HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1954-10-15, Page 411 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates .FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: lot Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent Srd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion,20 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts sa one word. Dards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Events -1 Cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week, lilnquiriea may be directed to a Boa Na. o/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 dears of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths Inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events "W.Y. BAZAAR. TEA AND HOME- Baking Sale, Saturday, December 4th. 4526-5 HOSPITAL AUXILIARY WILL HOLD a Rummage Sale. Saturday, October 23, in the basement of the Library. 4526-2 For Sale molt SALE -SOW WITH 11 PIGS. J 011.11 GENMA'rr, R.R. • 4, Sea - forth. 4527x1 FOR SALE -20 YOUNG PIGS. AP - ply JOHN McIVER, St. Columban, Phone Dublin 22 r 21. 4521x1 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT IS DANCE FOR SALE -WASHED CARROTS AND night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, I washed turnips. B. PURCELL, Mar - Mitchell. Clarence Petrie the Night ket St. 4527-1 Hawks in attendance. 4517-9 DANCE EVERY WEDNESDAY AND Saturday at Mantle's Wagon Wheel, across from City Hall, Stratford. Herb Petrie's orchestra; 50-75. 45.25-tf BAZAAR AND BINGO TO BE HELD in Dublin Parish Hall on Wednesday, November 17, 1954. at 2 p.m. Bingo com- mences at 8:30 p.m. Cash prizes. 4527-1 FIDELITY LODGE No. 55, meets first and third Wed- nesday evenings of each month at 8 p.m. Noble Grand, I. Trewartha : Record- ing Secretary, Harry McLeod. 4493-18 Property For Sale FOR SALE -USED COAL AND WOOD ranges: used washers; used refrigera- tors. BOX FURNITURE. 4526-2 FOR SALE -1940 NASH SEDAN, GOOD ( body, four new tires, radio, heater. Phone Seaforth 830 r 11. A. HUM,MELL R.R. 1, Walton. 4527-1 FOR SALE -MAN'S KENWOOD Ov- ercoat, grey; good as new. Priced reasonably. Box 372, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4527-2 FOR SALE - HOTPOINT ELECTRIC range, with a coal annex. Apply MRS. W. S. HAY. R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 669 r 31. 4527-1 FOR SALE - GIRL'S WINE COAT, like new, size 12-14: boy's cocoa brown 3 -piece coat set, eiaegent condition, size 6X. PHONE 678-R or write Box 558," Seaforth, 4527x1 R SALE --40 ACRES, LOT -, CON. FO __ MSLABs FOR SALE -HARDWOOD, 910 McKillop. For price and parties- ,7 tars apply to JAMES STEVENSON. per load. approximately 2 cords: mix - Phone 406. Brussels. 4;,27x6 d wood, $8 per load. approximately 2 •ords. Prompt delivery FRED J. 'R SALE OR RENT -BRICK HOUSE' IIUDIE. Phone Clinton 362. in Seaforth. Possession November 1. 4523x8 J. W. THOMPSON. Phone 833 r 31. APPLES FOR SALE--MoINTOSH, DE - 4526 -2 1 'Hoses Spy and Winesap apples for FOR SALE 0R RENT -7 -ROOM HOUSE I immediate use at very attractive prices. "rine containers to GOVENLOCK FRUIT on Jarvis St. Bathroom complete. and , ARM. t. •mile north of Forest, on No. close to up -town. Possession Nos -ember of Highway. 4527x2 1. TORRANCE DUNDAS, Walton. Phone I Brussels 90 r 5 4526 HOUSE FOR SALE -FRAME HOUSE, three bedrooms, den. 3 -piece bathrootn,I modern kitchen, oil furnace- heavy wiring, insulated, water heater; lot 100 x 120. PHONE 31, Seaforth" or write Box 324, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4525-t£ FOR SALE -7 -ROOM FRAME DWEL-,1 ling, situated on Goderich St. West All modern conveniences. Hot water heat- ing with oil: two bathrooms. Garage and 1 small garden. Very convenient to shop- WOMAN COMPANION WANTED TO ping centre. Box 344, HURON EXPOSI- live -with lady in Seaforth. Free TOR. accommodation in exchange for compan- 4525-tf ionship. Box 373, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4527x1 OR SALE -10 HEAD OF BEEF CAT- "tle about 900 tbs. ; set sleighs: 30 - 'not extension ladder: fanning mill; horse sulti.ator: garden scuffle-: 30 rods hog ^nce : sling rope and chain: pump jack: 'hop boxes: load hay: fencing tools and +they articles. WILLIAM HENRY. °hone 117-M. Hensall. 4.526x2 Help Wanted Personals HELP WANTED -CAPABLE WOMAN to take charge of two children (8% and 41..), from October 24 to October 29, HUSBANDS 1 WIVES! WANT PEP, inclusive. Live in.. TELEPHONE 7-, Seaforth. 4327-1 VIM? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vitality, today. "Get -acquainted" BONTHRON l'or Rent von RENT --2 APARTMENTS, FURN- ished or unfurnished. Apply OKE'S BILLIARDS. 