The Huron Expositor, 1954-11-12, Page 49 A is Inserted At New Low Cash Rates QSf S11,41.E, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Por Word; sat Week 1 Cent 2u1 Week % Cent 8rd Week i4 Cent Minimum charge, each ineerth,n25 Cents Flack figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. (laths of Thtmka, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. Minimum, °ants per weak. +EnglIt'iea may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 mute extra. Tea cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid Within 10 dart of: date of final insertion. Bathe Marriages and Deaths Inserted free of charge, Auction Sales, Notima to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events DANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND Saturday et Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from City Hall. Stratford. Herb Petrie', orchestra: 60-76, 45:25-tf DANCING, ROUND AND SQUARE, TO Clarence Petrie and the ever -popular Night Hawks, at the Crystal Palace, Mit- chell, every Friday night. 4530-7 Notices CASH FOR ORGANS .WITH STOOLS, in playing condition. JAMES WIEDERHOLD, New Hamburg, Ont. 4530x4 RADIO REPAIRS --FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 45130-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -SEP - tic tanks and cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. Prompt service, LOUIS BLAKE. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels, Ont. 4527x6 pAPERHANGING, PAINTING' (BRUSH or Sprayl: exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON. Railway St. 4580-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 - PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect. F.D. ANDREWS. 871 r 11. Seaforth. or 237 Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co.. nt Cat,ada Ltd. 48: 0 -if NOTICE --WILL THE MOTORIST WHO stopped to render aaaistance at the scene of an accident on No, S Highway. 11., miles vest of :Mitchell, at 6 :40 a.m., nn Sth November. please phone W. W. BRADLEY at Stratford, 2928 or 4111.'Olt RENT-COMFOR7'A13LE 5ROOM Notice COURT OF REVISION Town of Seaforth THE COURT OF REVISION FOR THE Assessment Roll of 1954 for the Town of Senforth, will meet in the Town Hall, Seaforth, at 8 pm., on Thuraday, Novem- ber '2 , 1954, D. I3. WILSON, Clerk. 45314 Farms For Sale k�ARM FOR SALE ---80 ACRES, ALL plowed; 3% miles west of Dublin, rear No. 8 Highway in McKillop Town- ship, Apply LEO RYAN, 206 Wright Ave., Weston, or Dublin 37 r 5. 4530-2 Property For Sale woe SALE --40 ACRES, McKILLOP- Grey Boundary. For price and par- ticulars apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 406, Brussels, 4527x6 HOUSE FOR SALE' ---FRAME 7 -ROOM house; on East William St.: oil fur- nace. three-piece bathroom, insulated, full basement. HAROLD JACKSON, Sea - forth, 4529.3 FOR SALE ---TWO-STOREY HOUSE ONoo George St.: seven rms. good base- ment : furnace; bathroom: large lot. Reas- rnahly priced for early sale. Box 365, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4531-1 For Rent 4551-1 heated apartment, with garage. 1 HONE 249-W. • 4520 -ti ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 - McKTLLOP Fire Insurance; Western Farmers' Wind Insurance. Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.I, Hoapitalisation Insurance, Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Ccrsult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth, e_eouSE FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 1 cottage, Market St.. modern ; oil heat - cd. Block off Main St. Available Nov. 15. R. H. SFROAT, Seaforth, Phone 126-W. 453032 4330-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Personals Air Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton, If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent. please HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R rsll STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed Clinton, 382: local 252. envelope with price list. 6 samples Mc: 4530-1! 24 samples 21.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. FREE SERVICE To Farmers - For Sale DONT WASTE MONEY ON MINER- FOR SALE - PAIR OF FIGURE ale your land does not need. We w111, skates, size 3A in good condition. without charge to you, take samples of }'I-IONE 485-M. Seaforth. 