HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-11-05, Page 54 ifs . d , r • 1 . • Seaforth Skating Club —Registration for the coming season takes place at the Arena, on Tuesday, November 9th, and on Friday, November 12th, at 4:30 p.m. —Arrangements have been completed' for com- petent instruction. The skating instructress, Miss Isabel Hugo, of Winnipeg, will commence classes on Tuesday, November 16th, at 4:30. —Charges for instruction are as follows: Upon Registration $6.00 On or before Feb. 1 next$6.00 —Skating instruction is given twice weekly, on Tuesday and Friday, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. —Ice will be available for practise skating on registration days—Nov. 9th and Nov. 12th. ---Adults interested in Dance Skating are re- quested to leave their names at CRICH'S STORE. Figure skates are not necessary for dance skating. THINKING OF TV? SEE AND HEAR ADMIRA MAGIC MIRROR TELEVISION WITH ALUMINIZED PICTURE TUBE ANTI -GLARE OPTIC FILTER Admiral's new Magic Mirror Television gives twice as much picture brightness by actual light meter measurement, because it's aluminized with a micro -thin "Magic Mirror" of pure aluminum applied behind .the tube face. This invisible aluminum mirror beams all the picture bright- ness forward to viewer . . . none is lost inside the tube. The picture cannot appear faded or "washed out", even in a brightly lighted room. For complete assurance of picture clarity and eye comfort, Admiral adds the exclusive deep - tinted '.'Optic Filter" Screen . . . comparable to the filters used in photography. It makes details stand out crisp and clear, with deeper contrast, while guarding against the possibility of glare. Come- in To -day — Arrange for 4 Trial of The "Ensign" 17" Model THE ENSIGN 17" MODEL T1832XZ Features the all-new Advance Caseode Chassis with full tube complement. Self -focussing Aluminized Picture Tube and Optic Filter. Removable Safety Glass, All-new Cabinet design . in lus- trous mahogany finish . . . burn -proof. stain -proof, Wrought iron stand optional. Dimensions: 171/16" high, 173/4" 99,00 1 wide, 19 11/32" deep, ONLY 1 l! Box Furniture Store Funeral Service Floor Coverings House Furnishings Floor Sanding — Westinghouse Appliances PHONE 43 -- SEAFORTH 'This Week At the Seaforth High School (By SHEILA Last Fridays was a cold, nasty day when a ibus load of etldente left for Wingham District High School to prove that Seaforth had the better team. The boys started out on the wrong, foot, but during the last half they really went to town. Wingham carrled the ball most of the time during the first half, to have the score at the end Of the half. reading: Wfingham 13, Sea - forth 0. However, whatever the Coach!. Mr. Dobson, said to them, it work- ed, orked, for during the second half the fireworks really began to happen. On a long pass from Sadao McMi1 lan, Jack Crozier slipped and stumbled in a field of mud to go over for Seaforth's first touch- down, with Sandy getting the kick. Sandy then went over for Sea forth's second touchdown, follow- ed by Ron. Muir with the third one. Sandy kicked for all converts. There was only one sore spot in, the game. Both Gord Rowland and Joe Williams suffered injuries, with Gord spending Friday night at Scott Memorial Hospital. At the end of the game Charlie Dun' gey very ceremonially declared: "We could have beat anyone if we had wanted to!" I believe 'him. Well, people, the exams have been postponed for at rgast five days. Instead of taking place on Friday, November 19, they will take place on Wednesday, Novem- ber 24. Grade XI were going to leave Friday, Nov. 19, for the Roy- al Winter Fair and the school is also planning to have an Open - ,House to exhibit the new gym, etc., so that will make it better all around, except for one person. "Jo" Beuermann's birthday is No- vember 27. . Better luck next time! , The ballot box is now in the hall with nominations for Presi- dent, Secretary and Treasurer. The President must come from either 12 or 13; the Secretary and New and Old -Time DAN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Community Centre Seaforth Auspices of L.O.L., Seaforth Dancing 9 to 1 COLLINS' ORCHESTRA Popular Prices 411111111119111111111. Skating SEAFORTH ARENA Friday Night 8 to 10 Saturday Afternoon 1:30 to 3:30 McFADDEIN) Treasurer from 11, 12 er 13. To those who have the spirit to run, I wish you luck, and may the beet man or woman win. Those who dO not know who to vote for, ask Miss Maclntyre, who will sive you a talk about how to vote and 'w'hy, and then we should. 