HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-11-12, Page 2Serrit Established 1860 blushed at Seaforth, Ontario, ery Thursday morning by McLean, A. Y. McLean, Editor Subscription rates, $4.50 a year in :dance; foreign $3.50 a year. Single dies, 5 cents each. Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Advertising rates on application. PHONE 41 Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office IDepartment. Ottawa . SEAFORTH, Friday, November 12 rrr REMEMBRANCE DAY Canadians of all age_ and in all walks of life pause this week in silent tribute to those thousands upon thousands of their fellow citizens who in wars in which Canada play- ed such a valiant part, laid down their lives as their contribution to a free world. While it is fitting that tribute should be paid to those who gave their all, perhaps at the same time we should examine a little more care- fully just what Remembrance Day means. .' IL eleven -year-old student of Mat- tawa asked the same question in an essay contest, sponsored by the Cana- dian Legion. The .prize winning es - .y is reproduced in the November issue of The Legionary: "But what does Remembrance Day :means to you now that the war is over and the battles are won?" :Dwane Backer, the author of the es-. say, asks. "You owe a debt to those who fought and died that you might enjoy peace. "We may erect statues, we may build monuments. These are beauti- ful and lend dignity and grace. But a disabled veteran who cannot sup- port his family, a war widow and her orphans who have no place to go—it is they who are the living memorials who laid down their lives. We should honor our war heroes by assuring our disabled veterans, war widows and orphans that they might find a home and opportunities which will bring them new hope. "We cannot betray these men's sacrifices. We must keep the faith. "Being a citizen of Canada, one of the greatest countries in the world, gives you many privileges, but it al- so means. that you must accept cer- tain responsibilities." There is no doubt as to the respon- sibilities that are inherent in our Canadian citizenship. As Dwane Backer says, we, each of us, must accept those responsibilities. It is the least we can do to keep faith with those to whom we give honor on Re- membrance Day. A RESPONSIBLE POSITION This is the time of year when Municipal Clerks, particularly those in rural or small urban municipali- ties, find that seven days of twenty- four hours each do not provide a suf- ficiently long week in which to get completed all those matters for which they are responsible. There is the revision of the assess- ment roll, the preparing of a voters' list, and the completing and mailing of tax notices, to mention but a few of the responsibilities that arise at this time of year. Over and above is the preparation for nominations, the conduct of an election, if one is re- quired, and the accounting work nec- essary to close 'out the various muni- cipal accounts at the year's end. Still, moreover, and contributing in greater measure to his headaches, are the requirements for government returns of one kind or another. Mun- icipalities, backed in most cases by their citizens, press for grants of one kind or another. And every time a provincial ant is received the muni- cipal clerk i faced with another re- turn, another :: i turn rlaceo n u t ng problem. There was a time when the posi- tion of Municipal Clerk and Treas- urer Ways one which fell to someone In the )t unielpalityWho had spent e u' al h.L rber of years at school d- ail Mille spare time. It was lob. longer ' the case: The modern life are re. ' k required ,off the rtIgfr re municipal clerk. The public each year continues to demand more in the way of service from the municipal- ity and each time a demand is met, the work of the clerk is increased. Everything that concerns the munici- pality sooner or later passes over his desk. But the difficulty is that while the work and responsibility involved to- day in the position makes necessary a full-time job, too many municipali- ties continue to regard it, insofar as remuneration is concerned, as a part- time proposition. Having regard to the work involv- ed, the greatly increased dollar turn- over and the extent to which the re- sponsibilities of the position have broadened in recent years, there are few township or town councils which are realistic in determining the re- muneration the position should de- mand. What Other Papers Say: Canada's Weeklies (Cornwall Standard -Freeholder) There are nearly 1,000 weekly newspaper in Canada with a combin- ed