4331x1 the earth in your fields and have them analysed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 876 4484-tf NOTICE Township of Hullett ELECTORS OF TILE TOWNSHIP OF Hullett - please take notice that the Voters' Lists for 1954 were posted up in my OtRce on the 30th day of October, 1954. Parties entitled to Cote are requested to take necessary steps to have any omis- sions or errors corrected according to law-. GEO. W. COWAN, - Clerk. FOR SALE -USED GAS RANGE. GOOD as new. BOX FURNITURE. Seaforth. 4531-1 poi?. SALE. -12 GOOD YOUNG PIGS. JACK ACK MaIVEl2, St. Columban- Phone 22 r 21, Dublin. 4531x1 FOR SALE -BUDGIES AND CANAR- : Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC MI LNER - FLOWERS. Seaforth, 393. 4530-tf FOR SALE- LITTER CARRIER : 275 feet of track t like new. Apply to JOSEPH MELADY. R.R. 2, Dublin. Phone r 1. Dublin. . 4531x: FOR SALE-- PHILCO 17 -INCH TV n sint"1 set with matching stand: ,.nil - rut wood cabinet .CECIL LEMON. 162-1, Seaforth, 4531-1 FOR SALE -. MATCHED TEAM OF :mexi work horses. ROBERT UP- SILALL R.R. 3, Kippen. Phone 631 r 14, 41813 Seaforth. 4;31x1 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Clerk's Notice 'of First Posting of Voters' List NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted un at my Office at Seaforth. on the 6th lay of November, 1934, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said Munici- pality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to tate immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the nth ,isy of November. 1954. DATED this 6th day of November. 1954 P1ANO FOR SALE - GERRA.RD - Ileintzman. mahogany. ease; perfect condition- JOHN EARLE. RR. 3. Sea - forth. Phone 670" r 5. 4531-2 BARGAINS IN USED REFRIGERA- t•,rs and washing machines. at BOX I'l'RNITU RE Seaforth. Come and see :hese outstanding values, 4531-1 FOR SALE -- A GENDRIAN BABY htlttrv, saner -deluxe model, in ail ye/. 'trey-. good as new : baby hassinette and stand also Inc sale; basket lined in quilted plastic outside and stand is covered with n lace design. PHONE 69 r S. Dublin. 4521-1 Lost and Found LOST -ON THE LEGION CHURCH ,,,drarade Sunday, between the Post Of- fice and Egntandville Church, several Medals. PHONE 72, 2gmondville. 4531-1 PQMltry Fi Oit SALE --100 SUSSEX PULLETS. Apply WILLIAM ALEXANDER, R.R. 2, Walton, Phone 848 r 16, Seaforth. 4581-1 In Memoriam DUPEE---IN LOVING MEMORY OF Mrs. Daniel ,Dupee, who passed away 13 years ago on November 6 1941. We are sad within our memory, Lonely are our hearts today, For the one we loved so dearly Has forever been called away. We think of her in silence, No eye can see us weep, But many silent tears are shed When others are asleep. Gone but not forgotten. - Sadly missed by her loving sister, Mary, and Clarence Reeves, 4501:1 Cards of Thanks MISS MARGARET HEMBERGER WISH - es to thank all her friends who re- membered her while she was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. 4531.1 I WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE WHO were so kind and remembered me during my illness in Scott Memorial Hos- pital. 1:31-1 LOUIS HIIMBERGER THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN A. McDonald, of Windsor, and for- merly of Walton, wish to express their nppreriation to all those who assisted in any way during their sad bereavement 463lx1 I WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thanks to my neighhors and friends, the Sisters. doctors and nurses, for the many acts of kindness shown towards me while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. 4139-1 AGNES MURRAY Births ROSES -- At Scott .Memorial Hospital, on November 7, to Mr. and Mrs, John Reyes. R.R. 3, Seaforth, a daughter. I'>ALTON---At Scott Memorial Hospital, on November 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Dalton, Walton, a son. ..'k'NICHOL-.