'have the best Students' Council ever. - Wl at is all the talk about con- cerning merchandise in MAD.? District Obituaries THOMAS SHADDICK HENSALL.—Thomas Shaddick, former resident of Hensall, died Tuesday at the home of his son, Albert Shaddick, at Clinton. He was 84. Born in England, he came to Canada as a youth. He resided at Londeaboro for some time and for the past 48 years at Hensall. He went to Clinton in July. He was foreman of the C,N.R "act'on. in Hensal.l,_setiring 19 years ago. He was a member of h n -all United Church, and Londisboro Loyal Orange Lodge. Surviving are a second son, Ern- est Shaddick, of Hensall; a :::ligh- ter, Mrs. Harold (Alva) Scruton, of Port Dover; 10 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. The Bali and Mutch Funeral Home, Clinton, is in charge of tuneral ar- rangements, and services will be held on Friday at 2 p.m. Inter- ment will follow in Blyth. DR. JAMES DUNLOP Ruiou Leaders Plan Fall Everts EXETER.—Dr. James Gordon Dunlop, practicing physician in Exeter for more than 25 years, died at his home on Main St. on Mon- day. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Dunlop, of Wallaceburg. He graduated from'the Univers- ity of • Western Ontario . Medical School in 1927. He was a'memiber of Caven Presbyterian Church, which he had served as an elder. He was a member of the Lebonan Forest Lodge A.F. and A.M., the Scottish Rite, London, the I.O.O.F. Lodge, 67, member and past presi- dent of the Exeter Lions Club and the South Huron Hospital Associa- tion. He was a past president of the Noon Day Study Club and a char- ter member and past president of the A.K.K. fraternity, London. He was instrumental in organizing a blood donor clinic here during World War II. Surviving are his wife, the for- mer Muriel Mryan, and one daugh- ter, Julia, a student at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario; one brother, Dougald, and a sister, Mrs. Joseph Anderson, both of Wallaceburg. The body was at the Hopper- liockey Funeral Home. "The Rev. Samuel Kerr conducted the ser- vice at ,Caven Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, at 3 p.m. Burial was in Exeter cemetery. The Stanley Township Federation of Agriculture are holding their ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUET in the Zurich Community Centre TUESDAY, NOV. 16th Mr. H. Baker will show Pic- tures and give a talk on his recent trip to Europe. Get your ticket's from your Secton Director, or GEORGE L. REID Secretary -Treasurer THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATTEND THE CEREMONIES ON THE OCCASION OF THE OPENING OF THE Addition to Seaforth DistrictHighSchool by HON. W. J. DUNLOP Minister of Education of the Province of Ontario — in -the — HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16th Commencing at eight -thirty o'clock The School will be opeVforrp otiony the public from seven -thirty C1u4 leaders from 24 clubs iu Huron were present in Clinton at a meeting of the Huron County 4-H Club ` L e ders' Association to com- plete' arrangements for the annual Achievement Night which is to be held at the South Huron District High. School, Exeter, on Friday, December 3. Robert Campbell, R.R. 1, Dublin, president, was chairman of the meeting, assisted by Maurice Ha1- lihan, Blyth, secretary -treasurer. Harold Baker, assistant agricul- tuural representative for Huron County, told of 4-H Club work in the county and said that it is hop- ed