circulation of about 4,000,000. And they do a job in their communities that no one else could or would un- dertake. Leisure's Toll (Kingsville Reporter) We live in a beautifully mechaniz- ed world. Science bombards us with new and ingenious gadgets, with machines streamlined to save time and labor. What do we do then ? In- stead of revelling in multiplied hours of rewarding leisure our lives be- come bored, frustrated and dissatis- fied. ' We become absent-minded and careless. The results range from traffic and industrial accidents to di- vorce cases. Canadian Beef -Eaters (Cornwall Standard -Freeholder) Canadians are becoming a nation of beef -eaters. According to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics we ate 59.1 pounds of beef each last year, while consumption of pork dropped nearly nine pounds to 57 pounds per year. The record shows that until re- cently Canadians hav been pork eaters, primarily. There is no defin- ite -reason given for the switch, al- though price must have something to do with it. Not that beef is Cheap- er than pork, but more People can afford beef? Growth in Eggs (Saturday Night) Farmers throughout North Amer- ica undoubtedly will 1 be happy to know that agricultural scientists have found ways of using radio waves to test the freshness of eggs, of mechanically recording t h e strength of egg shells and of discov- ering cracks by electronic "listen- ing". . The experts, however, have not yet been able to find a gadget that will measure the curious growth that seems to take place in so many eggs between the time they are bought from the farmers as "mediums" and sold to the housewife as "large", Advertising Sells the Detergents (Mildmay Gazette) Monday morning we happened to be talking to a traveller for one of the largest soap manufacturing com- panies in the country and the con- versation came' around to advertis- ing. What he pointed out was rather interesting. Advertising by his company, In all its various forms, he said, had cost his company about $47,000,000 in one recent year. Yet this vast sum was represented by one-half cent on a bar of soap. The moral of the story, of course, is the fact that advertising had made it possible for the company to sell huge amounts of their product, and the very volume of their sales meant a lower . cost per bar of soap, of Which such a small percentage of cost was represented by the advertis- ing figure. It only goes to show that advertising a dividends not only to the adve a r but to the consume as 'well. THE HURON WOilTOR SEEN IN THE COUNTY PAPERS Observe 45th Anniversary On Wednesday, Oct. 27, about 20 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Ki'umpp to honor them on the oc- casion of their 45th wedding anni- versary. After a bounteous dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Klumpp were pres- ented with a large bouquet of flowers and lovely gifts. — Zurich Herald. Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Reichert, of Zurich, celebrated their forty- fifth wedding anniversary last Wednesday. They entertained their family to a fowl dinner at their home and the table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake. Their five grandchildren presented them with a bouquet of pink car- nations. They received many greet- ing cards from friends during the day.—Zurich Herald. - Campaign Reaches $700 Campaign total for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind has almost reached the $700 mark, ac- cording to figures released by S. 13. Taylor, local chairman, this week. The drive has an objective of over $800, the amount donated last year. Total so far this year is $695.65 from these communities: Exeter, $525.85; Crediton, $103.80; Dashwood, $25; Centralia, $16; Woodham, $15; Grand Bend, $5, and Granton, $2. — Exeter Times - Ad vocate. Charge Laid After Accident Charges of careless driving are being laid against Sgt. L. John Lorenz following an accident which occurred at "the main inter- section in Clinton Sunday night. A car driven by William Floyd Dow - son, 16, Varna, was crossing from west to east on a green light, when it was in collision with a car driven by Mr. Lorenz. Total damages amounted to $300 with the Dowson car damaged to the extent of $200. Corinne Dowson, passenger in the Doweoa car, suffered a sprained ankle.