-Clarence and Rose Anne McNichol l nee Aubin) are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Michael Clarence, at Holy Cross Hospi- tal, Calgary, on November 1, 1954, STOREY -At Clinton Public Hospital, on October 241, to Mr. and Mrs. Morleypp Storey, R.R. 2, Kien, n daughter, WHLTMORE---At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on November 6, to Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Whitmore, R:R.R.3, Seaforth, a son. Deaths JOHNSTON --At Chatham, Ont., on Wed- nesday. Nov. 3. 1954, George Kerr Mountgarrett Johnston, son of Rev, 1), Johnson, Varna, aged 74 years, of 42 Roberton Ave., Chatham. beloved hus- band of Marjorie Colby Johnston and dear father of Garrys, Milton, Ont., and Thomas, at home; brother of Mrs. D. N. MdCormick, London, Ont.: Lock- hart of Hamilton: : C r a 1, of Welland, and grandfather of Judith Ann John- ston. Rested at the John G. Stephens Funeral Hoe, 243 Wellington St. W., Chatham, where the funeral service was conducted on Friday. Nov. 5, at 2 p.m. Interment in Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham, '+t-HITELEY - In New York City, on Oct.. IS. 1954. Robert Chester Whiteley. Illimmildnillameelleammelllieseeesdneeee— Prices Sell LOOK 1950 DODGE SEDAN and airconditioning. r1:,ss and perfect condition. 90 -Day Warranty "Look" $895.00 1952 Real FOR SALE --400 BARRED ROCK PUL..- GMC 1 -TON PICKUP ht.. 51_ months old, ready„ to lay : rurhem and Hereford steers weighing Conlin ere Jai Red; all reconditioned ' :rt 650 pounds: 1 Hereford steer. about id repainted. Excellent through- D. H. WILSON, miles northeast •of Clinton. Phone R07 r ' Clerk. ' 6 Clinton. 45,21-1 "Look"7ri 4531-3 $ 5�"O e pounds. Apply to JAMES EAST. 21„ out PROCLAMATION Wanted ' GIRLvISSBABY SITTING B.Township of Hullett x HURON EXPOS j 4531x1 The annual meeting of the ratepayers -`]WANTED - APARTMENT BY AIR - of the Township or Hullett will be held Force couple with one child. Modern in the conveniences preferred. Apply Box 387, HURON EXPOSITOR. COMMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1954 The Clerk will he in the Community Halt. Lendewboro, from 1 to 2 p.m., to rrreiee Nominations for Reeve and Coun- cillors to hold office for the year 1955, When proposed candidate is not present 534 nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning. Officer that he Consent, to he so nominated. A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Community Han. Londesboro, at 2 p.m.. Friday, November 26, to hear proposal rnndldates, and in case more than the squired number of candidates to fill th:' offices are nominated. and a vote demanded, a Poll will be held on MONDAY. • DECEMBER 6, 1954 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.. at the following Places: Poll 1 : Forester's Hail, Kinbnrn : Srcnrd M"Brien ; Poll Clerk Ephriam Clark : Poli .2 School House, S.S. No, 6, D.R.O.. Bert Beacom : Poll Clerk, Leo Watt Poll 3: U. SdS nee House- U.S.S. No. 2: 1J.R.O., Joseph Flynn: Poll Clerk, Bernard Tighe. Poll 4: C+rnmUAity Hall, Ltmemboro ; TKR.o„ 'Phomas Millar : Pell Cior Lconare 11 a 1, Poll 6: Commutlety Rall, SinxTne Bill.- R.O„ Ephriern Steell; Poll C.Ier t, al' Rap -ton. Poll tis 'Corte murder Irate Load toxo; DML O:,ilet 9htlibbroo 1 Poll 6°let3t Robert Townsend. Pell 7; teeters'. Milli. Anhittel; D+1Z.ti„ Metz, `gal lime cerate; *oil Cfmlt. George ?make •- blec(2' W. COVVAlt, iditr exit. 41410.8 • C ET YOUR SEWAGE WORK DONE now. Only $2 per foot nn contract 'sista. All work guaranteed Contact r 33. Seaforth. 4530-tf WANTED -OLD HORSES, 8 CENTS Per pound; dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, dnv or night. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH. Goderich, Phone collect, 936 r 32. or 986 r 21. 4.730-tf Help Wanted HELP WANTED NIGHT WATCHMAN REQUIRED FOR Huron County Horse at Clinton. Hours 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.in. Six nights per week. .A,p1itratitme wig be re. ceived by the undersigned Until 12.00 Soon, November 72nd, 1954. A. H. succi iIE, Clerk Count* of ,Huron, Godertab, Ontario: 1951 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN f'erfee.t condition.; dark blue. Cen- tipede tires, and exceptionally clean. 