4525-tf FOUR ROOMS. FURNISHED APAB/f. ment; heated; garage. Available at once. Apply Box 871, HURON EXPOSI- TOR. 4527-1 VOU CAN RENT A LAWN SWEEPER from us; free delivery Apply CROWN HARDWARE, Phone 797, Seaforth. 4526-5 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES E. LOVE ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of James E. Love, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 21st day of July, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full par- ticulars of their claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 5th day of Novem- ber, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard only to claims then received. DA1'.ED at Seaforth, this 8th day of October, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4527.5 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET M. WHITE' ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Margaret M, White, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron. Widow, dedeased, who died on the 24th day of September, 1954, are hereby notified to send in full particulars ,of thSfr`claims to the under- signed on or before the 5th day of No- vember. 19,.54. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 12th day of October, 1954. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor, 45274 Cards of Thanks WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS to the neighbors and friends of Brucefield and Hensall and to the Bruce - field and Hensall 1.0.O.F. Lodges and Hensall Masonic Lodge, for their kind- ness and sympathy and beautiful floral tributes tendered to us in the loss of a loving brother. MISS MARY GIBSON and MR. AND R.S. J. McMURTRIE 4527-1 Marriages BROWN - BEST -On Friday, October 8th, 1954, in• the Chapel of St. Paul's Angli- can Church. Toronto, by Rev. Cecil Swanson, Dorothy Morson Best to Cor- bin A. Brown. Births size only 611c. All druggists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 29 samples 61.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Wanted SIXTEEN -YEAR-OLD GIRL. FOND OF children, would like job baby-sitting. PHONE 678-R. 4527x1 Applications should be mailed to the ",ecretary-Treasurer, Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Exeter, Ontario. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY I APPLICATXONS WILL BE RECEIVED up to October 16, 1954, for the posi- tion of agents for this Company in the Townships of Hibbert and district, Bien - .hard and part of Logan. Applicants should be' representatives of no other fire nsurance company. WANTED -A GOOD COUNTRY HOME for fodr kittens. PHONE 851-W. 4527-1 WANTED- CATTLE FOR WINTER feed. Apply IVAN BENNEWIES, mile west of Brodbagen. 4527x2 ("ET YOUR SEWAGE WORK DONE now. Only 82 per foot on contract basis. All work guaranteed Contact 850 r, 33, Seaforth. 4925-tf WANTED --OLD HORSES. 3 CENTS per pound: dead cattle and horses at value. Important to phone at once, day or nicht. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone collect, 936 r 32, or 936 r 21. 4525-i25 Notices A. FRASER, Secretary -Treasurer. 4526-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED FOR SIX CORDS OF 12 -INCH DRY hardwood, for S. S. No. 10. Tucker - smith. Tenders to be in by October 16. 1pply to V. L. ALDER -DICE. Secretary. R. R. 2, Kippen. 4527-1 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS ON ALL TENDERS WANTED makes: 22 years.' experience. We pick 'ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY UP and deliver. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 1 452.341 'pi REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- I Grey. Tenders to be by the hour. State PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. type of equipment used, Phone 347-R. 4525-tf Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. the undersigned until 2 p.m.. Satur- day. November 6. 1954, for snowplowing for the 1954-.55 season in the Township of SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL--.SEP- tie tanks and cesspools, etc.. pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. Prompt service. LOUIS BLAKE. Phone 42 r 6, Brussels. Ont. 4127x6 NOTICE - PAINTING. PAPERHANG- ins: interior and exterior decorating. See our 1954 wallpaper designs. WAL- TER PRATT, Seaforth. Phone 48 r 9, Brussels. 4525-tf ATTENTION. FARMERS : — PROMPT courteous collection of all dead and diaabied farm animals. Call collect. ED. ANDREWS. 851 r 71. Seaforth. or 235 E xeter. Associated with Darling & Co., nt Car:ada Ltd. . 