The Huron Expositor, 1954-10-15, Page 34 e 4 4 4 9 4 4 • 4 4 , .0 • 4 • • oe l !1r 3.5, 1904 . yt� !ly 9.09 IF AUTUMN s HOME FURNISHINGS STOCK MUST BE REDUCED TO MAKE WAY FOR XMAS STOCK ARRIVING DAILY Sale Begins October 14 And Ends October23 CHROME and WROUGHT IRON Kitchen Sets REDUCED UP TO 25% Table Lamps and FLOOR LAMPS Every Shape and Size REDUCED 20% A REAL SAVING ! PLAY PENS SQUARE AND OBLONG Reg. 9.95 8.50 Reg.12.9510.95 Reg.14.5012.50 2 -Piece Kroehler CHESTERFIELD .SUITE Greey Wool Frieze REG. 229.00 - - - - 318100 2 -Piece KROEHLER SUITE Red Nylon Cover; Quilted Back REG. 279.00 - - - - $1230.00 2 -Piece KROEHLER SUITE Chocolate Brown Wool Frieze Modern Lines REG. 259.00 - - - - $1215.00 2 -Piece SNYDER SUITE Grey Nylon Frieze Airfoam Cushions and Back A Real Luxury Suite!• REG. 289.00 - . - - $249.00. TWO-PIECE SUITE - Beige, Wool Frieze Modern Styling REG. 259.00 - - - - $215.00 2 -Piece DAVENS SUITE Rose Wool Frieze Makes into Smooth Double Bed REG. 189.00 - - - - $,169.00 4 -Piece SECTIONAL SUITE Tweed Cover - Kroehler REG. 219.00 - - $175'.00 1 BED ROOM STUFF'S 5 -Piece BEDROOM SUITE Light Mahogany Vanity, Chest, Bed 2 Night Tables REG. 270.00 - - - - $199.00 THREE-PIECE SUITE Walnut Veneer Double Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed REG. 165.00 - - - - $125.00 THREE-PIECE SUITE Light Birch Finish Double Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed REG. 150.00 - - - - $120.00 PEPPLER SUITE Double Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed Seafoam Mahogany REG. 310.00 - - - - $275.00 FITTON PARKER SUITE Triple Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed Limed Oak REG. 360.00 - - - - $299.00 THREE-PIECE SUITE Mahogany Finish Double Dresser, Chest, Bed REG. 210.00 - - - - 3175.00 TIHREE-PIECE SUITE Limed Oak Double Dresser, Chest, Bed REG. 250.00 = - - - $199,00 Kroehler Rockers Tops in Comfort and Style Reg. 49.00 and 56.00 SALE PRICE $40- $50 Kroehler Patches SALE PRICE 1.25 PER BAG • END TABLES • CEDAR CHESTS • MIRRORS' • PICTURES • MATS • MATTRESSES -All At - SPECIAL PRICES This Sale Will Last for 10 Days9nly. Don't Miss This Opportunity To Save on Items for Your Home or for Xmas Presents for Your Friends ITNEY FURNITURE Delivery l.1 ter t{��t,la;:'i911�•rv1iNt11<iy' •ra' ;r Phone 119 Ie liensall for Windsor $ Rev. John B. Pox, minister of Carmel Presbyterian'`Olturvh, Hen- sall, en&all, has, accepted a cal to Paulin :Memorial Church (new church), •Sandwieh West. The work started two years ago by St. Andrew's,. Windsor, the only Protestant church in a new residential area. The congregation is presently en- gaged in building a chuxeb ball, first unit in a plan which calls for a hall, church and manse. Rev. Mr. Fox, who wan appointed by the Home Mission Board, and Mas. Fox and family will .he living In that area in a home acquired by the congregation. Rev. Mr. Fox was born at Bang- alore, South India, one of a fam- ily of six, all of whom were born in India. His parents and one bro- ther are back there; his wife's sis- ter is also there, under the -Baptist Board. Mr. Fox received his prim- ary and secondary school educa- tion ducestion in India, attended University College from 1938 to 1941, graduat- ing in 1941;.graduated from Knox College 