that a 4-H Poultry Club will be organized in Clinton next year. The per cent of club members finishing the club projects this year will be slightly higher than what of the, previous year, he said. As the result of a discussion on how to raise money for the asso- ciation, plans for a special even- ing in Seaforth in late November were made. At the session, Har- old Baker will show slides of his trip to Europe this. past summer. Mr. Baker told the meeting that members of the 4-H beef calf clubs have entered some 28 beef calves - in the Queen's Guineas competition with a larger number intended for the Walkerton Christmas Fair. He said that the 4-11 Swine Clubs had stood high in the open competition at both the Teeswater and the Stratford' Fall Fairs. A committee of three, including Howard Pym, Exeter (chairman), James Smith, Brussels, and Ches- er Finnigan, Dungannon. was nam- ed to arrange the Achievement Night program. Douglas May, Exe- ter, was appointed to 'arrange for an orchestra. "for the event. Mr. Baker is conducting coaching classes to prepare Huron County Junior Farmers for the inter -coun- ty junior livestock competition at the Royal Winter Fair, Nov, 11. The contestants will be required to judge three classes of beef cattle, three classes of dairy cat- tle, three classes of swine. one of which is carcass, and one class of sheep. Boy* Cock 1 tvmpetitio Prize lvl luer8 'I silts Cos i' special emppetiti ; 4 Par ' o$ 1 years and under, Using CoeltabN tractors and Plows, at the recent International Plowing Match at Breslau, include: Bruce Coleman& RR. 4, Seaforth, and S. Wiiialme, R.R. 2, Ohswekexi, On.t;r, tied far first glace; axed Neil ]IaPCGavip,. R R. 2, Walton, Ont., and Jack Croz- ier, R.R. 2, Seaforth, tied for sec- ond place. In the senior competition, John IN Gavin, of Walton, placed third. Fireside farm Forum Organizes SEAFORTH W. I. TO MEET The regular meeting of the Sea - forth Women's Institute will be held on Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 9, at 2 p.m., at the home of Mrs, John Kerr, This is United Nations meeting and is in charge of Mrs. Ross Gordon and Mrs, John Kerr. The roll call will be answered by, "If you had a choice of occupations, what would it be?" The special speaker for the af- ternoon will be Andrew Y. McLean. The motto is, "After all there is 'but one race—humanity." The Lon- don Area reports- will be given. For lunch, sandwiches are: Mrs. J. F. Scott and Mrs. John McGre- gormf 'or cookies, Mrs. Eldin- Kerr and Mrs. Ross Gordon. SnowCutsAttendance At Kippenr.Gun Shoot The Fireside Farm Forum Group met at the home of Mrs. George Carter on Monday evening with 22 adults present. During a discus- sion of business matters, a num- ber of resolutions were placed be- fore the meeting, but it was decid- ed to carry on as in previous years. Mrs. Jeffery Tebbutt is the presid- ing officer for the year, and Mrs. George Hoggart and Mrs. James Howitt are on the sick committee. Mrs. George Carter and Mrs. Jos. Babcock are again the recorders. The regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs: Robert Jamie- son on Monday evening of next week. After the conclusion of busi- ness, a variety of games were played, the winners being Mary Cook, Vietta Hoggart, Bert Hog- gart and Dorothy Dalton. Hensall Church HasLaymen' sDay A special service marking Lay- men's Day was held in the United Church last Sunday morning. Rev. W. J.. Rogers was assisted by Mr. Edison Forrest and Mr. Douglas Cook. Two anthems were con- tributed by the male choir under the direction of Mr. S. Ranlnie, and Mir. Ben Stoneman, pianist. The guest speaker, Mr. Elgin Mc- Kinley. of Zurich. delivered a chal- lenging address, To quote: "The, reopie of His own country had first call on His services. What an ov- erwhelming command: `Go ye' We still have a big part in the task ahead -of us. 