4125-tf ✓ IOLIN, VIOLA. CELLO, THEORY IN- structions in Seaforth. For informa- tion aply at Northside United Church on Saturday evening, or write EDWARD OSCAPELLA. A.R.C.T., R.M.T.. 74 Nile St., Stratford. Phone 526-R. 4527x1 ATTENTION, FARMERS! — McKILLOP Fire Insurance, Western Farmers' Wind inanrance. Ontario Automobile As- soc. (O.A.A,), Hospitalization Insurance. Accident and Sickne-a Insurance, and North American Life Insurance. Cctsuit ERIC H. MUNROE, Seaforth. 4525-tf AOCOMMODATiON REQUIRED FOR .Me Force personnel stationed at Clin- ton. if you have a house, apartment, furnished or oyfprnished. to rent nleaee tall STATION HOUSING OFFICE at Clinton, 982: local 252. 4525 -if FREE SERVICE To Farmers Eil1'r *,Ac8TE MONEY ON lifI R. tett" Wait. 'MA data not need. *4)1;wl11,' 8 8tlioct. chase t¢ van take 4stnillait' . of the *loth hi rot(- . fields attd nava tittle II is 51 MRS. E. M. CARDIFF. Clerk. 4527-2 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF COWS. HEIFERS and Young Cattle, at Lot No. 31, Concession 6. Goderich Township. one mile south of Porter's Hill, on Tuesday. Octo- ber 19th. at 1:30 p.m., consisting of: 10 rows and heifers, some fresh. some springers, balance due November to Feb- ruary. They are Holsteins. Herefords. -Jerseys and Ayrshire's. mostly vaccinated and raised on our own farm and bred Hereford: also 10 Hereford yearlings and 6 Hereford calve.*, 100 one -year-old hens (last fall chickens). 'Arrange to attend this sale, as the cattle are of good qual- ity and will be sold without reserJe. as the proprietor is in ill health. Terms— Cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND. Proprietor: Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4527-1 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects, East William St., Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, October 20. at 1 p.m.: McClary'a `Frigidaire (like new) : kitchen table and chairs; 2 -burner rangette ; Quebec cook stove; 3 couches: 2 -burner hot plate: electric tea kettle; toaster; other electrical appliances; din- ing room suite, extension table, china tabs ir. et, buffet. 6 chairs: studio couch: rock- ing chairs; small tables; occasional chairs; pedestal: floor lamps: 3 furnish- ed bedrooms: full aize. three-quarter and single beds, springs, inner spring mattress - ea, dressers, stands; fernery; bed linens; quilts: blankets; curtains; table linens; dishes; ornaments; kitchen utensils: flat- ware; sealers; floor coverings; lawn mowers; garden tools : step ladders: long ladder; garden hose. PROPERTY - At same time and place, the 1% storey frame house will 'Le offered for sale, subject to reserve bid: oil furnace, 8 -piece bath and toilet downstairs. Reuse is in pat celrtionnlly good condition; 2 lots; large garden. 'ferns: Chattels -Cash. Pro- perty'•-�I , o down, bola -tufo in 80 days. Int - Mediate osaeabion. ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS M,A'ROAR_1ST .WHITE: Harold Iile% on; Auctioneer: EE P. Chesney', Clerk. Poe farther 9artieulbrs a tar' to 3''. D. ti .N2 LLr yyggolicltor;,. W...14. WRITE —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bon- thron. Hensall, announce the birth of twins. son and daughter, at 5t. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, Oct. Bth. LENSINK-At Scott -Memorial Hospital, on October 8, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lensink. Seaforth, a 5011. ROWLAND-At Scott Memorial Hospital. on October 9, to Mr and Mrs Louis Rowland, St. Columban, a daughter. Deaths RONTHRON-At St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, October 9, 1954, infant son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold Bon- thron. Hensall, HINCHLEY-In Seaforth, on Friday, Oct. 8. Jennie MacDougall. widow df the late J. D. Hinchley, in her 89th year. MORRIS -In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday. Oct. 12. Joseph Benedict Morris, of Seaforth, in his 39th year. Poultry - von SALE -125 RED - NEW RAMP pullets, starting to lay,' 5% months old. FRED GLANVILLE, R.R. 2, Wal- ton. Phone 831 r, 32; Seaforth. 4527x1 Brucefield Group To Hold Bazaar The October meeting of the W. A. was held Tuesday afternoon with a large attendance. The sleet- ing opened by singing Hymn 578,' "Sing To the Lord of Harvest," Miss Bowey read the scripture les- son, Psalm 100, and led in prayer. Mrs. Ross Scott gave the topic on "Thanksgiving." Hymen 577, "Come Ye, Thankful People, Come," was sung and the Creed repeated in unison. Mrs. Walter MacBeath read the minutes of the Septem- ber meeting. The roll call was an-- swered with a Thanksgiving mes- sage, followed by the treasurer's report. Correspondence was read and the business discussed. The W.A. and W.M.S. members were invited to Bayfield for the W.M.S. thankoffering meeting on Thurs.