The Huron Expositor, 1954-10-29, Page 4FAGS:FOUR 1, THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seer (t 1. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: lst Week 1 Cent Ind Week % Cent 8rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each &Kure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. 0–e'irde of Thanks In Memoriam Notices, Coming Evento-1 neat Per word. 60 cent* per week. _Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 centa extra - Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 daYs Of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inaerted free qf charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Ete—Ratea on application- Minhnurn. Coming Events "filVERY FRIDAY NIGHT LS DANCE night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. Clarence Petrie the Night Hawks in attendance. 4517-9 nANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND Saturday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from City Hall, Stratford. Herb Petrie's orchestra; 50-75. 4525-tf Lost and Found LOST—MAN'S LEATHER JACKET BE- tween Hensel/ and Exeter. BERT FABER. Phone 671 r 15, Hensel]. 4529x1 Property For Sale FOR SALE -40 ACRES, MeK1LLOP- Grey Boundary. For price and par- ticulars apply to JA.MES STEVENSON. Phone 406, Brussels. 4527x6 VOR SALE—TWO-ROOM FURNISHED frame cottage, in Dublin. Apply CARL BREHM, Dublin. 4528-2 HOUSE FOR SALE --FRAME 7 -ROOM house; on East William St.: oil fur- nace, three-piece 'bathroom, insulated, full basement. HAROLD JACKSON. Sea - forth. 4529-3 TIOR SALE—TWO-STOREY HOUSE ON George St.: seven rooms, good base- ment; furnace; bathroom; large lot. Reas- onably prieed for early sale. Box 365, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4529-1 FOR SALE—ON NO. 4 HIGHWAY, modern two-bedroom brick cottage; oil heated. Property includes 3 acres of land. small barn and garage. Phone 689 WANTED — A SMALL FURNISHED FOR SALE -- REGISTERED SHORT - r 2, Hensel). GEORGE E. WALKER apartment, heated; prefer a frame horn bull. Oakbrook Ransom, 4 years _ old : (Robert W. Campbell breed). PETER Hensall, 452.8x2 building. Apply Box 383, HTJRON EX . FOSITOR. 4529e1 J. HICKNELL, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone Dublin 64 r 11. 4.52.9x1 For Rent 1.4".OR RENT --COMFORTABLE 5-12005I heated apartment, with garage. PHONE 249-W. 4529-1 TO RENT—MODERN UNFURNISHED \treated ape rtment : centrally located in Clin tun. Phone A. LOBB, 691-11,(lin- ton. 4125-1 T_TOUSE FOR RENT — THTLEE BED - „room furnished ; in Egmendville. Box 375, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4528x2 FOR RENT—DOWNSTAIRS FURNISH - ed apartment ; heated: three -niece bathroom; kitehen ; large living -dining room, lyedrootn. Box 376, HURON EX- POSITOR, 452852 FOR RENT pi VE -ROOM COTTAGE WITH BASE- ' men t ; nice lawn and garden : furnish- ed with three-piece bath, hot and cold water on tap : heavy duty wiring ; new )inoleum& and oil beaters. This house is nicely decorated inside and out, and situ- ated on new Highway No, 8, between Clinton and Seaforth. We desire high class tenants with small family, or would make an ideal home for retired couple. Available November 15. SEE Jonathan Hugill Phone 667 r 13. Seaforth or 616 r 13, Clinton 4529-tf Wanted Personals TTYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed Postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 tramples $1.00. 81.ail-Order Dept. T-73. N0VA-RUB13ER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. es US HANDS 1 WIVES! WANT PEP, V1114 ? Try Ostree. Tonic Tableta for new vitality. today. "Get -acquainted” size only 60e, An druggists. For Sale FOR SALE— BE ArrY WASHING MA - c Pi tie . priced $20. Apply box 382, P. U RON EXPOSITOR, 4529x1 I LTER . QUEEN V ACU UM CLEANER, ,teellent condition : all attachments. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth, 4529x1 JACK I'A HER,' OP HENSALL, HAS feed turnins for sale at $5.00 a ton. Phone Hensall 685 r ee. 4529-1 pOR SALE -80 PULLETS, RED X SUS- ' sex, six months. S'TAN III LLEN, 648 r 2. Seaforth. 