—Clinton News -Record. Marks 92nd Birthday Mrs, Thomas Betties marked her 92nd birthday Wednesday in Gode- rich. Mrs. Betties, a native of Goderich Township, lived at Por- ter's Hill the greater part of her lite. She now resides here. Her daughter, Mrs. Peter Young, was hostess at a birthday party for her et her home on Huron Road. Mrs. Betties has three sons, Theron of Seaforth; Farland, of Toronto, and Allan, of Goderich Township; two daughters, Mrs. Rhoda Jordan, of Vancouver, and Mrs. Peter Young (Alma), of Goderich. — Goderich Signal -Star. Mark Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. William Morris cel- ebrated their 50th wedding anni- versary on Tuesday at their home in Saltford and marked the event at a family dinner Wednesday. Married in Scotland • in 1904, Mr. and Mrs. Morrie came to Canada in 1929, living at first near TilLson- burg. They later lived. in Suds bury, Hamilton and near Auburn, before moving to Sanford five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have five sons and two daughters. They are Joseph, of Sudbury; Ed- ward, of Hamilton; Herbert and Sidney at home, and Thomas, of Saltford; Isobel (Mrs. E. Shultz), at home, and Lillian (Mrs. J. W;heelhan), of Hamilton.—Goderich Signal -Star. Receive Certificates Anniversary service for the Sun- day School of Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church was held in the church last Sunday, when Rev. George D. Watt, B.A., Dungannon, was the guest speaker, J. W. Nediger was in charge of the service. Ken Car- ter read the scripture lesson. The choir provided an anthem. Donald Hugill sang a solo and a'mixed quartette by local people added to the service. Highlight of the occa- sion was the presentation of cer- tificates to intermediate Sunday School students by Howard 'Loch - head. Those receiving Abe -certifi- cates, which nlarkecl/ successful completion of an i ensive study course, were Betty Lou Nediger, Margery Currie, Donald Cornish; Ken Carter and Ron Steep. --Clin- ton News -Record. See Turnip Rot Some rot has been reported in turnips already taken up, but the damage is not serious, according to R. E. Pooley, an official of Exeter Turnip Sales. Mr. Pooley said the turnips in low-lying areas will not keep and that it is not advisable to store them. More water -core than usual bas developed in the crop and in some fields the dam- age is exceptionally bad, the offic- ial said. Generally, however, the quality is all right. Market for turnips is -good but the main prob- lem is that of harvesting which has been delayed by wet weather. Exeter Turnip Sales, which hand- led 159,000. bushels of turnips last year, anticipated the crop this year will be satisfactory if the weather dries up. Wet weather will reduce the sugar content in this year's beet crop, according to officials. Very little of this crop has been harvested yet.—Exeter Timers -Ad- vocate. A. R. Hogs Gain Recognition Evidence of the value of .Ad- vanced Registry breeding stock in the improvement of Canadian swine herds is accumuPating. Com- mercial hog breeders are showing recognition of its worth by paying premiums at auction sales for ani- mals with Advanced Registry back- ing. M. Syrotuck. Senior Fieldman in Alberta, Canada Department of Agriculture, reports Ghat goodpigs of Yorkshire breeding—sired by boars out of sows qualified for Ad- vanced Registry and placed in the 'Lacombe district under the Sire Loan Policy—brought two to three dollars more per head than most pigs of similar size. at a local auc- tion. Last year colored hogs sold most readily and brought a prem- ium at this sale. In Ponoka West area of Blind - man Valley, Alta., Mr. Syrotuck says 1,6 boars placed under the Sire Loan Policy last fall, bred approximately 600 sows. Their all white progeny, many from colored dams, if properly fed, should grade 60 per cent "A" carcasses. Mr. Kerns, District Agriculturist in the area, reports these boars "have created a tremendous interest in livestock breeding" and are doing much to bring the Yorkshire,pig back to 'Blindm-an Valley. He told of one. man on the outskirts of the west country who trucked four sows 81T miles to one of the boars placed in the Ponoka. district. In Saskatchewan the Provincial Department of Agriculture has agreed wholeheartedly tb the pur- chase of only boars from qualified A.R. dams. A similar agreement was reached in Manitoba with re- gard to the Boar Rental Policy. In Ontario for several years boars loaned by the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture have met this requirement. In the Maritime pro- vinces there is a similar require- ment but in Prince Edward Island the only boars bonused by the Pro- vincial Department are those out of sows which score 85 points or more out of 100 for carcass qual- ity. In Quebec for a number of years the bonus on boars from qualified sows