90 -Day Warranty "Look" $1075.00 1950 DODGE 3/4 -TON PICKUP Exceptionally clean: good tires; excellent motor. Commercial blue, Ready to go to work, "Look" $575.00 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN Perfect condition: must be seen he appreciated. 90 -Day Warranty "Look" $975.00 Phone 2-1147 - Call Collect JACK RICE LONDON, ONTARIO 41481-1 illeteallelleemeisteeeiumme Cromarty WMS Arrange Korean Bale The Women's Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs. T.. Laing presided and opened the meeting With Medita- tion Vleditation and Scripture reading, follow- ed with prayer. Mrs. John Wallace gave a paper. The study book was divided into four different parts, which were taken by Mrs. Calder MoKaig, Mrs. M. Lamond, .Mrs, W. Harper and Mrs. T. L. Scott. The roll call wee an in- teresting item from The Record. A bale of clothing for Korea is being prepared in the Sunday school room. Contributions of good second-hand clothing will be acceptable. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mrs. Hough- ton presided over the Ladies' Aid meeting. After the roll call and treasurer's report, the matter of a quilting was discussed, and ar- rangements were made to hold a pot -luck supper and bazaar on the evening of November 19. Executive of South Huron W.I. Meet The South Huron District W. 1. executive met in Hensall recently. Mrs Kenneth Johns presided, The meeting opened with the singing of the Ode. followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec- retary, Mrs. William Johns. and were approved as read. The finan- cial statement was read and ap- proved. The repol't otethe London Area Convention was given by ;Vers. G. Armstrong. who was dis- trict delegate, and Mrs. F. Beer, federated representative.' It was brought to the attention of mem- bers that the fees be sent into the district secretary by February 1, also the 12 cents per member fdt Home and Country. It was also urged that 'the Institutes keep the United Nations before their mem- bers by discussions, etc.- - Mrs, K. Johns stated that over $1,800 had been received by her for the W.I. Scholarship Fund and there are still some inst.itutes to be heard from. A discussion on the tape recording of the history of museum articles ti,ok place and Mrs. Gordan Papple. Seaforth, was asked to look into the matter. The district rally was held in Blyth on Tuesday. The president then clos- ed the sleeting. ZION .Misses Joan and Margie Britton spent the weekend in London with their sister, Miss Gwen Britton, We are sorry to report Margaret , Hiegel -son has been very sick but is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and Bonnie spent Saturday in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Leo \Vernham and family. of Denfield. and Mr. and :Mrs, Bert Tubb and Lloyd visited with their patents. 11'.'and Mrs. Albert Roney, on Sunday. Mrs. James Malcolm spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pepper and visited Mrs. George Graham and Fern on Saturday. Mrs. George Makins, Springford, visited with her nieces-, Mrs. Mor- ley Lennie and Mrs. Glenn Pepper recently, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huras and baby and Mr. and Mrs. John Bell visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Roney, ,recently. Official Pays Visit To Hensall Lodge , .Mrs.` Meta Priestly, Assembly President of Rebekah( Grand Lodge, Toronto, paid an official visit to Amber Rebekah Lodge 349, of Hensall, on Wednesday of last week. Prior to the meeting in the Lodge rooms, a, banquet was held in her honor at Tudor's (Hotel. Spe- cial guests were District Deputy President Mrs. Anne Henderson and two members rom Edelweiss Lodge, Seaforth. oble Grand Miss Mabelle Whit an .presided for the meeting. Mrs. Priestley, in her address, stressed the members not to for- get the 1.O.O.F. Home at Barrie, and also to keep up the work of the C,P. and T. (cancer, polio and tuberculosis.) This committee, to- gether with the I.O,O.F., is spon- soring poresoring a euchre party in the Town Hall; Friday, Nov, 12, in ald of the Hurricane Relief Fund. During the meeting Mrs. Evelyn McBeath presented- Mrs. Priestly with a gift from the lodge, and Mrs. Gertrude Bell presented Mrs. Henderson rith a bouquet of flowers from the lodge. Refresh- ments were served at the close of the meeting. HENSALL Messrs. Percy Webster and son, Edward, and John and Harry Low- ery returned home this week from a hunting expedition in Northern Ontario, with a deer shot by Har- ry Lowery, The Hensall branch of the Cana- dian Legion are holding a fowl bingo in the Town Hall Friday, Nov. 19. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron left this week for Florida, where she will spend the winter months. i Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Flynn, of Seaforth, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Shaddick, i -Mr. Thomas Kyle, who has been e patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, has returned home, Shelly Maureen, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bontbron, has been brought home from Vie - toile Hospital, London, and is do- ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Laird :Mickle and family visited in Ridgetown on Sunday with the fornler's mother, Mrs. George T, Mickle, and also with Mr. and Mrs Frank Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mickle and family, Mrs. L. Baynham New Pres: of Carmel Group The following officers will form the 1955 slate for the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church, elected to office at their meeting held in the church -Monday eve- ning: past president, Mrs. W. R. Bell; president, Mrs. Lawrence Baynham; first vice-president, Mrs. Glenn Bell; secretary, Mrs. John Soldan; assistant, Mrs. Clarence Reid; treasurer, _Mrs. W. R. Bell; three group leaders, Mrs. Clarence Reid. Mrs. A. R. Orr, Mrs. John Soldan, The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Clarence Reid's, group. Scripture reading was giv- en by Mrs. Archie Haggarth; a pleasing vocal solo by Mrs. J. W. Bonthron; reading, "Is It Worth Nothing To You?" Mrs. R. J. Cam- eron; piano solo, Miss !Marion BeIL The offering was taken and offer- tory prayer given by Mrs, Glenn Bell. Benediction closed this por- tion of the meeting. .Mrs. Bell conducted the business session and members discussed plans for the annual bazaar, to be held Saturday. November 27. Kippen News of the Week Mrs. Lovell and SOn. of Strath- roy, visited Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Winder. ,Mr, John Potter, of Holmesyille, accompanied by his sister. Miss Frances Potter, nurse at Clinton Hospital. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Dow•son. Mr. John Doig of Grand Rapids, Mich.. was the guest of his moth- er and sister last weekend. leis. Doig and Janet returning with him for the winter months. Mr. and llrs, Lorne Schneider, Judy and Paul, of Stratford, spent IMMenNOIMIRONIMMOIR ELIMVILLE Mr. Lloyd Johns is a patient in a Toronto Hospital, having had an operation there last week, Mr. and Ed. Saakle and Mr. and Mrs. R. Khale, of Mitthe11, visited 0n Sunday with the latter's en23 - ins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steph- en. Mr, and Mrs. Percy eleFalla and Richard and Peter. of Exeter. vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley Sunday. 'Miss Donna Murch, of Tol;onto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Stephen. of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr, ar�d Mrs. Austin Dining. Mr. Elgin Skinner, teacher of New Toronto, spent last weekenfl at the home of his parents. Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Skinner. Mrs. Charles Stephen and Mrs: Rose Skinner attended 'a banquet at Harrington last Friday for the St. 'Marys Journal -Argus corres- pondents and guests. The .Mission $and held a Hal- lowe'en party in the hall on Friday evening. Winners were Sandra Walters, Margaret Johns, Carol Johns, Larry +I-Iern, Larry Skinner, Carol Aline Bell and Brenda Min- U era. Thee leaders served ice cream i and Bake alt hitch time to the chit- I dren. I tb Sunday at the home of the latter's father, Mr. Robert Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, of London, .and. Mr, and Mrs. Bever- ley Beaton, of Goderich, visited on Monday with Mr. Jonah Green. A number of ladies from St. An- drew's--UTnited Churitil attended a bazaar at Varna United Church