4559-1 FOR SALE—BUDGIES AND CANAR- ies; Hartz Mountain Food. ete. ERIC M I LNER FLOWERS, Seaforth, 393. 4.529-tf POR SALE-- 15 GOOD YOUNG YORK pigs. JACK McIVER, St, Columban. Phone Dublin 22 r 21. 4529x1 FOR SALE—BOY'S SKATES, SIZE 9. Apply BOB RhlITIL Phone 244-W. 4529-1 FOR SALE-- BOY'S BOMBER JACKET, brown satin, fud collar ; fits 10-12 years : 55.75. MRS. WM. DOLMAGE, 855 r 32. 4529x1 poR SALE --DRESSED CAPONS, TO be delivered the 6th of November. Apply WILLIAM DOLMAGE. Phone 850 r 32, Seaforth. 4529x2 VOR SALE -10 CHOICE YOUNG PIGS, seven weeks old. GORDON REY- NOLDS. Phone 667 r 24. Seaforth, 4529-1 FOR SALE --SMALL SIZE OIL BURN- er ; pair women's white Bauer skates, size 6. PHONE 649 r 13. 4529x1 port SALE -THREE NURSE'S APRONS, five n tirse's uniforms, in good condi- tion. Will sell cheap. Phone 64-11 after o'cloc.k. Saturdays at . JIM RILEY'S. North 'elain St. 4529x1 'Notices WOMAN WISHES TO TAKE IN WASH - 'FOR SALE--3-BURNER COAL OIL ine and ironing, Apply MRS. JOE stove with oven: will sell cheap; TRAVAGLIANO, Ord St., Seaforth. -RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL am:* 459-1 small space heater : 2 45 -gallon drums, i of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE - v one filled; a pump and I 5-allon ran; PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, BOARDERS WANTED—ALL CONVEN- • all for 545.60. PHONE 383. Seaforth. Phone 347-11. iences. Aoply MRS. NOBLE Mc- . 'MR 4525-d CALLUM, Seaforth, Phone 187-13.SALE—QUANTITY OF 2// x 4/4- 4529x2 scantling 3 tongue -and -groove doors. 4/ x also windows and set of cellar QTENOGRAPHER WITH POUR YEARS' steps. Aeedy JAMES ELLIOTT, Chalk experience desires full or part-time St Phone 249-W, 4529-1 work. Apply Box 379, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4529x1 1019APERHANGING. PAINTING (BRUSH or Spray) ; exterior or interior decor- ating. See our 1955 wallpaper designs. DOUG DALTON. Phone Brussels 48 r 9, or Seaforth 481-3. 4528x2 QANTTARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL—SEP- tic tanks and cesspools, etc., pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. Prompt service. LOUIS BLA.KE. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels, Ont. 4527x6 pOARDERS WAN1 —ONE OR TWO, sharing Warm. modern home. Box 381, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4529-1 WOMAN COMPANION WANTED TO CUSTOM SEED CLEANING — ALL " live 'With lady in Seaforth. Free kinds of seeds cleaned --clover,' time_ accorrumodation in exchange for comPan- thy, etc'. LOUIS LECHNER, two blocks ionshiP• Box 373 HURON EXPOSITOR. west of Creamery. Phone 298, Seaforth. 4529x1 4529x1 FOR SALE -2 WINE COLORED WIN - LOGS WANTED—STANDING TIMBER, ter coats, girls' site 5.97 and $6 • -port SALE -2 PUREBREIrTAMWORTH boars, ready for service. from show stock. Priced to sell. Apply FRANCIS COLEMAN, Jr. Phone 838 r 22. Sea - forth. 4529x1 FOR SA.LE—PINK FUR TRIM SNOW suit. size 1 : brown three-piece snow suit, size 5: a brown form -fitting lady's coat, size 18. MRS, E. ALBRECHT, Sea - forth. Phone 71-11. 4529-1 VOTICE — PAINTING, PAPERHANG- ing : interior and exterior decorating. See our 1954 wallpaper designs. WAL- TER. PRATT, Seaforth. Phone 48 r 9, Brussels, 4525-tf A TTENTION, FARMERS I — PROMPT. coerteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals, C511 collect, ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 11 Seaforth, or 235 Exeter. Associated with' Darling & Co Carrada Ltd. 4525-tf VIOLIN, VIOLA, CELLO. TFIEORY IN- ' eteuctions in Seaforth by EDWARD OSCAPELLA, A.R.C.T.. Refer T. Instru- ments for rept if desired. For informa- lon, write or phone 5627R, 74 Nile St, Stratford, 4529x1 ATTENTION, FARMERS! — MerILLOP Fire Insurance: Western Farmers' Wind Insurance, Ontario Automobile As - sec. (0.A. A.), Hospitalization Insurance Accident and Sicknesa Insurance. and North American Life Insurance. Ccr.sult ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth, 4525 -t -f ACCOMMODATION REQUT.RED FOR Air Force personnel stationed at Clin-; ton. If you have a house, apartment, furnished or unfurnished, to rent. please, rail STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, en; local 252. FREE SERVICE To Farmers hard and soft maple, basswood and elm, per thousand or bush lots. Apply KENNETH VERNON, 11.11 4, Theiford. Phone Sylvan 13 r 32. 