has been 'greater than from non -tested pure breds. Rate of Growth in Chickens The increased rate of growth of chickens represents one of 'the moat striking advances in poultry technology during recent years, says T. M. Maclntyre, Poultry Nu- tritionist at the Experimental Farm, Napan, N.S. Comparison of growth rates as observed in 1932 with growth rates obtained in 1954 reveals. a striking increase in rate of growth over twenty years. Feed conversion has also shown a com- parable improvement over this same- period. In 1932 it required 20 weeks and 23 .pound of feed to prodbee a five -pound fryer, whereas today 5 - pound fryers are being produced at 13 weeks of age and require on- ly 16.5 pounds of feed. This means that today we can produce a five - pound fryer in 35 per cent less time and on 25 per cent less feed than was possible 20 years ago. This remarkable improvement in rate of growth of chickens has been brought about thy research in two major fields—nutrition and genetics. It is difficult to estimate the relative contribution of the nutritionist and the geneticist to this spectacular improvement in growth and maximum growth is only realized when good stock is fed properly balanced rations. Management practices and dis- ease control also play a part in this improved growth and feed conversion. Many of the diseases which plagued the poultryman of 20 years ago have been brought un- der control by the poultry patholo- gists. The success of our modern poultry meat industry is based on a sound nutritional breeding, man- agement and disease control pro- gram. Feeding the Beef Calf In feeding beef calves individual- ly from weaning at six months of age, it has been found that 'bulls gained most rapidly, steers ranked second, and heifers third. The econ- omy. of gains was in the same or- der. When starting calves on grain feeding at the Experimental, Sta- tion at Scott, Sask., the practice followed in most cases is to giye two pounds of hay to each pound of grain mixture for the first few weeks. If the hay is not fully con- sumed the grain mixture is reduc- ed accordingly, and increased lat- er as the calf becomes accustomed to the concentrate. During the winter of 1953-54 on- ly bulls and heifers were fed in- dividually at the Scott Station. The average gain for seven bull calves in 174 days was 2.36 pounds per head daily and for seven heifers in 230 days 1.62 pounds. The grain requirement per hundred pounds gain was 446 pounds for bulls and 541 for heifers. The hay was gra- dually reduced in •proportion until the quantity of grain mixture was from' three to four pounds to each pound of hay at the end of the feeding test. The object in feeding snore hay at the beginning is to :help prevent the •animals from going off feed, which often happens at first unless special precautions are taken. The object in reducing the proportion of hay as the feeding` period ad- vances is to get the calf to eat more grain. The average daily gain intake reached a maximum of 14 pounds for heifers and 18 pounds for hues. Par thepu+rpotxee of the test the (toot filled. og Page 6) 1 Jl Years Agone Interesting Items Picked From The Huron Expositor of Twen- ty-five and Fifty Years Ago From The Huron Expositor November 15, 1929 The gang of men who have been engaged on the county crusher in the McNaught pit, Mauley, have been dispersed as they have com- pleted the road through the pine swamp, which leaves a beautiful scenery through the once wilder- ness. The following spent the weekend with friends in Dublin: Miss Ger- trude Stapleton, Toronto; Miss Annie McGrath, Chatham; Miss Marie Benninger, Hamilton; Hugh Benninger, Ayton; Miss M. Weber. Isondon; Miss Mary Hills, Loudon; Miss V. McConnell, St. Clemens; Mr. and Mrs. S. O'Malloy, Toron- to; Miss Vera Feeney, Toronto; Miss Mary McGrath, Toronto. Thanksgiving visitors in Bruce - field were; Misses Irene and Kath- leen Snider and Ina Scott, of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. West, of St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Queen and daughter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Banter and family, To- ronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Munroe. Mr, and Mrs. Beecroft and two children, of Whitechurch; Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson and daughter, Frances, of Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Lyon and daughter, Ruth, of Londesboro, and Mr. Arthur Lyon, teacher in Kitchener, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Kirk, in Tuckersmitih over the weekend. Mrs. Lena .McGavin and three children and •Miss Flora Harris and Armond Kernick, all of Kitchener, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. John Harris, Walton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bullard and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Little, Winthrop, motored to London and spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. Miss Thelma Dale and Mr. Bill Dale, of Toronto, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dale, Hullett. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reid, in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid, Varna, motored to Toronto Saturday to spend the holiday with friends there, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Troyer and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde, all of Hen - salt, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jar- rott, of Brigden, were Sunday visi- tors with Mrs, L. Troyer, Hills - green. Mr. Clarence McLean, of Lon- don, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mc- Lean, Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills and family, Seaforth, spent the week- end in Saginaw. Dr. Everett Rivers, of Detroit, spent the holidays with his par- ents, 'Mr, and Mrs. James Rivers, Seaforth. Mr. Henry Deitz, of the West, is visiting relatives and friends in Zurich at present. From The Huron Expositor November 11, 1904 Fifteen carloads of sugar beets have been shipped from Wingham this season. Some boys broke open the Sal- vation Army charity box at the Clinton Station recently and car- ried off the contents. A brakesman on Conductor Strat- ton's train from Stratford. walked off the train between 'Mitchell and Dublin Friday night, and Was not missed till the train arrived at Sea - forth. Remarkable to relate, he came through the experience with but a badly bruised face. Mr. F. Booth, having spent the summer in Bluevale as a butter - maker, returned to his home in Brantford last week. Valentine Wild and his daugh- ter, .Miss Florence, of Stanley, ac- companied by Mrs. Harry Young and daughter, Miss Gertrude, of Porter's Hill, left Tuesday morning for the St. Louis World's Fair. During their absence they purpose visiting Mr. Wild's brother, Joseph, wtho publishes a paper in an Illin- ois town. They expect to be ab- sent two weeks. We wish them a pleasant, time. • Work in connection with Mr. Mustard's sawmill in Bayfield is progressing rapidly. In all probab- ility it will not he long before the mill will be in running order. Mr: Edwards, Sr., Bayfield, met with a painful accident, a few days ago. His horse ran up street, fin- ally throwing him out 'of the bug- gy, inflicting some injuries. We sincerely hope they may not at all prove serious. Dr. F. C. Neal. Walton, has re- turned home after spending a year in the medical colleges and hospi- tals of London, Paris and other cit- ies of the motherland. Mr. Wm. Slack, of Stanley, had a bee last Friday moving ,his port- able sawmill into Mr. M. D. West - lake's bush. Mr. Westlake is the owner of one of the best bushes in Stanley, and is getting the saw- mill in to prepare timber and lum- ber for the construction of his barn which he intends erecting next summer. Mr. Sheffer, of the Kipper. hotel, never tires of keeping things in the best of shape, and Is just now having his hotel reshsngled. A number of Seaforth ladies at- tended the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Women's Foreign Mission Society, held in Hensall on Tuesday. Mr. Harry Town, of Ocononowac, Wisconsin, was in Seaforth thin week visiting his parents, and ac- companied by his father, Mr. Harry Town, Sr., visited friends .in Gorrie on Tuesday. Edith, the little daughter of Mr. Wilson Anderson, Crediton Bast, while playing at school, iiad the misfortune\to fall against the sharp end 41 a desk, cutting her lip, no severely that a few stitches Ware remitted, to close ttp the worn& r t1' 4fF' �fw NOVEMBER 12, 1954 "Keeper of the Trees" (By MR8. M. C. DO143) (Continued from last week) • By nine o'clock Jack had log three pencils. They had been car- ried away by light-fingered or ab- sent-minded voters before it. occur- red to him that the piece of string in the ballot box was to tie the pencil down. At 9:15 o'clock and the scrut- ineers made a horrifying discov- ery. Somebody, maybe the printer, maybe the returning officer, may- be anyone of half a dozen people, had left the "P's" off the voters' list for polling subdivision No. 1. That meant that every Parr would have to be sworn. Mr. and Mrs. Match, Mrs, Prevett and her two sons, Wallie and Win, and Nor- man