'The just shall hive by faith - Faith without works is dead.' One's first -duty as a Chris- tian is: live a. good life. As a congregation our first duty le to our home and our community. We should show forth to those around us the taiih that is in us. We have a great work to carry on. We should do as the Christians in Antioch did, 'Home and foreign missions must be supported. Let us do our part to support the splen- did young hien and women who are giving their lives in His ser- vice." Mr. McKinley also address- ed the Ohiselhurst congregation at three o'clock in the afternoon. Next Sunday services will be held as usual, at 11 am. and 7. p.dn; Chlselhurst at 3 p.m. Rev. W. J. Rom, will °Violate. Receive Calves For Hensall Club One hundred Hereford calves from Western Canada arrived in Hensall and were distributed to the members of the Hensall Feed- er eeder Club from the Townships of IIs - borne, Stephen, Hay, Hibbert and Stanley. These calves, which are rated as the finest calves that Ike boys have ever received, will be fed and taken care of all winter and judged at the annual Spring Fair in the spring of 1955. Gerry Montgomery, agricultural representative for `Huron, spoke to the boys. Harold Baker, assistant, was also present. The project is sponsored by South Huron Agri- cultural Society. At the Sunday afternoon shoot at Kippen there was a small at- tendance on account of the snow. The following scores were made: William Lumby. Goderich, 21, 22, 23; Ashley Gilbert. Goderich. 18, 22. 19; Stewart Black, 20. 20, 21; H. M,athers, Exeter, 21. 23; Lloyd Venner, Hensall, 23, 24; T. J. Sher- eitt, Hensall, 22. The next shoot. at Kippen will be on Sunday, Nov. 14, at 2 o'clock. District Weddings McFADDEN — ECKERT Rev. E. A. O'Donnell officiated in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Chatham. for the wedding of Geraldine Elizabeth Eckert, and Mr. Howard Graydon McFadden, of Tupperville, Ont. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. George Char- ters, Seaforth, and the late Joseph C. Eckert, and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFadden, Tupperville. The church organist, Miss Ruby Wilson, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the solo- ist, Miss Anne Eckert, sister of the bride. Given in marriage by her broth- er, Mr. Conrad Eckert, the bride wore a floor -length gown of pure silk shantung taffeta, swept to magnificient fullness exquisite alencoa lace enhancing graceful collar. Her fingertip veil was held in plaee by a crown of seed pearls. Her flowers were red ros- es with ivy trails. Miss Dorothy Eckert was her sister's only attendant, wearing a bollerina length strapless gown of sky blue net, fashioned with a fit- ted bodice, tiered skirt and match- ing bolero, and she carried yellow roses. Mr. Howard Krieger, of Chatham Township, was best man. At a wedding reception at the bridal couple's future home, R.R. 3, Tupperville, the bride's mother received the guests gowned in a lime green wool jersey dress with beige and brown accessories . with a corsage of white mums. For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Eastern points, the bride wore a spice brown suit, accented by a mink -trimmed collar and matching beige and brown acces- sories. with a corsage of yellow roses. The bride is a former graduate of the,-_..L'rsuline College. "The Pines," in Chatham, and of the Stratford Normal School. Guests from a distance were from Hamilton, Wallaceburg, Sea - forth, Guelph and 'Stratford. NAME HURON -BRUCE SLATE Knowlson Huest.on• Gorrie, was elected president of the Huron - Bruce Conservative .Association at a meeting in Wingham. He suc- ceeds the late Robert Bowman, of Brussels Other officers are: honorary president, J. W. Hanna, M.P.P.: first vice-president. Lloyd Jasper, Mildmay; second vice-president, David Carruthers, Kinloss Town- ship; secretary, J. H. Crawford'. Win glham- CONSTANCE Sympathy is extended to Mrs. George Addison in the death of her aunt, . Mrs. W.m. Finnigan, of Goderich. A crokiinole party is being held by the Mission Band at the church on Friday evening. Mrs. Verne Dale's group of Con- stance Women's