HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-11-05, Page 4Vi but "6 lu tfp *4: THE RON E*OR No Y +0,';et a dm Ma WOOF* din clarified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: let Week ' 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week ifi Cent Minimum charge. each insertion86 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Garda of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eventa-1 cent per word. Minimum. 60 costa per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Tea cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date at final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge, Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates en application. Coming Events QTAFFA UNITED CHURCH LADIES are holding their annual Bazaar and Afternoon Tea in the Township Hall on Friday p.m., November 12. 4530x1 DANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND Saturday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from City Hall, Stratford.• -•-Herb Tetrie'e orchestra: 50-75. 4525-tf RENEfFIT DANCE FOR ALDEA AUB1N on Wednesday. November 10th, Sea - forth Community Centre Norris orches- tra. Everybody welcome_ 4530x1 DANCING, ROUND AND SQUARE, TO Clarence Petrie and the ever -popular Night Hawks, at the Crystal Palace, Mit- ehell, every Friday night. 4530-7 THE MEETING OF THE HOME AND School Association, which was to have been held on Tuesday, November 16, has been postponed until November 30. The meeting will be in the form of a special evening, including cards and a musical program. 4530-1 Property For Sale j'011. SALE -40 ACRES, McKILLOP- •a Grey Boundary. For price and par- ticulars apply to JAMES STEVENSON. Phone 406, Brussels. 4527x6 FOR SALE -TWO-STOREY HOUSE ON George St.: seven rooms, good base- ment; furnace: bathroom: large lot. Reas- onably priced for early sale. Box 365. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4530-1 FOR SALE. -ASIX -ROOM HOUSE, SOLID construction; acre of land; Jarvis and Huron Streets. Seaforth. Small barn on property. E. ALBRECHT. Phone 71-11. 4530x1 HOUSE FOR SALE -FRAME 7 -ROOM house; on East William St.: oil fur- nace, three-piece bathroom. insulated, full basement. HAROLD JACKSON, Sea - forth. 45294 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT -7 -ROOM HOUSE on Jar,is St. Bathroom complete, and close to up -town. immediate possession. 'TORR.ANCE DUNDAS, Walton. Phone Brussels 90 r 5. 4530-1 For Rent FOR RENT -COMFORTABLE 5 -ROOM heated apartment, with garage. PHONE 249-W. 4530-tf FOR RENT -ONE SMALL APART- ment, suitable for elderly couple. Ap- ply DR. E. A. Mc34ASTER, Seaforth. 4530-1 FOR RENT - TWO APARTMENTS, West Willia.m St., Seaforth: one downstairs, partly furnished. Elderly couple preferred. PHONE 69, MITCHELL. 4530x1 HOUSE FOR RENT - FURNISHED cottage, Market St., modern; oil heat- ed. Block off Main St. Available Nov. 15. R. H. SPROAT, Seaforth. Phone 126-W. 4530x2 FOR RENT FIVE -ROOM COTTAGE WITH BASE- ment : nice lawn and garden; furnish- ed with three-piece bath, hot and cold water on tap; heavy duty wiring; new linoleums and oil heaters. This house is nicely decorated inside and out, and situ- ated on new Highway No. 8, between Clinton and Seaforth. We desire high class tenants with small family, or would make an ideal home for retired couple. Available November 15. SEE Jonathan Hugill Phone 667 r 13, Seaforth or 016 r 13, Clinton 4529-t1 Notices CASH FOR ORGANS WITH STOOLS, in playing condition. JAMES WIEDERHOLD, New Hamburg, Ont. 4530x4 RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO' RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4530-tf SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL -SEP - tic tanks and cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. Prompt service. LOUIS BLAKE. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels, Ont. 4527x6 I7APERHANGING, PAINTING (BRUSH or Spray); exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. Apply WALTER PRATT and DOUG. DALTON, Railway St. 4530-tf A'MENTION, FARMERS : - PROMPT. courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235 Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co., en Canada Ltd. 4530-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS I - McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' 'Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A.), Hospitalization Insurance. Accident and Sickness Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Consult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. 4530-tf ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED FOR Air Forge personnel stationed at Clin- ton. Tf you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished. to rent. please rail STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 382: local 252. 4530-tf NOTICE - HAVING UNDERTAKEN re", res--oonsibilities. 7 will be leaving my Fuller Brush route in the near fu - fere. T wish to thank all nwhn have been OR SALE -BUDGIES AND CANAR- so courteous to me during the time IIF ins: Hartz Mountain Food, etc. ERIC novo served them. May T ask, too, that MILNER-FLOWERS. Seaforth. 393. all outstanding accounts be paid as soon 4530-tf as possible.' E. ALBRECHT. 4530x1 Personals HUSBANDSI WIVES? WANT PEP, VIM? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vibality, today. "Get -acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R USHER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price List. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF KATIE ISABELLA SCOTT, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Spinster, de- ceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the above estate are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 15th day of November, 1954, immediately after which date the Executors will distribute the es - tete, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have no- tice. JOHN LORNE SCOTT and HAROLD ROBINSON WHITE• Executors, by their Solicitor herein. GRANT W. • TOOLE. Q.C., 34 Wyndham Street, Guelph, Ontario. 4526-3 For Sale FOR SALE -BLUE FUR TRIMMED snow suit. size 2. PHONE 832 r 11, Seaforth. 4530-1 FOR SALE --44 YORK PIGS. 6 WEEKS old. Apply GEORGE DIXON, Sr.. Seaforth. Phone s84 -J. 4530x1 FREE SERVICE To Farmers DON'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER- sls your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take sample' of the earth in your fields and have them analysed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 878 U84-tf PROCLAMATION Township of Hullett The annual meeting of the ratepayers of the Township nt' Hullett will be held in the - COM'MUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1954 The Clerk will he in the Community Hall, Londesboro, from 1 to 2 p.m., to receive Nominations for Reeve and Coun- cillors to hold office for the year 1966. When proposed candidate is not present his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be ao nominated. A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Community Hall, Londesboro, . at 2 p.m., Friday, November 26. to - bear proposed candidates. and in ease more than the required number of candidates to fill the offices are nominated, and a vote demanded, a Poll will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1954 from 9 am- until 5 p.m., at the following places: Poll 1: Forester's Hall. Kinburn ; D.R.O.. Secprd MoBrien . Poll Clerk. Ephria,n Clithlt.; Poll .2: School House. S.S. No. 6, E•n40., Bert Beacom; 'Poll Clerk, Leo att. Poll 8: U. Sdhool House. U.S.S. 4. 2 D R.O., Joseph Flynn; Poll Clerk, Bernard Tin' Pall "4' Community Hall, Loihdeaboro ; D.R.C4 ''Phomas Millar; Poll Clerk, Emerson IteeIG Poll b: Community i1'tin, Surnmerb lll: Il Tt 0.; l"nihriaea Snell: Pon 'GJerk; Orval Ranson. Poll 8: Cont. rnunity ,Hall, Londeaboro >C LO., Bert She bbrook ; Poll Cheek. Hobert Townsend. ran 7 Pdroatore ))lull ; ,,iltitburn ; Atm. Mali': poll Mirk. George Law c't: ' l0 AN, 9`oWVlkd i .' hole. 41580.4, FOR SALE -BOY'S BOMBER .JACKET, brown satin, fur collar: fits 10-12 .ears : $5.75. MRS. WM. DOLMAGE. 850 ✓ 32, 4530x1 VOR SALE -SIX CALVES, 3 YEAR- 'lings and 3 young calves. LORNE WILSON, Brucefield. Phone 658 r 21, Seaforth. 4539.1 Fon SALE -KITCHEN RANGE IN gond condition. for wood or coal. Ap- ply Box 385. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4530x1 FOR SALE -DRESSED CAPONS, TO he delivered the 6th of November. Apply WILLIAM DOLMAGE. Phone 850 ✓ 12, Seaforth. 4529x2 FOR SALE -8 -BURNER COAL OIL stove with oven: will sell cheap: small space heater: 2 45 -gallon drums, one filled: a pump and 1 -gallon can ; all for 845.00. PHONE 383. Seaforth. SLABS FOR SALE -HARDWOOD, 510 per load approximately 2 cords; mix - d wood. $8 per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery FRED J. HUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. 4523x8 FOR SALE PT.OWING MATCH DEMONSTRATOR New 24x40 Bell Imperial Thresher Substantial discount fpr immediate sale. We are elm taking orders on New Machines for delivery next year, at a reduced price. Robert Bell Industries Limited SEAFORTH, ONTArtIO In Memoriam UPEE-IN LOVING MEMORY OF our dear 'Mother and' wife, Mrs. Dan Donee, who passed away 18 years ago, November 5, 1941. God saw you getting weary, Then did what He thought best; He put His arms around you, Mom, And whispered, 'Come and rest. We do not need a special day To bring yon to our mind: For days that we do not think of you Are very hard to find. --Sadly diced by Bustand, Pemily find flrandeliildroii'. 4680xi1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SAL '.-90 ACRES, ALL plowed; 8�'.t miles west of Dublin, near No. 8 Highway in McKillop Town- ship. Apply LEO RYAN, 206 Wright Ave., Weston, or Dublin 87 r 5. 4580-2 Wanted WORK WANTED -YOUNG GIRL DE - sires housework in Seaforth or im- mediate district; to live in. HAROLD CORY, R.R,, Staffa. 4530x1 BOARDERS WANTED -ALL CLaNVEPi- isaces. Apply MRS. NOBLE Mc- CALL UM, Seaforth. Phone 187-R. 4629x2 WANTED TO BUY -A YEAR-OLD US - ed snow fence. Must be in good condition. Apply to BOB A.RCHIBALD. Phone 655 r 16, Seaforth. 4530-1 GET YOUR SEWAGE WORK DONE now. Only $2 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed Contact 850 r 33, Seaforth. 4530-tf WANTED -OLD HORSES. 8 CENTS per pound: dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or night. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH. Goderich. Phone collect. 936 r 32, or 936 r 21. ` 4530-tf Cards of Thanks T WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE I.O. B.A. members and all those who kindly donated to the fund at the euchre. It was greatly appreciated. MRS. GERTIE NICHOLLS 4530x1 MRS. MARY PHILLIPS WISHES TO thank her many friends for the kind- ness shown her while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital and St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. Everything was deeply appreciated. 4560-1 THOSE WHO ARE ORGANIZING TIM Seaforth Beavers intermediate Hockey Club appreciate the financial support they have received from the following: Har- vey Leslie, J. E. Keating. Cleve Coombs, Sid. Pullman. George Miller, J. E. Willis, E H. Close. W. E. Southgate, Graham Oil Co. Ltd.. W. C. Smith. Roy Dungey, Amos Corby. Seaforth Lumber Ltd., Glen Rose. Smith's Pastry Shop, Stan Bray, R. S. Box. Neil Bell, Stewart Bros., Crown Hardware, W. J. Dunean, Norman MacLean, Sills Hardware, .M. E. Clarke, Clair Haney, Don Woods, W. D. Smith, 4. Y. McLean. 4530-1 Births DEVEREAUX-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on October 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Devereaux, R.R. 4, Seaforth, a son. DODDS--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on October 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dodds. R.R. 2, Blyth, a daughter. KINAHAN--Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kinahan (Mary Kennedy), .Lucknow, are happy to announce the birth of a son on November 1, 1954, at Wingham Gen- eral Hospital. McLAUGHLIN-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on October 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael McLaughlin, Dublin, a daugh- ter. Deaths REGELE-In Seaforth, on Sunday, Oct. 31st, Sam Regele, in his 86th year. ' Softball Dance THURSDAY, NOV. 4th To the Music of the Serenaders at the Town Hall, Hensall Draw for Floor Polisher, Deep Fryer, Electric Coffee Pot Sponsored by Fink's Softball Team ADMISSION 75 CENTS HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Immunization Clinic The third in a series of Immun- :zation Clinics for Seaforth and district, on FRIDAY, NOV. 1.2t'h, at 3:00-4:00 p.m., will be held in the Branch Office of the Health Unit - upstairs in Post Office buaidingi Horth outside entrance. Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to receive immuniza- tion for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Smallpox. witInsmemalliNgsmeggIlliassemillifilismiganal Television HALLICRAFTER 19•7_ 17" Table Model .... $2 L 5 ROGERS-MAJESTIC 269 17" Table Model , ... v HALLICRAFTER 21" -Table Model . 299.85 P21" Table Model .... LCO 349,95 PHILCO 21" 375 00 Table Model with base ROGERS-MAJESTIC 21,1 07c, 0•n Table Model with base 75, 0 ROGERC-MA eESTIC 429,95 21" A e� Sea Breeze RECORD PLAYER Plastic Case, portable, amplifier and speaker. Plays all sizes aandspeeds. ONLY ■ $29 95 DALY MOTORS Phone 102 : Seaforth ommionomossaimeirift Winners At Sat. Party in Hensall Following are the winners at the Hallowe'en party held in the Town Hall Saturday night, for the chil- dren of Hensall and community, sponsored by the I.O.O.F. and A1n- ber Rebekah Lodges: character, under six, Ann McKelvie, Colleen Bayu'.ham; comic, under six, Robt. Taylor, Mary Mock; character, six to 10, Bobbie Middleton, Linda Noakes; comic, six to 10, Bill Shaddick, Howard Rannie; charac- ter, 11 and over, Jerry MoClinch.ey, Betty Parker and Gladys Baker; comic, 11 and over, Margaret Reid, Geraldine Harburn. KIPPEN Mrs. McLeod and Bud spent a few days in Trenton visiting Mrs. McLeod's daughter and son-in-law, Cpl. and Mrs. Mosher. Mrs. Grant Love, of Caro, Mich., was a weekend guest of her fath- er, Mr. Robert Cooper. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and' Mrs. John Cooper, Jr., for the •gift of a baby boy, born in Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Roorda and family, of Wingham, have moved into Mr. John Henderson's house on the London Road. The first' fall of snow fall Satur- day night amounted to seven inch- es. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hender- son visited recently in London and Byron. Mrs. Margaret. Johnson, of To- ronto, visited a day last week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Mr. -and Mrs. Elston Dowson vis- ited Thursday with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Winthrop. Miss Merle Diekert spent Mon- day in London. - Mr. and Mrs: Norman Dickert were in Kitchener Sunday visiting relatives and helped cedebrate Mr. Dickert's mother's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, were recent visitors of Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Whiteman. Miss Marion Thomson, of .Clan- delboye, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomson. - The service in St. Andrew's. United Church next Sunday, Nov. 7, will be observed as Layman's Sunday, when Mr. W. C. Pearce, Exeter, will be special speaker. The minister will be in charge of the service. All the men of the congregation are urged to attend. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Roy Routledge ,and Betty, Mitchell, and . Mr. George Ahrens, Shirley, Keith and Gerald visited with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Roney and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney on Sunday. Visitors with Mrs. James Mal- colm on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McKercher. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murdie. Miss Norma Jef- fery, Mr. and Mrs. John Gordan and Mr. Clarence Cully. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bushfield had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hannon and David, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jeffery, Mr. and Mas. Spencer Jeffery and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker, Terry and Ray. Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper and Mrs. Balfour and Dalton visited with Mr. and Mre. Ross Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, .Bruce and Mynas and Mrs. George Graham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Moore and Mrs. R. Barker visited with .Mr. and Mrs. bloyd Barker. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Vivian and Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl and Caroline visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and at- tended anniversary service. Mr. and Mrs. James Broughton and Mr. Jack Broughton and daugh- ter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fee gals Lannin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burchill and family visited in Streetsville on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Staniake and family and Mrs. H. Workman, of Hensall, vlsiyed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton. DANCE WALTON Community Hall FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Wilbee's Orchestra Admission 50 Cents F -OR SALE 50 ACRES OF GOOD LAND on Highway, close to town. Good buildings. For Sale or Rent SEVEN -ROOM HOME on West side. Possession at once. 2 Call -- W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Hensall Christmas Tree Committee Is Named By C. of Co At the Mensal) ,Chamber of Com- merce meeting, held in the Town Hall council chamber, and presid- ed over by R H. Middleton, Presi- dent Dr, D. McKelvie, A. Scholl and Bill Mickle were appointed a committee to look after the Christ mas tree party, a yearly event for the children of Hensall and community. Much discussion centred on the forming of midget and junior hock- ey team, and Howard Scane was appointed to look into the matter and report back to the next meet- ing, Tuesday, Nov. 23. Statements were presented in connection with the frolic held in September. Son of Former Hen alt Resident Wins Awards Gordon Bolton.Clemas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas, Lon- don, Ont., has been awarded the London Playgrounds Intermediate Track and Field Trophy for the third consecutive year at nine, 10 and 11 years. His, records are: standing broad jump, 6, 8"; running broad jump, 13, 4"; running high jump, 3, 10"; 50 -yard! dash, 7 seconds; 60 -yard dash, 8 seconds; 12 and under run- ning the bases, 9.5 seconds. He holds the record for both dash ev- ents. Gordon has also won his Ward Crest for five consecutive years, at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 years. Mrs. Clemas is the .former Doris E. Bolton, of Hensall. Combined YPU Attends Theatre The Hensall-C'hiselhurst Young People's Union met for the first time following the summer holi- days in Chiselhurst United Church. Ron 13,owcliffe, acting as president for Ken Tuckey, opened the meet-' ing. It was moved by Rev. W. J. Rogers and seconded by Ken Par- ker, that Marlene be appointed the new vice-president, to replace Bill Brock, who is attending O.A.C. at Guelph. It was decided the meet- ings would be held every •first and third Monday of the month, and alternately at Hensall and Chisel - burst. Rev. Mr. Rogers showed some interesting slides. A number of the members attended the Fall Rally in Wingham. {' On Monday the Hensall-Chisel- hurst Y.P.U. met in Hensall Unit- ed Church. At the meeting the members decided to attend the show, "Magnificent Obsession," at the Lyric Theatre, Exeter. Follow- ing the show, members went to the manse where luncheon was served. Owing to the fact that it was Rev. Mr. Roger's birthday, the Y.P.U. presented him with a birthday cake, which he said was delicious. The next meeting is at Chiselhurst -on November 15. HENSALL As a result of the porch -light canvass. held here, and sponsored by the Kinsmen's Club, $439.00 was realized for the flood relief df Southern Ontario. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne, Walled Lake, Mich., and Mrs. Root. Schovan and daughter, Ronda, of Charleston, B.C., were weekend' visitors with Mrs, Pearsy Graham over the weekend. Mr. Vernon Hedden and sons; George and -Bob, of St. Catharines, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Redden, Woodstock, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and He+b. LAC. George Lefebvre, who has been stationed in the supply de- partment at R.C.A.F. Station, Cen- tralia, for two and a ,half years, has been posted to France for three years, and following a leave spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lefebvre, of Ottawa, will leave by plant for France early in Novem ber. Mrs. Lefebvre and little son, Bobby, will rejoin her husband in France in the near future. Mrs. Lefebvre is the former Betty Kerr. Hensall Kinsmen Club are spon- soring a picture show, "Kiks Me, Kate," in the Town Hall her Salt- urd'ay evening, Nov. 6. Susan Jinks, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks, and Michael Davis, little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davis, had their tonsils removed at Clinton last Saturday. Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Morrey, Sar- nia, and Mrs. William Jarrott, of Brigden, were recent visitors at the homes of Mr. -and Mrs. William Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Faber and Joyce. The monthlyymen's Institute meeting will lib 'held in the Legion Hall on Wednesday might, Nov. 10. The hostesses are Mrs. Raye Pat- erson and Mrs. J. Horton. Roll call will 'be, "A helpful hint my mother taught me."' Noted Singer Appears At Dublin Chufch Christopher Lynch. famous Trish tenor, presented a recital of Irish songs at St. Patrick's Church. Dublin, on Saturday night. A good crowd was in attendance and the program was enjoyed by all pre- sent. He was accompanied 'by his own pia.nist, whom M'r. Lynch con- siders one of the best •in the world Mr, Lynch is on a tour in the United States and Canada. See eral weeks ago he Was on Ed. Sul livail's prdgram of ".'oast of 'the Town." . SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's County's Finest Market - for - USED CARS 1954 Chevrolet Belaire•PowergUde fully equipped $2295.00 1954 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1995.00 ftlJly equ ped 1954 Chevrolet Standard Sedan 1895,00 fatly equipped 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1650.00 Sully eQUiPPed 1953 Chevrolet Standard 1595 00 fully equipped 1953 Chevrolet Coach 1595.00 fully equipped 1952 Chevrolet Sedan 1395,00 Puny equipped q 1952 Chevrolet Sedan 1295•00 Two-tone C 1952 Chevrolet Coach 1295,00 low mileage A Written Guarantee for 60 days ori all Late Model 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1844.00 1095.00 895.00 495.00 1951 Chevrolet. Sedan .. 1949 Pontiac Sedan 1949 Studebaker five -passenger Coupe 1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach fully equipped 1948 Reo Three -Ton 895.00 Crab and Chassis.. rs00" 295.00 240.00 550.00 1947 Chevrolet 1/2 -Ton Pickup -1943 Dodge 1 -Ton Panel 1949 Ford Tractor and Plow new tires - Cars - Many Other. Models to Choose From BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS - ONTARIO PHONE 73-X"The (Hone of Getter Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING BRUCE .10 SEUTY Everyone Likes a Gift Especially When It's PARTY ACCESSORIES PERSON- ALIZED WITH NAME OR MONOGRAM COCKTAIL NAPKINS 50 for $2.00 1n varied colors, with printing in gold, silver, blue or •red. Box of 50 $2.00 Box of 100 $2.75 Monogrammed PLAYING CARDS 2 Decks $4.50 Cards of top quality and distin- guished design. In yellow with grey and blue with red, with lettering in gold or silver. Two Decks $4.50 Personalized Coasters In pink, yellow, dark green, brown, light blue and white, with printing in contrast. 50 for 31.75 100 for .$2:75 LUNCHEON NAPKINS 50 for $2.00 The larger size in the same shades as the cocktail napkins. Box of50 $2.410 Box of 100 32.75 Personalized Mathes 50 for $2.25 Choose from white and seven col- ors with contrasting printing, at 50 for 32.25 Metallics -60 for 2.50; WO for 4:00 Personalized Informals 50 for $3.O11 For brief notes, these little stationery folders, with writer's name imprinted, are smartly correct.- And such a clever Christmas gilt idea! 50 Informals (With envelopes) t;,3..00 WEDDING STATIONERY Invitations, Announcements -- Many styles and type arrange- ments froin which to choose. BE SURE OF DELIVERY - ORDER NOW! The Huron Expositor PHONE 41 S AFO, .T r,. imidai .A 14 • • • • • 4 4 t . 4 , 1 - I, • J _ • • t .