Pewter. Jack had to grin at the thought of swearing Norman. Norm's special phobia was twist- ing the British lion's tail, and com- paring that member of the cat tribe unfavorably with the feath- ered giant to the south. "And now," thought Jack, glee- fully, "Norm will have to swallow the whole thing, hook,'tine and sinker—British subject,. oath of Loyalty, and all." If he thought he could get away with it he might add a few fancy touches of his own to the oath. He could think of several. "Have you ever criticized the government of Canada?" That would never do! For one thing, he doubted if he' could ask it with a straight face, and for another even a dough -thread like Norm would catch on. Perhaps he had better stick to the letter of the oath as printed in the Election Act. If he put enough feeling in- to the kords he could probably make Norm squirm plenty, Then there were the Platch's. Tom would take .it all right, but poor 'Mrs. Platch! Gosh, would she ever be excited! He would bet anything that he would have to send her back into the voting com- partment three times before she had her ballot folded •right. He did not anticipate any trou- ble from the Parrs. They would swallow anything, 'and as for Mrs. Parr and Sophia they had put up with so much from their men folk that Jack was sure they would take any trouble he night put them to, in their strides. Lunch time came and went with only the minor mishap of Jack up- setting his thermos of tea over one of the packets of ballots. They dried it on the oven door of the range and it left only a slight brown tinge on half a dozen of the top ballots. Everybody was agree- able to .leave that packet of 'bal- lots to the last. - Then Bob McCrae turned his piece of lemon pie upside down on the "D's" and "E's" in the poll book. It was quite a mess. But he scraped it off with one of the Travis table knives and licked it clean -until only a bit, of blurred writing" showed where the pie had been. The afternoon dragged along with just a minor bit of fireworks set off by Mrs. ].Prevett to tbrighten things up. Mrs. Prevett was a masterful woman, w,ho by sheer strength of arm and character had transformed a worthless husband and a next to worthless farm into a man and a property that was quite passable. .Will Prevett had been dead for years, but he had left his mark on Mrs. Prevett. She could no more -help trying to run things and floss people than she could help breathing. When she found that her, -name and that o her two sons, was not on the vot ers' list, she blew up. "Why." she shrilled, shaking a long first finger in Jack Freeiong's face. "I've lived here all my life I was born here. I was ,married here. My children were born here and now you tell me that my name isn't on' the voters' list!" It was in vain that Jack attempt ed to explain it wasn't his fault; that it was the fault of the print- ers or of somebody over whom he had no control; in vain to tell 'her that it shouldn't bother her to take the oath, he wlsn't asking her to perjure herself. He knew she had been born in Brig End Mills; he knew she had lived here all her life, and that her sons had been born here too, but her name wasn't on the voters' list; her sons names were not on the voters' list; the law said if that was the case he couldn't give her a ballot until she had first taken the oath, and that was that! This was the first time he ,had acted as D.R.O., and he hoped to God it was the last, hut she wasn't getting a ballot un- til she took the oath. So! Mrs. Prevett heard him out, her Protruding eyes slightly bloodshot her nostrils extended and quiver ing like a cavalry horse's at the sound of a bugle. Wheeling towards the door, she beckoned imperiously to Wally and Win, who had been standing by with sh,eepish grins on their rath- er weak, good-natured faces. "Come, Walter! Come, Win- ston!" And she swept them out- side before Jack had a chance to tell her that if she left now with- out voting she could not come and get a ballot later, after she had cooled down. That was against the law, too. There goes three good Liberal votes," said Jack to Palmer Clark- son, the Liberal agent. "And you can't blame me. I'm just going by the book." "Who's blaming you?" growled tion.Clarkson. "All I say is, it's a shame and it should upet the elec.. "Oh, no,' .it shouldn't!" retorted Jack. "The three of them could have voted 11 she had been sensi- ble. You'd better tell that man of yours outside to put her wise, that she can't come back to vote after she's decided that maybe' she flew off the handle a little too soon. She had her