4528x2 girl's white skates, size 3 54 ; boy's black skates, size 13, 83;' small range, 515. Ap- ply Box 381, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4529x1 , re.,ET YOUR SEWAGE WORK DONE FOR SALE—BEDROOM SUITE; GREEN chest.. rfield suite : 2 lamps : end table; now, Only $2 per foot on contract 1 asis. All work guaranteed Contact , coffee table; hostess chair: chrome kitchen b 50 r 33. Seaforth. suite. All less than one yea r old, Ap- 4.525-tf Ply Box 380, FruttoN EXPOSITOR, 4529-1 WANTED --OLD HORSES, 3 CENTS ner pound; dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or nieht. GILI3ERT BROS.' MINK RANCH. Goderich. Phone collect, 936 r 32, or 936 r 21. 4525-tf AN'TED TO RENT — HOUSE AND bare with Hydro, in Seaforth, Mit- chell or Walton locality, where some live - steel: could be kept, and where my wife and I could get work with the proprietor or sometme nearby to pay for rent. We nres middleaged couple. We would also talte an old age pensioner: must be of ttood 'character and abstainer, male pre- ferred. We can furnish best of refer- encees. Amply to Bog 378, RUR.ON EX- POSITOR. 4528-2 Farms For Sale Q LABS FOR SALE—HARDWOOD, $10 Per load. aPproximately 2 cords: mix- ed wood. $s per load, approximately 2 cords. Prompt delivery FRED J. BUDIE, Phone Clinton 362. 4523x8 VOR SALE— PAIR BOY'S SKATES, size" 4: pair girl's white skates. size 11, both in good condition. Would buy , boy's size 51,7 180 6 and girl's figere skates, size 12. PHONE 124. 4029x1 pot/ SALE --.2 PURE BRED YORK rs, 10 months and 7 months of sce; siso 11 ch. n ks pigs, weaned one month. and a Provon Hereford hull. 3 vea rs old. ROBERT TvicMT LLAN, RR. 2. Sesforth. Phone 844 r 4. 41529x1 ; FOR SALE -1941 DODGE 3.I1 XURY ir mod motor, body. tireS ti with radio and son visor : $175.00. FARM FOR SALF.—-----------53,,,, sno sees, Red pullets. starting to ; miles west of Dublin: ' ; • I near No. 8 Highway, in 114cKillop Town - 1' Dublin, Phone 47 r 3. Dublin. ; :hip. LEO RYAN. Phone Dublin 37 r 4A294C1 4528-2 FOR SALE- HARDWOOD GATE-LEG 4525-tf plowed 3,v lay GEORGE SM A I.E. RR, No, nOM'T WASTE MONEY ON MINER - 819 your land doee not need. We will. without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. CALL Topnotch Feeds Limited PHONE 15 or 876 4484-4d COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP of McKillop will meet as a Court of' Revision on the assessment roll of 1954-50. I at Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, November I, at 10 a.m. Parties interesterl should govern them- selves accordingly. .1. M. ECKERT. Clerk, MeKillop, 4528-2 COURT OF REVISION Township of Tuckersmith riOURT OF RN EVISIOON THE . 195e Assessment‘Roll. Township of Tuck- ersmith, will he held ih the Town Han, Seaforth, on Tuesday, November 2nd, 1964. at 2 Tim. Interested 'Parties ullould irevern selves accordingly. r. P. CHESNEY. C)erk. them-, 45284 NOTICE Township Of Hullett Tim COVNen olr TYLTO l'OVireffeittPf a of Ittillett WM hold * 01809 of Res visionstor the henries of, *instals against the 1955 rehatessineit lielf In the &se. etittnie$ Balt Ltaideahores 148 Stab rom., Itoodevo lemonleel. 1954. O150. W. COWAN, 4829.9 , ta 1- le1 chairs in rich golden wheat FOR SALE—LOT 10. CONCESSION 14. McKillop Township. 8714 acres good workable soil : well drained ; 25 acres fall Mowed, rest hay and pasture. All good hnildings with never -failing water sup - 171p; all cement stabling and litter carrier n barn. Good brick house with bath- room, cold and hot water throughout; also water softener. Good henhouse; steel shed: double -car garage. Hydro through- out all buildings. Price 512,000. Terms can be arranged. Apply to MRS. MABEL McNTCHOL (10e -J, Seaforth), or JACK BOSM AN, Walton. Ont. (843 r 5, 'Sen - forth). 