- day. The W.M.S. members were in- vited to Duffs .Church for their thankoffering meeting on Friday. Ladies were appointed to be in charge of the various booths for the bazaar which is to be held on November 10. The meeting clos- ed by singing the W.A. Hymn. A social half-hour followed with con- tests and lunch provided by mem- bers of Group IV, in charge of Mrs. N. Baird. RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Godkin Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 Nite-Ryders' Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME Anniversary S,ervices KI PEN U ITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 Guest Minister: Rev. Howard A. Dickinson, B.A., Minister North St. United Church, Goderich 11 A.M.—"GO FORWARD" 7:30 P.M.—"YOU ARE ON THE - SPOT" " Special Music by the Choir, adsist- ed by Mrs. Wm. Elliot, of Parkhill, and others, ORGAN RECITAL Tuesday, 'October. 19th 8:30 p.m. by MR. T. C. CHATTOE Organist of Metropolitan United Church, London, assisted by Miss Bennie Wood, Soprano Soloist, and Mr. Victor Brown, Baritone Soloist. Admission 50c; School children free YOUR CO-OP - EXPECTS A CAR OF GROUND SCREENING First of Next Week PRICE — $46.00 A TON Those interested, PHONE 9, or contact SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 1951 Plymouth Coach—Low mileage ..$1,225.00 1950 Deluxe Chev, Sedan. New condition 1,250.00 1947 Pontiac Sedan—Extra good 725.00 1947 Chev. Coach—Two-tone 695.00 1947 Dodge Coach 625.00 1952 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pickup Very low mileage 1951 Chev. '/2 -Ton Pickup Extra good Seaforth. M�tors Phone 541 Seaforth British Isles Trip Is Described, Illustrated To Hurondale W.I. Miss Mary Carmichael, of Ilder- ton, 'spoke to Hurondale W.I. on her trip to Ireland and Scotland two years ago, and accompanied her talk with beautifully colored slides of the interesting places she visited. Mrs. William Sillery was hostess for the meeting, which was held in the Sunday schoolroom; of Caven Presbyterian Church, Exe- ter. The motto, "Is living a Olio worth more than making, a By-. ing?" was discussed by Mrs, Wil- fred Hunkin..., Roll call was an- swered by "a cure for the blues." An invitation to attend their Oc- tober meeting was read from the Exeter Home and School Associa- tion. A letter of thanks was re- ceived for a donation to the "Pen- ny Roundup," in aid of the men- tally ill. Mrs. Richard - Etherington read an interesting letter from an in- stitute in England with 'which car - respondence is kept up. Mrs. Hugh Love was named to reply. MI's. Wilfred Hunkin was appointed, delegate to the London Area Con- vention, October -18 to 20, with Mrs. Mervin Dunn as alternate. Reports of standing committees were given 'by Mrs. William Sime, Mrs. Hugh Love and' Mrs. Harry Snell. Bank books were presented to four new babies to W.I. members. The skit, "Where Did You Get That Hat?" was presented by the members who 'had given it pre- viously on the Centennial program of the Exeter Fair. Mrs. Camer- on Cann conducted a contest. CONSTANCE Miss Verna Adams, Welland, spent the holiday weekend with her father, Mr. Miller Adams. Mr. Doug Harrison, Miss Mildred Moore and Mr. and \Mrs. Graham, Toronto, were guests over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggartli were in Toronto over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown and daughters, Joyce and Elaine, spent the holiday with relatives in Han- over. On Saturday evening they gathered at the home of Mrs. Brown's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, to celebrate the 35th .wedding anal- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Foster, Toronto, eldest sister of Mrs. Brown. The same evening a surprise was given to Mr. and Mrs. Brown on the "'occasion of their 15th wedding anniversary. Warden W. J. Dale is in Breslau attending the International Plow- ing lowing Match. Mrs. Ernest Adams and Miss Donelda Adams spent Saturday in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Jewitt arriv- ed from Hazenmare, Sask., Thurs- day last and intend spending the winter at the homes of their two sons, William and Wilbur Jewitt. Sgt. and Mrs. Cliff Pearson and family, of Halifax, left for Van- couver where Sgt. Pearson has been posted. While enroute they visited with Mrs. Pearson