on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Meilis at- tended a reception in Wroxeter an Wednesday evening in honor of Ml's: Mellis's brother and sister-in- law, Mr, and Mrs, Art Gibson, who were -married recently. Mrs. Richardson, of Hensel!, vis- ited Sunday with Mr, and .Mrs, S. Cudmore. a° Mr. and Mrs, John Wolfe, of Melbourne, newlyweds, and Mr_ and Mrs. Anson Wolfe and Grant, of Melbourne, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Rickert and Merle, and later in the day they all visitedd relatives in Clifford; Mr. and ,Mrs- Ed. Finkbeiner, of Crediton, were Sunday guests` of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Mise Marlene Keyes, of near Bayfield, spent a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb- ert Jones. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter attend- ed the golden anniversary celebra- tion of her aunt and uncle. Mr, and Mrs. George Dunn, at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie, in Centra- lia, on Sunday evening. Mrs. Kenneth 'McKay and _baby son returned to their home Sun- day after spendingsome .time with her parents, Mr. and,. (Mrs. Ross Love, 'Congratulations ate extended- to Mr, and Mrs, Bernard Keyes (nke Margaret Sanas) of near Bayfield, on the birth of a daughter in Clinton !Hospital on Sunday, Mr. William Pearce, of Exeter, masrguest speaker in St. Andrew's reified Church on Sunday morning, t being Layman's Sunday. Rev, Norman McLeod- was in Charge of e service, Kippen St. Andrew's WMS Has Guests for BirtlidayParly guest speaker and all those taking part in the meeting. Mrs. Kyle pronounced the benediction, and the ladies were invited to the Sun- day School Room wlbere a dainty lunch was served. The tea- table was centred with a two-storey birthday cake; oandles and autmn flowers also adorned the table. Tea was poured by two senior mem- bers, -Mrs. Harry Chesney and Mrs. J. W. ,McLean. The birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Robert McBride. Mrs, .Elmore .Stephenson extended thanks from the Egmondville aux- iliary; Mrs. Robinson for. •Goshen, and Mrs, Willfaln Brintnell for Chiselhurst, Mrs. Emerson Kyle made a reply, and "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" was sung, to bring a very delightful afternoon to a Conclusion. The W.M.S. of ,'St. Andrew's UnitedChurch were (hosts to the auxiliaries of Goshen, Egmondvdile and, Chiselhurst, with Mrs. Harold Jones and sirs, A. Parspns as co- hostes4lee, en Wednesday afternoon last in the church. The 'president, Mrs. Emerson Kyle, opened the meeting with the theme and Hymn° 681. Mrs. R. M. Peck and Mrs. Robert McGregor are the visiting committee for November. The min- utes and roll call were taken with the text word "Praise." It was de- cided to pack a 'Korean bale and to purchase a Christmas gift for our prayer partner, Miss Ada San- dal. Mrs. McLeod, a personal friend of Miss .Sandill, and Mrs. Peck are to 'purchase the gifts_ 'Mrs. 'Emerson Kyle led in a prayer for 'Miss Sandill. A musical number was enjoyed from Egmondville, Mrs, Elmore Stephenson and Mrs. Durst sang a duet, accompanied by 'Mrs, Greta McLeod -at the piano. The Iadies were reminded to hand their birth- day money to Mrs. Eldon Jarrott. 'Hymn 252 was sung and Mrs. El- gin McKinley, of Goshen, favored with a, reading entitled, "Christen- ing." Mrs. (Rev.) McLeod then intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs, (Rev.) L. Mould, of the R.C.A.F., Centralia, who chose for her sub- ject,. "God's Will," which was very interesting and informative. .Mrs. McLeod favored with a poem. The ladies' choir of Kippen favored with the anthem, "Softly and. Ten- derly," underthe leadership of Mrs, Ross Broadfoot, who presid- ed at the Hammond organ for the day's musical numbers. Mrs, Rus- sel Brock, of Chiselhurst, favored with a reading and a poeaa Hymn 556 was sung. The December meeting program was reviewed, the meeting to take place at the home of Mrs. E. 