1944; ordained May, -1944, in Presbytery of Regina. He held charges at Northside Church, Re- gina, 01944-49, St, Andrew's, Bran, don, 1949-52, and Carmel, Hensen, 1952-54. Mr. Fox preached his farewell sermon Sunday, October 10, and his first service will be in Wind- sor October 17. WALTON The W.M.S. of Walton United Church held its regular meeti,IDg..in. the basement of the church with Mrs. H. Johnston presiding. Hymn 46 was sung, followed by the scrip- ture reading. The secretary's and treasurer's report was then given. An invitation was given to the Baby Band to attend the Novem- ber meeting. Mrs. McCreath gave a report on the C.G.I.T. rally. Two delegates were appointed to attend the Sessional meeting in Egmond- ville. They were Mrs. J. Bryans and Mrs. H. Craig. An invitation was accepted from Burns' W.M.S. Plans were made for the t,hankof- fering meeting to be held some time in November. The 16th of Grey Group then took over the meeting, singing .Hymn 502. Mrs. McMichael gave a report on Alma College, which was en3oyed by all. The meeting closed by singing Hymn 373, fol- lowed by the benediction. Amber Lodge Hensall Installs New Officers The Olt tober ung ,p 91741, W.A, was tt>deldltuag 410,e. noon in flee batintnalit er the cohurch. The president, 'Mire. Lou.,. presided. Idinate i 9t lite lata meeting were .read ani 0419P44 . The treaau1r'$ repswt W8s VeA by Mrs. Goutte. Mowed by MY's. Leeming, second- ed by M?rs. Turnbull, tisat we ;Ac- cept ttho invitation to Monoriefi" bazaar and tea on October 3.3131. Mrs. Thomas was appointed to at- tend Centralia W.A.. Fall Rally ou November 3, as a delegate. Moved by Mrs. Turnbull, seconded by Mrs, Thomas, that catering to bangnets, etc., be undertaken. Mrs. Love closed the meeting with prayer. District Deputy President Mrs. Ann Henderson, of Seaforth Edel- weiss Lodge, and installing team, attended the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge 349, Hen- sall, and installed the following of- ficers: Junior P.N.G. Mrs. Dorothy Par- ker; N.G.. Miss Mabel Whiteman; V.G., Mrs. Bertha. Mr•Gregor: re- cording secretary, Mrs. Myrtle Orr; financial secretary, Mrs. Al- deen Volland: treasurer, Mrs. Olga Chipchase; warden, Mrs. Ilene Rennie; conductor, Mrs. Edna Cald- well; chaplain, Mrs. Inez McEw- an; 1.G., Mrs. Eva Parker; O.G.. Mrs. Ruby • Bell; R.S.N.G., Mrs. Leona Parke; L.S.N.G., Mrs. Bea- trice Richardson; R.S.V.G., Mrs. Mary Jacobi; L.S.V.G., Mrs. lia.zel McEwlan: musician, Mrs. Edith Bell; assistant, Mrs. Evelyn Mc - Beath; col'orbearer,--•Mrs. llenriet- la Brown; assistant, Mrs. Margar- et Ingram. For the first part of the nreetina1 N.G. Mrs. Dorothy Parker presid- ed. After the installation. the newi N.G.• Miss Whiteman, took the chair. D.D.P. Mrs. Henderson pre- sented the Junior Past Noble Grand Jewels to Mrs, Dorothy Par- ker. Mrs. Jessie Dougall present- ed a gift to Mrs. Henderson. on behalf of Amber Rebekah Lodge. Visitors were present from lodg- es from Seaforth. Exeter and Clin- ton. A delicious lunch was served under the convenership of Mrs. Pearl Shaddick and her committee. The president of the Rebekah As- sembly, Mrs. Meta Priestly, Toron- to, will visit this lodge at their regular meeting November 3. McKILLOP Duff's W.M.S. held their annual