4528x2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES E. LOVE A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS "“- age inst the Estate of James E. Lotte, te of the Township or Tuekersmith, in Ib,' County of Huron. Farmer. deceased, who died on the 2Ist day of July, 1054, re hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the unclersian- on or before the 5th day of Nevem- her. 1904, efter which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to clnirns then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 801 day of October, 1954. ar, McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 45274 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET M. WHITE LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Margaret M. White, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on the 24th day of September, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their Claims to the under- signed on or before the 5th day of No- vember, 1064, after mbieli date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received, nielsEn at Seaforth, this I2451 dos October, 1954. McCONNIIILL & RAYS, Senforth, Ontario, • Solids:ire for the Estee:abr. 4607.6 of fin ish : dark oak writing desk high red eel k itch. n stool with back ; 2 kitchen cha irs tittle and chair, Anply ,Itove THIRLIN CREAMERY. or phone Dublin 68 r 2. 1529.1 FOR SALE , PLOWING MATCH DEMONSTRATOR New 24x40 Bell Imperial Thresher S tibstan dal 'lisrount for immediate sale. We a re also taking orders on New Ma chin es for delivery next yea r. at a ,educed nriee• Robert Bell Industries Limited SF.AFORTIL ONTARIO Cards of Thanks RS. WILLIAM MORRIS AND FAM- ile wish to thank neighbors. friends s54 rol nth es for the NI ass Cards, floral tri butes, sympathy end help received dor- in,t their recent heron vement 'Special thanks to Father Weber. Dr. Stapleton 1111i Dr. Mon n. 4520x1 Births F»I3C1TARMH- At Scott Memorial Hospi- 153, on October 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Dueharme, Dublin, a daughter. MAR0{5-1Mr. and Mrs. Ne/son Marks, Walton, are pleased to announce the a rri ea I of their chosen daughter. Sharon Lynn : born August 29. 1954. 541K AY Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee, ippen announce the birth of n son 078 October 28, 1954, at Clinton Public Hoepital. VIE,LANSON—At Greenwood. Nova Scotia. on October 20. to FM). and Mrs. L. B. Melanson (nee Jacqueline Halikirk), daughter Leann "Did you change the tvater in. the fish bowl?" "No, I didn't have to." "Why not?" "Because they hadn't even be- gun to drink what they had," s, Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - feet*, in the Village of Hensan. on Saturday, October 50, at 1 pen.: ('lare- Jewel cook stove (like new); Coleman oil burner (like new) ; electric washing ma- chine ; refrigerator round table; kitehen table and chairs bookcase and writing desk combined; dresaera ; hall seat' odd chairs: 2 bevelled glass mirrors ; 1 metal bed; beda ; kitchen cabinet; cupboards card tables pictures rugs: desks; silver- ware: lamps : toilet setts: kitchen utensils, and other articles too numerous to men- tion. BERTHA BELL ESTATE; R. G. Tait, Executor; P. L. McNaughton, Clerk; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer, 4529-1 OLEAR/NG AUCTION SALE OF' FULLY Ace redited Registered Polled Angus Cattle, Pigs, Horses and Farm Machinery, at Lot 18, Concession 0, Morris Tow -n - ship, lie north and 3 miles west of Brussels. on Tuesday November 2nd. at' 12:30 p.m.: HORSES -2 Clyde veld- ings, 1500 lbs.: 1 Clyde mare, 9 years old. HARNESS— Set of hack band ha ness ; number of horse collars. PIGS - 8 pigs. 100 lbs.; 12 pigs 8 weeks old: 1 Yorkshire sow. rebred. CATTLE—I Dur- ham cow due time of sale: 2 Durham rows due in March; 1 blue cow due in March: 1 black oow due in March; 4 Pelted Angus steers 700 lbs. • 2 grade Angus heifers. 700 tbs., 7 grade Angus spring and winter calves. POULTRY -- 175 Barred Rod< pullets. 