Vamp, Mrs. Earl Lawson and other rela- tives. el-tives. Mr. and Mrs, Herb Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Will Webster, of St. Helens, were guests with Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent, of Goderich, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Dexter. Mr. William Jewitt accompanied. his father and mother to Forest to visit relatives and friends. The sympathy of the community is extended to the sons of Mrs. J. D. Hinchley, formerly of this dis- trict, in their recent bereavement. McKILLOP Miss Isabelle Betties, Port Col- borne, spent the weekend at the home of Mr, Theron Betties. Mrs, Mary Cuthill, Seaforth, and Mrs. Eva Martin, Newdale, Man., are guests this week at the Den- nis home. Mr. John McClure suffered an attack of pneumonia this week. CLINTON - The Sunday School executive of Ontario St., Church was held at the home of Mr. and •Mrs. George Lavis on Thursday evening last with 20 members pllesent and M:r. Stewart presiding. The lesson wab read by Mrs. Schoenalls from Nib 38 and 42. Chapter VII of the Stu- dy book. "Tbe Bible and the Chris= tian Religion," was ably conducted by Mrs. Wm. Hoggart. There was some discussion on the .two Sen- ior Girls' Classes. It wa"s decided that the Rally Day offering in the envelopes be given to the M. and M. Treasurer, Mr. Trewartha; that Mrs. 'Geo. Potter be treasurer in Mrs. Ball's place, whose resigna- tion was received with regret; Mr. McDonald to be paid for a bill .he had met; that as many its possible go to the Sunday School conven- tion in the Baptist. Church, Gode- rich, on Oct. 13, afternoon and ev- ening. The minutes were adopted as read and the treasurer's three- month report received. A delicious lunch was served •by the hostess and a courtesy motion extended by Mr. McDonald and Mr. Bob Elliott. A lady asked a sting- citizen for- a contribution to the community( chest drive. He .held out a dime and a dollar bill. - "Which one do you want?" he asked. "MY mother aiwayg toldme to take the smallest," the lady re- plied s*eetly, as she took the dime. ' "And I'll just take this piece of- paper to wrap it up in," she coitr hlu'bd, picking up the dollar bill. . atmeLe 444, . >iro6 �a,, qPs Ak Hensall News of the Miss Amy Laramie, 'London; -Mrs. Flossie Dickens, Exeter, and Mr. and_Mrs. Mrs. Joy' 'Laramie, Bobby and Jean; of Centralia, were Thanks- giving visitors with Miss Greta Lammie. 'Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr, Han- over, anover, were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Orr. Mr. and .Mrs. J. L. 'McCloy„ To- ronto, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. George Hess. Cathy, Jimmie and Christine, who have been spending the past two weeks with their grandparents, retur>rd .home with them. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Orr and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Orr spent Mon- day onday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Orr and Anna, at Parkhill: Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCully and four children, of Stratford, ac- companied by Mr. Joe McCully, of Brucefield, visited on Thanksgiv- ing Day with Miss Hannah Craig. 'Miss Margaret Moussea'tl has re- turned home after a delight •til week's vacation spent with rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer and family spent a few days in Toron- to last week visiting relatives. Patsy Schwalm, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Schwalm, is confined to her bed with illness. ,Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs_ Ivan Kipfer, Lucan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer over Thanksgiving. Hold Thanksgiving Service Rev. W. J. Rogers conducted Thanksgiving' services in the Unit- ed Church last Sunday. In the morning Mr. Rogers chose the theme, "What Shall We Do With God's Gifts?" The choir rendered the anthem, "0 Give Thanks." Mr. S. 'Ronnie sang an appropriate solo, "A Song of Thanksgiving." The evening anthem was, "Oh Praise Ye the Lord." Next Sun- day, Oct. 17, services will be held FARM NEWS OF HURON Wet weather continues to hin- der ieder farm -operations. White bean growers made little headway with the harvesting of this crop; ap- proximately 50 per cent . of the beatis have yet to be pulled. In many cases, fields are too wet for silo filling and for fall plowing. However, ideal plowing conditions prevailed' on the land selected for the two county plowing matches last week. CROMARTY Mr- and Mrs. Ray Davis and family, of Thorndale, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubert, of Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris on Sunday. Mrs, H. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore and faamily, of Lind- say, spent the holiday weekend with Mr, and Mrs. T. L. Scott and family. Mr. and. Mrs. Ken. McKellar were at Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Norris and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McDougald at Kinburn Sun- day. We are pleased to report How- ard Wright sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to return to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and daughter, Alice, and Mr. Oswald Walker visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Lin McKellar and family spent Thanksgiving Sunday at Seaforth with Mr. , and Mfrs. Ferg McKellar. The community was deeply grieved to hear of the sudden death of Hibbert Township Clerk, in the person of Thomas Wren. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs Wren. and other members- of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle, of Toron- to, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl over the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. F. Glossop and Bette and Mr. Ben Glossop visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster at Port Albert. Turner's United Church Tuckersmith ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, October 17th 2 p.m. and 7:39 p.m. Special Speakers— REV. JOHN W. STINSON Seaforth, at the Afternoon Service F/L. BEN GARRETT, Chaplain R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, at the Evening Service SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR -- Everyone Welcome — as usual, at 11. SAn. and 7 p.m., with Rev. , Rogers in champ, .M the afte*-upon service in' q hisel- burst, the Misses Main. Biogbal, Marilyst Eyre, Faye Rose anti Pune Roos sang, "Bringing in the Sheaves." Mrs. W. Rogers Laver' ed with a pleasing solo, "My Trill,'' The church was effectively decor- ated for Thanksgiving,, the ladies being responsible for thin work, Baking Sale PRODUCE, ETC. Hensall United Church SATURDAY, Oct. 16 3 p.m. Sponsored try Chiseihurst Women's Association Wield ..: United ^ Charts% wi *Orin Biel; anniversary alq Sun VaRev, PDadS Ptkhil,as .1sReaker. PmemaiNseeallftwailasessfinittimai 1 FOR''SALE 11 ACRES IN TUCKERSMJTH with good buildings. Priced' 'for quick eale. 50 -ACRES OF GOOD LAND on Highway, close to town. Good buildings. Far Sale or Rent - SEVEN -ROOM HOME - mi west site. Possession at once. -- Call W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTE(t: emIllilroIRMIllomitIIMPoompessogoll THE ANNUL MEETING OF Huron County Cream Producers' Association will be held in the Agricultural Board Rooin in Clinton at 8:30 p.m., on TUESDAY EVENING, OTOBER 19, 1954 Guest speaker for the evening will be Mr. Hervey Leslie, O2 Seaforth, Chairman of the Ontario Creamery Aseoeiation. Huron County Cream Producers are urged to attend this meeting SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS' OPEN DAILY — PHONE 303.J T. PRYDE & SON . ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are invited. . Exeter Phone 41—J Clinton Phone 101 4 Public Meeting To discuss the benefits of the appointment of a Recreation Director in Seaforth- • E. SECORD, District Representative Community Program Branch of the Depart- ment eptment of Education of Ontario, will be pres- ent to explain the matter and to answer questions. The Public is Invited! TOWN HALL, SEAFORTH TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19th 8:15 pan. — Auspices, — Seaforth Amateur Athletic Association Just Arrived ! ONE CAR CEMENT Seaforth lumber Ltd. Phone 47 weesseemaismeamwmasseassesesseasemeseessemar SEE THESE GUARANTEED VALUES AT Huron County's Finest Market for USED CARS SPECIAL --A number of 1954 Chevrolets; guar. A number of 1963 Chevrolets ami PbntfsC8l• anteed mileageunder 10,000. Fully equipped: Fully equipped', as low as. . rjf,696 , radio, heater, signals, etc, �� 8 As low as 00 SPECIAL --1948 Mercury Sedan .....11295.08 3-1952 CHBV, SEDANS" 1962 PONTIAC SEDAN 2-1950 CHEV. STATION WAGONS 1949 CH.EV. SEDAN 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN Number of older modeles TRUCKS ---+— NUMBER OF TRUCKS+—•Rats I from .Tee Pickup to 6.Tof Stake - A written guarantee for 80 days on all Late Model Cara MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM • '• -BRUSSELS In. BR JSSFI,B OIN!.Bia,'. PHONE 7$-X-- -The 'Wim- of Better vied care Rs EI ' EVEI W evenum 1.. tittl atii awls, tt, a lbs 0,414 0 44. • •