'Mc- Bride- 'Mrs. Arnold 'Gackstetter ex- tended a vote of thanks to the Kippen Bride Feted By Friends Friday Mrs. Ruby Switzer was delight- fully surprised Friday evening, October 29, when forty of her rel- atives surprised her at her (home with a miscellaneous. shower. Mrs, Ab, Harrison, of Seaforth, read the address which preceded the pres- entation of many beautiful gifts. The bride thanked everyone and asked them to visit her in her new home. A dainty lunch was then served, WINCIIELSEA Mr, and Mrs. -H. Willard, Bill, Lyle and Ruth, of London, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Batten and Shar- on spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Batten, of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs, W. °ilfillan, of E2- eter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilfilla.n,. Mr. Ross Veal, Mrs. Annie Veal and Miss Norma Veal, of Exeter, spent Sunday. with Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Kerslake, Customer: "Those sausages you sent me Chad meat only in one end," Butcher; "In times like this, lady, we can't make both ends meat!" The Evening Auxti'liairY of the United Ohurch held their Illoven.P ter meeting Mondiiy evening- tliostesses were 'Mrs, G. Munn an4 Mrs. H. Armstrong. President Mrs. D. McKelvie was in oilaxge oil the meeting. Mise Mary "Geedwiu presented the devotional period and closed with prayer. Thank - you Dards were read, ands cortege pondence read from Exeter Home and Sohool Association. It was decided to forward $1O for a care parcel. Mrs. J. Flynn gave the sick committee report, and the president named' the nom- inating committee to bring in, the 1955 slate -'Mrs. E. Cbipchase, Mrs. Earl 'Passmore and Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs. J. Corbett, in eharge of the study, presented facts on India be- fore dealing with the ass'j,gned! chapter. Mrs. R. Mock offereda solo, "Bless This House," accom- panied by Mrs. J. CC Goddard. Members voted a gift ,to a needy' boy in London. It was decided to have an exchange of gifts at the Christmas meeting, not to exceeds 50 cents. Miss M. •Fells contribut- ed a humorous reading. Flower. committees were named for the month: Mrs. L. Chapman and Mrs. H. McEwen, Mrs. G ,Munn and Mrs. A. Munn, Mrs. R. Avery and. Mrs. E. Forester, 'Mrs. Rozelle and Miss Gladys Luker. - Mrs. L. Eller gave an interesting and vivid talk, referring to her ex- periences while living in the Yu- kon, Mrs. D. 'Kyle conducted a contest. Mrs. Ross Forrest and Mrs. Edison Forrest will be hos- tesses for the December meeting. The president expressed thanks to - all for the enjoyable evening, eameassweetateseeeseessemmeriereesseeeesese BAZAAR BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH to be held SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12th from 3 to 6 SALE OF WORK AND HOME BAKING Afternoon Tea will be served SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market' USED CARS 1954 Ch e_ quippedmr�Pow erglide $2295.00 1954 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1995.00 fully equipped 1954 Chevrolet Standard Sedan 1895,00 fully equipped.,............ 1953 Ohevrolet Deluxe Sedan fully equipped .VY 1953 Chevrolet' Standard 1595 00 fully equipped 1953 Chevrolet Coach Cp fully equipped 1595.00 1952 flings Chevrolet equippedan 1395,00 1947 1952 Chevrolet Sedan Two-tone 1295.00 1943 1952 Chevrolet Coach e� c 1949 low mileage 1295,00 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1345.00 1951 Chevrolet Sedan . , , 1095100 1999 Pontiac Sedan 895,00 1949 Studebaker five -passenger Coupe tulle equipPed 495.00 1947 Chevrolet Flecture Coach 95,00 600 600 Chevrolet ee-Ton Pickup 295.00 Dodge 1 Ton Panel 245.00 Ford Tractor and Plow 550,00 new tires 1945 Reo Three -Ton Cab and Chassis:. A Written Guarantee for 60 days on all Late Model Cars - Many Other Models to Choose From BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS ONTARIO PHONE 73 -X -"The 'Home of Better Used Cars" • OPEN EVERY EVENING SAYS t•gt's time to think of your personal (I4EISJiAs (ARDS that vital link in each of your friendships" Choose from the BIGGEST most BEAUTIFUL and VARIED display of Christmas cards we've shown IA many a yeah The design shown h by National Detroit of Canada Ltd., and is pert of a selection that sparkles with spirited originality and traditional - warmth. '