7 months old, Bray breed. MACHINERY -7 -ft. M. -H. binder; • 13 -disc M. -H, fertilizer drill: M. - H manure spreader (like new) : push bar hay loader, 2 years old: Frost & Wood mower (good1; Minneapolis side rake (new); spring tooth cultivator; diamond harrows; 3 -drum steel roller; walking plow; riding plow; rubber tired wagon; 16 -ft. flat rack (new) ; fanning mill; set farm sleighs; buggy: cutter ; 1,000 -lb. scales; cream separator: wagon box ; tur- nip drill; forks, chains, whiffletrees and other articles; 20 cedar posts. HAY and GRAIN -40 tons of mix&I hay; 2000. bushels of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Quantity ef household effects. REGISTER. ED POLLED ANGUS CAT- TLE,—Herd Sire: Born in 1950, bred by S. Middleton. Clinton; dam. Lucy Long. Patsy Wauch of Beaver Hills 2n8; Sire, Plackcap Bandolier, Enfileen's E r i c., COWS—Quern of Maydown, 3 years old: Dam, GI engo re Queen 43rd. Glengore HORS 7th Sire. Spring -field Laddie .2m-1, Glengore Duke: due to freshen Feb. Le. Esther of Maydown. 3 years old: Dans. Glengore Queen 52nd, Glengore Queen 30th; Sire. Springfield Laddie 2nd, Glen - gore Bandolier 2nd : bull calf 10 months old at foot, and rebred. Pegg of May - down. 4 years old: Dam, Glengore Queen 60th, Glengore Queen 52n4: Sire, Spring- field Laddie 2nd, Revolution of Don }lead; heifer calf at foot 9 months old, re -bred. Jaunty of Maydown. 3 years old: Dam, Jaunty of Binbrook 2rd. Jaunty of Aber - lour 8th; Sire. Springfield Laddie 2nd, Ebonezeer of Anoka ard ; bull calf at foot 10 months old, retired. Helen of May - down 2nd, :3 years: Dam, Pride of St. Helens 67th. Pride of St. Helens llth: Sire, Springfield Laddie 2n4, Bandolier of Anoka 2011, ; due Januorv 1st. Princess of Maydown Dam. Maud of Maydown, Glengore Queen 43rd, Sire, Lakeview Ban- dolier Lily's Prince, Sprinefield Laddie 2n4 ; bull calf at foot. 7 months old ; re - bred. 'Maud. of IVIaydown: Dam. Glengore Queen 443rd, Glengore Floss 7th: Sire, Springfield Laddie 2nd, Glengore Duke; bull calf at foot 7 months old, rebred. Glengere Queen 02nd, bred by G. ,Da-ais & Sons. Erin. Ont.: Dam, Glengore Queen 308h, Glengore Queen 23rd; Sire, Glen - gore Bandolier 2nd. Pawnee Larkin 5th; heifer calf at foot, 0 months old: rebred; 10 years old. Pride of St. Helens 67th, bred by F. G. Todd & Sons. Lucicnow, Ont., 7 years old : Dam, Pride of St. Hel- ens Ilth, Pride T. of St. Helens 2n4; Sire, Bandolier of Anoka 25th. Pride Lad of St. Helens 3rd: bull calf at foot 8 months old, rebred. Lady Bandolier of Glen Robbie. 6 years old: Dam, Royal Lady of Baralee 2n4, Glen Ross Royal Lady 8th; Sire, Blackcap of Elm Grove 16th, Bandolier of Anoka 10th; re -bred. Maud of Maydown 2nd, 4 years old: Darn, Glengore Queen 52n4, Glengore Queen 30th ; Sire, Spring- field Laddie 2n4, Glengore Bandolier 2nd ; heifer calf at foot, 8 months old; re - bred. Helen of Maydown. 4 years old, Pc - bred: Dam, Pride of St. Helens 67th, Pride of St. Helens lith: Sire. Springfield Laddie 2nd, Bandolier of Anoka 25th, ELLIS. Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer ; Robert Johnston, Clerk. CALF....Helen of III nydown Ord, 005gear;Ad: Dern. Pride of St. Helens; Sire, yucy's Bandolier. Terms --Cash. THOMAS L.O.B.A. Euchre A successful euchre was held in the L.O.B.A. Hall Monday night of last week, when 14 tables were in play. Proceeds of the affair were presented to Mrs. Gertie Nichol. Winners were: ladies. first, Mrs. M. E. Clarke; lone hands, Mrs. Barney Hildebrand; consolation, Mrs. J. MeGregor; men, 2rst. Alex Muir; Ione hands, Bob Smith; con- solation, Clayton Steele, Blyth. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! (ars & Trucks Two '48 Dodge 1/4 -TON PANELS completely reconditioned, and excellent bodies and tires. For Quick Sale $5,7,5,00 '48 Chev. SEDAN DELIVERY Excellent motor and body; good tires. Ideal for painters or delivery. Only $575,50 '49 FORD COACH Perfect rendition; 90 -day War- ranty; radio and heater; ex- cellent tires. Two-tone and sun visor. A Real Buy 3:775.00 '48 Pontiac DELUXE SEDAN Like-ne'w condition: new tires' and excellent motor; radio. °DIY $675.00 Call Collect 2 - 1147 JACK RICE LONDON - ONTARIO Hensall News of the Week Miss Betty Miekle, who is at- tending University of Western On- tario, London, spent Sunday with her family. Mrs. Harry Stewart, Seatorth, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cox and Derry, Toronto, were Sunday call- ers with Mr. and Mrs. L. Miokle and family. The regular executive meeting of the United Church Sunday School was held. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kyle Monday evening. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Ross Corbett were presented with a hammered aluminum sandwich tray, Dave Kyle doing the honors. Ross is secretary of the Sunday School. A social hour was spent and lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle, Don- ald and John, of Ridgetown, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349 was held Wed- nesday evening with N.G. Miss Mabelle Whiteman presiding. Plans were made to assist the I.O.O.F. with treats for the children at their Hallowe'en party. The next meeting will be held on Wednes; day, November 3, when the Assem- bly President, Mrs. Meta Priestly, of Toronto, will visit this lodge. She is to be entertained at a ban- quet at Lee's Restaurant, Last Sunday morning Rev. Men - ales, of Ailsa Craig, officiated in the United Church, Hensall, The choir anthem was "0 Lord, How Excellent Thy Name." Mr. Men- zies also spoke to the Chiselhurst congregation in the afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. IV. A. Hopkinson, of Lions Head, and Miss Eleanor Cook, of Toronto, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Pupils of Miss Greta Lammie will present a program on the Kid- dies' Studio Party on CKNX, Sat- urday, Oct. 30, at 11:15 a.m. IVir. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm have a yellow plum tree which is bearing its second blossoms this year. The tree was purchased from a nursery eight years ago and this is the only time it has blossomed twice in one year. Mrs, Arthur Dunlop spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. William Pepper. Mr, arid Mrs. Harold Hedden and Jimmy, of Dresden, spent the week end with Mrs. Catherine Hedden and Herb. .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, of Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr and Jimmy. Ladies' Aid To Plan Bazaar The regular monthly meeting Of Carmel Presbyterian Church Lad- ies' Aid was held in the church Tuesday evening, Oct. 19, with 26 ladies present Mrs. W. R. Bell, president, presided. Mrs. J. Sol- dan's group was in charge of the devotional part. Mrs. Gordon Troy- er led the group in prayer. Mrs. Rebert IVI,adge spoke on the writings of Edna Jaques and read from her works, "Beside Still Wa- ters." The group repeated the 23rd Psalm and closed this part of the meeting with the Lord'e Prayer. Bills were presented t o the group for approval, .11 donation is to he sent to the John Melton School for (he Blind. A group con- sisting of the executive will meet at the home of Mrs. R. J. Cameron October 27 to make arrangements for the bazaar which will be held November 27. A vote of thanks on behalf of the group was extend- ed to Messrs. Archie Hoggarth, Alex McGregor and John Soldan, by Mrs. Clarence Reid, for work done.,in moving and 'building min - boards and other carpentry work. Mrs.. John Soldan's group served luncheon. Injured in Motor Accident Two teenagers were admitted to Victoria Hospital, London, Satur- day night with serious injuries, the result of an accident. three miles south of Hensel] on Highway No. 4. Mies Elaine Bell, 16, student at South Huron District. High School, Exeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Kippep, suffered chest and head injuries and dislo- cated hip. Irvin Ford, RR. 1, Exe- ter, suffered a fractured ankle, face and head injuries. The accident happened, ac- cording to police, when a pickup truck. driven by Mr. Ford, went into the ditch arid struck a tree, breeking it off at the base. Two