ohaneo and .muffed it," iVo 'one ever knew whether Mrs. rrevett rep iit'od Iter hraato or nal titik If she did, she repented in private. The polling booth saw her no more, It was rather fun swearing the Parrs. Everybody had the feeling that Henry and Jim and Mike• would have swallowed the most blood -curdling oath that Jack could, have administered without blinks ing an eyelash. Thank heaven, • Serge was too young to vote! Ste Jack dashed through it at a speeds that could only•have been equalled in a court room scene on the radio. Each man nodded, kissed Jack's Bible with a sort of 'flying gesture and reached out a hand for Ws ballot. It gave all the officers and agents a feeling that there was something illegal somewhere. It happened that Janet Kelson was approaching the Travis house from the direction of the store when Bill Culliton and his wife came to vote. If she had hurried she could have cast her ballot and been out of the place, but she re- cognized the Culliton car and im- mediately slowed her pace to a saunter. "This I've got to see," she said: to herself, as she followed the- Cullitons into the polling place. Jack Freelong made an elabor- ate to-do of looking Bill's name up on his voters' list. "Culliton„ William, farmer. That you, Bill?" "That's me." "You'll notice how the ballot is folded So I can tear off the coun- terfoil? Be sure to fold it the '0 same w'ay when you write it out, or I might have to refold it and by chance might see which way you voted." Culliton snatched the ballot from.- Freelong's hand. "Kiss my foot, will you?" Culliton was back in a moment and handed his ballot to Jack. It. was folded exactly right. "That suit you?" he asked "Perfect!" said Jack. "You'•d` better stand and watchme while 1 shove it in this here hole. There's danger that I might put it in my billfoldand take it home as a souvenir." "I'm watching you, all right!" When the Cullitons had left, Janet looked at Bob McCrae and - shook her head. "Democracy," she muttered. "Double strength," muttered Bob in' reply. The longest day finally comes to an end. There had been no one in to vote for nearly an hour and the hands of the Travis clock crept slowly towards the hour of seven. Five minutes to—three min- utes to—one minute to— The clock began to strike and Jack: stood up gathering his papers to- gether. "I d0clare this poll closed," he - said. As the last stroke of the clock echoed through the room, a glassy loog of rage and horror crossed ,Tack's face. He fell back in his' chair. "Ciipes! I forgot to vote my- self!" V Just to show them, Bill Cullitoia was in the blacksmith shop bright and early next morning. Geraid' and Jack were working away ra- ther listlessly; Gerald trying to get the fire to go, Jack boring a few desultory holes in the tongue: of a sleigh. Neither was saying much. At Cullitou's entrance, they look- ed up and scowled, "Well," said Gerald, disagreeab-• ly. "Turning your coat didn't get you anything! Your man didn't - get in!" "No," said Culliton, his voice- dripping acid. "But not ' turning yours didn't get you anything! Your man isn't in, either. Anway, I had the fun of voting which, I hear. is more than your friend' here had. Culliton gave a snorting laugh, and walked out. - "Gerald," said Jack, in a choked voice. "What's the penalty in Canada for murder?" "Don't do it, Johnny boy," coun- selled Gerald. "It's hanging'!" THE END A Smile or Two "Who was the first man, Tom- my?" "George Washington. He was first in war, first in—" "No, No! Adams was the first man." "Oh, I didn't know you were speaking of foreigners." •' A new guard was making his first .run over a certain line. Be- fore the train reached the station of Waikikamukau he wrote the name on a piece 'of cardboard, stuck his head in the coach door, pointed a finger et the cardboard and yelled: "Here we are. If you wanna gittoff here, grab yer bags." • ' Two little negroes standing on a corner: One to the other: "How old is you?" Second One: "Ah is live years old; how old is you?" First One: "Ah don't know." Second One; "Yon don't know What does you think about gals?" First One: "Ah don't." Second One: "You is four." • An agricultural expert received an inquiry from an amateur poul- trynkeeiler, who asked: "How long should a fowl be allowed to sit on its eggs?" - - The expert replied: "Three weeks for chickens; four weeks for ducks." A month went by, and the poul- try -keeper sent another letter: "I let the hen sit on the eggs for three weeks," he said, "and no chickens came. I didn't want ducks, so 1 took her off' the nest and sold the eggs." ur •