent_ Mr. Edy was formerly As- sistant Sales Manager. Prior to Mr. Ekly's connection with the Dominion Automobile Association, he enjoyed a successful dual career as a concert singer in London, England, and in New York; in ad- dition to being a senior Sales Ex- ecutive with Lawson & Jones. Limited, of Canada. More latter- ly, he has been associated in an executive capacity with the Gar- field Weston Interests in India, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. -(Adv.). General Meeting CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Tuesday, Nov. 23 8:00 p.m. SEAFORTH TOWN HALL EVERYONE WELCOME ACT NOW! There Is Still Time Before Xmas TO HAVE YOUR FLOORS REFINISHED OR TO HAVE NEW, SPARKLING, EASY - TO - CLEAN LINOLEUM OR TILE LAID THROUGH- OUT YOUR HOUSE Of • • 1 SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION 1 OF DESIGNS 1 • • Expert Workmanship Guarantees You a Perfect Joh. Ask us now for estimates Box Furniture Store Funeral Service Floor Coverings : House Furnishings Floor Sanding - WesUnghouse Appliances PHONE 43 - SEAFORTH SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market _ for _ USED CARS 1954 Chevrolet Belaire-Powerglide fully equipped $2295.00 1964 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan fully equip- ped 1995.00 1954 Chevrolet Standard Sedan fully equipped 1895.00 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe -Sedan 1850.00 fully equipped 1953 Chevrolet Standard fully equipped 1595 00 1953 Chevrolet Coach fully equipped 1595.00 1952' Chevrolet Sedan fully equilMed 1395,01 1962 Chevrolet Sedan T'woenne 1295.00 1962 Chevrolet Crumb low mileage 1295,00 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1445.00 1095 1949 PontiSedan , .00 ac 1949 Studebaker \ 8900 five-Pasefinier Ctrane 495.00 1951 Cbevrolet Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Pleetline °aim% riffle equil)Ped 895.00 194R Reo Three -Ton Cab and Chassis... sor 1947 Chevrolet %,-Ton Pickup ... . 295,20 1943 Dodge 1 -Ton. Panel 245.00 1949 Ford Tractor and Plow )18W tires 550.00 A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars - Many Other Model* to Cheese From BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - ONTARIO PHONE 734(-20The tHenie of Better Used Cars,' • 4.• " '•ttt OPEN EVERY EVENING ees ilet,af" ' 4 1 0 4 'At „]..a so •