amhulances. Dinney of Exe- ter, and Bonthron's of Heneall, took the injured to hospital. Dr J. C. Goddard ellen (led at the scene. P.C. Cecil Gibbons, of Exeter, in- vestigated. The truck was com- pletely demolished. To Hold Hallowe'en Party A Hallowe'en party for the chil- ren of Ifensall and community will be held in the Town Hall Sat - Huron Children Hold Rally Here The children's groups of Huron Presbyterial held a very successful rally in F'irst Presbyterian Churoh, Seaforth. Saturday afternoon, One hundred and two children and 15 adults were present. from Auburn, 'Clinton, Exeter, Gorieeich and Sea - forth, The Hensall Band was un- avoidably absent. The secretary', Mrs. .Tames Scott, presided, and Mrs. D. Glenn Cam.pbell gave the welcome and missionary story. The worship per- iod was conducted by the Girls' Ex- plorer Group of Seafort.h, followed_ by an interesting program of action songs, in.strumentals and 'skits. Auburn dispia.yeirl an autograph quilt snd Mrs. Cie ytoe Edw fled , of Goderieh, showed a ianicpie 'collec- tion of dressed dolls, which had been sent from India by -Miss Ida White, a. missionary there. A film, "The :Lost Sheep," was then pres- ented. Mrs. D. J. Lane moved a vote of thanks to all taking part, and a social period followed, urday, October 30, at 8 spon- sored by LO.O.F. and Amber Re- bekah Lodges. Films will be Pre- sented, in charge of the Kinsmen Costume prizes will be awarded, and treats given. Hensall WMS Hears Clinton Speaker Mrs. J. D. Lane, of St. Asa Irew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton, was guest speaker at the thankoffering meeting of the Womens, MiSsion- arY Society of Carmel Church, held last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Lane otiose to speak on "lie Shall Have Dominion." Mrs. L. Purdy was made the presentation of a life membership. Mrs. Gebrge Walker read the address and MTS. B. Edwards made the presentation. Mrs. James W. Bonthron rendered a pleashag solo. Mm. S. 'Dougall presided over the rneeting. The devotional was conducted by Mrs. R. Y. MacLarea. Mrs. M. Sangster read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Edwards offered prayer. Mrs. Mal- colm Dolman contributed a pleas- ing piano solo. The schoolroom was lovely with profusions of falr Hewers. Mrs. G. Walker and Mrs. Ines McEwart arranged the pro- gram. There was a good attend- ance Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. WINCHELSEA .00•• Mr. and Mrs. W. Walters and Danny and Mrs. M. Clark -e, of Far- quhar, were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dayman, Kip - pen. Mr. and Mrs. E. Lynn and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. Skinner, of St. Pauls, on Sunday. Mrs. Ivan Brock held an Avon demonstration on Monday- evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brock, of Zion, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bailey. Celebrate 40th Anniversary A surprise party was held for Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten, of Wincliel- sea, at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong, of near Hensall, on Friday evening. Relatives and neighbors from Exeter and Win- chelsea were present An enjoy- able evening was spent by all playing euchre. After lunch and wedding cake were served, the happy- couple of 44 years receiv ed many useful gifts and best wishes for more years of wedded life. KIF'PEN Mr. and Mrs. Cuchnore visited on Sunday with her ;brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stiles, of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Dalrymple and daughters, Bonnie and Betty, have moved to ,Brueel5e1d. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long were Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wy- man Sparling, &so Mrs. Minnie Little, all of London. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green and family, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mr. •Jonah Green, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent Sunday in London at the home of their daughter and son -in -jaw, 'Mr. and MTS. Tom Smith, Little Lynn Gackstetter le visit- ing a few days in Exeter with her grandparents, Mr. and KM. "William Horney. Mrs. )3rightmore returned to her bome in London after visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, Mrs. Meredith and family, Of Oshawa, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde. Wlilliam Winder returned home after a visit with relatives in Windsor. New and Old -Time NCE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 Community Centre Seaforth Auspices of L.O.L., Seaforth Dancing 9 to 1 COLLINS' ORCHESTRA Popular Prices 11111111111111ameaseasasisganowaratere CROMARTY :Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace. Keith and 'Ken, of Carlingford, vies ited with Mr. and MTS. John Wal- lace and family. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Cockerel/ and family, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddlek and family and Miss Lottie Phillips, a Loudon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell. Frank Houghton and brother, Leonard Houghton, of Wingham, visited with Mrs. M. Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott at Russeldale. Robert Gardiner and Mervin Nairn have ret,urned home from the West. Mr. an,d Mrs. Don Swindle artd son, Bi/lie, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew IVIcLachlan, Mrs. Robertson visited. oti Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mills and family at St. 'Marys. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roney and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney arid family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hawes, Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon, Don- na and Barry and Mr. H. Gordon visited Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Mal- colm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Pepper and' Dennis spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Percy Wright and Mr. How- ard Weight. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker Ads- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ROGER'S-MAJESTIC Walter Scott, Seaforth. 21" Console OCTOBER 29, 19154' Honored lity Sunday Schaaf During the Sunday School Nate In St, Andrew's United Church Irene on Sunday, ldra. HotYert Dal:MON. Bennie and Betty were presents& with gifts. It is with regret we ars Parting with Mrs. Dalrymple, who was an active teacher of the prime ary class. Bonnie and Betty were rouler attendants of the khtder- garten and primary classes, an& will also be greatly missed. Hallowe'en Dance Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29 Desjardine Orchestra Sponsored by 10.0.1?. and Amber Rebekah. Lodges. Prizes for Ladies' and Gents: character and -comic costumes; best dress- ed couple. Door prize. Booth 'in Hail. OENMAL ADMISSION — Free Children's Party in Town Hall, Saturday, Oot. 300 8:00 p.m. Television HALLICRAFTER VII' Table Made' ....S2 19,75 ROGERS-MAJESTiC2 17” Table Model .... • fit9,S HALLICRAFTESI 21” Table Model ...... 41.11118(16085: PHILCO 21” Table model .... 34925 PHILCO 21" • JA Table Model with. base I ROGERS-MAJEST1C 21" ortr kn Table Model with base aiiits BAZAAR First Presbyterian Church to be held SATURDAY, NOV. 8th at 3 P.m HOME BAKING SALE Afternoon Tea will be be served. Sea Breeze RECORD PLAYER Plastic Case, -portable, amplifier and speaker. Plays all sizes .and! speeds. $29.95 ONLY DALY MOTORS Phone 102 Seaforth (all Us If You're REMODELLING This Fall! With our complete plan books, furnish- ed free, you can save money doing your own remodel- ling this Fall. We give plans for d e n s, attic bed- rooms, play rooms, closet* porches, powder rooms, garages. We furnish all lumber you need . . . rough, finish, siding, shingles, wallboard, millwork . . . you name it, we have it. "Where Your Money Buys The Most" Bail -Macaulay Ltd, Builders' Supplies - Sash - Doors Lime - Cement SEAFORTH Phone 787 CLINTON Phone 97 NY•ftr.s.MMOM■11.••••••INIM. 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