thankoffering service on Friday af- ternoon when they entertained Bethel, Cavan. Northside, Egmond- vill. Kippen. Rrucefield and McKil- lop Branch of First Church, Sea - forth. Mrs. Gordan Papple was in the chair and Mrs. R. S. McKer- cher read the scripture lesson. while Mrs, Gordon McKenzie led in prayer. • A trio, consisting of Mrs. Aden Forbes, Mrs. Gordon McGonigle and Mrs. E. Stephenson, l':u•rnond- ville, rendered a vocal selection, Mrs. M. McLeod bring accompan- tet. Mrs. William Church. Win- throp. gave a reading on "Sum- mits" and Mrs. J. M. Scott gave a reading entitled, "Do Your Best. Whistling." Mrs. J. D. Cairns, of Brucefleld, sang a solo and was accompanied by Mrs. W. ylcBeath. Mrs. Ross Gordon, of Duff's Church, introduced the guest speakers. Mrs. Norman McLeod. of Kippen, who gave a splendid ad- dress and included many interest- ing events of her life in the Cana- dian West among the Russians and Germans. Miss Ethel Dennis. Bethel. gave a reading, after which Mrs Bruce McGregor, Kippen, gang a. solo, ac- companied by MTS. Ross Broad - foot. Mrs. J. W. Thompson. of the McKillop Branch, gave an inter- esting paper. Mrs, R. S. McKer- cher very ably thanked alt those who took part in the meeting, and Mrs. H. E. Livingstone closed the Meeting with prayer. A cup of tea and lunch. werea, served by the ladies. Old you know that THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE • ENDURANCE (KIN WAS HELD IN CHICAGO iN I05 OVER A 1 53f2 MILECOURSE.THEWINNING w't*AR'WAS ADURYEA...NOME SPEED: 5%4 MPH. WITHOUT DOUBT, THE FAMOUS MARATHON TIRE BY GOODYEAR IS THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. IT'i1 GIVE YOU LANG, TROUBLE-FREE MILEAGE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICE. GUARANTEED Too, LiKE ALL GOODYEARTIRES SEE US RIGHT AWAY P. LOOK FOR THIS "MOH SIGN^ OF QUALM/ 10011 NEIL C. BELL PHONE: 452 :YOUR SHELL SERVICE STATION RCAVICT0R 21 -INCH "Southbridge • Beautiful 21" console with new "Deep Image" picture. • Super -sensitive "Magic Monitor" circuit system. • Full-bodied "Golden Throat" tone system. 389.95 I n walnut finish. Slightly higherti' mahogany •r' timed aukiSrl u ,. See a Side -by -Side Demonstration at T. A. DUTTON Brucefield - Ont. PHONE CLINTON 634 r 4 • There's NEW "Travel Comfort" on The 01a1 rif ' to Winnipeg -Jasper -Vancouver You'll find smart new travel comfort and convenience on Canadian National's "Continental Limited." Attractive day coaches, relaxing lounges. spacious drawing rooms and compartments, restful bedrooms, popular -priced duplex - roomettes and berths. T•1'ere is pleasant travelling, with a wide range of accom- modations for every budget. For example, look at these low coach fares between Toronto and Vancouver. One way $67.11;round tri $107.2 5. Proportionately low fares apply for tourist asad other types of sleeping car travel. Ask about substantial savings offered by New Family Fares to Western Canada and to Mid -West and Western U.S.A. East and wed every Joy, 'The Continental Limited" serves Montreal, Oflawa, Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver. For reservations and information, tee, write or phone your fowl Canadian National Passenger Abet 'ACADIA1 NATIONAL RAILWAYS THERE'S NEW-rPA'.El. COMFORT ON THE CNR