Association held a quilting at the home of Mrs. Lorne Lawson on Tuesday of last. week. Hensall Music Pupils Present Broadcast CROMARTY Following is the kiddies' studio party program, presented by piano, violin and guitar pupil's of Miss Greta Laramie, from the Hensall (1.18f -riot on MN X, Wingham. Sat urday morning: piano solo, "Glow Worm,” Jane Horton; song, "The Discontented Duckling," Bobby Lammie; piano solo, "Aria. by Mozart," Karen Tinney; violin solo, "Robin's .L lla.by," Keith Anderson, accompanied by his sister, Kath- ryn; piano duet, "Little Ruby," Judy and Sharon Elder; recitation, "Queer Talk," Douglas Shirra.y; piano solo, "A Curious Story," Bet- ty Ross; song,. "A Swing," Carol, Ann Rogers; piano Soho, "Sailor Race," Joyce Whittaker; guitar duet, "A Susanna," Mary Ann Van- horne and David Noakes; piano solo, "S1eighride" Kathryn Ander- son; piano duet, "On Dressed Par- ade," bonnie Corbett and Graven CIS, S.S. No. 6. Hibbert, held its an- nual Hallowe'en party and dance with a, good attendance. Prizes for best woman's costume were Mrs. Len McKellar: best m'an's costume. T. L. Scott; boys' 'best costume, Daviel Seath; girls' best costume, Joyce Dow; pre-school children, Robie Houghton. The main event of the evening was a step -dance by ."Ozark Ike," Mrs. Harvey Dow, Angus McKaig and Eldon Allen supplied music for the dance. Lunch closed a very delightful evening. STAFFA 49119j Featulting . . . • ELYSIANS • SILVER TIP$ • VELOURS. • FLEECES • BOUCLE • NOVELTIES Choose from Charcoal, Flint Grey, Wine, Blue, Green, Brown, Red Rust and others, in' all -„Fool cloths and chamois interlined. See These Newest Coats Now 419.98 at .... New Full Millinery Wool and Fur Felts and fine Velours — all the latest Fall styles in a wide range of pop- ular Fall shade. FEATURED 1N A WIDE PRICE RANGE, FROM 2,98 to 7,95 Stewart Bros. BEAFORTH A Hallowe'en party was held in Sta.ffa. Hall with a good attendance. Prizes were won by Kay Marie Worden for the best dressed girl; Bobby Smale. the best dressed boy; Mrs. Alvin Worden. the best dress- ed "man": Rev, A. Daynard for the hest dressed "woman." Mrs. Roy McGee and Mrs. Marshall Deering got the prize for the beat dressed couple. E. Dearing won the award for the best. comic. Ter- ry Day-tratd got the prize for the 'beast. Jack -o' -Lantern. hunch was served. Mrs. Ruby Reid visited with Mrs. Emma Congdon, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey 'Geiser, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Parker. Too Late To Classify Junior 'B' SEAFORTH AREN1l, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6th, at 9 p. m. LONDON LOU BALLS — vs. — SEAFORTH BALDWINS Opening Game of this season's schedule SEE IT — SURE ! Adults 50c Children 25c 'woo SALE- 'TWO COLEMAN SPACE 1. oil heater,,, in Rood condition. one small and one large size. C1.ARENCE REID, Hensall. Phone 165. 4550-1 TFtamale a W ANTED IMMEDIATELY for sic cords of dry hardwood, 12f, long, to he delivered to School Section 12. Tuekersmith. Tenders to he sent to VERNE AMMR.DtCE. Seeretary-Treasur- er. R.R. 2, Kilmer.. Ont. 4510-1 ARTRUR NihCLINOREY AND THE nieces and nephews of the late Mrs. Willi3rm Hart, wish to express their ap- predation to neighbors and friends for theft, many arta of k'indn'ess during their bereavement. Special thanks to Na sea Kay EiUtott anti Mary Mhrttn, .Dr. Oaken. ttev. Pitt and the Ponthran run end Deme Doll a1Hofor the .beautiful floral tributes. 4580.1 1-1952 CHEV. SEDAN 1-1949 DESOTO .SEDAN—Radio 1-1951 CHEV. TWO -DOOR 1-4951 PONTIAC SEDAN 1-1951 PLYMVMOUTH SEDAN 1-1950 DODGE SEDAN—Radio 1-1950 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1-1951 CHEV. SEDAN 1-1951 Custom Dodge . 1-1948 Plymouth Sedan 1-1947 Dodge Sedan—Radio USED TRUCKS 1-1950 CHEV. 3%} -TON EXPRESS 1-1949 CHEV. 1,,, -:TON EXPRESS USED TRACTORS `LA' CASE 'D' CASE 'S' CASE 'VAC' CASE OLIVER `77' 'with Stuffier and Bean Puller COCKSHUTT '70' JOHN DEERE 'H' with Stuffier Rowdiffe Motors Phone 267 Seatorth tis as . xanan ,;ti,